Fireworks of My Heart (2023) s01e15 Episode Script

A Thankless Job

(Adapted from the web novel "Waiting for You in a City")
(Fireworks of My Heart)
(Episode 15)
Song Yan.
Have another date cake.
What are you looking at?
Did things end
after the last time?
What do you mean "last time"?
I knew it.
That girl went crazy after drinking,
but it doesn't count, right?
Miao Miao, have a bun.
Yes, have a bun.
I told you,
but you wouldn't listen.
You insisted on going to her.
See, you got dumped again.
Look at you.
That was a long time ago.
Why bring it up?
Because I want to.
That woman is crazy.
Why can't I say it?
Song Yan.
I'm begging you.
Can you not go to her again?
What's so good about her?
She's the most arrogant
and cold-hearted person I've ever met.
She has a heart of stone.
Shut up.
Miao Miao.
That's enough.
You don't have to be so critical of her.
She's not who you think she is.
How is she not?
She's the most fragile and timid person I've ever met.
She wants to act crazy,
make a fuss,
be free.
She doesn't want to listen.
She pretends to be strong.
But in reality,
she's so fragile inside.
That kind of personality
is the most useless.
I think it's most effective to you.
She has you wrapped around her finger.
I don't know
if it's effective or not.
I just don't think
she's right for you.
I think Li Meng from your unit
is a good girl.
I think Mengmeng is good too.
Uncle, Aunt.
I'll get going.
- Song Yan. - Take care.
You can't even shut your mouth when you're eating.
Sit down.
Watch your mouth.
Why do you keep poking
on your cousin's wound?
That's right. You have no filter.
Have a fried dough stick.
I bought it just for you.
Song Yan!
Song Yan.
You didn't drink the soy milk.
Take it.
It's okay for me not to drink it.
You don't have to come all the way here.
Don't take what Zhai Miao said just now to heart.
It's fine.
But I think it's good
to figure out
some things sooner too.
Take it easy.
After all, our families have a lot of grudges.
But our family matters
have nothing to do with her.
But it has something to do with you.
Think about how much you suffered back then.
We can't just pretend
that nothing happened.
Don't worry.
I can deal with it.
Are you determined
to get back with her?
There are many things
that can't be done just because you want to.
It's not that easy.
It's the same for her and me.
We'll just go with the flow.
All right.
Go home.
Don't force yourself.
Remember to drink the soy milk.
I will.
It can't be set aside for too long.
Chief Song.
Are you going to the station?
Get in.
I remember you don't live here.
Were you passing by?
I heard there's a cake shop nearby
that's really good,
so I came to buy some.
You should bring some to the station later.
It's okay.
I don't like sweets.
It's not just for you.
It's for the other staff too.
Do you still like her?
It's not obvious
that you're
the masochistic type.
Look, she doesn't even like you.
Why are you doing this?
She belittled and dismissed
such a good person like you,
what right does she have?
You should let her know
that many good girls
like you too.
Li Meng.
If you keep talking like this,
you'll cross the line.
I'm so mad at you.
Look at you.
You have character
and good looks.
Why are you so hung up on one person?
This is as far as you'll go.
Thank you
for your concern.
whether my relationship with my ex-girlfriend
is good or bad
isn't something others can interfere on.
Do you understand?
I'm sorry, okay?
I know.
It was wrong of me to say that.
It's bad.
But I couldn't help it.
Have I ever told you
that it's impossible between us?
So what if you did?
Can't I do this because I want to?
Look, why am I doing this?
And why are you doing this?
You're good in lecturing others about the same thing you're doing.
You like someone else, not me.
I can't do anything about it.
But you should at least find someone who's nicer to you.
At least let me accept my defeat, right?
I want to accept my defeat too.
Who should I reason with?
Ms. Jia Jia.
Why can't I
stay here forever?
Because hospitals are for sick people.
Then I have to stay sick.
How can you stay sick?
The ladies from the Women's Federation
will take you to the orphanage later.
There are a lot of kids there.
And there are teachers
who can teach you how to read and write.
I don't have money.
They'll kick me out.
It's free.
Ms. Qin Qin, is that so?
Of course.
Will you come to play with me then?
I will.
It's a promise.
Cross your heart,
- hope to die. - Hope to die.
My mom can't breathe again.
Come, sit down.
How long has this been going on?
Forty minutes.
I'll write you a prescription first
to inhale some oxygen.
Inhaling oxygen doesn't work on my mom.
Her condition only gets worse.
Does she have any underlying health conditions?
We've come to your hospital
for checkups several times.
But they can't find
what's wrong with her.
This happens every time she gets an attack?
She always says
she's out of breath.
It's hard to breathe.
But when she comes to the hospital,
they can't find out what's wrong.
Don't be anxious.
Turn around.
Has she taken a CT scan of the lungs before?
Based on this scan,
there's nothing wrong.
I also listened to her lungs just now.
There's nothing wrong either.
I think
your mom
might have hysteria.
She's not sick,
but she thinks she is.
Giving herself psychological hints like this
for a long period of time
makes her body overreact.
She's fine.
Don't worry too much.
Doctor, please prescribe some medicine.
How can I prescribe medicine if she's not sick?
Apart from breathing difficulties,
is there anything else
that's bothering you?
Does this
happen often to you?
It comes and goes.
Get me a clean plastic bag.
Don't be nervous.
Let's try this.
It might work.
Don't be nervous.
Here, hold this.
I think your mom is suffering
from hyperventilation syndrome.
Because of her hyperventilation,
her carbon dioxide level is too low.
Use this plastic bag then
to raise her carbon dioxide level.
Let's observe a bit.
Come on.
How do you feel?
I'm really fine now.
I can finally breathe out.
There's nothing seriously wrong with you.
But I suggest
you see a psychiatrist.
A psychiatrist?
All right?
I got it. Thank you.
Be careful.
Xu Qin.
For the condition of this patient,
upon my observation,
it seems that she is
going through menopause.
Most likely, due to life or family situations,
she's mentally
and emotionally stressed
and anxious.
Do you know what your problem is?
As a doctor,
we don't just have to know how to treat patients.
We also need to know how to read people.
What's the situation?
Eight backpackers entered Mount Phoenix
and got trapped.
How long have they been trapped?
They entered yesterday at noon
and just sent out a signal this morning.
Their GPS are broken
and they only have a contour map.
They entered through the back hill.
And they sneaked in
without the scenic spot's permission.
The weather isn't good.
It rained overnight in the mountains.
The father of one of them
asked for help from the local civilian rescue team.
But the rescue team also got trapped inside.
Do you have the exact location?
Just a rough description.
Got it. Copy that.
- When? - Right.
You're finally here.
We just got here too.
Their families are very emotional right now.
They want us to go up the mountain now.
Let's understand the situation first.
We need to at least know the exact location
of the trapped people.
Look, I know that too.
If we don't know the surrounding situation well,
we can't just go in.
Our children have been missing for a day.
This is a matter of life and death.
Why aren't you going in to save them yet?
How about this?
I'll pay.
Is 100,000 yuan enough?
If not, I'll add another 50,000 yuan.
Why don't you name a price?
If you go in and save them now,
I'll pay any amount.
It's not about money.
It's not
It's not about money.
If we don't know the surrounding situation well,
we're also being irresponsible
to the trapped people.
My son is a senior in college.
They're all studying in prestigious universities.
They're future talents.
My sister is a freshman too.
Your kids are precious.
are other people's precious kids too.
No one
can just randomly risk their lives.
Which person
knows the back hill's terrain?
I'm a local villager.
I know the place.
I'll get the drone and check.
I've been listening to them for a while.
I'm guessing
these kids aren't in the back hill.
It's complicated there.
They might have followed some stream
and went straight.
They might be at the front hill.
The front hill?
There's a boulder there too?
Where exactly is the front hill's location?
It's right here. Look.
This one.
See if I marked the right one.
- Over here. - Yes.
There's a boulder here.
It's called the Cock Crowing Rock.
We used to collect
Chinese herbs there.
But now, there are fewer Chinese herbs.
We can't pick any.
There are many snakes too.
Very few people go there now.
The terrain there is even more complicated.
It'll be hard for them to get there.
Got it.
Calm down first.
I need to tell you something.
Here's the thing.
Around here,
there are two similar boulders.
The backpackers might have described it wrongly.
That's why the civilian rescue team
went to the Eagle Beak Rock in the back hill.
Just now, the villager said
that there's a Cock Crowing Rock
in the front hill.
This area
is even more remote
and rugged.
It's more attractive for backpackers
to have adventures there.
I used thermal imaging around the area.
I didn't find anything.
I think the previous rescue team
didn't find them
because they chose
the wrong route from the start.
Good thing we didn't rush in
when we first got here.
Otherwise, we'd be stuck up there.
Pack your gears.
Get ready to go.
- Yes. - Yes.
If we find
the civilian rescue team first,
we'll come to meet up with you.
Be safe and keep in touch.
Come on, let's go!
Let's go!
Have you eaten?
I'm going to the dry cleaners.
I'll go with you.
Are you still mad at me?
I should apologize too.
What are you apologizing for?
It's your birthday.
But I still fought with you.
I made your birthday
a miserable one.
We didn't fight.
It's called
a discussion.
Then let's discuss again now.
One discussion
resulted to a week of silent treatment.
I'm going crazy.
Come on.
I'll go with you.
This way.
Watch your steps.
- Is anyone there? - Hello?
Say something if you hear us.
We're firefighters.
Is anyone there?
- Hello? - Is anyone there?
- Is anyone there? - Hello?
- Hello? - Is anyone there?
- Is anyone there? - Hello?
- Song Yan. - We're firefighters!
We still have some way to go.
We've been walking for over three hours.
- Let's take a break. - Hello?
Is anyone there?
Let's take a two-minute break.
Give me the GPS.
Do both paths
lead to the mountains?
Yes, they do.
Which one is faster?
This one
is easier to traverse.
But it's a bit of a detour.
That one
is hard to traverse,
but it's closer.
Saving lives is more important.
Let's walk faster.
Let's go this way then.
Let's go!
- Let's go! - Come on!
Let's go.
- Is anyone there? - Hello?
- We're firefighters! - Is anyone there?
- Hello? - Is anyone there?
Watch your steps, guys.
- Is anyone there? - Hello?
- We're firefighters! - Hello?
- Say something if you hear us! - Hello?
- Watch your steps. - Is anybody there?
We're firefighters!
We're firefighters!
- Is anybody there? - Hello?
Give me a hand.
Watch your steps.
Be careful.
- Hello? - Is anyone there?
Be quiet.
Save us!
- Help! - We're here!
Over here!
Over there!
- Let's go. - Come on!
Be careful. It's slippery.
Watch your steps.
Watch your steps.
Watch your steps.
How have you been?
Still the same.
Mom wants me to work in Guokun.
What's your plan?
I don't have one.
I'll put it off as long as I can.
That's because you're so smart.
The investment company
is doing well.
Are you mocking me?
But to be honest,
doing something you don't like so well
makes me quite admire you.
If I were you,
I might mess things up on purpose.
I guess I'm obsessive-compulsive in some aspects.
When I get a project,
I always want it to be perfect.
I don't want a bad result.
I think you're too soft-hearted.
You don't want
to disappoint our parents.
You're not so bad yourself.
Yan Chen.
If you had a time machine,
would you want to go back to the past
or to the future?
Which stage of your life do you want to go to the most?
I think I'll go back to the past.
To the time
when you first came home.
What about you?
I'll go to the future.
I want to see how we are
ten years from now.
Be careful. It's okay.
Hang in there.
We'll get you out of here.
Ouch. It hurts so much.
It hurts.
It really hurts.
Reporting to headquarters.
Reporting to headquarters.
This is Shilitai Fire Station.
All missing backpackers have been found.
Roger that.
Reporting to Headquarters.
This is firefighter Li Bin from Wufang Street Fire Station.
The missing civilian rescue team has been found.
We're heading down now.
Copy that.
Dr. Xu, this is Song Yan.
Go ahead.
Someone broke her leg.
She said it can't be touched. It hurts upon contact.
Here's the thing.
The temperature is dropping,
so we have to get her down the mountain.
What should we do?
Is it an open fracture
or a closed fracture?
It's open.
Do you have bandages and splints?
Jun Ping, the medical bag.
Put pressure on the area and dress it first
to minimize bleeding.
Afterwards, use a splint to secure it.
Otherwise, you can't go down the mountain.
Cushion the area where the splint
touches the body.
Then secure the joints
above and below the fracture.
Limit the movement of the fractured area.
Fix the proximal end of the fracture first,
then fix the distal end.
Put her feet together,
then add a thick pad in the middle.
Secure it with a figure eight wrap.
Make sure the tips of her toes are exposed.
Always check the blood circulation
at the tip of the toes.
If the tips of her toes feel numb or turn blue
or become cold,
adjust them again.
Got it.
Thank you, Dr Xu.
Be careful, Chief Song.
- It's okay. Hang in there. - Don't touch me!
- It hurts too much! - Endure it a bit.
- It's all right. Don't worry. - Don't touch me.
Hang in there.
It's all right.
It's okay now.
Don't be scared.
The temperature is dropping.
We need to dress your wound
and get you down the mountain.
If hypothermia sets in,
everyone here
will be in danger.
Here, cover yourselves.
Keep warm.
Be gentle.
That was Song Yan, right?
Is he that good?
You haven't seen each other in ten years.
Has it ever occurred to you
that people change?
Time can change
those who aren't strong enough.
Qin Qin.
Yan Chen.
I know you want to say
that it's impossible between us.
Whether I like him
or if it's possible between us are two different things.
It was my fault the other day.
I shouldn't have said that.
But has it ever occurred to you
that what I said
is the reality you have to face in the future?
When the time comes,
what are you going to do?
I'm afraid of rifts
and conflicts.
I'm also afraid of cleaning up messes.
Leaving suits me a lot.
But I don't want to be a deserter again.
I'll look down on myself that way.
I know,
with my current capability,
I still can't solve a lot of things.
But I have to face
the consequences
that I have to bear.
Be careful. It's slippery!
The road is wet and slippery!
Watch your steps!
- Slowly. - Okay.
Be careful.
Here, give it to me.
It hurts.
Don't worry.
- Hold on to the safety rope. - Be careful.
You'll be fine.
Hang in there.
We're almost there.
- Hang in there. - We're almost there.
- Endure it a bit. - Hang in there.
- Slowly. - We're almost
at the foot of the mountain.
- Jun Ping! - Jun Ping!
Slow down.
- Jun Ping! - Jun Ping!
I'm fine!
Jun Ping, are you okay?
What's that situation?
My foot is stuck!
I can't get out!
Safety rope.
Safety rope!
Don't move. Let me see.
Song Yan, how is it down there?
Don't move.
He can't move!
Can you hurry up?
It hurts so much!
I can't take it anymore.
Can you hurry up?
It hurts so much.
It's so cold.
There's an injured person here too.
Can you
bring us and the injured down first?
Jiang Yu!
Bring them out first!
Bring back a crowbar!
No problem.
Do you need anything else down there?
Do you have water?
Who has water?
Do you have water?
We're out too.
- We finished ours too. - No.
Everyone is out of water!
Let's split up.
I'll bring them down
and bring your stuff up!
Hang in there!
Be careful!
Can you handle it?
(How is the situation now?)
(Are you hurt?)
(Are you back?)
(Hello, the subscriber you are calling)
(is currently unavailable.)
(Please try again later.)
I wonder what's going on.
- Have they saved them or not? - That's right.
What's taking the firefighters so long?
Don't panic first, everyone.
The firefighters already went in.
We'll hear from them soon.
Don't panic, everyone.
- Don't panic. - How can we not panic?
- Eat something warm first. - It's been a day.
- Have some water. - I don't want it.
It's cold at night.
Bring a box back later.
Have some water.
I think someone's coming.
- It's them. - There's a light.
It's them.
They're back!
Hurry up!
They're out. Hurry!
Hurry up!
Watch your steps.
Don't panic.
Make way!
Excuse me.
Make way. Sorry.
Excuse me.
Hurry, take her to the hospital.
- Slowly. - Make way.
Dad, I was so scared.
Wait. Instructor
It's good that you're okay.
Where's Song Yan?
One of our team members got stuck in a rock.
He's on the mountain with him.
What are we waiting for?
Xiaobin, where's the crowbar?
You two, come with me to get them.
Pi Pi, Ge Zheng, Da Peng, Jiang Yi!
- Present! - Present!
Go up the mountain and get Chief Song back.
- Chief! - Chief!
Jun Ping!
Jun Ping!
- Chief! - Chief!
Jun Ping!
Jun Ping!
- Chief! - Chief!
- Chief! - Chief!
Jun Ping!
Ambulance, hurry!
Take him to the hospital!
Jiang Yi.
Cover yourself.
Here, have some water.
Jiang Yi.
Jiang Yi.
Have some.
Have some food.
I'm fine.
Leave the food
to the backpackers and their families.
The backpackers and their families?
They're long gone.
They just left?
They said they were taking them to the hospital,
but they're really afraid that they'll get punished
if the reporters expose them.
Who would punish them?
You're still up?
Aren't you tired?
I'm fine.
Does this kind of thing
happen a lot?
Based on the probability,
it's decreasing year by year.
Because the environment is getting better.
It's really hard to encounter something like this.
You already can't handle
something so trivial?
The situation is nothing.
But mental hardship
is the hard part.
I told you.
You're too idealistic.
You've been sheltered for too long.
You're attacking me again.
You did well today.
Since we're on the subject, tell me the truth.
Do you really think I'm very idealistic?
Do you think
I chose this profession
for some kind of glory
or for a short-lived passion?
Once the passion is gone,
the glory will disappear,
and my ideals will be crushed.
You thought about it well.
I'll be honest with you.
Actually, I gave careful thought about this decision.
Like you said,
I do have many choices.
But it doesn't mean mine
isn't as serious as yours.
I'm not thinking about glory
or being a hero.
I just like doing this.
I want to do something for this profession.
I even
want to do better every day.
You know what?
Every time I take a shower,
when the water keeps falling on my head,
I'd think of three things.
I hope I can fit in with everyone soon.
I hope I can become better.
I hope I can do more
for this fire station.
I already said a lot. Why did you stop talking?
Say something.
Some of our views
are the same.
I'll take that as a compliment.
(How is the situation now? Are you hurt? Are you back?)
(Don't worry, I'm back.)
The stuff has been here for a while.
What took you so long?
- We got stuck in traffic. - Let's move the stuff first.
Here, this is for you.
- All right. - Give it to me.
The flowers are so pretty.
Thank you.
- Let's go. - Thank you, sir.
- Hello. - We're here to visit Liu Jun Ping.
Okay, just a moment.
We're here to visit you.
Jun Ping.
Hello, Class Monitor.
- Class Monitor. - You're all here?
Hello, Class Monitor.
You shouldn't have spent so much money.
Spent so much money? What are you thinking?
These are from friendly people.
Jun Ping, get well soon.
Many girls outside
were waiting to see you.
Should I freshen up then?
There's no need.
Chief said
your priority now is to rest.
Too many visitors
would delay your recovery.
- Right. - So we already sent them away.
They're gone?
They're gone.
But they left fruits and flowers for you.
Here, Class Monitor.
Are we leaving the fruits?
Are you sure?
Eating too much will cause heatiness.
No, I don't want the fruits.
Take them.
You're really taking them?
No, then
Then leave some that doesn't cause heatiness.
- What doesn't cause heatiness? - Which one?
Class Monitor, apple.
Apples don't cause heatiness.
Oranges make your desires come true.
Orange doesn't cause heatiness.
Class Monitor.
The rest causes heatiness.
Indeed. Lychees cause too much heatiness.
- Thank you, Class Monitor. - Thank you, Class Monitor.
The flowers are pretty.
Thank you, Mr. Yang.
Thank you.
- Don't eat too much at a time. - Eat slowly.
The girls are gone.
The fruits are gone too.
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