Flex x Cop (2024) s01e15 Episode Script

Episode 15

[dark music]
[opening medicine bottle]
[Isoo] Mom died
from a sleeping pill overdose,
[medicine bottle thuds]
but she had no sleeping pill.
[firewood crackles]
There was no pill.
What do you mean?
I hid it away from her.
didn't killed herself, right?
[Isoo] What did you do
to my mom?
You couldn't let
the woman you kicked out
raise your son secretly?
No way!
I was going to get divorced.
I wanted to start again with her.
I was going to live
with you and your mom here.
The chairman of Hansu wanted to live
in a place like this
with an unmarried mother?
I was going to give up everything.
Because I realized
what truly mattered to me.
[sighing] Please
Just once!
[Isoo breathing in tears]
Just once,
tell me the truth, please.
I told you everything I wanted to say.
[Myeongchul] Believe it or not,
it's your choice.
are the worst ever.
[footsteps receding]
[door opens]
[door closes]
[footsteps echoing]
[tense music]
[door opens]
[door closes]
[secretary1] It's me, sir.
[dark music]
[Jiwon sighs shallowly]
[camera shutter sound]
[keyboard clacking]
[pressing enter key]
[mouse clicking]
[mouse clicking]
[mouse clicking]
[mouse scrolling]
[Hyungjun] We close this case
as a suicide in the bathtub
by a sleeping pill overdose.
[mouse clicking]
[mouse scrolling]
[mouse scrolling]
[mouse clicking]
[tires screeching]
[chauffeur] Sir.
[heavy music]
Chairman Jin
has passed away.
[heavy sound effect]
[Ganghyun] Jin?
Please help me.
[dark music]
I found a secret space
where I used to hide my stuff
when I was young.
There were mom's sleeping pills
[Isoo] prepared on the day of her death.
[dark sound effect]
What do you mean?
I mean, it was not suicide.
Mom didn't have sleeping pills.
I hid the bottle away.
Someone visited my house on that day,
[doorbell chimes]
[doorbell chimes continuously]
but I don't remember who it was.
I looked through all the files,
but I couldn't find anything.
[shaky breathing]
Please check it out for me.
[Isoo] The detective in charge
was Captain Lee.
[door opens]
[detective] Mr. Jin.
We're from Seoul Metropolitan Police.
Can we talk for a minute?
What's up?
[Junyoung and Kyungjin talking]
[detective sighs]
[door closes]
Let's go somewhere private.
[door opens]
[engine revs]
[car door opens]
[Junyoung] What's going on?
[Kyungjin] No idea.
[tense music]
What are you talking about?
[detective] As of now,
it seems that he committed suicide.
Melted sleeping pills were found
in the liquor bottle.
The estimated time of death
is 2:00 a.m.
you met him, right?
[shallow sigh]
[detective] You came at 11:30 p.m. by cab,
and left the villa
at around 12:00 a.m.
What did you talk about?
Did you notice
any sign of suicide from him?
[Junyoung] Reporters are waiting outside.
Let's go to the house.
[Ganghyun] Okay?
[reporters chattering]
[camera shutter sound]
[reporter1] Jin Isoo is here! He's coming.
[heavy music]
[Junyoung] Move.
[police officers talking]
Stop shooting.
[police1] Back off.
[reporter2] You knew that he passed away?
[reporter3] You met him last night.
What did you talk about?
Both of your parents committed suicide.
How do you feel?
[reporters reproaching]
[horn honking]
[Junyoung and Kyungjin] Move.
[Junyoung] Excuse us.
[police officers talking]
[reporters clamoring]
[police2] Back off.
[tires screeching]
[reporters sigh]
[Junyoung] Everyone, leave.
[police officers] Leave now.
[police3] Leave.
[police4] Dismiss.
Was that a right question?
Hey, I hit the nail on the head.
I'm so embarrassed
that a trash like you is a reporter.
[dark music]
[shaky breathing]
[Seungju sobbing]
[shaky breathing]
[door opens]
They're from Seoul Metropolitan Police.
When did you last see the deceased?
The last time I saw him
was when he left for his villa
after the press conference.
He wanted to be alone,
so I didn't follow him.
[dark music]
What did you say?
What the hell?
Are you crazy?
[announcer] Jin Myeongchul,
the chairman of Hansu,
who resigned from the mayor candidacy
due to an illegitimate issue,
was found dead in his villa
in Seonganju-si this morning.
Kim Taehun is reporting.
-[reporter4] This morning,
-in the villa in Seonganju-si,
-owned by Chairman Jin,
-No, no
Chairman Jin Myeongchul was found dead.
[reporter4] Police assume
that Chairman Jin committed suicide
after suffering
from the pressure of the public.
His body was first found
by his secretary Kang,
[camera shutter sound]
who visited his villa this morning.
Jin Myeongchul has been leading
Hansu Group since 1997
when he was inaugurated
as the chairman.
Recently, he ran for the Seoul mayor
[Isoo] What did you do
[firewood crackles]
to my mom?
are the worst ever.
[door opens]
[door closes]
[door opens]
Come out if you're ready.
[dark music]
[secretary2] Ma'am.
[Heeja panting]
It's all your fault.
You trashy bastard.
What did you say?
What the hell did you say to him?
-Ma'am, calm down, please.
and your mom Why do you make me crazy?
You killed my husband in the end.
[Heeja breathing heavily]
[Heeja] Seungju, kick him out of here.
[Heeja inhaling]
[Heeja] He killed your father.
Stop it.
[Seungju] Please leave.
I'll handle everything here.
Escort her.
My son.
[Heeja exclaims urgently]
Take her to the hospital.
Don't let her out.
I'm sorry.
[Seungju] Mom
is very sensitive now.
Look up.
You're the son of Chairman Jin.
[mourner] We respectfully express
our condolences.
[calm music]
I'm so sorry.
[Kyungjin breathing shakily]
[Kyungjin sobbing]
[shallow sigh]
[Kyungjin sobbing]
[Kyungjin sobbing]
[bottle thuds]
[glass thuds]
I don't think I can sleep.
Can you believe this?
I don't understand him.
You'll never know the pressure
of Chairman's position of Hansu Group.
Of course,
I don't exactly know it, either.
[Seungju] But I can imagine
how it would be.
He must have felt a lot of pressure
while going through the election.
[Isoo] I thought
[bottle thuds]
Father was strong enough.
There's no one who is strong enough
to beat everything.
Your room is still there.
[Seungju] If you don't mind,
how about staying with me at home
for a while?
By the way,
why did you meet him on the day?
[calm music]
I had something to talk to him.
About what?
I'll tell you later.
[cup holding sound]
[front door closes]
[Misook] You're home.
[door closes]
[Ganghyun sighs]
Didn't Isoo come together?
I wanted to go to the funeral,
but I felt I shouldn't be there.
[Ganghyun sighs shallowly]
I've been there.
Is he okay?
[Ganghyun tutting]
Maybe not.
I hope I could cook a meal for him
You might not have a chance to do that.
[mellow music]
[light turned on]
[warm music]
[box lid thuds]
When I was as small as you,
your grandpa gave me a compass as well.
What do you think it means?
I should choose the right way?
That's what it means.
[compass thuds]
[camera thuds]
[taking out the box]
[soft music]
[Myeongchul] The time we spent together,
that sunshine,
[birds chirping]
[Myeongchul] and even that air
are all unforgettable to me.
Even for a short moment together,
you gave me peace.
I know it's too late,
but please give me another chance.
[Myeongchul] Like this picture,
let's smile and grow old together.
I also want to be a good father for Isoo.
[Isoo] Mom shouldn't have died like that.
It's you who killed her.
Don't dare say that again!
She was the woman I loved.
I wanted to be a good father.
That's why I let you in.
I was going to live
with you and your mom here.
I wanted to start again with her.
[birds chirping]
[sorrowful music]
[executive1] Please take
a moment of silence.
Thank you.
[relatives sobbing]
You should take over the company
as soon as possible.
[Minho] That's the only way
to settle everything down.
[announcer] Since 1997,
the deceased, Jin Myeongchul,
has led Hansu Group.
Until he passed away,
not only in economic field
Isoo looks the coolest when he smiles.
[announcer] He entered politics
at the age of 60,
and bravely ran for
[announcer talking]
I don't understand.
Why did the chairman do that
[Kyungjin] while preparing
for the mayor election?
[Junyoung] Wealth and honor
don't always ensure one's happiness.
He might have felt a lot of pressure.
[announcer talking continuously]
[dark music]
[Isoo] I mean, it was not suicide.
Mom didn't have sleeping pills.
I hid the bottle away.
I need to go somewhere.
Sleeping pills?
Did you see any pills
or a medicine bottle at the scene?
I don't think so.
[Jiwon sighs]
[Ganghyun sighs shallowly]
[putting down pictures]
I didn't.
Isn't it weird?
Yes, it is.
Usually, the pills are found
around the body.
Even if he went there to kill himself
Where did he get those pills?
[Jiwon] Did he used to take them daily?
[Minho] From now on,
as a representative of the chairman,
I'll read Chairman Jin Myeongchul's will.
It is estimated
that the chairman's stock assets
of Hansu Group and its affiliates
amount to about 11 trillion won.
Real estate assets,
including a house in Pyeongjin-dong
covering 593 square yards,
amount to about one trillion won.
Cash equivalents such as stock dividends
amount to about 5 trillion won.
Including the artworks
that he has collected in his entire life,
the total amount is estimated
to reach 20 trillion won.
Among these,
the stock asset part will be
I should get going.
You handle this as you want.
[mellow music]
[door opens]
[Isoo] What happened to you?
I want to know the truth,
but I don't know what to do.
[Minho] I got a call from Chairman Jin
on the day of his death.
He said
he wanted to revise his will.
[dark music]
He changed his mind for some reason,
but now I can't ask him what it was.
[birds chirping]
[shallow sigh]
[picking up bottle]
[tense music]
[firewood crackles]
Isoo, you're here.
You want a drink?
[taking out box]
It's almost done. Wait.
Why the long face again?
What's up?
[Hyungjun] Hey.
Isn't this the case of Jin's mother?
[Ganghyun] Did you find sleeping pills
left at the scene?
Sleeping pills?
No, I didn't.
There was a prescription for it, though.
It's weird.
What's weird?
[file thuds]
If she took the pills,
-there should have been
pills or a bottle left at the scene.
But Isoo said she didn't have pills.
[deep sigh]
It was 25 years ago.
He lost his mom then.
Do you believe his memory?
There was nothing left
around the chairman's body, either.
could've put the pills into his liquor.
[picking up file]
[shallow sigh]
[phone vibrates]
[Isoo] Can I talk to you now?
[Ganghyun] Jin.
Have you been waiting long?
Gosh, it's cold.
Let's go eat something.
Hey, I'm hungry. Let's go.
[Ganghyun] Come on.
[Ganghyun] Looks yummy.
[dish thuds]
Thank you.
[owner] Please enjoy.
I have something to tell you.
[picking up spoon]
Let's eat first.
Come on.
I'll listen to you after eating.
[soft music]
It's good.
Try this one.
[Ganghyun] Try some veges
with this.
Sundubujjigae here is really good.
Try it, okay?
[spoon rattling]
Try it with the broth.
Now, you look much better.
What do you want to tell me?
You said melted pills were found
in his liquor bottle, right?
He poured me that liquor.
He wanted to drink with me.
You want a drink?
[dark music]
[Isoo] No father gives liquor
with sleeping pills in it to his son.
He could've taken the pills
after you left.
I thought that could be.
[Isoo] Because, on that day,
we talked about my mom.
[Isoo] I told him it was not suicide.
What did you do to my mom?
I asked him what he did to my mom.
I thought he did something
to make my mom commit suicide.
But I was wrong.
Father was preparing for a divorce.
[Myeongchul] I wanted to start again.
I was going to live
with you and your mom here.
[Isoo] He said that he wanted
to restart with me and my mom.
[shallow sigh]
We're also investigating
your father's case.
There's something weird.
I also checked your mother's file today.
There were no pills left at the scene.
You still don't remember
who came to your house
[doorbell chimes]
on the day?
[Ganghyun] Let's reinvestigate both cases.
We'll go check the villa.
You try
to restore your exact memory
of that day.
We don't have any evidence yet.
must get your memory back.
And your letter of resignation
[shallow sigh]
wasn't submitted yet.
Come back anytime you want.
We're a team, right?
[heavy music]
[executive2] Currently, Hansu
is facing the worst crisis.
[executive3] A dead body was found
in the chairman's house,
and the chairman passed away.
[executive4] Our stock price is plunging.
Unless we take actions,
our public image will be damaged severely.
Vice Chairman Jin should be Chairman
as soon as possible.
[executive4] Right.
We have no other choices.
[executive2] What do you think, Mr. Choi?
You assisted the previous chairman,
and you've been close
with Vice Chairman Jin as well.
Do you think Jin Seungju
deserves to be the chairman?
[shallow exclamation]
[Myeongchul] I'll have him make up for it.
I can't let that kind of person
be the chairman of Hansu.
[Minho] I got a call.
He said
he wanted to revise his will.
He changed his mind for some reason,
[Minho] but now I can't ask him
what it was.
[phone vibrates]
Excuse me for a second.
Mr. Choi. This is Lee Ganghyun.
[Jeonghun] Yes?
Did Chairman Jin Myeongchul
take sleeping pills often?
He had no problem in sleeping.
[Jeonghun] Why?
I can't figure out
where he got sleeping pills.
As far as I know,
his wife has been taking it
for a long time.
Has she?
You think it's not suicide?
[dark music]
We're considering all the possibilities.
There's no security cam here.
No streetlight, either.
It'll be pitch-dark at night.
[Junyoung] No security cams
inside the villa, right?
[Kyungjin] Yes. I heard the ones outside
were all out of order.
No one used that villa for a long time.
Someone who knows that
could easily sneak into the villa, right?
Long time no see.
[door closes]
I have a favor.
I need to restore my memory
of the day of my mom's death.
Why should I
do you a favor?
Because the footage
that you care about very much
is still in the evidence room,
and I might leak it by mistake.
[mellow music]
[Yukyung] Well
let's walk
deeper into your memories.
[clear sound effect]
[time passing sound effect]
[music getting faster]
[doorbell chimes]
[doorbell chimes continuously]
[door opens]
[dark music]
[Seonyoung thuds]
[tense sound effect]
[heavy music]
[door opens]
[Junyoung] It's possible
to sneak into the villa.
[Ganghyun] If someone sneaked in
[Ganghyun] after Jin left there,
[dark sound effect]
and put a pill into the bottle
That would've been the one
who knows about the villa well,
and who would not be suspected
by Chairman Jin.
[Kyungjin] Who's this woman?
is Jin's real mother.
25 years ago, she died
from a sleeping pill overdose.
There were no sleeping pills
left at the scene as well.
[Kyungjin] You mean,
both cases
could be homicide cases?
[Junyoung] Wait.
We should think about the one
who would benefit the most.
If the benefit is the murder motive
Chairman Jin
was preparing to divorce 25 years ago.
[Ganghyun] The one who'd benefit the most
from Kim Seonyoung's death
is Cho Heeja.
And from Jin Myeongchul's death,
Jin Seungju, the next chairman,
would benefit the most.
[Kyungjin] So, the culprits
could be his stepmother and stepbrother?
[Ganghyun] That's possible.
But it's not clear yet.
Let's not jump to the conclusion.
There's a strong possibility.
They had both the motive
and the way of murder.
[Ganghyun sighs shallowly]
[door opens]
I remember the one
[tense music]
who came on the day of my mom's death.
[picking up picture]
[snatching door]
[Seonyoung gasps]
[tense music]
[Isoo] It was Cho Heeja.
[soft music playing]
[door closes]
On that day,
Cho Heeja came to my house.
[dark music]
She assaulted my mom.
[Jeonghun sighs]
[Jeonghun] At that time,
Chairman Jin was preparing for a divorce.
And Ms. Cho found it out.
I wasn't aware that she went there.
I know who Han Daehoon is.
He's Seungju's biological father.
Did Father find it out then?
Was that why he decided to divorce?
Chairman Jin knew that
before he got married to Ms. Cho.
He thought of this marriage as a business.
[Jeonghun] He said, he couldn't love her,
so it might be better to choose
the woman who was already in love
with another man.
While preparing for the wedding,
he found out that she was pregnant.
[Jeonghun] Chairman accepted her
knowing everything in the first place.
why did he decide to divorce?
Because he found out
that he had a real son.
The one who ordered Han Daehoon's murder
was Cho Heeja.
And my mom
might also have been killed by her.
I need her whereabouts of that day.
will look into it.
[Ganghyun] There are two possibilities.
Cho Heeja killed Kim Seonyoung
25 years ago,
and Jin Seungju, who found it out later,
covered the truth.
Like Han Daehoon's case?
And Jin Seungju killed Jin Myeongchul
in the same way.
-[Junyoung] Cho Heeja
killed both Kim Seonyoung
and Jin Myeongchul.
The first murder was executed
as a perfect crime,
so she used the same way.
I still don't get it.
I understand she wanted to kill Kim,
but why did she kill the chairman?
Her son, Jin Seungju,
was supposed
to be the next chairman by default.
[Junyoung] Maybe he was not
for some reason.
Let's focus
on Jin Myeongchul's case for now.
Jin will look into the case
that occurred 25 years ago.
Check the alibi
and the cams around the villa.
[Kyungjin and Junyoung] Okay.
[tense music]
-[Junyoung] Hello.
[Junyoung] Police.
Can we talk for a second?
What's up?
You work here, right?
[Junyoung] On the day
of Chairman Jin's death,
did you work here?
Yes, I did.
Who was in the house that night?
Ms. Cho and Vice Chairman Jin
were in the house.
Other than those two,
didn't anyone else leave the house
in the early morning?
I don't know.
I finished my work at 11:00 p.m.
and went home.
All workers should leave before 11:00 p.m.
Ms. Cho doesn't like having an outsider
in her house when she's sleeping.
I see. Thank you for cooperation.
[housekeeper1] Okay.
[Heeja] Take them away.
I don't feel like eating.
[phone vibrates]
[housekeeper1] A cop visited here.
[door opens]
[tense music]
[door closes]
[housekeeper1] He asked me
who left the house
on the day of the chairman's death.
[mouse clicking]
[fast forwarding sound]
[pressing enter key]
[mouse clicking]
A car left the house at 1:00 a.m.
[Kyungjin] I can tell the plate number,
but I can't identify the driver.
[Ganghyun] Both Jin Seungju and Cho Heeja
were in the house, right?
[shallow sigh]
[call starting sound]
[line ringing]
Hello, Mr. Choi.
I have a favor to ask you.
[tires screeching]
[car door opens]
[car door closes]
[car door closes]
[car door closes]
[tires screeching]
[engine starts]
[crashing sound]
Mr. Choi.
[Jeonghun laughs]
Sorry. I was distracted to something.
Don't call anyone.
I'll handle it.
[Jeonghun] I'll tell the vice chairman.
[secretary3] Yes.
Okay, handle it that way.
[call ending sound]
[Seungju] What's up?
There was a fender bender
at the parking lot.
[secretary3] It's Mr. Choi
who caused the accident.
[dark music]
[mechanic] One component is missing.
Let me go check it.
[car door closes]
[car door opens]
[dashcam operating sound]
[dashcam error sound]
[phone vibrates]
-The SD card was already removed.
[heavy sound effect]
You think
Jin Seungju is the culprit?
[Ganghyun sighs]
It's clear that he is a suspect.
[heavy music]
Do you have other evidence?
No. I don't have any physical evidence.
[call ending sound]
[phone vibrates]
[Isoo] Seungju.
I need to talk to you.
Let's meet.
I also have something to tell you.
[call ending sound]
[mellow music playing]
[door closes]
[Seungju] You want a drink?
[pouring liquor]
I'll be inaugurated
as Chairman soon.
So, come and work with me.
I can't do this alone.
You're my only brother.
You should help me.
I still have something to do.
We only have each other now.
[Seungju] Stop idling away.
[Isoo] Mom's death
[dark music]
was not suicide.
She might have been murdered.
Whoever it is,
I'll get the culprit.
Now I remember.
[Isoo] On that day,
your mother came to my house.
She assaulted my mom.
That's why I'm telling it to you.
Whatever happens from now,
I have no other way
but to do it.
[door opens]
[door closes]
[dark music]
On the day Isoo's mom died,
did you visit their house?
Did you
go to meet your father?
I saw you
in the early morning that day.
[Heeja] I couldn't sleep,
so I came out to take sleeping pills.
[tense music]
[shaky breathing]
It's not you, right?
Did you
do that?
[in a shaky voice] Say no.
[sighing] Mom.
[eerie music]
You never cease
to make me suffer, do you?
This is what you wanted.
[Seungju] You told me
to own Hansu Group at any cost.
That's what you've taught me.
Living as your son
has been so painful.
Did you know that?
[dark music]
[Heeja] Honey, listen to me.
-That secretary did it to me first--
-I want nothing but this from you.
Behave yourself as Hansu Chairman's wife.
[Myeongchul] Why did you get married to me
if you can't even do that one thing?
[door opens]
[glass thuds]
[shallow sigh]
[Heeja] Sweetie.
[glass thuds]
[sobbing] My sweetie.
Come on.
Don't worry.
You have nothing
that resembles that jerk.
[Heeja sobbing] You
are warm and kind.
[Heeja] You dressed up nicely.
You look like a rich son in this outfit.
[Heeja exhaling]
[Heeja] But
I don't like this button.
You, humble trash.
You think you're someone important?
Not at all.
I'm sorry, ma'am.
[shaky breathing]
He can't go in these ruined clothes.
[housekeeper2] Sorry, ma'am.
[Heeja] Seungju, you're home.
How long have you been there?
[Heeja inhaling]
You look nice, sweetie.
[Heeja laughs]
Today's guests
will have your back from now on.
Look up.
You are the one who will lead Hansu Group.
[Seungju clears throat]
[Seungju] I've blamed you many times.
[tense music]
"What if I had been born to
different parents?"
I used to wonder.
"What if I grew up with normal parents"
"in a humble way?"
But I don't know how it would be.
People say
that living a normal and humble life
is a true happiness,
but I've never experienced that.
I am only sure about two things.
One, I have to protect my mom.
I have to be the leader
of Hansu Group.
That's why I did that.
As you wanted me to do.
You're the only one I have,
and I'm the only one you have.
Now, it's almost done.
[shaky breathing]
From now on,
just remember this.
You don't know anything.
Just as you've done so far,
[whispering] live your life
drinking alcohol.
[Seungju] Okay?
[door opens]
[door closes]
[dark music]
[door closes]
[firewood crackles]
Why are you here?
Did you make a decision?
[Seungju] Father.
-It was all my fault.
-I can't let it
just slide like that.
-Then, what do you want me to do?
[Myeongchul] I've already made a decision.
-You both turn yourselves in tomorrow.
Are you going to kick us away like this?
It was my biggest mistake ever
that I let you two in my house.
[door opens]
[door closes]
[tense music]
[sharp sound effect]
[scene change sound effect]
[camera shutter sound]
[dark music]
[footsteps echoing]
[closing theme]
Special thanks to Choi Heejin
[Junyoung] We have no clue
but only suspicion.
Is there no way to catch them?
[Hyungjun] I'm scared
if I made any mistake.
[Daehyun] 25 years ago, on October 10th,
he went out and had a car accident.
Where did he go?
[Hyungjun] Some fingerprints
found at the scene were ruled out.
-They were from unidentifiable children.
"Why did my mom have to die?"
[Isoo] "Who is responsible for it?"
That's all I want to know.
Find out where Jin is now.
[Isoo] 25 years ago, on that day,
did you meet my mom?
Did you kill her? Answer me!
[dark music]
[Seungju] Isoo.
Have I ever
lied to you?
I was also a child at that time.
I didn't know what happened.
[Isoo] 25 years ago, on that day
did you meet my mom?
No, I didn't.
[Isoo] She told me not to try
to find out a reason.
But it's hard.
I want to know
[Seungju] Stop thinking about that.
You might hurt yourself.
[door creaks]
[Isoo] If you have anything in your mind,
just tell me.
[sharp sound effect]
[Seungju] Isoo.
Forget about the past.
We have lots of things to do from now on.
[camera shutter sound]
[Seungju] We are the leaders
of Hansu Group.
[camera shutter sound]
[Seungju] You know
that I'm on your side, right?
Ripped and synced by
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