Forecasting Love and Weather (2022) s01e15 Episode Script


I went to college for geophysics
but dropped out.
After I was discharged from the army,
I passed the exam
and started working at the KMA.
I'm a Grade Seven
Severe Weather Forecaster.
What do your parents do?
He had a CT scan.
I see a 3cm-sized lump in his right lung
that could be a tumor.
I think he should receive a biopsy.
My mother passed away when I was seven.
And my father…
He used to work at construction sites,
but ever since he was injured,
he hasn't been working.
Oh, okay.
I see.
The rain said to the wind…
For the biopsy,
he needs to be admitted
for one to two days.
Also, you need to sign here.
"You push."
"And I'll pour."
Where are you going?
You're still here?
You shouldn't be walking around.
Go back inside.
Insurance companies
are so meticulous these days.
They accused me
of self-inflicted injury and blackmail
and called the police.
"Self-inflicted injury and blackmail"?
I was just walking down the street,
and a car rammed into me.
By the way,
didn't Si-woo come with you?
I had no time to call him.
I'll call him now.
No. Don't bother him.
I'll pay you for the hospital bills soon.
So don't press Si-woo for money.
Got it?
The doctor says you need a biopsy.
You're more naive than I thought.
The hospital is doing that to make money.
Don't be fooled.
A CT scan showed something in your lung.
When you get old,
you're bound to have a few lumps.
Did you already know?
Well, if you have cash,
give me 10,000 won.
I want to get some rice and soup.
To get the biopsy done,
you need to be admitted to the hospital.
You should have it done.
It's up to you though.
There's no need to tell Si-woo.
You won't tell him, will you?
I'm sorry.
What are you doing here?
I'm just thinking.
Why do you have to do that here?
It's none of your business.
By the way,
I met that Lee Si-woo guy.
Why did you see him?
What did you talk about?
Why do you want to know?
You said you broke up.
We did.
I'm glad you did.
Not all relationships
end up in marriage anyway.
Rest up. You must be tired.
Doors opening.
Doors closing.
While the early cold continues,
the first frost
was observed in Seoul today.
As the temperature has fallen sharply,
the current temperature in Seoul is 3°C
and the sensible temperature is 0,7°C.
The KMA predicts that the weather
will be chilly until this evening
and then recover to normal temperature
tomorrow afternoon.
However, in the case
of the central region,
the wind will blow rather strongly
from noon tomorrow.
Please be mindful of facility management.
The air is clean, and the average
daily fine dust concentration
across the country
is at a level of normal to good.
In the distant sea
in the central part of the East Sea--
If it's too much for you,
I'll go to the hospital alone.
Why won't you say anything?
What we talked about yesterday…
Can you give me some time
to think about it?
If we miss the timing,
we won't be able to do it.
I really don't think
we can afford to have a baby now.
Think about how much it'll cost.
The hospital, childbirth,
and postnatal care center.
If we move to a cheaper place,
we'll be able to pay for them somehow.
And then what?
We have to raise the baby.
Once my childbirth leave is over,
we'll have to hire a nanny.
I looked up how much they get paid
and it's almost the same
as my starting salary.
There are places like daycare centers.
How can we send
a newborn baby to a daycare center?
You go to work early in the morning,
and I work overtime all the time.
You could always take maternity leave.
I can't do that.
I took on my first regular column
since I started working.
I don't want to lose this chance.
I don't want to give up my career.
We were so unprepared when we got married.
So I want to be prepared
before I have a baby.
Yes, what is it?
The biopsy will be done in the afternoon.
They need to do a blood test
and some other tests before that.
I see.
I have to fast starting from noon.
If I had known that,
I should have eaten a hearty breakfast.
Jeez, I'm hungry.
I'm on my way to work
and I have a meeting coming up.
You haven't told Si-woo, right?
I'm hanging up.
What? Why were you in there?
Did you stay up all night?
No, I didn't.
Haven't you found a place to live?
Please don't tell Director Jin.
Why not? Did you have a fight?
No. I don't want her to worry about me.
That's very touching.
Get lost.
Good morning.
-Thanks for the hard work.
-You're here early.
The weather is much colder
than I expected.
It'll be okay.
The continental anticyclone centered
in Siberia temporarily developed.
But the warm air is strong in the south,
so the cold will subside
tomorrow afternoon.
How did the ensemble forecast
predictions come out?
Ms. Lee, give me the ensemble predictions.
-Here you go.
The NWP model
and the ensemble predictions show that
the temperature
will rise again tomorrow afternoon.
They do.
Yesterday's forecast notice
won't need to be revised much.
Thanks to you,
I'll have it easy this time.
You better be thankful.
Good morning.
-Good morning.
You left this at my place yesterday.
I guess I was overwhelmed.
My mom tends to do that to people.
She said "mom."
Let's talk later.
He meets her mother now?
That's great.
Don't count your chickens yet.
Things are going well.
Don't spoil the mood.
means I can't drink water too, right?
I'm working. I'm sorry.
Do you want coffee?
when was the last time
you called your father?
Why do you ask?
Because the weather got cold
all of a sudden.
I don't call him for things like that.
Is it so difficult
to call him to say hello?
It's not because it's difficult.
It's because I don't want to.
But he's old now.
Why don't you give him a call?
My father isn't like other fathers.
He has never cared about me
or how I lived.
So why should I care about him?
Why do I have to call him
and see if he's doing all right?
Cold weather isn't a big deal.
Because you'll regret it.
You're acting like this
because you're mad at him.
But you might regret it later.
You won't be able to do
anything about it then.
I'll never regret anything.
Because there isn't
a single moment I want to turn back
regarding him.
We quarreled because of his father.
I didn't ask.
-Deputy Director Han.
Aren't you going to eat?
Well, I'm not that hungry.
-You can go.
Director, will you go for lunch?
Is it lunchtime already?
All right. Let's go have lunch.
-Let's go, everyone.
-See you.
I'm not hungry. You should go.
-We'll get going then.
Let's go for lunch.
What should we have?
All right.
Did you ask Bo-mi?
Yes, I did.
What does she want?
-She wants to eat out.
-She wants to eat out?
Doesn't she want a bag or clothes?
No. She doesn't want them.
She just wants to eat out with us.
I barely remember the last time
we all ate out together.
She probably has no memory.
It was when she was five or six.
Anyway, we went to a family restaurant
when she was a kindergartner.
We ended up having a big fight though.
Right. We did.
I called the academy
and canceled her evening class,
so book a restaurant.
And tell me when and where to meet you.
For your information, Bo-mi likes pasta.
Okay. Got it.
Jeez, Um Dong-han.
What have you been doing?
I haven't done anything for them.
Senior Forecaster Um.
I printed out the ECMWF model data
and put it on your desk.
You can read it before the meeting.
I'll get the KIM ready too.
Okay. Thanks.
-Here's your citron tea.
-Thank you.
One hot citron tea, please.
Hi, Assistant Director Kim.
Long time no see.
-Have you been well?
-Of course.
It's so cold.
Does it have to get cold so quickly?
I know, right? Everything changes
so abruptly in this county.
By the way, how is Ms. Kim
in your team doing?
How many times have I told you that
comparing this with high-resolution data
increases the likelihood
of unusual weather forecasts?
You asked me to analyze the forecasts,
but not to compare them.
You've worked long enough
to know that you're supposed to.
-I'm sorry.
-Do it again.
What is it? Do you need help?
No, it's okay.
I heard that the Policy Division
is trying to get her on their team.
Didn't you know?
Cheer up. Drink this. It's citron tea.
Thank you.
Director Jin.
Don't you think the barometer
has a weird flow?
What about it?
Since the jet stream momentum
is maintained,
it's unlikely that the upper cut-off low
will easily move to the east.
According to the NWP model,
the temperature will go back up
tomorrow afternoon.
Yes, I know that.
Si-woo, come and look at this.
Here. What do you think?
It'd be better to analyze the possibility
by comparing it with the live data.
It's a bit strange, right?
-What's strange about it?
If you look here, the expansion
of the jet stream is too stable.
We rarely had
a case like this before, right?
Right. That's what bothers me.
Among the ensemble prediction results,
let's reanalyze the ensemble members
that are likely to prolong the cold wave.
Okay. Then I'll proceed with the meeting
based on the NWP model
that's been released.
Assistant Director Shin. Can you send me
time series data for major regions?
-I just sent it.
How's your work going?
It's not going well.
Why not?
Because it's so sunny.
Last time, it wasn't going well
because it was cloudy.
I guess she has low energy on a cold day.
Can I help you with anything?
Mom, I'm going out for a minute.
Gosh, it's cold.
Why didn't you tell me it was cold?
Where's my down jacket?
Mom! Where's my down jacket?
You're 40 years old.
Why don't you look for it yourself?
What's wrong, Mom?
Are you mad at me?
I have no energy to get mad at you.
You and Ha-kyung
should take care of yourselves.
Find your down jacket yourself.
The average temperature across the country
will drop by 10 to 15 degrees
as the cold air descends
due to the continental
anticyclone development.
All right.
So when do you think
this cold will subside?
Looking at the NWP model
and the ensemble forecast,
it seems that the temperature will
normalize by tomorrow afternoon, but…
"But"? But what?
We found something strange
in the ensemble prediction,
so we're analyzing it again.
"Something strange"?
Of the ensemble's thirty-two forecasts,
four models predicted that
the cold wave
would last three days longer.
Aren't we running the ensemble
to see which one is more likely?
but this case is a bit different.
A strong jet stream continues
to be maintained
in the upper atmosphere at 10km.
And the strong cut-off low
at 5km is unable to move out to the east.
You said only four
out of thirty-two were like this.
Does that mean it will stay cold
for three to four more days?
What do you want to do?
As things stand--
We may have to overturn the forecast.
Forecaster Lee.
Do you know what it means
to overturn the forecast?
Yes, I do.
Do you agree with him?
Overturn the forecast?
-No way.
-If it's wrong, there will be an uproar.
Director Jin.
Do you agree with him?
Yes, I do.
Yes, sir. I'm almost there.
No, stop!
Turn around and go back to the KMA.
I already sent you tomorrow's articles.
The KMA is overturning the forecast.
What are you going to do?
How will you handle the aftermath?
The entire Chief Team could turn on you.
I can't ignore the numerical results
because of that.
Looking at the ensemble value,
isn't the previous forecast correct?
Senior Forecaster Um, Forecaster Lee,
and I think it's reasonable.
you're going to take the bullet
for what Si-woo said?
You know,
when I was younger,
whenever I caused trouble,
Director Choi supported me
and covered for me.
That's how I got here.
Now, I want to do that
for my younger colleagues.
We're at that age and position.
I envy you.
Because you act,
think, and talk like an adult.
Are you making fun of me?
No, I'm not. I really mean it.
Why are you suddenly like this?
I'm often like this these days.
Nothing is free in this world.
You don't become an adult automatically.
I have to be responsible
for so many things.
It's really difficult
to be an adult.
All right.
If the Chief Team wants to
overturn the forecast, so be it.
We'll think about the aftermath later.
I'll release the forecast, Director Jin.
Yes, what is it this time?
Well, I just called
because I'm getting the biopsy done soon.
I see.
thanks for booking the ward too.
I'm lucky to have such a good son.
I'll put in a good word
for you with Si-woo.
To be honest,
you seem picky,
so you aren't exactly my type.
Still, Si-woo has a better eye
for women than I do.
we broke up.
You broke up?
Did Si-woo do something wrong?
Did he disobey you, Director Jin?
That's weird.
He'd never cheat on anyone
or get drunk and fight.
But did he?
No, he didn't.
Then why did you break up?
And why are you good to me
when you've broken up?
Why did you make me get the tests done,
and reserve a ward for me?
Because Forecaster Lee is still
a member of Chief Team Two.
As his senior colleague and director,
I can help you this much.
You still have feelings for him,
don't you?
I'm busy so I have to go.
Good luck with your tests. Bye.
What an idiot.
He shouldn't have let her go.
Reporter Chae!
What are you doing here? Are you ill?
I just have a stomachache.
Are you…
Is it constipation?
It's all because of stress.
Try this. It's a herb medicine.
It works within an hour.
Don't struggle.
Get medicinal help when you need it.
-All right?
I'll go in first.
See you.
I'll give you a brief overview first,
and then take questions.
The cold wave that started yesterday
is expected to continue
for three or four more days.
The cold wave, which was initially
predicted to subside from tomorrow,
is expected to continue
until this weekend,
mainly in the central region
and some southern inland regions.
-Good night.
-See you.
-I'm off. Bye.
Aren't you going home?
Go ahead. I want to monitor it a bit more.
Will the jet stream hold up?
Only the current knows
whether it'll hold out or retreat.
The forecast has been released.
So stop monitoring and go home.
I'll stay here a little longer.
-I'm sorry about what happened earlier.
You were probably
just asking how he was doing,
but I overreacted.
You're right.
Whenever we talk about my father,
I act like a kid.
I try not to be like that,
but I can't help it.
It's always been that way.
My relationships started with love
but my father
was always at the end of them.
He's a difficult person to deal with,
even for me. I'm sick of him.
I didn't want to burden
the woman I love
by making my father her family.
Isn't being in love enough?
Is it necessary to become a family?
But the world tells you that
you should take responsibility
for loving someone
and that the only way
to do that is through marriage.
I told her we should break up.
I'm sorry.
It's okay.
You don't have to apologize to me.
I understand.
I really do. I understand.
Why do you keep saying it's okay?
Why do you keep saying
that you understand me?
What will you do
if I beg you to come back?
What will you do
if I say I can't break up with you?
I still…
like you a lot.
Do you know that?
Hey! Where is Director Jin Ha-kyung?
Hey, Director Jin!
Director Jin!
Director Jin Ha-kyung!
We'll talk later.
Hey, where's Director Jin?
Did she go home
after messing up the forecast?
Where did Director Jin go?
I'm here, sir.
Hey, who told you
to overturn the forecast?
How dare you!
There's no sign
of the jet stream retreating
in the upper atmosphere at 10km.
We analyze based on the forecast
of the previous team
not because we're dumb,
but because their forecast,
which they analyzed by comparing
the data values with the live situation
for 12 hours, is the most reliable source.
But you overturn the forecast
without respect to that?
It's not that I don't respect it.
I simply forecasted
based on the live situation.
What if your forecast is wrong?
Who will deal with the consequences?
Human cost and material expenses.
Who will be responsible for those?
But unusual weather has been observed.
Should I keep my mouth shut
just because of
a senior colleague's forecast?
Hi, Assistant Director Shin.
Where are you, Senior Forecaster Um?
I think you need to
come back to the office.
Why? What's going on?
The director of Chief Team One
is furious because
of the overturned forecast.
What did you just say?
Say that again.
Say that again!
What did you just say?
-What did you say?
-Stop it, guys.
-What did you say?
-Today's my daughter's birthday.
-Please calm down.
-Let me eat out with my family.
-Jin Ha-kyung!
-What did you just say?
-What are you doing?
-Who are you?
-You can talk to me.
Do you think I'm a joke
because you're all that?
Admit that you were wrong and apologize.
Apologize to me now!
I didn't do anything wrong, sir.
What? Jeez.
Hey, you've come a long way. How dare you?
-Please stop--
-Get off me!
I'll show you how strict
and disciplined Chief Team should be.
What did you say to me?
-Let go of her!
-Say it again.
-Let go!
-Don't you have any respect?
-Don't you?
-I said let go of her!
What was that?
Hey, Si-woo.
I knew something like this would happen.
Yes, Director General. This is Sung-jin.
Oh, no.
Damn it.
It isn't like Dad
to reserve a place like this.
It's because you said
you wanted to eat out.
This is a really popular place.
I looked it up on social media.
Celebrities come here.
It's the hottest place in Cheongdam-dong.
They say it's hard to get a reservation.
Really? It's really not like your dad.
I guess he put some effort into it.
What should we get?
Hi. What is it? Where are you?
was really on my way there.
But I'm sorry.
I suddenly got a call from the KMA.
-Okay. I got it.
-Hyang-rae, I…
-I got it. Bye.
What's wrong?
Did Dad say he can't make it?
Yes. I don't know why
he always does this on a day like this.
-What should we do?
-Let's just eat.
Can I order two dishes?
When else will I get to come here?
You're a habitual offender, aren't you?
It was a mistake, sir.
He was trying to break up a fight.
It was by accident.
You started it first, sir.
Forecaster Lee was only trying to
stop you. It was an accident.
An accident?
Forecaster Lee.
I'm sure this wasn't
your first time hitting someone.
I heard you punched
Han Ki-jun at the Office of Spokesperson.
Take it out on me,
not on everyone in Chief Team Two.
Hey, Ha-kyung.
Worry about the forecast
before you worry about them.
What will you do
if your forecast is wrong?
What do you want me to do? Should I quit?
Did you say "quit"?
Sir, please calm down.
But if our forecast is right,
you better quit your job, Director Choi.
-Is this Squid Game?
Why does anyone have to quit
if they get it wrong?
Let's put our jobs on the line.
It'll go down in KMA history,
and make a nice lesson.
What do you say? Are you in?
How dare you!
Stop it!
Jeez. That's enough.
Why are you fighting?
Did you get a nosebleed?
What are you doing?
You're decent people. Why are you
hitting each other and fighting?
I didn't hit him.
I hit him.
It was an accident.
It was clearly a mistake.
Three of them came at me.
Let me make myself clear.
I was only trying to stop them.
Whatever. Senior Forecaster Um.
What did you teach your juniors?
Why are they a mess?
Weather is about flow.
Didn't I tell you that
you can't overturn it with a few numbers?
But just because
a few ensemble predictions
came out differently,
you overturned the forecast that was based
on a week's worth
of analysis by four teams.
You've overturned my forecast before.
-Have I?
-Did he?
Twice at that.
During the summer
heatwave warning in 2004,
and in 2011 when the temperature
was abnormally low.
You and I were right once each.
But even when you were wrong,
I didn't say anything about it.
I trusted you
for having such a strong conviction.
Aren't you her senior?
Why can't you trust your junior colleague?
Are you throwing a tantrum
because your forecast was overturned?
It's because this brat ignored me
and lashed out at me.
Director Choi.
She's the director of Chief Team Two.
She's on the same level as you.
She has as much authority
and responsibility as you do.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
Stop being a preachy boomer.
How can you speak to her like that?
Where are your manners?
It's because I'm angry! Is that so wrong?
Why would you get so mad over this?
I should be the one who's furious!
Today's my daughter's birthday!
For the first time in ten years,
I was going to eat out
with my kid and my wife.
I even did my hair
and booked a restaurant.
I was going to be a good dad today.
They must have finished eating by now!
The pressure difference
in Siberia is falling sharply.
Ms. Lee.
Trace the development
of the global model over time.
The jet stream is moving south.
Why is it moving down?
Damn it.
What are you doing? Go home.
Go home already.
Doors opening.
Doors closing.
You finished late.
Did you just send the manuscript?
It took me longer
because I wasn't feeling well.
You looked unwell during the briefing,
so I was worried.
Are you still sick?
No, I'm fine.
I thought about it, Yu-jin.
The baby…
I welcome it.
not ready to be a dad,
so I'll probably be flustered
and get confused often
after the baby is born.
I might act like an idiot in many ways.
But still, it's our baby,
so I want to do my best to raise it.
-Ki-jun, I--
if you still aren't sure
about having this baby,
I'll respect your decision.
I can't force you
to make sacrifices alone.
The only thing
I can say to you now is
that whatever decision you make,
I'll be with you.
I'll be by your side,
so you will never be lonely.
I'm hungry. Aren't you?
Should we grab something to eat?
You made all this?
I made them with the ingredients I had.
It smells great.
I'm a good cook like my mother.
Is there anything you can't do?
You can draw, cook,
and you have a great personality.
You're good at everything
except writing a story.
What about my story writing?
Is it boring?
No, it's not that. How should I say this?
It's not bad.
It just doesn't have
a hooking point that draws you in.
A hooking point?
But you're good at
drawing cute characters.
That means my story is bad
because it has no hooking point.
No. I don't think I said it was bad.
And my books don't sell.
I don't think I said that.
Isn't it implied contextually
because it has no hooking point?
Shall we have some wine?
-Do you want some?
Let's continue our talk.
Doors opening.
-Doors closing.
-All right.
Did she change the passcode?
Did you change the passcode?
Yes, I did. Because I need privacy.
Stop talking nonsense.
Give me the new passcode.
I'm sorry, Mom. You should go home.
Why didn't you tell her?
It's cold.
It's okay. She's tougher than you think.
By the way, where are we going?
To a hospital.
She's so heartless.
I don't understand why she's so cold.
What am I going to do with these?
I can't bring them back.
Tell me.
Tell me which part of the story
you don't like specifically.
Well, it's not that I don't like it…
Why do you keep changing your mind?
You clearly said my story
didn't have a hooking point.
Well, a hooking…
You're more persistent than I thought.
How could one be a writer
if she's not persistent?
I spend a long time drawing, writing,
erasing, correcting,
contemplating and creating.
Seok-ho, have you ever stayed up all night
trying to think of a word?
In order to write a single line,
I keep thinking, writing,
and rewriting all week
until my head is about to explode.
I write and rewrite every word
and every ending thousands of times.
I constantly think about
how to make better sentences
and how to express
my intentions more clearly.
I'm sorry.
I know it's easy to judge
and talk about someone's finished work.
But don't underestimate
the pain and effort
that go into creating the work.
I never did.
I'm not a famous writer.
My books don't sell well.
But I have my pride.
At least I have a belief
that my writings and drawings
will have a positive and warm influence
on the children who read them. Got it?
Of course. I'll keep that in mind.
Okay, that's good.
Gosh, Tae-kyung.
You can't leave like this.
What do you want me to do then?
really sorry.
Please forgive me.
Oh, my.
-Oh, my goodness.
-Are you okay?
-I'm okay.
-Oh, no.
-Are you all right?
-Oh, my goodness.
Why you…
Jin Tae-kyung!
-Mom! It hurts!
-Please calm down!
Is someone sick?
It's Room 309.
The attending physician is on duty.
So he'll tell you the details.
The results from a pulmonary PET scan
and sputum test have come out.
It's cancer.
It's stage three cancer.
If you look at the PET scan here,
it seems that
cancer has spread considerably
to the lymph node
and to the right of the stomach.
He must have been in a lot of pain.
Why are you doing this to me?
Why are you doing this?
Excuse me.
Has Mr. Lee Myung-han
been admitted to this hospital?
He had a car accident
the day before yesterday.
What's the matter, sir?
-Get up.
-It hurts.
Yu-jin, what's wrong? What is it?
My stomach hurts so much.
What's wrong, Yu-jin?
The rain said to the wind…
What's your relationship with Mr. Lee?
I'm his guardian.
I'm from the police.
An arrest warrant
has been issued for Mr. Lee
for self-inflicted injury and blackmail,
and insurance fraud.
"You push."
"And I'll…
You learn more
when you get things wrong
rather than when you get them right.
Do you know what
the stupidest thing in the world is?
Breaking up out of love.
Don't let Si-woo go.
Not for him but for yourself.
Because it's you, Jin Ha-kyung.
Because it's you, Lee Si-woo.
Because I just like you.
Because I like being with you.
Subtitle translation by: Soo-hyun Yang
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