Frieren: Beyond Journey's End (2023) s01e15 Episode Script

Yakkaigoto no nioi

How long have you all been traveling?
‪Let's see
I started my journey with Mistress Frieren
about four years ago.
It's been about a year for me.
I see.
You know, this party is missing something.
Guess what it is.
We have a vanguard,
mages, and a priest.
Perhaps a thief? After all,
Mistress Frieren always falls for mimics.
Oh goody!
Treasure chests
have endless possibilities.
You're wrong.
You're missing something more important.
It's an older lady!
Any party has at least one!
A sexy, mature lady!
You think so?
But we have Frieren.
No! I don't consider her an older lady.
- He looks so distraught.
- Well, excuse me.
L Look, the next village is within sight.
They are breathing.
Yeah, over here too.
What is going on? Everyone's sleeping.
This smells like trouble.
Let's go to the next village.
Mistress Frieren,
don't make me get mad at you.
I was just joking.
It's a curse.
I knew it What a pain.
Hey, Frieren, what's a curse?
Some of the spells used by
monsters and demons
include ones that put people to sleep
or turn them into stone.
Among those spells, we refer to the ones
that mankind has yet to decipher
as "curses."
Mankind hasn't been able to figure out
how it works or how to break it.
So this village is beyond help?
Only in terms of "mankind's" magic.
The Magic of the Goddess,
used by priests, is another story.
Handling curses has always been
a priest's job.
How is it, Sein? Is there hope?
Don't rush me.
I'm figuring out
the type and source of the curse.
How is the Magic of the Goddess
different from other magic?
The Magic of the Goddess
is recorded in the Scriptures,
so only those with the Scriptures
can use it.
Like the magic of demons,
most of the spells
aren't fully understood.
That's why it's not that fun.
Plus, it's difficult to use
unless you're born with a natural gift.
That gift also makes the user
less susceptible to curses.
If I remember correctly,
it's called the Blessing of the Goddess.
That's why priests are generally
resistant to curses.
So even you can't defend yourself
against curses, Frieren?
Mages can't detect curses that well.
I can somewhat sense
that I am being attacked,
so I can at least tell that this village
is still under the curse.
I feel uneasy.
Are you saying that
we are being cursed as we speak?
How scary!
From what I can see,
it's a very unique curse.
You can't break the curse?
It will require a ritual and tools.
It'll be faster to
get rid of the source of the curse.
The source is a monster.
I know where it is already.
Let's go.
I like that he doesn't waste time.
Mistress Frieren.
Master Stark is
Can't you wake him up,
even just temporarily?
The spell that I can use now
will only keep him awake for five seconds.
It won't make much of a difference.
Anyway, it looks like
we don't have much time.
Fern isn't waking up.
I told her we were only resting a little
Fern fell asleep too, huh?
We're in trouble now.
I put up a barrier. Let's hide them here.
We're close. I can sense it nearby.
Yeah? Then wake me up
when the monster appears.
Don't fight it on your own.
I will defeat it no matter what.
Hey, my spell only works for five seconds
What can you do in just five seconds?
I know some offensive magic myself.
A subspecies of the Chaos Flower
It was using the sleeping villagers
as fertilizer, huh?
It slowly sucks up their mana
and kills them.
Chaos Flowers breed with
plants native to the region they're in
to form subspecies.
It's almost like a mirror.
no matter how much
their appearance changes,
their weak point
will always be their core.
Three Spears of the Goddess!
What just happened?
Did it reflect my spell?
I have to pierce through the core
or else the leaves will reflect the spell
in random directions.
It may even hit Frieren.
Damn it!
This is only going to wear me out.
Should I just wake Frieren up?
But she was a mage in the party of heroes
If her spell is reflected,
it may wipe out this forest
and even the village.
I only have five seconds.
There's no time to explain.
Plus, we haven't known each other
long enough to build mutual trust
and good communication between us.
First of all, I can't even tell
what's going on in her mind.
That's right.
I can't tell what's going on in her mind.
In my opinion,
good communication and mutual trust
are not necessary for adventurers.
Frieren, my former comrade, was especially
unskilled in those areas.
So I decided to believe in her words.
She said that she would
defeat the Demon King no matter what.
And I believed those words.
Believe her words, huh?
Don't fight it on your own.
I will defeat it no matter what.
Boy, did she look dopey or what?
Don't blame me if this fails!
Awakening Spell.
Frieren! Aim at the core
Okay, got it.
What is going on here?
Thank you so much.
We are forever indebted to you.
No, it wasn't that big of a deal.
It was.
Thanks to you, we woke up feeling amazing.
The moment I woke up,
I could just tell that it was
the type that reflects magic.
I guess you really are
an amazing mage, after all.
But Sein, we were able to
come out of this alive because of you.
Thank you.
Well done.
That lady from the village was so pretty
He's still talking about that
So that's Vorig, huh?
It's a stopover on the route
to Äußerst, the city of magic.
We're finally halfway there.
It really is a long journey, isn't it?
Anyway, let's stock up
on materials in Vorig and
Um, Mistress Frieren
I hate to break it to you,
but we're out of funds.
- Hey, you there.
- What?
That's a noble's carriage.
What? What do you want?
You're well-built
and not bad looking either.
Come to my mansion.
What is going on?
What is your name?
Lord Orden, we can't have you doing this.
You know who I am?
This is the Orden Family's mansion,
one of the three great families
in the northern lands.
Your grandfather was also very pushy.
What kind of nonsense
are you talking about?
In any case,
I am speaking with Stark right now.
He's the vanguard of my party.
do I need permission from your mommy
to speak to you?
Don't fight
I have a request and I'm willing to pay.
This is ridiculous. Let's go, Stark.
Mistress Frieren
What about these copper coins?
It's our remaining traveling funds.
I guess it wouldn't hurt
to hear you out, at least.
Stark, where did you come from?
A village of warriors in the Klee region
in the central lands.
I see.
My family was originally from
that village as well.
This is my eldest son, Wirt.
He is my heir and a hero of this city.
He looks like Master Stark.
They're identical.
If you brush yourself up,
nobody other than family
will notice a difference.
Is that somehow related to your request?
One month ago,
we had a major battle against the demons.
And Wirt died on the battlefield.
He took down the enemy general
in the process.
The silver lining is that
it was a large scale, chaotic battle.
The only ones who know about
Wirt's death is Gabel, over there,
and a few confidantes.
What are you planning to make Stark do?
This Fortress City of Vorig
is this region's key defense line.
Until we get our army back on its feet,
we can't weaken their morale.
So you're going to hide
your son's death until then?
In three months,
there will be a social gathering
with influential people from this region.
There, we will show that Wirt
is alive and well.
How much is the reward?
Ten Strahl gold coins.
That'll hold us for a year
with three meals a day, plus snacks.
Add on a grimoire.
Take whichever one you like
from the library.
Wait a second! It's impossible.
What about the scar on my forehead?
We've already told the people
that Wirt is recuperating at the moment.
That'll be an honorable battle scar.
Master Stark,
this is for our traveling funds.
How depressing
Gabel, hammer some etiquette into Stark.
Master Stark,
how are your etiquette lessons going?
It's torture.
What do you think?
- It doesn't suit you.
- How mean.
I'll go get some fresh air.
Lord Orden.
Like I've said over and over again,
call me "father."
You never know who is watching.
Aren't you a little too coldhearted?
It hasn't even been two months
since your son died.
I am only fulfilling my son's dying wish.
We've had other body doubles.
They didn't look as similar as you though.
I agree, it's not the best feeling ever.
But this is my son's wish.
You'll have to bear with me.
Why can't you be more honest?
Mut, keep your back straight.
Yes, Father.
He's my second son, Mut.
He is going to be my heir,
and yet he's not progressing at all.
Stark, on the other hand,
is such a failure.
Your posture says a lot
about your swordsmanship.
So I will teach you
the Orden Family's swordsmanship.
What's wrong?
Don't worry. Take a deep breath.
This isn't the village where you grew up.
Lord Orden, what is your opinion of Mut?
He's not talented like his brother.
But he's a hard worker.
The work you put into it
will always pay off.
One day, he will become a knight
that is stronger than me.
I see.
You should tell Mut that.
I always tell him.
That's why he gets cocky
and doesn't progress.
That's a problem.
I need to take etiquette lessons too?
It's a social gathering.
Do you really think
a man who is of age will go alone?
Or will his mommy escort him?
Do your best.
This past month was absolute torture.
It's for our traveling funds, right?
I'm sorry
Might as well dance,
since we learned how to.
It really doesn't suit you at all.
Shall we dance too?
I'm eating cake.
Is that so
If it wasn't for my injury,
it would have been me on the frontline.
Perhaps Wirt wouldn't have died.
My lord
It seems the gathering has ended.
You've completed my request.
Gabel, give Frieren their reward for me.
Stark, you are stunningly skilled
as a warrior.
If you want to
I can't replace your son.
You're right
Just as I cannot replace your father.
But you have no place
to return to, do you?
The village of warriors in the Klee region
was wiped out by demons.
I know that much.
My final words with my son
were an argument.
We quarreled over something trivial.
"I don't want to
see your face ever again."
I just blurted that out.
I didn't even mean those words.
When I found you,
I thought it was a miracle.
Well then, even more so,
I can't stay here.
I also said something that I didn't mean
to my foster parent.
That's why
I have to bring him back
lots of stories from my adventures.
I see.
Which grimoire should I choose
for our reward?
Mistress Frieren,
it's already been half a day.
You're troubling Master Gabel.
Hurry up
Look, he looks completely lifeless.
Seems like it will take
much more time to rebuild their army.
What's wrong?
At least they won't
have any issue with finding an heir.
- A forgotten hero, huh?
- I don't know the name.
- A forgotten hero.
- You must've been lonely.
Humans mature so fast.
"Long-lived Friends."
Subtitle translation by: Kiko Morita
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