Ghost Force (2021) s01e15 Episode Script

Raijin / Chronoklok

Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow
Shadows crawl, in the street
up a wall and watch them creep
Dark alley, sewers deep
I can never go to sleep
Full of fear,
please make them disappear
Ghost Force, Ghost Force,
feel the power
Ghost Force, Ghost Force,
spooky hour
Like the night, glow forever
Ghost Force
Appearances in the air,
got to watch out everywhere
Creepy crawlies
in their lair
Out of sight,
waiting in the night
Ghost Force, Ghost Force! ♪
Lighting unit!
We need you on set!
Yeah! Coming!
Wow! 12:15!
I think you just beat
your record for sleeping in!
Yeah, I know, right?
Weekends are my chill time.
- Where's Mom and Dad?
- Shooting their movie.
Not without that camera battery.
- Hey, Dad!
- Liv, we have a problem!
- Your mom forgot
- Correction.
Your dad forgot
the camera battery!
No problem, I'll bring it over.
- Thanks, sweetie!
- Thanks!
Let me guess, you're not coming?
Like I said,
I'm in my chill zone.
Dodged that one!
- Hey! What's up, Mike?
- (Panting)
Charlie just asked me to go for
a walk with her on her birthday.
- Really? Cool!
- No, not cool!
We're meeting in 15.5 minutes
and I haven't found a gift yet!
- You gotta to help me!
- What? Me? You mean now?
Yeah, you'll know
just the right thing to get her!
- Well, I have to
- Please!
- OK, fine. I'll help you.
- Yeah!
But we need to hurry!
Let's move!
Totally agree. Our conversation
already lost us 26 seconds.
Hello? When do we shoot?
I've been up here an hour
and can already feel the sun
aging my supple skin!
- Yoohoo!
- Solarman!
Don't sweat it.
It won't be long!
Plus, sweat will ruin
your makeup.
Urgh! Why isn't Liv here yet?
You know what?
We'll just have to improvise.
What would she like? A Bluetooth
headset? A smartwatch?
VR goggles?
How about something less geeky,
like flowers?
Why would she wants that?
We should get moving, Mike.
(Phone rings)
Greetings, kiddos!
Wouldn't you know it?
I was preparing a surprise for
you when a ghost appeared!
It's a level sixer
called Raijin.
I see its boo-signature
on the Brooklyn Bridge.
The Brooklyn Bridge?
That's where my parents are!
I guess shopping
will have to wait.
Let's go, Ghost Force!
Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow!
Ghost Force!
Where's Mom and Dad?
Phew! They're safe!
Which means
we can go ghost hunting!
- Aaah!
- (Chuckles)
- Boo!
- Aaah!
Huh? Huh?
Oh, we're sorry! We just
wanted to shoot our movie!
Our daughter was late with our
battery, so we had to improvise!
- Sorry. This is all my
- Mission.
It's our mission
to stop the ghost.
Let's go, Ghost Force!
Can somebody
get me down from here?
Why not tell me you had to
get the battery to your folks?
You needed a gift.
I figured I could do both.
How? Do you have a twin
I don't know about?
This is not looking good,
Ms Jones!
I have just the thing.
I wanted to surprise you
in person,
but I guess it can't wait!
Great. Our comm-link's out!
BOTH: Fury!
- You OK?
- I'm all right
But that strike drained
almost all my batteries!
ALL: Woah!
- Who is that?
- Ms Jones' surprise?
(Gasps) Raijin's like a battery,
and it's recharging
from the antenna!
Give the new guy backup
while I take of the antenna.
My arrows
might short-circuit it.
No, I've got your back.
I've got this! Focus on Fury.
His Boo energy
is running on empty!
Get it together, Liv,
you can't do everything alone!
Fine. Krush stays with me.
But be careful.
When am I not?
Flexy shield!
Awkward timing, I know,
but who are you?
- Who are you exactly?
- My name is Glowboo.
Pleased to make
your acquaintance, Andy.
Likewise! Wait,
how do you know my name?
- Have we even met?
- Affirmative.
We are meeting now.
I am Glowboo.
Yeah, you said that.
But underneath that armour,
who are you?
Like do we have
homeroom together? (Barfs)
- You're not Drake, are you?
- I am Glowboo.
Spectral bow!
No! It's too strong.
We've gotta find a way
to distract it.
I'm programmed
in the art of diversion.
- ALL: Boo-yah!
- Objective neutralised.
Returning to
labro dot lab ratory.
Uh Ms Jones?
I can't take the suspense,
Miss Jones. Who's the new dude?
He's not a "dude". Glowboo's
an A.I. Artificial intelligence.
- So, he's just a robot?
- No! It's not a robot, Mike.
Glowboo runs on a computer
algorithm programmed to fulfil
the same mission as you!
But he's still a little glitchy.
Whoa! And you made him
all by yourself, Ms Jones?
Almost. I had a little help
from an old friend of mine.
Now that there's four of us,
you won't have to
overbook yourself.
- Mike! What about your date?
- Charlie texted me.
She's putting it off till
tomorrow 'cause of the weather.
Don't worry.
I'll bring the battery.
Um actually
Your dad also forgot
the memory card.
We're postponing the shoot,
so you don't have to come
after all.
That movie's
never gonna get made.
- Boo!
- Aaah!
Ha, ha!
- Boo!
- A Ghost?
Hey, Mikey, guess what I've got?
- A new MVP jersey?
- Er, no
- Your new sneaker line?
- No
Your latest magazine cover?
- Ta-dah!
- (Gasps)
The new Clipit smartwatch?
It's not even been released yet!
Let's just say
I pulled some strings,
'cause you're looking at
the new face of Clipit Inc!
You you got this for me?
Who else? It's the most advanced
smartwatch in the world,
and I know
how much you love gadgets.
And, bonus, it gives out tips
from yours truly!
Now my fans can feel like
they're with me all the time.
Wanna sink some baskets?
Better eat a balanced breakfast!
- Whoa! Thanks, Dad!
- Oh, you're welcome, son.
Who knows? You might
even enjoy my pro tips.
- (Chatter)
- Oh, he's so cute!
Someone's looking happy.
Beat your high score
on Spookout?
Maybe it has
something to do with Charlie?
Class is about to start!
But after,
why not shoot some hoops?
No way! Is that the latest
OMG! I love it!
The new Michael Collins watch?
So cool!
So what's the biometric
interface like?
Can it really automate
your entire house?
- Could I try it on?
- Sure thing!
But be careful, my dad
just gave it to me this morning.
I can see why.
I mean, that watch
is made for basketball fans.
He gave it to you 'cause he
hopes his tips will make you
play b-ball like him.
Fat chance that'll happen!
Thanks for your expert analysis,
Doctor Drake,
but the reason
Mike's dad gave him that watch
- is 'cause Mike loves gadgets.
- Well, thank you
for being Junior's guard dog!
- What?
- Boo!
Huh? What's happening?
- Ah, Ms Jones! Perfect timing!
- Sorry, kids,
my mini nap
turned into a mega one.
Anyhoo, you're dealing with
Petrofear, a level-five ghost
that petrifies everyone
it passes through.
The crowd is roaring tonight.
My watch!
The crowd is roaring tonight.
Have a great game, kiddos!
Oh, no!
That's my watch!
Uh, Ms Jones, is it bad
if Petrofear just merged
- with Mike's watch?
- Hmm. Let's see
The power to freeze people
combined with a timepiece
would mean that
Move it or lose it!
- Not without Mike!
- Go get him, Andy.
I'll open a portal!
Spectral Gate!
Hurry, Glowboo,
they need your help.
Either someone blew
the world's biggest ball
or half the city's trapped.
It's got my watch!
My dad just gave it to me!
We're clear, Ms Jones,
so what's this clock's weakness?
Ms Jones?
- Ms Jones isn't answering!
- Let's go, Ghost Force!
Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow!
Ghost Force!
- They didn't have time to flee.
- Time that's it!
Now it's merged with your watch,
not only can it freeze people,
- it can freeze time too!
- I'll take a wild guess
that's why Ms Jones
isn't answering.
OK, let's think.
The watches' hands were lined up
when it activated its power,
so maybe
if we stopped the hands
Half-time show's over,
players get back on the course!
- Ow!
- (Groans)
- What are you doing?
- Getting my watch back!
- I've never seen him like this.
- He's making it too personal.
We gotta get him to cool it
or we're doomed!
(Citizens scream)
Fractal Mace!
- You OK, dude?
- (Groans)
You gotta take a step back.
We'll get your watch back
together, OK?
- OK, what's the plan?
- Boo!
We must keep the watch's hands
from lining up!
You pin the ghost down
so I can get to its dial.
Then you blast away, Fury.
(Battle cry)
Spectral Bow!
I've got it in my sights.
I'll glue those hands for good!
Hurry! It's not working!
Follow my tips and you'll be
like one of the Collins' family!
Enjoy! (Evil laugh)
What's the deal? We were this
close to boo-capping that ghost!
Sorry, but didn't you hear
what it said?
- Drake was right.
- Dude, it's not your dad,
it's a watch!
And Drake
is never right about anything.
Tell him, Myst!
- She got caught!
- I'm sorry.
This is all my fault.
I messed up bad.
That ghost
is gonna pay big time.
Fury, wait!
Whose team are you on, Krush?
I get that you want payback,
but you gotta take a step back
or we'll make things
even worse!
don't mess up like I did.
- So, what do we do?
- We stick to Myst's plan.
Let's hurry before it blasts
another time-freeze!
I'll pin it down.
You deal with the clock hand!
Look like someone is stuck!
(Battle cry)
- It's a gear!
- And it makes the hand turn!
All right!
Let's block that mechanism!
This is it!
A good rest helps an athlete
bounce back even stronger!
How about you give it a rest?
- Krush! The gears!
- I'm on it, bro!
Fractal Power!
(Battle cry)
It's nap time!
My sis is no longer a statue!
Good to see you too, Fury.
I'm sorry, Myst.
I should've kept my mind
on the mission instead of
Drake was spot on.
Dad only gave me this
'cause he wants me to be
- a basketball star like him.
- Either way,
you'll always be
a star on our team.
Glowboo is ready for action!
All right,
let's get this party started.
Hmm. Not seeing
any boo energy on my map.
Where is
that pesky ghost hiding?
- Safe in a boo-cap?
- Mission accomplished, I guess.
(Yawns) Now I can finally
get back to my nap.
Yeah. Mike Collins, my son.
He must have been in class
- Hi, Dad!
- Mike! Are you OK?
I heard you had
another scare at school!
- I was so worried.
- It's all good, Dad, I'm fine.
Er, Dad?
Your pro tips are great and all,
but, you know,
I'm not really into basketball.
I'm sorry,
those pro tips are for fans.
I won't force you.
I love you
just the way you are, Mickey.
Time to fuel up!
And there's nothing better
than a bowl of healthy cereal
to boost your day!
I couldn't have said it
better myself.
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