Jake and the Fatman (1987) s01e15 Episode Script

What Is This Thing Called Love?

I'll say this about the
Fatman: he's a sweet guy.
Listen, creep, I'm going to
take you apart like a clock.
JAKE: He can be
tough when he has to be.
J.L.: Jake Styles?
Don't ask me how
he can live the way he
does on a cop's salary.
Some people do seem
to like him, however.
But he's a damn good
investigator, and he's mine.
(theme playing)
He's a good guy.
Don't you forget it.
Hey, Derek. Yes, sir?
just try and relax, will ya?
(chuckles): Huh?
Do you think this tie
goes with this shirt?
Don't you have more
important things to think about?
Like your closing argument?
Now, look, Derek,
you can win this
case, you really can.
Judge Pafco is tough,
but he's not unreasonable,
as long as you
don't challenge him.
You understand?
Right, right.
How does this look?
Are you listening to me?!
Yes, sir.
Are you sure you like this tie?
You dumb son of a
Your Honor, we believe we
have proven beyond a doubt
that Mr. Roseboro has for the
last three years been involved
with his still-at-large
partner in over 37 car thefts.
(quietly): How am I doing?
You're doing terrific, kid.
Just go nice and easy.
DEREK: As we have proven,
Mr. Roseboro hides
in a specially-rigged
trunk of a car.
His partner then drives this
car to a dealership for repairs.
When night falls,
Mr. Roseboro emerges
from this specially rigged trunk
and steals a brand-new car.
I think it is incumbent
upon you, Your Honor,
to sentence this career criminal
to the maximum sentence
that the law allows.
Stay right where you are!
Back off!
Everybody on the ground now!
Put that down or he's dead.
(indistinct shouts)
(woman screams)
Put the gun
on the floor, nice and easy.
Let 'em out! Now!
Come on!
On the ground!
(J.L. groans)
I-I don't want to
seem inquisitive, sir,
but what the hell
is this all about?
You talk so good, Fatman,
you tell everybody
to do exactly as I say.
JAKE: Stace,
why are you
taking all this stuff?
Look, I hate surprises. Really.
Oh, well, that's just
too bad, now, isn't it?
Look, I'm not going,
that's it. I don't want to go.
Jake, we have already
got reservations.
Look, why am I
gonna waste my day off
so you can take me
to God knows where
when you're not gonna
tell me where we're going?
You're ruining this. What
if it's something I hate?
What if it's
something I don't like?
Jake Styles, are you saying
that you don't trust me?
Well, as a matter
of fact Jake!
I just want to know
where we're going.
Is that such a big deal?
Look, I don't know what to wear,
I don't know what to
bring, I don't know anything.
You know something?
You're no fun.
No, you're wrong,
I'm a very fun guy.
(chuckles): Oh, really? Yes.
Okay. Listen
I'll give you one small hint.
Oh, we're gonna hint now. Okay.
Stay right there. I'm here.
Don't you move.
I'm not.
(phone rings)
Don't answer
that, Jake. I'm not.
I'm not.
(ringing continues)
It's your office, I know it is.
Now, don't answer
it. I'm not answering it.
Jake, it's Gertrude.
Gertrude, look, I'm gone.
I'm on a plane. I'm
out of here, okay?
Jake. What?
Some madman's barricaded
himself in the courthouse,
and he's got Mr. McCabe hostage.
All right, I'm right there.
(siren wailing)
Lieutenant Jake Styles.
What have you got?
This is a SWA
operation, Lieutenant.
I'm special
investigator for the D.A.
I hear McCabe is in there.
Look, Lieutenant, we do not know
what's going on
in that courtroom.
When we do, we'll let you know.
Commander, that's
my guy in there.
I'm working on this
with or without you.
You understand?
All right. What have
we got for options?
Not very much. Damn few.
One of the people
that came out of there
said he had hand grenades.
That's hand grenades, plural.
You know who he
is? No. He's a walk-in.
Apparently, he just
pulled a gun on the D.A.
Somebody got it in for this guy?
It could be one
of a hundred guys.
Well, we started debriefing
most of the people
that managed to get out.
They may be able
to give us something.
Okay. Any prisoners left
in the holding cells at all?
We're checking that
out now. All right.
Look, let me try to
find out who this guy is.
Okay. Get back to me,
all right? All right, I will.
(indistinct radio transmission)
Sir, uh, Jake Styles,
Lieutenant Jake Styles.
Are you okay?
Uh, yes, I guess so.
Any word yet on the
others? No, none at all.
Um, can you describe
the individual at all?
Uh, well, as I told
the other officers,
I noticed him when he came in.
I mean, I registered it.
He was wearing a
heavy warm-up jacket.
I thought it was
too warm for that.
But I was listening
to closing arguments.
Look, I really hate to
press you right now.
Can you be more specific?
Can you think
of anything at all?
(sighs): He's, uh
mid-30s, maybe, uh
good build
brown hair
He was really quite
normal looking.
Put it against the door tight.
What are we gonna do?
Get those up there real tight.
Well, certainly nothing heroic.
Get over there! He can't
risk anyone else getting hurt.
Now! Right now, he's
pumping adrenaline.
We'll play ball and
wait for an opening.
Okay, now, everybody's
got to be real smart.
You do exactly as I say.
Right, Fatman?
That's right
It is Felix, isn't it?
Artie Felix?
(chuckles): You remember me.
Who could forget?
You see
I sent this gentleman
to jail a few years ago
for beating up his wife.
You people shouldn't
have interfered.
you know, your
problem is with me
and me alone, you know.
These people have nothing
to do with this whatsoever.
Why don't you let them go, huh?
No way, Fatman.
You're not calling the
shots around here, I am.
Whatever your problem is,
this is not the way to deal with it.
Let me help you, will you?
I'm willing to help
you, I'm anxious to.
Forget it I got
business to do!
aw, this can't be
what you wanted.
What do you want, huh?
Can't we talk about
this, just you and me
man to man?
Whatever problem it is,
you can solve it without this
stupid violence!
Never mind, Fatman.
You said you had business.
What kind of business?
FELIX: I'm not
interested, McCabe.
Artie, are you still married?
Leave her out of this.
Wh-What was her name?
It was an odd name, I remem
Whatever happened to her?
Forget the shrink
routine, McCabe.
You got the wrong guy.
Come on, man, how
about letting us go?
We didn't do anything.
Shut up!
Now, here's the drill.
No one talks,
no one moves,
no one gets killed.
Hey, man,
why don't you let me help you?
I mean, two brothers
working it down together.
Why don't you give
me one of them pieces?
Just relax.
No, no, brother,
you're not getting it.
You're not getting it, brother!
What the hell are you doing?
Making notes.
I am a reporter Hey,
leave her alone, man.
What are you, a hero?!
What the hell are
you doing up there?
Felix, we've got to talk
about this right now.
I'm telling you, McCabe
And I'm telling you, Felix!
Get back there with the others!
Come on, Felix,
put the gun down.
What are you doing
up there, anyway?
Put the gun down.
Dumb, Fatman
really dumb.
Okay, it's all
quiet in there now.
Well, you heard the shots
What the hell are we
supposed to do? We sit tight.
I'm going in. Wait
a minute! Hold it!
He could have those
hostages wired to the door.
Open it, and it pulls
the pin on that grenade.
Get the damn phone hooked
up We got to talk to this guy.
The negotiator's
on the way, Styles.
(whispering): Jake! Jake! What?
Walter! Get down!
Stay down!
What? What? There's
something weird in that courtroom.
What? The red light for the
emergency phone went on,
so I picked it up. Yeah?
I heard Mr. McCabe talking,
then the line went dead.
What'd he say? It
sounded like arguing.
He kept calling the guy Felix.
All right, J.L.
We got a name: Felix.
Arthur Felix I remember
typing the file myself.
Great. Listen, when
we confirm an I.D.,
I want anybody and everybody
who's ever talked to this guy
brought here and brought
here now, you got me?
All right, get on it.
(tosses object onto table)
Where are you going? I'm
gonna see if he's all right.
Sit down. He may
need medical attention.
I said sit down!
You're gonna shoot me
for seeing if he's all right?
You all right, Mr. McCabe?
No, I'm not, Derek.
I've been better.
Well, we got a positive I.D.
Arthur Felix,
alias Chris Felix
alias Felix Burden.
Oh, Lieutenant Jake
Styles, this is Vivian Scully.
Vivian is our
hostage negotiator. Hi.
Hi. How are you?
Why don't you give her
what you have. Okay.
Well four wife-beating
complaints against him
before they got one that stuck.
Uh 18 months
on an assault rap.
Bunch of small-time
stuff, but nothing heavy.
Any other history
of mental disorder?
Mental disorder
No, no.
There's nothing indicated.
No military record, either.
So, when do you
start negotiating?
(chuckles): Soon as I can.
All I have to do is make
contact, start a dialogue.
See, the idea is to
establish a relationship.
First, I'd like to build
a profile on this guy.
It'll help us in
formulating a strategy.
Think this has anything to do
with him being a wife beater?
Oh, it's hard to say.
Most of these guys are
insecure, have a low self-esteem,
pathologically jealous
oh, and a strong
need for approval.
They're also control
freaks, too, right?
(chuckles): Exactly.
They're only happy when
they have the upper hand.
This guy must
be thrilled by now.
You're telling me.
You better not try
to move yet, sir.
How is he?
I don't know.
You hit him pretty hard.
We ought to get him to a doctor.
No. No doctors.
I'll be all right,
I'll be all right.
(woman sobbing)
(sobbing continues)
Stop it.
Just go away.
Just stop it! Just
leave us alone.
Go away!
Be quiet.
I want everybody to be quiet.
(phone rings)
It's him.
Where's Scully?
I'll find her.
my name is Jake.
Is everything
all right in there?
Yeah, everything's terrific.
What were those
shots I heard before?
Look, your name was Jake, right?
We got some dealing to do, Jake.
All right.
Okay, I'm ready, go ahead.
"For the injustices
perpetrated on me
by the judicial system as
personified by the judge"
No, no, by the D.A.,
"reparations are
going to have to be paid
"for my years of
pain and suffering.
"For all damages, I want
a million dollars in cash
"in an armored truck
"parked on the street
outside the courthouse.
And I want safe passage."
You got that, Jake?
Yeah, I got it.
Um, listen, I got to tell
you something, Arthur.
You mind if I call you Arthur?
Arthur's fine.
(quietly): Trade for hostages.
Listen, Arthur, um
I got to be real
straight with you.
I've got bosses and, uh,
you know, they've got rules.
I really don't think
they're gonna go for this
unless you release some
of the hostages, okay?
I mean, I think if you do
that, I think we can talk.
The deal is Are
you listening, Jake?
You deliver the money
and the truck in two hours,
or I start killing people
in here every 15 minutes,
starting with the Fatman!
You got that?
I got it.
I get the truck,
I release more hostages.
I get the money,
you get more hostages.
That's the deal, Jake.
Listen, Arthur, you got to, uh,
you got to work with
me here and tell me,
how many people are
you holding in there?
eight, nine, ten.
You got anybody hurt?
Just that stupid Fatman.
How bad?
Forget about it; he'll live.
Now, what about my deal?
We're gonna do it.
We've got the truck ordered,
and they're busting their humps
to get you your
million dollars, all right?
Okay, Jake.
The clock's ticking.
(slams phone down)
He was a lot different than
I thought he was gonna be.
What do you mean? He
sounded very organized.
It was like he was reading
his demands, you know?
He probably was. Yeah?
I mean, he could've been
planning this for years.
Obsessed with the
man who sent him away.
You know, blaming
McCabe for all of his troubles.
No, I didn't get that feeling.
He was very calm.
He said something about
the judge being the personification
of something or another,
and then he changed
it to district attorney.
I got the feeling that
McCabe isn't his target at all.
Well, then who is?
MAN: Lieutenant!
We found Mrs. Felix.
Good job. Come on.
JAKE: Uh, Mrs. Felix.
You realize that your husband
is holding some people
hostage in that courtroom, right?
Artie's business
is Artie's business.
I feel bad for those
people in there, I really do,
but I can't help you.
So you have no idea
what he's after, right?
I have no idea, I swear.
Let me, uh
let me just try to maybe
explain to you
what I'm doing here.
I want to know
what makes him tick.
I want to know what he
wants, and I want to know
why he's doing this,
and I want you to tell me.
Artie is nothing special.
I mean, he's usually got
some kind of hustle going,
but he's never hit it big.
He's come close
a couple of times,
but it never seems to happen.
That's Artie.
Is that why he beats you,
'cause he's a
loser? Is that why?
He never really
means to hurt anyone.
Just like today, right?
Most of the time, Artie
is terrific Why don't you
tell me about the other times?
What about the other times?
What about the other times?
Why do you stay with him?
I love him.
Then, help me
before he gets killed.
You know what he's
doing in there, don't you?
I don't!
I wish I did.
Lieutenant, uh, uh, I've
got him on the phone,
but he's asking for you.
Arthur, it's Jake, you there?
Jake, what the hell's happening?
Where's my truck?
Arthur, these things
take a little time.
We're trying to get
it together, okay?
Listen, uh, you're
a pretty famous guy.
How does it feel to
be a famous TV star?
What are you talking about?
Oh, you're a famous guy now.
They got TV cameras
down in the street.
They've got the
whole nine yards.
Is that why you're
doing this, to be on TV?
I told you why.
I've been jerked around
one time too many.
Arthur, now listen to me.
Look, we're not trying
to jerk you around, okay?
You've got to understand that.
You believe that, don't you?
Jake, I want a TV.
You want a TV.
Uh, look, Arthur, they're not
they're not on
the air right now.
They're recording
for later broadcast.
I don't care, Jake.
You tell them I
want a freaking TV.
I want to hear
what they're saying.
All right, Arthur, listen to me.
Maybe, um
maybe they can get their
signal to you on a UHF channel,
um, but that
Arthur, they're gonna
want some hostages, okay?
You got to understand that.
You put the TV
out in the hallway,
and I'll release some hostages.
Okay, Arthur, you got it.
(guns cocking)
MAN (whispering):
Hold your fire.
Okay, everybody but you, you
you and the Fatman, go.
Hey, wait a minute,
wait a minute.
He-he you don't
need him, too.
You've got me.
Mr. McCabe, I'm gonna stay.
Get out of here,
that's an order.
Look, will you get
him out of here?
He's starting to
get on my nerves!
Go on.
I'll stay.
I said go on, hero.
Derek! Derek! Derek!
How's McCabe? Is he all right?
You all right? Felix hit him.
He's okay now.
Do you have any idea
what he really wants?
Jake, this guy's
armed to the teeth.
He's got grenades, guns.
Listen, can you think
of any way to get to him?
I don't think so.
He's got bookcases
up against the doors.
Jake, this guy is really wired.
We've got to be careful
for McCabe's sake.
All right, look this is
Vivian, okay? Vivian Scully.
She's going to ask
you a lot of questions.
She'll explain who she is.
You go with her, all right?
Where's that truck?
Come on. Come on.
Hey, it'll be here.
Just relax.
Hey, Shuba, I can handle it.
Well, well, Alan Shuba.
I thought you looked familiar.
Good to see you up
and around, Fatman.
Thank you.
You're welcome 'cause
you're our ticket out of here.
I was about to put you
away for bribing a witness
in the trial of the Delorio drug
syndicate, and here you are.
And you two know each other.
Isn't that a coincidence?
Shut up, Fatman!
Relax, huh?
The hostages are gone.
We're among friends now.
Now I see what's going on.
It's all a smoke screen.
You were hired by the Delorios
to break Shuba out of here, huh?
You'll never get away with it.
Never in a million years.
Well, you'd better
be wrong, Fatman,
because I'll tell you if I
don't make it out of here,
you don't make it out of here.
You may have a point there.
(siren wailing)
I'm all right, Dad, really.
Yeah, I'll call you
as soon as it's over.
I'm fine.
I love you, too.
You all right?
I don't think so.
I can't stop my
hands from shaking.
Jake, I was scared.
I mean, really, really scared.
I always thought that, uh
when the moment of
decision came, you know
I don't know, I'd
do the brave thing.
I acted brave and
everything, but I was petrified.
I froze.
The guy had a gun
pointed right at my face.
A real gun.
You know, I, uh..
I think, uh
if someone points
a gun in your face
and it doesn't freak you out,
I think there's something wrong.
I have to go down a
hallway looking for somebody,
it's it's real dark,
I get I get scared.
Hell, I don't know.
I guess if I wasn't,
maybe I'd be dead.
Who knows?
You know who doesn't get scared?
Dumb people.
Dumb people never get scared.
Thanks, Jake.
I'm going to need your help
to take care of this situation.
You with me?
Let's go.
It's happening, Fatman.
They're doing
exactly what I said.
You're kidding yourself, Felix.
Those SWAT guys are pros.
You're an amateur.
(phone ringing)
It's Jake.
I want you to hang on.
I've got someone here who
wants to talk to you, all right?
What's going on?
What the hell's going on?
Artie, it's Jalene.
What the hell are you doing?
Artie, you've got to stop this.
For once in your life, be smart.
Give this up.
It's crazy.
Jalene, you get
the hell out of here.
If this thing goes wrong,
if it goes in the toilet,
it's going to be your fault.
Artie, you listen to me.
If you love me, you'll
walk out of there right now.
Get out of here!
Jake, get her the
hell out of there!
Get her out of
here now! I tried.
Are you going to kill him?
Jake, what the hell is going on?
I don't know.
Answer me, damn it!
Arthur, it's Jake. I'm here.
I want that TV crew
to go inside the truck.
I want to see inside.
Arthur, listen, I don't
think I can do that.
You do it or people
start dying in here.
I'm not so dumb, Fatman.
You watch.
I'll watch.
Felix, do you always blame
your wife when things go wrong?
Fatman, this isn't
going to go wrong.
My guess is there must
be 50 SWAT guys out there.
Sure, they're going
to make you think
that everything's
the way you want it,
but it's not.
Now, you've seen it on
the news, in the movies.
You know the
routine as well as I do.
Sharpshooters have
taken their positions
on the tops of the
nearby buildings.
Ambulances have gathered
a couple of blocks away.
Local hospitals have been
Come on.
How long are you going
to listen to this guy, huh?
Don't you see what he's doing?
He's just trying
to freak you out.
They hired me to do this job.
Let me do it.
They've done this a
hundred times before.
Just when you think
you've pulled it off,
just when you think
you're home free
(growls) they've got you.
Hey, hey, we need him.
I'm going to ask him to
release the rest of the hostages.
What do you think?
It's worth a try.
Okay, get him on the phone.
(phone ringing) All right.
You on?
Yeah. Arthur, it's
Jake. You there?
Yeah, Jake. I'm here.
What are you doing to me?
I thought we had a deal, right?
We delivered the truck.
Now, it's your turn, Arthur.
I want you to release the
rest of the hostages, all right?
You'll get the rest later.
Jake, they brought in
Arthur Felix's former cellmate.
Robinson Nardo
spent four years in jail
on a conspiracy to sell cocaine,
spent 14 months in a
cell with Arthur Felix.
So that's what
this is all about.
What's Artie done?
He's holding some people
hostage in a courtroom.
That guy's a nut.
What's that supposed
to mean exactly?
Hey, you've got to be a nut to
do something like that, right?
What can you tell us about him?
What's in it for me?
Excuse me, gentlemen.
Could you excuse
us for a moment?
I'd appreciate it.
I mean, you get
nothing for nothing, right?
You know, I don't have a lot of
time to dance around with you.
I got all the time in the world.
I'm going to throw you out
the window. Come on, Jake.
I'm running out of
time, man. Tell me!
Okay, okay. Let's hear it.
You're out of your mind.
I want you to talk right now.
Felix, I don't know
What about him?
He's on the fringe.
Fringe of what?
He just wanted into my action.
Your drug action?
That's all he ever wanted.
I was innocent of all those
charges I don't want to hear that!
Okay okay
He just wanted me to connect
him with the right people.
No big deal.
What'd you give him?
I can't tell you.
Damn it, okay!
I set him up with the Delorios.
Are you sure?
Yeah, I'm sure.
All right, what are we missing?
We're missing
something. What is it?
It's right in front of us.
I know. We're
just not seeing it.
A different judge
sentenced him, right?
We haven't checked
the court calendar.
It was a different judge
and there was no jury.
All right, what have we got?
Dale, assault and
battery. Shuba
I don't recognize
either one of them.
Wait a minute.
Shuba's attorney
is Donald Erskine.
Who's Donald Erskine?
He's a lawyer in a
lot of big drug cases.
He works for the Delorios.
Good man.
Now, there's a million
dollars you'll never see.
Don't count on it.
(telephone rings)
Arthur, this is Jake.
Look, we delivered
the money, okay?
So now it's time for you
to deliver the hostages.
Let's get this done.
We got him.
Now, listen, I think I
know what Felix is up to.
There's a guy in
there. He's a hostage.
His name is Alan Shuba.
This guy is the finance minister
of the Delorio drug family.
This whole thing's
a plan to spring him.
So he's too important
to keep in jail
and too important to
kill, huh? You got it.
What's that?
Take a look at this.
Who the hell is it?
Fatman, that's me
(snaps wallet shut)
walking out of here.
So that's your big plan, huh?
What do you think, Fatman?
Not bad, huh?
J.L.: No, no,
it's really clever.
You know, I meet a lot of
clever people like you in my job,
but you want to know
the interesting thing?
They're all behind
bars, every one of them.
He's on the phone.
Arthur, it's Jake.
We're coming out.
Coming out.
Okay, this is Command.
They're coming
out. Clear the area.
MAN (over radio): Roger.
Okay, we're out of here.
Thompson, Johnson,
McCabe, over here on the right.
I need you over here. Yes, sir.
Get somebody up on high ground.
They're here, sir.
Over here by the truck.
You three, come with me.
FELIX: Everybody
stay close and tight.
(garbled radio transmissions)
Okay, hold your fire.
You ready?
Let's do it.
Ready? Go.
(people shouting, screaming)
Okay, get them out of there!
You guys all right? Oh, yeah.
Okay, I'll need your names
and some identification.
Ralph Black.
Joe Branca.
Anyone else in the courtroom?
No, just us.
Look, uh, I'd like to
get home if I could.
My wife's going to be frantic.
We'll debrief you and then
you'll be free to leave, okay?
Okay, come with me.
Where the hell's Shuba?
He couldn't have
gotten out of there;
the whole place is sealed.
I'm gonna go check it out.
Okay, make sure somebody
covers the south side,
and keep down.

Okay, thank you. Mm-hmm.
Okay, if there's anything
further, we have your numbers.
All right, thanks a lot.
Okay, see you later.
Good luck.
And you said it wouldn't work.
Fatman, you're the fool, not me.
I'm gonna be
walking out of here,
because I'm the guy
who sprung Alan Shuba.
I scored the big one, Fatman.
I'm set.
You're not out of here yet.
It's just you and
me now, Fatman.
You better pray
I get out of this.
Stay real close, Fatman.
(clip clinks on ground)
Good God, he's
holding a live grenade.
Hold your fire.
Repeat, hold your fire.
All right, you
said you love him.
If you do, help us save him.
There's, there's
nothing I can do.
What the hell are you doing?!
Just hold it right there.
Just hold it.
Arthur, it's Jake.
What are you, crazy?
Don't do it, Jake.
Now, I don't, uh
I don't I'm not
carrying anything.
I don't have anything on me.
Why don't you hand
me that grenade?
If I blow, you blow.
Now, move out of the way.
JAKE: I can't let you do that.
Come on, Fatman, walk.
Jake, go back.
Look, um
you're really willing to die
for the Delorios and Shuba?
Shut up.
You shut up!
JAKE: J.L., get out of here.
Only if you got a good one.
Hold it tight.
Okay, I got it.
I got it. Coming in.
All right.
(garbled radio transmissions)
Keep it tight.
Got it.
Well, look who's back.
All right, get 'em out of here.
Let's go, gentlemen.
You took one hell
of a chance, Jake.
Must've been out of my mind.
(chuckles) (sighs)
Well, I've only got
one thing to say to you.
Thank you.
(shouts): Gertrude!
He's all right, Mama.
I-I'll speak to you later.
why aren't you with Max?
He's probably desperate
with worry by now.
He's right over there.
Help yourself.
J.L.: Oh, Max.
Oh my baby boy.
Yeah, Max.
How are you, huh?
Oh, I'm all right.
Your old man
made it. Yes, he did.
That dog never even
knew you were gone.
Are you kidding?
Look how relieved he is.
Uh, don't snore, Max.
This is sick.
And-and you, Gertrude,
you can sleep easy tonight
also because I'm okay.
Don't worry.
I'll sleep just fine.
You know something?
We should celebrate.
Where would you like
to have dinner, huh?
Tell me, Max.
Come on, Max.
Max, wake up.

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