Pact of Silence (2023) s01e15 Episode Script

Lucía vive

[suspenseful music playing]
[monitor beeping]
Don't you dare scream, asshole.
[breathing shakily]
Someone took the cell phone
I used to contact you.
You're the only one who knew where it was.
Who did you tell?
[shakily] Uh, no one.
[hesitates] I swear. No one.
Who's been visiting you?
My parents.
And Sam.
And you know I haven't told them.
I don't want them involved in this mess.
- [door opens]
- [Rodrigo] How are you doing, son?
- Hello.
- I didn't expect to see you here.
I couldn't come sooner
because of the election.
My mom sends her apologies
for not being here.
No worries. We understand.
[Adriano] I bet
Tomás has had a lot of visitors.
[tense music playing]
Actually, you're the first visitor
he's had since he woke up from the coma.
[Adriano] Hmm.
I'm glad you're doing better.
There you go.
[tense music swells, fades]
[woman hushes, echoing] Silence.
I think Brenda is Lucía.
She knows too many details.
She spoke about knowing Carmen and Ramona.
Yeah, but she also said a lot of nonsense.
Didn't she say you were a murderer?
[sighs] Listen. It's useless,
trying to hazard a guess.
What we need is evidence.
Then we'll know
if she's telling the truth.
Oh. And we're gonna get that in 24 hours?
No. Wait.
Accepting you as her mother is one thing.
Letting her throw you in jail is another.
We killed Pedro
because of what he did to me.
- This is my responsibility.
- [Fer] No, Martina.
- Martina, where are you going?
- [Fer] Martina!
I'm going to try and stop that bitch
from blackmailing us!
[somber music playing]
- [Irene] How is she gonna do that?
- Let's go. Ugh, this is horrible.
[Martina] Excuse me. Do you live here?
By any chance, do you know
did you know a Pedro Silva?
He was my brother.
And do you know Brenda Rey?
[somber music continues]
Brenda's using your brother's death
as a way to blackmail a lot of people.
If she said she was helping you
in some way, she's lying.
She's only doing it for herself.
How did you get this address?
When your brother disappeared,
I came here a few times.
Listen, I know that you want justice.
But there are things
you don't know about this story.
I know them.
I know who you are.
I know what he did to you.
I was there.
And I know I should've done
something to stop him,
but I didn't know how.
When I saw what he was doing,
I didn't understand it.
I got scared and ran away.
Please forgive me for not helping you.
And for not telling anyone.
You never told anyone?
Not your family?
When I was older,
I realized that he had assaulted you.
And yet, I still couldn't say anything.
My dad and my mom both adored Pedro.
They hoped he'd come home
till the day they died.
If you know everything that happened,
why do you wanna send me to jail?
I just wanted to find my brother's body.
To know what happened.
I don't want you to be arrested.
I don't want to cause any more trouble.
If you don't wanna cause problems,
then why are you helping Brenda hurt me?
Somehow, Brenda is involved
in all of this.
- If Brenda's my brother's daughter
- No! She isn't.
If you're doing this because you think
Brenda's related to you, then stop.
Brenda is not Pedro's daughter.
I'm sorry, but, uh how do I know
you're not just saying that
so I'll get Brenda off your case?
Why would I make that shit up?
That scarred me for life.
I'm the victim in all of this.
The easiest thing for me
to say is that Brenda is Pedro's daughter.
Then everyone would understand
why we abandoned her.
But she's not.
I can forgive the boy
who witnessed my assault and did nothing.
But the man who's letting them
hurt me like this, I will never forgive.
What can I do?
[tense music continues]
You wanna help me?
Don't let this go to trial.
Don't make me relive this
over and over again.
Stop Brenda.
[Brenda] I felt like I was on trial.
And I was on the stand, trying to prove
to the jury that I was telling the truth.
Alex, I felt so humiliated.
There was nothing.
No signs of affection or caring.
Nothing to point
to which one is my mother.
[sighs] Brenda, just give them time.
If they really thought you were dead,
they must be in shock.
I just don't understand
how they can remain silent.
Are they willing to ruin their lives
to cover up the truth
about who my mother is?
I guess they want to make absolutely sure
that you're the girl they abandoned.
That doesn't mean that once they are sure,
your mother won't come looking.
No. I was hoping my mother
would love me, no matter what.
But not anymore.
These are the photos
I found in Adriano's hideout.
Uh, what's he doing?
What's he looking for?
[Brenda] The cell phone
he used to contact Tomás.
I guess Adriano was "boss."
[Alex] And Tomás was "Kid."
[Brenda] These messages are
from the day Itzel died.
He also used this cell
to get in touch with a drug dealer.
To buy the drug he injected her with?
Probably. Look at the location.
[tense music continues]
It's right by the alley
where we found her.
[shakily] So that means
that Tomás murdered her.
But then Adriano staged it
to make it look like she overdosed.
[Brenda] No.
Because the forensic report stated
Itzel didn't die from a blow to the head
but of an overdose.
That means she was alive
when Adriano injected her.
I don't know, Brenda.
That report was probably wrong.
It might've been easier
for the coroner to just say she OD'd
because no one really cares
about the death of a homeless woman.
I can't have doubts.
I need to know the truth.
It's totally different.
Tomás killing her by accident,
or Adriano doing it in cold blood.
Listen, Brenda, if you're going
to go toe to toe with these women,
you need to focus your energy
on finding your mom. Let me handle this.
You can't keep putting yourself
in danger for me.
Itzel was my friend too.
You know how much I loved her.
I also wanna find out
the truth and get justice.
[tense music fades]
[birds singing]
[crows cawing]
[suspenseful music playing]
This really doesn't make
any sense to me at all.
Ramona told us that she saw Lucía's body.
What if Ramona lied to us?
Why would she do that?
Because Ramona always wanted
to close that chapter.
She could've told us Lucía had died
so we wouldn't go back to the village.
But we did go back.
We went back to confirm
she was dead by finding this grave.
Hello! Good morning! Sir!
Good morning.
Could you dig up that grave, please?
[gravedigger] I can't dig it up
without a legal order.
Yes, I understand.
But no one will notice if you dig it up.
And I'll give you a lot of money to do it.
A lot.
[suspenseful music playing]
- What we're doing is illegal.
- I know that.
[shovel scraping]
I know. I'm a lawyer.
Don't you think I realize what I'm doing?
But do you have any other ideas
on how we can find out if Lucía's dead?
- Because I'd love to hear what they are.
- [music intensifies]
[lid scrapes]
[music fades]
[music swells]
Why the fuck did you let my mom
leave the campaign rally by herself?
Sorry, sir. But she insisted.
She had something personal to do.
Next time, I want you to follow her
without her knowing.
I don't want her left alone.
- Understood?
- [driver] Yes, sir.
I've got a job for you guys.
Go over to Brenda's
and let me know when you see her.
Yes, sir. I'll do that. Right away.
You. Go to this address.
There's an idiot
who lives there called César Silva.
Let me know what he does.
Especially if he looks for Brenda.
- [bodyguard] Yes, sir.
- [suspenseful music playing]
[birds singing]
[door rattles]
[gentle music playing]
[sighs deeply]
[Fer] "I am now in Valle de Chalco, Mom."
Lucía waited years and years for us.
She hoped
that we would come looking for her.
She lived in these horrible conditions,
and yet, she still
believed that one day
her mother would come.
[Sofía] Poor Brenda.
- What an awful childhood to have.
- Wait, Sofi.
We still don't know if Brenda is Lucía.
She said she lived in a house with Carmen.
The grave is empty. It all makes sense.
It's also possible
Brenda may have met Lucía
and pretended to be her.
Why would she do that?
She said she didn't want money.
Need I remind you both that this girl
tricked us all and screwed us over?
[gentle music continues]
[softly] Yes. She did.
[engine starts]
[suspenseful music playing]
I don't think you should stay here.
I don't like this place.
[Brenda exhales]
[Alex] You need to be safe.
Come stay with me.
[Brenda exhales]
I'm sorry, Alex.
I know this affects you too.
Adriano will look for me there.
I'd rather he thought
you know nothing about me.
Okay. Then I guess we'll stay here.
Alex, please. I don't wanna cause problems
with Gustavo.
Don't neglect him because of me.
[suspenseful music playing]
[cell phone rings]
[call connects]
[Jacinto] All okay with the target?
I lost the fucker.
Don't have a clue where he could've gone.
[Jacinto] Where are you now?
I'm lookin' right at his truck.
It's parked outside the hotel.
[Jacinto] He's gotta be inside.
Wait until he comes out,
and don't let him out of your sight.
Yes, sir.
- Hi.
- [Brenda] Hi.
Sorry it's late, but I've got
something important to tell you.
Yeah. Don't worry. Come in.
- Alex was just on his way out.
- Hey.
Yes, yes. I was just leaving.
But, please. Don't leave her alone here.
She's being very stubborn about it.
- No. Don't worry. I'll take care of her.
- Thanks.
[door closes]
What's up?
Martina came to see me.
How did she know where you live?
The thing is, she asked me not to continue
with the case surrounding Pedro.
I think she's right, Brenda.
She's already suffered so much
because of my brother.
I used Sofía's tape recording
to try and pressure them today.
And they still wouldn't say
who my mother is.
Martina's not your mom, Brenda.
[suspenseful music playing]
Martina had the chance today
to tell me she's not my mother.
Why didn't she?
I don't know. Maybe she didn't want
to betray her friends.
That's the dilemma.
It's impossible to know
if they're telling the truth.
They're covering for each other.
Martina told me she wouldn't lie
about what my brother did to her.
I believe her, Brenda.
She's telling the truth.
And that should give you peace of mind.
At least you know now
you weren't the product of rape.
That's a good thing.
It makes me feel good too, Brenda.
- Ever since I met you, I feel like you
- César, wait.
There are things going on
that I haven't told you
because I wanted to be sure first.
- What are you talking about?
- It's Adriano.
I'm sure he's the one
who attacked you in your house.
Adriano was the one
who was behind all the attacks on me.
And today, I went to his hideout,
where he and Tomás planned all of them.
- [César huffs]
- I found all the evidence.
- That motherfucker!
- No. César, wait. He doesn't know yet.
[suspenseful music continues]
He doesn't know I found out,
and I don't know how to tell him. I
I feel so stupid because you told me
not to trust him, and I
- No, wait. No.
- I didn't listen to you.
No. Brenda, it's not your fault
you met a jerk like him.
You're so much better than he is.
You deserve
a special kind of love.
[tender music playing]
I don't want to hurt you.
And right now, I'm not doing too well.
It's not fair to you.
[takes a deep breath]
I'm sorry.
[tender music fades]
I've never seen a blue giraffe before.
- Cami, if you use this, then it'll be
- [knocking on door]
[door squeaks]
- [Enrique] Hello.
- Hello.
I'm Enrique,
one of Sofía's writing friends.
- Oh.
- He's a friend of my mom's.
Hiya, Cami. How are you?
My mom's not here.
I know. She called me
to tell me she was running late
and she's busy
and I could come over to watch you.
- Wait, Sofía asked you to come here?
- Yeah, yeah.
But I can stay out here. It's no problem.
I'll just wait.
[suspenseful music playing]
No, it's okay. Come in.
Come on, Cami.
[Sofía] I wanna check on Camila,
but there's no cell service.
[Fer] You don't have to worry.
Sam's babysitting her.
What worries me is what happened today.
Imagine if it all comes out, Sofía.
My family will hate me.
Rodrigo will never forgive me.
[Sofía] So are you guys
actually getting divorced?
How's it going with Manuel?
[Sofía scoffs] From bad to worse.
I couldn't pick Camila up from school,
and he assumed I was with Enrique.
You've got to stay
the hell away from him, Sofía.
I've tried to.
But Enrique's a macho guy
who can't stand
the thought of being ditched.
His ego doesn't like it.
He's stalking me now.
You hear what you're saying?
You've got to listen to yourself
'cause he's really dangerous.
[suspenseful music continues]
[line ringing]
[recording] We're sorry,
but the person you have dialed
cannot be reached.
- [line ringing]
- How old are you by the way?
- Fifteen.
- Fifteen years old. You look older.
Your mom was that age when I met her.
And your mom too, Camila.
[line continues ringing]
[recording] We're sorry, but the person
I don't think they can answer.
They're too busy. That's why they sent me.
I still wanna know where they are.
[line ringing]
- [Enrique] Everything was simpler before.
- [recording] We're sorry, but
You liked boys or you liked girls.
But now it's all mixed up, right?
Look, it's getting a little late.
And we need to go to bed.
You should get going.
Anyway, I've already texted my father.
He's coming over.
[suspenseful music continues]
Okay, then.
But you tell Sofía that I behaved myself
and I took good care of you.
[suspenseful music building]
Good night, pretty lady.
[music fades]
[tense music playing]
[music swells]
You haven't heard anything from Brenda?
[Alex] No, Adriano.
She's not answering my calls.
Yeah. Mine either.
And you're sure you haven't seen her?
We're not that close right now and
she's been neglecting her work.
I don't know.
I'm a bit upset about it. Listen.
If you hear from her, let me know.
Will you, please?
Yeah. I'll let you know.
I've got a ton of
missed calls from Samantha.
- From Samantha?
- Yeah.
Hey. So do I.
Let me know if they're up there?
- Sofía.
- They're not here.
No, look. Manuel picked them
up and took them to my place.
[Ricardo] Where were you, Irene?
Why did you leave the campaign rally?
[Irene sniffles]
- What happened?
- [Irene sobs]
[Ricardo] Leave us alone, son.
[crying] No.
It's pointless trying to hide this
from him. Everyone will know soon.
[dramatic music playing]
Twenty-five years ago,
my friends and I abandoned a little girl.
[breathing shakily]
It's a really long story.
We were so young, just teenagers.
We didn't know what to do.
We didn't know how to
deal with the pregnancy.
- You were pregnant?
- [Ricardo] No.
Your mother told me everything,
and she was not the mother of that child.
Why are you doing this now?
The 4 of us always thought that
That the baby had died.
[crying] But today, Brenda told us
that she was the baby.
At first I didn't believe her
But I've seen some things
now that are changing my mind.
[dramatic music continues]
Her grave is empty.
[Ricardo] You dug up the grave?
It doesn't matter.
Of course it matters!
You did something illegal
in a public place
right before this country's election!
[Irene] Is that all you care about?
She threatened us!
She said I wanted to kill her!
If she said that, then that proves
she's nothing but a bold-faced liar!
She knows everything about the baby.
Just because she knows
doesn't mean it's her!
She could've researched it!
Adriano, I know you probably think
I'm the worst woman
in the world right now.
But you've got to understand all we needed
was someone to take care of her
for a while.
And then we were gonna go back and get
It was supposed to be temporary,
but they told us that she had died, and I
I don't know what to believe.
I'm not judging you. Hmm?
[Ricardo] For now, Irene,
you've got to calm down.
And deny every single
thing that Brenda says.
You're not going to ruin
everything we've worked so hard for.
I won't let you do it.
Will you stop thinking about the
fucking election for a minute?
What I meant to say, Irene
Is for you to concentrate on winning.
Once that happens, then we'll deal with
it in whatever way is most convenient.
Come in, Sofi.
The girls are in Samantha's room.
Manuel, let me explain.
Excuse me, Fernanda,
but I don't wanna make a big scene here,
but what happened today was very serious.
[Fer] What? Did something happen
to the girls?
[Manuel] No. But it could've been bad.
Enrique was at your place
with Samantha and Camila.
He said you told him
to go over and watch them.
- What? No! I never said that.
- Uh-huh.
Seriously, Sofía, you've got
to do something about that guy.
He's a predator.
You've exposed my daughter now too.
I'm going to check on the girls.
Manuel, I swear. I didn't know about it.
Besides, I would never invite Enrique
to my place.
Sof. Come on, Sofía.
Ugh. I've had enough.
Obviously, Camila will stay with me.
And you and I are gonna have
a chat about our daughter,
but this is neither the time
nor the place.
- Manuel.
- No, don't!
Right now you're gonna tell me
where that son of a bitch lives.
[Manuel] I'm gonna win!
I'm gonna win! I'm gonna win!
Look! I'm winning! [laughs]
- I'm gonna win!
- [both laughing]
- Daddy, look.
- Oh. Huh?
- My shoelace.
- What's wrong? Oh yeah. Come here.
What's up, sweetie?
Daddy, I wanna come and live with you.
Why, hon? Tell me. What's wrong?
Is there something
at Mommy's house that scares you?
It's just, her friend scares me.
You don't have to worry about that
because I promise
I will always protect you.
- Okay?
- Mm-hmm.
Look at this.
- Feel that.
- [giggles] No.
[knocking on door]
- [door squeaks open]
- [tense music playing]
Hey! What the
- Wait! Calm down!
- Think you're tough? Harassing girls?
Wait! No! You've got it all wrong!
- [grunts]
- [Enrique groans]
[Manuel panting]
I don't care
what you got goin' on with Sofía.
But you come anywhere
near my daughter again, and I'll kill you!
No! I didn't mean to frighten them.
Sofía asked me. She asked me to go over.
I swear.
[Manuel grunts]
[both panting]
You've already been
in jail for being a pervert.
Do you want me to report you
so they'll throw you in there again?
No! I get it! I get it!
Understood! No. I won't go near her.
I won't go near her. I fucking get it!
You sick fuck!
[music swells]
[Enrique panting]
She came to visit me in jail, you know?
This thing I have
with Sofía's been going on
for years, asshole!
[suspenseful music intensifies]
- [music fades]
- [exhales]
Why the hell did you go
see Pedro Silva's brother?
Relax. We had a really good talk.
He's assured me
he's not gonna pursue it any further.
And you believed him?
Yes. I did, Fer.
I think he was really embarrassed.
He even apologized to me
on behalf of his brother and himself.
But Brenda has my confession.
Yes, but he promised me
he'll stop Brenda from doing anything.
I had to tell him that
that Brenda's not Pedro's daughter.
And that I'm not Brenda's mother.
Oh no. Why'd you tell him that?
[Martina] I needed to convince him.
Listen. Just look at the bright side.
At least now Brenda
can't use this against us.
[Irene] Are you serious?
If she doesn't accuse us
of Pedro Silva's death,
she can accuse us of abandoning her.
Don't you get it?
We went to the town cemetery yesterday,
And Lucía's grave is empty.
So are you saying that Brenda is Lucía?
- Yes.
- No.
Which is it? Yes or no?
- [sighs]
- [suspenseful music continues]
Why don't we just tell the truth?
Listen, Martina. It may be easy
for you to just tell the truth,
but it's another story with my family.
My son's in a hospital
And I'm petrified that if my kids
find out the truth, they'll hate me.
Manuel already hates me
because of Enrique,
and he wants to take Camila from me.
Admitting who Brenda is
will be the end of me.
[Irene] I already
told my family everything.
I could tell Brenda was going
to tell Adriano at any minute,
so I told him first.
But that doesn't do anything to ease
the pressure I'm under right now.
It's not only from my husband.
It's the party. It's the press.
It's It's all of it. I, uh
But Brenda is still a threat to us.
What're we gonna do?
She gave us 24 hours
to reveal who her mother is.
[Sofía] Manuel
- I was just heading out.
- I won't take up your time.
I just want to tell you to hire a lawyer
'cause I'm gonna fight
for full custody of Camila.
[gentle music playing]
[crying softly]
[ringtone playing]
Hello, Javier.
[Javier] My bosses
are pressuring me, Sofía.
This can't wait another day.
You've got to pay back
the money that we advanced you.
No. Please, wait.
I need a little more time, Javier.
If you don't pay it back today,
then we're going to have
to take you to court.
[gentle music continues]
Please. I'll proofread manuscripts
or whatever you need to pay off the debt.
[Javier] The only solution
I see to remedy this situation
is for you
to bring Brenda Rey here, in person.
And have her vouch
for you in front of the publisher.
She's the only one
who can help you, Sofía.
[driver] That bastard
hasn't shown his face all night.
He hasn't left the building
or the hotel next door.
[Jacinto] Brenda
didn't come home yesterday.
They must be in the hotel.
I already asked, and she didn't check in.
Well, obviously she didn't use
her real name, idiot.
- Okay. We gotta let Adriano know.
- Yeah, all right.
Well, they told me that you're a doctor.
- He's a really good doctor.
- Mm-hmm?
Interesting. [laughs]
I was taught that you should always have
a good doctor close by.
Can you explain something to me?
Why is a man like you,
handsome, a doctor, here all alone?
You stole from me. You conned me!
Will you marry me?
[Martina] You blew me off!
I love you, Martina.
Why does he wanna hurt me? What did I do?
I'm sorry. [sighs]
I can't do this anymore.
[woman] Do what?
What's going on, honey?
- Excuse me.
- Omar?
[Rodrigo] Since you're back at work,
are you feeling a bit better now?
[sighs] I didn't have much choice.
Seriously. You know what it was?
You see that entrance
full of people looking at me and saying,
"Look at her.
She was dumped. She was ditched."
- [laughs]
- Don't laugh!
Ah. I don't know, Rodrigo.
I just hope that I'll get over it soon.
You know?
Well, there are things you can do.
- Did you report him?
- No, no. I don't know if I'm gonna do it.
I don't wanna go through the hassle of
lodging a complaint.
Besides, he asked me not to.
I think you should file
a report against him.
People like Omar keep on scamming
because nobody stops them.
I bet you're not his only victim.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Adriano] I've been looking for you.
I thought something had happened to you.
You're in a hotel with this fucker?
- Leave her alone.
- Stay out of it!
- Hey. Hey!
- Huh?
It's fine. It's fine.
- [sighs] Come on.
- No.
- You wanna talk here?
- Yes. Here's just perfect.
There are people
and witnesses in case you try to hurt me.
I've never wanted to hurt you.
You've tried many times. But no more.
Not to me. Not to Alex or César.
Not even to Tomás.
He may not deserve my empathy
because he helped you stalk me,
send me photos,
send me threats, attack me.
And kill Itzel.
Are you trying to play
the innocent in all of this?
- You wanted to use me for revenge.
- To get back at your mom.
But you actually tried to murder me.
Don't try to deny it.
I've got the evidence against you.
- I never tried to murder you.
- [gentle music playing]
I fell in love with you as soon I saw you.
How can you say you love me
when every time you touched me,
you thought of hurting me?
Do you know how disgusting that is?
- Don't say that, baby.
- Don't call me that.
I did love you, Adriano.
I almost gave everything up for you.
It was like you could erase all the pain
and anger I'd felt my whole life.
That's all I've ever wanted to do.
I wanted us to get out of here.
- To forget everything.
- No.
You wanted to take me far away, murder me,
and leave me where no one would find me.
The only thing I've done is protect you
from the people who've wanted to hurt you.
- And there's still time.
- Still time for what?
Do you seriously think
I'm stupid enough to leave with you
after all the shit you did?
I love you so much.
Don't fucking touch me ever again!
[menacing electronic music playing]
You know what?
It's probably useless reporting you.
Your family would bribe a judge,
The police wouldn't listen,
But you're going to pay
for everything you did.
There are way worse things than jail.
[suspenseful music playing]
- [Adriano] You don't know who I am.
- Shut the fuck up.
What? You think I'm an idiot?
You broke into my house
and tried to kill me.
But I fucked you up. Or did you forget?
[music intensifies]
[door opens]
I was surprised to hear from you.
I know it's been a while
since I've seen you, Ismael, but
I need to ask you a favor.
Anything at all.
Thanks to your recommendations, I found
a good job after your husband fired me.
[tense music playing]
I never wanted him to do that.
You are a good person.
And reliable.
You can count on me.
What is it you need?
I need you to investigate
a woman named Carmen Perez.
The most important thing to find out is
did she have a daughter?
If she registered her, what her name is.
And where she went after Carmen died.
[César] Are you sure this was
a good time to come back to your place?
Adriano can't hurt us and if he tries,
I want you and Alex to expose
the evidence we have against him.
Are you really planning on telling
everyone that those women abandoned you?
I gave them 24 hours to find me.
[knocking on door]
[suspenseful music playing]
No, wait. Wait here. I'll go.
With everything, we don't know if it's
your mom or someone wanting to hurt you.
But if it is her,
please leave us alone. Okay?
[gentle instrumental music playing]
[door opens]
[door closes]
I came alone like you asked.
I'm your mother.
[gentle music continues]
[breathing shakily]
[closing theme music playing]
Subtitle translation by: Mariela Rascioni
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