Roswell s01e15 Episode Script

Independence Day

- Previously on Roswell.
- Roswell's not home.
This is the closest thing we have to home right now.
For you two, maybe.
My foster dad just keeps me around for the monthly check.
You always have to be able to leave pack a suitcase, go somewhere else.
- He's worried about you.
- The only father I need is the one out there waitin' for us.
- [Max.]
What does this mean? - That he's back.
Nasedo's here.
I don't even know how to explain it, Maria.
Are you listening? - I'm listening.
- When Max kissed me, it was like I don't know.
- It was like I saw things.
I could feel the universe.
- Okay.
Okay, stop.
- Stop, stop, stop, stop.
- What? - I have just the thing for you.
Open your mouth.
- What? - Just open your mouth, okay? - Okay, fine.
Oh! That That's really gross.
What is it? - What is it? - It's grief relief.
- What? - I got it at my mother's shop.
It's this herbal remedy that shocks the body back into reality when the mind's gone into overload.
Veterinarians use it to calm wild animals.
- Oh, well, that That's great.
- Here.
You can have this.
Anytime you feel yourself spiraling out of control put four drops under your tongue, okay? - Okay.
- Now would be a good time.
- Hey.
- Hi.
Uh What's that? Oh, um It's It's nothing.
You know, Max, the other night when when we kissed, I, um - Yeah.
- Hey.
Something's up with Michael.
He's acting weird.
Weirder than usual? I just saw him at the other end of the hall, and he went the other way.
- Maybe he didn't see you.
- No.
He was ignoring me.
He practically ran into the bathroom.
Will you just go in there and see what's going on? - Right.
- Thank you.
I'll see you later.
Hey, Michael.
You all right? - [Toilet Flushes.]
- Yeah.
I'm fine.
- 'Cause Isabel thought - Can a guy get some privacy? [School Bell Rings.]
- I'll wait.
- Max, just get outta here.
- You can't stay in there all day.
- Max, I'm serious.
! Just leave me alone.
I'll be out in a second.
How'd it happen? - He was drunk.
- Hank? - Has it happened before? - Couple times.
- This was the worst though.
Never left a mark.
- Michael Don't.
I don't want you feeling sorry for me.
I don't want anyone feeling sorry for me.
Everyone's gonna ask.
Not if it's gone.
Fix it.
L I tried but l - And what about the next one? - There won't be a next one.
You don't have to protect him.
He's not even your real father.
No kiddin'.
I don't want anyone else to know about this.
- Michael, you can't just - Maxwell, it's between you and me.
- [Bell Dings.]
- You and me, Liz, we've got to stick together, hold our ground.
No matter how much they try to charm us.
They are like a drug.
- We have to just say no.
- Maria, I try and stay away, but I don't I can't help myself.
[Bell Jingles.]
- He obviously feels the same way.
- Okay.
Do you remember that commercial when the girl takes the pan and bashes up the kitchen? Okay, this is your brain on Max.
- [Amy.]
Hi, girls.
I have pies.
- [Laughing.]
- Wow.
That's a lot of pies.
- Yes.
I have chocolate, banana, rhubarb strawberry and coconut.
Did I hear someone say coconut? - How'd you know that was my very favorite? - [Laughing.]
Excuse me while I go and throw up.
I only made one.
Oh, that's a shame, 'cause that looks awful good.
- [Giggles.]
- And so do you, Amy.
Oh, well I'd make you another one, but it'd probably just go to waste considering, on our last two outings you didn't really make it to dessert.
- [Clears Throat.]
- Uh.
Work called.
Yes, but, see, when I make a pie for someone I expect it to get eaten.
[Clears Throat.]
Well, how about this evening then? I'll tell you what, Amy, if you make it I'll eat it.
Just remember, Jim, in this state, we have a "three strikes" law now.
- Yes, ma'am.
- [Isabel.]
Are you saying what I think you're saying? Calm down, Isabel.
I promised him I wouldn't tell anyone.
Then why did you tell me? 'Cause I'm worried about him.
I don't know what to do.
You can't just tell me something like that and expect me to do nothing.
! My favorite little wrestler.
- Hey.
- Hey.
You told her.
What are you going to do, pretend it didn't happen? - You have to do something.
- Like what? - Tell someone.
Report him.
- Yeah? Who, Valenti? Yeah, that'd be a smart idea, wouldn't it? Max told me this has happened before.
- Look, I'm sorry, but I had to tell her.
- Look, everybody's got problems.
If it wasn't this, it'd be another thing.
I'm a big boy.
I can handle it.
Maybe you could talk to my dad.
He's a lawyer.
He could help.
He once told me about this case he had where he helped a minor get permission to live on his own.
Forget it, Iz.
The last thing we need is for me to go to the courts and bring all this attention to us.
- Well, if he hurts you again, Michael - He won't.
- You could use your powers.
- I had to stop myselflast night.
I can't control my powers like you and Max.
You guys know that.
Especially in the state of mind I'm in.
If I did anything, I'd probably kill him.
Well, all I know is you can't go back there.
- So stay with us.
- [Scoffs.]
At least until Hank calms down.
Fine, if it's gonna shut you up.
- How are we gonna explain this to Mom and Dad? - I'll think of something.
- Are you sure this is a good idea? - Yeah.
In fact, I think it would be good for Michael to be part of the family.
Michael, we usually wait till everybody's sitting before serving ourselves.
- Why? - It's polite.
Mm, okay.
Who wants some of my famous green bean delight? - [Philip.]
Sounds good.
- Michael? - Well, I really don't see any beans in here.
- Oh, they're in there.
They're chopped into the cream of mushroom soup.
I don't know.
Looks kinda It's delicious.
You should try some.
I don't want to, thank you.
So, Michael, how long is your father away? Uh, just a couple of days actually.
[Clears Throat.]
- What does your dad do again, Michael? - He's not my dad.
He's my foster father.
Actually, he's in, um, marketing.
Isabel, are you gonna let Michael answer a question? You know, in all the years you've been friends with Max and Izzie I don't think we've ever met him.
No great loss.
Well, um, what Michael means is that, um Why don't you let Michael tell us what he means? I didn't mean anything.
- [Exhales.]
- [Door Opens.]
I am so wiped out.
I don't know if I'm good for any studying tonight.
Sugar rush.
Always works for me.
- [Gasps.]
- [Amy Laughing, Muffled.]
Oh, my God! - [Valenti.]
- [Door Slams.]
- Mom! I'm home! - [Hushed.]
Oh, my God.
Hi, girls.
Uh What are you doing home so early? - It's 10:30.
- Oh, my God.
I must have lost track of time.
Uh, you want some pie? - No, no.
Um [Clears Throat.]
- No, thank you.
Uh, we-we're gonna go in my room and study and you should go to sleep 'cause you've got a really big day tomorrow.
I will.
- Soon? - Very.
- Alone? - Of course.
I'll be right there.
- Uh, right after I say good night to the sheriff.
- Sorry.
- Mm.
- [Out Of Breath.]
Evening, girls.
- Hi, Sheriff.
- [Amy Clears Throat.]
All right.
As long as I'm back on Park Place I think I'll buy a hotel.
You're killin' us here, Isabel.
- Yeah, I know.
- She's ruthless.
You gotta watch out for her.
- Man, oh, man.
- [Diane.]
Okay, let's regroup.
- It's Michael.
Your turn.
- [Clears Throat.]
- [Diane.]
- Ah.
Let's see.
Atlantic Avenue with four houses.
That's 975 you owe.
Oh! Ouch! Ouch, ooch.
- Ow.
That's a lot.
- How about I just catch you next time around? [Laughs.]
You'll catch me on the next time around? - [Diane.]
That's a new rule.
- Mike, we usually pay on arrival.
That's okay.
I'll lend it to him.
Oh, Isabel, no.
No lending except from the bank.
- Uh, but he doesn't have any houses to mortgage, so - Just rub it in, huh? L-I'm not trying to rub it in, Michael.
What's the big deal? Why can't she just lend me money? It's a game.
Well, the deal is, in this house, we play by the rules.
Well, I don't wanna play anymore.
Michael, wai Michael.
You didn't have to be so rude to my dad.
- Rude? He was stickin' it to me for no reason.
- It was a game.
- He doesn't like me.
- He doesn't know you.
- I don't want him to know me.
- He could help you.
You just have to speak up and tell him the truth.
And what, be a poster child for domestic abuse? It's not gonna happen.
You have to do something, Michael.
Please don't just pretend it didn't happen.
See ya.
He's not easy, Isabel.
Never has been.
- I know that.
- You can't push him like that.
- He was acting like a child.
- Maybe.
And maybe you need to stop treating him like one.
You can't make up for, in one night, what he's never had in a lifetime.
I'm really scared for him, Max.
- [Crickets Chirping.]
- [Dog Barking.]
[TV: Man Announcing Hockey Game, Indistinct.]
Where the hell have you been? [Man On TV.]
The forecheckers are so strong and so fast [Sighs.]
[Object Thuds.]
- [Knocking.]
- Maria? [Clears Throat.]
[Clears Throat.]
I need to ask you for some space.
I can't feel like you're judging me all the time.
- I'm just trying to look out for you, Mom.
- What are you so worried about? I just don't want you to rush into anything.
"Anything" orJim Valenti? I don't trust him, okay? And I don't want him to use you.
So What would he be using me for? Well, for the same thing all men want.
[Clears Throat.]
Maria there are, like, three single guys in all of Roswell and two of them live in the Desert Inn Retirement Community.
Okay? Jim is a nice guy.
He has a good job and he's responsible and he's fun.
He's a cop.
You're a hippie.
Well, opposites attract.
I don't know.
- The man's got a lot of baggage, Mom.
- He's been married once.
Who hasn't been these days? No, but he's that type, you know? That guy, that tough guy who, like, can't open up or admit he has emotions or you know, admit that he needs you, you know? Those are the most dangerous of them all.
I promise.
Don't worry, honey.
Michael will come around.
Mic What? Michael? I was not - I didn't say one thing about Michael.
- Sure, you didn't.
- I meant hypothetically.
- Whatever, honey.
[Deep Sigh.]
Just Just take it slow, all right? Once they get physical with You know, once they get what they want they disappear.
I hope you're not talking from experience.
Just yours.
- I told you to do the wash.
- I'll do it later.
- Today.
- I'm not your maid.
Oh, you're right.
You're good for nothing.
Do the wash now! Go to hell, Hank.
No wonder your parents left you out in the desert.
Who'd want ya? Who are you, Father of the Year? You're a man who keeps me around just to collect a monthly check.
! - What are you guys doin' here? - We heard some yelling.
- What's goin'on? - Get out, all right? - Well, hello, dolly.
- Shut up, Hank.
- Wanna have a drink with me? - She doesn't want a drink.
Who the hell are you, her lawyer? - Leave her alone, Hank, all right? - I asked her a question.
I'm waiting for her answer.
- Hmm? - Here's your answer.
You ever touch Michael again, I will kill you! You're gonna kill me? I don't think so.
Just take it easy.
We're going.
- [Whimpering.]
- [Gunshot.]
What the hell? Oh, you little bastard.
You're a freak.
I always knew it.
You're a freak.
- Michael, let's go.
- [Isabel.]
Michael, we have to go.
- Come on.
- Now.
- [Door Slams.]
- [Michael.]
You made it worse.
Now he knows.
Michael, Hank was so drunk he's not gonna know what he saw.
- He sure as hell isn't gonna remember it in the morning.
- Isabel, I can't go back there.
- Good.
- [Michael, Scoffs.]
You just don't get it, do you? I know Hank's a jerk, but that's the only thing I had, and now you screwed that up for good.
- Just come back with us for now.
- For how long? Two days, three days? What's that gonna do? L - We'll figure something out.
- Max, I don't belong there.
I don't belong there.
I don't belong here.
I don't belong anywhere.
- Michael, we understand why you - No, you don't.
- Isabel, you don't understand.
- So you got a raw deal.
No one's saying you didn't.
God, Michael, you finally have a chance to change it.
Would it kill you to ask for help just once in your life? [Sighs.]
You know what? It would.
- Where are you going? - Doesn't matter.
Michael, wait.
- #[Rock.]
- [Thunder Rumbling.]
What are you doing out there? No.
You can't come in.
I know why you're here.
I know what your plan is.
I know what you want.
But it's not gonna work this time, mister, no matter what you say.
My answer is no.
No, no, no, no, no.
God, you could get pneumonia.
- [Sniffles.]
- Here, take your shirt off.
Hold on.
You're shivering.
Come here.
- [Crying.]
- Shh.
It's okay.
You don't have to tell me.
It's okay.
[Birds Chirping.]
- [Door Opens.]
- [Yawning.]
Maria, honey, you're gonna be late.
Oh, my God! [Gasps.]
- Mom - Get out! Get out of this bed! - Out of this bed! Out! - Take it easy! No, wait! Michael, wait! Mom! - Mom.
- Maria! Kitchen! Now! My baby girl's having sex.
- I am not having sex.
- Then what exactly did you do? Nothing.
We just slept.
I know that one.
I used that one.
You act like I have no self-control.
Oh, yes, because teenagers are known for self-control especially teenage boys.
Michael is not like that, okay? Well, sometimes he is, but - What? - But not last night, all right? He was upset about something.
I don't know what he was upset about but sex was, like, the last thing on his mind.
Oh, thank you.
There is a God.
That's why I let him stay.
Oh, yeah, and what exactly were you thinking, letting him stay here, young lady? And besides, why is it okay for you and not okay for me? - I'm 16.
- Yes! You are 16 years old and no 16-year-old daughter of mine is gonna have sleep-overs with boys.
- Got that? - Whatever.
No, not "whatever," Maria.
As you so subtly pointed out last night my history with men has pretty much been a train wreck.
And I don't want you to make the same mistakes.
Now, I can't go back and change my life but I will be damned if I watch yours go down the same way.
I love you too much.
- Yes? - [No Audible Dialogue.]
Neighbors heard gunshots.
I don't know anything about that.
But you were there last night.
Went home to get some stuff.
What time was that? Uh, does it matter? You were the last person to see him.
What do you mean I was the last person to see him? I called the plant.
He never showed up for work.
Maybe he's passed out somewhere.
I don't keep track of him.
Neighbors also said they heard an argument and then later more sounds screaming, crying.
Tortured sounds, like an animal.
"Almost inhuman," they said.
What are you talkin' about? - Where were you, son? - Out.
What you said about Max really made sense, and I've been sticking to it.
You would be so proud of me.
Just last night even.
I said it really clearly.
" Of course, Max wasn't there, but, when he is there, I'll be ready for him.
Are you even listening to me? Oh, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
What's wrong? - What? - Have you guys seen Michael? - Mm-mm.
- Maybe.
Come on, Maria.
You have to tell me.
It's really important.
Well, if it's that important, then you tell me.
I'm worried about him too.
I can't.
- All right.
Michael's in trouble.
- What? What kind of trouble? It's Hank.
He's, um He's been hurting him, and Max and I are trying to help.
- Oh, my God, Isabel.
- Michael made us promise not to say anything.
He was with me last night.
- All night.
- What? He spent the night? Maria, what happened to "no"? He never told me what was wrong.
We just slept, and then In the morning, my mom came in and he took off, and I haven't seen him since.
- [Bell Jingles.]
- Valenti's got Michael.
- Why? - Hank's gone, and they think he had something to do with it.
#And she said ## Hey.
[Clears Throat.]
Um, you know the boy that I slept but didn't sleep with? Unfortunately, the shock has indelibly printed his face on my brain.
- He's in jail.
- Oh, this just gets better and better, doesn't it? He didn't do anything, okay? Your, uh, good friend Sheriff Valenti is holding him because he can't explain his whereabouts last night.
And personally, I think it was very noble of him to protect my dignity.
Oh, yeah.
How very "Bonnie and Clyde" of him.
[Clears Throat.]
Anyway, since the sheriff seems to like you so much I thought maybe you could tell him where Michael really was.
- I could.
- Mom.
I know he didn't make the best impression on you this morning.
No, Maria.
This has nothing to do with him.
This is about you and me.
I need to be able to trust you.
Then trust me.
I swear to you.
He's a good guy, and he's in trouble.
I wouldn't ask you otherwise.
[Clears Throat.]
[Door Opens.]
[Clears Throat.]
Wait for me outside.
I appreciate you doing this.
- No problem.
- I'm telling you the truth, Jim.
If you say he was at your house then, uh then he was at your house.
But you wouldn't have believed Maria? Well, she's 16.
She'll say anything to protect her boyfriend.
But she's not just any 16 year old.
She's my daughter.
- Amy, I'm just doing my job.
- Yeah, but it seems your job keeps coming between us.
Where's this coming from? I like you, Jim.
You know I do.
But Maria's at that stage now and you know that stage.
That I do.
And l I have to keep an eyes on things.
I can't get distracted and you're a distraction.
Well, then don't give me up.
- [Max.]
So everything's okay? - Oh, yeah, great.
Michael, about Hank being missing you didn't you didn't do anything to him, did you? - No.
What, you thought - No.
- No.
- So, what did Valenti say? Well, he said he's gonna find me a new foster situation.
Not a 'home.
" A 'situation.
" - I'm sure he meant that - No matter what home I get, it's a substitute for the real one.
- Michael, you can't just run away.
- Watch me.
- [Sighs.]
Where are you supposed to go? - Anywhere but here.
You two can stay in your nice little world with your pot roast and your Monopoly games 'cause it's pretty clear to me you're not interested in finding our real home.
But I'm going to.
I'm gonna find Nasedo.
- He's my family.
- And what are we? You wanna know what I think? I think it's time you either put up or shut up.
- Very poetic, Isabel.
- You act like a five year old.
When are you gonna grow up and stop blaming everybody else? Is that what you think, Max? I think it's not safe out there.
I think Nasedo is dangerous, Michael.
- You don't know that.
- You heard what Hubble said.
He's a killer, a shape-shifter, and he's out there.
He could be anyone.
We need to stick together now more than ever.
You're wrong, Max.
Go on and run, Michael.
It's what you do best.
[Isabel Sighs.]
[Tapping On Window.]
- Liz, I'm sorry l - No.
It's okay.
I know we've been needing to talk.
There's There's some more important things to talk about though.
I heard about Michael.
You okay? Not really.
I've just never seen him so upset.
I have this weird feeling that he he's just gonna leave without even saying good-bye.
You know, maybe because if he did he wouldn't be able to go through with it.
I can't lose him.
I thought I locked that door.
Uh, yeah.
Yeah, you did.
- What are you doin'? - [Sighs.]
You see this? This is all I know about who we are these stones that River Dog gave us at the cave when Michael was sick.
They're the only thing we have from the place we came from.
It was the first time I realized we had a home somewhere a real place.
But they don't mean anything, not without Michael.
Packing? If you could call it that.
Everything I have fits in this bag.
- You have me.
You have Isabel.
- Say good-bye, Max.
- I can't.
- We'll keep in touch, all right? - It's not good enough.
- It's gonna have to be.
- All right? So say good-bye.
- I can't.
- Max - I know what you're scared of.
- No, you don't.
- You keep telling me how lucky I am to have a great home, great parents.
But, in one way, it's harder for me because, when I screw up, I have no excuses.
But you you can do and say anything you want because you have Hank and you can blame it on that.
But what happens without him? It'll all be on you.
That's what.
Well, leave it up to me to still screw it up, huh? It's okay, Michael, because if you do, we'll all still be there for you.
Maybe you have to start thinking about someone other than yourself.
The three of us belong together.
There's a reason that we're together.
We're a family.
So go if you want to, but no matter where or how far we will always be connected.
Isabel and I wanted you to have this.
It means nothing without you.
See ya.
[Thunder Rumbles.]
- What a joke.
- Huh? Roswell.
I wouldn't bother, but it's on my southwest route.
I sell a lot of soda in these tourist towns.
Yeah, right.
I don't know why in the hell they come here.
Aliens, I guess.
Ain't no aliens in that town.
Let me ask you somethin: If you were an alien you can go anywhere in the world would you pick Roswell? [Laughing.]
Trust me.
There ain't nothin' in that town.
What are you doing? Making an omelette.
What does it look like? - I didn't know you could cook.
- Yeah, well, there's a lot you don't know about me.
You're full of surprises.
- Good mornin'.
- Hello, Michael.
- I thought I'd cook breakfast for the family.
- Oh.
Well, well.
What's going on here? Uh, Michael is making breakfast for everyone.
Looks good.
- Uh, there's another thing, sir.
- Yeah? Uh, I was wonderin' if you could help me.
Uh, I want to [Clears Throat.]
I want to find a way to live on my own, and I was told it could be done.
It's complicated.
You'd have to file a petition for emancipation go before a judge.
I'll do whatever it takes.
I've thought about it, and I wanna take control of things.
And I think I'm, uh, ready to do that now, so Why don't you come by my office this afternoon, and we'll talk.
I'd like to know more about your situation.
This afternoon then.
And does the minor, Michael Guerin pledge to take charge of his life as an adult from here forward? I do, Your Honor.
And do you understand that you will be solely responsible for your financial, educational and medical decisions as they may arise? I do, sir.
And I might add, young man that, uh, you are fortunate in having these folks here today who have an interest in your future and have shown a confidence in you that is reflected in my decision.
I hope you can live up to that faith.
I'll try, Your Honor.
I hereby grant your petition for emancipation.
[Door Opens.]
I heard you put out an A.
- You heard right.
- [Laughing.]
- Here I am.
- In all your glory.
- So you can call off the hounds.
- Where you been, Hank? Down in Carlsbad.
Landed in a bar.
Met a lady.
What can I say? Huh.
You wanna tell me about the gunshots? Oh.
Well, um Never clean a gun while you've been drinking.
- Uh-huh.
- Anyway, I got an offer from a plant over in Las Cruces.
My lease is up next week, so I'm hitchin' up the trailer and I'm gone.
Thing is, I'm goin' alone.
So if I need to sign some papers about that boy or anything - Won't be necessary.
- Oh.
And, Hank, make it soon.
Oh, don't worry, Sheriff.
I'm already gone.
[Inhaling And Exhaling Forcefully.]
[Engine Starts.]

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