Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e15 Episode Script

Episode 15

Ruby's Ring What? They're coming home? Yes.
Because Ruby's sister woke up from a year-long coma, they canceled the trip and went to the hospital.
They'll be home later.
But it's their wedding night.
They could have taken a later flight.
Dad, wedding nights don't mean anything any more.
What are you talking about? That only applies to people who are What's the expression? Who are whacked out like you.
Pardon? Whacked out? My goodness, grandma, how do you even know that expression? Don't laugh.
You shouldn't underestimate me.
I may be old, but I'm hip and internet savvy.
Then you should know very well that the wedding night means squat to Be quiet.
Watch what you say.
The wedding night is sacred.
It may mean squat to a party girl like you.
Whenever I think about you, I can't help but sigh and worry.
You refuse to get married.
And what about on Gyeongmin's wedding day? The groom's sister came in ripped jeans.
Our family has a reputation to uphold.
It was so embarrassing.
Grandma's right.
It was embarrassing.
I told you my flight was delayed.
Be quiet.
When you make a mistake, you say, "I won't do it again," rather than talk back to your elders.
That's right.
Apologize to grandma.
I'm sorry, grandma.
How will you ever get married when you're so saucy? Grandma.
Gyeongsuk, why don't you call that matchmaker? Was it Mrs.
Kim or Mrs.
Lee? Call her so we can get rid of this girl.
Or put out a wanted ad for a son-in-law.
Gyeongmin must be home, mother.
Come on in.
You must be tired.
We're home, grandma.
Yes, my good boy.
You had a long day.
You too, Ruby.
No, grandmother.
It was a great day.
Who am I? Who am I? Runa, do you feel okay? Yes.
Ice cream.
It's for you.
I'm sorry, but what am I supposed to call you? I don't remember.
Take it slow, Runa.
My name is Jeong Runa? Please tell me.
How do we know each other? We were lovers.
We loved each other very much, enough to promise one another we'd die together on the same day.
I don't remember.
I can't remember a thing.
Don't force yourself.
Everything will come to you with time.
I'll make sure you regain your memory.
Let's drink, wife of Bae Gyeongmin.
I love you.
I love you too.
By the way, what were you talking about earlier on our way to the hospital? Huh? You asked me to forgive you and not hate you.
I was just stressed.
There was a lot on my mind today.
You startle me from time to time.
You don't seem like the old you.
You seem like an entirely different woman.
I think we spent too much time apart.
Let's never do that again.
Tell father and grandmother breakfast is ready.
Yes, mother.
Breakfast is ready.
Hey, Gyeongmin, breakfast.
What did you just say? Pardon? Hey, Gyeongmin? Are you calling some neighborhood fella? You should call him "dear.
" It makes me feel awkward.
I don't care.
It really bothers me when young women these days call their husband "hon.
" Your husband isn't your hon.
What's with that? Ruby usually calls Gyeongmin by his name.
Well that is better than "hon.
" These days, it's not frowned upon to use their name.
It's just how they talk.
Changgeun even says, "Hey, Ruby.
" Yeah? Yes, mom.
So I have to stop nagging her about it to be hip and cool? I suppose so.
Go and get your husband and sister-in-law.
Yes, mother.
Mom, she's trying very hard, so go easy on her.
This is all new to her.
Good grief.
They say a father-in-law always takes his daughter-in-law's side.
But be careful.
Gyeongsuk will get jealous.
Yes, mother.
I am very jealous.
Let's eat.
Why is this so salty? Who made this? This is pretty bad.
I put Ruby in charge of the soup.
What? Where's our housekeeper? - She quit.
- What? She had family matters to attend to.
Hey, Gyeongmin, I mean, dear.
Dear? Grandmother's orders.
I can't call you "Gyeongmin.
" Is that so, dear? Doesn't it feel awkward? Not at all.
I like it.
Let's go down and have breakfast, dear.
Go on.
And get your sister on the way down, dear.
What a pain.
Wait, wait, wait.
Hey, I need to go to work with you until I get my own car.
Let's go.
We haven't had time to talk, and yet you're poring over that research report.
Dad's really worried.
He buys a home shopping channel without any concrete plans and just throws me a whole bunch of papers.
That's because he knows you'll do a good job.
I don't know.
So what's it like being married? I'm sure it's nice.
But it's a bit strange.
Maybe it's the accident, but Ruby's personality has changed a lot.
That's actually a good thing.
She doesn't feel like the woman you dated but someone else entirely, right? Don't men always dream of being with another woman? I prefer being with the woman I know.
You did marry your first love after all.
But complete and unconditional devotion isn't always a good thing.
I'm not like you, sis.
Hello? Hi, Ed.
You go ahead.
I have a meeting at the Yujin Hotel.
- See you later.
- Okay.
Excuse me.
Who are you? Where are you going? The vice president's office.
Didn't you see the sign? No peddlers.
Please leave.
But Please just leave.
We're busy here.
Please go.
Listen here.
What for? I won't ever see you again, so I don't have to listen to you.
You can cost me my job, you know? Jeez.
I asked you to leave.
I'm the new executive director of media.
If you're the executive director, I'm the president.
Hurry up and leave.
Hurry up.
Go away.
We could've just gotten a cake from a bakery.
Why did you have to insist on baking one? But Chorim, your niece was discharged from the hospital after a whole year.
A $10 bakery cake won't cut it.
Plus, her uncle-to-be is a chef after all.
I have to bake her a homemade cake.
What? Uncle-to-be? Come on now.
Who said I was marrying you? You did, didn't you? Isn't it your dream to marry someone who's never been married? I've never been married.
Don't get your hopes up.
The world's full of single, unmarried men.
Give me a break.
Sure, sure.
And some of them are 70 or even 80 years old.
They're all over the place.
Why does it always stop at flirting? Why won't he propose to me? It's a bad deal for me anyway.
I have young women chasing after me left and right.
I don't even know why I put up with an old hag and her crazy talk.
What? Crazy talk? Old hag? Wow.
Who are you saying is talking crazy, you dirty dung beetle? Take that.
Oh, really? Oh? - Hey! - Gotcha.
What the Are you kidding me? How dare you? Chorim.
What do you think you're doing? Mrs.
I came as fast as I could, but I'm a bit late.
You didn't have to come.
How's the headache? I'm fine.
You go ahead.
I have to park the car.
Let's go.
Jeong Runa.
You must not be that bright.
You're still Jeong Runa? Looks like you need more practice.
Be careful or you'll get caught.
Watch what you say.
Me? Why? I merely called you by your name.
Don't mess with me.
Acting like this won't do you any good.
Jeong Ruby would have never been like this.
You know that right Ruby? You're crazy.
Not as crazy as you.
I came down to get Mr.
Let's go.
You're not a little kid.
Aren't you ashamed Soyeong had to see it? That low-life Dongpal started the whole thing.
It doesn't matter who started it.
You never learn.
Don't try to explain yourself.
Just go back to the restaurant.
Soyeong won't be able to handle it alone if there's a lot of orders.
All over a stupid cake Did Runa ask you to bake her a cake? Did I ask for a cake? You two just focus on the restaurant.
Come on in.
You're here too.
I was running a bit late.
The hospital bills were paid for, right? Yes, thanks to you.
Don't forget to thank Gyeongmin and your parents-in-law.
What happened to you? You're a mess.
What? A mess? I'm having a bad day as it is.
Hey! Is that something you should say to your aunt? You've really changed for the worse.
Now that you have a rich husband, you think you're a hot shot? Why are you taking it out on Ruby? You know very well how saucy's she's become.
She's not the old Ruby anymore.
I'm sorry.
It's stressful living with my in-laws.
Please don't be angry with me.
I'm heading out.
She's had a bad day and took it all out on Ruby.
Na, have you eaten? Please call me Insu, ma'am.
I'm family now.
Very well then, Insu.
What? Really? You called her an old hag? And crazy talk? I'm disappointed in you.
It really makes me angry.
Why are you angry? As a fellow woman.
It's terrible to call a woman an old hag.
I'm so disappointed in you.
You're a real jerk.
What? Jerk? Mind your manners, young lady.
I apologize.
Why you Come on, fellas.
You can sit here, sir.
Get us soju and some kimchi.
And chili peppers too.
May I take your order? We'll start off with what I just said.
And bring us some wet towels.
May I take your order now? Order? We already ordered.
Wet towels.
That's very funny, but I'd like to take your order.
Hurry up and order.
I will.
One soju.
Sir, this isn't a bar.
This is a restaurant.
So give us a bottle of soju.
Never mind.
Get out.
We're not serving you.
Who do you think you are? I don't like your tone.
And keep your voice down.
You keep your voice down.
Oh, really? Take that.
What in the world? Get out right now! Get lost! - Who are you? - We're not serving you.
Do you want a tour of the police station? You scumbags! If you ever do this again, you'll really get it.
- What jerks.
- Dongpal.
How dare they? You were so awesome.
Look at these biceps.
Soyeong, I'd like a glass of cola.
Of course.
Oh, wow.
Um Are you okay? Here, Dongpal the Great.
Chop chop.
Would you like a sip? Dongpal! Your nose Oh, no.
It's bleeding.
You have a nosebleed.
Oh, no.
Why'd you put that straw in? - I'm sorry.
- Oh, no.
You poor thing.
Reporter Jeong Runa Mom.
Yeah? This is me? Yup.
It doesn't seem like me.
Of course it is.
I told you.
You were a TV reporter.
A popular one too.
You're Jeong Runa.
Jeong Runa.
Your my sister, Jeong Runa.
Na Insu What do you want? I told you, didn't I, that I'd follow you to the ends of the earth? You mean follow Runa.
Because you're Runa behind that mask, and Ruby merely has Runa's face.
I'm Ruby.
I'm no longer Runa.
I'm Jeong Ruby.
You'll tell yourself that until the day you die.
"I'm Ruby.
" "I'm not Runa.
" "I'm Jeong Ruby.
" But what about your rotten self lurking behind that facade? So what do you want me to do? I want you back as Runa.
I still love you, Jeong Runa.
Do you really not get it? I went through so much to get to where I am.
This has taken me a year of painstaking effort.
Do you think I'd bat an eyelash at your threats? Not even a chance.
We'll see whether or not I can make you bat your eyelash.
Why are you doing this to me? Because I love you.
Revenge for betraying my love for you.
How crude.
Crude? Do you want to see how crude I can really be? You may have gotten everything, but I've lost it all.
My faith in love, my faith in people, laughter, happiness, and even my job.
All because of your dirty greed.
Hon, why are you being like this? You said you loved me.
So please leave me alone, okay? I'm happy right now, so please let me be.
Now you're more like Runa.
Charming only when you need something.
What do you want? Money? I can give you as much as you want.
I'm sure.
Your husband's rich.
What I want is you, Jeong Runa.
I'll make a concession.
Give me a baby, a baby that looks just like you.
Then I'll forgive you.
You're insane.
Don't forget.
So long as you don't give up, I won't give up either.
What I want is you, Jeong Runa.
Give me a baby, a baby that looks just like you.
Then I'll forgive you.
So long as you don't give up, I won't give up either.
Yes, mother.
Are you making kimchi? Yes, mother.
Taste it.
It's good.
Very delicious.
It's perfectly seasoned.
What's wrong? Why didn't you pick up? It wasn't anything important.
What's the matter with you? If you keep this up, I won't sit back either.
What's wrong? Nervous? But you said you were happy.
To your happiness.
I told you I can go alone.
I'm just worried those guys earlier are lurking about somewhere.
My shoulders are a bit sore from fighting off riffraff.
Why don't we go and sit over there for a bit? Okay.
It's hot.
Give me some room, will you? You have plenty of room.
Good grief.
You don't have a romantic bone in your body, do you? Did you get hurt earlier? I'm fine, Chorim.
You said you were sore.
I'm okay, Chorim.
You were going on and on about how strong you were, but you were struck cold by a straw.
Oh, right.
My nostril stings.
Really? It stings? Yeah.
Right here.
Good grief.
Let me see.
Oh, no.
You poor thing.
What is this? Good grief.
Old or young, everyone's smooching wherever they feel like.
Are you scared? Yes.
But you've done this before.
Just follow me.
Are you okay? So you've come, madam.
It's money.
It should be plenty.
You can move overseas, start a business, or do whatever you want.
Money's nice.
But I told you want I wanted.
It's not money.
Don't be such a hypocrite.
Why not use it to get your face done again? You can go back to being Jeong Runa.
You're not Jeong Ruby.
You're not Jeong Runa, either.
You're a monster, a plastic surgery monster.
That's what they call it these days, right? Focus.
You're Jeong Ruby, Jeong Ruby.
Focus, Jeong Ruby.
Even just a planner with contact information or a diary Nope.
Don't have any.
Are you happy being married? This coffee smells so good.
And familiar too.
I mulled over this all night.
I rushed over so I wouldn't change my mind.
Why didn't you tell me the truth? This can't be.
This isn't me.
I'd rather you'd disappear.
I'd rather you were dead.
See you next time
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