Snowdrop (2021) s01e15 Episode Script

Episode 15

We're all going to get out alive, right?
I'm relieved that my dad will be able
to make up even a little
for what he did to my friends.
I thought about it,
and it's too dangerous
for you to stay with me until the end.
Soo-ho, I'll stay by your side
until the end.
By the way,
where are you going to go?
We will…
meet again, right?
Don't worry.
As long as we're alive,
we will…
meet again someday.
When we meet again…
I promise
I'll give you this necklace back.
Send the SWAT team into the dorm.
Without anyone finding out,
get my daughter out of there.
Even if you have to break her legs.
You must
get her out.
And as soon as she's out,
blow up the dorm.
Honey, about the 13 people.
That's 13 people.
I know. I know I'm being absurd
asking you to do this.
But I'd do anything
to make you the President.
Have you already forgotten?
Nam Tae-il tried to kill you.
let's reassure them
by turning the dorm's power back on.
And I'll go to the camp
and blow up the dorm myself.
Understood, sir.
And sir,
Mr. Nam's been taken to the agency.
Nam, why?
Back in my KCIA days,
we used to even arrest
and torture incumbent assemblymen.
Just because
our agency was renamed to the ANSP
doesn't mean we can't torture
or even kill
the ruling party's Secretary-General.
Whether you torture
or kill me,
let's talk alone.
I'm still Nam Tae-il,
the general who used to lead armies!
Our intrepid general
doesn't want to lose face.
Listen, Chief An.
You know our peckers just do what they do.
I had no idea that teasing wench
was a Northern spy.
According to
the National Security Law 4-2,
you should be sentenced
to death or life in prison!
Come on.
You know we're almost there.
We're about to win.
You and I must work together
to help the government regain power
and secure peace and prosperity back
to our country, the Republic of Korea!
You and I must work together?
That's right.
Didn't you use to call me a dung fly?
How could a dung fly
and a tiger work together?
Come on.
Don't you know a dung fly is
stronger than a tiger?
If a dung fly flies
towards a tiger's nose,
the tiger hits
his own face with its paws
to try to catch the dung fly,
and it ends up with deep wounds
made by its own claws!
Listen to this bastard.
So are you saying
I'll still be a dung fly no matter what?
My God! My back…
My back hurts.
No, that's not what I meant!
Mr. An.
I'm sure you've heard
of the Lord of the Flies. Right?
The Lord of the Flies!
I'm saying you're the man in power!
This bastard…
The Lord of the Flies?
Mr. An.
Your wife says it's urgent.
Hey. I'm quite busy
interrogating Nam Tae-il. What is it?
Didn't you say you checked
with ABK Partners about Linda Young?
But they say she's never been to Seoul!
Didn't you check? Are you an idiot?
She's never been to Seoul?
I only checked if there was a Linda Young.
And the fortuneteller vanished
into thin air, that charlatan!
What do we do now? We're doomed!
Vanished into thin air?
What about the money?
What happened to the company funds?
Call the Airport District right now.
-Yes, sir.
-What does Linda Young look like?
Tell me now!
The company funds?
Moran Hill 1 intercepted the money
the South was going to send us.
And the ANSP found out her identity.
"Kang Cheong-ya
would never betray the party"?
As if your son was not enough,
and now Kang Cheong-ya?
If we won't be able to get the money,
it's all on you!
Instruct Chongchon River
to kill Lim Soo-ho right away!
Tell him now
we will guarantee his family's safety
if he kills that bastard.
Eliminate Lim Soo-ho.
Your family's safety guaranteed.
Comrade Joo, what did the party say?
There's no way they haven't replied yet.
Comrade Joo!
"Message well received.
Maintain the status quo."
Now that they've received the message,
Lim Ji-rok will be dismissed, right?
Most likely.
Then they're not going
to kill your sister today.
But Comrade Kang's run off
with the money. What do we do now?
Eun Chang-su
has offered to help us
flee to another country safely.
-What do you guys think?
-Are you insane?
How can we trust him?
We can't.
We shouldn't trust him,
but we can use his offer to our advantage.
The election is in five days.
If we stay here like this, in five days…
we'll all die.
If you guys decide to stay here,
I will too.
if you think
your family will be safe if you die here,
you're mistaken.
We must live
to find a way to save our families.
I will do as you say, Comrade Lim.
Stand by at the hideout
and kill Moran Hill 1 if she comes.
Have you seen this person?
-It's a woman.
-It is.
-Look closely.
-Okay. Have you seen her?
The North told Soo-ho
they'd kill his sister if he doesn't
blow up the hostages and himself
by midnight.
So you must get back in!
In any case,
it's a relief that we've saved
your sister from Lim Ji-rok.
It's too early to be relieved.
The dorm must blow up at midnight
as if we've blown ourselves up
for the North to be completely fooled.
And we need Eun Chang-su
to tell the North we've killed ourselves.
But will he?
I doubt Eun's put aside
his desire for power in this situation.
If only Kang Cheong-ya came back…
We shouldn't have trusted her.
if Eun is pretending
to have changed his mind,
he'll kill or take the hostages
to the ANSP even if they're released.
I don't know if this can stop it,
but once the cameras are set up,
Gal is released,
and the parents have arrived,
release all the hostages.
Once all of them are out,
my agents and I will get out
with Yeong-ro.
Release them?
Then they'll tell people
that I helped the spies.
Darn it.
A foreign woman in her 30s.
Blonde hair and about 170cm tall.
Tell Airport Security and Customs.
We must catch her!
This is Gye Bun-ok.
Now of all times?
What is it?
The spies are planning
to release the hostages.
You know I'm anti-communist to the bone.
I'm the one who told you
that Kang Cheong-ya is a Northern spy!
Listen carefully.
If you contact me again,
I will kill you.
So keep your mouth shut and wait.
That damn bastard.
Mr. An!
We've found out that Kang Cheong-ya made
an international call from her house.
It was to Swiss BR Bank's Tokyo branch.
Swiss BR Bank? Kang Cheong-ya called them?
Then Linda was…
That damn bastard. He found out
about Kang Cheong-ya thanks to me.
Did you tell him…
that Kang is a Northern spy
with that radio?
What is it? You've spied for the ANSP,
but you don't approve of others doing it?
-You have no idea what he's--
-I know he's powerful.
I don't care if he's ANSP or not,
as long as he's capable of helping me.
I told you not to dare
to think about only saving your skin.
What's so wrong with that?
What can you do to end this anyway?
You can't even save one person,
so stop lecturing me.
It's starting to bug me.
Gye Bun-ok! Give me that radio.
Give me the radio.
Give me the radio now!
Darn it.
Do you even know what you've done?
Kang Cheong-ya should've come back--
Do you know my sister?
This is Yeon-ok, my older sister.
How do you two know each other?
We met abroad. That's all.
Why did you keep it from me?
You must've met in Germany.
You knew I was her sister all along,
didn't you?
Why did you pretend not to know?
Because she spied for the North?
You knew about that from the start.
You still hired me.
Don't tell me…
Are you a Northern spy like my sister?
Your sister and I never spied
for the North!
What do you mean?
What do you mean by that? Tell me!
Keep it down.
All of us getting out safely
is more important right now.
My smart sister Yeon-ok was a traitor
who studied in Germany
on a government scholarship
but fell head over heels for some commie
and even went to Pyongyang.
That's what they said.
That's not true!
It was
Professor Choi Seong-muk
who went to Pyongyang, not that man.
He was accused of espionage only
because he was the professor's student!
That was the only reason the young man,
who was against the dictatorship,
was framed!
How do you know so well
about my sister's boyfriend?
Because he was my fiancé.
Are you satisfied?
Don't try to only save your own skin.
You don't care as long as he's powerful
enough to help you? But you know what?
He's the one who tortured your sister.
He's the one who tortured and drove her…
to suicide.
Why do you keep running to the kitchen
after saying you'd go to the restroom?
My goodness. I already told you.
I have to go cook chicken soup.
He must be hungry.
Fine, okay. Just sit down.
Stay seated.
Don't tie too tightly.
Hey, it hurts!
This is
all your doing, isn't it?
The ruling party's Secretary-General
working with his mistress
to siphon off the ANSP's secret funds?
If candidate Park Mu-yeol wins
the presidential election
and this grand scandal breaks…
that'll bring down Code 1 at once,
won't it?
Then, candidate Park would be elated.
I mean,
he really wants to get rid of Code 1
who has too much power.
Isn't that it?
That must be it.
I guess you've learned many things
working in the agency.
Scheming, buck-passing,
and framing people without evidence.
You live up to your reputation.
That's fantastic.
You think it's funny?
How about I work on you
to really live up to my reputation?
Dung Fly.
Don't ever aspire to become the President.
A punk like you who doesn't use money
for politics and keeps it for himself
should never be a politician.
You're a master at framing people.
You must be planning to frame me for this
and take the credit.
You reckless punk.
You dare touch Code 1's money?
He won't even send you to prison.
He'll probably cut off all your limbs
while you're alive and grind you up.
Wait, no. That's been done before.
He hates copying others.
Since he's an animal lover,
he'll probably throw your wife and kids
to crocodiles without anyone knowing.
Well, I just…
tried to increase the amount
as a person in charge of his safe.
You idiot!
Will you drag me into this
and plunge into deep water,
or will you join hands with me
and soar into the sky again?
Mr. Nam, please save me.
If you do, my life is yours.
Uncuff me first, you bastard.
Kang Cheong-ya…
What will you do about her?
I'll get rid of all the evidence
related to her!
Let me slap you just once.
Thank you, sir.
-How's it going at the scene?
-There's nothing-- No.
The spies say
they'll release the hostages.
But they all know
Cheong-ya is a Northern spy!
God damn it!
Mr. Nam.
Mr. Nam.
When is Mr. Nam coming?
I can't reach him.
Where's the detonator?
The detonator!
You bastards.
They're planning to release the hostages,
but you're eating noodles?
Get him the detonator!
Before the hostages are released!
-Hurry up!
-Be careful.
Yes, sir.
At 22:00 sharp, we will blow up the dorm.
Get it ready.
Yes, sir.
At 22:00 sharp, we will blow up the dorm.
All units, evacuate. I repeat.
At 22:00 sharp, we will blow up the dorm.
All units, evacuate.
What are you doing? It's dangerous.
There are no cameras.
And there are no parents.
I haven't heard from your father yet
that he arrived.
It's because my dad hasn't come yet that
there's no sign of any of them, right?
The dorm must blow up at midnight
to save your sister.
Don't worry.
Nothing's going to happen
to my sister tonight.
I'm finally accomplishing my mission.
Put your gun down.
Put your gun down.
Comrade Joo.
Your target is me, not Yeong-ro.
Let her go up to the second floor.
They're all going to die anyway.
You'll kill the hostages
and blow yourself up?
If you die that way,
you think you'll be awarded
the Hero of the Republic?
My mother will be safe at least.
You should be the one
keeping your mother safe.
You must stay alive no matter what
and find a way to save her.
The party's abandoned us.
You think they'll look after her?
It's all your fault.
You ruined everything!
-If only you hadn't come here--
-Shut up!
You're the one who disobeyed me
and followed me here.
I was just following the orders
to keep a close eye on you.
On whose orders?
Who ordered you to keep a close eye on me?
And my superior ordered to kill you
this time too.
Goodbye, Lim Soo-ho.
Comrade Kang.
What time is it?
All units, stand by.
All units, stand by.
Mr. Nam Tae-il!
After deceiving the whole country
pretending you were about to die,
you come here walking on your own?
Are you disappointed?
You should've had a better sniper do it.
Arrest him.
Don't come any closer.
Don't come closer! This is the detonator.
They all die if I press this.
Chief An.
What the hell are you doing?
He's violated the Military Secret
Protection Law and National Security Law.
He's a criminal.
Do you have proof?
Show me the evidence
that I violated those!
How shameless.
Kang Cheong-ya,
your personal doctor, is a Northern spy!
You little…
Ms. Hong.
We looked into that.
And we didn't…
find any evidence of Dr. Kang being a spy.
This is
He's been loyally serving the country.
But he did what with a commie?
That's just wrong!
That's just absurd!
-What are you doing here?
-What happened to the 300 million?
Look, Ms. Cho Seong-sim.
You can't just deny it.
The truth will be revealed eventually.
Did you see it?
Do you have proof?
Lower your guns.
How dare you! He's the former Army Chief
of Staff's son-in-law!
How dare you point a gun
at the ruling party's Secretary-General?
Arrest all of them for defamation.
Lower your guns, you bastards! Now!
Lower it! Yes. Now!
Damn you!
It's me, Cheong-ya.
You're listening, right?
You see,
I took a secret Swiss bank account
that has 300 million dollars in it
and came back into the dorm with it.
So if you blow up the dorm, honey,
this money will be gone too.
Well, if you don't care,
go ahead and press the detonator.
We promised to go to the Maldives
for vacation. I'm sorry I can't go.
Honey, I love you.
That cunning whore!
Honey, don't be fooled!
She's trying to drag us down with her!
It wasn't me
who lost the 300 million dollars.
It was him! An Gyeong-hui lost it.
What? Are you seriously doing this?
What? Are you stabbing me in the back?
Everyone heard it, right?
"I love you."
"Honey, I love you."
You little bastard, how dare you!
Didn't you hear
she's trying to drag us down!
What do you mean, "little bastard"?
I know you're very shocked
by your husband's affair,
but you're way out of line!
Hey! You took a bribe of a 5-carat
diamond ring from Kang Cheong-ya.
You're the one
who gave her the 300 million dollars.
How shameless!
That's right. They're the ones
guilty of espionage!
You might make up
my son's birthday at this rate. Hey!
We're suffering
because your husband had an affair
with a Northern spy!
We were only trying to make an investment
for our country!
For our country, my foot.
Shut your trap, will you?
What are you guys waiting for?
Arrest all of them!
Be quiet, woman!
How dare you order them around?
Get rid of them.
No, you won't!
You got shot trying
to rescue your daughter
who fell for a damn commie.
Don't pin this on me!
I've always been loyal to our country.
I've done nothing wrong!
I have nothing to be ashamed of
before our country and people!
God damn it.
My God! You!
You bastard.
I'll kill you.
You bastard.
-Let go of me!
-Stop it.
Can't you see how he beat me up?
He even tried to kill you.
Why are you treating his wound?
That's enough.
That's enough. Eung-cheol.
Look at me, Eung-cheol.
Now that Comrade Kang's here
with the 300 million dollars,
we should focus on getting out alive.
With that money, we'll be able to rescue
our families in the North.
If you run with the money,
do you think the party will let you live?
They will hunt down you traitors
and kill you mercilessly.
You goddamn bastard. I'll kill you.
All right.
We'll leave him here.
Leave him here.
You… Do you really want to die in here?
You and I are in the same boat.
You want to die here
and be displayed to people?
And if your body is humiliated,
our country will look the other way.
They won't do anything.
Because they can't admit
to the presidential election scheme.
If you kill Soo-ho as ordered,
do you think
Choi Su-ryeon will take care of you?
Do you?
To her, you are…
nothing but a pawn on her chessboard.
Choi Su-ryeon?
The deputy director of the MSS
is Comrade Joo's superior.
You mean…
the daughter of Choi Du-ik,
the former Minister of PAF?
Do you know her?
You must be dying to bring me down.
If I give you a present before I leave,
then I guess we'll be even. Right?
What are you trying to pull?
Whenever I look at this painting,
I am
reminded of you.
"Saturn Devouring…"
I don't remember the name.
Lim Soo-ho
that you've ordered to kill.
I picked him up off the street
18 years ago.
And his sister who was about to die.
Do you know who he really is?
He's Lee Tae-san,
the son you abandoned to climb the ladder.
If you want to save your son,
don't even dream
of removing me from my position.
Haegeumseong 1 is in the dorm,
so if I say the word,
having your son killed
is a piece of cake for me.
Send Haegeumseong 1 a message right now
and tell them to kill Soo-ho right away.
You must be mistaken.
My son Lee Tae-san
died 18 years ago.
To serve our Supreme Leader with my life,
I abandoned my reactionary husband
and all my children.
So Lim Soo-ho is your son,
not mine.
The reactionary who betrayed the country
and took the lead
in stealing our 300 million dollars
with Kang Cheong-ya!
And since you're his father,
you must be held solely responsible
for this.
Choi Su-ryeon speaking.
Arrest Lim Ji-rok right now.
From now on,
your mother is the Workers' Party,
not me!
Forget the name Choi Su-ryeon. Understand?
You made the kid
you picked up off the street
into a sharp knife to kill me,
but too bad.
You stabbed me,
but I didn't shed a drop of blood.
You're right.
The biggest mistake in my life
was considering you human.
As you told me,
I sent a message to Haegeumseong 1.
Lim Soo-ho will be killed soon.
Take him!
Deputy Director Choi Su-ryeon…
You know her, don't you?
I don't know her.
I didn't think you'd really come back.
What's the point
of running with the money?
I'll always be chased by someone
trying to kill me.
That will be like living in a cage.
But if it's inevitable,
I thought two would be better than one.
We must take
Eung-cheol and Gyeok-chan too.
I can't abandon them like our country did.
Did you think
I'd ask you to leave alone with me?
With this certificate and password,
you can withdraw this money too.
And the password is…
the date we spent the night together
in that foxhole.
I've scouted a ship to stow away on.
A cargo ship departing
from Pyeongtaek Port at 2 a.m.
At 2 a.m.?
But that's too tight.
I should go call Eun Chang-su first.
Nam Tae-il's been arrested.
And Gal will be released soon.
Han-na's on her way to the agency
to pick him up.
That's good.
It's not bad for us
that Eun Chang-su took over.
What's wrong with you?
If you were going to come back,
why did you knock Han-na out and run?
If you were so worried about her,
you shouldn't have had her
do such a dangerous job.
Why did you have her tail me
and complicate things?
We must leave by midnight no matter what.
Let's tell Ms. Pi to prepare to release
the hostages as soon as Gal arrives.
We should use the 300 million dollars
as bait to get out of here.
As soon as Han-na arrives at the agency,
lock her in the interrogation room.
And do not let her meet Gal.
It's me.
If you open the way for us
to leave for another country safely,
we will pay you 300 million dollars
for sparing our lives.
In return,
tell the North that you've killed us
and retrieved the money.
It's a win-win.
The North will not chase us.
And you'll be able to pay the North
the 300 million dollars.
You'll be the one
making the scheme a success.
What do you say?
All right.
Okay. For you guys to leave safely,
I'll have the SWAT team back off
and get a car ready.
Come out through the shrine
in five minutes.
We'll leave after releasing
all of the hostages.
So set up cameras
in front of the main gate
and bring the parents now.
But the situation has changed
since you intercepted the money.
The President has ordered to send in
the SWAT team to capture you right away.
So I need some time
to persuade him.
I'll give you until midnight.
I can't give you more.
In return,
when you release the hostages,
release my daughter too.
Now that you have 300 million
in your possession,
you don't need
to keep holding her hostage.
I'll release her with the others.
At 00:00 sharp,
come out through the shrine.
Yes, sir.
Where did I put my lawbook?
Come on, Gyeong-ja.
Get it together.
You can't pass the bar like this.
Where did I put the book?
It must be in here.
Where on earth is it?
Here it is.
Eliminate the agents including Lim Soo-ho
and return with Moran Hill.
We're finally ordered to return!
Constitution Chapter 2, Article 9.
"All citizens shall be assured
of human worth and dignity
and have the right
to the pursuit of happiness."
Get a vehicle ready
by the shrine right now.
Understood, Haegeumseong.
"All citizens shall be assured
of human worth and dignity
and have the right
to the pursuit of happiness."
"It shall be the duty of the State
to confirm and guarantee the fundamental…
…and have the right
to the pursuit of happiness."
"It shall be the duty of the State
to confirm and guarantee the fundamental
and inviolable
human rights of individuals."
Article 10, Section 1.
"All citizens shall be equal
before the law,
and there shall be
no discrimination in political,
economic, social, or cultural life…"
I'm sorry for coming
to your room.
It's a relief Gyeong-ja came back.
I was on my way to the nurse's office,
but I was scared she might hurt herself,
so I followed her.
God, my leg.
My goodness.
-It hurts again?
-Oh, no.
Yeong-ro, I'm sorry, but can you go
fetch a painkiller for me?
-Sure. Be back in a minute.
We have it here.
That's good.
Thank you.
Yeong-ro, do you have water?
Just a second.
-Stay seated.
Thank you, Yeong-ro.
You should take it easy.
I will.
How clumsy.
Darn it.
Gather on the first floor!
You're here too.
-We're going to get out of here soon.
Get up.
Come on now.
Thank God. This is great.
You guys make sure
to keep your mouths shut.
If you tell anyone
about the election scheme
or anything you heard here,
you might end up getting killed. Okay?
-I won't.
-Go now.
-Yes, ma'am.
Goodness. My leg hurts, so…
Is everyone here?
Once the cameras
and your parents are here,
we'll get out of the dorm.
Open this!
You can't do this!
I'm the victim here. The victim!
You should lock up the one who scammed me!
I never
imagined a Northern spy
was behind Linda Young!
This is the room.
Lead the way.
I'm sure he was beaten to a pulp.
You expect me to carry him by myself?
You know how short-tempered I am.
Let's go before I put a hole in your head.
Where's Gal?
Hey, aren't you tired of this?
Let's get this over with and go home!
-Take off your clothes.
Change into these.
We're leaving soon.
To be honest,
I don't want to take you with us since
you're injured and will slow us down.
But Comrade Lim is adamant
about taking you.
He says he can't abandon you
like our party did.
I'll be back in ten minutes.
If you don't get changed until then,
we won't take you.
Get changed right now.
You must get out of here.
You must
stay alive.
Come on.
Hurry and change.
Are you freaking kidding me?
No cameras or parents? You promised us.
What are you trying to pull?
Are you really going to…
kill all the students?
Listen to me, Gang-mu.
While I was in the hospital,
Nam Tae-il
told Code 1
that the students had found out
this hostage situation is
an election scheme.
He even told him that the spies were
disobeying the North's orders.
Code 1 furiously ordered me
to blow up the dorm right away.
So how can I
set up broadcast cameras
and bring the parents?
You're not trustworthy as I expected.
Our deal is off.
You'll never get back
the 300 million dollars.
After you all
get out of there,
I'm going to
make public that the hostage situation
was an election scheme.
On my late son's honor…
No, on my daughter Yeong-ro,
I promise you.
Yeong-ro said she wouldn't be able
to carry on if the students died.
I can finally see that.
I'm doing this
to save my Yeong-ro. So, please…
trust me this once
and you guys
get out of there first.
Listen, Director Eun.
Okay. We'll leave the hostages to you
and get out first.
Through the shrine at midnight.
Comrade Kang.
I can't trust Eun Chang-su.
We should get out
after releasing the hostages.
I understand.
This hostage situation started
because of you,
so you must feel guilty
and want to save them.
But we're running out of time.
Is it our agents
or the hostages?
It is…
my job to save the students anyway.
Han-na's picking Gal up.
So don't worry, and just go.
I hope…
we never meet again.
You have five minutes.
We have to leave first to catch a ship.
Stay here,
and when the hostages are released,
go with them.
And don't worry about me.
They won't kill us
since we have the 300 million dollars.
I'll get out with my friends.
Don't worry about me.
And be safe.
I should go.
This is…
You know
how much this scarf means to me, right?
It's really precious to me.
So next time we meet…
If we meet again,
you have to give it back to me.
If I take it,
I can never give it back.
But you…
You said we'll meet again.
You said we'll meet again someday
as long as we're alive.
I'm sorry.
You know too that we're never going to
see each other again.
-Don't wait for me.
The moment I leave this dorm…
I'll forget you exist.
Damn it. You're hurting me!
Why do you keep pinching me?
Mr. Kim is suspicious.
I heard him radio someone
in the records room.
What do you mean?
"Eliminate the agents including Lim Soo-ho
and return with Moran Hill."
Are you sure?
Eliminate Lim Soo-ho?
And the others too?
Yes. I heard it clearly.
And I heard him order someone
to get a vehicle ready by the shrine.
Where is he?
I think he's trying to leave the dorm.
I saw him going down to the records room.
Hurry up.
What's taking so long?
You must finish cleaning
and empty the trash can.
Put Tae-il in charge instead of Chang-su!
I'm sure Nam Tae-il will try
to blow up the dorm,
desperate to kill all the hostages.
Send in the SWAT team!
Do you think they'll break in tonight?
Since we have concluded
that the lives
of the 33 hostages in the dorm
are in danger…
Blow up the second floor
where the students are. Now!
I have to go back.
Yeong-ro is in danger.
You'll die if you go.
No, Yeong-ro! Yeong-ro!
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