Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures (2023) s01e15 Episode Script

An Adventure with Yoda/The Talon Takeover

-[ship whirring]
-[lightsaber ignites, humming]
[tooka yelps]
[sniffs, grunts]
-[lightsabers hum]
-[blaster fire]
[Force rumbling]
[all cheering]
[Kai] Yeah!
[no audible dialogue]
[Nubs grunts]
-Oh, yeah!
Keep up, you must.
[Kai chuckles]
I can't believe we get to spend
a whole day training with Master Yoda.
I know.
I can't wait to see where he takes us.
[speaking Poobian]
Younglings, an unexpected obstacle,
there is ahead.
Cross it together, we will.
Uh, what are we supposed to do?
Trained, you have.
Do this, you can. [laughs]
Guess I'm going through.
-[stammers] I'm going over.
-[speaking Poobian]
That did not go well.
[speaking Poobian]
[Yoda] Mmm.
When confronting a challenge,
stay calm, breathe.
Focus on what is in front of you,
and do it.
How are we supposed to do all that
when we're moving so fast?
You are more capable than you realize.
[ship flying over]
Is that Nash?
-Oh, thank goodness.
-[RJ whistles]
Master Zia said I'd find you here.
My friend Zepher is in trouble
and needs our help.
What happened?
Pirates broke into his shop
to steal Jedi Vectors he was fixing up,
and now they're taking anything
they can get their hands on.
[speaking Poobian]
He hid as soon as they barged in,
but now he's trapped inside
and doesn't know how to stop them.
Oh, no. Poor Zepher.
Terrible, this is.
Help Nash's friend, we must.
We, as in you and us together?
-[young Jedi giggling]
-[RJ chirps]
I mean [scoffs] great.
We'd love to help you, Master Yoda.
Hmm. Return for the speeders later,
we will. Move quickly, we must.
Can you believe we're going on
a rescue mission with Master Yoda?
I know. This is amazing.
-[RJ chirps]
-[Nubs exclaims]
There it is. Zepher's shop.
And that looks like the pirates' ship.
They must still be inside.
Then let's bust in and stop 'em.
[speaking Poobian]
An excellent plan.
Okay, let's go.
Rescue your friend, we will.
Uh [stammers]
Oh. You don't need my help?
Need you here, we do.
Ready with your ship
in case there is need for a quick escape.
-[chirps, whimpers]
I know Yoda told me to stay here,
but what if something goes wrong?
What if they need help, and I'm all
the way back here sitting with the ship?
I can't take that chance.
RJ, please keep the Firehawk ready
in case we need to leave fast.
I'm going in.
[chirps, whistles]
Oh, those pirates are taking my things.
Oh, I hope Nash
and the Jedi get here soon.
[grunts] Our boss said to take the Vectors
and anything else we can carry.
The more we grab,
the more they'll pay. [chuckles]
Good thing I can grab a lot.
[both laughing]
[Yoda] Surrounded, you are.
[younglings grunting]
The Jedi.
Drop everything you've stolen
and leave this shop.
[sighs] Jedi.
I guess it's a good thing
we brought a little surprise of our own.
-[Lys] Uh-oh!
These droids
should keep you busy. [laughs]
-Attack! [laughs]
-[droids beeping]
[younglings grunting]
Oh, no.
I've gotta do something.
I'm so glad you're here
and that you've brought the Jedi.
That green guy is good.
While they take care of the droids,
I'll take care of you.
-[both shout]
-Okay, but how?
Uh [gasps]
By flying you out of here. Come on.
[grunting continues]
Hop in.
Hang on.
-[droid beeping]
That droid's sneaking up on my friends.
Wait here. I've gotta go help 'em.
Fleever, hurry!
Let's get these Vectors to our ship
while the Jedi are distracted.
[groans] How do the Jedi start
these things?
Jedi, look out!
[all] Huh?
[Force rumbling]
Whoa. I, uh, kinda get
why they were so excited Yoda's here.
Nash, I thought you were staying
on the Firehawk.
[stammers] I know, but I couldn't
just sit there and do nothing
while you were taking on those pirates.
But we needed you ready
to fly the Firehawk in case
-The pirates are getting away!
-[all gasp]
[Yoda] In case of something like that.
[younglings] Whoa!
[gasps] No!
They're flying away with the Vectors.
And Zepher's in one of them.
[speaking Poobian]
While you were fighting the droids,
I put him in a Vector to keep him safe.
If I'd just stayed in the Firehawk
like Yoda asked,
we would already be after them.
Now they're getting away.
[sighs] I really messed up.
A chance to rescue Zepher, we still have.
Nash, need you, we do.
Master Yoda's right.
You're the best pilot we know.
If anyone can catch up to those pirates,
it's you.
Okay. It's a long shot,
but we have to get to the Firehawk fast.
Come on!
Come on, come on. Where are they?
I see them, the pirates!
-RJ, full speed ahead.
[Nash] I think we can catch 'em.
-Yes! Yes!
-[Lys, Nubs cheering]
[rapid beeping]
Jaay, those Jedi are following us.
Ha! We can lose 'em in there!
[Kai] They're heading into
the asteroid field.
You've flown through asteroids before.
You've got this, right?
That part has a lot more asteroids
than I'm used to.
I've already messed up today,
and I don't know if I can do it.
[sighs] If only I'd listened to Yoda,
then we wouldn't be here,
and Zepher would be safe.
Nash, like Master Yoda says,
"When things are tough,
stay calm and breathe."
Then focus on the challenge
in front of you, and do it.
Nash, believe in you, we do.
You are more capable than you realize.
You can do this.
Stay calm, breathe, focus.
[breathes deeply]
-Okay. Kai, you're on scanner.
-On it.
[Nash] Lys, Nubs, you're on blasters.
Blast any asteroids Kai tells you to.
-You got it.
And, Yoda, you Uh
[RJ chirps]
-Buckle up and hold on tight.
-[RJ whistles]
Those kids are following us
into the asteroid field.
Ha! They don't have a chance.
There's no way that kid pilot
can follow us through here.
There they are. This is intense.
Asteroid coming in fast!
[speaking Poobian]
[Nash] Nice one, Nubs. That was close.
Lys, to the right.
Nubs, look up.
Still behind us.
Not for long. Watch this.
-Uh, Nash.
-I've got it.
Impressive flying, Nash.
[chirps, whistles]
[groans] That kid's a better pilot
than I thought.
Okay, we have them right in front of us,
but what now?
Hold the ship steady. Handle this, I will.
[Force rumbling]
-Huh? What now?
The back hatch is opened.
Well, then close it!
[Force rumbling]
He's moving two Vectors with the Force.
Whoa. Oh, boy.
There's Zepher.
I don't believe it.
Those Jedi are taking their Vectors back.
Fleever, we've got to stop 'em.
-Jaay, watch out!
This is getting too dangerous.
[groans] We're out of here.
Look, they're flying away.
Way to fly, Nash.
[giggles] I knew you could do it.
Thanks, Master Yoda.
I think Zepher's ready
to get back to his shop.
[all laughing]
[Zepher] Thanks again for coming after me.
I don't know what I would've done
without your help.
Proud of you all, I am.
-Thank you, Master Yoda.
-[coos] Master Yoda.
Thank you for believing in me.
A talented pilot, you are.
Kai, Lys and Nubs are fortunate
to have you as their friend, as am I.
Hmm. Now, one last challenge,
I have for us.
[younglings cheer]
[Force rumbling]
-[speaking Poobian]
Helping Zepher clean his shop. [giggles]
Anything that doesn't involve asteroids
sounds good to me.
-I agree.
[younglings laugh]
Ha! Amazing what people will leave
laying around for me to steal.
We gotta get this into the Talon
before the farmers get back. Hurry!
Watch it! You'll break something.
[groans] You two can't do anything right.
Stay here and clean this up.
I'll go get the rest of the stuff.
Every time we make a mistake,
it's all Taborr talks about.
He never says anything nice
when we do things right.
-What's this? A smoke ball! [shouts]
-[smoke ball beeping]
I don't want it either.
-[figures laughing, cheering]
[device beeps]
[EB-3 grunting]
[laughs] Too easy.
Pretty good, eh, boss
[groans, giggles] Whoops.
[Speeds whistles]
How do you like our new ship, boys?
-Very nice.
What? The Talon!
Wait for us. We can help you.
Get back here with my ship!
[panting, grunting]
[holoprojector beeps]
Taborr, you can't take on
those pirates alone.
Let us help you.
I don't need you. I'm doing this myself.
Just stay put.
[Speeds] Those kids have got
one nice ship.
[Toda-Joh] Had a nice ship, eh? [giggles]
[Sellaccc] Set a course for Dedoon.
We'll find that abandoned outpost
with those rare droid parts.
-Selling those will make us rich.
-[EB-3] Taborr, are you okay?
-I'm sorry, Taborr. I
Never mind.
These pirates are trying to take my ship
to some abandoned droid outpost
on Dedoon, but I'm gonna stop them.
-Oh, are you?
Looks like we missed one of the kids.
I can take care of that.
-[device whirs]
-Get over here!
-[both grunt]
Nice try.
-[grunts, chuckles]
Put me down.
I'm still the captain of this ship.
-[Sellaccc] Not anymore!
Let me out. [grunts]
-[giggles] Huh?
-Taborr, we'll find a way to get to you.
Your friend's been captured.
Don't try anything, or you're next.
[groans] We need to get help.
Do you think Nash will find a use
for these ship parts from Marlaa?
I hope so. They're heavy.
[EB-3] Please, you have to help.
[speaking Poobian]
Our ship's been taken, and our friend
You've stolen from me before.
I'm not helping you.
[Pord, EB-3 groan]
Pord and EB-3? What are they doing?
-It's the Jedi.
-But the Jedi help everyone, don't they?
Maybe they'll help us.
Help you with what?
A group of pirates stole the Iron Talon.
Taborr tried to stop them,
but the pirates took him prisoner.
We've been trying to find someone
with a ship to take us to him.
Can Can you help?
What do you think? Is it a trap?
I'm not sure.
I know Taborr's not always
the nicest person,
but if he really is in trouble
Then we should help.
We'll work with you,
but no double-crossing, no tricks,
no pirating while you're with us.
Oh, thank you, Jedi.
We overheard the pirates say
they were going to an outpost on Dedoon.
I'll call our friend Nash
to get the Firehawk ready.
-[device beeps]
-Come on.
Hey, who are you, anyways?
Ah, so rude of me.
We're the Ganguls,
and we have big plans for this ship.
And what exactly are your plans
for my ship?
We Ganguls have outgrown Tenoo.
With a ship like this, we could be
the greatest pirates in the sector.
I'm the greatest pirate in the sector.
[laughing] Yeah, all right, kid.
[Taborr grunts]
If those pirates are looking for
rare droid parts,
this abandoned outpost is our best bet.
My moms used to fly shipments there a lot.
But, uh, remind me why we're giving
these two a ride on the Firehawk?
They need our help saving Taborr
from some pirates.
[chuckles] A pirate getting captured
by other pirates.
Oh, that's hilarious.
We need to figure out
how to rescue Taborr. Any ideas?
We could distract the pirates
by luring them away from the Talon.
Ooh, and then Pord
and I could sneak on and find Taborr,
but [scoffs]
that's probably a terrible idea.
[speaking Poobian]
Great idea.
-[squeals, snorts]
-Really? You want to do it?
We're a team, after all.
We always work together
to come up with the best plan.
We usually do what Taborr tells us.
Sometimes we try to help,
but he says that messes everything up.
[chirps, whistles]
We're here. RJ and I'll stay with the ship
in case you need a quick getaway.
[Kai gasps] It's the Ganguls.
Who are the Ganguls?
They're a group of mean pirates.
Yeah, we can handle 'em.
Pord, EB-3, let's do your plan.
We'll distract the pirates
so you two can sneak on board,
free Taborr and get your ship back.
[Speeds] A whole outpost
completely abandoned.
I wonder what happened.
It's a mystery.
At least they left behind
these rare droid parts.
They're gonna be worth a lot of credits.
We'll be rich!
-[Kai] Hey, Ganguls!
-[both] Huh?
[speaking Poobian]
Jedi? Oh, no, no, no.
What are you doing here?
Go on. Get outta here!
That ship doesn't belong to you.
And what are you gonna do about it?
-[Lys, Nubs grunt]
-[Force rumbling]
These droid parts are not yours.
-Hey, hey! Get back with that!
[speaking Poobian]
My idea worked.
The Jedi distracted the pirates.
Now's our chance.
-EB? Pord?
-We're here to rescue you.
How'd you get in here?
I thought those pirates were outside.
Don't worry. The Jedi distracted them
so we could sneak in.
The Jedi? Why did you bring them?
They're gonna ruin everything.
[EB-3] Oh, no.
[stammers] It's not like that.
[Taborr] You could've gone to anyone else.
This is why you should've just let me
handle things.
You know,
Kai and his friends actually listen
and help each other
when they come up with plans.
I don't care what they do.
Hate to interrupt,
but I need you off my ship, now!
I thought you said
the pirates were distracted.
-What do we do now?
[snorts, squeals]
[EB-3] I know.
The Jedi are so good at coming up with
a plan, maybe they can help.
[speaking Poobian]
You, Jedi! Stop moving. Get back here!
Over here.
[grunting] Wait! Stop!
-[giggles] This way.
-Get back here!
-[EB-3] Kai, come in. We need help.
-Almost. [giggles]
EB-3? What's going on?
Uh, well, see, we were hoping
someone could, uh, tell us what to do.
-You. Almost got him.
-[Kai grunts]
Sorry. We're a little busy right now.
Kai, but we still need help.
[grunts] But you and Pord have good ideas.
I believe in you.
Yoo-hoo, stowaways, where are you?
Pord, EB, I don't know what you're doing,
but I couldn't take her down.
There's no way you can.
You should listen to your friend.
Just give up.
There you are.
[grunts] Gotcha!
Now, Pord!
[shouts, groans]
-Ha! We got her!
-[Sellaccc groans]
Wow, they actually did it.
[chuckles] Nice try.
What should we do with you two?
Hey! Stay away from my friends.
[chuckles] What are you gonna do about it?
You're trapped,
and your friends here are no help.
Let's go.
We've got her outnumbered.
We can surround her.
Good idea.
Hey! Get off me!
-[Pord squealing]
-[Sellaccc grunts]
Taborr, catch!
[pants, grunts]
[shouts, groans]
Stay off our ship!
We'll see about that.
Speeds, Toda-Joh, come in.
[Speeds] Uh, about that
Nowhere to go, Ganguls.
Toda-Joh, Speeds, let's get out of here.
But this is the last time some kid pirate
is getting the better of me.
-We did it.
Taborr, they worked really hard
to rescue you.
You're lucky to have friends like them.
Um, thank you.
I know I don't say that a lot, but
I'm glad you came.
And And thanks for helping,
I guess.
But don't think we owe you anything, Jedi.
Come on, Pord and EB-3.
We've got some, um,
important things to do. Yeah.
I'm glad Taborr is at least
finally being nice to his friends.
Me too, Lys. Me too.
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