Strong Girl Nam-soon (2023) s01e15 Episode Script

Strong Girl Nam-soon

This is just in.
An attack was made on the car
driving the newly appointed
Commissioner General Lee Jeong-sik.
Members of his security detail
were all found dead at the scene.
Commissioner General Lee
is yet to be found,
and while the police
are leaning toward a homicide,
they have not ruled out
the possibility of an abduction.
Good evening.
Good evening.
Where's the dashcam?
There isn't one.
The culprit must've taken it.
I don't see any bullet casings.
Was this a car crash?
No, I only see one pair of skid marks.
They would've had time to load their guns.
That means they died instantly.
Could there have been multiple assailants?
There is no evidence
of weapons being used.
Someone killed them with their bare hands.
Ryu Si-o did this.
I'll bring your food.
Over here.
Hurry on over.
I'm here
I'm sorry.
This happened because of me.
We're the ones who approached
and deceived your family.
She urged us to lead upstanding lives.
I guess people like us
are doomed to a certain end.
No one in this world deserves to die
a horrible death.
I will pay for her funeral,
so please invite
all of Myung-hee's friends.
Her last moments on this earth
should at least be happy
and well cared for.
You were right.
When she lied about being our daughter
and then tried to kill Nam-soon,
I thought the worst of her.
But I heard she kept
Nam-soon's identity a secret.
I guess people can change
when given the chance.
Maybe I shouldn't have
given her a second chance.
I should've let her go to jail.
If I had,
she wouldn't have died like this.
Ryu Si-o.
The only question now
is how I'll kill the bastard.
I will show the world
what kind of fate awaits evil.
By the way,
I know it isn't the right time for this,
but then again,
this may be the only chance I'll get.
You see
What is it?
Are you dating someone?
Back in Busan,
Nam-in and I went to
a trendy restaurant we found online
only to find you there
looking quite close with another man.
He's a scammer.
But his crimes are all over the place,
and it's unclear which field they're in.
A scammer?
That's a relief.
The work I'm engaged in
involves life-threatening risks.
If by any chance
I die in the process,
take good care of the kids.
What the hell are you saying?
Why would you die?
Why would you say such a thing?
Why would you do it if it's so dangerous?
Don't die.
Your death would destroy me.
Stop being so dramatic.
There's no moderate bone in you.
Is this about your mother?
Hey, Jeong-min.
Nam-soon, I got the license
I'd been studying for.
By the way, Doogo's CEO
asked to see me a few days ago.
He asked if I received support from you
after Jeong-ho passed.
I see.
I'm a bit busy right now,
so let's talk some other time.
I need to go.
Ryu Si-o
knows who I am.
I see.
It's about time he found out.
Be careful.
It's on.
Call me if anything comes up.
Got it.
Is there an update
on the commissioner general?
The search and rescue team
had been working all night
but found nothing.
He's still alive.
He was taken because he is of use.
-Of course.
-That scumbag.
I suggest
we use Pavel against him.
-We'll cause a rift between them.
They're not on good terms,
so we'll use that to our advantage.
Can you wiretap Ryu Si-o's secret phone?
The data Nam-soon got us
was manually copied from the phone.
To wiretap it,
I'll need to install a program.
But to do that,
he'll have to click on a link
that's sent to his phone.
And that's
Damn it.
Here is the CTA4885 VIP client list.
It's the CTA4885 client list.
Swap the Korean names for English ones
and send it to him
from a Russian phone number.
Then he'll definitely click on it.
Nice one.
Agent Gang.
Ryu Si-o
figured out who I am.
He killed
He then texted me from her phone.
Ri Hwa-ja
is dead?
Ryu Si-o must've tracked her down
to ask if she knew me.
She hid my identity from him.
That's probably why
he killed her.
He's on a rampage.
He even took the commissioner general.
I'll take him on.
It's me.
Why are you killing others
rather than coming after me?
It's cowardly.
What's wrong? Are you afraid of me?
Let me ask you this.
Did you purposely seek work at Doogo?
Did you lie about who you were
to investigate me?
Was it all a lie?
Yes, I had to put you behind bars.
You sure know
how to rub someone the wrong way.
What I hate the most
are lies.
Then meet me face to face.
Gang Nam-soon!
You murdering druggie.
Don't you think
one of us has to die for this to end?
Stop going after others
and take me on.
will go your way.
He hung up when I wasn't done talking!
Damn coward.
That piece of shit!
That fucking asshole!
Track Ryu Si-o for me.
I'll go get him directly.
I can't ping his location.
His GPS is off
and he's blocked all devices I can track.
The same goes for his secret phone.
If he were traceable,
we'd have him already.
He checked the text!
He checked it?
Hey, Ryu Si-o's getting a call.
Are you the one who killed Beom?
Who's this?
Tsar Bomba.
No one can control me.
I won't die as Pavel's lackey.
What's "Tsar Bomba"?
It's the name of a Russian nuclear bomb.
-It's the most powerful hydrogen bomb
the Russians used
as a weapon of mass destruction.
What the hell?
Don't tell me
that was an order for a terrorist attack.
Judging by how Ryu Si-o answered,
I doubt that's true.
"I won't die as Pavel's lackey."
I see.
It's a death order.
You're right.
They've split up.
Lee Myung-hee's phone was turned on.
I'll track nearby cell towers.
I'll go and get Hwa-ja's phone.
I'll text you where.
I'll go with her.
-Call if anything happens.
-Got it.
-Where is it?
-Breaking news.
A special counsel has been appointed
to look into Doogo's CEO Ryu Si-o,
who is wanted for the distribution
of the new synthetic drug CTA4885,
and noted political and financial figures
who had financial dealings with him.
Sir, you have been subpoenaed.
Never has a special counsel
been appointed for a drug case.
Deputy Chief Prosecutor Moon Seong-u
testified that he was threatened
by Ryu Si-o,
confirming Ryu's crimes regarding CTA4885.
With that revelation, the focus is now
on the executives and auditors of Doogo,
since many of those appointed
are current members
of the National Assembly.
Ryu Si-o is now under a travel ban
and is on the wanted list
My mom's the best.
I'm happy to be her daughter.
I miss Nam-soon.
I'll sincerely apologize when I see her.
A travel ban means
he can't leave the country, right?
Now that there's a special counsel,
he won't get off the hook.
However, there's no way to track him.
The issue lies with him
being on the outs with Pavel.
They're also looking for him.
The fact that he's still unscathed
means he's somewhere
that even Pavel doesn't know about.
Like a secret hideout.
He wouldn't be challenging Pavel like this
without an ace up his sleeve.
He must have a way out.
What could that be?
Beom is dead.
Was it Ryu Si-o's doing?
The death of a high-ranking Pavel member
will cause a crack
within the organization.
It's not just Pavel.
Doogo is suffering too.
Doogo has been disposing of
all their documents.
Among them,
our agent found what appeared to be
evidence of money laundering.
Do you know someone named Yeom Su-san?
All too well.
Our origins were the same,
but I ran legitimate businesses
while she ran back-alley ones.
She's the one
who's been laundering money for Doogo.
Recently, the man you asked about,
Bread Song, has been meeting her
more frequently.
Hey, that was fast.
The next batch will be laundered here.
And is this person trustworthy?
It's money we trust, not people.
It's too risky to launder money
with cryptocurrency only.
Most of it will be transferred
into cryptocurrency,
and the chump change
will be dealt with through that bank.
Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
I've set up a meeting for tomorrow,
so be there on time.
I hope what I asked for is going well.
Of course.
Yes, Mr. Ryu.
Go directly to the lab
and bring me Dr. Choi.
"Dr. Choi"?
This guy
I saw him at Doogo's sea hare lab.
We need to get to him first.
I have the last list of clients.
It's long, so I'll send it in two files.
This was hard to get, you know.
I kept my promise,
so you keep yours.
Right. You did good work.
Look further into Dr. Choi.
I'll give you the list of clients,
so arrest them first.
Okay, let's go.
I think I know why Ryu Si-o
is taking a stand against Pavel.
That's his secret weapon.
Hey, Mom.
My daughter.
Mom, I'm sorry.
Something came up,
and I had to hurry home.
Are you in Seoul?
Your Gangnam mom, Geum-ju,
put me up in a nice hotel,
and I slept like a baby.
She also gave me a lot of money.
Should I accept it?
Take it.
Once this case is solved,
my boyfriend and I
will visit you in Mongolia.
We'll come to you and Dad.
Your father would love that.
I'm with Bong-go and Nam-in at the moment.
I know.
Have a safe trip back to Mongolia.
I love you, Mom.
Name, Choi Ki-tae. Born in 1981.
Before being hired by Doogo,
-he was in prison.
-In prison?
He got caught dealing narcotics
he manufactured
from veterinary tranquilizers.
Someone posted his bail though,
and he started working
at the lab right after.
He must've created CTA4885
and developed the antidote.
The lab's key man.
That's why Ryu Si-o
took him under his wing,
to use as a bargaining chip with Pavel.
Just do as I say.
So all I have to do is go with Mr. Yoon?
And don't do anything
I didn't tell you to do.
You must not go with strangers.
-Got it?
-Yes, sir.
Put Mr. Yoon on the phone.
It's me, sir.
Keep Dr. Choi hidden there.
And track down everyone
in Gang Nam-soon's family.
-What now?
-I'm being hunted by the police.
You will get nothing
once they have me in custody.
its antidote,
and Dr. Choi.
What is it that you want?
Listen closely.
As of this moment,
Pavel will protect me with all they have.
Get the Russian Federal Security Service
involved if necessary.
I'm sure Pavel could easily arrange that.
If you want Dr. Choi,
get rid of my travel ban.
Tell me where Dr. Choi is first.
Dogang Stationery. Check there.
Do we know
where Gang Nam-soon's family is?
Yes, sir.
I was able to ping
Hwang Geum-ju's ex-husband's cell phone.
He's in Seoul.
Kill them.
Kill them all.
The Mongolian woman who raised
Gang Nam-soon is currently with them.
Gyeonggu-ro 42-gil.
Dogang Stationery.
That's where Dr. Choi is.
We're on our way to Gyeonggu-ro 42-gil.
I'm heading there first.
Meet me there.
-He's not here.
-He's not here either.
Dr. Choi isn't here.
Anton must've lied about his location.
What a nutcase.
Ms. Hwang,
our live show has been announced.
Shall we begin?
You'll host it alone.
I'm letting Na-young
stay in Busan a while longer.
She needs time to recover properly.
Of course.
Mr. Kim, this will be
our final news broadcast.
As such,
you may do and say whatever you please.
Will do.
Cut. Let's take a break.
Hold on.
Can you turn on Geumju TV?
They're going live.
Right. Just a second.
They launched an app,
so we can watch from our phones.
Here we go.
Hello, this is Kim Gi-dae at Geumju TV.
I'm sure you've heard about
the appointment of a special counsel
targeting CTA4885 and Ryu Si-o.
We deeply thank the nation
for its continued interest in the matter.
This wraps up
the final broadcast of Geumju TV News.
We accomplished everything
we set out to do.
Now that the dangers of CTA4885
are finally public knowledge,
we will greet you not as a pirate channel
but as an official broadcasting station
that offers content of various genres.
We will quench the viewers' thirst
with steamy NC-19 TV series,
NC-29 comedy shows,
and NC-39 documentaries.
Please look forward to the shows
to be aired on Geumju TV.
Hwang Geum-ju's killing it.
The gracious Maria.
She never disappoints.
Hyun-soo, do you know
the owner of Geumju TV?
Of course. She gave me 200 million won
No, I don't know her at all.
If the Virgin Mary were to be reborn,
she'd look just like Ms. Hwang.
Gracious Maria.
How about "gramma" for short?
I think it's time
we stopped inconveniencing her
and left this hotel.
One shouldn't be this shameless.
One shouldn't be this shameless.
You shameless dirtbag!
What's with me today? I must be losing it.
We need to talk.
What is it?
Your personal life
has been exposed online.
You're the hottest gossip in Korea
following CTA4885.
1. CTA4885
Is this true?
It says here
that you lived with a woman
at Metro Trump Square Super-Duper Tower
but dumped her
once you came into fame and money.
I lived with a woman?
that was only a tent.
And that name
is just something I painted on it.
Advertising agencies and variety shows
are now taking back their offers.
Get ready to pay damages
for breach of contract, you punk.
Damn it.
You lied to us.
I lied to you?
Dr. Choi wasn't there.
No one was present
when our people arrived at the location.
That's impossible.
Did you perhaps send me
the new VIP client list?
A VIP client list?
we do not share any information
with a member who got a Tsar Bomba order.
What the hell?
the owner of the stationery store
had stepped out for a bit,
so I carried the guy over here.
That must've been a garlic sack.
I hate garlic.
He must have motion sickness.
I ran all the way here
with him in the sack.
Didn't Hee-sik go with you?
He's out there arresting Pavel's members
at the stationery store.
He had to request backup
and wait for them to arrive,
so I just ran off.
I'm exhausted.
You know, I arrested
all those Russian mobsters
Are you Ryu Si-o's key man?
Why are you laughing?
What's this smell?
Did you arrest the clients?
Of course.
With the help of requested backup
from other DIU teams,
we brought in
each and every one of those clients.
Do you remember the art academy arson?
The one where
Agent Gang saved the children.
The arsonist died from the drug too.
Her name was on the list.
Is this Dr. Choi?
Why is he smiling like that?
-He's out of it.
-You're handsome.
Why you
He doesn't seem to be on CTA4885.
Hey, mister.
Hey, did you develop
both the drug and the antidote?
The problem and the solution?
You will never catch Ryu Si-o.
You're right. We won't.
It's why
you'll be the bait.
Come to Doogo.
Will you be all right?
If I can't get Ryu Si-o,
I'll drag the whole company here.
Don't worry.
They would've already destroyed
any incriminating evidence.
It took us too long to get a warrant.
What about your mom from Mongolia?
Did she board her plane?
She's doing some shopping
before catching her red-eye.
She's buying liquor for my dad
among other things.
Things were so hectic
that I didn't get to meet her.
You and I should
take a trip there sometime.
To Mongolia.
I'll milk the sheep
and make khorkhog for you.
To be honest,
I'm kind of scared.
-Of what?
-That you might get hurt
by Ryu Si-o's rampage.
This is something I have to do.
It was my destiny to come to Korea
and to meet you.
There must be a reason
why I was given this special strength.
I can't lead an ordinary life,
even if it means I'll die.
Why would you say that?
Gan I-sik,
I believe
that divine powers
decide who lives and dies.
You can't die.
Do you think you can
because it's your own life?
What about the rest of us?
I never said I would die.
Don't be like that.
Promise me that.
I promise.
What on earth is going on?
Did you resign?
Mr. Yang said
that you were a spy.
Is that true?
I appreciated your cooperation.
Ms. Baek,
the sooner you resign, the better.
That's all I can tell you.
Why are you doing this to me?
Mr. Ryu Si-o
is a Russian mobster.
-The corporate relations team
has been shipping drugs to Russia.
The puffer jackets are filled with drugs.
You'll soon be summoned for questioning.
As long as you're innocent,
you'll be fine.
Even I could tell
that you had no knowledge
of the operation.
Ryu's last ace up his sleeve
is the antidote formula.
But it wasn't on the computer you stole,
nor was it in the lab
that you showed to us.
The text you received from Russia earlier
was embedded with malware.
You're getting a call.
All right. I'll be there.
Gang Nam-soon.
Gang Nam-soon!
This was all her doing.
Gang Nam-soon also took
Dr. Choi.
I want to rip her to pieces.
Got it.
everything is set.
Thank you.
Thank you.
I thank you for all you've done
for our daughter Tsetseg.
The years I had with her were a blessing.
I'm the one who should be thanking you.
I will never forget it.
Thank you.
Thank you.
hurry over to the hospital.
I might die.
Are you kidding me?
That's way better.
Can I have one too?
All that driving made me dizzy.
I need a sugar rush.
Saying you're tired and you might die
has become a habit of yours.
Shouldn't you suck it up
now that you're over 40?
It's killing me.
Mom went on a trip with that guy.
It makes my blood boil.
it's time you let Mother be free.
-Live with me instead.
Why should I live with you
when I have a wife?
-Are you insane?
-You were absent for too long.
Since you say you left us
to find Nam-soon,
I'll take responsibility.
Why the hell should I live with you?
Why are you being like this too?
I'm already exhausted.
You can live with me too,
Let's all live together
under the same roof.
Your father, me, Nam-in, and you.
Us four.
I don't want that.
I really don't.
My life will never improve
if I'm stuck with the three of you.
I mean, Gang Nam-soon.
We should meet
at some place other than Doogo.
It's all over now, so turn yourself in.
Your mom from Mongolia
wouldn't turn down a free gift.
When you stole from the warehouse
looking for the drugs,
you spoke of your parents.
That's when I thought
that you were
a sweet daughter.
Even though you found your birth mother,
are your adoptive parents
still precious to you?
What are you getting at?
-What did you to
-Come to the address I just sent you.
If I see the police, your mom
will die.
I'll go with you.
Let me come with you.
I have to go alone.
No, I can't allow that.
If you come with me, my mom
She'll be in danger.
I think Ryu Si-o got to her somehow.
I'm sorry.
I'm going alone.
I have Yeom Su-san's location.
It's Unit A-303 at Techville in Yongsan.
It's been a while, Ms. Hwang.
Fancy seeing you here.
Do you have a death wish?
I don't care how sweet money can be.
It's still wrong
to join forces with druggies.
-Where's Bread Song?
As if I'd know.
Haven't you heard?
My mom and I
made our fortune
by crushing ox bones for a living.
Where is
Bread Song?
Some crazy lady wreaked havoc on us.
She's super strong.
Ms. Hwang?
Return the money you conned
from those wealthy ladies.
All of it, down to every last cent.
I never took any of it for myself.
In fact, I doubled and tripled it.
That was part of the plan.
Only then would they bring
more money to you.
You were only pretending
to create shell corporations
under borrowed names
so that you could steal their money
in the process.
Gangnam's loaded ladies
invested their black money in you.
So you knew
they wouldn't be able to press charges.
Ms. Hwang.
Don't be like this
and just tell me what you want.
What I want?
I want to know who you really are.
You were in the photo with Ryu Si-o
and have been meeting with Yeom Su-san.
Who the hell are you?
I ask that for the 31st time.
Who the hell are you?
She just entered the abandoned factory.
I can't take this.
I'm going there. I have to.
Hee-sik, I'll update you
with the coordinates.
-I'll come with you.
-No, I'll go alone.
Let's request backup
and just arrest Ryu Si-o.
No, it'll put Agent Gang in danger.
She's already his hostage.
Let it be just us then.
We can't let him go on his own.
Damn it.
Fine. Let's go.
Stay here and keep tracking her.
I'll keep you updated.
Ryu Si-o, show yourself!
That was fast.
What do you want?
As your partner who once opened up to you,
I'd like to conduct one final test.
My drug
versus the love you have
for your Mongolian mother.
I wonder which is stronger.
What did you do to my mom?
Your mom
has a bomb on her.
If you don't drink water for an hour
after taking the drug,
the bomb won't go off.
The water bottle is sitting
on top of a bomb trigger.
You should know
that if you so much as
touch the water bottle,
the sensor will be triggered.
In other words, the bomb will go off
if you drink the water.
Then your mom
as well as all those near her, will die.
How about it?
Doable, right?
I specifically told you
to leave the others alone.
I'm the one who makes the decisions.
All you can do now is choose.
If I hold out for an hour
If I overcome this drug,
Ryu Si-o,
admit your defeat.
And pay for your sins.
How about it?
Doable, right?
Bring it.
The drug you took
will kill you within an hour.
The burning thirst
might make your heart explode.
and your Mongolian mom
will both die.
Ms. Hwang,
why don't you leave with me?
If the two of us
were to combine forces
Inspector Kang!
It's bad.
Your daughter
will die.
She can't drink water.
-What a sight.
-I know.
What did you wish for?
I wished
for a lifetime of happiness with you.
Gosh, so did I.
Joong-gan, are you all right?
What's going on?
Mom, Nam-soon's in trouble.
What is it?
Stop crying
and tell me what's going on.
I think he drugged Nam-soon.
She'll die if she doesn't drink water.
I've been drinking water
to wake her up through our connection,
but she still isn't responding.
We only get connected
when one of us uses our strength.
Where's Nam-soon?
I don't know.
You must've felt it too.
If we don't do something,
Nam-soon will die!
I'll handle this.
Don't worry.
wake her up.
Please listen carefully
to what I'm about to say.
I will be wielding
a level of power
I have never spent before.
I must give it my all,
and that
could actually kill me.
please know this one thing.
Never have I loved a man
like I loved you.
You loved me
from the bottom of your heart,
and that is enough for me.
I love you.
Don't come after me!
It's too dangerous.
It's my problem to solve.
Let me
save my family
with my life.
Wake up!
Joong-gan, please hang in there.
Just please come back to me.
It opened up a crack
in Pavel's Asian division.
Information usually leaks through cracks.
You must watch your back.
Nozh has you as his next target.
Just you wait.
I'll kill you myself.
We're not the only party
hunting for Ryu Si-o.
We must find it first.
I must beat it out of that lab rat.
It's over. Ryu Si-o, surrender!
"Die with dignity."
Ryu Si-o, no!
Subtitle translation by: Hye-lim Park
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