Taxi Driver (2021) s01e15 Episode Script

Rainbow Transport Decide to Disband

Guys, these were sent to us
by Hyeon-su's dad
to help you study harder.
Now, give him a hand!
Hey, your dad is the best!
-That's great.
-That looks good.
-Hey. Can we have a playdate?
-What does your dad do?
Does he buy you a lot of good food?
Sources in Los Angeles say this attack
on American soil can be considered
as an attack upon the heart
of the American economy.
According to "The New York Times,"
the US must look back on the deep-rooted
as this calls for reconciliation
rather than retaliation.
Mom, I'm home.
Daddy's busy. Hyeon-su…
Hey, son.
Dad, my friends wanted me
to thank you for the snacks.
They said you're the best.
Really? I'll send some more again.
Okay. Dad, when are you coming home?
I'm not sure.
I might be a little late.
Can't you come home early?
I'm sorry.
Sweetie, you can go to sleep first.
Okay. I love you.
I love you too, Hyeon-su.
The US is targeting a terrorist
named Osama bin Laden from Saudi Arabia
and the Taliban, the military organization
in Afghanistan behind him.
Shall we get started?
Please spare me. Please.
I have children as well.
My kids are 15 and 10.
I'm the only one they have.
I won't tell anybody about today.
So please. Please let me live.
You really won't tell anybody?
But you know,
it's not like they're my kids.
That night,
if I stopped what I was doing
and went home like my son wanted,
would my life have changed?
Would I be living as a happy father
instead of a serial killer?
Would I be with my son
instead of this solitary confinement?
I sit here thinking
these meaningless thoughts
as I finish writing.
My goodness, what's taking so long?
Do you think something went wrong?
Doctor, how did it go?
Did the surgery go well?
We stopped the internal bleeding,
but his organs were badly damaged.
Things aren't looking too bright now.
Are you all right?
What happened to your face?
Where's Jin-eon?
Come on, I'm here.
Why isn't he showing up?
What's wrong, Go-eun?
Mr. Park…
Step back!
The prosecution announced Baek's arrest,
the head of an organ trafficking ring.
Do you admit to your charges?
-Please give us a comment.
-Chairwoman Baek Seong-mi!
Baek, who owns various businesses
including a credit loan company,
has allegedly provided
human organs for VIP clients
of her healthcare business,
arousing great controversy.
Mr. Gu, this is your knife, isn't it?
We found the DNA of Sim U-seop
and Wang Min-ho on this knife.
Its shape matches the stab wound
found on their bodies too.
Will you keep denying this?
It is my knife,
but I don't always carry it around.
I usually leave it in my office,
so anyone can use it.
I would've been in trouble
if I didn't have a witness.
Let's put him under cross-examination.
I saw him stab the investigator to death
that day with my own eyes.
Why didn't you stop him?
Instead of stopping him,
you used it to stab Sim U-seop.
Seok-tae made me do that too.
-And you call yourself a man?
-But you made me do it!
You said Ms. Baek told you to kill U-seop.
U-seop was like a brother to me.
-But I…
-I didn't kill anybody.
-He killed them both.
-Damn it, man!
How do you call yourself my brother?
How can you frame your younger brother?
What you two are saying
is completely opposite.
Neither of you did it.
This makes finding the culprit
a lot harder.
In the end,
you two planned Sim U-seop's murder
and went to Gyeongdong Market, right?
That's good enough.
What do you mean?
I really didn't kill them.
It doesn't matter.
You two planned his murder beforehand,
so you're considered accomplices.
Simply put,
it doesn't matter who stabbed them.
You will be punished the same.
It's finally coming to an end.
It's all thanks to you, Captain Park.
Good luck
with your preparations for the trial.
-Are you going somewhere?
-I'm on a new case.
I came to say goodbye.
Great work.
Please make sure
you catch Kim Do-gi and shake him around.
If you don't do it, I will.
Thank you for everything.
Me too.
Hey, Mr. Kim.
You're up.
-Where am I?
-You're in the hospital.
What about Mr. Park?
He's still in the ICU.
-I should go see him.
The doctor said
you shouldn't move around yet.
You can't visit him anyway.
Was he hurt badly?
He'll wake up soon.
Jin-eon often gets ill, you know.
I hear guys like him live to be 100.
He'll live a long life.
You should get that corneal transplant.
You should've sided with me.
You could've fixed your eye.
That prison uniform suits you.
You'll put one on soon enough.
I could cover up
everything you did if I keep quiet.
Should I keep quiet?
Tell them everything you know,
and don't leave out anything.
That's the only way
to completely cut off ties.
You sure you'll be okay?
You haven't finished your revenge yet.
My revenge?
On Oh Cheol-yeong.
You haven't forgiven him yet.
You only pretended like you did.
Should I get rid of him?
Killing a guy in this place
is a piece of cake.
I don't care what you do
while you're there.
But don't dream of crawling back out.
Hey, Jang Seong-cheol.
The day you and Kim Do-gi
make your way in here
will be the day of your funerals.
It's my turn now. Right?
Good luck trying to stop me.
We might get summoned
for questioning soon.
Ms. Baek and the prisoners were arrested,
so we can't hide what we've done.
What's odd is that
they haven't come to arrest us yet.
Since they're late,
I hope they come after Jin-eon wakes up.
You all went through a lot of trouble
you didn't have to, because of me.
It's all my fault. I'm sorry.
-I'm so sorry.
-Don't say that.
If it hadn't been for you,
all of my fingers
would've ended up like this.
You didn't do this to us,
so why are you apologizing?
I think it's time to wrap this up.
You want to shut it down?
Regardless of our intentions,
violence brought more violence,
and revenge breeds revenge.
You all saw that.
Things ended like this for now,
but no one can tell
what will happen next time.
As the president of this company,
I will take full responsibility
for everything we've done until now.
If you want to take the blame,
I'm not going to stop you.
But do you think people will believe
you abducted Park Ju-chan?
And you're not tech-savvy.
How will you explain
how you hacked into the Udata server?
Hey, hold your horses.
At least he can type.
Mr. Jang.
Do you know
which one is the engine of a car?
What's with you all?
We have no time to make jokes.
We aren't little kids.
Let's each take responsibility
for what we did.
Tell me about it.
Okay. Let's try to be realistic.
What if we all end up getting arrested?
Then what about Mr. Park?
Who'll look after Jin-eon?
He'll understand.
He's like that.
What kind of nonsense is this?
Stop talking nonsense.
Hello, I'm Park Jin-eon's guardian.
Jin-eon. Are you all right?
Who am I?
Mr. Jang's eye.
You recognize us.
Don't worry. This didn't hurt at all.
Mr. Park.
I'm so relieved.
You endured it well.
Thank you.
Mr. Kim.
We finally meet, Mr. Lee Chun-sik.
-Do you know me?
-I've been looking for you.
You know you're on the wanted list, right?
Where have you been hiding?
I've been under confinement.
By whom?
Baek Seong-mi.
Jang Seong-cheol.
Kim Do-gi.
So according to you, Mr. Lee,
are they all accomplices?
You know your claims
don't make sense. Right?
You conspired with Baek, who supposedly
confined you, to abduct people.
Because Kim Do-gi locked us up
in that prison.
In prison?
It's a place where we couldn't stand
or lie down with our legs stretched out.
We were like caged animals.
It reeked of feces.
We were always cold and starving.
All we had to eat were a few biscuits
and some health supplement pills.
In there,
we weren't treated like humans.
Where is this prison?
I don't know.
You want me to believe a story
about a prison you can't locate?
You can ask Kim Do-gi.
Or Ms. Baek.
Were you discharged already?
Do you have some time?
I have something to tell you.
Prosecutor Kang.
They found Choi Jong-suk.
-Where is she?
-At a nursing home in Gyeonggi Province.
I'm sorry, but let's talk later.
I'll go with you.
It was tough to identify her.
Her fingerprints were a mess.
She's much better now.
She couldn't smile like that at first.
She's extremely wary of strangers,
especially middle-aged men.
Let me show you.
So what's on the menu today?
May I talk to her?
Sure, go ahead.
Why don't we all eat together?
-Sure, we can do that.
Have you been well?
My name is Kang Ha-na.
I've been wanting to meet you, Ms. Choi.
Me? Why?
I was worried. You suddenly disappeared.
I did?
Well, I never did that.
By any chance,
have you ever seen this woman?
She's the CEO of the hotel.
I was the best insurance saleswoman,
so I took a vacation as a reward.
I took a few days off at a hotel,
and she was the owner there.
Which hotel was it?
Well, it was…
I remember the food I ate
and the room I stayed in,
but I don't remember the location.
have you ever seen him?
Gosh, but he's very good-looking.
Prison, my ass.
No, please. I'll live a good life.
I'll live a good life out there.
-Ms. Choi.
It's okay. Please get up.
We have to pray.
That way, we won't go to hell.
Please. I'm so sorry.
I'll live a good life now.
I won't ever do that again.
I'm sorry. I'll live a good life now.
She probably wanted their organs.
When fugitives disappear,
people would think
they were on the run, not abducted.
But still, this is too extreme.
He says it's a prison,
but she says it's a hotel.
Was I mistaken?
Such as?
If you got requests to punish those people
and Baek Seong-mi was the one
who abducted them…
If that's the case, I apologize.
There's something you must see.
Isn't this
Baek Seong-mi's office?
Why are we here?
Follow me.
It reeked of feces.
We were always cold and starving.
We couldn't stand
or lie down with our legs stretched out.
All we had to eat were a few biscuits
and some health supplement pills.
In there,
we weren't treated like humans.
-This place is…
-Where we locked up the criminals.
I abducted and brought them here,
and Ms. Baek managed them.
You were Baek Seong-mi's accomplice?
I know they're criminals,
but this is wrong.
How can humans--
They committed crimes
that humans shouldn't commit.
We treated them as less than humans
and reminded them every single day
that everything they did
was no different from us.
Every day must've felt like hell to them.
If they committed another crime,
they knew they could end up here again.
I hoped they'd be frightened enough
to look back on what they did.
But in the end, it failed.
Prosecutor Kang.
I'll keep my word and pay for my crimes.
Instead, let me take the blame alone.
My colleagues
are only guilty of helping me.
-Who says you can do that?
Prosecutor Kang.
At first, I thought you were a criminal
obsessed with playing the hero.
Personal revenge? How ridiculous.
But then I thought…
we might need someone like you.
I thought I might have to help you out.
That's what I thought.
This isn't the Mr. Kim I know.
Honestly, I don't know
what your true nature is anymore.
I'm sorry.
I'll do a thorough investigation.
Wait until I'm finished.
I'll call you.
What's that?
-I'm destroying evidence.
We'll be punished for what we did,
but let's be reasonable
and lose what we can.
Bad guys make all kinds of excuses
to cut down their sentences.
Can you delete everything I did too?
There is no evidence left
for you or Mr. Park.
-The problem is Mr. Jang and Mr. Kim.
I'm worried about those inflexible men.
They should learn to deny what they did.
What is that? Give me some.
-Do you want to go on a diet?
-A diet?
You'll get locked up soon.
Why go on a diet now?
I heard you can get snacks
with commissary money.
Gosh, I know I'll get fat in there.
Can I buy these at the commissary?
I'm really not cut out for prison.
This is so disconcerting.
Oh Cheol-yeong's Confession.
An Unbelievable Story, My Furlough, and…
The sky brightens up and gets dark.
It's sunny or cloudy.
At times, I have this thought.
"How similar is the concept of time
for a lifer like me and an astronaut?"
A day an astronaut spends
in outer space could be weeks,
even years on Earth.
The world beyond these bars
spins around rapidly at a fast pace.
One winter night in 2017,
I heard my mother passed away.
And unbelievably,
I was granted a 24-hour furlough,
so I got to go out.
I stepped outside
for the first time in 16 years.
Then I heard something ridiculous
after I returned to prison.
I, Oh Cheol-yeong, killed that woman,
but Nam Gyu-jeong was convicted.
Nam Gyu-jeong, the mindless human butcher,
who only wanted to add a number
to the list of his victims,
told the police that he killed her.
-What do you want?
-Get me a cup of coffee.
What's with that jerk?
My stomach hurts!
My stomach!
Stop putting on a show.
What's wrong?
Are you all right?
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
When an adult gives you an order, do it.
Is that how you were raised?
What's going on?
He fell, so I picked it up for him.
Are you all right? Take it.
You have a visitor. Come out.
Your eye…
Were you hurt?
What is this?
I put down my story in words.
-Have you read it?
-The Dangsan-dong Teenage Girl Murder.
the Gaehwa-dong Woman Murder…
Were you really behind them?
Then why are you sharing this now?
Well, that is literally my confession.
An innocent man was framed for one,
and a stranger confessed he did the other.
But those are far from the truth.
I just wanted to set things straight.
Stop lying.
You already know
you couldn't care less about the truth.
What's the real reason
for writing this confession?
I just got lonely.
No one can understand me.
How can anyone understand murder?
People say I have no emotions
because I'm a psychopath.
But I am
more emotional than anyone out there.
If I were to be in a role-play,
I'd be totally immersed and committed.
"A role-play"?
For example,
a savior who'll put an end
to this boring and lethargic life.
So, murdering people was nothing more
than a type of role-play to you.
What about the pain of your victims
and their families--
It's not that I can't feel their emotions.
I'm overwhelmed with my own,
so there is no room for others.
Thanks to that,
I get to live a life solely for myself.
Isn't that great?
Forget the facade
of ethics, ideals, and rules.
Just look at the things I've done.
That's when you'll see who I,
Oh Cheol-yeong, truly am.
Because of your absurd play on emotions,
many people's lives fell into misfortune.
Can't you see that?
Why should I care?
About the murder of the middle school girl
in Dangsan-dong in 2001.
Is it possible
to analyze the DNA found on her
with the current technology?
If we have data to compare it with,
we can try.
Then compare it with Oh Cheol-yeong's DNA
and see if it's a match.
At the time, some DNA evidence
was found on the body
of the middle school girl.
It was too damaged to be analyzed
with the technology back then,
but I had it compared
with Oh Cheol-yeong's DNA sample.
And what's the result?
They match.
The man who got convicted
was in prison for 20 years!
He served his full sentence and got out.
This means it's possible
Oh Cheol-yeong also committed
the Gaehwa-dong murder.
You said the victim
was Kim Do-gi's mother, right?
But Oh was in jail at the time.
He was granted furlough around that time
for his mother's funeral.
They gave that scumbag furlough?
I can't believe it.
they monitored him 24 hours a day,
and he never left the house
during that period.
How far was his place from the victim's?
It's 20 minutes by car.
So he could've sneaked out
because it was close enough.
But there's no evidence
to prove that he did it.
Dig deeper.
Keep it quiet until you're sure.
Yes, sir.
The man that killed your mother.
I know he committed suicide in prison.
Aren't you getting revenge
for other people instead of your own?
Don't jump to conclusions.
What happened already happened,
and we…
can no longer go on living as before.
All right.
What happened?
Oh Cheol-yeong
is the real culprit
of the middle school girl's murder.
So did he also kill Mr. Kim's mother?
I'd say that's highly likely.
I can't believe it.
The real culprit was someone else?
Mr. Kim will be devastated.
Let's keep it to ourselves
until we know for sure, okay?
-Eat up.
-I'm full.
How? You barely ate anything.
Lee and I will take care of the back.
You finish the rest.
Sorry? But…
All of that? By myself?
What? You can't do it?
No, it's not that. I'll do it.
All right, then.
An ex-con can't afford to be picky.
Mr. Kim Cheol-jin.
Who is the real culprit?
He is an inmate who was imprisoned
a long time ago.
But why, after all these years…
First, let's request a retrial.
The Bluebird Foundation
under the Prosecution Service
will take care of all the expenses.
So what will happen to him?
The guy who framed me.
the statute of limitations has expired.
So he won't be punished for it.
Because of that scumbag,
I lost my family and friends.
I lost everything.
How could you not punish him for it?
Does the statute of limitations
matter more than people?
What kind of law is this?
On behalf of the Prosecution,
I sincerely apologize.
We're sorry.
Mr. Jang.
I heard you help people get their revenge.
Not anymore.
Please contact the police.
The police are useless
as the statute of limitations has expired.
The law can't help me right the wrong.
Help me make sure Oh Cheol-yeong
gets the punishment he deserves.
"Oh Cheol-yeong"?
We won't accept new clients.
The statute of limitations has expired.
He can't even get help from the law.
There's nothing we can do.
Is it because he wants revenge
on Oh Cheol-yeong?
You're one of his victims.
Then let me ask you something too.
If someone wants revenge
on your enemy,
what will you do?
I wouldn't take the case.
I don't want to get my revenge
by using someone else as an excuse.
But I'm not you.
And Oh Cheol-yeong isn't my enemy.
Let me handle this one.
This is the last one.
Mr. Kim, could you tell me your story?
About 20 years ago,
I was framed for murder.
Honey, the noodles are ready.
Have some noodles.
Su-a, you too. Do you want noodles?
Do you-- What the…
-Mr. Kim Cheol-jin.
-Arrest him.
-Who are you?
Hold on!
-Kim Cheol-jin.
-You're under arrest for murder.
-What is this?
-Let's go.
-It's nothing. Just stay here. It's okay.
-Come on, let's go!
-What is this?
-No, Honey!
-Why are you doing this?
I thought I'd be released soon.
What do I do…
Write it down.
If you deny it, you're dead.
I really didn't do it.
Believe me. I didn't do it. Please…
Wait, stop!
they didn't care whether or not I did it.
-Are you done?
-Yes, sir.
-Write it properly.
-Yes, sir.
Finish it up well.
They just needed a puppet
who would become the killer.
I will announce the verdict. The defendant
lured Joo Ji-yeon, the victim,
into his car and raped her.
Then he brutally murdered her
to prevent her
from reporting him to the police.
Even after murdering the victim,
he desecrated and abandoned the body.
He committed heinous crimes
using cruel methods.
And there is no mitigating factor
in his motive for the murder.
Considering the motive
for the aforementioned crimes,
his objective, methods,
the seriousness of the result,
and the circumstances following the crime,
the court has decided
that the defendant deserves no mercy.
the court sentences Kim Cheol-jin
to 20 years in prison.
No, I didn't kill her!
They tortured me
and forced me to confess to it.
Your Honor!
I really didn't do it.
No one even listened to me.
I can't let our child
grow up as a murderer's daughter.
Don't look for us.
Wait, honey.
Honey, please hear me out!
My wife took our daughter and left me.
I lived as a murderer for 20 years.
What would you like to order?
-Two bowls of gukbap, please.
-Sure, coming right up.
Two bowls of gukbap.
Kim Cheol-jin?
-Hey, let's go.
Come on. Let's go.
And now, I'm an ex-con.
I wonder if my family
is living like this too,
paranoid that they might run
into someone who recognizes them.
Just thinking about it breaks my heart.
On behalf of the Prosecution,
I sincerely apologize.
We're sorry.
Now they say that I'm not the killer.
But apparently,
they can't punish anyone for it.
Not the detective who tortured me
to get a fake confession,
the prosecutor
who ignored everything I said,
or even the real killer they just found.
Who will compensate me
for the years that I lost?
What about my family
who suffered because of me?
Oh Cheol-yeong is already in prison.
And he'll probably never get out
for the rest of his life.
Do you still want revenge?
If you clear your name,
you can return to your family.
If you get revenge,
you may end up becoming a criminal again.
They erased me from their lives years ago.
I have nowhere to return to.
I don't want Oh Cheol-yeong to die.
But just like I've lost my family,
I want him to lose
what he cherishes the most.
I want him to deeply regret
messing with someone else's life.
Please make him
apologize to me.
PIN 5283
First off, thank you for visiting
Rainbow Deluxe Taxi.
Let me share a few precautions
for the safety of our passengers.
While we work on your request,
the taximeter will continue to go up.
You will pay your fare
once the job is finished.
Depending on the situation,
you may be charged extra.
After you use our taxi service,
you must not tell anyone else
about what happened with Rainbow Taxi.
Please keep this secret.
Now, if you wish to get your revenge
on the people who harassed you,
push the blue button on the left.
If you don't want to punish them,
push the red button on the right.
Please make your choice.
-What is this?
-No, Honey!
Why are you doing this?
You've made your choice.
Now, let's get on the deluxe taxi
to get your revenge.
Oh Cheol-yeong is a psychopath.
He's not capable of understanding
the pain that other people feel.
Apology? Regret?
He'd never do that.
I will make him apologize
and regret his actions.
We'll find a way.
Did you really kill the woman
in Gaehwa-dong?
You see,
I'm a man of pride.
Unlike Nam Gyu-jeong, I don't take credit
for things I didn't do. It's a disgrace.
Then why admit to it now?
Life was just so boring, that's why.
I get why they lock you up
when you commit a crime.
It's so incredibly boring in there.
Couldn't you
admit to it a little sooner?
Because of you, an innocent man
was locked up for 20 years.
I didn't lock him up.
You people did it.
It's obvious.
I bet the cops pressured and tortured him
to get a fake confession.
So why would you blame me?
Blame you?
Wasn't it humiliating to stay quiet
when you did it?
You're being mean
when I'm here to cooperate.
Can you prove that it was really you
who murdered her?
Sure, I can.
But you know,
I feel quite depressed
after being locked up for so long.
No one ever visits me.
So I was just wondering…
May I hold your hand?
Oh Cheol-yeong.
First, prove you're telling the truth.
The victim's last words.
That's the proof.
Her son would know
whether or not his mother said it.
You want her family to confirm it?
Why not?
Ms. Prosecutor?
What about your hand?
Your hand is so warm.
It warmed my heart.
My gosh. Hey!
Her son would know
whether or not his mother said it.
Oh Cheol-yeong can't have any visitors
for the time being.
-Why is that?
-We're just following orders.
We don't know the details.
Have you completed your investigation?
I'm sorry to bring this up now,
but could you give me a bit more time?
There's something I must finish.
That's not why I asked to meet up.
I see.
Then why…
I'm sorry I have to ask you to do this.
I know it's a lot to ask.
But it's something only you can do.
There's someone who claims
to have murdered your mother.
What? What do you mean?
I need you to confirm
whether he's telling the truth.
Who is this person?
Oh Cheol-yeong.
Oh Cheol-yeong, you requested
this cross-examination with the bereaved--
I killed your mother.
Oh Cheol-yeong.
The killer was caught years ago.
Do you know why
Nam Gyu-jeong said he did it?
That way he'd have more kills than me.
But it wasn't him.
I already read up on your murder method.
You use a weapon
to kill your victims in one blow.
After that, you desecrate the bodies.
But my mother--
"I made soybean paste stew,
your favorite."
Mom, I'm out on leave. Where are you?
Me? I'm at home now.
I made soybean paste stew, your favorite.
Nice, soybean paste stew.
All right. I'll be home soon.
Take your time. Be careful.
"Take your time. Be careful."
Mr. Kim, are you all right?
-Get him out of here.
-Yes, ma'am.
Get up.
Should I tell you
why I used a different method?
Because I knew you were coming.
Shit. I missed.
Is it because it's been so long?
Please… Don't kill me.
Don't kill me, please.
Oh, my.
I like that look in your eyes.
Let's stay like this for a bit.
My son… He'll be home soon.
Oh, were you talking to your son earlier?
Don't worry.
I'll kill you both so you won't be lonely.
He's coming with his friends.
They're all in the military.
You should leave before you run into them.
You expect me to believe that?
That photo over there.
She lied about you
coming with your friends.
I was disappointed.
I could've killed you as well.
-What are you doing? Get out of here!
-Come out!
Hey, Ms. Prosecutor.
Is that enough proof for you?
Come out!
I'm calling an ambulance.
Are you all right?
Mr. Kim!
I'm going to kill that son of bitch.
You said yourself
the revenge without a right
is nothing short of terrorism.
I have a right.
She was my mother.
Think about your mother.
Think about how she protected you.
Will you become a murderer yourself?
-What's taking him so long?
-What time is he coming?
-Were you very startled earlier?
So just leave Oh Cheol-yeong alone.
Don't provoke him.
So many guards were hurt
because of that jerk.
-Oh, Dad!
-My gosh!
My baby.
-Aren't you tired?
-I'm okay.
-What took you…
-What's up? Do you know that kid?
I see.
I used to go by that name too.
What? You changed your name? Why?
Hyeon-su? Hyeon-su…
-Hyeon-su is a nice name.
-They said it wasn't a good name for me.
Is that how you were raised?
Hey, son.
Dad, when are you coming home?
I'm not sure.
-I might be a little late.
-Can't you come home early?
I'm sorry.
Sweetie, you can go to sleep first.
Okay. I love you.
I love you too, Hyeon-su.
Mom, I will never forgive the scumbag
who did that to you.
Will you get revenge again?
Then what? Should I just do nothing?
I wanted to get revenge too,
just like you.
This time, it won't be for other people.
I will get my revenge.
Are you going to kill me?
Why would I kill you?
Your son's a different story.
-Hey, Do-gi.
I work here.
Was your father also…
He was an inspiring man.
-And very competent.
-Should I find him for you?
I used the deluxe taxi
to abduct criminals.
You're kidding, right?
Did you bring a warrant?
I've finished everything I had to do.
Kim Do-gi, you are…
The police investigating the assault
and murder of a woman in Hwaseong
have requested an arrest warrant for Yoon,
a 22-year-old man
who resides in Taean, Hwaseong.
Initially, I didn't intend to kill her.
I really didn't.
Once I climbed over their wall…
Thirty-two years…
…have passed since then.
The entire trial
was excruciatingly difficult.
You should've seen it.
They said I raped and killed a minor.
They said I'd get the death penalty.
Without a doubt.
Some told me to just admit to it
and win pity points.
Then I'd at least live.
He was arrested for the eighth murder
of the Hwaseong serial murders
and spent 20 years in prison.
He was poor and disabled.
He lost his mother at a young age,
so he was uneducated.
There was no one to take care of him.
He was the weakest of the weak.
That's what I think.
And for the weakest of the weak,
justice was delayed.
He became the fake culprit
fabricated by the police's coercion
-and torture.
-The police concluded
that Lee Chun-jae was the real culprit
behind the eighth murder as well.
I said I didn't do it.
Then they said, "Then why are you here?"
I was speechless. I said it wasn't me.
I said, "Fine. Believe me or not."
The 20 years wrongfully spent in prison
left him with an emotional scar
worse than his physical disability.
To cope with it,
Sung Yeo had no choice but to forgive.
The murderer Lee Chun-jae
and the police officers
who tortured and framed him.
He forgave them all.
But some were never
given a chance to forgive.
Her parents and brother are here with me.
When exactly did Hyeon-jeong go missing?
It was in 1989.
I still think about her every single day.
If she's alive,
please send her home.
It's just too painful.
We don't even want to live.
The police abandoned the body
of Kim, the ninth victim and covered it up
to disguise the murder
as a missing person's case.
I think it's very wrong.
-I'm so frustrated.
I want to go ask the judge
why the statute of limitations expired.
The police fabricated evidence
and hid the truth.
Lee Chun-jae, his daughter's killer,
and the police officers who hid the truth
are not guilty because
the statute of limitations has expired.
I think extensions and exclusions
should be handled separately
for each offense.
Abolishing the statute of limitations
on murder was a good thing,
and it was necessary.
The statute of limitations on the police
and the prosecution's violation
of human rights
should be either extended or abolished.
His final promise to his wife
who couldn't accept her daughter's death
until she died two years ago.
I'm physically alive, but I'm not living.
Honestly, I want revenge.
I will fight until the end.
I'll take this all the way,
so I can face her without feeling ashamed
when I see her after I die.
His daughter who was murdered once
by Lee Chun-jae
and once more by the government's abuse.
That child's name was
Kim Hyeon-jeong.
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