The Assassins (2024) s01e15 Episode Script

Hassan Al-Sabbah's Son

It's just one faith.
One faith in what?
In Hassan Al-Sabbah
Hassan believes his cause is noble.
Anything to justify its existence.
Hassan is a man of opportunity.
Whatever it may be.
Welcome, dear ones.
This is heaven for the loved
ones and hell for enemies.
Here lies the throne of
the new state we all serve.
Hassan took over
the Fortress of Alamut.
This is the new kingdom.
This is the new kingdom.
And turned it into
a formidable fort.
No one can reach it.
Within are the
chosen and warriors.
They do not fear death or pain.
For our master's sake.
The Fortress of Alamut.
Heaven for Sabbah and
a graveyard for his followers.
I will sentence him
to two hundred lashes.
I will sentence him
to two hundred lashes.
Without mercy.
Conflict, fear, and anxiety the fortress
and Sabbah’s followers have caused.
Has been transferred within.
The spirit of the fortress
began to unsettle.
Episode 15
"Son of Hassan Al-Sabbah"
On the surface, you
seem to be a poor cleaner.
Inside, I am faced
with a great scholar.
Combining truth, law, and beauty
of the apparent and the hidden.
May God protect you!
It seems that,
Your assumption of me is lofty.
But I am merely one
of the common folk.
Perhaps even less.
I feel drawn to your knowledge!
Something compels me
to get closer to your light.
Look, my son,
Excessive praise is disapproval.
Our master Ali, may
God be pleased with him,
Once sat in a council.
Somebody lavished him with praise.
But had a wicked interior.
Our master Ali, may God honour him,
I am less than what you say.
And more than what you think.
You seem
To hold a dagger.
Wanting to kill me with it.
And scream among people, declaring, I
killed Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali, the infidel!
No one, my son, holds the keys to paradise
Except the one who created paradise.
Seem to walk
while you are sleeping.
Seem to walk
while you are sleeping.
I will go pray.
How will you pray
while you are infatuated?
How will you prostrate to your God and your
heart and mind are filled with infatuation?
It is easier for me that
You kill me with your dagger.
Than to see a young Muslim
Fall into temptation.
You surely see and
hear from a Jinn.
He is the one who guides
you and leads you astray.
If you are scared
because the mosque is crowded
And you won't be able to kill me
After the mosque is emptied
I will wait for you
But I promise you
Just like the one
who promised you
paradise and houris
I promise you Hell
Not because you killed
Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali, no
But because you have
sold your soul and heart
To something other than God
Like a passer-by
Who killed the one
that sheltered him.
God is greater
God is greater
O, our master
Mansour, the chosen one, failed
In killing Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali
Our master knows the unseen
But I know how to
read your face, Barzak
When you're hesitant
to deliver bad news
He actually failed to kill him
And has become his
follower and disciple too
An amazing man
Anyway, I also had
that possibility in mind
And I knew the reason
What's the reason, master?
Our Paradise dream is
missing something very important
Our Paradise dream is
missing something very important
Praise be to God
God inspired me with it
What is it missing?
The dream of Paradise is
missing the music of Paradise
Music and instruments
are forbidden!
Forbidden in this world only
Not in Paradise
There is no halal and haram
in the dream of Paradise
I want the best musical
instruments From all over the world
And the most skillful musicians.
I want them to work until
They reach extraordinary music
The music of Paradise
The music of Paradise
The melody and the Maqam should be
different From all accepted musical Maqams
Or even heard by the ear before
Different music
A different music
Heavenly music, O Barzak
How long are we going
to keep going like this?
How long are we going
to keep going like this?
Patience, Sahban
Life is a series of risks and
all You have in it is patience
But where are we going?
We're going to our destined fate!
The poet and the masseur are
puppets in the hand of destiny
And since death is the only end
We must continue this
journey until we reach death.
I don't understand anything
And I don't want to
know where we are going
What about the thirst?
I have remnants from
an old lifetime friend
But wine doesn't quench thirst
It just makes you forget it
Do you have something
to forget about hunger too?
I'm hungry
Well, our master
What's the fate of the one who
failed to kill Abu Hamed Al Ghazali?
His fate is known
Death and fires of hell
Death by whom?
A new chosen one
A more faithful chosen one
Will he kill him and
Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali?
Not Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali
Killing his follower
is most important
Because he may reveal secrets of
the fortress which is not wanted
As for Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali,
that will need more thought
As for Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali,
that will need more thought
I'm not ready for that now
Most important thing is
killing the non-believer, Mansour
And as quickly as possible
But Mansour knows our ways
And any one who approaches him the
same way will be dealt with cautiously
And who said that the
chosen one this time is young!
The chosen one this time
is one closest to my heart
The one who will go to kill Mansour
and come back without a single wound
Barzak Amide!
How did you recognise me?
God has spoken the truth
I didn't
I saw you from behind a veil
There were two
One kind, and the other obsessed
One kind, and the other obsessed
I ignored the obsessed one
And talked to the
kind one with my heart
He responded
And won over the obsessed one
It's not just you
Me also
Inside me the kind one
And the obsessed one
You too!
And there's a big war every moment
Between the two
But I try to let the kind one
win over the obsessed one
And what's the difference between
you and Hassan Al-Sabbah?
He also sees and
predicts things happening
His eyes have magic!
I saw it myself
Even if you saw
Hassan Al-Sabbah flying
Or walking on water
Or speaking to the wind
Assess him within the
framework of the Sharia
If he contradicts the Sharia
If he contradicts the Sharia
He's an illusion
Even Imam Ghazali before you,
If he contradicts the Sharia
He too is an illusion and a devil.
But he doesn't contradict
He tells us that he
hears from the heavens!
And takes orders from
our master, the Imam
Not to mention that he alone
possesses the key to Paradise.
I seek forgiveness from Allah
the Almighty for every great sin.
The revelation has ceased.
Ever since it came down
upon the last Prophet.
The infallible.
Mohammed, peace
and blessings be upon him.
And he does not hold
the keys to Paradise,
Except for the
one who created it.
Let me be at your service.
Let's be of service to each other.
Let's aid each other.
In the piety of God.
Begin in the name of God.
We have called for you, even
though you have not heard.
Forgiveness has its limits.
Since I have forgiven you once,
This means your chances
for forgiveness have run out.
Alinar has permission
from our master.
To kill anyone.
Who says no to her.
Or anyone who spoils
the dream of Paradise.
Without any chance for return.
But you're different.
You have personality
and you have flavor.
And that's what I've
been searching for.
In the dream of Paradise.
The Chosen one
must see a woman.
To reside in his imagination
for the remaining time of his life.
And the biggest thing in pleasure.
Is for a man to feel that he has
got something different.
A woman.
Unlike any other woman.
But I won't be able to be
a part of the dream of Paradise.
But I won't be able to be
a part of the dream of Paradise.
You're either here to
accomplish the required,
Or to die.
There's no third option, darling.
My master.
Do you know why I
chose you for this mission?
No, my master.
But I am your servant
and in your obedience.
I heard a voice in my
solitude saying, oh Hassan.
We have known that the closest
person to your heart is Barzak Amide.
And for him to be
worthy of your love.
And gain your place
and your position.
He must risk his life
and perform a great task.
Is that why you chose me?
Because after you return, you'll
be in a completely different position.
Because after you return, you'll
be in a completely different position.
A position that the
nearest people will envy.
Envy me?
Poor Ibn Syhoon.
Jealousy is a trap, Barzak.
Beware of him and
treat him as a brother.
But be aware of the brother
who can kill his own brother.
Like Cain and Abel.
Now I'm going out fully
enthusiastic, my master.
It's not you who's going to travel.
The spirit of Hassan Al-Sabbahshall replace
you as soon as you leave the castle.
The spirit of Hassan Al-Sabbahshall replace
you as soon as you leave the castle.
And until you return to us
Didn't I issue my commands?
Didn't I say to cut off the
path for the Seljuq soldiers?
Yes, my Lord.
But Nuri Zaan refused,
He said that these
things concern him alone.
I am Hussein, son
of Hassan Al-Sabbah
And my word goes for all!
The young boy, son
of Hassan Al-Sabbah
Why is his voice so loud?
I am not a boy.
I'm the son of Hassan
Al-Sabbah , your master and lord.
Among Hassan Al-Sabbah's morals
He is wise.
And patient.
And his voice,
is soft.
Unlike me,
Unlike me,
I'm loud and tough,
And I don't like disobedience.
You are here under
our protection, Hussein.
And those under
protection must behave.
You are the one who needs to
behave and show compliance.
You know that our lord Hassan Al-Sabbah has
given me the authority to discipline you!
Up to imprisonment if necessary.
You imprison me?
Chain him, Abdullah,
And send him to
his father like a slave.
You are insane!
I had hoped you'd be
more like your father.
Chain him.
I am better than my father.
Stand back!
I said stand back!
Stand back!
Stand back!
Today is a festive
day in Alamut Castle.
As my lifelong friend and beloved
Omar Khayyam has arrived.
I miss your days, Hassan.
I can't believe it.
Our master Hassan Al-Sabbah!
That's Sahban,
A poet, scholar, and philosopher.
Or a masseur.
Wow, time flies!
As if we were just boys
making promises yesterday.
Promises that went away.
And the three friends became two.
And here I am, a guest of the
killer and absent of the killed.
There was no choice but
to kill him, Omar, I swear.
He was his own enemy.
And he started the evil.
Let's not remember the past
because its beauty is that it's gone.
It's gone with its good and bad.
And digging into it will
stir the evils of the soul.
How did you feel when
you entered Alamut Castle?
Like I'm in the
world of the Barzakh.
A place that has no connection
to this world or the hereafter.
Hassan Al-Sabbah is king in
a world that doesn't exist.
You could say that you
are in the future, Omar.
Whereas the Abbasids,
Fatimids, and Seljuks
Whereas the Abbasids,
Fatimids, and Seljuks
Are still in the past.
You could say that here is a
miniature version of the world.
Why are you doing this, Hassan?
The world lacks justice.
And justice needs power.
Unfortunately, the power in this
time is in the hands of the oppressors.
So I decided to create a place, a
kingdom where I kill the oppressors
Without any war.
Without war, how?
We don’t have the armies,
weapons, and money they have.
Omar, I am not
capable of battling a state.
Omar, I am not
capable of battling a state.
But with intellect and revenge,
I can bring a state down.
Our master.
Your face carries bad news.
Your son, Hussien, has
killed preacher Nuri Zaan.
Bring him in chains like a slave.
And as soon as possible, Zaid.
Hey, lestin!
I'm not comfortable with
this place nor your friend.
This is not the Hassan Al-Sabbah
This is not the Hassan Al-Sabbah
And as if I don’t know him.
Then who is he?
He is someone who
sees himself above others.
I see!
Look, Omar.
I need to tell you
something frankly.
Your bring me bad luck.
Since I met you I leave one
trouble to enter into another.
I want to go back to my hammam.
It is not easy.
No one can bring back a
single moment that passed.
Who are you talking to?
Who are you talking to?
Have you relapsed into delirium?
What delirium?
- Can you go back to yesterday?
- No
I cannot.
But I'm not
comfortable here, Omar.
Neither am I comfortable
with your company.
Look, Omar, I
am an ordinary man.
I like to drink wine, I like the female
companionship, I like eating a lot.
But to say poetry with
blasphemous words and such..
And my friend is crazy,
killing people! No thanks.
There is no blasphemy or anything.
There is no blasphemy or anything.
Yes, there is.
There is blasphemy and words about
our Lord that are incorrect, forbidden
If you understand and follow
the meaning, you will feel relieved.
I don't want to.
I don't want to follow the meaning,
nor do I want to follow you.
And when I sit with
you, don't say this.
What will Hassan
Al-Sabbah do to his son?
Hassan Al Sabbah
Has a mind like a
forest filled with beasts
You'll never know
which beast will rule
But he's still his son
Al-Hussein, my son?
He killed?
You're the cause
It's you who banished and alienated
him, Turning him into a vicious beast
It's you who banished and alienated
him, Turning him into a vicious beast
The deviated nature
that I tried to amend
Nobody can amend his nature
And whoever tries
to, he will be broken
So be it!
Be careful, Hassan!
What does that mean?
Do I leave the son of Hassan Al-Sabbah
To murder and corrupt the earth?
I'm responsible
for the believers!
He's a rotten flesh and a killer
What does that mean?
If you get near him,
I won't keep quiet
The decision now is
not mine nor yours
It's only God's
He is my son!
Stay in your chamber
Did you kill the preacher Nuri Zaan?
Because he defied my
command and insulted me
And he treated me as a servant
Do you know your age and his?
Do you know how
knowledgeable he was?
Do you know how long
he's been raising you?
I do know
And if I could go back to
that moment a thousand times
And if I could go back to
that moment a thousand times
I would kill him a thousand times
Judgment against
you is not mine to give
Judgment against you
is for the preachers
And my duty is only to
carry out the sentence
How can you judge
me when I'm your son?
My son doesn't defy my orders
And I ordered you to obey him
- But I didn't
- Silence!
He will be thrown
into the castle prison
Tomorrow morning, the
preachers will gather for a fair trial
Before me
Easy on yourself, our master
Easy on yourself, our master
After all, he's your son
My son who obays
me, nothing else, Zaid
The youngest true believing
follower in this castle is my son
You never wanted me
Al Hussein, son of Hassan Al-Sabbah
Do you admit your action?
I didn't do anything
I killed one of my followers who
defied my order and insulted me
Nuri Zaan was a
preacher and a scholar
And responsible for your education
How can you kill him
and call him your follower?
I am Al Hussein, son
of Hassan Al-Sabbah
And my status is higher than his
He should have obeyed me
Our master, Hassan Al-Sabbah, is
the one who decides who is in charge.
And Nuri Zaan was a preacher at the
behest of our master Hassan Al-Sabbah.
Above all as a preacher.
But not me.
Maybe you killed
him because you saw
Something that contradicts the
teachings of our master Hassan Al-Sabbah
Like a conspiracy
or betrayal of trust.
Or you noticed.
That he is cooperating
with one of our enemies.
I killed him
because he offended me.
And I can't accept insults.
And I can't accept insults.
we are trying to open a door for you to be
pardoned by our master Hassan Al-Sabbah.
Like, for instance,
he opposed the dawah.
Maybe, Master, Hussein
is hiding something from us.
I didn't hide anything.
I killed him because he was rude.
Killing one of the
preachers is a grave sin.
To lose a preacher.
Means to lose a door to the dawah.
Our master Hassan Al-Sabbah
Hussein is regretful.
Ask for forgiveness from
our master Hassan Al-Sabbah
Ask for forgiveness from
our master Hassan Al-Sabbah
Whoever kills, gets killed.
You are the one in charge
and you have the right to pardon.
You are the one in charge
and you have the right to pardon.
So Allah may carry out a matter
that has already been decreed.
Hussein my son!
My son!
No, no, no.
No Hussein no.
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