The Devil Judge (2021) s01e15 Episode Script


Judge Kang.
The Ministry of Justice
has just ordered a stay of execution.
On whose orders?
Judge Kim Ga-on
held a press conference just now.
All trials
of the Live Court Show
were manipulated.
Please tell us more in detail.
Are you saying that Judge Kang has been
manipulating the trials all this time?
Let me answer that question.
Yes, it's true Judge Kang Yo-han
has been manipulating the trial.
After deciding on
their conclusions in advance,
he forged evidence to support his stories
and even bribed the counsel
to partake in his scheme.
-Bribed the counsel?
-Is that real?
Is this all true?
Judge Kim Ga-on here has already
given his testimony to the Supreme Court,
and a fact-finding committee
will soon be constituted.
Then what will become
of the Department of Live Court Show?
Once the truth comes to light,
all trials presided over
by Judge Kang Yo-han
will be invalidated
in the Court of Appeals.
Does that mean the department
will be disbanded?
What will become of Judge Kang Yo-han?
As you can see,
the execution of the sentence
has been halted.
As for my position on this matter,
I will address it in a separate statement.
My fellow Koreans, thank you.
Release the Defendant.
Good work, Judge Kang.
Best of luck to you,
Mr. Kim.
We'll be seeing each other again,
so you better look forward to it.
What on earth is going on?
Now they're busy attacking each other.
We don't need to dirty our hands now,
Mr. President.
Anyway, as for Jukchang,
he's lasted longer than I thought.
I thought you promised him that
you'll cut off the power to save him.
I was just saying, you know?
You're a lot more innocent than you look.
I was just bluffing.
So no tweaking with the electric chair?
Oh I did, yes.
In case Jukchang failed to hang in there
and opened his mouth like this,
I would have turned up
the voltage to the max
until he dies. That's all.
Sizzle, sizzle.
I must give it to you!
That's why you were able to
remain so composed.
I'm in awe, Mr. President.
I just don't understand those guys
who pretend to be all righteous and just.
They hold down each other
only to trip over
after getting on their high horse
until they fall to their own demise.
I mean, what's with that?
I just don't get it.
You should win, shouldn't you?
Judge Kim.
I'm sorry.
Is it true? Did Judge Kang
really do such a thing?
I'm sorry for keeping it from you.
So I knew nothing all this time.
Then what about the allegations
that he bribed Jang Ki-hyeon?
Was that also true?
Were Judge Kang's explanations all lies?
-So I was just a background.
-Judge Oh.
But even if I was, I don't care.
In fact, I believed in Judge Kang.
I thought he's a real judge unlike me.
first met Judge Kang at…
It's nice to meet you.
What is it, may I ask?
It's nothing. I'm sorry.
So your name is Kim Ga-on?
-Yes, I look forward--
To the battlefield.
Why are you doing this?
Why am I doing this?
-Because I can.
The possibility is like ecstasy.
It's sad, but there is no justice
in the real world.
Only a game exists.
A game that's terribly unfair.
This again, is it?
Treating me like a monster?
Ever since then,
the children called him a monster.
One day, Yo-han will swallow
his brother whole.
Yo-han, I'm worried about you.
There was that incident at school too.
Who knows
what you will get yourself into next?
I should say you're admirable.
After removing your idiot brother,
you rescued his daughter like a hero
so you won't be suspected.
Say that again.
Is that why you killed your brother?
That's how you should calculate.
One is a smaller number than two.
Sir, don't you think you're a little
obsessed with playing with numbers?
You're going to make the ruling based
on the number of votes by our audience?
Do you call that "playing with numbers?"
I call it democracy.
All I did was to choose the fastest way
for them.
Why are you here?
What business could you have left with me
after stabbing me in the back?
I'm here to say my farewells.
I told you, didn't I?
That I don't want to see you
cross the point of no return.
I realized everything
after seeing you in the courtroom.
Getting Jukchang to talk
was just another excuse too.
Whether he opened
his mouth to speak or not,
you just wanted people to
get blood on their hands.
Because after that,
they will have no choice
but to side with you.
Men are obsessed in believing
that their decision was right.
Only the devil
uses man's weakness against him.
Say that again.
This is a dog-eat-dog world.
"Let's not cross the line
even though we're in battle?"
You're too naive.
I merely chose the fastest way.
Because as humans, we hesitate.
Even though we are weak,
we know how to hesitate
and stop ourselves because we're human.
If not,
we'll only be left with
the same old monsters.
Those monsters indulging in self-pity.
So it's that again.
That's what I've been told all my life.
Are you the same too?
Are you scared of me?
Don't you want to become
a monster like me?
If you want to kill me,
kill me.
Such a weak loser.
Now get lost.
I honestly wished
that you would stop, Judge Kang.
Despite the shocking revelations
that the Live Court Show trials
had been manipulated,
Judge Kang is yet to make a statement
and continues to hold his silence.
The recent revelations
sent the entire nation into shock
as the Live Court Show
had promoted delivery of justice,
and the negative publicity
surrounding Judge Kang
continues to increase.
Did you see that?
Youn-jeong, now do you see
what a great man your husband is?
Of course I do, yes.
And about Justice Min,
he's absolutely livid right now
thinking that his terrorist was
one of Kang Yo-han's supporters.
Yes, are the police on their way yet?
This is urgent!
But it was actually Jukchang!
It's all because
I sowed the seeds in advance
that we're seeing
my efforts come to fruition!
Of course!
You're the best, Honey.
You're a genius!
But you know, I still have regrets.
In fact, huge regrets.
I should have seen some blood while at it.
I ought to have used this chance to
wipe out the malcontent with tanks
and leave just the patriots behind
to build a great Korea
that would go down in history!
Making history is great,
but let's not forget
our humble beginnings.
What beginnings?
"A great Korea! A homogeneous Korea!"
That had been our concept
when we started our show, wasn't it?
I think you've become
too immersed in your role.
And that worries me.
Am I too much of a method actor?
Let's be honest.
We came here to earn money.
So let's not forget that.
In the end, money is all that matters!
You're right, we did talk about
how I'd become the first president
to cash in on the country.
But Youn-jeong, there's something
that's more important than money.
What is that?
To leave our mark in history.
To see our names imprinted
in those glorious credits called history
as the eternal protagonists!
Yes, that's what I'm talking about.
I saw the news.
Did you?
Are you okay?
You're worried about me, are you?
Worried about you? Please.
If you're arrested,
this house is all mine.
It's always been yours from the beginning.
So I guess Ga-on…
won't be coming here anymore.
Things are simply going back to
how it was in the beginning.
And in the beginning,
it was just us two, wasn't it?
-Yes, Professor.
I can't help but think that
Kang Yo-han is associated
with Su-hyeon's death.
I'm telling you.
He's not someone like that.
He's not someone to kill
his brother for his wealth
and Su-hyeon to cover it up.
He's not. He's not such a monster.
Despite how this world views him,
I know. I know that…
he really is a poor soul.
I see it's not that you don't believe me,
but that you don't want to believe me.
I know. It's been a long day, right?
I'll leave you to rest.
Kang Yo-han isn't a threat to us anymore.
It's time you lift the state of emergency
and handle the public unrest--
What are you talking about?
Since we started it,
we should see an end to it!
Let's include more regions
to our virus map,
and increase the number of migrants.
Mr. President, that's not quite
in line with our original plan.
To start, the concentration camps
would not be able to handle…
From now on!
From now on…
the stage is all mine.
When I make a lonely decision
in the face of history,
the rest of you simply need to
follow me, all right?
And you!
Honestly, since back in the days,
why do you always have to get so cheeky?
You wench.
First and foremost,
we'll take this chance
to wipe them all out!
Those old geezers and bums
who gnaw at our welfare budget
when they contribute nothing
to our country!
And not to mention the grumps
who are always protesting in groups!
We should cleanse out
those scums from our society
to build a new nation!
A young and powerful nation!
I've been proclaiming it
on my online channel, haven't I?
Let's change Korea totally!
This… this is a revolution!
It's a revolution to restore order
to our country, the Republic of Korea!
Do you get it?
What an inspiring speech.
But did you ever think
about the consequences?
What consequences?
The more you let things get out of hand,
the bigger the resistance.
What will you do if the angry citizens
take to the streets in protest?
What else?
I'm also the Commander-in-Chief.
I'll just wipe them clean!
I'll deploy tanks in Gwanghwamun,
and round up the airborne division too.
I mean, why can't we?
That's what they did
in the old days, wasn't it?
Damn it…
What the…
Hold on.
Hey! What was that just now?
Are you crazy?
You crazy wench…
Look at her!
Oh what?
You're in this too, are you?
What the hell is this?
There's a limit to my patience,
you dumbfuck.
You're just a clown
that I took as my puppet.
Didn't you know?
What? You think you've become
some great leader, do you?
Hey! Secretary Kim!
This is a coup! A coup d'etat!
Hey! Secretary Kim!
Listen to me carefully.
I guess you don't know
what's going on here.
But I'm not joking,
so you have to believe me.
You have to believe me.
Go on and shoot them.
You need to believe me. This is a coup
and I've just given you orders.
Go on and shoot them.
Now get a grip on yourself
and start with her first. Shoot her!
Chairwoman Jung.
Don't scare us.
It's okay, you may leave.
Yes, ma'am.
Hey! Secretary Kim!
What are you doing? Get up!
Now go stand next to that taegukgi,
so you're not in the way.
Excuse me, Mr. President, Your Honor.
This is all business!
Revolutions don't bring in cash.
Neither does history!
So why should the Foundation
back such a thing?
What a total idiot.
I'm sure you've already guessed by now
why I asked to see you in private.
What else can it be
other than to talk about
someone who's not here?
Like our honorable
Mr. President, for example.
So? What are your thoughts?
He seems to be having a ball, I'd say.
After being a supporting act all his life,
he finally has the stage all to himself.
So I can understand.
Though pushing his limits
will knock him down.
I hear he ordered to kill Jukchang
if he ever opens his mouth to talk
in front of the entire nation.
I know, right?
He never thinks about the consequences.
I say he's been watching too many movies.
I asked him what he'll do
should the people rise against him,
and he said he'll bulldoze them down!
Every time he opens his mouth to talk,
it's all blackmail.
This is a project to redevelop Seoul
and sell it to foreign capital.
Honestly, that man knows
nothing about business.
Do you want to hear
something more shocking?
Our President…
was seriously thinking of
leaking the virus in Seoul.
What are we going to do with that moron?
Is he crazy?
Who'd buy something that's contaminated?
He lacks business sense
because he's an artist.
I'm not so sure about him anymore.
We should think of a plan B.
An elite who's not so volatile.
The president and the chief justice too
are all non-regular seats
filled at our discretion.
Yet why do they always
let it get to their head?
There are still
the unchanging protagonists,
and why can't they see that?
Oh, shut up!
Now you look a little lonely.
That's some courage
coming to see me at your own will.
You want to get revenge
for your friend's death?
Come on. You're not that much of an idiot.
What's happened has happened,
and there's nothing to gain from it.
I know you're not irrational.
Let me give you one last chance.
I want to give you one last chance
because you're my Young Master.
On one condition. Don't get so cocky.
I'm offering
a once-in-a-lifetime chance, you know.
A chance to go to the Blue House
instead of to prison.
You need a new puppet, do you?
Is Heo Joong-se not to your taste?
You want to go to prison
for rigging trials then?
Where those trashy bastards
that you put away are waiting for you?
Can you honestly handle that?
You're working so hard.
I admire that about you.
You're always squirming and struggling
to satiate the thirst you cannot quench,
and dare to own what you cannot have.
You really are…
a pathetic soul, aren't you?
How will that bastard
try and con us this time?
Fellow Koreans.
I am a sinner.
What's he playing at here?
The allegations raised against me
are all true.
I have betrayed your faith.
I have been abusing the law
to punish the criminals.
What I have come to painfully
realize as a judicial officer
is that the law
is silent in front of power.
After witnessing with my own eyes
how people with power and money
escape through loopholes
despite the crimes they committed,
I wanted to use whatever means
to make them pay the price.
That's right.
I had been using my fury against
this reality where justice does not stand
to cross the line
that must not be crossed.
My deepest apologies to you all.
I have no right to serve the law anymore.
As of today,
I will resign from my post
and gladly receive any punishment
that is bestowed upon me.
I am a sinner.
So please hurl stones at me.
This way, Judge Kang!
Do you ever plan on returning?
Judge Kang, no!
Don't leave us, Judge Kang!
Judge Kang, wait!
Judge Kang!
Thank you, Judge Oh.
Judge Kang…
-And you too, Director.
-No, Judge Kang.
Judge Kang…
Judge Kang, you did nothing wrong!
Kang Yo-han for president!
Kang Yo-han for president!
-Kang Yo-han! Kang Yo-han!
-Kang Yo-han! Kang Yo-han!
-Kang Yo-han! Kang Yo-han!
-Kang Yo-han! Kang Yo-han!
The public's support for
Judge Kang Yo-han remains strong.
There have been movements across
the nation rallying in support of him.
What a scary bastard.
Chairwoman Jung.
What are we going to do about this?
Isn't Mr. Heo Joong-se a lucky man?
Looks like he'll be staying
at the Blue House for a little longer.
Yes, Seon-a.
Mark the Opposition.
Judge Kang Yo-han's apology
to the nation earlier today
has resulted in a stronger support
Thank you for your offer, Governor,
but I think it's too early
for such discussions.
I apologize.
A quick opinion poll showed that
as much as 57.6% of the respondents
are willing to support Judge Kang Yo-han
should he run for presidency.
This has sparked a competition
among the opposition parties,
who had no strong candidates
for the presidency to recruit Judge Kang.
Many eyes are now on
Judge Kang Yo-han's next steps.
This is Su-hyeon's keepsake.
Right until her death,
Su-hyeon had been digging
into the cathedral fire.
I'm sure she'd come to see you
to tell you something that day.
Yes, that detective lady
was quite determined.
I don't know how many times
she's visited this neighborhood!
When was her last visit?
Not so long ago, I believe.
Was it a fortnight ago?
She said she managed to
track everyone down
except for this Jung Joseph who used to
work odd jobs at the cathedral.
Is this him?
Yes, that's Joseph all right.
After she visited,
someone told me that
they'd seen Joseph in Seoul.
And, ma'am?
So I called that detective lady
and let her know.
Is that the…
"Old house, blue gate,
end of the street," right here?
Yes, that's it! That's what I'd told her.
-May I have the name of his neighborhood?
I'm sure I've written it down somewhere.
So did something happen
to that detective lady?
No. I just wanted to check something.
Is anyone home?
Mr. Jung Joseph!
Is anyone home?
Mr. Jung Joseph!
Is anyone there?
Then have you ever seen this man in your--
No! Don't you know
we're in a state of emergency?
Is anyone there?
Is anyone home?
Who are you?
You're Mr. Jung Joseph, aren't you?
You're that judge who works with Judge…
Yes, I'm…
Mr. Jung!
Wait. Mr. Jung!
Mr. Jung!
Please don't kill me.
Please let me go, please!
Why are you doing this? Get up.
Judge Kang sent you to kill me, didn't he?
Can I really trust you?
If I was here under Judge Kang's orders,
why would I be doing this now?
If you still feel anxious,
let me find you a place to stay tonight.
I'm sure Justice Min Jeong-ho will help.
-Do you really promise to hide me?
If you want, I'll have
Justice Min Jeong-ho call you.
There is footage that was recorded
at the time of the fire.
I had been in charge of maintaining it.
Not so long after that fire,
Judge Kang Yo-han had come to see me.
He told me to hand over that recording
and to keep it a secret forever.
In return, he promised me a new house
and enough money for me
to get by in return.
So that's what I did.
I'm ashamed to say this,
but I had created a copy
in case I needed cash.
Then a few months ago,
Judge Kang Yo-han sent someone
who came to see me.
They started to torture me
asking whether I'd created a copy.
I honestly thought I'd die,
so I confessed the truth
and handed it over.
Then what about these injuries?
A few days ago,
a detective had come to see me.
Is anyone home?
Mr. Jung Joseph?
I'm Yoon Su-hyeon from the WAIS.
I told her I know nothing
and told her to bring a warrant
if there's a problem.
But just when I'd managed
to turn her away,
another of Judge Kang's henchmen
came to see me.
He asked me if I had told her anything
or handed another copy to her.
Then he did this to me…
About this person who came to see you.
Do you have his phone number or anything
that I can track him down with?
He only came to see me in person, so…
Oh! He'd parked his car
right in front of my place.
-Here you go.
-Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Don't mention it.
You can take your time with it.
That's him. This is his car.
-This car?
We need to catch Kang's henchmen
no matter what.
If he really is the one
that killed Su-hyeon,
Judge Kang may kill him next
to try and eliminate evidence.
Then do you think you can run
his plate number right now?
Yes, one of my old students
is at the Police Agency.
I'll call you back
once I get the information.
Thank you.
What was in that recording, anyway?
That's something I cannot tell you.
Please don't ask me about it.
Judge Kang said
he'll chase me down to hell to kill me
if I ever let it slip.
And he's more than capable of doing so.
Just wait. Just wait a little more.
I'll expose Kang Yo-han's true face.
I'm almost there, Ga-on.
You have arrived at your destination.
Who's there?
Who was it that shot Su-hyeon?
She wasn't their target.
They were trying to eliminate us
amidst the chaos.
If you want to save the world,
cut off Yoon Su-hyeon from your life.
You can't choose to be with her
if you're going to help me.
It must be hell.
A hell you can never escape from.
Make those bastards
who did this burn in hell.
That's the only way to survive it.
Are you sure you won't regret this?
I'm willing to die if you wish.
But you'll regret it.
For life.
But you killed Su-hyeon.
I know you're in pain.
You're in so much pain that
you just want to blame someone.
Shut up!
I saw it with my own eyes.
The proof that you're the culprit!
I don't know what it is that you saw,
but you'll realize it soon enough.
How futile evidence is
and how easily humans are deceived!
It was you who killed your brother.
What was in that recording
you seized from Joseph?
You, setting fire to the cathedral?
Did you meet Joseph?
Did you?
Stand back!
Get away from Ga-on, right now!
Mr. Kang Yo-han.
You're under arrest for abetting
the murder of Inspector Yoon Su-hyeon.
You have the right to an attorney,
the right to explain your actions,
and the right to appeal to Court.
Is that what you think of me?
That I killed my own brother,
killed Yoon Su-hyeon,
and used you too?
That all that I'd told you were all lies?
Wow, so tear-jerking.
I've never seen you
with those eyes, Young Master.
Why are you here and how…
It's good to see you, Chairwoman.
Don't tell me…
There is no such thing
as overlapping coincidences.
Yes, it's a coincidence that
you're just like Kang Yi-sak,
but for you to work with Kang Yo-han?
No, that can't be a coincidence.
How dare you…
I, Kim Ga-on,
do solemnly swear
that I will administer justice
with a clear conscience and in conformity
with the Constitution and other acts,
and impartially discharge
and perform all duties
incumbent upon me
to serve the people of Korea.
He looks just like him.
One, two, three!
-Hurry up.
Come in closer.
You two take one together without me.
-Count me out.
-Oh, come on.
-One more now.
Please smile for this one.
One, two, three!
Who do you think it was that appointed
Judge Min to the Supreme Court?
It was a decision for the greater good.
You will understand me someday.
Wait. Professor!
You're the weakness
I planted into Young Master.
this man is awfully dangerous.
I told you I'd make you lonely.
Didn't I, Young Master?
It was all manipulated.
All manipulated!
It wasn't Kang Yo-han.
It was her doing!
It's no use.
They are all bribed by this woman.
It was you all along then?
It was you who told that old lady
about Jung Joseph's whereabouts,
and you who forced Jung Joseph to lie?
That's not it.
What Joseph said is all true.
Young Master was
desperate to hide the truth.
It's just that the man who tortured Joseph
to take the footage from him
wasn't one of Young Master's men.
In fact, he was someone I'd sent.
Me. Jung Seon-a.
Damn it.
This is what the Young Master
tried desperately to hide.
No, don't!
Get off me!
Corpus Christi.
Corpus Christi.
Is Elijah here?
I'm sure she's outside. Don't worry.
Corpus Christi.
Teddy, pray with me.
Bring your hands together,
bow your head, and close your eyes.
Please make Mom, Dad and Elijah happy.
Teddy, what did you wish for?
Teddy, are you cold?
I'll warm you up.
It's hot!
Good boy, Teddy.
Now let's go.
Corpus Christi.
Corpus Christi.
Corpus Christi.
What a poor soul Young Master is.
In case that child will find out
she was her parents' killer,
he tried to hide it all his life.
Elijah. Elijah!
Yo-han! Let go of me!
Let go of me!
-Let go of me!
-Now it's time for Miss Elijah
to learn the truth too.
Please. Don't tell her.
-Let go of me!
-Please don't tell Elijah.
Don't tell her.
Please… Please!
Get off me! Yo-han!
All I ever wanted
was for you to look at me with those eyes.
Take him away.
That was the moment
I made up my mind to die.
Subtitle translation by: Jeong-yon Kim
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