The Flash s01e15 Episode Script

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Free Pike! Free Pike! Free Pike! This is Joe Kline, live from the steps of the city courthouse.
Moments ago we received the news that Judge Julius Reindell has overturned the murder conviction of Nicholas Pike.
It's been less than a year since Central City was held hostage by Pike and his gang motorcycle hoods called the Dark Riders.
That reign of terror finally ended when Pike was captured by the mysterious vigilante called the Flash and subsequently convicted of the brutal slaying of policeman Jay Allen.
Now, however, because of legal technicalities the court has overturned that conviction and once again Pike is a free man.
Listen to them.
They belong to you.
- How does it feel to be a free man? - My client has no statement today.
He's been through an ordeal and he needs rest.
However, as his attorney l'd like to say that the judge's decision today only confirms what we've been saying all along.
- And that is? That Mr.
Pike is an innocent victim, framed for a crime he didn't commit.
Then who did kill Officer Jay Allen? The real criminal here is the psychopath who calls himself the Flash.
He murdered Jay Allen and then tried to pin it on my client.
Barry Allen, brother of the murder victim, what do you think of the decision? - No comment.
- What about his lawyer's assertion that your brother was killed by the Flash? - No comment.
- Over here! Turn and smile! Has anyone ever told you that you have the sensitivity of a rock? - Yeah, my mother.
- This isn't finished.
I swear - Stay away from my client! - This is not finished! - There are laws against harassment.
Thank God that's over.
Over? No, it's just beginning.
I'm gonna make Central City pay for what it's done to me.
But first l've got a score to settle.
With whom? The Flash.
Uncle Barry, is it true? Did the Flash really kill my dad? No, Shawn, he didn't.
Then why did they let Pike go? Sometimes the law makes mistakes.
But if Pike is guilty and they let him go free then what's the use of arresting criminals in the first place? Come on, Shawn, that's your mom.
Time to go.
Remember, baseball on Saturday, right? - Okay.
- All right.
See you later.
Right this way to your table.
Oh, terrific.
Hello, Allen.
- You mind if I sit down? - Yes.
I have nothing to say to you, Pike.
I think it's time that the two of us made peace, what do you say? You know I really like this city.
And I am going to enjoy destroying it.
And there's not a thing you can do about it.
I mean, I can get away with anything, right? After all I killed your brother.
I mean, you should have heard him beg for his life.
Oh, it was pathetic.
But then I guess cowardice is a family trait.
- Get up, Pike! Get up! - Leave him alone.
You think just because you're a cop you can assault my client in public? There are laws, Allen.
It was a dumb move, Allen.
In a restaurant.
In front of witnesses.
- You're a cop, for God's sakes.
- He provoked me, sir.
According to the witnesses, you hit him for absolutely no reason.
- That's not what happened.
- Maybe not.
But that's how it looks.
Pike's lawyer is playing this for all the publicity she can get.
Look, if it was my brother, I'd feel the same way but I don't have a choice.
You know department regulations.
Thirty days' suspension pending a professional-responsibility hearing.
Get out of here.
Come on, keep it in line.
And hold it.
Okay, unhook it.
Get rid of the truck.
There's a ravine just north of the reservoir, I'll dump it there.
Your obsession with the Flash is going to get you killed.
Look, we're two sides of the same coin forged from the same fire.
One has to defeat the other.
But this time he can't win.
What is it? A very special present.
Maybe the Flash can outrun bullets and bombs, but let him try to outrun this.
I've had it! I'm through with it! - Barry, calm down.
- I'm sick of the whole business.
I want to live a normal life without life-and-death emergencies happening every time I turn around.
But you can't just leave town.
I mean, where would you go? I don't know.
I'd travel around.
Who knows, if I find a place I like, maybe I won't come back at all.
You're just gonna turn your back on Central City and its problems? Well, according to Joe Kline, I am the problem.
Barry, Joe Kline is just one man.
I never wanted these powers in the first place.
And now, because you feel unappreciated, you're just going to quit.
You know, sometimes I get really tired of you critiquing my entire life like you were my therapist or my mother! I mean, you're not exactly the easiest person to get along with.
I never realized my friendship was such a burden! Maybe it would be better for both of us if you left town.
Look, this is not about appreciation! The man who murdered my brother has been set free.
The system I have believed in my entire life has blown up in my face and now someone is actually accusing me of murdering Jay! You don't understand.
You can't understand.
Look, I gotta go.
I Look, I I've gotta pack, all right? I gotta go.
Take care of yourself.
And good luck.
I hope you find what you're looking for.
Take care, buddy.
And remember, no howling at the moon.
No sleeping in Julio's bed, huh? And go easy on those doggy treats, okay? Here you go.
I'm gonna miss you, man.
- You and your goofy food.
- You never ate so good, man.
Tell that to my stomach.
Well, I'll call you in a week.
You drive safe, huh? I've planted a bomb at the old Devil's Gate reservoir dam.
Unless the city pays me $ 10 million by midnight tonight l'll blow the dam and flood the city.
Bring the money.
I'm telling you, Bellows, this is our big chance, man.
Listen to this idea.
We open up a storefront, okay? We sell all the latest fads and gimmicks, all the electronic stuff.
The yuppies will love this, man.
I've even got a name for it: The Cutting Edge.
Is that brilliant, or what? I don't know, Murph.
- You don't know? - Yeah.
Look, why couldn't we do something more practical you know? Like a bowling alley.
- A bowling alley? Why didn't I think of that? Where is your imagination? Look, we're not businessmen, we're cops.
You wanna spend the rest of your life getting shot at, man? Not me.
Let me tell you something.
When I leave this department, I'm gonna leave rich.
- You could be going - Barry, where you going? I've gotta get some stuff out of my desk.
- You really are leaving.
- The car's all packed.
Things will be different in a couple weeks, wait and see.
Murphy, Bellows! There's an "all units" at the dam.
Some nut is threatening to blow it and flood the city.
Come on! Oh, boy.
Where do they find these lint heads? Barry, take it easy.
See you later, Barry.
For crying out loud I can't even get out of the city.
What took you so long? It's time we finish this little game between us.
I have plans for Central City, and you just don't fit into them.
You should have killed me when you had the chance.
That is an error I don't intend to make.
Now let's see just how fast you can really run.
Look at how fast he's going.
- He's trying to lose it.
- He can't.
It's locked into his heat signature.
This is getting boring.
Now Central City belongs to me.
This is a reminder that all citizens with red passes should be off the streets by 11:00.
Only citizens with blue passes may still be out.
- Any citizens with red passes - Where am I? are subject to arrest.
March 3rd 2001? What is this? We haven't done anything wrong.
What's the matter with you? You're under arrest for selling illegal contraband.
- What contraband? - This.
Boy, now we're in big trouble.
I told you 10 years ago, "A nostalgia shop, how about a bowling alley?" - But no.
- This was not my idea.
You're gonna blame it on me? - Hey! - Get him! Hey! Oh, my! Stop it! Who are you? Where did you get the suit? I happen to like red.
- You're a funny guy, huh? - Thank you.
Well, let's just see who you are, funny guy.
Give me the scanner.
Scanning fingerprints.
Subject identified as Barry Allen, former head of police forensics lab missing for 10 years.
Detain for questioning and inform Mayor Pike immediately.
Well looks like we got ourselves a VIP, huh? This could mean a promotion.
Follow him! Barry? - It's Julio.
- Julio? Is that you? Hey, man, the cops are after me.
All right, come on.
It'll stink like hell, but you'll be safe.
Did you see a guy in a red suit? - That way.
- Let's go! Come on, Barry.
Put these on.
Hey, this is my old street.
Yeah, when you disappeared, Sabrina and I kind of took over the place.
You and Sabrina? You move in together? Worse.
We're married.
Close the door behind you, will you, Bar? What if the police come here looking for him, Julio? - They'll arrest us too.
- The guy's my friend.
You want me to kick him out? What kind of friend disappears for 10 years and never even bothers to write or call? Great.
Now the baby's awake.
You have a baby? - Congratulations.
Boy or girl? - Yep.
Yep? Twins.
Earl! Hey.
- He's forgotten me.
- Actually this is Earl Jr.
- You sure have changed.
- Well, you sure haven't.
You look exactly the same as you did 10 years ago.
Where did you disappear to all this time? Well, it's a long story.
Does it have anything to do with that red suit? - I guess I owe you an explanation.
- Lf it makes it any easier I figured out you were the Flash a long time ago.
- You did? - Well, I had my suspicions.
But when you both disappeared at the same time, I put it all together.
You don't know how long I wanted to tell you.
I'm glad you finally know.
But what has happened to this city? I mean, how did Pike become the mayor? - You really don't know? - No.
Well, after the Flash disappeared Pike took over the city's criminal organizations slowly corrupted the police department.
All the honest cops quit or were fired.
Crime got out of control.
Hard times hit like never before.
Next thing you know, he buys himself an election and he's in the mayor's office.
Where did all these factories come from? This is Pike's revitalization plan.
You see, this is supposed to create jobs.
Instead it gave us pollution and slums.
What about the people? Why do you put up with this? The rich never had it so good.
Who's gonna listen to the poor? Anybody stands up to Pike, they end up in the Police Rehabilitation Center.
- The what? - It's in the old Star Labs building.
They've got this machine that fries your brain.
Gives you an electronic lobotomy and turns you into a vegetable.
Julio, where are my parents? They're okay.
They moved to California back in the beginning.
Your dad figured it would only get worse.
And Shawn and Eve? Last I heard, Shawn was with the Liberation Underground.
- The cops were looking for him.
- Liberation Underground? Yeah, they're like a resistance movement.
They cause as much trouble as they can.
Nobody knows who they are or where they hide out.
Why do you stay? I guess because this is my city and I like to hope it'll get better.
All we need is somebody like the Flash to help us get started.
Oh, Julio, I can't help anybody.
I'm not the Flash anymore.
I've lost it.
I see.
I have to talk to Tina.
Where can I find her? With cops looking for you, we gotta stay off the streets.
I have to find out what's happened.
All right.
After the police took over Star Labs a couple of years ago Tina started up this place.
I'll wait out here.
Make sure she takes those pills three times a day, and I'll see you next week.
I don't know why you're here, but I want you to get out! - Why? What have I done? - What have you done? Take a look around.
Have you seen this city? - I didn't do that.
Pike did.
- Yes, and you just walked away and let him.
If you'd just listen to me, I'd explain to you.
I don't want to listen to you and I don't wanna see you again.
Now get out! - Tina! - Get out! She blames me for what happened.
She thinks maybe I could have stopped it.
- Maybe she's right.
- Julio, I didn't just walk away.
Something happened.
One minute I was in 1991, and the next I was here.
Well, look at me.
Come on, man.
You said yourself, I haven't changed at all.
You're telling me you traveled through time.
Pike tried to blow up the Flash with a heat-seeking missile.
Now, I don't know, maybe the combination of my speed and the explosion caused me to travel faster than the speed of light for just a second.
All I know is that somehow I jumped 10 years into the future.
That's the craziest story I've ever heard.
If it were anybody else - Oh, man.
- What? Keep walking.
Keep walking.
Those are Pike's shadow men, the secret police.
All right, let's start running.
- Hold it! You're both under arrest.
- Hands behind your back! - Let's go.
Come on.
- For what? You're making a big mistake.
I know Pike personally.
- You're gonna be in big trouble, man.
- Put him in! Hey, what are you, cops from hell? Eastern mystics believe life is a circle.
And that everything must have a completion.
I always knew that we would meet again Barry.
All we need is somebody like the Flash to help get us started.
Oh, Julio, I can't help anyone.
I'm not the Flash anymore.
I've lost it.
Your friend Mendez has been under surveillance for quite some time.
Damn you! So the Flash wasn't killed after all.
Instead he lost his power and hid for 10 years.
What do you think of the new Central City? You're insane.
Barry Allen having considered the evidence carefully we find you guilty of conspiracy and sedition.
You are hereby sentenced to rehabilitation treatment.
You're not a judge.
This isn't a trial.
You won't get away with this, you hear me? - There is such a thing as justice! - In Central City justice is whatever I say it is.
If you fight it, it will only be more painful.
Maximum power.
Shut it off! It must have been some kind of freak feedback.
Is he dead? Stop him! - How does it look from this angle, Pike? - You can't do this.
I'm the mayor! I say let's give you a dose of your own medicine.
- Barry! Barry! You all right? - Yeah.
Yeah, I'm dizzy.
Get me out of here! How are you feeling? Like somebody used me for a basketball.
Julio told me what happened.
Yeah, the electric shock.
It must have recharged my metabolism for a few seconds.
But it didn't last.
Julio also told me why you disappeared.
- I guess I owe you an apology.
- No.
That night I tried to leave town, but I couldn't.
It was partly because of the Flash and it was partly because of you.
Stop it.
I can't handle it.
I've prayed for years for you to come back until finally I gave up.
- On everything.
- I don't believe that.
For God's sake, Barry, grow up.
Maybe nothing's changed for you, but everything's changed for me.
I no longer believe that love conquers all or the good guy always wins.
I'm not sure I believe anything anymore.
But I don't want you complicating my life.
Once you're feeling okay, I'd like you to leave.
Tina I need your help to become the Flash again.
There must be something you can do.
While you were unconscious, I ran some tests.
Your metabolism's in a very dangerous state.
Any attempt to revive your powers could kill you.
The cops are headed this way.
- You gotta get out of here.
- You better come.
- Come on.
- This way.
This way.
Where are we going? Trust me.
Welcome to the headquarters of the Liberation Underground.
Julio! Julio! Oh, God! Oh, baby, thank God you're safe.
I was so afraid.
- Where are the twins? - They're here.
Come on, there's someone I want you to see.
- Julio, where are we? - The old Devil's Gate reservoir.
- Pike's old hideout? - He'd never look for us here.
Wait a minute, why are all these people staring at us? It's because they know you're the Flash.
Lieutenant Garfield? Good to see you, Barry.
Or should I say, the Flash? It was on the news this morning.
According to the mayor, you're the outlaw who caused Central City so much trouble 10 years ago.
He's offering a big reward for your capture.
I always knew there was something strange about you, Allen.
- Thank you, sir.
- Hey, Barry.
Come on, you gotta come check this out.
What is this place? It's a museum.
In memory of the Flash.
Where did all this stuff come from? People have been hoarding it over the years.
Telling stories, keeping the legend alive.
Somebody even made the suit.
But this is crazy.
The Flash was just a man.
Not to these people.
Especially the younger ones.
- He's a hero.
- Excuse me.
Don't you recognize me? I'm Shawn.
Shawn? Hey.
But you're all grown up.
Is it true? Are you really the Flash? - Well - Are you gonna save Central City from Pike like you did before? Shawn, I can't.
I I don't have the powers anymore.
I'm just like anyone else.
I'm sorry.
There's no sign of them.
We think they may have made contact with the Liberation Underground.
I want them found! - We are doing our best.
- That's not good enough! I suggest you get the situation under control.
Unless you wanna be rehabilitated yourself.
Yes, sir.
- What is this? - Synthetic food.
Real stuff is too expensive nowadays.
Here, have a hamburger.
Garfield, I was just in the city.
The word is out.
Pike's gonna execute all members of the Underground that he has in police custody at noon tomorrow unless the Flash turns himself in.
- What about a rescue? - We don't have enough people.
Or enough weapons.
The police - The police will tear us to ribbons.
- Then I've gotta turn myself in.
What makes you think Pike will keep his word? - He'll execute the prisoners.
- Lf Pike destroys Flash, he wins.
I'm not the Flash anymore, all right? There is no Flash.
To the people, the Flash is a legend.
If you take that away, they'll just give up.
Look, there could be another way.
How? Barry's here because of an accident.
A tear in the space-time continuum.
If he could get back through that tear, he could keep this from happening.
You mean, go back in the past and stop Pike from taking over Central City.
- Yes.
- Is that possible? - Theoretically.
- How do we do it? There's only one way.
We've got to break into Star Labs.
- That would be suicide.
- No, not necessarily.
If they're using the same security system, I can override it and get us all inside.
I guess we don't have a choice.
Someone once told me the Flash would be forgotten in a few years.
I never thought he'd end up in a museum.
All those people out there waiting for me to save them.
I don't know if I can be what they want me to be.
I believe in you.
It's time.
This is an emergency.
All personnel evacuate the building immediately.
All personnel evacuate the building immediately.
- Move it! - Let's go! Keep going, move it! All I have to do is change the entrance codes.
That should keep them out for a while.
Barry! Julio! - What happened? - Oh, man.
Hang on, man.
Hang on.
What? Julio! Oh, no.
No! Oh, no.
Barry, I'm sorry.
Leave me alone with him.
All right? I need your help in the lab.
We haven't much time.
Barry, if we don't stop Pike, Julio will have died for nothing.
They've blockaded themselves inside the Police Rehabilitation Center.
We've got the building surrounded, but we can't get in.
They've changed the security access codes.
I'll be there in five minutes.
I've synthesized the booster injection to accelerate your metabolism.
It should last about 10 minutes.
Your metabolism is so fragile, I don't know how you're gonna react.
Your body could literally tear itself to pieces.
Well, it's a little late to change my mind now, isn't it? How do you feel? I Barry! I feel like I'm on fire.
I'm back.
We should be able to bypass the access codes in 15 minutes.
Bypass? To hell with that.
Break it down! It's 2-inch titanium.
That will take all night.
Then blow it! Do it! Now! We have to duplicate the accident that caused you to jump through time.
To do that, we have to create a massive explosion.
The lab is powered by a small underground reactor.
If the atomic core melts down Star Labs will turn into a miniature nuclear warhead.
But that will destroy the lab and anyone inside.
If my theory proves correct the space-time continuum will snap you back through the tear.
You could get back before all this happened and change it all.
And if you're wrong we'll both die.
Here goes.
Warning, reactor control rods have been withdrawn from reactor core.
Reactor is in imminent danger of meltdown.
- Move! - Get out of here! Reactor is in imminent danger of meltdown.
The time to reinsert rods to avoid a meltdown will expire in 30 seconds.
They're going to blow it up.
I can't predict what might happen to you when you go back through time.
You could pass yourself or meet yourself at the other end.
You have 10 seconds to reinsert the rods.
Warning, five seconds till reactor reaches critical mass.
Five, four, three, two, one.
Critical mass has been reached.
Reactor will now explode in 15 seconds.
Fifteen, 14, 13, 12, 11 ten, nine, eight, seven six, five, four, three, two, one.
Now let's see how fast you can really run.
It's not working.
- What is it? - I don't know.
Some kind of equipment failure.
You're the failure, Pike.
- Now tell me about the murder of Jay Allen.
- Go to hell! I've got a better idea.
You'll both go.
I changed the launch frequency and homing signal.
Your missile is headed straight for this van.
Unless I redirect it, we all go.
- You'll die too.
- I don't think he's bluffing.
You've got 20 seconds.
- For God's sakes, he means it.
Tell him! - You want me to say I killed Jay Allen? - I killed him! - Not good enough.
- Forced confession is worth nothing.
- What is it you want? Police never found the weapon you used to murder Jay Allen.
Where is it? You've got 10 seconds, nine seconds.
- Tell him! - Oh, shut up! - Seven seconds.
Six - Tell him! - Tell him! - I dropped it down the drain at the reservoir just inside the gate.
The future is starting to look a lot brighter.
That's what I call a city.
Hey, big guy.
How you doing? How you doing, Earl? Oh, yeah.
There you are, you mangy hairball.
Julio! I've been looking for this guy all over Central City.
He ran away from me this morning.
- What are you doing back? - I decided not to go.
Yeah, I figured you'd change your mind.
Welcome back.
- Oh, man, it is good to see you.
- Barry, Barry.
- What? - Somebody might be looking, man.
Oh, yeah.
So it would appear that I owe a big apology to a certain mystery man whom I suggested might be the real culprit in this crime.
Now, when this reporter makes a mistake, he's big enough to admit it.
So here's a personal message, yours truly to the scarlet speedster.
Whoever you are, Mr.
Flash, this is Joe Kline saying: Sorry, babe.
Well, it looks like you're one of the good guys again.
Barry, you never explained to me why you changed your mind about leaving Central City.
Well, sometimes things happen, you know and suddenly you see the world very differently.
And you realize that what you have is more valuable than you thought.

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