The Following s01e15 Episode Script

The Final Chapter

Carroll was convicted in 2004 for the murders of 14 young women.
All the videos are on this drive.
You are a godsend.
I have to come over more often.
This break-up sex is hot.
Everyone knows their role? We trained, sir.
We're ready.
I appreciate your dedication, Alex.
Don't do this! Joe! Something happened with Claire, and now he's gonna kill her.
He's gonna give you the opportunity to save her.
He's gonna give me the opportunity to witness her death.
Will you grieve for your love when she dies? Aah! Why does Claire have to die? It's so that you can be reborn.
Unh! Joe, this is such a bad idea.
Come on! Joe! Joe! Aah! Guys, we got a problem.
Parker's missing.
Any last words, Agent.
You don't have to do this.
Take small breaths.
No! Somebody, help! Somebody! Please.
Aah! You guys, I got something.
Surveillance footage from a gas station behind the recreation center.
Look at that side road.
It's Parker.
That's the ringleader from last night right there.
IDed as Alex Lipton, former army sniper, part of the Freedom 13.
Another militia boy.
What else did Joe say? The attack last night was "Masque Of The Red Death," the girl yesterday was quoting "Annabel Lee.
" About lovers by the ocean.
Joe is playing to Poe's greatest hits.
He's handing us the clues.
We just need to see them.
What the hell? I got it, I got it.
Hey, buddy.
What's going on? What's your name? Jack Foster.
Where'd you get that mask? A lady gave it to me.
That lady tell you her name? Emma.
Emma Hill! Fan out! She could still be in the area.
She gave me $20 and told me to put this on and come over here.
Can I see that? Phone number.
Hello? Debra? Oh, God.
Ryan Where are you? We'll come get you.
I don't know.
- I'm in a box.
- What? It's a a coffin.
I'm buried, Ryan.
Listen to me.
You hang on, and we're gonna find you, okay? Did you hear me? We're gonna get you out of there.
Please hurry.
They're bouncing the connection through a dummy server.
All right.
Debra, let's go through this.
I want you to tell us whatever you remember after they put you in the trunk.
I blacked out.
I'm not sure for how long.
At least a few minutes.
And when you woke up? Um um we went over railroad tracks.
I remember that.
There's one line that runs through the county.
All right.
Anything else? We drove for a while.
I counted.
I got almost to 700.
That's a little over 10 minutes.
Lots of turns.
I I tried to keep track.
I couldn't.
It's okay.
You're doing great.
Anything else? At the end, we turned on to a dirt road.
I could hear gravel or rocks.
We drove for maybe 5 minutes.
Then we stopped.
They opened the trunk.
And what did you see? Woods.
It was dark.
I couldn't see much.
Two men, one blond, one dark hair.
They put me inside here.
I could hear their shovels, then the dirt.
That's all I can remember.
You did good, Debra.
We are gonna find you.
Deidre's gonna stay with you.
Debra, I'm here.
I'm gonna stay on the line with you, okay? There's 8 different railroad crossings in Milton County.
Okay, but she's to the east, Cedarville State forest.
It's 3,000 acres.
There's 12 access roads, they're all gravel.
It's way too much ground to cover.
How much time do we have? They abducted her, traveled by car.
It takes time to bury someone.
How much air do you think she has? We got to find her.
Police found Alex's car out on Route 4 near Cedarville.
We're gonna check it out.
Morning, Claire.
Whatever it is you're considering doing, don't.
Now come on.
Back inside.
So this is your ending, a lighthouse? You don't find that the least bit predictable? I I find it fitting.
- Or predictable.
- It's a motif, Claire.
It bookends the story.
You're a brilliant teacher, Joe, but it never really translated to your writing.
- Don't you-- - What? You're gonna kill me? You're gonna do it anyway.
You might as well just get it over with.
Not just yet, no.
Oh, right.
We're waiting for Ryan.
Yes, we are.
Well, he-- he must bear witness.
Ryan has-- he has proved remarkably resilient, but-- but I do believe that your death will be the one that finally does him in.
Like I said predictable.
You know, you're not being terribly good company, Claire.
I'm finding your temperament most, um most provoking.
In-- in fact, I think I've had enough of you for the moment.
Come here.
Come on.
Joe? Joe! Aah! This is definitely the car.
Why leave it behind? Flat tire.
Assuming after they buried her.
They could be anywhere.
Okay, folks.
We need a perimeter search of the entire area.
Let's go! Mike, check it out.
Tire wall puncture.
Somebody knifed it.
They wanted us to find this car.
Unh! All right.
- Give me some cover.
- Wait.
What are you gonna do? Cover! Drop it! Drop the weapon.
Where is Agent Parker? I don't know what you're talking about.
Hardy! Cuff him.
Get on your knees! Put him in our car.
Taking him back to town for questioning? Yeah.
We got him.
Do what you need to do.
- Who are you? - My name is Neil Meyer.
How did you end up here? Couple of kids hired me to bring a boat up from Newport.
What happened to your leg? It's my ankle.
I think they broke it so I couldn't run.
What the hell is going on here? Who are these people? It's Joe Carroll.
He's gonna kill us, isn't he? Where are we? Just a nice quiet place where we can talk.
I've met some of your militia friends.
They had this really cool way of questioning me.
I heard about that.
- Yeah? - Unh! Oh.
Then you know what's about to happen.
Here's how it works.
We ask you a question, you answer truthfully, or we beat you to a pulp.
Where's Agent Parker? We don't have time for this.
You need to start talking.
Or what? You're FBI.
You can't do-- I'm sorry.
You were saying? Where is Agent Parker? Okay, okay, okay.
I'll tell you.
She's in a coffin in the ground.
Where is she? Where is she?! Go ahead.
Kill me.
I'm not talking.
Heh heh.
We're not gonna kill you, but we are gonna get really, really close.
Aah! Aah! Aah! Where is she, huh? Last chance! Where? Okay, okay, okay, okay.
I'll tell you.
Route 32.
Where on 32? Woods near Macon Street.
We got a location.
Got it.
Woods off Route 32, Macon Street.
- Now, now! - We're 45 minutes away.
If you're lying, I will kill you.
Unh! Get up.
Get up! This won't budge.
You should sit.
No, no.
See, we need to get you out of here so you can go for help, understand? Come with me.
Where? In here.
I'm lonely.
Joe, this man needs help.
You don't need him.
You have me.
Oh, do shut up.
You're so bloody noble, always thinking of others.
Sit down.
Hands! What do you need that man for? You have your boat, you have me.
Perhaps you're right.
I suppose I should finish him off.
Joe, Joe, you have to stop this! What if Ryan doesn't make it? Oh.
I left him a-- a pretty big trail of breadcrumbs to follow, so-- so I think-- I think he'll make it in time.
Anything to save the love of his life.
Do you remember, Claire, when we used to be in love? That love was a lie, Joe.
W-we were really good together.
I'm really gonna miss you, Claire.
My men on their way, but they buried her in the middle of nowhere.
Turner, just hurry.
How much longer? Debra, hold on just one second, okay? Yes? Ryan! - How's she doing? - I have her on the line.
She's scared, Ryan.
Put her on.
Debra, Ryan's on.
Debra? Debra? I'm here Ryan.
Mike's here with me, too.
We know where you are.
We're on our way right now.
Can you hear us? Yes.
I need you to do me a favor.
Call my sister.
We're on our way, okay? Tell her that I love her.
My younger sister Beth.
My parents, too.
She'll know how to contact them.
We're not close, my family.
That's my only regret.
Deb, we're on our way, okay, so stop talking.
Just-- just save your air, right? Mike you're a good man.
Don't lose that.
Hey, Deb.
Stop, okay? We're getting really close, okay? We're almost there.
And, Ryan, I chose this life the FBI.
I knew the deal, but this is not on you.
You're g-- you're gonna make it.
You need to hold on.
This is not on you.
Don't you take it.
I am not your fault.
I knew the deal.
Please just hold on.
Please just hold on, Deb.
Mike and I We're gonna be there soon.
I know.
Get out! Where the hell is she? Where is she? End of the path.
Get down, get down.
You better hurry.
It's her! Debra! Debra! We're here! Hold on! Hold on! Hold on! Here.
Get it by the sides right here.
Ready? Oh, my God.
She's not breathing.
Get her out, get her out.
That's too bad.
Just a little too late.
Ryan, no! Come on.
Where are they? - What is that? - It's Joe's book, left in the coffin.
_ _ He planned the whole thing.
It's all part of this stupid book.
"Ryan prayed that she was still alive.
He started digging and finally found the coffin.
Inside, she lay.
He desperately tried to revive her, but Ryan was too late, and Agent Debra Parker was dead.
" He even talks about me finding this manuscript.
"Hidden inside the coffin was an envelope.
" How would he know exactly what was gonna happen? He doesn't.
He says that you died.
Alex shot you in the woods.
In this story, you're dead.
So we can still change the story, right? _ What happens? What's next? _ Okay.
Ryan, what is it? What's next? It doesn't say.
Of course it does.
Ryan! - Ryan.
- This is for me, alone.
Ryan, you don't get to do this by yourself.
This is my fight, Mike.
How can you say that to me? You don't think this is my fight, too? After what Joe's done, this is my fight! He wants you dead.
He wants everybody close to me dead.
- That was his plan.
- Yeah, but I'm not.
Ryan, we can surprise him.
I can't risk it.
Hey, hey.
Ryan, you don't get to decide! Stay here.
You're not gonna shoot me, Ryan.
- I'll shoot you in the leg.
- Ryan.
Sorry, Mike.
When did you know, hmm? Know what? That I liked killing things, young girls and such, yeah? When did you know? I've always wondered when you knew.
When you were arrested.
You-- you suspected or you knew? When Ryan came to me, he told me about the literary references.
- You turned me in.
- No! He gave me the details on the victims, and the saw the-- the symbolism.
I sent him to you.
Well, thanks for that.
I was blinded when it came to you, Joe.
I I loved you.
You were my husband.
Ryan, pitches up with his-- his cocksure swagger, and you finally face the truth.
So you knew.
- No.
No, I didn't.
- Yes.
I should have seen it, but I didn't know, and because I didn't see it, all those girls died.
I should have known, I should have known what you were.
Oh, I suppose you should have.
I'm I'm sorry.
That was a horrible thing to say.
You mustn't blame yourself.
Denial is a powerful thing.
It runs very deep, and it shields us from from the worst truths.
No, not me.
I should have seen it.
It was as if I killed those girls myself.
You certainly did not.
You are the victim here, Claire.
Ju-ju-just wait.
Please let me go.
- No.
Come here.
- Joe.
- I won't tell anyone.
- Shut up! What are you-- what are you doing? No talking.
Aah! Joe! Back up.
That Claire is what it's like to actually kill someone.
Do you see the difference now? You killed no one, Claire, so don't you dare take responsibility for my actions.
I earned them, I own them.
They are mine.
_ _ Lose your gun and phone.
Hello, Emma.
Get on your knees, hands on your head.
Do you think I can't kill you? I have been instructed to shoot you, Ryan.
We're not playing around anymore.
This is it.
If you want to see Claire again, this is the only way.
Just tell me where she is.
Unh! Nice to see you again, Ryan.
Oh, you're awake finally.
Sit down.
Sit down! Gonna need you to be a lot less combative.
It's okay.
It's gonna be okay.
I knew you'd turn up.
Claire had her doubts.
You found the book? Of course you would have noticed the final chapter is missing.
That's because we are writing it now.
You and I.
How's it going to end, Ryan, hmm? Does good triumph over evil? Does-- does the hero rescue the girl? My hands are tied, Joe.
Doesn't quite make for a fair fight.
Ryan, I have been stabbed with both a knife and a fork, so I really don't think there's gonna be any more fighting.
Claire, you okay? Oh, she's fine.
W-w-we've had a long chat, Claire and I, about all sorts of things.
You know, her guilt, her suffering, her bad choice in men.
You know, we damaged souls, we really do attract one another, don't we? You're cursed with a bad picker, you are.
And let's face it, why would anyone fall in love with either of us total bloody disasters? We're so much alike.
Your ending, Joe, tell me about it.
What's my part, huh? What do I have to do? Well, you have to be-- unh-- you have to be honest here, Ryan.
- You got it.
- Right.
So when did you fall in love with my wife? - I don't know.
- Hmm.
When you first met her, Ryan.
Love at first sight.
That's the acceptable answer.
It starts as an attraction, but later, we're able to look back on it and know that we always knew.
It's much how I regard you and I as a matter of fact, love at first sight.
You have to admit we're connected.
Not by love.
Well, then you have yet to truly reflect.
So tell me, hmm, on this-- this cozy night of-- night of truths, when did you realize that I was, uh, I was the killer? I started following you.
No, Ryan.
You didn't follow me.
You followed Claire.
I followed her to see if she would lead me to you.
And then you fell in love with her.
That will make this all the easier to do.
Let's begin.
- Aah! No! - Wait! Don't! Don't! Joe, don't.
It's too predictable.
You got to kill me instead.
That's-- that's not the ending, Ryan.
No, Joe! Please, please, Joe.
Shall we start with her eyes? No.
Joe, stop.
Listen! You got to kill me.
No one's gonna see it coming.
It's the best ending.
I'm the hero.
You can let her go, but I have got to die.
No one is gonna expect that! Claire must die, Ryan, to honor your death curse because it is by far the most interesting thing about you! It's not gonna work, Joe.
It's overkill.
You're gonna destroy the story.
No one's gonna read that.
It reeks.
You don't even know good writing.
That's why you're a teacher, right? Those that can do, and those that can't teach.
Listen to you, trying to get under my skin.
It's not hard.
See, I know all the trigger words-- - second-rate, no-talent, wannabe - Yeah.
Pretentious, overwrought, flop.
I'm so bored with you.
I'm so bored with you and Edgar Allan Poe.
What a trumped up piece of nothing talent he was.
Loser morphine addict just as pathetic as you.
Aah! Aah! Go! - You all right? - Yes.
Kill him.
Go kill him! Ryan! ERT's combing the area.
We got dive teams in the water.
They found partial remains.
Claire mentioned a guy Neil Meyer.
I want confirmation that's Joe's body they're finding.
Well, we won't know until we run official tests.
Coroner confirmed a dental match.
Anybody contact Parker's family yet? Quantico reached out to her sister.
I was gonna call once we got finished up here.
What about the rest of the followers? Well, we got 7 total in custody.
Is he dead? Did they find the body? Yeah.
What's left of him.
You're sure.
You have to be sure it's him.
Are you sure? We'll have official confirmation soon.
Claire, I have a call for you.
I think you'll want to take it.
Hello? Hi, Joey.
It's mommy.
Joey's in DC.
The debriefing will start tomorrow.
I'm gonna take her back to my place, and we'll fly down first thing.
I'll send some men with you.
You okay? No.
Just like the main character in this novel "The Gothic Sea," serial killer Joe Carroll's life came to an end early this morning when he was burned to death in a fire Okay.
escape the FBI.
Sources within the Bureau tell us Is it true? Dental records match, early DNA.
He's dead.
- Oh.
- You okay? Yeah.
I'm just-- I'm a little sore.
I'm fine.
You hungry? Yeah, I'm starving.
Do you-- do you have food? - No.
- No.
All right.
I'll get cleaned up.
Captured Carroll on the Winslow University campus Once again, for those of you just tuning in, we have confirmed that Joe Carroll is dead.
We know that many of Carroll's followers have been exposed, leaving his cult of killers all but dismantled.
These recent developments leave us with the hope that Joe Carroll's terror has finally come to an end.
We will continue to bring you more on this story as information becomes available.
We intercepted this downstairs.
What do I owe you? It's on us.
Thanks, man.
Unh! Unh! You were always my chapter, Ryan.
Joe promised me I would be the one.
I smell food.
Claire! Ryan! No, no! No! Ohh! No, no!
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