The Glory (2022) s01e15 Episode Script

Episode 15

You stupid fucking bitch!
You should've just quietly dropped out.
You're so innocent?
You didn't do anything wrong?
Only someone as messed up as you
would lie like this.
Come back and change
your reason for leaving, right now!
Do you remember
what happened on that roof?
You remember?
That was when your nametag
went missing, right?
Remember, Yeon-jin?
The fuck is this?
That's enough.
Stay away from me!
What… What are you doing here?
You're dead. You shouldn't be here.
I knew I smelled something rotten in here.
All those burns on your body,
and your skull has been crushed.
Why're haven't you moved on yet?
What do you want?
Why are you still among the living? Huh?
Oh! Mother!
Mother! Mother…
They're here?
She's here, right now!
Mother! Mother?!
Beoljeon! Mother's been cursed!
I hear your husband's dead.
So are you working with Dong-eun?
You had to drag my mom
into your husband's murder?
This makes you a killer too, bitch!
I guess this is why you didn't even flinch
when I offered to kill him.
You need to settle this.
Do you really think
I can't find your daughter?
First, I have something
I need to give back to you.
You fucking bitch!
How can you threaten someone else's child?
You're a mother too.
I have a lot of pictures
you don't want other people to see.
So don't try to mess with me.
Hurt me again,
I'll find you and give it back to you,
only twice as hard.
I'll kill you, bitch!
Thank you, sir.
Feel free to call
if there's anything else you need.
You work for Mr. Shin, right?
I heard he's leaving Korea soon.
He's even arranged
to sell that motel in his sister's name.
Okay. Let's go.
What are you doing?
Who's that? Do you know them?
Right now, you have two choices.
This is the address
of Yoon So-hee's mother.
Maybe you forgot about her,
but she hasn't.
Either go there
and accept your punishment, or…
our marriage ends here.
Think hard.
I know I will.
Why should I have to go?
I'm not the one who killed her.
That bitch just freaked out for no reason.
-She slipped
-You were there…
…weren't you?
"Our marriage"?
Our marriage was over the moment you…
met with Dong-eun.
I see.
I've made my decision.
Mr. Choi, do it.
Jaepyeong Construction has stated
that it cannot confirm
if the accusations against Park Yeon-jin
are the main reason
why the two are now getting a divorce."
"They do not plan on making
an announcement anytime in the future."
I guess this means he's single now.
Ugh. Bad news for me.
Why would you care
about something like that?
Didn't you say I'd lose
my parental rights if this happens?
Don't you know his company's lawyer?
Go meet with him. Find out what you can.
Why are they getting divorced?
You think Jae-jun still loves Yeon-jin?
They won't get back together, right?
Jae-jun said that he cums super quick
when he sleeps with me.
Does that mean he's in love with me?
That's premature ejaculation.
Now fuck off!
I'm here doing you a favor
buying your clothes.
Oh, are you going to Myeong-o's funeral?
How much condolence money do I give?
Come on, what the fuck?
Hey! Do I look like the FSS?
Why are you asking me
about condolence money?
Huh? Now Myeong-o's gone,
it's so fucking obvious.
It wasn't him.
The biggest idiot is you.
Fuck you, Sa-ra!
You think that "fuck" is the only way
to insult someone? You're wrong.
Humiliating someone is worse.
If it hadn't been Dong-eun,
it would've been you.
You are nothing more
than a cheap plaything, understand?
I came over here to help you,
but never mind.
Don't regret this.
I hope you do regret it,
you fucking junkie.
Get lost, you fucking idiot.
We didn't go to the Philippines
and eat mangos on the beach,
but we still managed to get to the ocean.
I'm wearing the clothes
you picked out for me.
Like them?
Look good?
Sun-a isn't your problem now,
and you don't have to forgive me.
I hope you rot in this ocean
for a very long time.
Ms. Kang Hyeon-nam?
You're Mr. Lee Seok-jae's
next of kin, right?
I represent the driver
involved in the case.
The driver came here herself,
in order to reach a form of settlement.
There won't be a settlement.
I'm not settling.
Ma'am, please reconsider.
Since the road was so wet,
the driver couldn't see him coming.
Please, ma'am.
My goodness, I can't imagine how you feel.
I know that I have no right to be here,
but you see, I have
a daughter and a granddaughter.
Please, I beg you to reconsider settling.
Maybe after you've taken some time,
we can meet and talk about this.
I'm not going to settle.
Don't contact me again.
I'm still in mourning, you know.
Wait, please ma'am. Ma'am, just…
What now? I don't think
she'll change her mind.
Why are you asking me that?
You want me to go to prison?
That bitch. She better settle.
Laughing while she's in mourning?
Wearing that ugly dress?
Double the offer.
Double the money.
Come on, move! You're blocking my way!
Good evening, ma'am.
I'm Moon Dong-eun. I doubt you remember.
You're who?
Why don't we try this again?
I knew Lee Seok-jae, and I know
you hired someone to have him killed.
Did Yeong-jun send you?
He didn't. I came on my own.
I'm here all the way from the year 2004.
Moon Dong-eun?
Write your name here
if you agree, and then…
Wait, are you really…
It seems like you remember me now,
so I'll get to the point.
I don't care if you actually had
Lee Seok-jae killed or not.
What I do care about is
Park Yeon-jin murdered Yoon So-hee,
and how Shin Yeong-jun
cleaned up after her.
You have Yeon-jn's nametag, don't you?
I know you kept it at the shaman's shrine.
All I want is for you
to turn it in as evidence.
So what will it be then?
Will you give up
Yeon-jin to save your own skin?
That's my phone number.
Will you become a murderer,
or will you turn over the nametag
and you'll only be charged
with manslaughter?
I know this decision is easy for you,
but you can pretend to think about it
as if you actually loved your daughter.
Call me when you've made up your mind.
"Following last week's cold snap,
an emergency temperature warning
has been issued across the country."
"This morning promises to be freezing,
with temperatures around -10 degrees."
It's -10 degrees outside,
but you still remain hot, Yeon-jin.
So? My divorce?
Can't you look it up at home
on your own time?
Seriously, that article's
yesterday's news.
Not the article, the video.
You know,
the one that was posted just now.
…Deaf like your mother?
Don't make me repeat myself.
Take your clothes off!
I'm gonna kill that bitch.
-Oh my God, she's so mad.
-Get that out of my face!
I told you that I'd bring you down.
Have a nice day.
Fucking bitch.
Didn't that post exposing Yeon-jin
say she killed someone she was bullying?
Maybe all those articles are true.
Park Yeon-jin!
What is going on?
Where do these rumors keep coming from?
Bullying and murder? What is this?
Is it true?
Why is my life
so fucking hard?
Here you go, sir.
I did used to be a bully,
but I never killed anyone.
It looks like you're standing
on nothing more than ruins now…
No longer with your
beautiful walls, Yeon-jin.
It'll be desolate. It'll be dark.
Welcome, Yeon-jin.
Take these away.
Make sure Ye-sol doesn't go online.
Yes, ma'am.
Listen, Mom and Dad got into a tiny fight.
And there are some things
Mommy needs to go take care of.
I already saw everything.
Did you bully your friend?
You really burned her?
Seung-a says she's scared of me.
She asked if I was going to bully her too.
That's not… No, please, Ye-sol.
I can meet Seung-a's mother, and we can…
Just go away.
I don't want to be a weathercaster
when I grow up.
Mommy, I'm not proud of you anymore.
I admit that I was a bully
when I was young and still immature.
But I have never murdered anyone.
In reality, I'm the real victim.
For the last few years,
I've suffered at the hands of her family.
I had to endure all this
just because their child died.
But I've filed a lawsuit
regarding these unjust accusations
made by her family members
and the malicious lies spread about me.
I never wanted
to bring attention to any of this
because we used to be very good friends,
but when she died,
Yoon So-hee was expecting a child.
-Ms. Park, is that really true?
-Can you prove that, Ms. Park?
You can check for yourselves.
It's all there in the police report.
My friend, instead of having that baby,
chose to kill herself.
I didn't say anything about this earlier
because I wanted to keep her… her secret.
I truly am sorry
I have to reveal the truth like this.
That's all I have to say.
Now excuse me.
I have another friend's funeral to attend.
Follow Yeon-jin.
I'll look into the report.
If true,
I feel bad for Yeon-jin.
Are you sure? Okay, I'll call you later.
Yeon-jin held a press conference.
She's heading to Myeong-o's funeral.
Find out where it's being held.
You still haven't heard?
From the National Forensic Service?
No, not yet.
What's with you two?
You two fight?
How could I fight someone like her?
I'm just a cheap plaything.
Are you talking again?
I can't understand half the shit you say.
So shut the fuck up, you fucking bitch.
I bet you feel pretty shitty right now,
especially after that video of Yeon-jin
made her look even better.
But I think you're going to miss
all of this, Sa-ra.
What the hell are you saying?
I just got a text from a ghost.
It's from Myeong-o.
What the fuck?
What is this?
You putting on a show?
Holy shit!
Sa-ra, isn't that you?
It's not me.
What's this? Who sent this?
That dead fucker didn't send this,
so who did?!
That's not you?
Those eyes sure look like yours.
Those crazy eyes.
Sure you should be talking about
someone else's crazy eyes?
What the hell are you
so excited about? It's not me!
Turn it off, you bitch!
This is so funny.
You laughed while I was being screwed,
and now that it's about you,
it's not so funny?
-This is you.
But who's the guy?
Hey, Sa-ra.
What the fuck did you say?
Ah, that's right.
You probably wouldn't remember, would you?
Down on all fours like a bitch.
-I told you, look at me.
-It's Myeong-o!
Did you sleep with him?
Wow, Myeong-o.
Guess drugs weren't
the only thing you've been taking.
That isn't me!
Who did this?
Who sent that shit?!
Why'd you do that?
You're the one who slept with him,
you fucking slut!
Fuck you.
We need to talk.
Did you send it?
What do you mean?
Step outside with me.
I think we should talk
about that video you posted.
I knew.
I knew it was you.
Why? Trying to hide your videos
with one of mine?
Hey, are you insane?
Are you on drugs?
Let go! Let go of me!
You two act like
you're better than everyone.
But posting a video of your best friend,
and revealing that girl's pregnancy
to hide from your shame…
Wow, you two really are fucking classy.
She said what?
It was you.
Where are you going, you slut?
I'm going to your daddy's church, bitch.
Come by and see
your little film play in the lobby.
Looks like you're gonna be
brought down on camera.
You should've just let me buy
your fucking clothes.
Only the devil rejoices
at the pain of others.
A bitch like you who enjoys others' pain
should face judgment.
Police! Move now!
Wait, don't take it out!
Let go! Fuck!
You want my clothes so much?
Then you can wear them
at your funeral! Fuck you, bitch!
It's been a long time
since I gave this to you.
You aren't here for treatment, are you?
I didn't hurt you that night, did I?
Ah, by the way, how's your friend doing?
Feeling better? Hye-jeong, right?
Of course you knew that.
You and Dong-eun are working together.
Hye-jeong went to a big hospital in Seoul.
Don't worry about her.
What exactly is going on
between you and Dong-eun?
You fucking?
You should watch what you say.
I've gotten used to my new car,
so I might actually
run you over this time.
Oh, your manners are fucking terrible.
Probably 'cause you grew up rich.
Anyways, your mom's the director
at Joo General, right?
I heard So-hee's there.
She has been for a while.
Why do you care?
I was wondering if I could go see her.
She's frozen, right?
Will they perform an autopsy?
As a doctor, what do you think?
If one was performed,
would they test
everything they find inside her?
Yoon So-hee was pregnant when she died.
I don't know a lot about forensics,
but I do know you need to be accompanied
by a member of Ms. Yoon's family.
If you're looking to book
a procedure with me,
you can make an appointment
on your way out.
I have a lot of patients I need to see
before I go out of town tomorrow.
Wow, you almost convinced me
to book an appointment with you.
I'm good, Doctor.
Sir, excuse me.
Uh, Mr. Jeon didn't pay
before he took off.
Don't worry, it's fine.
He already paid me with something else.
You can go.
Myeong-o wasn't the father.
The asshole that deserves to die
was Jeon Jae-jun.
I can't believe it.
I didn't know.
How did I miss that?
He wasn't just
playing basketball after all.
Do you know what time it is?
You told me to hurry, that it was ur…
She's a member of the club.
She loves the dumplings
we sell in our cafe.
I was planning on giving you a call soon.
Did you see that article?
Ye-sol's dad and I
got into a small disagreement.
Still, asking for a divorce seems
a little hasty, don't you think, ma'am?
Ye-sol's dad, huh?
Ye-sol's father?
Hey now,
why'd you pick the putter?
-You know this one hurts the most.
-Stay out of this, Mr. Jeon.
Who is it? Who's the father?
Mr. Jeon told me that Ye-sol isn't…
She isn't Do-yeong's child.
You insane?
Ah, I forgot to mention that.
I'm the one you're looking for.
Ye-sol's my daughter.
What did you say?
So, it doesn't make sense for your son
to raise my daughter, does it?
Now you know the truth,
would you please consider
disowning Ye-sol?
You fucking asshole!
You two brats
have made a terrible mistake.
How dare you betray my son like that?!
How dare you?
How dare you? How dare you?
Yoon So-hee?
Yes. I'd like to pay her morgue fee.
I know it's been overdue since 2004.
Ah, yes.
I guess you could say
you're a little too late.
That was paid off some time ago.
By who?
Jaepyeong Construction's CEO, Ha Do-yeong.
Thank you, sir.
Maybe this is why Dr. Joo wanted
to preserve her body all these years.
Are you going on a business trip, sir?
One moment.
Thank you for taking care of my daughter.
We no longer need your help.
Give me a hug.
Daddy, I'm sorry.
My princess,
you have nothing to be sorry for.
Nothing that's happening right now
is because of you.
This isn't your fault.
Do you understand me?
I have a favor to ask.
Give this to Seong-hee.
And this, would you please give
to the school nurse?
I put a note for them in the bag.
So this…
is really my last mission.
Thank you for all you've done.
Go live the life you've always wanted.
You're free now.
Live in a world where you don't
have to be my accomplice.
You can be who you want to be.
Live a happy life.
You brought eggs, didn't you?
Please don't cry.
I wanna leave you with a smile.
Sometimes, I wonder what you were like
when you were still a young girl.
'Cause you're so pretty when you smile.
Do you?
How I used to be?
I don't remember.
I would like
to wish you luck, Ms. Moon.
Thank you.
I hope we never meet again.
-Hey. Have you eaten?
-Wow, it's hot.
-Let's get food after school.
-We can get fries.
-Sure, sounds good.
You really shouldn't
be doing laundry in here.
Work here?
You're good at your job.
She owns the place down the road.
Her son just died. Hit by a drunk driver.
She's having a hard time.
Let her be.
Anyway, welcome.
Dong-eun told me
you saved her life.
Let's watch how that scar
on her neck heals.
And her voice,
keep an eye on that as well.
What do you mean, keep an eye on her?
So, will she get her voice back or not?
Her vocal cords were seriously injured,
so it's impossible to control them.
As of now, probably not,
but sometimes patients do get
their voices back.
What are her chances, Doctor?
It's not very likely, but it could.
Ms. Choi, please,
it's important you don't speak.
If you're going to need a miracle,
I guess I should just send your stuff.
I don't have to worry about you.
You're brave.
Let me know if you need anything.
That's right. You can't talk.
Hey, the doctor said you shouldn't talk.
What? You're saying I can't do this?
That recording.
I erased everything.
Remember? Three 69s.
I know I am a son of a bitch.
Don't try to speak. Doctor's orders.
Hey, you should switch to menthol.
That should loosen up your throat.
Ms. Lee will face trial
for special damages and attempted murder.
Pastor Lee Gil-seong, Ms. Lee's father,
has also been arrested for tax evasion.
The church offerings that he has been
embezzling from for over 20 years
are estimated to be worth
tens of billions.
I saw the news.
Looks like we're almost there.
Congratulations. You've destroyed them.
I may have set up the board,
but they're the ones
who destroyed themselves.
Besides, you're the one who finished this.
Finally, everything is in place.
Turn around. You shouldn't see this.
You should be looking
at only beautiful things.
No, I should watch.
My executioner is
wielding his sword for me.
The DNA results from under
Son Myeong-o's fingernails are in.
They're a little weird.
Why's it so weird?
Remember the lighter
they found at the scene 18 years ago?
The DNA from the lighter matched
the DNA under Myeong-o's fingernails.
Get DNA samples from everyone.
We need it done ASAP.
I would like to thank Dr. Joo Yeo-jeong.
I'll be home late tonight.
I'm heading out of town right now.
Where're you going?
To Dr. Joo Yeo-jeong.
Um, somewhere far.
I gotta go. See you later.
Hello, Dr. Joo.
This is Kang Yeong-cheon.
I can't even pretend to comprehend
the grief of losing a family member,
But allow me to express my condolences.
Although we only met for a short time,
I still remember your father
as a very good man.
He did all he could to treat me,
despite the fact that I am a murderer.
3724, visitor!
We meet again.
You didn't answer my question
the last time I was here.
You promised to show me
the hell you're living in
if we were to meet again.
You still haven't told me
why you did what you did.
So tell me now.
Do you think this is your hell, Dr. Joo?
It's far from over.
Why did you…
have to kill my dad?
Everyone there refused to operate on me.
My arm was broken and the pain
was so intense, I thought I'd die.
I was bleeding badly,
but no one would come anywhere near me.
That's when your father stepped in.
Step aside, people.
Everybody move.
I'll do it.
Get him an IV and a CT.
Get those off him.
I can't treat him with those on.
Dr. Joo, please, we can't do it.
Send him somewhere else.
And that hospital? And their doctors?
The court will punish him for his crimes.
We're here to make sure
he can go to trial.
Can someone call Yeo-jeong for me?
We were supposed to meet
for dinner tonight.
But tell him to go and not to eat ramen.
I don't get
why he's always eating that stuff.
I was dying and he wanted to make sure
his son wasn't eating ramen.
It's kinda hilarious
if you really think about it, right?
Anyway, the operation began,
and in the middle of it
I woke up, and yeah…
One of my arms was free
and the scalpel was close.
Do you know
who I wanted to see at that moment?
The director's son who really loves ramen.
That's my reason why.
I thought you'd come
if your father were to die.
I wanted you to come running
so I took the scalpel and…
I would like
to honor my late father
and offer you my professional services.
My father always said
if you choose the medical profession,
you should think of the care for others
as a doctor's true mission and calling.
I think a healthy body is
the foundation of law and order,
and the beginning of hope
for a brighter tomorrow.
While I admire
your intention, Dr. Joo,
I just can't hire
the family member of a victim.
So in reality,
you were the one responsible
for killing your father.
Hey, stranger.
You look like you've lost a little weight.
I've only been eating vegetables
to fit into my bikini.
But now I hear sun shirts are in.
There goes your chance
for a European stepdad.
From where?
Maybe an Italian stallion?
Were you crying?
Why would I?
I've got nothing to cry about.
Can you buy me dinner? I'm hungry.
I'll grab a list of the most
expensive places in Jong-heon.
I'll be right back.
Go get a haircut.
You need to take advantage
of that handsome face I gave you.
I'm trying to grow it out
so I can braid it.
Mr. Ha is currently
on leave at the moment.
I know.
I called him earlier.
So I know.
I know.
But here's the last safe place I could go.
Still don't know?
I sent your missing nametag
straight over to the police.
I didn't get the chance
to use your nametag back then.
But I found a use for it now.
Chief Shin gave it to me
after it was turned in.
I've had it ever since. Are we done?
Not yet. We're just getting started.
Why are you…
-You tell her to come here?
-Yeon-jin deserves to know.
Your mother chose
to give you up to save herself.
You said it yourself.
Family will betray us the worst.
You fucking bitch!
This is for you, Yeon-jin.
Back where it belongs.
Want to know something?
This nametag can't even
be used as evidence.
It wasn't found the night So-hee died.
Her nametag was found much later.
I never needed your mother's testimony.
I just wanted to know
if she would abandon you like mine did.
Now we both know
the truth.
She would.
What'd you do?
Tell me why.
How could you do this
to your own daughter?
What? I should go down with you?
When you're the one
who couldn't get rid of the bitch.
Well, you can give your own daughter love.
I don't think I can do that.
I know
that there are mothers out there
who would willingly choose hell
to save their children, Yeon-jin.
Those crazy bitches.
Doing this at someone else's funeral?
How dare they.
Damn it.
So I hope
you don't think this is over just yet.
And don't assume
that you've been punished enough.
After all, only Myeong-o got a funeral.
Hey, Seong-hee.
Dong-eun, I'm at Sunghan-dong,
and Mrs. Kim's collapsed.
Ms. Kim Gil-nyeo's guardian?
What's your relationship to the patient?
I'm a friend. She doesn't have
any remaining family.
I'm sorry, just give me a minute, please.
You should check this out.
The note on her file says
that Dr. Joo is her guardian.
He's probably eating
with the director right now.
Hey, it's me.
I have a question about this chart.
Have you been here long?
You're listed as Yoon So-hee's…
mother's legal guardian.
When I asked, the date on the note was
before we even met each other
on that train.
Did you always know
that I was going to…
come to you for help?
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