The Longest Promise (2023) s01e15 Episode Script

Episode 15

♪Your silhouette in the twilight's glow♪
♪Awakens like snow, delicate and cold♪
♪Within your gaze,
countless destinies intertwine♪
♪A lifetime, a world of illusion
of just one person♪
♪As moonlight shimmers♪
♪Falling petals rest in my palm,
it's your sacred promise♪
♪Cultivating amidst the fleeting time
of this mortal world♪
♪To be as one, inseparable,
like a shadow in rhyme♪
♪Grant me a lifetime
of enchanting sights♪
♪I defy fate, turning it around♪
♪Fearless of heavenly decree♪
♪It is the courage
that blooms for you, profound♪
♪Unafraid of the destined trials♪
♪I only wish to make a vow with you♪
♪Like our initial encounter
etched deep within my heart♪
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
=Episode 15=
It's her! It's all her fault!
At first, there were only scabs
on my father's face.
He was still conscious.
But after taking her prescription,
he became like this!
Return my father to me!
Everyone, please be my judge!
Uphold justice for me!
- What's going on?
- She's a quack doctor!
Everyone, calm down.
She's my disciple.
I'm partly responsible
when she commits a mistake.
I shall cure your father.
Tell me everything that had happened.
- Father, father.
- Master, this afternoon,
I saw that you were busy
treating patients at the square.
The condition of this mister
wasn't that serious.
That's why I gave him a prescription
that Chong Ming told me on our way here.
Don't panic.
What herbs have you used?
I used One-Leaf Fall, Skymallow,
Torenia, Stone Ink Lotus, and
Yang Wood.
Which kind of Yang?
Yang as in Yin and Yang.
I understand now.
You were wrong about one of the herbs.
You've only heard of its name
without seeing it yourself.
So, it was the wrong herb.
The "Yang" in my prescription
represents dust.
Although it sounds the same,
it's a completely different herb.
Please get some hot water for me.
Okay. I'll go! I'll go!
Using the wrong herbs
can actually poison the patient instead.
We should leave this to Priest.
- He's so pitiful.
- That's right.
He has to suffer even at this age.
Zhu Yan, have you learned needlework before?
I have.
Later, you can stitch up his wound
with your needlework skill.
you're still willing to believe me?
Priest of Grand Preceptor,
we have no way
to repay what we owe you.
The villagers of Jiuyi District
are willing to serve you.
Thank you, Priest of Grand Preceptor.
Please get up.
- You guys, please get up.
- Please get up.
Thank you, Priest of Grand Preceptor.
I don't need you guys to repay me.
It's just that I wonder why
the village was struck with this plague
out of the blue.
I wonder if the source has been located?
I've finished my investigation.
It seems like something's wrong
with the water.
The people who first caught the plague
were staying at
the eastern side of the village.
They were consuming water from
the Eastern Creek.
I think that was the case.
Eastern Creek?
What about this?
I will write down
the prescriptions in detail.
Village Head, please pass
this prescription to those who need it.
Let's hope that this plague
will be gone soon.
Village Head, please bring me
to the Eastern Creek later.
Yes, Priest of Grand Preceptor.
It's up ahead.
How is it?
Something's wrong with the water.
Let's head forward.
Your Supreme Majesty.
What do you need?
A plague broke out in Jiuyi District.
When I went to treat the villagers,
I discovered something strange.
The source of the plague
should be the water
from the Eastern Creek.
When I checked upstream,
I discovered bubbles in the river.
The water was tainted.
The source of Eastern Creek
may seem like the pool
beside Jiuyi Mountain,
but in reality,
the source is Cangwu Abyss.
Judging from the shape of the bubbles,
it seems that spiritual power
is stirring up from within the abyss.
Do you still remember
the legend of the trapped
God of Dragon within the abyss
and the trapped Ice Clan
outside the wilderness?
Your Supreme Majesty, are you saying
that underneath the Cangwu Abyss
lies the God of Dragon?
When the God of Dragon awakes,
evil shall rise and Sea Emperor will return.
That's what the merfolk
have been waiting for.
The Merfolk marine force
has been stirring up trouble
in secret all these years.
If the God of Dragon has truly awakened,
they will only make things worse.
The world will plunge into chaos too.
Your Supreme Majesty, please permit me
to head to the Cangwu Abyss
and investigate the situation.
(If the world is plunged into chaos,)
(it'll be the best opportunity)
(for Ying to leave the mountain.)
You don't need to go there yet.
The God of Dragon's awakening
is just my guess.
It'll be terrible
if we alert them of our presence.
Let's wait and observe
the situation for now.
Yes, Your Supreme Majesty.
over here, please.
That was amazing.
It's pretty interesting.
Your Highness, please dine here.
The two princesses
of Purple Clan and Dark Clan
are in the courtyard.
Why are Xuelu and I
the only ones here?
Were they mistaken?
Enough. Just sit down.
I'm sure Consort Qing
made this arrangement for us.
Princess Xuelu, you're right.
I'm the palace servant
of His Highness Shi Yu.
I was transferred here temporarily
to serve you two.
I shall return now.
Your Highness, if you two need anything,
please tell the maidservants
outside the gate.
I shall take my leave.
(Wait for you in the backyard kitchen)
I want to take a walk
by myself.
Go ahead.
Yes, Your Highness.
Please tell Consort Qing
that Bai Xuelu needs
to seek an audience with her.
It concerns Jiuyi Mountain.
Yes, Your Highness.
In my opinion, these snacks
are the best.
Try it.
The imperial kitchen does
live up to its name.
I know it's good when I smell it.
Try this too.
I haven't finished the last snack.
I can't finish them.
That won't do.
You spent one month in Jiuyi Mountain.
You've lost a lot of weight.
You should eat up.
If you keep telling me to eat,
I'll turn
into a snowball.
It's better if you gain some weight.
I'll still like you even if you turn
into a snowball.
Your Highness, you should eat up too.
I never expected Mother
to put you two on the spot
during the banquet too.
I'm really sorry about that.
It doesn't matter.
Your Highness, I'm happy
as long as
I get to see you.
However, even if you did leave
Jiuyi Mountain,
it's still difficult for me
to meet up with you.
That's fine.
At least I have this with me.
(My promise to Xueying
deeply rooted within)
You actually
carved feathers for it.
I was thinking that I should
finish it as soon as possible.
By then,
I can stay by your side forever,
Your Highness.
(Qingyun Palace)
Princess Xuelu?
What are you doing here?
I have something important
to discuss with Consort Qing.
(What's so important)
(that she needs to see Consort Qing?)
(Could it be)
Greetings, Consort Qing.
Why did you request
an audience with me?
What are you laughing at?
Could it be
that you're here to make a deal
with me?
I dare not do so.
Your Highness, I did everything
to share your burdens with you.
However, the mountain was treacherous.
Consort Qing, you're
a benevolent person.
I'm sure you can understand my feelings.
Don't worry.
I always dispense
rewards and punishments impartially.
Since you were running errands for me,
naturally, I would reward you.
as for the reward you'll get,
it depends on
the news you've obtained for me.
Thank you, Your Highness.
Your Highness, everything you desire
is here.
What do you mean by this?
The Priest in Jiuyi Mountain
resembles a noble,
and he's extremely powerful.
However, no one knew about his past.
When I was studying in Jiuyi Mountain,
the High Priest of Grand Preceptor
summoned me several times
and encouraged me
to take the position of
the first disciple.
For that purpose,
he taught me about
the essentials of magic techniques.
High Priest even told me something
I didn't understand.
He aided me to be the first disciple
all because my surname is Bai.
If so,
why didn't you become
the first disciple?
It's because
I didn't intend to stay in the mountain.
Your Highness,
I wanted to stay with you.
Your Highness, I went
to Jiuyi Mountain
and focused solely on your task.
That's why I lost to Zhu Yan,
the princess of the Crimson Clan
on purpose.
If It weren't for
my strong determination,
I'm afraid I would've joined
the Priest and his ranks,
given his excellent persuading skills.
Is he that powerful?
Yes, Your Highness.
Even General Qing Gang
has admiration
for him.
What else do you know?
Your Highness, please don't worry.
I will tell you
everything I know
without keeping any secrets.
Your Highness, I just hope
that you can keep your promise.
Yes, ma'am.
Go to the kitchen
and tell Yu to come out.
Doesn't he know
what time it is right now?
How dare he still flirts
with Bai Xueying
inside the kitchen?
Go now.
Yes, Your Highness.
this is the first reward
I'm giving to you.
If you continue
to do as you're told,
don't worry.
I'll definitely give you everything
I've promised.
Thank you, Your Highness.
Go now.
Prepare a carriage for me.
Yes, ma'am.
General Qing,
you're being physically intimate with me
even though I'm not married yet.
Aren't you afraid
that people might gossip about you?
What exactly did you
tell Consort Qing?
I saw her ordering her servants
to prepare a carriage.
I just told her
about what I saw in the mountain,
especially the story
of that mysterious priest.
I told Her Highness the truth.
Since I couldn't be the first disciple,
my only bargaining chip
was the Priest's unknown past.
I will utilize it to the fullest.
General Qing,
this is what I always do.
I'm only concerned about my interest.
I thought you witnessed it yourself
long ago?
that's not who you truly are.
I was touched by your words
that night.
I've been thinking for some time
after I went back.
If you wish to be successful,
entering the palace
isn't the only path you can take.
General Qing,
I think
you misunderstood
our relationship.
You should
be concerned about yourself.
Consort Qing already knew
that you'd deceived her.
I wonder how she'll deal with you?
General Qing,
under Her Highness's order,
you're to return to the territory
of the Azure Clan
and kneel in front
of the ancestral hall as punishment.
Yes, Your Highness.
Princess Xuelu,
I won't give up on you.
(I know you're sincere toward me.)
(But I'm sorry.)
(In this world,)
(I'm caught between)
(the conflict between)
(High Priest of Grand Preceptor)
(and Consort Qing.)
(Between Shi Ying and Shi Yu,)
(the one who inherits the throne)
(will be my future partner.)
(If that's the case,)
(General Qing, you can only)
(blame yourself)
(for falling for the wrong person.)
After I got back from Jiuyi Mountain,
I realized that my sister
was pretty pitiful too.
It's my first time disagreeing with you.
I think your sister
Your Highness Shi Yu,
pardon me for this.
Stop right there.
I can walk by myself.
This is an oral edict from Consort Qing.
Although Princess Bai Xueying
is not betrothed yet,
her conduct is disorderly.
She is to be detained within her room,
never to leave the residence,
and never to write
to His Highness Shi Yu.
According to Bai Xuelu,
I can confirm
that the Priest of Jiuyi Mountain
is that darned Shi Ying.
We have no time to waste.
please send out the elite clan members
to head to Jiuyi Mountain
and silence him
before he becomes a pest.
He's actually still alive?
My Lord,
the envoy sent by the sage has arrived.
My Lord.
Consort Qing.
What do you need?
My Lord, the sage knows
(Wu Gu, one of Ten Sorcerers of Ice Clan)
that you're troubled by the fact
that Shi Ying is still alive.
That's why he sent me here.
The sage says
that everything is under his control.
My Lord, Consort Qing,
please calm down
and don't act recklessly.
But now, Shi Ying
has taken the sole female
of the Crimson Clan as his disciple.
Disciples from other tribes
were impressed by his abilities
and personality.
Even Qing Gang was deceived.
If, one day,
Shi Ying does want to retake the throne,
Shi Yu
will be no match for him.
This is our best opportunity
to strike.
Don't tell me we need
to keep a pest like him alive?
My Lord, the sage requested you
and Consort Qing to calm down.
He's more eager than you two
to witness
the Crown Prince's death.
(From Qing Gang: Consort Qing
has already known about your past.)
(Priest of Grand Preceptor,
Consort Qing has already)
(known about your past.)
(I'm afraid she would attempt
to kill you.)
(Please be careful.)
you received a gift from Bai Xuelu
and a letter from Qing Gang.
Seems like you didn't become
their master in vain.
By the way,
what did he write in the letter?
It said
that Consort Qing might try to harm me.
If so
If so, why are you being
so nonchalant about it?
There's no need for me to panic
since it will happen eventually.
You're so distracted by your thoughts
every day.
Are you trying to give
His Highness Shi Yu to me?
don't spout nonsense.
If you don't want that to happen,
you should eat well and recover faster.
You can fight for the empress's throne
with me once you've recovered.
Greetings, My Lord.
Father, since you're here to visit her,
I shall make a move first.
Why didn't she eat?
All of you may leave.
Yes, My Lord.
Xueying, how's your body coping?
I hired a physician
to examine you.
I'm not sick.
I don't need a physician.
I said it already.
I don't need a physician.
Are you sure about that?
Your Highness!
Your Highness Shi Yu.
It's been tough on you
for the past few days.
Your Highness must've suffered too.
Have a seat.
Your Highness, you should return.
If Consort Qing finds out
that you're outside,
she'll definitely punish you again.
Mother only said you weren't allowed
to leave the residence.
She didn't say that
I couldn't visit you.
Even if she finds out,
I'm not doing anything wrong.
But Your Highness, you should
still be careful.
I know.
I've already come up with an idea.
Since your father has agreed to my plan,
I can put on a disguise
before I visit you.
This time, I'm a physician.
Next time, I can be a servant.
After that, I can even be a guard.
I'm sure it'll be fun.
I think you should
eat more to replenish your strength.
Your Highness.
You're back.
How was he?
According to my men,
General Qing was spared
after kneeling in front
of the ancestral hall for some days.
The Azure Clan still
needs General Qing Gang
to lead their soldiers.
Naturally, they don't
dare to punish him severely.
General Qing even dispatched his men
to deliver
a set of strategies to you,
Your Highness.
(Tactical Strategy)
A set of strategies? I won't read that.
My pear!
♪The sky is clear, and spring is over♪
♪Remembering the smile
in the corner of your eyes♪
♪A hint of hidden longing until now♪
♪I reminisce about our young encounter♪
♪Often hearing about
the harmonious melodies in books♪
♪Tender strokes of the pen
overflowing with emotions♪
Here you go.
♪We show respect and sing
a dreamlike chapter of beautiful moments♪
Is this me?
Yeah. This is me.
I look like this?
You don't like it?
Give it to me. I'll make another pair.
I like it.
♪No one knows you like me♪
♪Like a constant bright moon,
undeterred by the passage of time♪
♪Amidst the starry sky,
my heart remains devoted to you♪
(Tactical Strategy)
Zhu Yan,
come here.
Yes, Master.
Master, please enjoy your meal.
Join me.
You mean me?
Do you see anyone else?
I won't stand on ceremony then.
(Two years later)
Don't talk.
Master, I know what you're going to say.
you could use the magic techniques
of all Six Clans,
you didn't master their essence.
The technique of passing through walls
and burrowing underground
came from the Dark Clan.
Those adept at such techniques
can travel at the speed of light
you were as slow as a turtle.
Holding one's breath underwater,
harnessing fire from the palm,
and turning rocks into gold
are just elementary magic techniques.
Although you know how to cast them,
you're not familiar enough with them.
You can only cast them
at the very last second.
You need to brush up on your skills.
As for the transformation spell,
you wanted to transform into
a fierce beast
and scare the wolves away.
In the end, you transformed into
a goat instead.
If it wasn't a practice,
I'm afraid the wolves would've
devoured you.
Master, did you think
I resembled you?
What I wanted to say was,
you tried to cast
the transformation spell
and fight against the wolves
instead of escaping
by burrowing underground
when you were surrounded by wolves.
I applaud your bravery.
Although I was reckless,
you acknowledged my bravery.
As a teacher,
I can't judge you by your results.
Of course I need to know
the cons of your success
and the pros of your failures.
judging by your skills,
it's too early for you
to try out the transformation spell.
Even if you cast it forcefully,
it'll only end up
a mess
and you'll put yourself
in danger instead.
You must never do it again.
Master, you do know me the best.
I will write to Extreme Wind City
and show off to them.
Stop right there.
I don't think
it's necessary to write to them
for this.
I'm afraid
I'll be a fierce devil
in the letter
you will write to them, right?
Master, since when did you start
to care about other people's opinions?
Stop messing around.
Stop messing around.
Magical artifacts and rare treasures
are stored in this hall.
If you like them,
you may choose one of them
as your first artifact.
You cannot wield this
unless you have the power
of a Grand Marshal.
I think
you should put it back.
Does it have a name then?
It's new.
It doesn't have a name for now.
why don't you name it now?
I'll retrieve it
once I'm finished with my training.
This artifact can summon tidal waves
and it's shaped like a crescent.
I'll name it Tidebringer.
It represents the crescent moon
that summons the tide.
(you need to name the others too.)
what about this?
Stop your nonsense.
There are tens of thousands
of artifacts here.
How can I name them all?
Just choose the one you like.
Tens of thousands of them?
I need to pick one carefully then.
This is it.
You actually
You actually chose this?
That's right.
Master, please name it.
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
♪How fragile,
like glass and snow's embrace♪
♪Love and hate entwined,
♪How prophetic, a single word spoken♪
♪How transient,
the rise and fall of destiny♪
♪How balanced,
each sip and bite, no debts owed♪
♪Tears well in eyes
with jade-like brows♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from you♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from your side♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
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