The New Scooby-Doo Movies (1972) s01e15 Episode Script

The Caped Crusader Caper

Today, Scooby-Doo
meets Batman and Robin.
Hey, gang, what do you say
we look for a pizza parlor?
A pizza parlor?
Oh, come on, Shag, who'd buy pizzas
in the middle of a forest?
l would. Like, man, l'm starved.
Let's have a midnight snack.
Yeah, yeah.
How can you have the midnight snack?
lt's only 8:00.
So what? Somewhere
in the world it's midnight.
-Let's eat.
Okay. l'll cook something. . .
. . .but you and Scooby
will have to gather more firewood.
Out there in that dark forest? Oh, gosh.
Scoob, are we that hungry?
Yeah, yeah.
Hey, Scoob, get that piece of wood.
Pull harder, Scoob.
A wild horse! Let's get out of here.
That's the first time l ever saw a horse
with wood growing out of its head.
Like, what are you laughing at, Scoob?
That wasn't funny.
Not me.
Please, let me go. What is it you want?
Merely to discuss a business deal
with you in my office.
Your office is in the forest?
l don't believe you.
Oh, but it is, professor.
-We're almost there.
lt's the Joker and Penguin. Bad guys.
Like, let's sneak away
before they find us.
What was that?
There are night crawlers in this forest.
We can't have them snooping around.
Take the professor to our office.
l'll scare those campers
out of the woods. . .
. . .by scaring them out of their wits.
Come on, Scoob, faster.
Zoinks! Like, what now?
Well, like, it was nice
knowing you, Scooby.
-Great Scott.
-Holy mix-ups, it's not Joker and Penguin.
-Hey, look. lt's Batman and Robin.
-You're right.
And the little man you saw
was Professor Flaky. . .
. . .the famous inventor who disappeared
mysteriously this morning.
We spotted the villains,
so we dropped our Bat-cage.
-Sorry we goofed, Shaggy.
-That's okay.
Like, it's a pleasure to be captured
by good guys for a change.
-We must continue our search.
-Can we help in any way?
lf you see or hear anything strange. . .
. . .signal us by flashing the headlights
of your Mystery Machine.
-We'll see it from the Bat-copter.
-Sure thing.
But, kids, don't stick your necks out.
Joker and Penguin are master criminals.
They can be dangerous. Any questions?
-Yes, Shaggy?
-Like, you wouldn't happen to have. . .
-. . .a Bat-cookie on you, would you?
-Yes, as a matter of fact, l do.
Sky time, Robin.
Hey, crusaders, like,
thanks for the cookie.
Oh, wow. Like, the mosquitoes
around here will eat anything.
Why would Joker and Penguin
bring Professor Flaky to this forest?
They must have a secret hideout here.
No way. There's no building
in this forest, not even a shack.
When we were driving in, l saw a cave.
-A cave.
-A cave?
On the other side of the river.
lt's in the side of a cliff.
A cave. That's gotta be it. Let's go.
-Like, what happened?
-Like, that happened.
Joker and Penguin must have put it there
to prevent people from coming this way.
Let's see if we can move it.
Hey, the log is hollow.
We can roll this away easily.
Creepers, what is that?
l'd say it's a dryad.
-A dry what?
-A dryad. A tree spirit.
-They live in the forest.
-But it can't be real.
Dryads exist only in myths
and fairy tales, like elves and trolls.
Well, that must be a figment
of our imagination.
Right now that figment
is in the middle of the road.
-Let's get a closer look at it.
-Right. We'll drive up close.
Help me roll this log off the road.
-What was that?
-lt's the dryad. He's trying to scare us.
Quick, into the Mystery Machine.
Scooby! Hey, Scoob!
Let's go, Shaggy.
We're gonna check out that weirdo.
-Hey, like, l gotta find Scooby first.
-Okay, we'll come back for you.
Scooby? Scooby-Doo, where are you?
Down here!
Oh, wow. Gosh, like, how did you
get down there?
Sit tight. l'll get you out.
Oh, jinkies, he got away.
Well, let's go after him.
No use. We'd never find him
in that dark ravine.
He might even be traveling
through the treetops.
Well, let's go back for Shag and Scoob.
Like, when l get close enough,
reach out and grab this stick.
Scoob, like, if you were gonna swim,
why did you let me cross--? Zoinks!
Shag? Shaggy?
-Scooby-Doo, where are you?
-Where do you think. . .
-. . .they could have gone?
-Who knows?
With the Joker and Penguin on the loose,
Shag and Scoob might be in trouble.
Hey, there's the Bat-copter.
Let's signal them.
Batman, look, the kids want us to land.
l see it, Boy Wonder,
but the road's too narrow.
You take the controls,
l'll lower myself on the cable.
A cave, a log in the road,
a so-called dryad?
And now Shaggy and Scooby
are missing, eh?
Yeah, that's right.
Typical tactics of the terrible twosome.
Batman, we've gotta find
Shaggy and Scooby.
Don't worry, Velma.
We always give top priority
to the safety of a boy and his dog.
You kids check out that cave, and l'll
search for your friends on our Bat-scope.
''Covered bridge ahead. ''
Shaggy said the cave is on the other side,
along the river road.
We'll sneak up on him.
l'll turn off the headlights.
-lt's our campsite.
Creepers, we're back
where we started from.
Maybe the road circles around.
lmpossible. We crossed
the river only once.
Here comes Batman and Robin.
Maybe they can help us.
No, kids, the road does not circle back.
We can see it from above.
There's something fishy about this.
Precisely, Robin,
and we're going to catch those fish.
Make that trip again, kids.
Turn on your headlights. . .
-. . .so we can follow you.
We'll get to the bottom of it
by staying on top of it.
A very droll remark, Robin.
Oh, l wish l could see the faces
of those foolish fledglings. . .
. . .when they find they've been
fooled by foul play.
Wrong, Penguin. You turned them about.
And turnabout is fair play, not foul.
Very good, jolly jester.
Now that we've turned away
the intrepid intruders. . .
. . .let's flee to our flighty friend
Professor Flaky. . .
. . .and learn more about
his secret invention. We must--
This way, Scooby.
Someone's on our side of the river.
Like, if we're gonna get back to camp,
we gotta cross this bridge.
Oh, no.
Maybe you're right.
lf this is a toll bridge, it'd be against
the law to go through without paying.
Fiddlesticks. lf they don't enter,
we won't have any fun.
Relax, you rollicking rogue,
l'll make them enter.
They're about to learn this is not
a toll bridge, it's a troll bridge.
Excellent. l'll play a hand of bridge,
while they play the dummies.
Like, the problem is, there might be
some strange, weird creatures in there.
Yeah, let's go back.
Run, run.
Like, he's at this end too.
Batman, up ahead. The bridge.
Great Scott. Quick, my Bat-noculars.
Holy hobgoblins.
That must be Joker and Penguin.
Right, chum.
l'm swinging over the river.
Curses, the Bat-copter. Spoilsports.
There must have been a flood.
Shag and Scoob are safe, Batman.
Good, monitor the Bat-scope,
Boy Wonder. . .
. . .we're going after
those goony gremlins.
Hey, look, Scoob, a wheel.
l wonder what it's for.
Oh, l get it. Like, when the bridge turns,
it makes this wheel go around.
Oh, brother.
Like, hooray.
Here comes the Mystery Machine.
Shaggy, look.
Zoinks! No bridge. We gotta warn them.
Scoob, this is no time
to fool around with the wheel.
They're gonna go into the river.
Hey, Fred, Daphne, Velma, wait up!
Shag, Scooby,
where have you two been?
Tell you later. Let's get out of here.
There are your fairy-tale felons, Robin.
We'll be over them in seconds.
They haven't a chance.
No trees, no bushes, no place to hide.
Great Scott. The Mystery Machine.
That bridge was out of place.
Relax, Batman, it's down there
on the river road.
Good show, Robin.
Now to apprehend those two.
Great balls of fire,
our forest spirits have vanished.
ln a split second.
But how? Where could they have gone?
Let's get down there.
There's the cave. See it?
Right. Let's check it out.
Jeepers, Shaggy, you call this a hideout?
No, l call it a cave.
lt's just a little hole in the cliff.
No concealed entrance, nothing.
Well, let's take a look inside anyways.
The girls are right, Shag.
Nobody in his right mind
would use this as a secret hideout.
-l would.
-Like l said, nobody in his right mind.
Come on, let's go.
Like, oops. Hey!
Help. Help!
Shaggy? Shaggy?
-What's wrong, Scoob?
-Creepers, where's Shaggy?
The wall. Something about this wall.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Hey, Daph, he's really uptight.
Maybe if you give him a Scooby Snack.
-Yeah, yeah, yeah.
-All right.
Now show us what happened to Shaggy.
Jeepers, a secret entrance.
-How do you make it work?
-Let me try something.
Stand back.
l'm gonna do what Scooby did.
-lt's that rock. That opens it.
-Let's try.
Boy, am l glad to see you kids.
Where are we?
lt looks like a passageway
leading underground. Follow me.
Like, wow.
-Will you look at that.
-Oh, it's eerie.
lt's some sort of cavern
with an underground lake.
-And a boat.
-Which means someone is using this cave.
Look, another passageway. Come on,
we're gonna search these caverns.
-Not us. Like, you could get lost in there.
Oh, come on, Shag.
This could be exciting.
Yeah, but, like, we're not interested
in exciting, we're interested in exiting.
So we'll stay right here, by the exit.
Well, okay. lf you see anything weird
in here, holler real loud.
-Yeah, l'm good at that.
-Me too.
Scoob, you sure you don't
wanna go with them?
No way.
We know you've perfected
a new invention, Professor Flaky.
We might be interested in buying it
if we knew what it was.
l told you, it's not for sale. Besides,
what would you do with a sighing flute?
A sighing flute?
l mean a flying suit, made of rubber.
When a person wears it,
he can air through the fly--
Flare through the eye--
Coming through the rye-- No, no.
-Fly through the air.
-A flying suit, eh?
Fantastic. Fortune favors us. We must
filch that fabulous flying suit from Flaky.
Yes. lmagine, pulling a job
and flying away into the night.
The caped crusaders
could never catch us.
l'll force him to tell us where it is.
No, no, my lanky lord of levity.
Force would be futile.
Flaky is a fumpering fish-face,
but he's no fool.
We must use finesse
to ferret out the fact.
We are prepared, professor,
to purchase your praiseworthy product. . .
. . .and not for a piddling, paltry pittance,
but a prodigious payment.
Yes. But first we must see
the flying suit. Where is it?
You don't want to buy it.
You want to steal it.
So much for finesse.
Tell us where it is or else.
Well, since you put it that way. . .
. . .it's at the Hillside Aircraft Company
in Gotham City.
ln the testing lab.
lt hasn't been tested yet.
Don't worry, we'll test it.
Meanwhile, until we do,
you remain here.
Let's go, Pengy.
Visitors. Probably those
tiresome teenagers.
Yes, we mustn't be impolite.
We should entertain our company,
right, Penguin?
Right. And after our hilarious hauntings,
we'll hie ourselves to Hillside. . .
. . .to get the flying suit.
He opened it by touching a certain spot.
Must get out of here.
Must prevent them from carrying out
their plaid man-- Their mad plan.
Oh, where's that spot?
Utterly baffling.
They vanished into thin air.
This may sound childish, Batman,
but is it possible they were real spirits?
No chance, Robin. l wish they were.
Real spirits couldn't possibly be as evil
as Penguin and Joker.
Look at that cute little chipmunk.
lt seems like they were swallowed up
by the earth.
l think you hit the nail on the head.
The earth did swallow them.
Holy manhole!
lt leads into a cavern.
Good work, Batman.
Down we go.
-Nobody here. We're too late.
-Not necessarily, Robin.
Ancient volcanic eruptions
often leave a complex maze of caverns.
Look. There's a tunnel.
-Jinkies, this is a big one.
-Anybody in here, Fred?
Can't see anyone, but l'm sure
they've got the professor. . .
. . .in one of these caves.
Yeah, l wonder if Batman
captured Joker and Penguin. l hope.
She hopes.
Now she's hoping,
soon she'll be hopping.
So these boneheaded birdbrains
are buddy-buddy with Batman, eh?
Let's cure them
of their fondness for bats.
Way ahead of you, my web-footed friend.
l've already activated our fearsome flier.
Fun time, let's watch.
lt's a bat. A giant bat.
-Stay cool. l don't think it'll hurt us.
-l know it won't. . .
. . .if we get out of here.
Good idea.
Creepers, it won't let us leave.
lt sounds angry.
Yeah, better take cover.
l don't believe in ghosts. . .
. . .but l believe in bats.
Velma, Velma! Look out!
Time to leave.
-Hey, what's up?
-Never mind up. Get down.
Our mechanical bat
is driving them batty.
lt's truly a tactic of rib-tickling terror. . .
. . .but there are other intruders
in the lake cavern.
They too should be entertained.
Quite so, you emperor of evil.
l'll set the controls so our bat will keep
these birdbrains busy for a while.
lt's that pair
of bubble-headed bridge-crossers.
This should be a scream.
And the screams, Pengy-wengy,
will come from them.
Being a penguin,
l have an affinity for seals.
So l shall seal them in.
Oh, wow. Like, that lake
sure looks spooky.
-Whoever owns this cave. . .
. . .spent a fortune
to put that big lake in here.
Like, a swimming pool
would have been enough, Scoob.
Oh, drat. My dear harlequin of hilarity,
the fun won't begin. . .
. . .unless we get those
babbling buffoons into the boat.
Leave that to me.
Like, l guess that little boat
is for fishing.
But it's so dark,
how can the fish see the worms?
You've entered my tomb.
The tomb of gloom.
Away, away, or you'll meet your doom.
A ghost. Like, let's exit.
Like, we're sealed in.
Away, away, or you'll rue the day.
Hang on, Scoob, l'm gonna break
the world speed record.
Like, the oars broke off.
Now watch this, you wily weasel of wit.
l'm going to turn on
the fearsome phantom fountain.
-Like, wow. lt's dark and creepy in here.
-Sure is.
Don't be scared, Scoob.
Look on the bright side.
-Where? Where?
-l mean, like. . . .
Like, anyway, we got away
from the phantom.
But not from this one.
Like, we're drifting towards it.
Goodbye, boat.
-Come on, Scoob, we'll swim back.
Gee, like, l guess you dove into
some kind of hole.
lt's coming after us. Let's run!
Hey, look.
Like, hooray, it went back under.
Oh, we're safe now, Scoob.
Like, zoinks!
l'm out! Out! l spotted the right touch.
Touched the right spot.
Hello, dog. l'm Professor Floogy--
l mean, Flaky.
Say, your friend's gonna catch a cold
sleeping in the water.
We'd better get him out.
Lag a grib. Leg a grab. Grab a leg.
-Holy trademarks. lt's a giant bat.
-And it's going after the kids.
Quick, Robin. Batarang.
-Why, it wasn't real.
-Jinkies, a mechanical bat.
Now it's just a pile of junk
thanks to the caped crusaders.
Penguin and Joker must be hiding
the professor in a secret cave.
Say, where are Shaggy and Scooby?
Waiting for us in the other cavern
where the lake is.
All alone? Before we do anything else,
we'd better check up. . .
. . .on that courageous boy
and his brave dog.
Lead the way, Fred.
Well, Penguin,
the water carnival is over.
Now let's go back and see how the
other kids are doing in batting practice.
Well, well, they're coming back. Look.
Fun time again?
One look at us, and those
terrified teenagers will turn tail.
The dynamic duo. Curses.
Fun time is over.
Quick, open the elevator.
-There's someone up ahead.
-After them.
There they are.
Too late, Robin. They got away.
The empty car will come down again.
l pressed the elevator button.
-Jeepers. Where's Shag and Scoob?
-They said they'd wait right here.
-The boat's gone.
-They're missing, eh?
l was afraid of something like this.
-This way.
-Easy, now. Careful.
-Voices. Someone's coming.
-Scatter. Hide.
lt's okay. Nobody's here.
-Like, wrong again.
-Shag, Scoob, it's us.
Oh, you're a sight for sore eyes.
What a time we had
walking through that lake.
l felt like Crossington
washing the Delaware--
-Washington crossing the Delaware.
-You're safe now, Professor Flaky.
But unfortunately,
your cowardly captors escaped.
-l wish we knew where they were going.
-l know.
Poker and Jenguin are on their way
to Gotham City to steal my invention.
Sir, that's Joker and Penguin.
With their head start, they'll get
your invention before we can catch up.
Net nocessarily. l told them it was at the
Hillside Aircraft Company, but it isn't.
lt's really at the Rutham Gobber Factory.
Gotham Rubber Factory.
-Holy brainstorms. That was brilliant.
-A shrewd stratagem, professor.
To the Bat-copter.
We'll fly to Hillside Aircraft.
And when those poor
deluded villains arrive. . .
. . .they'll find a reception committee
waiting for them. Us.
The elevator's here, caped crusaders.
Now, Robin, to the Bat-copter.
Holy eggbeaters, it's gone.
Those devious devils flew off
in our Bat-copter.
There might still be time
to intercept them in our Batmobile.
We can get to your Batcave
in our Mystery Machine.
Thank you, kids. By giving us this lift. . .
. . .you're giving a lift to every
law-abiding citizen in the world.
We'd better cover all bases, Fred.
You take Flaky
to the Gotham Rubber Company.
Okay. We'll stand guard
over his invention just in case.
Right. lf we don't find those crooks at
Hillside Aircraft, we'll zip over there.
Good luck.
When Joker and Penguin discover
the flying suit isn't at Hillside. . .
-. . .they'll know it's at Gotham Rubber.
lt's the only other company in Gotham
that can make such a thing.
Like, maybe they're
flying there right now.
Oh, dear. That would be
a fine fettle of kish--
Kettle of fish.
Professor, could they find
the suit easily?
Oh, yes. lt's in my laboratory in a lox
with a babel.
-ln a box with a label.
Creepers. Step on it, Fred.
We've gotta get there before they do.
-No sign of the Bat-copter.
-We got here first. That's great.
Yes. This is the hope
we were breaking for--
l mean, the break we were hoping for.
Oh, wow, look.
Jinkies. Giant Batman
and Robin balloons.
And Yogi Bear and Fred Flintstone
and Santa Claus.
You'd have to be a pretty tall kid
to play with those balloons.
My company makes those for the
Gotham Giving Thanks City Day Parade.
Pardon me. You mean the Gotham City
Thanksgiving Day Parade.
-lsn't that what l said?
-Listen, we'd better get up to the lab.
My laboratory is on the flop toor--
Top floor.
Shag, Joker and Penguin may arrive
in the Bat-copter at any moment.
You and Scooby
stay out here and watch.
Oh, no. Like, we'd rather stay in the lab
and guard the invention.
You would? Okay. Then the girls
and l will stay in the yard.
You two go upstairs and be alert.
Joker and Penguin may land on the roof. . .
-. . .and enter through the skylight.
-l think you misunderstood me, Fred.
Scooby and l would rather
stay in the yard.
This is my invention, a flying suit.
Looks great. How does it work?
Oh, simple. Arms through here,
legs through here.
And those little nozzles?
By pressing the right buttons,
you can jet yourself up or down. . .
. . .or any which way.
You know, Scoob, like, it's bad enough
when you're not hungry.
But when you're scared and hungry,
man, that's the worst.
Yeah, l'll say. Look.
Hey. Like, these aren't doughnuts.
These are rubber tires for kiddie cars.
The Bat-copter.
Joker and penguin are coming.
Scoob, like, there are two things
we gotta do fast.
-We gotta warn Fred, and we gotta hide.
So we'll divvy it up.
You warn Fred, l'll hide.
You'd rather do it the other way?
-Okay. l'll hide, you warn Fred.
Oh, rats.
Professor, this laboratory is out of sight.
Yes, it's really a late grab-- A great lab.
Professor, is one
of your machines running?
Machines? Oh, no, no.
That's a helicopter outside.
A helicopter? Joker and Penguin.
-Thanks a lot, Scoob.
Hey, they're gonna land in the yard.
You'd better hide.
Light's on in the lab. They'll be expecting
us to come through that door.
We'll surprise them. There's another
entrance inside the factory. Come on.
Fred! Freddy!
-What is it, Shaggy?
-Like, they ran into the factory.
Oh, thanks.
Girls, we've got to get down there
and delay those crooks. . .
. . .until the dynamic duo arrives.
Professor, lock the lab door
after we leave.
Oh, yes, yes, l'll lab the lock door.
Oh, dear, l hope that Bilemobat
gets here soon with the dunamic dyo.
There should be a door on that side
into the building.
That flying suit
is practically in our hands.
We'll sneak up on them.
Here's my plan, Penguin.
-They're whispering to each other.
-l think they're ready to make their move.
We'd better make our move
before they come this way.
l've got it.
We'll use the element of surprise.
Ready for takeoff.
Runway's clear. Hang on to that broom.
That ought to sweep them
off their feet.
Yes, an excellent plan, my dear Joker.
-What's that?
-Oh, it's just a tire rolling towards us.
-Step aside, Penguin.
-The feeble-minded fools.
Do they think a rolling tire can upset us?
-lt worked.
-Oh, look at Freddy.
l hope they enjoyed the trip.
Curses, it's one of those kids
from the forest.
Quick, after him.
Coming this way. l'd better move.
Oh, no. This is fresh, sticky rubber.
Can't walk. l'll jump out.
Yikes, here they come.
Well, well, what have we here, Joker,
a jumping jack?
-Oh, no. They've got Freddy.
-We've got to rescue him.
''lnner tubes, beach balls--'' l've got it.
You'd better not try anything.
l have friends here. You won't get away.
We won't get away?
You're the one that's stuck.
-What was that?
-A ball. lt came from back--
Blithering bombast.
Keep it up, Daph, you're right on target.
Good, just keep feeding me
that ammunition.
This simpleton is stuck here anyway.
Let's go after the beach-ball bombardiers.
Velma, Daphne, watch out!
They're coming after you.
We'd better hide.
The Bat-copter. They got here first.
And there's a light
in the lab window. Come on.
Holy sidewalls, it's Shaggy and Scooby.
Like, hi, crusaders,
l've been guarding the yard.
Yeah, me too.
Good work, troops. Who's in the lab?
Professor Flaky and the kids.
The bad guys went in the factory.
-To sneak up a rear staircase, no doubt.
-An excellent deduction.
Shaggy, you and Scooby stand there
in the shadow and guard the vehicles.
Where do we go, Batman,
the factory or the lab?
The lab.
We'll enter through the skylight.
When Joker and Penguin
break in to steal the--
l get it. Like l said before,
we'll be the reception committee.
Right. To the welcome wagon.
Gosh, l never thought l'd see the day
when the dynamic duo turn chicken.
They just got here,
and now they're flying away.
-Where are they gonna land?
-Roof, roof.
Gee, Scoob, like, l was just asking
a simple question.
You don't have to bark at me.
Well, like, here we are again, Scooby.
We always wind up alone
in the spookiest places. . .
. . .just waiting for something
to happen to us.
Don't say that.
Oh, my. l think l hear root steps
on the foof-- Footsteps on the roof.
lt's Jenker and Poguin.
Well, they may get me,
but they won't get my flying suit.
-Gee, like, where'd that come from?
-l don't know.
l guess somebody threw away
some kind of a costume.
Put it on, Scoob.
Push buttons, huh?
Like the kind they have on an accordion.
Hey, maybe these make music.
-What's this?
-Man, what a terrible-looking outfit.
Like, it makes you look fat, Scooby.
l'll let some of the air out.
Hey, help!
Oh, wow. l gotta get him down.
Don't go away, Scooby. l'm coming.
-Head for the gate.
-Don't worry, Scoob, l'll get you.
-Why, that's my sighing flute.
-The flying suit.
-That's what we were planning to steal.
Now our plans are up in the air.
This is no time for corny quips.
Better ground that hound
and then scoot with the suit.
Holy soap bubbles. Look, Batman.
Great Scott. No time to lose.
He'll float off into space.
lnto the Bat-copter. Quick, Robin.
lt's Scooby. Button the landing press--
Land the pressing button--
Press the landing button.
Which one?
-Great Scott, he's descending too fast.
-No, look.
l'll fly above him.
Lower that Bat-cable, Robin.
Like, grab my hand, Scoob.
Zounds, those heroes are trying
to rescue that flying fleabag.
Gotta get him down
before they get him up.
Penguin, use your umbrella as a spear.
Puncture the flying suit.
An excellent idea, Joker. Here goes.
Help! SOS! Mayday!
Batman, we've got to get Scooby
out of its way.
Like, here l come.
-We've got Shaggy, Batman.
-And just in time. Look.
Drat, the crusaders have the suit.
The game's up, Penguin.
Head for the gate.
-Let me out.
Well, you captured them again, Batman.
Thank you, Fred, but l didn't
capture them. This balloon did.
Yes, but the balloon's Batman.
Actually, the credit should go
to Shaggy and Scooby.
Yes. lf it weren't for
Scabby and Shoogy--
Saggy and Stooby--
No, Snaggy and Stooby--
Shago and Scheeby?
-Shaggy and Scooby.
l always liked Shaggy
because he's dumb to kind animals.
Birdbrain, you mean kind
to dumb animals. Dumb!
Like my partner. My ex-partner.
This cornball put me
behind the eight ball.
lt was your fault,
you feather-brained fathead.
You lanky, laughing, loony bird.
You don't have
as much brains as this dog.
Oh, no, not again.
Relax, kids.
Scooby's got the hang of it now.
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