The Penthouse: War in Life (2020) s01e15 Episode Script

Episode 15

No, please don't kill me
You should've known your place,
Min Seol Ah.
I have someone who can help me.
If something happens to me,
my brother will find you
and make you pay.
Then That punk Gu Ho Dong was
her brother?
Min Seol Ah had a brother?
Come on, she was an orphan.
It was probably someone she met
at the orphanage.
Does that mean a teacher at
Cheong Ah Arts High School
and Min Seol Ah are from
the same orphanage?
Why are you asking me that?
You should be the one
running around asking questions.
I told you to find
Min Seol Ah's phone.
Do you think I'm doing nothing?
Why you little
I will try my best.
I'll find it.
If he's a teacher,
this will be easier than we thought.
Right, Secretary Cho?
Just leave this up to me.
Since I caused this mess,
I'll take care of it.
Chairman Joo, I'm Lee Kyu Jin.
You trust me, right?
- Secretary Cho.
- Yes, sir.
Find Gu Ho Dong
and keep a close eye on him.
Find out what he does,
and what he did in the past.
No one can leave a scratch
in my life.
I tried so hard to come this far.
My life must be perfect.
Is this Bae Ro Na's mother?
I'm Cheon Seo Jin, head of
Cheong Ah's Art Department.
Bae Ro Na has submitted
a withdrawal letter.
Did you know about it?
She has two weeks to change
her mind, but if it isn't necessary,
I'll submit her withdrawal
right away.
What happened?
- You'll drop out?
- I don't want to go to school.
What are you talking about?
It was so hard to get accepted.
My goodness. What is the matter
with you suddenly?
Why are you suddenly doing this?
I'm sick of everything.
Going to school and singing.
Ro Na, something's wrong, right?
You can tell me.
Just tell me. I'll take care of it.
There is no reason.
I'm just sick of everything!
Why are you suddenly
sick of everything?
The midterm is around the corner.
What is this nonsense?
You promised you'd bring me the
Cheong Ah Arts High School trophy.
You said you'd go to
Seoul University and study abroad.
You promised you'd join an opera.
What has gotten into you suddenly?
I must've lost my mind!
- What?
- Why did we move to Hera Palace?
Why did you make me go
to Cheong Ah Arts High School?
It's all your fault!
Chairman Joo is home.
You're late.
The culprit of the mannequin
incident will be caught soon.
You found him?
Who is it?
I'm not sure yet.
I'll tell you when I know for sure.
I will find him at all costs
and prove I have nothing to do
with Min Seol Ah's death.
Get some rest.
Be careful.
My husband is looking for the one
behind the fountain incident.
Thank you. Watch yourself too.
(Thank you. Watch yourself too.)
Joo Dan Tae.
I must've bothered you quite a bit.
What do you want to talk about?
Sitting across from you like this
makes me uncomfortable.
My tax accountant told me today
that you still didn't report
Hye In's death.
I understand how hard it is,
but holding onto her like this
won't bring her back.
You sound as if
you were waiting for Hye In to die.
That's a bit harsh.
She was in a vegetative state
for 16 years.
What's the big rush
in reporting her death?
There's some land under her name
and inheritance issues
aren't that simple.
That land
was given to Hye In
by her late grandfather.
It's not mine or yours.
Hye In is dead.
We are her parents.
If we both agree to it,
we can sell it for a good price
and use it for a good cause.
Who says you can sell that land?
I'm not ready to say goodbye
to Hye In yet.
And I'll take care
of any issues regarding that.
(Divorce Agreement)
Let's end it. I'll do as you wish.
You made up your mind quicker
than I thought.
Did the creditors hound you?
Keep your word.
Eun Byeol can never find out.
You keep your word.
We'll keep it
from my father for now.
If this divorce threatens
my future director position,
then you'd better pay back
all the alimony.
I scheduled Eun Byeol's
appointment with a psychiatrist.
Why bother a perfectly fine girl?
I'm a doctor!
I made the call for my daughter,
so cooperate.
If you don't,
I can't give you custody.
Fine. If you insist on checking.
Submit the papers early tomorrow.
There's no reason to put off
what's good for us both.
A seven-million-dollar alimony
is quite a generous deal.
Should I thank you?
Are you sure you won't regret this?
Why would I regret it?
I felt humiliated for the first time
in my life through marriage.
I paid way too high a price
for the unique experience
of being
a poor vineyard owner's
I finally feel like I'm back
to being the real Cheon Seo Jin.
Seo Jin, Ro Na can't leave school.
I won't ever let her.
How can you fight her
when it's what she wants?
There must be a reason.
If you give me time,
I'll persuade her.
Give us some time.
Ro Na wanted to sing so badly.
Wasn't it what you wanted?
- What?
- From what I see,
it looks like you're forcing her
to do what you couldn't do.
You care nothing for
your exhausted daughter
and are crazy about living
vicariously through her.
I can see how stressed out
Ro Na must've been.
Quit talking nonsense.
I will persuade my daughter.
Her quitting school?
That will never happen.
Because of you and your father,
I never graduated from high school,
but I'll make sure Ro Na
graduates from Cheong Ah High.
I will
make that happen.
I think letting her take the GED
could be an option too.
She's a smart kid,
so I'm sure there are ways.
(Notice of Acceptance)
(I'll make it
to Seoul University of Music!)
What's all this outside?
I'm throwing it away.
I don't need music anymore.
Ro Na. What are you wearing
when it's time for school?
Why are you putting on makeup?
I told you that I quit school.
For a while, I'll do
nothing else but have fun.
Why are you doing this?
Do you want to see me go crazy?
Nothing will change.
No matter what.
- I won't go to school.
- Why not?
You wanted to go
to Cheong Ah Arts High.
How many times must I say
I'm sick of it?
I don't want to sing.
Just looking at sheet music
makes me sick.
Will you please leave me alone?
I can't give up on you.
Come with me.
- Let go!
- Come with me!
Let go of me!
Come with me unless
you want me to go mad.
Let go of me.
Cheon Seo Jin.
Cheon Seo Jin, where are you?
What's the matter, ma'am?
You stay out of it.
Cheon Seo Jin.
What are you doing
in a respected school?
Get out before I call the police.
Why don't you
watch your manners, Ms. Oh?
This is the teachers' office.
Other students can see.
Cancel Ro Na's withdrawal letter.
I never gave her permission.
Bae Ro Na. Do you agree
with your mom?
No. I've made up my mind.
- I'll quit school.
- Ro Na, you can't.
Tell her you won't do this.
Tell her you'll stay in school.
I've done enough.
I can't take it anymore.
I have no energy to go on.
I ruined my performance test
and I can't go
to Seoul University of Music anyway.
Did you hear that?
We respect the student's wishes.
What's most important is,
Ro Na admitted
she's not cut out to study here.
She realized her true value.
No. You're the ones who are
not cut out to teach here.
A student's acting out and
instead of trying to instruct her,
why are you pushing her
to a cliff's edge?
Do you know
how hard Ro Na worked
to get into this school?
I know her better than anyone.
She'd never give up easily.
She was bullied or taunted,
or a teacher must've abused her.
Shouldn't there be an investigation?
Who are you trying to blame?
Don't you think your obsession
and inferiority complex
is cornering your own daughter?
The one who ruined her
is you.
Ro Na is that proof.
Ro Na.
Ro Na, where are you going?
Ro Na.
Ro Na. Where are you going, Ro Na?
What are you doing? Let go.
Is it true that you quit school?
Why so suddenly?
This school's nothing but a joke.
You guys win.
Don't go.
Why should you give up
when you did nothing wrong?
Min Seol Ah also
did nothing wrong and she's dead.
Do you see what you did now?
Will you let go of me?
Even if we meet at Hera Palace,
act like you don't know me.
Don't even call my name.
It disgusts me.
(Seoul Family Court)
I just sent the seven million.
Check your account.
You're always so exact.
Shall we shake hands before we part?
Why should we shake hands
when we'll meet at home for a while?
Let's live freely from now on.
As we wanted.
This is the first time
we're in agreement.
I'll find a place and move out
as soon as Eun Byeol's stable.
I'm looking for work in my hometown.
I'd like you to hurry.
I have class and must go ahead.
He doesn't need this anymore.
Gosh. Dr. Ha, you're looking
so much better as soon as
you sealed the divorce papers.
Did word get around already?
I'm here to get
a few papers notarized.
Seo Jin's a perfectionist.
You give up claims to the house
and Eun Byeol's custody.
You resign from
Cheong Ah Medical Center.
You cannot demand more money.
That's so cold.
I wrote up the contract.
I just need your seal.
Do as you wish.
It's such a pity.
(Divorce Agreement)
The more you fight
and go low and dirty,
the more do lawyers like me
make a better living.
Aren't you settling with her
too easily?
Cheong Ah Foundation
is a huge cash cow.
But then, you urgently need money
because of the Myeongdong deal.
Watch what you say.
Eun Byeol has no idea.
If your tongue so much as slips,
you'll never practice law again.
Oh, I am so scared.
A man with no income
or house is threatening me.
Dr. Ha. You have
nothing to your name now.
You beggar.
I envy your freedom
just a little bit,
but I don't want freedom
with no money.
My gosh.
Worry about your own self.
Your father might lose his building
because of the Myeongdong deal.
It's not like that's my only option.
My family is nothing at all like
your family and Oh, whatever.
What'll you do with Yoon Hee now?
Now that you're both single,
there's nothing stopping you.
Are you planning to become
Bae Ro Na's stepdad?
You are, aren't you?
That's why she quit school!
To leave with her stepdad.
She quit school?
(Cheong Ah Arts High School)
The director
wishes to see you urgently.
Father, you asked to see me?
- Hello.
- You're here too, Mother?
Me too.
Yes. Hi there.
Why are you all here?
I will make an important decision.
Your father suffered
from a cold for a while,
and I think it weakened him.
He says he'll resign from
his director position this year.
Is that true, Father?
You waited long enough.
The foundation
is yours, Seo Jin.
What about me?
Why not me?
You have rich in-laws.
Seo Jin worked hard
to make Cheong Ah what it is now.
I'm proud of her for giving up
her singing career
to work at the school.
I met with Lawyer Park to sort out
the paperwork this morning.
Thank you so very much.
I will really work hard.
I will not disappoint you.
I will expand and develop
the foundation even more,
and make it the best private
school foundation in the country.
You'd better.
Cheong Ah Medical Center
and Cheong Ah Foundation
are products of my lifelong career.
I will not accept a single flaw.
be sure not to cause a scandal
that people will gossip about.
I won't.
I will remember that.
When you married Yoon Chul
against our wishes,
I resented you.
But you did well
by keeping your family intact.
Your father considers having
a strong family most important.
Seo Jin, are things okay
with Yoon Chul?
I heard he sleeps at work most days.
Weren't you having problems?
He had more surgeries lately
and couldn't come home in a while.
Thanks for your concern.
we get along just fine.
I will
live and work much harder, Father.
Do you have good news?
the greatest thing
in my life happened.
What could that be?
I finally divorced Yoon Chul
and submitted the papers to court.
That's great. Congratulations.
That's not all.
There's more shocking news.
My father said
he'll leave the foundation to me.
I'll be the next director.
You were anxious. That's great news.
I can't believe it myself yet.
My sister threatened me
with her in-laws' money.
I was worried that Father
might've changed his mind.
Now, everything's sorted out.
On top of that, Ro Na decided
to quit school voluntarily.
I can't believe good things
are all happening at once?
Ro Na quit school?
She withdrew.
Yoon Hee barged into the office
and caused a fuss this morning.
But what can she do
when her daughter wants to quit?
Was that why she was
out of her mind all day?
She'll be in a daze.
How long will you keep her with you?
Why can't you fire her
when I hate her?
Everything will be perfect
if she could disappear
from my sight.
Don't worry.
Once Logan Lee signs the deal,
I won't keep her around.
It's a good day and
we can't let her ruin our mood.
Director Cheon Seo Jin.
Thank you.
You're the first person
I'm sharing this with.
I love you.
Hey. Stay close.
Why did he go in here?
Hang on.
Excuse me.
- Hello?
- Hey. I'm following Gu Ho Dong.
He parked his motorcycle
outside Logan Lee's hotel.
Why there?
I don't know. Why did he come here?
Is he here to meet Logan Lee?
If he looked into us,
he must know
Logan Lee is our VIP. Darn it.
If he's meeting Logan
to talk about us
That can't be.
Oh, no. Gu Ho Dong
is speaking to
Logan Lee's secretary.
I'm sure I'm right.
Bring him over here.
You can't let him meet Logan Lee.
Stop him at all costs.
What's wrong?
Is something the matter?
I'm sorry. I have to go.
I'll call you.
Did he just leave me?
Are you all right? I'm sorry.
- It's fine.
- Are you hurt?
No, I'm fine. Really.
It's fine.
Lay him on the cart.
Let's go.
Doesn't this look nicer?
It will upgrade
Ms. Cheon's living room.
Ms. Cheon has such great taste.
A unique color that
she won't get tired of
How about this?
Since it's a gift from us,
I think it would be better
the more it's expensive.
You sometimes tend to scrimp
too much.
Jenny unbelievably came in third
in the test
yet money is the problem?
What are you talking about?
I practically want to buy
this whole shop right now.
That's just chump change for me.
I can even give her
half of all my money.
My father promised me
that if Min Hyuk makes it
to Seoul University of Music,
he'll give me the shopping building
he owns in Songpa.
My gosh. Wasn't your father
a very frugal man?
You'll get your hands on
10 million thanks to Min Hyuk!
Wait, it's not the time for this.
Shall we take our gifts
to another level?
You're here.
You should've called in advance.
I was out for a while.
We just came too.
I was thinking of switching couches
to refresh my mood.
- For my house.
- Me too.
I see.
Take your time and look around.
By the way, how is that family
managing right now?
Isn't it a total mess?
- Pardon?
- I mean Ro Na's family.
I heard Ro Na submitted
a withdrawal letter.
Why on earth did she do that?
She seemed to be doing fine
in school. Why so suddenly?
Come on, tell us.
She must've told you something
since you two are close.
Was Ms. Cheon behind it?
For Eun Byeol?
Once the performance tests
were over, I realized
that Ms. Cheon could change
our kids' universities.
Min Hyuk's always in last place,
but he came in fourth this time.
That explains enough.
Ms. Cheon's power is truly
above all us
What are you talking about?
Ro Na won't drop out.
What? Then was it just a show?
Seo Jin isn't afraid of anything
in the world.
But why would she
be concerned about Ro Na?
It just shows how talented Ro Na is.
Of course, she deserves to go
to Seoul University of Music.
- Mr. Lee.
- Yes?
Can you recommend a gray tone
couch for them?
That color suits
Seo Jin's place better.
Chairman Joo, your posture is
very impressive.
You must've practiced
shooting often.
You're finally up, Mr. Gu.
What on earth is this?
Did you abduct me?
I told him to be extra careful.
Attorney Lee must've been
rough on you.
I apologize on his behalf.
Just tell me what I'm doing here.
I happened to see
your personnel record.
I just found this on the street.
It says here that you won
first place
at a national shooting competition.
Then we must see how good you are.
Go, shoot.
I was getting interested in shooting
as well.
Can you show me a demonstration?
Did you dig into my past or what?
But too bad.
It's been a while
since I've shot a gun,
so if things go wrong,
my hand might slip
and shoot a bullet
right through your head.
What if it's Min Seol Ah?
You know Min Seol Ah, don't you?
Is this some horror movie or what?
How could you put
a person's picture up there?
It creeps me out.
I'm not joking, so tell me now.
Who are you? Tell me who you are.
Hey. You're the one who took
something from my bag.
Because you took that phone,
Chairman Joo almost killed me.
Seriously, I have no idea
- what you're
- You punk.
Hey, give me the phone.
Give me Min Seol Ah's phone
you took from my bag.
Who is Min Seol Ah
Min Seol Ah? Min Seol
That genius who entered Cheong Ah
Arts High School as the top student?
Why are you asking me for her phone?
What's your relationship
with Min Seol Ah?
Did you two grow up together
in Hope Orphanage?
You changed your identity to join
Cheong Ah Arts High, right?
And you're the one behind
the fountain incident.
Tell me now!
My goodness.
You must be deeply mistaken
about me.
I hope this is enough of an answer.
Man, that's incredible.
He shot without hitting her face.
He seems
strangely familiar.
Where did you say he lived?
What is this smell?
Gosh, this is delicious.
Don't you even know
the smell of cheonggukjang?
Here, Eun Byeol. Have a wrap.
Good girl.
I asked you not to make the house
smell for her sake.
You're letting her eat this
when she studies classical singing?
Spicy and salty food that's
full of chili pepper?
Don't mind it.
Eating some cheonggukjang
and kimchi won't affect her singing.
Eun Byeol, have some more.
This is a really nutritious meal.
Your grandma in Yeongwol sent it
especially for you.
Eun Byeol. Your clothes will stink,
so go to your room.
I'll get you some salad.
What are you doing?
How can she sing
by eating salad all the time?
Eun Byeol, can't you hear me?
Go to your room.
Oh Okay.
What do you think you're doing?
Must you make such a fuss?
Why can't I?
I'm just a guy from the country
who's living his real life now.
I tiptoed around you all my life
and forced myself to eat cereal
and bread that I hated.
I couldn't even have a bite
of my favorite stew or kimchi.
You didn't let me eat spicy
or salty food
or coffee and even soda.
I forced myself to adjust
to that picky taste of yours.
Now that it's over between us,
can't I do as I please?
Since it's over,
you need to show more manners.
It stinks.
You can't eat this in my house.
If you want to, get packed
and go to your home in the country.
I'm thinking of taking Eun Byeol
to Yeongwol this weekend.
My mom misses her.
Hey. Now that I think about it,
it's been more than seven years
since I've gone home.
How dare you take Eun Byeol?
She's sensitive enough already.
The bathroom over there
is smelly and uncomfortable.
Don't ruin her condition.
I'm not your husband anymore.
Don't order me around.
If I think about how I lived as
a slave to your family for 17 years,
that darn seven million
is not even enough for my alimony.
No matter how messed up my life is,
I'm still a doctor, after all.
Don't you agree?
You're quick-witted than I thought.
I made a reservation
for Eun Byeol's therapy today.
My friend agreed on doing it
We'll be late.
Where are you taking her?
Her tutor will come soon.
The midterm is next week!
I'll just put up with this
until I become the director.
There's no need to provoke him
before that.
Eun Byeol, we're just checking
how much stress you're getting
from school, so don't be afraid.
You just have to be honest
about your emotions.
- Okay?
- Don't worry.
Some of my friends receive
therapy too.
Okay. Good luck, sweetie.
Go in.
(Department of Neuropsychiatry)
My daughter is very sensitive too.
I wonder if other kids receive
a lot of stress too.
Is it hard to practice singing
and study at the same time?
I love to sing.
Rather than thinking of making it
to Seoul University of Music,
I just study harder
because I love singing so much.
That's good for you.
During the exam period,
do you tend to lose sleep
or your appetite
because you want to do better?
Or do you have nightmares?
Is there something that jinxes you?
It could happen if you're worried
about possibly making a mistake.
I'm not sure.
I have a pretty calm personality.
I sleep well, eat well,
and there's nothing difficult
in particular.
Oh, there's a saying that I like.
"If it's dark, turn on the light."
I try not to think
of negative things.
(1. I was the one who
pretended to be Min Seol Ah)
(2. I will not tell anyone about
what happened)
(in the community room last night.)
(April 10, 2020, Bae Ro Na)
That's why she quit school!
How about your friends?
Is there someone you dislike?
Not anyone in particular.
We all have our strengths
and weaknesses.
I don't easily dislike
or get jealous of anyone.
Even if a friend annoys me,
I can just be more understanding.
I don't receive much stress.
Dad, it's over.
She asked you to come in.
What are you doing?
Hurry up and let's go.
I didn't eat dinner properly,
and I'm hungry.
I was really craving aglio e olio.
She seems like a very
positive, bright,
and considerate girl.
But it's all fake.
What do you mean, "fake"?
It's called an "Imposter Syndrome".
Due to the high expectations
of people around her,
it may happen
if she's very afraid of failing.
It's a way of defending herself
from the shock she'll receive
when she fails.
Dad, why aren't you eating?
I need to finish and go study.
I'll come in first in midterms
just like the performance test.
I'll make Mom and Grandpa proud.
Eun Byeol, were you honest
during your therapy?
Of course.
You were honest about everything?
What's wrong with you?
Don't you like that I'm normal?
It's as if you wish I were ill.
What is this then?
(April 10, 2020, Bae Ro Na)
Are you crazy?
Why did you dig through my stuff?
Explain what this is.
Why do you have a note
written by Ro Na?
Did you make her write it?
What's this about Min Seol Ah,
and what happened
in the community room?
I did nothing wrong.
She impersonated Min Seol Ah first
and threatened us.
Still, how could you make her
write this?
Did you threaten Ro Na with this?
Is that why she dropped out?
Yes, I did.
I threatened her to drop out.
If not, I told her I'd tell everyone
that her mom hit on you.
Why? Is that wrong?
I hate her. I hate her to death.
I hate you and mom fighting
because of her family
and I don't want you
to get divorced.
And you siding for her like this
is making me lose my mind.
That's why I want to kill her.
I want her to die
in front of my eyes.
Eun Byeol.
If you're that worried about
her dropping out,
why don't you just live with her?
Abandon me and Mom
and live as Bae Ro Na's dad!
Eun Byeol. Wait, Eun Byeol!
Are you coming home now?
You're late.
Your mom is working late,
so I came to fix you dinner.
Thank you.
Ro Na.
I heard you dropped out.
But why does it feel like
that's not what you really want?
Am I wrong?
You don't have to answer
if you don't want to.
Make sure you have your dinner.
Your mom will be worried
if you skip it.
I'll be going, then.
Ms. Shim.
I heard my mom
committed adultery.
I don't know who told you what,
but I assure you
that you're mistaken.
You trust your mom, right?
I don't know.
I have no idea now.
I trust your mom.
Don't you know how much
she loves you?
For you, there's nothing
she can't do.
And she's much stronger
and wiser than you think.
She's not the person
who would do such a thing.
The night I spent the night
at your place,
my mom was with Ha Eun Byeol's dad.
I saw him coming out of our house.
- Ro Na, that was
- Why meet a married man?
Why Ha Eun Byeol's dad,
of all people?
Is she meeting him for revenge
because she hates Ms. Cheon?
How shameful.
Out of all people,
my mom shouldn't be like that.
She lived in misery
because Dad cheated on her,
but why would she do the same thing?
Ro Na, don't cry.
It's not what you think.
You're mistaken.
Oh, dear.
(1. I was the one who
pretended to be Min Seol Ah)
So? What about this?
Are you saying this isn't
a big deal?
When our daughter did
something so terrible?
It's just a joke
between adolescents.
You ruined Eun Byeol's mood
over something like this?
Her midterm starts next week.
Does that darn midterm matter
right now?
This is a serious crime.
Eun Byeol told me everything.
Bae Ro Na was the one
who impersonated Min Seol Ah
and tormented the kids.
She even confessed to it.
So? Are you saying this isn't wrong?
Are you really a teacher?
This can end quietly
as long as you keep your mouth shut.
(1. I was the one who
pretended to be Min Seol Ah)
Everything is now
returning to its original place.
Bae Ro Na and Oh Yoon Hee.
We will never see them again.
That will be the end of it.
The real problem is
Eun Byeol is mistaken about
Yoon Hee and my relationship.
And she used that to make Ro Na
drop out of school.
You're the one who caused this
to happen.
It's your fault.
Seo Jin, you have no right
to say that to me.
This wouldn't have happened
if you hadn't told Eun Byeol
all that nonsense!
Then go ahead and tell Eun Byeol
that I also cheated on you.
Tell her I had an affair
with Seok Kyung's dad.
Shut your mouth,
you disgusting little
We're divorced.
I can date and like whomever I want.
You have no right
to hit me for that.
Get out of my room right now!
I forgot to ask you something.
Isn't this your ring?
I found it in the trash can.
I must've dropped it by accident.
You already threw this away once.
Your ruby ring.
On the night that Min Seol Ah died.
- What?
- I saw you
throwing it away.
But how did this manage
to find its way back to you?
I don't get what you're saying.
You must be mistaken.
Why would I throw my ring away?
I never threw it away.
have something to do
with Min Seol Ah's death, don't you?
What are you talking about?
I didn't stay quiet
because I didn't know anything.
I just couldn't say it
because you were my wife.
But I don't need to worry
about that anymore.
I have no reason
to protect you anymore.
Attorney Lee told me
that you and Joo Dan Tae
are the most usual suspects
of Seol Ah's death.
I heard you were
being threatened by her.
She threatened you regarding
your affair with Joo Dan Tae!
What do you think you're doing?
Didn't you know that I'm a jerk?
I'm a scumbag who broke off
my six-year-long relationship
so I could marry into a rich family.
I'm a piece of trash
that dumped my girlfriend
who even paid
for my med school tuition.
But this time,
I'm going to be even worse.
You'd better watch out.
That coward jerk.
What in the world did he see?
Yoon Hee.
I need to talk to you.
Maybe next time. I'm tired.
Eun Byeol had some kind of
misunderstanding about us.
What do you mean?
And because of that,
I think she threatened Ro Na.
I'm sorry.
Tell me what you mean.
What did she misunderstand?
What did your daughter do to Ro Na?
Ro Na.
She just fell asleep.
I waited so I could talk to you.
She saw Dr. Ha leave your house
that morning.
She also saw the photos
and texts in your cell phone.
I must be crazy.
I must've been out of my mind.
Why didn't I delete those photos?
I'm totally nuts.
I don't even deserve to be a mother.
I deserve to get punished for this.
I understand why
she got the wrong idea.
Even if it's not true,
it'll be hard to convince her.
why would Seo Jin say that
to Eun Byeol?
What good would that have done
to her daughter?
Why would she make her daughter
think her father is a cheater?
She probably did it
to cover up her own faults.
Either that or
Or what?
Maybe she did it to make
Eun Byeol hate Ro Na.
Why would she do that?
So that Eun Byeol would get
competitive and beat Ro Na.
She cut her own throat
because she was jealous of you.
She's capable of doing things
that are even worse.
You're right.
But without even knowing that,
I got angry at Ro Na
and said so many mean things to her.
I feel so bad, Su Ryeon.
Just thinking about how
heartbroken Ro Na must've been
makes my heart ache so much.
Don't cry.
I'm sorry too.
Su Ryeon, I won't let this
happen again.
I'll make Seo Jin pay for this.
Why couldn't you sign
the withdrawal letter at school?
Why did you want to meet here?
There are too many eyes there.
And I figured it'd be nice
to eat with you before I sign it.
We're not exactly close enough
to eat together.
This is Ro Na's withdrawal letter.
You just need to sign your name.
This can wait. Let's talk first.
I learned a lot of things
while going through
the recent events.
I'm sure you finally learned
that a parent's greed
could end up destroying a child.
It all went wrong
the moment you dreamt of
getting her into
Cheong Ah Arts High School.
Are you talking about yourself?
You made your
incompetent daughter
get into Cheong Ah Arts High School.
That's probably where
it all went wrong.
You wanted to satisfy your dad,
so you had to do everything
to make her become the best.
You bribed the judges
to make sure they
gave her a good test score,
and you even paid someone
to get my daughter into an accident.
Have you lost your mind?
What are you talking about?
It's okay to be honest, Seo Jin.
I'm just
reminding myself of how dumb I was
to let all of that happen.
It made me think of
how powerful you actually are.
But I really didn't know
you'd tell your daughter
that I was Yoon Chul's first love.
And that he started to have
feelings for me again.
What about that?
It's true that you guys met
behind my back.
You must have no feelings
left for your husband.
I can't believe you just admitted
that your husband isn't over me.
But then again, you're already
seeing someone else.
Chairman Joo Dan Tae.
I also think he's pretty attractive.
Who do you think you are
to say his name like that?
Do you think you're close with him
just because you work together?
Am I not allowed to say his name?
He's not yours.
This is surprising. Don't tell me
you actually love him.
You're really confident
for an adulteress.
There's no reason for me
to be ashamed.
Joo Dan Tae is my man.
I already divorced Ha Yoon Chul.
A divorce?
You guys split up already?
Then Eun Byeol will get
a stepdad soon.
People at Hera Palace
will be shocked once they hear this.
What are you trying to pull?
Everyone already knows
about me and Dan Tae.
That's right.
But there's one person who doesn't.
And I really thought he should know.
So I invited him over.
Did you hear everything?
This is how
your competent daughter
has been living her life.
You raised her well.
She's not only a divorcee,
but she's also an adulteress.
Dad Dad.
It's not what you think.
Let me explain, Dad.
25 years ago,
you covered up
for your daughter's wrongdoing.
And that's why she grew up
to be like this.
You knew, didn't you?
You knew that Seo Jin
was the one
who cut my throat.
But you suspended me instead.
And thanks to that,
I was never able to graduate.
Why did you do that?
Did your daughter ask you to do it?
Or did you think
I needed to disappear
for the sake of your daughter?
Oh Yoon Hee.
You haven't changed at all.
You're still vulgar and rude.
What do you mean?
You must think you can ruin
my daughter's life
by doing something like this.
But you're mistaken.
Our family isn't weak enough to get
threatened by someone like you.
Do you understand?
I should go now.
I only ended up wasting my time.
Okay. Dad.
Are you flustered?
My dad is on my side
just like how he was back then.
And there's nothing you can do.
You grew up without a dad,
so you wouldn't know
how it feels to be protected by one.
Dad. Dad.
I'm sorry
I didn't tell you beforehand.
It's okay. I guess you and Yoon Chul
just weren't meant to be.
Did you finalize the divorce?
Yes. You don't need to worry
about anything.
I'll be raising Eun Byeol,
and we divided our property
without causing any trouble.
That's good.
Yoon Hee.
You can try all you want,
but you'll never be able to beat me.
Hey, Attorney Park.
I was just about to call you.
I need to talk to you regarding
my appointment as the director.
The director just called
and told me
he wishes to appoint someone else
as the director.
What are you talking about?
He appointed your sister
as the next director.
And he told me he wishes
to rewrite his will.
I can't believe this.
(Letter of Appointment)
Is it because of
what happened earlier?
You told me it's fine.
Why are you doing this?
(Letter of Appointment)
How dare you humiliate me like that?
You got divorced
and even had an affair?
You ruined our family's reputation.
You have no right to be
the director of Cheong Ah.
Do you think
I'll forgive you for this?
I'm sorry, Dad.
Please forgive me just this once.
I never once disobeyed you
until now.
I got into Seoul University of Music
just like how you wanted me to,
and I only slept
three hours a day
so I could become the best.
I got better grades than Seo Young
and always outdid her.
You disappointed me.
You married someone I disapproved,
so the least you could do
was stay married.
It's not like
I wanted this to happen!
We were different from head to toe
and never got along.
I was never loved by him.
But even so,
I still did my best.
You were the reason why
I stayed married for 17 years.
You chose to marry him!
Don't you dare blame it on me!
From this moment on,
you'll no longer be
an executive of the board.
And quit your job
at Cheong Ah Arts High School.
I'm also going to take back
the inheritance I passed onto you.
Dad! Please don't give up on me!
Cheong Ah Foundation
means everything to me.
Without Cheong Ah,
there's no reason for me to exist.
Ever since I was young,
you told me
that I'm the rightful owner
of Cheong Ah.
You had an affair and got a divorce.
You don't deserve to say anything.
I already settled everything
with Attorney Park.
Dad! Dad!
Dad! Dad, I'm sorry!
Please give me one more chance.
I won't ever disappoint you again.
It's over now.
Get off me.
Dad! Dad!
Dad! Dad!
Dad! Dad!
I'd rather die instead!
You can't do this to me!
You pathetic fool!
Just look at yourself!
How could you want to take over
Cheong Ah with that feeble mindset?
Never in a million years!
Cheong Ah belongs to Seo Young now.
I've had enough of this!
If I lived a wrongful life,
that's all because of you!
You always compared me
to Seo Young
and made us compete with each other.
You were always hard on me!
You never once truly loved me.
You never once loved me
as your daughter at all!
always craved to be loved.
That's why I had an affair.
How dare you talk back to me?
You're no longer my daughter!
No! Cheong Ah is mine!
- You can't take it from me!
- Let go!
- Let go!
- No!
Let go!
- Let go! Let go!
- No!
Seo Jin.
Seo Jin.
Seo Jin.
Dad Dad.
Dad Dad.
Seo Jin.
Seo Jin.
Seo Jin.
Seo Jin
You're the one who made me
like this, Dad.
So don't feel so wronged.
You at least
left me one thing.
(The Penthouse)
Cheon Seo Jin will take over
the penthouse?
Cheon Seo Jin is the one
who benefited the most.
The day Father passed away
Did you get divorced?
It's as if you waited for your dad
to pass away.
I have never opened up my heart
to you.
Love? We can it start now.
Did you run away from home?
I'll find out what kind of a man
Joo Dan Tae is.
Why are you here?
How dare you seduce him?
You can't stand him cheating on you?
You're just a dirty adulteress.
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