The Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse (2020) s01e15 Episode Script


(upbeat music playing)
-(bell dings)
What can we do you for, boss?
Nothing, as usual.
Nobody ever comes to this hotel.
(wind blowing)
At this rate, we'll be out of business
by the end of the day.
I don't even care.
(sighs) Poor guy.
Fellas, we gotta do something.
How do we attract customers?
Beats me.
Alls I know is that sign says we're open.
Goofy, that's it!
(car horns blaring)
You guys open? You're a hotel, right?
Boy, are we!
You got rooms and room service?
You betcha.
-Psst. Goofy, prep the kitchen.
-Aye, aye, captain.
-Donald, see to his luggage.
-Oh, boy. Gratuity.
Mickey, tend the front desk.
Oh. (chuckles) Right. That's me.
This way, sir.
Thank you.
Everyone, come forth.
(crowd yelling)
(crowd yelling)
A circus?
Come one, come all,
to the greatest hotel on Earth.
Our beds need to be extra bouncy.
I'm gonna need 32 bath towels
in room 304.
-(bell dings)
-And we'll all be needing room service.
One at a time, folks. One at a time.
Can I take your bags, anyone?
Allow me.
All right, Goofy.
We got a lot of orders coming in.
I got one large pepperoni pizza,
southwest bowl, tandoori chicken,
two eggplant parmesans, and a number four
with the fillet on the side.
Copy that. I got one large bread,
one southwest bread, one tandoori bread,
two bread parmesans, and a number four
with bread on the side.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Why are you
replacing everything with bread?
-(chuckles) Because that's all we got.
-(drum rimshot)
Oh, no.
Don't worry, Mick. I got this.
You just manage the front desk.
I'll let you know
when the orders are ready.
-And elevator's going up.
-(elevator dings)
-(crowd chatters)
-Oof! (panting)
-(elevator dings)
-(nose honks)
-(elevator dings)
(sings indistinctly)
I'll show ya.
Uh-oh. (screams)
Hello, sir.
Beds bouncy enough for ya?
(chuckles) You got enough towels in there?
-GUEST: Gonna need more.
Here's that tank of gas you asked for.
(whimpers) Phew!
(yells) Huh? Oh!
(whimpers, yells)
-(phone rings)
-Hello? Hello?
-(ringing continues)
-Hello? Front desk.
-Where's our room service?
(nose honks)
(pants) Huh?
Oh, boy!
Plate of bread, bowl of bread,
pitcher of bread
Goofy! It's getting crazy out there.
We gotta get 'em their food, man.
(stammers) Wait. I forgot the garnish!
-Bread appetit.
-(Donald screams)
(sighs, smacks lips)
May I take your bags?
That was all the bread.
No. We gotta do something.
Uh, I gotta make more bread.
Oh, this can't be that hard.
(gasps) Three cups of flour.
That's not enough.
Baking soda.
One tablespoon of yeast.
Lucky thing I brought my table spoon.
-(timer ticking)
Maybe I'll take a little peek.
Hello? Do you deliver? Huh?
(Donald and Goofy yelling)
(car alarms blaring)
Dinner is served.
Thanks for the hospitality. (chuckles)
Leaving you three in charge
was the best decision I've ever made.
-We're back in business.
-MAN: Howdy, partners.
Just a tired cowboy with my horse.
Looking for a place
to hang my hat for the night.
You've come to the right place.
My bellboys will take good care of you.
ALL: At your service.
-Come on in, Champ.
(all yell)
I'll go make the bread.
(theme music playing)
Series brought to you by Sailor420
!!! Hope you enjoy the Show !!!
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