The World of the Married (2020) s01e15 Episode Script

Episode 15

It had to be perfect.
"Let's not be swayed
no matter how hard things might get."
I told myself that again and again.
The little joys in life.
The sadness.
The pain.
The happiness.
We had to share all of that together
as a married couple.
He was my other self
whom I had to share my fate with.
I had to stay strong
no matter what happened.
But I can't believe
what this woman is saying right now.
slept with me.
What did I tell you?
I told you that you might find yourself
in my shoes one day.
Have you lost your mind?
Do you think I'll believe you?
You're just trying to wreck our family
before you go.
Should I tell you what color underwear
he was wearing that night?
I don't lie.
It's your choice
whether to believe me or not.
You're so vulgar.
You're disgusting and obscene.
Aren't you embarrassed to face Jun-yeong?
It was when Jun-yeong didn't come home
and stayed the night at the internet cafe.
That's when it happened.
What happened?
Where is Jun-yeong?
I saw him off.
That settles everything.
I'm sorry
you had to see that.
You and Dad should go home.
We'll go after Tae-oh comes home.
He's right.
We can't leave you here all by yourself.
I'm really okay.
It's late. You guys should go.
You really don't look well.
Did that woman say something weird to you?
That woman is never normal.
I don't care.
I just need to ignore her.
What did she say to you?
I told you it's nothing.
I want to get some rest.
Please just go.
I'm hungry.
Should we eat something?
Come to your senses, you fool.
You put so many people
through so much pain.
How much more do they need to suffer?
You darn piece of trash.
I'm sorry.
Where is Jun-yeong?
Where is he?
What happened?
Did you sleep with her?
Ji Seon-u.
Did you sleep with her?
Choose your answer wisely
if you don't want to repeat
the same mistake.
depends on your answer.
You can choose to tell me the truth
or lie to me.
If you tell me the truth,
I'll resent you for the rest of my life.
But if you lie to me,
I will never forgive you.
But your lies
aren't something I can forgive.
Because that's the ultimate betrayal.
So be honest with me.
Are you having an affair?
You get to decide which one will be worse.
I heard it happened
when Jun-yeong didn't come home.
The night I struggled all by myself
because Jenny had a fever.
The night you lied to me
and told me you were with Je-hyuk!
I called you so many times
because our child was sick.
But you were busy having sex with her?
Did Seon-u tell you that?
Answer me.
Did you sleep with her?
I'm asking if you slept with her!
What's wrong with you two?
It was
an accident.
It was a one-time mistake
that meant absolutely nothing.
That's all it was.
It was an accident
I don't ever want to recall.
no longer going to be here.
She's going to leave.
She even quit her job at the hospital.
Don't worry about her anymore, Da-kyung.
Who cares where she is?
You're the one I don't trust!
I trusted you
even when she told me
you were stalking her.
I trusted you even when I saw her photos
in your cell phone.
When she proved your alibi to the police,
I figured it was because
you're the father of her child.
I thought she only did it for Jun-yeong.
But now, I finally get it.
You still had feelings for her.
and her both.
She just wants to ruin my life.
Why do you think she told you that
when she should be embarrassed of herself?
She's just trying to break us apart.
Don't let her get to you.
You're the only one I want in my life.
I just wanted to be happy with you.
So I tried so hard to make her leave,
and we finally got what we wanted.
Is that why you slept with her?
So you could make her leave?
Do you seriously expect me
to believe that right now?
We loved each other, got married,
and raised you together.
Throughout my entire life,
the person I spent the longest time with
was your father.
We fought so much.
And we went our separate ways
because we could no longer live together.
But hatred wasn't the only emotion
I had left for him.
As much as you missed your father,
I must've missed having a husband
although it was for a short while.
It's natural for you
to feel confused and betrayed.
I'm so sorry.
You can continue to hate me.
I'm okay with that.
But I will still stay by your side
to support and protect you.
All I ask of you
is for you to know how precious you are.
You're not like me or your dad.
You can live differently.
Just remember that.
I bet all the kids at school think of me
as a thief now.
I know it'll be hard.
But you can overcome it. You have me.
I'll protect you by your side.
Let's overcome it together, okay?
Can we just leave
to a place where no one knows us?
Is it okay even if you never get to see
your dad again?
I don't ever want to see Dad again.
Let's go wherever.
Just give me a few days
so I can get ready.
Thank you for telling me the truth.
I'm sure it wasn't easy.
Does Jun-yeong also know
what happened between you two?
Poor kid.
I'm going to make sure
Jenny doesn't turn out like Jun-yeong.
I'm not like her.
I don't want to lose my mind
and act out like she did.
I can overcome this.
I'm going to overcome this crisis
for the sake of our child.
I'm going to overcome it
with you.
But you need to give me some time.
I need some time.
Of course.
Take as much time as you need.
I'll wait.
And I'll also try my best.
You should eat.
Thank you.
It's delicious.
Go ahead and enjoy.
I'm going to check on Jenny.
Come here.
I'll see you after work.
I'll go now.
I don't want to see him.
Stay in your room.
Where is Jun-yeong?
If you have something to say,
you can tell me.
I'll relay the message to him.
I came to apologize.
I want to do it in person.
He told me he doesn't want to see you.
What do you think you're doing?
He doesn't want to see you.
Go back!
He won't see you. He doesn't want to.
He's scared right now!
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry I hit you.
Let me apologize.
Can we please talk?
I didn't hit you out of hatred.
I just got so angry--
We need to resolve our misunderstanding.
Don't you want that?
If you don't leave,
I'm going to call the cops.
Stop harassing him and just go back.
It's over now.
Just go!
Was it all part of your plan?
What do you mean?
What are you talking about?
Why did you tell Da-kyung?
You said it was a mistake. You said
we should forget that it happened.
Do you still have feelings for me?
I gave you what you want.
I gave up everything and decided to leave.
All I asked of you was to make sure
Jun-yeong didn't get hurt.
You promised to raise him well.
You promised to make him happy.
How dare you hit my son
in front of your wife and her family?
So what?
Did you want to teach me a lesson?
Did you really have to see an end to it?
What's wrong?
Are you scared she might leave you?
Da-kyung is nothing like you.
She's willing to forgive me
for the mistake I made.
How's that? I bet you're disappointed.
Do you really think
she'll be able to forgive you?
Do you really think
she'd be any different from me?
Don't think Jun-yeong likes you.
He's just like that
because he's angry at me right now.
I'm never going to give up on him.
This is my last warning.
Give up on Jun-yeong
and stop this here and now.
Otherwise, I won't stand still.
I swear I will ruin your life.
I'll make you hit rock bottom.
You're the one who hit rock bottom.
You tried to use that night against me,
but you ended up humiliating yourself.
Why can't you face reality?
What do you think you can do?
What will you do to me?
I can't let Jun-yeong
live with someone insane like you.
I'm going to bring him back
as soon as possible.
Just keep that in mind.
What if Dad comes back?
What if he tries to take me back?
Don't worry. Your dad won't be able
to do anything to you anymore.
I told you I'll protect you.
May I help you?
Tell Chairman Yeo
that I'd like to meet him.
How long do you plan to keep a tail on me?
Or was that guy tailing Tae-oh?
I'm pretty sure I told you
that I'm willing to do anything
to make sure my daughter is happy.
I guess that means you finally admit
that your daughter is unhappy.
What did you say
to my daughter last night?
What you really need to know
is what happened
between me and Tae-oh.
I've known for a while
that you have no faith in Tae-oh.
So I'm pretty sure you know
what I'm talking about.
What was
Da-kyung's dream?
loved to travel ever since she was young.
So I traveled with her
to a lot of different countries.
She especially enjoyed
going to art galleries.
Now that I think about it,
those were the happy days.
After she gained more knowledge
and developed an eye for art,
she wanted to run
an art gallery of her own one day.
You're more than capable
of helping her achieve that dream
if she still wants it, right?
Of course.
She would've lived an independent life
doing what she wants.
But things unexpectedly came to a halt
because of Tae-oh.
Don't you feel sorry to see
your precious daughter
waste her beautiful youth like this
all because of a guy?
She's struggling so much to overcome
her inferiority complex as a second wife.
And as a woman myself,
I feel really bad for her.
That's why I came to visit you
even though I knew I wasn't welcome.
Because I know
that you're willing to do anything
to make sure your daughter is happy.
Hey, Da-kyung.
It's me.
Are you okay?
Of course, I'm okay.
Everything is fine.
Why did you call me?
About Ji Seon-u…
It looks like she really left.
I checked with the realtor.
And I was told her house came up for sale.
She packed up and left with her son.
So I called to tell you
that you don't need to worry anymore.
Are we doing the right thing?
Are you going somewhere?
Please return them to the kids.
Tell them on my behalf
that I'm really sorry.
I'm also sorry
about how I behaved with you.
I'm sorry for asking you
to do this for me.
I liked you. That's why.
I was worried.
I just didn't want you to be like that.
I wasn't trying to be arrogant.
forgive me if I ever offended you.
I'm sorry, too.
Shall we go now?
It's quiet today.
-Hello, sir.
-Hello, sir.
A lot of Dr. Ji's patients
aren't coming anymore.
So we're not as busy as we used to be.
What about Dr. Ji?
Has she not told you when she'll be back?
Dr. Seol thinks she left.
She left?
For good?
What happened between you two?
I heard Seon-u left with Jun-yeong.
Is that true?
I'm guessing you thought about it a lot
before you came to a decision.
I just
want you to be happy, Dr. Ji.
I just wanted to tell you that.
This house is very sturdy.
It's very clean, too.
Come inside.
The owner had to leave urgently.
So her pieces of furniture are still here.
You can take your time to look around.
You must be from the real estate office.
Is someone here
to take a look at the house?
Yes, she's upstairs right now.
When do you think our house will be sold?
I'm not sure. Not a lot of people
are buying houses these days.
But I can't just cut down on the price.
I'm very worried.
I'm sure the right person
will come around.
There's always a right owner
for each house.
What brings you here?
Do you know each other?
I'd like to talk to her.
You can leave first.
Oh, okay.
Take your time to think about it
and let me know if you're interested.
Seon-u gave me the key to her house
so I could pack the rest of her stuff.
But I had no idea I'd run into you here.
I just came to check if she really left.
I'm sure that's not the only thing
you wanted to check.
I bet you were anxious to know
if it's really over
between them.
I understand.
I would've felt the same way.
I'll leave you to do your job.
Tae-oh will have a hard time
getting over Seon-u.
Seon-u left in a hurry
because she also knows that.
What makes you so confident
to say that to me?
Or did Seon-u ask you to say that to me?
I see.
That must be it.
I knew it.
Je-hyuk told me
that men
have a hard time getting over their ex
even if they're with someone new.
He told me that's how
Tae-oh seems to feel right now.
You know that Seon-u
went missing for a while, right?
During that time, Tae-oh came to see me
and asked me to check if she's doing okay.
You have no idea how desperate he looked.
Why do you think he's like that?
I know how tormenting it feels
to be suspicious of your husband.
I know that better than anyone else.
So I wanted to tell you this
as a woman myself
and as someone
who's been through the same.
If you don't believe me,
you can come to my house.
I'll show you the CCTV camera footage
of this house.
Seon-u gave me the ID and password
to her security system.
It'll show you how often Tae-oh came by
and how much he hovered
in front of an empty house
when Seon-u wasn't home.
-Thank you.
-Thank you, too.
Let's think of it as a short trip.
Don't think of anything else
for the time being.
Let's just make ourselves at home.
It feels so weird.
It's because it's unfamiliar here.
You'll slowly get used to it.
Don't worry about anything.
From now on,
just think of positive things.
Think about where you want to go
and what you want to do.
I'll do everything for you.
If you want to go back,
we can do that, too.
I took care of most of the work
that has been keeping me busy lately.
So why don't we go on a trip?
Where to?
You shouldn't overstrain yourself.
So let's go somewhere warm to recuperate.
So maybe Bali or Hawaii?
How does Hawaii sound?
I can go whenever.
So you can fix a date
based on your schedule.
Okay, great.
I'm sorry.
Can I
sleep over tonight?
Maybe next time.
I got too ahead of myself, didn't I?
I really tend to spoil the mood.
My gosh.
I didn't upset you, did I?
I'm home.
What about Jenny?
She's asleep.
Is everything okay?
Everything is fine.
I didn't eat dinner,
so I'm going to cook instant noodles.
Do you want to join me?
No, I'm fine.
Okay then.
Thank you.
Do you really not care where we go?
I can go to any school.
There won't be much difference.
What matters is where you work.
Should I look for a place in Seoul?
You'll be going to college there anyway.
Mom, you should also start
seeing someone new.
Find someone nice.
I don't mind.
Why didn't you like Dr. Kim Yun-gi?
Because I thought you deserved better.
I'm serious.
You deserve better.
How's Jun-yeong doing?
Are you guys doing well?
I'm sorry
for leaving without even saying goodbye.
I know I shouldn't feel this way.
But I can't stop worrying about you.
Everything's okay, right?
Jun-yeong and I
are planning things for our future.
He's a lot more stable now.
He even laughs now.
The kids told me they understand you.
They said you don't need to be sorry.
Can't you just stay?
Enough about Jun-yeong. How about you?
Are you doing okay?
The air is nice and fresh here.
The stars are also bright and clear.
And because of that,
things have become
a lot more clear as well.
Thank you, Dr. Kim.
I won't forget your help.
Once you decide on a place to go,
will you tell me?
Why did you call?
I'll convince Tae-oh
to sign a memorandum saying he'll give up
on Jun-yeong's parental rights.
So you should also give up
on getting child support.
When did I ever ask for that?
It's because I don't want you to use that
as an excuse to show up again.
I want you to make sure
you guys don't meet up again
because of Jun-yeong.
You know Jun-yeong was just an excuse.
That's obviously why you're here.
He told me it was just a one-time mistake.
And I'm going to believe that.
If you don't want to humiliate yourself,
just promise me that you won't
ever show up before us again.
If you don't,
I'm going to sue you
for committing adultery.
I have nothing more to fear.
Do you think I won't be able to do it?
What is it that you want to protect?
Your family? Or is it
your pride?
Do you think your anxiety will go away
if I give you my word?
That's none of your business.
Yes, you're right. Your decision
is really none of my business.
But before that,
there's something you need to know.
What are you doing?
I'm trying to tell you
what kind of person Tae-oh is.
This used to be my favorite song.
And it naturally became
Tae-oh's favorite song as well.
Not only was it my favorite song,
but it also had a special meaning to it.
He had this song playing in the background
when he proposed to me.
"Let's get married, Seon-u.
I swear
I'll make you and our baby happy.
I'm not doing this out of responsibility
because you're pregnant.
I'm doing this because I love you.
Whatever it may be,
I want to do it with you by my side.
Will you marry me?"
Did he say the same thing to you?
Did he whisper
all those sweet words to you…
and tell you you're his one and only love?
Don't lie to me.
You have no evidence to prove it.
Follow me.
I'll prove to you that I'm not lying.
Where are we going?
To my house.
What's your point?
I was really shocked
when I first saw all this.
Don't you get it?
Take a good look.
I saw your stuff in your bedroom
when I went to your house.
We have the same taste in perfume.
The same kind of underwear.
And we even chose
the same kind of wedding dress.
It was all so similar
that it gave me the creeps.
Did Tae-oh pick them out for you?
did you choose them yourself?
You probably saw my stuff at home
and bought the same items.
You're unbelievable.
How much worse can you get?
This is so immature!
You seem to want conclusive evidence,
but I don't have that.
But you see,
I don't lie.
I don't know
if Tae-oh actually realizes this,
but you are
very much like me.
What do you think?
It's a common style.
Don't talk as if it means something.
I bet you're very detailed and meticulous.
You also like things to go as planned.
And from your point of view,
you probably found Tae-oh very attractive
because of his free soul.
And Tae-oh probably fell for you
because you admired him
and kindly took care of him.
You and I are the kind of women
he easily gets attracted to.
Are you going to tell me
that he still has feelings for you?
I don't understand
why I'm even listening to your delusion.
What do you think will happen
if he meets someone like us again?
You're right.
You said so yourself,
"It's a common style."
There are lots of women like us.
And unfortunately,
Tae-oh is a man with a free soul.
He'll get attracted to the kind of woman
who takes care of him.
But once he starts feeling like
he's being controlled,
he'll find a way to let off some steam.
Just like how he fell for you
while he was with me.
How can you be sure
he might not do the same thing
once Jenny reaches Jun-yeong's age?
That's how meaningless it is.
Love may seem so grand,
but it means nothing.
What exactly is marriage?
We all get married
thinking we're meant to be,
and we set our lives as collateral
just for having sex and living together.
But is it really worth all that?
Even when you know
you're going to be unhappy?
I still don't know the answer to that.
But one thing I know for sure
is that you can't raise your kid
with a guy who will definitely
end up hurting you.
Think about it carefully.
This might be your last chance
to free yourself from him.
Did you sleep well?
The investor I'm meeting today told me
he really enjoyed the script.
I have a good feeling about this.
That's great.
I'll call you once the investment
is confirmed.
Let's have a small party.
I'll see you later.
Thank you.
I'll call you once we finish
casting the rest of the cast.
-Let's have dinner soon with the director.
Sounds great. Call me.
Thank you.
Is there a problem?
The card won't work.
Do you have a different card?
Thank you.
Councilman Cha.
I'm sorry about last time.
What brings you here?
I met an investor here.
Is the discussion
with Chairman Yeo regarding
the supporters' association going well?
Chairman Yeo withdrew the offer
a long time ago.
Didn't you know?
Why? Did something happen?
I'm sure you know why.
-Oh, yes?
This card doesn't work either.
Just a second.
Mr. Lee!
Where's Mr. Lee?
What are you doing?
I asked you what you're doing!
Who canceled all my company credit cards?
Chairman Yeo asked me to pack your stuff
and kick you out.
What kind of nonsense is that?
I just met the investor,
and he agreed to sign a deal.
Who's going to run the company if I leave?
You're done now.
Have you lost your mind?
Who are you to say that to me?
If you want to see your daughter
one last time,
I advise you to hurry up and go home.
Honey. Da-kyung.
Why aren't you answering my calls?
Is everything okay?
I think your dad is really angry at me.
Never mind.
I'll tell you once I get home.
Call me once you get my message.
Who are you people?
What are you doing?
We already took care of all the paperwork.
So take this and get lost.
I'm done talking to you.
Bring this car
to the address you were given.
Okay, sir.
Where are you taking my car?
And what kind of paperwork?
What are you talking about?
The divorce papers!
Your relinquishment of parental rights.
The title I gave you at your company.
It's all over now.
Don't you get it?
Father, why are you doing this
all of a sudden?
There must be a misunderstanding.
I'm not your father-in-law!
-You darn punk.
There was only one thing
I wanted from you.
Make my daughter…
All you had to do
was make my daughter happy.
If you had done that right,
I would've acknowledged you
and thought of you
like my own son.
And sometimes, like a friend.
That's the kind of dream I had
when I saw my precious daughter
get married.
But unfortunately,
just like what I had expected,
you showed me your limit.
Let's end it here.
Don't ever show up
before me and my family again.
Let me talk about it with Da-kyung.
Where is she? Where is Da-kyung?
Don't bother talking to him.
Just get in the car.
I'll deal with it.
Wait for me in the car, Dad.
I thought you agreed to forgive me.
We promised to overcome this together.
You can't suddenly do this to us.
That was only when I thought it was
a one-time mistake.
But that's not what it was.
I won't let you fool me again.
We're over now.
You don't need to listen to your dad.
This is between us.
We can handle it ourselves.
My dad knew everything!
He was getting ready for this
from the very start to look out for me.
I feel bad that Jenny
has a father like you.
But she's much better off without you.
Don't ever dream of seeing her again.
You're all I have.
I love you, Da-kyung.
The music you played
when you proposed to me.
I heard you played it
when you proposed to her as well.
She also uses the same perfume
you bought for me.
The same goes for my underwear
and wedding dress.
What was I to you?
What was I?
What are you talking about?
She wasn't the one who was delusional.
It was me all along.
Now, I finally get it.
To you, I was just
a substitute for Ji Seon-u.
Just go back to her.
Jenny! Jenny, wait!
Da-kyung. Jenny.
Can we please talk? Da-kyung!
Jenny! Wait! Let's talk!
Get out.
I said get out!
It's all your fault.
I lost everything because of you!
You planned all this, didn't you?
You wanted to make me lose it all!
What did you say to Da-kyung,
you horrible bitch?
My social position. Money.
And even my family.
I'm left with nothing now.
Hey, Mom.
I finished taking care of everything.
I'll be there soon. Wait for me.
What about Dad?
Did you settle things with him, too?
Use this to get yourself a room
at a motel or something.
And think about
what you're going to do now.
Let me know once you come up with a plan.
I'll help you out
so you can pay your rent.
You're evil.
I never should've met you.
My life got ruined because of you.
Why didn't you just kill me?
That would've been better for both of us.
Please come to your senses.
Think about the stuff you did
before you start blaming it on others.
You're the one
who ruined your life, not me.
Do you still not get it?
Jun-yeong knows everything.
What does he know?
He knows why I hit you.
He knows everything.
Jun-yeong hates you. No.
He loathes you.
He knows how malicious you are.
He will never be happy living with you.
You can abandon me,
but Jun-yeong never will!
I'll meet him
and tell him what you did to me today.
He deserves to know
how his father got wrecked by his mother!
Gosh, did you receive
one-on-one golf lessons or something?
That's nonsense.
Your driver shots were amazing today.
My goodness.
It's nice to be out.
There's a rumor going around
saying the site for the movie set
is going to be sold at a very cheap price.
Does that mean Chairman Yeo and his family
aren't planning to come back?
That's what my husband thinks.
It looks like Dr. Ji came back.
Mr. Lee Tae-oh was forced to get a divorce
and got kicked out.
Chairman Yeo and his family left Gosan.
And Ji Seon-u came back
as if she had been waiting to return.
Doesn't it feel like
there might be something
we don't know about?
Some people say Ji Seon-u was the one
who made Da-kyung get a divorce.
Every married couple
has a story of their own.
If you keep talking about other people,
you'll only end up in trouble.
Be careful of what you say.
By the way,
has Director Gong decided what to do?
The chairman is pretty determined.
And my husband also thinks
it's hard to find a great doctor like her.
So I think he's going to convince her
to come back.
He made the right choice.
Dr. Ji.
-Dr. Ji.
Have you been well?
-Have you been well?
-It's been so long.
Yes, I know.
-Have you been well?
-Thank you.
Dr. Ji.
How nice.
You're the associate director.
When can you start working here?
I got special orders from the director.
That's why I asked to see you.
My job is to convince you to come back.
You've been back here for a while now.
He doesn't get why you haven't
come back to work yet.
Director Gong is really worried
that you might end up
working at another hospital.
Do you really think it's okay?
I feel so shameless to come back.
Don't worry about a thing
and just start working here again.
Your spot has been vacant
ever since you left anyway,
so please put Director Gong
out of his misery.
Thank you.
That reminds me.
About Tae-oh…
I don't think he actually left for good.
Remember Woo Ho-sang?
He's my friend. You met him last time.
It looks like he recently saw Tae-oh.
-In Gosan.
He was a complete mess,
and he got into a fight
for not paying at a street bar.
He felt really bad for him,
so he paid for his drinks,
but when he turned back, he was gone.
When was that?
It was about a week ago.
Why don't you look for him?
I'm worried he might
get himself in trouble.
What for?
I'm sure he has his act together by now.
Mom, when are you coming home?
Jun-yeong, I'm home.
Oh, gosh.
I'll take Jun-yeong with me.
I'm relieved that Jun-yeong is holding up.
I feel like it's finally over now.
Let's do it before it gets too late.
We've been putting it off for so long
when all it takes is our willpower.
Don't you think you're sulking too long
over me for pushing you away just once?
You don't need to say anything.
Let's just stay like this
for a little while.
Have you heard any news about Tae-oh?
I'm sure he won't show up again.
From the very beginning,
you were the only one for me.
Let's start over.
What good does saying that do now?
You're the one who ruined it all, Dad.
Actually, Seon-u,
Je-hyuk mentioned that
he thinks he saw Tae-oh recently.
Will you come to see me?
Subtitle translation by Ja-won Lee
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