Three-Body (2023) s01e15 Episode Script

Episode 15

Countdown counter ♪
Hidden in eyes ♪
Explore deep dreams in the dark ♪
What is waiting for me at the end
of the mysterious space-time ♪
Don't break the hope
given to the world ♪
The sun still sets every day ♪
=Episode 15=
(Presently, according to the Ticket Center
of the BOCOG,)
(preliminary statistics show that they've
received more than 700,000 orders now,)
(applying for purchasing over 4.9 million
opening ceremony tickets.)
You were reading this book last night.
Now you're reading it again.
Is it relevant to your research?
Some problems have to be
solved sooner or later.
wash your hands and have breakfast.
Dad, I have a question for you.
There's a 700-meter-long road
with a lamp every 10 meters.
There will be wastage
as long as the lamps are on.
15 lamps will be busted every hour.
An electrician comes once an hour
to repair three lamps.
Do you know how many lamps are busted
from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM?
They are all busted.
Why is it wrong?
If 12 lamps are busted in one hour,
they will all be busted in six hours.
How many hours are there
from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM?
One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.
Eight hours.
So, they are all broken.
No, no.
Then you tell me how many
of them are broken?
It's daytime from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
No lamp is on. Dad, you're silly.
You tricked me.
I didn't.
I got you.
Of course you tricked me.
Dad thought it was
a serious math problem,
not expecting it to be a brain teaser.
I told you the answer,
but you didn't realize.
Dad, what's wrong?
Doudou, you are right.
In the seemingly complex problem,
all the important information
is hidden there.
Dad is really silly.
Dad should have
thought of something early.
What's the thing?
Doudou, do you know Copernicus?
He was a scientist
who proposed Heliocentrism.
Copernicus was the man
who reminded people of the daytime
when they were busy calculating
how many lamps there were broken.
That's what I was doing!
I'm Copernicus!
Dad should learn from you
and be another Copernicus.
You're late.
The meeting has been going on
for a while.
I'm Pope Gregory.
Pope Gregory?
So it's the Middle Ages in Europe?
In the world of Three-Body,
historical references are anachronistic.
Dear Copernicus, you changed your ID,
but we all recognize you.
In the previous civilizations,
you traveled to the East.
I'm Aristotle.
This is Galileo.
I understand the world
through observation and experiment.
Mozi also conducted
experiments and observation.
Mozi, Mozi.
He was only a
mystic dressed as a scientist.
Mozi advanced Civilization No. 141
into the Eastern Han period with his machine.
So what?
We're different from him.
Based on large amounts of
observation and experiments,
we make strict, logical deductions
to build a model of the universe.
Then we go back to experimentation
and observation to test it.
Dear Galileo,
that's also my way of thinking.
In that case, show me your calendar.
Pope, I don't have a calendar.
I only have a model of the universe
built upon observation data.
But I must make it clear that
even if the model is correct,
it may not precisely predict
the sun's motion and create a calendar.
However, in any case,
it's a necessary step.
Go ahead.
It's pretty simple.
The reason why the sun's motion
seems patternless
is because our world
has three suns.
Under interaction, their movements are unpredictable.
It's the three-body problem.
When our planet
revolves around one of the suns
in a stable orbit, that's a Stable Era.
When one or more of the other suns
move within a certain distance,
their gravitational pull will snatch the planet away
from the sun it's orbiting,
causing it to wander unstably through
the gravitational fields of the three suns.
That's a Chaotic Era.
After an uncertain amount of time,
our planet is once again
pulled into a temporary orbit
and another Stable Era begins.
This is like a football game.
The players are the three suns,
and our planet is the football.
Burn him to death.
At least let me finish!
Have you seen three suns?
Or do you know anyone who has?
Everyone has seen them.
The sun that we see
at different times may not be the same.
It's only one of the three suns.
And the other two are the flying stars.
Flying stars?
Flying stars are stars with unstable cycles
of revolution and rotation.
When the sun is far enough,
it looks like a flying star.
You lack basic scientific training.
The sun must move continuously
to a distant spot.
It cannot jump over
the intervening space.
According to your hypothesis,
there should be another situation.
The sun gets smaller
than it usually appears
but bigger than a flying star,
and gradually shrinks into a flying star
as it moves farther away.
But we've never seen the sun
behave that way.
Galileo, if you have scientific training,
you ought to have
some knowledge of the sun's structure.
The sun is made of a sparse
but expansive gaseous outer layer
and a dense and hot inner core!
Very true.
But Galileo,
you apparently haven't discovered
the special optical interaction
between the sun's gaseous outer layer
and our planet's atmosphere.
Go on.
It's a phenomenon akin to polarization.
When the sun gets
a certain distance from us
and we view it from within
our atmosphere,
the gaseous outer layer
becomes transparent and invisible.
The sun we see is its bright inner core.
But we mistake it for a flying star.
This phenomenon has confused
every researcher throughout history.
But now we understand
why the appearance of three flying stars
heralds a long period of extreme cold.
Because at that time,
all three suns are far, far, far, far away.
But based on your theory,
we should also sometimes
see three normal-sized suns.
This has never happened.
In all the records of all the
civilizations, this has never occurred!
There may be such historical records.
One civilization saw two suns
and was immediately destroyed
by their combined heat,
but the record was very vague.
I'm Leonardo da Vinci.
He was talking about three suns,
not two, you fool!
Don't touch me.
Pope, according to his theory,
three suns must appear sometime,
just like three flying stars.
Three suns have appeared.
And many people have seen them.
But any information about them
couldn't be recorded.
Because those who
saw such a great sight
had at most a few seconds left to live.
They had no chance to escape or survive.
Tri-solar days are the most
terrifying catastrophes for the world.
On such days, the surface of the planet
would turn into a smelting furnace
in a second,
and the heat would melt all rocks.
After the destruction
caused by a tri-solar day,
an eon would pass before the reappearance
of life and civilization.
This is why
there's no historical record.
Burn him.
Who is this person?
Giordano Bruno.
He believed that
the universe has no center.
The earth is just a planet
orbiting the sun
and the sun is only one of
countless stars in the universe.
So you believe that he's wrong?
Do you really think you're right?
Use a low fire.
What are you doing?
Let go!
Let go of me!
What are you doing?
Pope, you are only a program!
As for the rest of you,
you're either programs or idiots.
You just can't accept things
beyond your cognition!
You can't accept them
even in a game!
I will log back on!
You cannot return.
You will disappear forever
from the world of Three-Body.
I'll switch computers and create a new ID.
I'll announce myself when I'm back.
It won't work.
The system has recorded
your retinal scan through the V-suit.
Let me go!
I'm telling the truth!
Let go!
If you're telling the truth,
you won't be burnt to death.
The game rewards those
who are on the right path.
What are you doing?
You can't do this!
The world has ended!
Everyone, go to the dehydratories!
Get ready to dehydrate!
(Civilization No. 183
was destroyed by a tri-solar day.)
(This civilization had advanced
to the Middle Ages.)
(After a long time, life and civilization
will begin again,)
(and progress once more through
the unpredictable world of Three-Body.)
(But in this civilization,)
(Copernicus successfully revealed
the basic structure of the universe.)
(The civilization of Three-Body
will take its first leap.)
(The game has now
entered the second level.)
(We invite you to log on
to the second level of Three-Body.)
The second level?
How did you make it?
I revealed the basic structure
of the universe in the game.
What basic
What of the universe?
It's like he found out that the earth is
round and told people about gravitation.
Then what did you find out?
What is the name of this game?
The answer is in the name.
We've been distracted by
complicated semblances before,
and have neglected the most
important information.
The name?
How can we get the answer
from the name?
In the world of Three-Body,
there are three suns.
A sun is a flying star.
When it's close enough to us,
it looks like the sun.
When it's far enough from us,
it looks like a flying star.
The sun that we see at different times
may not be the same.
It's only one of the three suns.
I know a bit about this.
All the stars are the suns.
Fixed stars.
They are stars
when they are far away, right?
Shen Yufei wanted you to
know the world of the farmer.
Then farmer lives in a world
where the stars are close
Where the three suns
Where the three stars become suns
I don't think so.
The civilizations of Three-Body
were destroyed again and again.
How could it achieve a
scientific and technological level
that exceeds the cognition of humans?
It will be impressive if they've developed
in such an environment.
You're right.
What is right?
You should clear the game at one fling.
What are you guys doing?
Why haven't you cleared the game?
Flying stars are the breakthrough
for Wang Miao to reveal the structure
of the universe in the game.
He only obtained the information
after being prompted by Ye Wenjie
and reading the paper and the book.
Now I have to believe that
Ye Wenjie is very suspicious.
Didn't you believe that before?
Our previous inference lacked
effective support.
The textbook cliché.
Do you think all evidence
will be presented under your nose?
Use your imagination.
Don't scientists always say
to assume boldly and demonstrate carefully?
It's time for demonstration.
Don't you like stewed assorted giblets?
None of the ten of us likes it.
I only bought one order.
It's nothing compared to
the appetite of ten people.
Have some.
You keep talking about
treating me to a big meal.
Don't be picky.
Isn't it a big meal?
Wait, wait.
What about the thing I asked you to do?
Ye Wenjie.
Declassify her files.
Is it done?
Almost. Almost.
Can you stop asking?
Is it so difficult?
I've told you many times
that Ye Wenjie is very important.
You've told me your assumptions
many, many times.
Tell him once more.
Wang Miao got to the second level
in the game.
The reason why he made it
is because he revealed
the basic structure of the universe.
His finding benefited from a paper
many years ago written by Ye Wenjie.
Chang, you must help me
to declassify the files.
Can I eat now?
Help yourself.
You haven't changed at all.
Everyone, thanks for
attending today's event.
See you next time.
(Frontiers of Science)
As far as I know, the theory of the shooter
and the farmer
isn't new in the scientific circle.
We have discussed
this question countless times.
So is such introduction
some kind of a ritual?
Take it as a ritual for the unlimited
exploration of the Frontiers of Science.
Don't you think it's religious?
It's against science.
You are very sharp and observant,
but it has nothing to do with religion.
So mankind is really like
two-dimensional creatures?
The scientific worldview
is to remain skeptical,
just as you media workers do.
But in fact, I don't think
you are very interested in science itself.
You're right.
I'm more interested
in people's views on such things.
What's the purpose of
the Frontiers of Science?
About that, you can ask Pan Han.
I think that Mr. Pan hasn't attended
your events for a long time.
You seem to not know him that well.
He'll tell you if you ask him.
Though we have different views
and act differently,
the Frontiers of Science is open.
You are welcome to visit anytime.
You have different views?
How come?
You ask too many questions.
Before this question, you need to find
the answer of the previous one.
Wang Miao.
Wang Miao.
What are you thinking about?
Are you dreaming away?
You should spend more time
with your daughter.
Have some water.
Be careful.
He dared to claim that
he invented calculus!
Isaac Newton.
Then the one who ran away
must be Leibniz?
I don't really care about
this little claim to fame.
Inventing the three laws of mechanics
has already made me the greatest,
God excepted.
That’s really great.
From planetary motion to cell division,
everything follows the three great laws.
Now, with calculus,
the powerful mathematical tool,
it will only be a matter of time
before we master the pattern
of the motion of the three suns.
It's not that simple.
Have you considered
the amount of calculation?
I saw the differential equations
you listed,
and I don't think an analytical solution
is possible, only a numerical one.
It requires such
calculating capacity that
even if the world's mathematicians
worked nonstop,
they couldn't complete them
at the end of the world.
Of course,
if we can't figure out the pattern
of the suns' movements soon,
the end of the world won't be far away.
Von Neumann.
You're the only one
who can solve the problem.
Didn't you bring us
thousands of miles to the East
to solve the problem
of calculating these equations?
Leibniz, the degenerate,
also came with us.
But I don't understand.
Why you had to come to the East
to build a computer?
A computer?
A computing machine?
Does such a thing exist?
You don't know about computers?
You're the father of computer!
Right, it's reasonable in the game.
Then, what do you intend to use to
complete the vast amount
of calculations?
Use what?
Use people, of course.
Other than people, what else in the world
is capable of performing calculations?
No, no, you just said that
all the mathematicians in the world
wouldn't be enough.
Instead of mathematicians,
we'll use common people.
Common laborers, but in a large number,
at least 30 million.
We'll do mathematics
using human wave tactics.
Or we didn't have to come to the East.
Common laborers?
30 million?
You mean 30 million people
who understand calculus?
Have you heard the joke about
the Army of Sichuan?
Some soldiers were being drilled,
but without education,
they couldn't follow the orders
So the instructor
came up with a solution.
He had every soldier wear
a straw shoe on the left foot
and a cloth shoe on the right.
When they marched, he shouted,
I never thought that you knew
so much about the East
and could speak so many dialects.
It doesn't matter.
The point is that's the kind
of soldier we need.
Except we need 30 million of them.
But where can we find such a large army?
So we need
Qin Shi Huang, the First Emperor.
Qin Shi Huang?
He's now in charge here?
Roc in the sky ♪
Wings spread ♪
If you want me to gather
30 million men for you
to use the three laws of motion
and calculus
to forecast the movements of the suns,
you must at least demonstrate
how such calculations
would be conducted.
Your Majesty,
please give me three soldiers.
I will demonstrate.
Your Imperial Majesty,
the complicated objects of the universe
are made from the simplest elements.
I only need three.
To the court!
The two of you will be
responsible for signal input.
I'll call you "Input 1" and "Input 2".
You'll be responsible for signal output,
and you're "Output".
Like this.
Form a triangle.
Output is the apex.
Input 1 and Input 2 form the base.
Stand in the Wedge Attack Formation.
You should command soldiers
with professional orders.
Your Majesty, you're wise.
Red represents 0; white represents 1.
Good. Now, listen to me.
Output, you turn around and look at
Input 1 and Input 2.
If they both raise white lanterns,
you raise the white lantern as well.
Under other circumstances,
you raise the red lantern.
There are three such circumstances,
Input 1, red; Input 2, white.
Both red.
Input 1, white; Input 2, red.
Are you clear?
I think you should use some other color.
White means bad luck.
But they stand out.
Let's try.
Input 1, raise the white lantern.
Roc in the sky ♪
Wings spread ♪
Wipe out the six countries;
unite the four seas ♪
Roc in the sky ♪
Wings spread ♪
Wipe out the six countries;
unite the four seas ♪
Your Majesty,
your army is truly matchless.
In such a short time,
we have completed such complex training.
Now I can understand
why Von Neumann said that
with only two or three soldiers,
he could build a gate component
of a computing system.
It's very simple.
Any common soldier
can master the skills after training.
Don't they need to learn more?
The soldiers form AND gates, NOT gates,
NAND gates, NOR gates, XOR gates,
XNOR gates, tristate gates
and ten million of these gates,
then put the components
together into a system.
This system will then be able to carry out
the calculations we need
and work out those differential equations
for predicting the suns' movements.
We could call the system
A computer, Your Majesty.
Computer, that's a great name.
The entire system is a large machine,
the most complex one in history.
Even in a Chaotic Era,
my army continues to train.
Your Majesty, you're wise.
Ye Wenjie.
There's something in Ye Wenjie's social relations
that we haven't noticed before.
She has a niece called Chen Xue.
she is Ye Wenxue's daughter, right?
But Ye Wenxue
parted from her very early.
(Mother and daughter)
Since college,
she has been supported by Ye Wenjie.
I thought the sisters hated each other.
Why would she do that?
Where is Chen Xue?
Why didn't we find that before?
She has been studying at MIT.
(Chen Xue, graduated from MIT)
She graduated this June.
Where was she when Yang Dong
committed suicide?
Conducting a survey in South America
with an MIT research team.
Is she back now?
She returned a few days ago.
Then she's been living
above Ye Wenjie's apartment.
I hear that it belongs to
one of Ye Wenjie's colleagues
and Ye borrowed it.
But Chen Xue
(Chen Xue)
often goes abroad with the research team
and is hardly at home.
I checked up on her simply
and found nothing suspicious.
Around the time of Yang Dong's suicide,
she was abroad
focusing on academic research,
(Investigation Report Chen Xue)
and didn't contact the Frontiers of Science,
or Shen Yufei.
She didn't even contact Ye Wenjie much.
Anything else?
One more thing.
Shen Yufei
(Shen Yufei)
owns a company producing nanomaterial products.
But a few months ago,
she hired many calculators
working in mathematics.
Do they need to understand math
to work in nanomaterials?
You need to understand math
no matter what you do.
But she suddenly hired
so many calculators.
Apparently, it has nothing to do
with her main business.
I also found that
the salesmen in her company
had no contact with the calculators.
Shen Yufei may be using them
to do something else.
Fundamental physics. Astrophysics.
Applied physics.
Now there is math.
Learning is really an endless process.
(Couple Shen Yufei Math Wei Cheng)
What does that mean?
Do those mathematicians
have anything to do with Wei Cheng?
We should have thought of it early.
Shen Yufei's husband,
Wei Cheng, works in math.
Those auxiliary calculations will
ultimately serve him.
Then we'd better visit him.
(Wei Cheng)
Your Majesty,
please give the great order!
Computer Formation!
Computer Formation!
Military academy ♪
Prepare horses ♪
Raise your blades ♪
Dude, hey, take arms ♪
Ready to go!
As ordered by the great emperor,
turn on the computer!
System self-test!
Your Majesty,
we have named this computer Qin I.
Look, there in the center is the CPU,
the core computing component,
formed from your five best divisions.
The part that's closest to us
is the display.
It will show us the main parameters
of the computation.
Self-test complete!
Begin boot sequence!
Load operating system!
You also used my cavalry?
They're responsible for transmitting
information in the whole system.
The passage of the whole formation
they will run through
is the bus.
What's the bus?
The bus architecture
is a great invention.
If we have new needs or
new plug-in components,
even if they're made from
up to ten divisions,
we can quickly add them
to the main operation bus.
This allows Qin I's hardware to
be easily expanded and upgraded,
and enables us to deal with
various levels of computation.
Is there anything else?
The last part, look further still,
you might have to use the telescope.
There's the external storage.
External storage?
I don't like the name.
Why don't we call it "hard drive",
Your Majesty?
Hard drive?
Then let's call it hard drive.
Copernicus, you're really talented.
It's formed by three million people
with more education than most.
Are they
The ones you saved when you
buried all those scholars alive.
What can they do?
Each of them holds a notepad and a pen
to record the calculations
and store intermediate
calculation results.
They're the bottleneck
for the speed of computation.
These people either fail to help
or make matters worse.
System lockup!
Malfunction reason determined.
There was an error with the operation
of one of the gates
in the CPU status register.
Your Majesty,
in order to improve system stability,
you should take certain
maintenance measures
with respect to faulty components.
Replace the malfunctioning component.
All the soldiers who made up that gate,
Any malfunctions will be
dealt with the same way.
Run solar orbit computation software
"Three Body 1.0"!
Start the master computing module!
Load the differential calculus module!
Load the spectral method module!
Enter initial condition parameters
and begin calculation!
It seems to be
the Qin 1.0 operating system.
The formation is the hardware.
What's on this paper is the software.
The hardware and software are like
The guqin zither and sheet music.
Your Majesty.
You're certainly a great emperor!
Your Majesty, you're wise!
Get off.
After entering the motion vectors
of the three suns
at a particular moment
obtained by observation,
the software's operation will give us
a prediction for the suns' motion
at any moment in the future.
Our first computation
will calculate all the suns' positions
for the next two years.
Each set of output values will be
one 120 hours apart.
For the human-formation computer,
it's such a long calculation.
Each individual's behavior is so simple,
yet together, they can produce
such a complex, great whole!
Sure, Your Majesty.
Human has great power.
Europeans criticize me
for my tyrannical rule,
claiming that I suppress creativity.
But a large number of men
yoked by severe discipline
can also produce great wisdom
when bound together as one.
Great Emperor, this is just the mechanical
operation of a machine, not wisdom.
Each of these lowly individuals
is just a zero.
Only when someone like you
is added to the front as a one
can the whole have any meaning.
If, in the end, the results computed according
to your theory and mathematical model
don't match reality,
then you and I aren't even zeroes.
If that turns out to be the case,
you will be nothing.
The game should be sped up.
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
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