Thunderbirds (1965) s01e15 Episode Script

City of Fire

'Thunderbirds are go! ' Some storm! It's getting worse.
The bridge can take it.
The tension's increasing.
The bridge was built to stand against stronger storms than this.
Maximum stress.
We'll have to make a full checkup when it's over.
(Thunder) Yes, Minister, I agree.
Yes, but Yes, yes.
I agree, but Very well.
There'll be no delay.
You can be assured of that.
I appreciate the situation.
Allington Bridge will re-open soon.
We just have to check that there's no storm damage.
My men are on it now.
(Steady clicking) All the joints in this section are 0K, Dave.
Right, Len.
Make your way down.
How about you, Kirby? 'All clear.
So is Gerry's.
' Thanks, fellas.
There you are.
Well, what did you find out? All the readings were normal, but Just as my instruments here said.
Was that spot check really worth it? That storm could have severely weakened the bridge's structure.
It could have, but it didn't.
We'll re-open the bridge.
'We've wasted enough time.
' With all due respect, sir, that would be very unwise.
We need to carry out more tests.
Look, Clayton.
I'm responsible for what goes on here.
When you were out, I had the minister on the line again.
I said that the bridge would re-open straightaway.
We've checked it.
Yes, but with the load That load is within the capacity of the bridge.
The Martian Probe Rocket must get to the take-off site without a hitch! We'll make sure that it does! Great idea, sending us to England with the ship! The tuning-up jobs would have taken another week! This isn't meant to be a joy ride.
If they miss this launching date, Mars won't be in the right position again for another four years.
Maybe it's something you've eaten.
No kidding, Craddock.
This rocket is ready to take off for Mars.
It can take off, just like that.
What if something went wrong? Nothing's going to go wrong.
You won't get thrown into space.
The countdown only starts if the rocket is up-ended to "go" position.
Yeah, but You'll be back with your wife and kids before they've even missed you.
(Commentator) 'These are the last stages of the long journey ' - Is this satisfactory now, sir? - Y-Yes, thank you, Parker.
Look, Lady Penelope.
Get a load of that huge ship! Isn't it something? I've given you a weak cup.
Americans usually prefer it that way.
Thank you, Lady Penelope.
Gee, I bet that Professor Wingrove and his boys are excited, now that their project is nearing completion.
It sure was nice of him to invite me to watch the blast-off! There's Professor Wingrove now.
'Most of you will know that because of the present position of Mars, 'the firing takes place from this side of the ocean.
'Such a launch without the facilities of Cape Kennedy could cause problems, 'so we have made the space vehicle completely automatic at countdown.
' Now, that's enough for the time being.
I'd be a poor hostess if I didn't tell you, that in my home, everything stops for tea.
Tell me, Brains.
How are Jeff and the boys keeping? (Plays a slow jazz tune) - What's up, kiddo? - I'm pooped, that's what's up! You go for a short sprint and come back exhausted! You're not fit, that's what! A kid like you should take that in his stride! You all just sit around waiting for the next meal and you say I'M unfit! All right, boys.
I know you're bored but we should get a call for help soon.
I wish I'd gone to England to watch the Martian Probe take-off.
I gave you the chance.
Why, Grandma, what's the matter? my personal edible transmitter.
The one with the raspberry flavour that I like.
That's serious.
They're for use if anyone's captured and can't contact base.
I saw it on the kitchen shelf.
It was when I was fixing the apple pie.
One of us has eaten it.
Is that what you mean? Yes, Scott.
That's it exactly.
We always know when we've eaten our edible transmitters.
Not now that Brains has made them really small.
I ate a little before training so I must be 0K.
We have to find it.
It might be blocking other signals.
Grandma, mix up that transmitter dissolver.
- Brains left us the recipe for it.
- All right.
0h, dear, I am sorry.
Why don't I watch what I'm doing? What a terrible thing to happen! - Transmitter dissolver? - Is it medicine? Yeah.
But first we need to know who ate the transmitter.
One of us HAS swallowed it.
Scott, leave the room and we'll see what happens.
If you chewed your food properly, we wouldn't have to do this! The light's still there.
Scott hasn't eaten it.
Gordon, you're next.
Either you or Virgil has eaten the transmitter.
I'd know if I'd eaten the transmitter! Go to your room, Gordon.
Don't be so childish! Virgil, you ate it.
Go to your room and I'll send the medicine to you.
But, Father Go ahead, Virgil! You boys don't get enough to do! Father - What now? - Father, the signal Who should I give this to, Mr Tracy? All right, Tin-Tin, I'll go quietly! - We must be nearly there now.
- We must cross the bridge first.
Yes, sir, yes.
We're ready for the rocket to cross.
The bridge is closed to normal traffic.
Yes, sir.
The leading escort vehicles have just started across.
Everything is proceeding exactly to schedule.
Let's hope that we're not the ones to ruin it! You're not still on about that? This bridge can take the weight of the rocket easily! Let's not hear any more about it! The bridge can take the weight in evenly-distributed traffic, but can it in one solid mass? The bridge isn't far from the launch site.
I'll be glad to get out and stretch my legs for a bit! (Commentator) 'The bridge was built '0ther traffic has been temporarily diverted to the Hollis Bridge.
' The tonnage indicator is at maximum.
- I didn't know it moved so slowly! - I think the bridge can take it.
- What's going on? - What was that? She's not going to make it! Lady Penelope, the bridge! It's gonna collapse! Look! It's gonna collapse! Come on! Come on! We're not going to make it, Bill! Bill, do you know what's happened? The impact has started the automatic countdown! We're gonna be blown to pieces! What do you plan to do at the bridge, Brains? L-I'm not sure.
It will depend on how bad it is.
The television said two men were inside.
Do you think they're alive? I j-just don't know.
I don't think I'd give m-much for their chances.
Everything's under control, sir.
We've ordered three floating cranes.
They're here.
They've arrived, sir.
We'll soon have the men up.
We'll handle the rescue from here.
We haven't made radio contact yet.
We will once the divers get a line down there.
Can't anybody hear us? Come in, please! What are they doing?! Three hours gone already! No sign of any action.
We're not far now from the bridge.
There seems to be some sort of diversion ahead, Lady Penelope.
I've got to get to those trapped men.
I've simply got to! Leave this to me.
What seems to be the trouble, Constable? I thought I recognised the car, m'lady.
There's some trouble at the river.
So I believe.
But can't you let us through? No, m'lady.
There's a large crowd gathered to watch the rescue.
The approaches are completely blocked.
What? Completely blocked?! Oh, dear, how tiresome.
I hate crowds.
- Thank you, Constable.
- A pleasure, m'lady.
L-I've simply got to get through, Lady Penelope! I couldn't face the fellas back at the base if I hadn't tried to do something! I quite understand.
Why don't you cut across the fields and make your own way to the bridge? What about you? I'll arrange a rival attraction to draw the crowds away.
OK, then.
Good luck, Brains.
Quickly, Parker.
Let's take the side road.
(Radio) 'Central control? ' Yes.
Go ahead.
'0ur diver has put a radio link onto the hull.
' We must be able to stop the take-off somehow! We can't.
When the countdown starts, that's it.
Couldn't we smash up the equipment or something? The whole thing would probably explode.
This is central control.
Can you hear me? 'Can you hear me? Come in, please.
' They've got through, Bill! - It looks perfect.
- Yus, m'lady.
- Still, we'd better make sure.
- Yus, m'lady.
I understand.
Nine and a quarter hours and the countdown is complete.
Don't worry! The cranes are in place.
'We'll have you out of there with time to spare.
' Thanks! We're glad that it's all in hand.
But to be on the safe side, shouldn't you call International Rescue? Certainly not! We're in full control up here! The situation is quite in hand! Well, Parker? There's no-one here, m'lady.
We are quite alone.
Very well, Parker.
You know what to do.
Perfectly, m'lady.
I, er I trust the operation will be quite above board? Absolutely, Parker.
Nicely, Parker.
Good shooting! What the blazes is going on over there? It's the old research centre.
They must have started demolition.
A fine time they picked to do it.
Still, it's distracted the crowds.
One hour to fit those cables?! (Man on radio) 'I'm afraid so.
' Men's lives are in danger.
You'll have to work faster than that! Hi, there.
Do you think I can be of any help? How did you get in here? - I'll call back.
- '0K.
' Never you mind how I got here.
Now, what's the position? The rocket's activated itself.
It will blow up in eight hours.
You don't have to tell him anything.
Have you called International Rescue? No, we have not! We can handle this problem ourselves! You mean this is all the equipment you've got? What's wrong with our equipment, may I ask? This stuff is ANTIQUATED.
- It's 100 years out of date! - An expert on rescue, are we(?) Well, I er As a matter of fact we er That is Look, the fella's just trying to help.
We don't need any help from him or anyone else! I think you do.
I'm not going to sit by A troublemaker, eh? Keep an eye on him.
We can't have him running over the site, sticking his nose in! Don't interfere with things you don't understand! I'm sorry.
He's upset and worried at the moment.
Yeah, I understand.
- Try and keep out of sight.
- 0h, y-yeah.
(Quietly) Calling International Rescue.
Calling International Rescue.
'Calling International Rescue.
'Er, this is Brains.
'I'm at Allington Suspension Bridge, England.
' This is John Tracy at International Rescue Satellite.
What's up, Brains? 'Listen to me, John Listen to me carefully.
'I've got a job for you.
' I'm all ears, but why are you whispering? Well, the thing is, I'm at the bridge and there's a rocket under it, in the water.
There could be a very dangerous situation here! What's he up to now? I don't believe it.
I don't believe it! He's talking into his WATCH! The man's a nut! OK, Brains, I get the picture.
Thunderbirds 1 and 4 are required.
Stand by! 'Blast-off is in seven hours.
' Tell Brains we'll be there as soon as we can.
We've been waiting for some action.
OK, Dad.
0ver and out.
- Carry on, Scott.
- Yes, sir.
OK, Gordon, Virgil.
Away you go.
Good luck.
Changing to horizontal flight.
They don't seem to have done anything.
They said it would take a while for them to fix the cables.
Relax, will you? Relax, he says! Take a look at that clock! There's still five more hours.
Yeah, and seven gone! (Radio) 'This is rescue, central control.
' - We're ready for the big lift.
- 'It's about time! ' It won't be long now.
Stand by, all cranes.
(Radio) 'Ready.
' Get that wreckage out of the way.
- They're not going to make it! - They will! (Man on radio) 'It's 0K.
We jumped clear.
' We haven't got time to set up again.
What are we going to do? There's not even time left for International Rescue.
Yeah I I was th-thinking the same thing myself.
- Scott should report in soon.
- Yeah, he'll be arriving now.
It's no good.
I've got to call them.
Rescue, central control.
Have you contacted 'International Rescue yet? 0ver.
' No! Clear the wavelength, I'm still trying.
International Rescue! Calling International Rescue! Why don't you listen to me? It's a waste of time using that thing.
In fact, they're on their way.
I thought I told you (Approaching rocket roars) What in thunder is that? Well, l-I I guess it must be International Rescue.
He's right.
It IS International Rescue! Yes, isn't she a beauty? It looks bad, Dad.
I can't do much till Gordon and Virgil arrive.
They may be an hour behind me.
What about Brains? He's in the tower.
He'll try to guide us in.
How much time is left? International Rescue arrived almost an hour ago.
The equipment will be here soon.
Let's stop kidding ourselves! They can't help us! We're gonna go up with this thing and you know it.
Releasing pod now.
Gordon, I can't talk any louder, so please listen carefully.
What's it like down there? 'Brains! You old son of a gun.
I'll give you the full rundown! ' Yeah yeah.
Yeah, yeah.
I get you I see.
You'd think they'd have the decency to tell ME their plans! What's up? (Brains mutters) That poor chap's talking to his watch again! You don't suppose You don't suppose he may have escaped from somewhere? (Brains) ' and then Thunderbird 2 can lift it in sections.
' All right, Brains, I'll try it, but it's gonna take some time.
You'll have to give me (Echoing bleep) '0K, Scott.
Clear for Virgil.
' Thanks, Gordon.
Thunderbird 2, it's all yours.
- They can't have much time left.
- No, son.
They're cutting it fine.
Gordon is the nose cone clear yet? No! There are only 15 minutes left.
We'll never make it in time! Now, look, this may sound crazy, Gordon, but this is what I want you to do.
You've got to get that nose cone clear by firing the missiles.
He seems to be under some delusion that he's in charge of the rescue! I'm desperate enough to listen to him! He wants to fire missiles! Hey! What are they trying to do?! Blow us to pieces? They needn't bother.
Look at the time now! Is the debris clear yet, Gordon? - 'Is it clear? ' - I can't see yet.
It's 0K, Brains! She's clear! Now Thunderbird 2 can get them clear.
I sort of doubt if it will work.
- It's all I can suggest.
- 'Let's try.
Stand by, Virgil.
' It's gone quiet again.
They won't give up until the end.
They're planning something.
They've done it! They've got the nose cone clear! Well done, Gordon.
It's all yours, Virgil.
Hey, Bill! We're airborne! - We're clear of the river! - Yeah, with half a minute to spare.
International Rescue saved them! Hey, w-well done, f-fellas! - Yippee! 0h, boy! - Who can save that poor boy? Oh, gee! Gosh! Tell me, my boy.
How long have you had this desire to talk to watches? Try not to be afraid.
I think I can help you.
Mr Korda? - Yes? - I called about Ah, yes.
You must be the person who telephoned.
A sad case.
Come along, my dear.
I'll take you home.
- I really recommend treatment.
- I'm afraid it's a hopeless case.
This should cover your expenses.
He's been treated by all the best doctors in Europe.
We don't want to tie up any more.
Ready? Then come along, my poor darling.
But, madam, if you'd just listen - Thanks, Lady Penelope.
- Think nothing of it, dear.
Parker's outside.
I won't be a minute.
I've got him, Scott.
We're on our way.
Watches? And now powder compacts?! Perhaps it's me! Perhaps I should see a psychiatrist! (All talk at once) (Bleep) - 'International Rescue here.
' - I'll get it.
Hey, Scott! What are you doing? Dad's calling us.
What's the matter, Brains? Oh, nothing.
It's just that if you're gonna start talking to teapots, there's a guy I think you ought to see! (All laugh)
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