ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e15 Episode Script

Study Time

[opening theme music]
- Their planet exploded ♪
- [chorus] Thunder ThunderCats! ♪
- They crashed on Third Earth ♪
- Thunder, thunder crash! ♪
- Gotta beat up some bad guys ♪
- Mummies, mutants ♪
- And make some new friends ♪
- Unicorns, robots ♪
Built a big base with a cat-shaped face
and now they're ready to go! ♪
There's WilyKit, WilyKat Tygra, ♪
Panthro, Cheetara Snarf, Lion-O! ♪
[chorus] He's a brand-new Lord
with a magic sword! ♪
It's thunder Thunder, thunder
ThunderCats Roar! ♪
These legends of Thundera
began their training
as children,
just like you begin today.
Are you ready, young Tygra?
Yes, Master Jaga. I am ready.
Very well. Begin!
You have done your master
proud, adolescent Tygra.
One day, you will be
the master,
and it will be your duty to teach
the next generation of ThunderCats.
I won't let you down,
Master Jaga.
[both laughing]
You may have exploded
on Thundera,
but I have't forgotten
my promise, Master Jaga.
Are you ready to begin
your training, young Lion-O?
Yeah! Training!
Let's do it. Whoo-hoo!
Very well. Begin!
No. You're supposed to read it.
Okay. Good start.
For the last time, Lion-O,
where's the weak point?
Uh, here?
No, Lion-O.
This is a Cycloptopus.
The eye is its weak point.
The eye!
Where'e your
villain flashcards?
Can we take a break?
Panthro built this new virtual
reality video game system,
and it sounds awesome!
And here you go.
You get to play as the coolest,
toughest heroes in the universe.
[video game beeping]
Hey, WilyKat,
what do I look like?
Uh, you look like Panthro.
Oh, you look like Panthro, too.
Actually, he's Panthro 1
and you're Panthro 2.
No, Lion-O. We're gonna do
something even more awesome.
We're gonna use
the Sword of Omens
and unlock its untold power.
Ooh, I wanna learn this.
The "Flames of Thundera"?
Uh, that's a little advanced.
Let's start off with
something basic.
[Lion-O] "The Uncomfortably
Warm Breath Attack?"
Ew. That sounds gross, Tygra.
It's not gross.
Just give it a try.
Forward, down, right, left.
- I said down left, right, right.
- Those aren't the right moves.
Uh, down, down, yeah. Pretty
good moves though, right?
No! They don't do anything.
I don't know.
They're working for me.
Uh, Lion-O?
Ha, ha, ha!
Who dares conjure
The Netherwitch?
Lion-O, what did you do?
Hey. I'm Lion-O.
And that's Tygra.
Sorry, what did you say your name was?
The Netherwitch.
Breaker of reality,
weaver of time,
taker of stuff!
Give me that stuff.
I'll take one of these,
maybe one of these.
Ooh, this is nice!
We have to stop her.
Time to use everything
I've taught you, Lion-O.
- Hmm?
- Stop right there, Netherwitch.
Uh, why are you
holding my hand?
I don't know. I was nervous.
Oh, these are nice.
A little kitschy,
but I can make it work.
[both screaming]
[both grunt]
Oh, no, The Netherwitch must have
thrown us into the astral plane.
Quick, we have to go back
through the portal!
The portal that
just shut behind us.
I think we're
stuck here, Lion-O.
Don't worry, Tygra.
My sweet moves
got us into this mess,
my sweet moves
will get us out
No dancing!
Use the Sword of Omens
to call the other ThunderCats.
Now, I don't know if it'll work from
this dimension, but we have to try.
Argh. Fine.
Thunder, thunder, thunder,
ThunderCats HO!
Whoa! Aah!
- It's more powerful than ever.
- [grunting]
Hold on, Lion-O.
Help is on the way.
Look. Over there!
A health potion.
Someone grab it.
Nice work, Panthro 3.
[video game beeping]
Oh, no, here come
some bad guys.
- We're dumb.
- They kinda look like us.
No time to think about that.
Quick, destroy those
hideous monsters.
Oh, it's no use.
We're trapped.
This is a disaster.
Hmm, maybe that guy
can help us.
He looks friendly.
- [growling]
- I was incorrect!
Who's that?
I don't know, but those are
some sweet karate moves.
And even sweeter dance moves.
[disco music playing]
Who is that guy?
Hello, Tygra.
[stuttering] What?
Master Jaga! Is it really you?
I think so.
Who did you say I was?
- Jillian?
- You're Jaga!
The greatest teacher
in Thunderian history!
Oh, yeah.
What did I say?
Wait a second.
Didn't Jillian blow up
on Thundera?
No, no, Lion-O, this is Jaga.
His spirit must have been trapped
here after the explosion.
Hmm. Then what happened
to Jillian?
Jaga, I need you to teach Lion-O
how to use the Sword of Omens.
Whoops. Whoo-hoo.
It just fell
right out of hands.
I've tried to be an
amazing teacher like you,
but I failed.
Very well.
I will teach young Lion-O.
And soon, he will wield
the Sword of Omens
with expert hands.
- [whooshing]
- Wait. Run!
[upbeat music playing]
[trumpets playing heroic music]
[music continues]
Man, Jaga is so awesome.
This isn't the Jaga I remember.
And where did you
even get a pinata?
The Netherwitch must have robbed
someone's birthday party.
I feel kinda bad.
[The Netherwitch] Robot bears?
I don't have any of these.
I have some unicorns,
and an old tire, and a tree!
I don't do this kinda thing
often enough.
Oh, a rock!
Can't have too many rocks.
[both exclaim]
Oh, no, this is really bad,
you guys.
The Netherwitch is
dismantling Third Earth.
Master Jaga, we need
to get serious.
Hmm. Yes, I agree.
We have learned many things,
but now it is the time
for rules.
There's the Jaga I know.
Get ready, Lion-O.
Time for rules.
- [Lion-O] You were right, Tygra!
- [upbeat music playing]
This rules!
- That's enough!
- [music stops]
What are you doing,
Master Jaga?
This is nothing like
my lessons.
Tygra, my son,
this is your lesson,
your final lesson.
I don't understand.
In order to become master,
you must realize that
no two students are alike.
Lion-O will never be Tygra.
Oh, hey, I can see my own butt.
And Tygra will never be Jaga.
The master helps the students
become themselves.
I don't know. I really feel
like serious studying
is still the way to go here.
Very well, then.
Quickly, study this book.
Oh, that is
strangely effective.
Lion-O, I think you'd better
do those dance moves again.
Are you sure?
Kind of.
- But this time make 'em even cooler.
- [disco music playing]
You got it, Tygra!
Forward, down, right, left,
wiggle, wiggle, spin!
It's working!
[all gasp]
Uh, why's it so far away?
Guess I wiggled
when I should have jiggled.
It's all right, Lion-O, you still did it.
Now, let's go save Third Earth.
Are you coming, Master Jaga?
No. My place is here.
[peppy music playing]
Wow. This is a nice place.
- Is that pizza?
- Look! The portal!
It's collapsing.
There's no time.
You must go!
Try and swipe my slices.
I'll show you.
Come on, Lion-O.
I think we can get there
if we use the rocks.
[both grunting]
Still pretty far,
but I think we can make it.
That's the ticket!
[both grunting]
Uh-oh. Not close enough.
[Lion-O] How about
we hitch a ride?
[both] Whoa!
Man, I missed the portal.
Together, Lion-O.
Left. Now right.
Now left.
We're doing steering!
[Tygra] That portal's
about to shut!
[Lion-O] Jump!
- Yeah!
- We made it!
Oh, boy, this is gonna
look real nice in my dimension.
Oh, no, she's got Cats Lair!
Hey, get back in my dimension.
Sorry, Netherwitch, but Jaga's ghost
taught Tygra how to teach me.
And now, I'm a master
of inter-dimensional travel.
[disco music playing]
That's it?
You don't stand a
Whoa! Whoa!
Help! Make it stop!
I'll give it all back.
I promise!
That's it, Lion-O!
The aura's so realistic.
[grunting] Not fair.
Your dimension has
all the cool stuff.
All I have is big fat demons
and floating rocks.
Why don't you come visit
any time you like?
You can be a tour guide for all
your big fat demon friends.
Uh, Lion-O,
I wouldn't do that.
But I would.
Let me do this my way.
Trust me, Tygra.
Oh, all right, Lion-O.
What's the worst thing
that can happen?
[demons roaring]
This is awesome!
That's not what I had in mind.
But I gotta say, it was
a pretty good idea, Lion-O.
I'm the one who had
to upgrade the graphics.
Come on, doesn't anyone
want to play as Panthro?
Heck, yeah!
- Panthro dance party!
- [dance music playing]
[all cheering]
Whoo! Ha-ha! Ha!
[somber music playing]
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