Transformers: Earthspark (2022) s01e15 Episode Script

Bear Necessities

[bright music]
[bird singing]
[suspenseful music]
- OK, I sent flowers
to nanay Malto,
chocolates to mama Cunningham,
chocolates to mama Cunningham,
scented candles so all
of the aunties and titas,
and handwritten
cards to everyone.
and handwritten
cards to everyone.
- [laughs]
OK, Mr. Mother's Day,
you've done it again.
Now could you give
this mama a hand?
Now could you give
this mama a hand?
- Do you need your dancing
leg with a fancy high heel
- Do you need your dancing
leg with a fancy high heel
or your leg with the
running blade or
- Just my everyday
leg is perfect.
- Now, if you'll
excuse me, Dottie,
I am off to pick up
your Mother's Day gift.
I am off to pick up
your Mother's Day gift.
It might take me all day,
but I'm sure the kids
will keep you busy.
will keep you busy.
- Hmm, feels different.
- Hmm, feels different.
- Mom!
[exciting music]
[exciting music]
- [grunts] Kids!
Are you OK?
Are you OK?
I huh?
- Ta-da!
[all yelling]
all: Happy Mother's Day!
- [chuckles]
[laughing] Oh, kids,
this is too much.
- Just relax and
stay here while we
- Just relax and
stay here while we
- Present the presents!
- I can't wait to see what
presents we get for Kids Day.
- I can't wait to see what
presents we get for Kids Day.
- [chuckles] Mom says
that's every day.
- Presenting Thrash,
Hashtag, and Jawbreaker
- Presenting Thrash,
Hashtag, and Jawbreaker
performing live after
rehearsing really loudly
for weeks.
- OK, prepare your
ears for the most epic
- OK, prepare your
ears for the most epic
Mother's Day song ever.
Hit it, HT.
Hit it, HT.
[playing notes]
- This song is, uh, called
- This song is, uh, called
[rapping] M is
for magnanimous
[rapping] M is
for magnanimous
O is for Optimus
'Cause you are friends
The other M is for Mom
The other M is for Mom
both: Yeah, the
other M is for mom
- Yeah!
- Hmm?
- Hmm?
Twitch, the song isn't that bad.
What's going on?
What's going on?
- Oh, who? Me?
Yeah, yeah, of course.
- Twitch?
- Twitch?
- I don't have a gift for Mom.
It's my first Mother's
Day, and I want everything
to be perfect, but I
couldn't make up my mind
about what to get her.
- Hey, it's OK.
about what to get her.
- Hey, it's OK.
As long as it comes from
you, Mom will love anything.
- But what does
"anything" even mean?
- But what does
"anything" even mean?
That's too many options.
- So stick to the
classics Flowers,
- So stick to the
classics Flowers,
chocolates, a teddy bear.
- Oh, the classics.
Oh, thanks, Robby.
- Here, Mom.
I made you a bird journal
so you can keep track
of all the ones you see.
- This is gorgeous, Robby.
- This is gorgeous, Robby.
- You'll have to forgive me.
I only recently learned
about the concept
I only recently learned
about the concept
of wrapping gifts
in colorful paper
then tearing it to pieces.
You see,
you're already
enjoying my present.
you're already
enjoying my present.
- Oh, I love it.
Thank you, Nightshade.
Thank you, Nightshade.
- I made you a diorama filled
with my favorite memories
of the two of us.
There's us eating water ice,
There's us eating water ice,
us at the hair salon,
us as a pro wrestling tag team.
us as a pro wrestling tag team.
OK, that one's more of
a wish than a memory.
- [laughs] Oh, Mozie,
- [laughs] Oh, Mozie,
I don't know what to say.
This is such a special gift.
- [grunting]
- [gasp] Huh?
- [squeals]
- Aw.
- Aw.
- Happy Mother's Day!
- [groans]
- [groans]
- Twitch, did you take
that baby from the woods?
- Hmm.
When you say it like that,
it sounds like a bad thing.
When you say it like that,
it sounds like a bad thing.
Don't you like your present?
It's a classic.
- Honey, this cub is
only a few weeks old.
- Honey, this cub is
only a few weeks old.
It's not healthy or safe for
her to be away from her mama.
It's not healthy or safe for
her to be away from her mama.
- But Robby told me bears
were good Mother's Day gifts.
- I said teddy bears were.
- I said teddy bears were.
- We don't know her name.
It could be Teddy.
- That's not mm.
Twitch, Robby,
you're coming with me
Twitch, Robby,
you're coming with me
to return the cub home.
Let's pause the
festivities, kids.
Let's pause the
festivities, kids.
We'll be back as soon as we can.
- Well, take your time.
We'll rehearse your top secret
Mother's Day play that we
We'll rehearse your top secret
Mother's Day play that we
I mean, bye.
- Oh, OK. OK. OK, antsy
pants. We're moving.
- Oh, OK. OK. OK, antsy
pants. We're moving.
Robby, Twitch, time to go.
Tell me when we're close to
where you found the cub, Twitch.
Tell me when we're close to
where you found the cub, Twitch.
- I'm sorry, Mom.
Somebody told me you
would love anything
as long as it came from me.
as long as it came from me.
- How is this my fault?
- Um, you didn't
specify that Mom
wouldn't like live animals.
wouldn't like live animals.
- I didn't think I had to.
- I'd really rather not
spend my day listening
to the two of you fight.
to the two of you fight.
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
[tires screeching]
[tires screeching]
- [squeals]
- Hang on!
- That's the plan.
- Ah!
- [groans]
- Everyone OK?
- Did your leg do that, Mom?
- I'm starting to
think Nightshade's gift
was more than just a big hug.
All right, stand back, kids.
All right, stand back, kids.
- Ah!
- Stop! Stop! Stop!
OK, nobody says fi
OK, nobody says fi
argue from here
on out. Got it?
Now let's get that lost bear
cub home before its mama
Now let's get that lost bear
cub home before its mama
- [squealing]
- [sighs]
- Help us, Mom!
- Help us, Mom!
- Save us from the
really well named Mandroid!
- You're going down, villain.
- You're going down, villain.
I'm the baddest mom
in all of Witwicky.
- [clears throat]
- [clears throat]
- I will never surrender.
- I'm gonna stop
you right there.
- I'm gonna stop
you right there.
OK, JB, honey, you
need to project more.
Let's try a vocal exercise, OK?
Yell as loudly
Yell as loudly
as you can!
- [inhales]
- You got this, Jawbreaker.
- Come on, you can
go louder than that.
- [inhales]
- [roars]
- [screaming]
- [screaming]
- [roaring]
- This cantilever can't
support our weight.
- Mo, what do we do?
- Why are you asking me?
- Why are you asking me?
- You're the oldest one here.
- OK, this is our moment, team.
- OK, this is our moment, team.
Let's use Bumblebee's
training and put this bear
into early hibernation.
- [roaring]
- Or we could run!
- Or we could run!
- This is what we're
looking for, kids,
markings to show we're
on the cub's trail.
markings to show we're
on the cub's trail.
Did I ever tell
you about the time
I tracked a chipmunk
all the way to Jersey?
- Mom, the baby bear's
back in the woods.
- Mom, the baby bear's
back in the woods.
Can't we go home now?
- It's not that easy, Robby.
She's never been
without her mother.
She's never been
without her mother.
She can't find food
or survive on her own.
- She can't?
- She can't?
- Well, imagine how you'd
feel if you were taken away
from your family.
You'd be
- Scared, like how I felt when
Mandroid took Thrash and me.
- Which is why we
are not stopping
- Which is why we
are not stopping
until we make things right.
I hope you two understand.
I hope you two understand.
We shouldn't disrupt na
What is all this?
- What is it?
- Don't touch anything.
They look like
They look like
- [screeches]
- Ugh!
- Ah!
- A problem for
another day, kids.
- A problem for
another day, kids.
Look, look, notice the distance
between the front paw prints
and the rear ones?
That's not a cub.
That's not a cub.
That's a mom,
a big mom.
[exciting music]
[exciting music]
- [roaring]
- What does the internet
say about angry mama bears?
- Let's see, um, uh,
- Let's see, um, uh,
make yourself small.
- [roaring]
- [roaring]
Not that. Um,
quick, climb a tree!
- [grunting]
- Or give them a picnic basket?
Wait, what?
Whoa, whoa, wait. Play dead.
Whoa, whoa, wait. Play dead.
- [roaring]
- Why does everything
have to love me?
- Why does everything
have to love me?
- [grunting]
- [grunting]
- Oops, I'm reading
the do-not-do list.
- Oops, I'm reading
the do-not-do list.
- [groans]
- [bellowing]
- [screams]
- [roaring]
- [roaring]
- [panting]
Why is she chasing me?
Why is she chasing me?
- She must smell
her baby on you.
Maybe if we reunite
this mama with her cub,
she'll stop chasing us.
she'll stop chasing us.
- But how do we get her
to follow us to her baby?
- But how do we get her
to follow us to her baby?
- [roaring]
- [panting]
- You're doing great, JB.
- You're doing great, JB.
- Why is the one without
an alt mode the bait?
- Why is the one without
an alt mode the bait?
- Huh, feels like the play
rehearsal isn't going so well.
- Huh, feels like the play
rehearsal isn't going so well.
- Hmm. The trail
seems to end here.
- Hmm. The trail
seems to end here.
Any cub prints, Twitch?
- Mmm.
Just those mama
bear tracks again.
Just those mama
bear tracks again.
Oh, this is all my fault.
I disrupted nature,
and I didn't get
Mom a good present.
- Twitch, gifts come
in lots of forms.
Sure, they can be things,
but they can also be
Sure, they can be things,
but they can also be
shared moments like this
exploring these
woods and learning
exploring these
woods and learning
how to respect nature together.
Now let's keep
looking for that cub.
Then we can get
back to our party.
Oh, Nightshade.
- [squealing]
- [squealing]
- The cub!
- Oh, come back here, baby!
- OK, party over.
- OK, party over.
[exciting music]
- [roars]
- Ooh, Robby and
Twitch are close.
This way.
- Wait, come back!
- [squeals]
- Stop.
That log won't hold all of us.
That log won't hold all of us.
- I'll fly over
and grab the cub.
- Wait, we need to
stay quiet and calm.
- Wait, we need to
stay quiet and calm.
- Help us!
- Mom!
- [roaring]
- [roaring]
- That's a bad
- Mother!
- Exactly.
- [roaring]
- [roaring]
- Someone's had a few too
many toxic grubs for lunch.
- Someone's had a few too
many toxic grubs for lunch.
- [roaring]
- [roaring]
- [roaring]
- Nobody make any
sudden moves now.
- Nobody make any
sudden moves now.
- [squealing]
- The cub!
- Robby, no!
- Robby, no!
- [roaring]
- Look out!
- Ah!
- Ah!
- Hashtag!
- Hashtag!
- [groans]
- [groans]
- [groans]
- [groans]
- Uh, Mom!
- Uh, Mom!
- I'm coming, baby.
- What about me?
- Hold on.
It's gonna be a bumpy landing.
It's gonna be a bumpy landing.
- [screaming]
- [groans]
- It's OK. Don't be scared.
- [squealing]
- [squealing]
- I'm sorry we put
you in this mess,
and I promise to leave
you alone forever
if you just come
back this way and
if you just come
back this way and
no, no, no, no.
- [squeals]
- This way, not
- [squeals]
- [groaning] Oh!
- [groaning] Oh!
- Robby!
Don't let go.
Mama [groans]
- [grunting]
- Air rescue on its way.
- Ah!
- Gotcha.
- The cub's still in trouble.
- [squealing]
- [squealing]
- Ah.
You OK, little one?
- [squeals]
- Uh-uh. Uh-uh.
- Uh-uh. Uh-uh.
- Do something, Nightshade.
- Do something, Nightshade.
- Disco party!
[disco music playing]
[disco music playing]
- That's my cue.
- That's my cue.
- [roars]
- Ah!
Not supposed to run from bears.
Not supposed to run from bears.
- [roaring]
- [groans]
- [groans]
My woods, my rules.
My woods, my rules.
- [roaring]
- Happy Mother's Day.
- Happy Mother's Day.
- [groaning]
- There you go.
- [squealing]
- [grunting]
- [grunting]
- Mom!
- Mom!
- Mom!
- Mom!
- [grunting]
- Did you like my
Mother's Day present?
- Did you like my
Mother's Day present?
- When we get home,
I'd appreciate
my regular prosthesis back.
- It's just like what
Mom said about nature.
- It's just like what
Mom said about nature.
Some things shouldn't
be disrupted.
- But I only wanted to
make your life easier, Mom.
- But I only wanted to
make your life easier, Mom.
- I know your gift came
from the heart, Nightshade,
but something like this
is deeply personal.
but something like this
is deeply personal.
And that means I'm the
only one who decides
what does and
doesn't work for me.
what does and
doesn't work for me.
- Oh.
I'm sorry I overstepped.
So no more enhancements,
So no more enhancements,
- I'm open to some
small changes,
- I'm open to some
small changes,
but they'll have to be ones
we come up with together.
but they'll have to be ones
we come up with together.
- I'd like that.
- All right, Malto fam,
let's get back home
and finish our party.
and finish our party.
[music playing]
- Mom, I was thinking, what if
we finish the party out here?
- Mom, I was thinking, what if
we finish the party out here?
- Dottie!
- Dottie!
Dottie, there you are.
Happy Mother's Day.
- [squeals]
- [squeals]
Thank you.
All of you.
[bird squawking]
[bird squawking]
Robby, get my bird journal.
I've been trying to spot a
trumpeter swan for weeks.
I've been trying to spot a
trumpeter swan for weeks.
- Should we get you a baby one?
- Too soon, Twitch.
- Perhaps you'd like to
try the prosthetic leg's
- Perhaps you'd like to
try the prosthetic leg's
bird calling ability.
- Ugh.
- Really too soon.
[ominous music]
[ominous music]
[exciting music]
[exciting music]
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