Twinkling Watermelon (2023) s01e15 Episode Script

The Hints

[Production Sponsors: Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism, & Korea Creative Content Agency]
[This is a work of fiction. Characters, places, agencies, incidents, organizations, and jobs have no connections to real life. Child actors were safely filmed with a guardian present.]
Guys, let me play with you!
[Before Eun Gyeol time traveled / June 6, 1995]
Today was the 40th Memorial Day on the 50th anniversary of National Liberation.
[Episode 15]
Aigoo, you are like cucumbers soaked in alcohol.
Wow, dried pollack soup! You're the best, Grandmother.
You should be sober on some holidays.
You drink all night whenever it's a holiday.
Your parents are working hard in your hometowns, trying to educate you.
Grandmother! Give me food, too!
What are you doing skipping meals?
Are you hungover, too?
I didn't eat so I could eat your food.
- Where's Yi Chan, by the way?
- Gosh, I don't know.
He's been lazying around stuck in that room playing the guitar since yesterday.
Hey, Yi Chan! Don't make me set the table twice. Come out and scarf this down, you bastard.
What are you doing? Recording a message for your pager?
Did you look into what I asked about? What did he say?
Is he really the genius guitarist of his generation?
Yes. Hyeon Yul wasn't lying.
Apparently, everyone who's played the guitar used to mimic him.
- Let's go.
- Where?
To meet him.
What for?
To let him hear our original song.
W-What original song all of a sudden?
Because we need one to enter the Nationwide Youth Band Competition.
Hey, are you crazy?
Don't you remember we almost got suspended for fighting with
Jindo Dog Gang on the rehearsal day?
- How could I've forgotten?
- And you want to do what now?
Nationwide what? Band what?
Your grandma still has bruises on her knees for kneeling down in front of the dean that day.
That's why we should clear our names.
If we give up on the band now,
I'll just be a punk who created a band to impress a girl and ended up getting into a fight.
Yi Chan, just give up now. Please?
Our band got disbanded. Don't you remember?
Fake First Love Memory-Makers will start the rehearsal now.
[Yoon Dong Jin, Fake First Love Memory-Makers' original member]
One, two, one, two
Hey, kick him! Kick him!
Hyeon Yul got hit by the stage equipment that day and hospitalized for 12 weeks.
It was shitty that we met.
Let's never see each other again.
Dong Jin hyung spat on the ground and quit.
Shi Guk got dragged to a prayer retreat and always has bruises on his back.
And Se Beom was forced to study abroad.
There isn't a single member left anymore.
That's why we should meet him and ask for help.
We'll get his advice on music, get recommendations for members,
and start a band again.
Wow, you're so unbelievable. What do I do with you?
Aigoo, my father sent "8282." I need to go.
(Code for "Hurry")
Hey, hey!
I'm sorry. I need to behave myself because of that incident.
Go on your own. I'm sorry.
That jerk.
What a disloyal bastard.
[White Nights]
Hello, I'm Ha Yi Chan, an 11th grader at Baegwang High.
You remember me, right? I'm Hyeon Yul's friend.
You treated us to barbecue once.
Of course, I remember. But I'm sorry.
I was just leaving because something suddenly came up.
You promised me first.
Anyway, I'm sorry. I'll take a rain check.
I just need 30 minutes.
It's a very short song because it's unfinished.
Next time. I'll make sure to listen to it with you next time.
Just 20 minutes. 10 minutes. I mean, five minutes.
Three minutes and 30 seconds. Please, I beg you.
Everyone has their own situation.
You can't just insist on it like this.
I understand.
Take care, then.
Small coincidences sometimes create a miracle
and sometimes an unbelievable tragedy.
If he listened to his song for just five minutes that day
- Shit.
- I'm sorry, Hyung.
Hey, handsome puppy.
Look over there. Have a look.
There are a lot of cars here.
It's dangerous to play with stuff like this.
Where's your mom? Where's she?
Over there.
Ahjussi, could I have this for free?
I said you can't.
Gosh, you'll be fine.
- I said I won't have enough left.
- If only
- Do you want to see something cool?
- Yes.
he didn't run into that kid that day
You can come out now.
If only he didn't have a secret visitor that day
- Do you want this?
- Yes. I'll take 20 ma.
Okay. Father! The 3 cm checkered one. Spandex blend.
If only a friend accompanied him that day
I'll teach you how to catch big fish today.
- Huh? Hey. Are you driving?
- Go!
If only it wasn't a holiday that day
Wow, wow.
Do you want to see the swing this time?
If only
one of these minor coincidences
- Thank you.
- Hello.
Oh, yes. Hold on.
Take this, please.
- No, but I appreciate it.
- I feel too bad.
I'm actually allergic to melon.
had missed him
Hold on!
If only it were like that, would he be living a completely different life now?
Is this a novel?
[Fall 2022]
Is this a novel?
Why ask? Do you think it's interesting?
Well the incident is too weak.
But why suddenly write a novel?
By chance, are you quitting taekwondo?
No. I want to show it to my younger brother.
Male younger brother? You want to show it to him?
If only I wasn't caught by you, he would've been my first reader.
When will you show it to him?
I don't understand what you're saying.
Once I finish it.
Oh. So, what happens to the protagonist?
He became my dad.
It's not a novel. It's a true story.
I heard it from Eun Ho once.
The date he gets into the accident is-
Hey. The teenage boy and girl over there.
Are you on a date and skipping school?
Yi Chan, coming back from school?
Hello. Yes, I am.
It wasn't a day before the festival.
The accident
hasn't happened yet.
- I'll get going now.
- Take care.
What are you guys doing
Hey, I'm talking to you!
They can't stop doing that, can they?
Are you okay?
When is it, then
When does the accident happen?
[Memorial Day, Korean flags for sale]
It's tomorrow.
How impressive. How very impressive.
You brighten up no matter what you wear.
What are you two doing?
Hey, you came.
I went shopping with Cheong Ah.
Why did you buy so much? You don't know how long she'd stay here.
You need a lot of stuff to wear, eat, and sleep.
She needs to feel comfortable even if she's staying for a day.
You'll go to the district office to add her to the family registry at this rate.
It's fun. It's so fun.
Seeing a pretty girl after only seeing boys
is fun, like playing princess.
Have you ever tried playing with a prince?
You've been living with a handsome prince for 18 years.
Hey. I'll wash this later and make you a blanket.
Sleep comfortably with it, okay?
So frustrating. It'd be amazing if we could talk.
- Grandma!
- Aigoo!
My heart almost popped out of my throat, you bastard.
Wait there.
The lights are turning on ♪
Someone's day is ending as usual as the afternoon is passing by ♪
[Cheong Ah, I'll make you a blanket]
I'm going somewhere ♪
I'm breathing out in the dark air at night ♪
[Thank you]
My heart and the moon collide ♪
I made this. I did.
I wonder if there was a night like that in the days past ♪
[Snail Boarding House]
You loved me without saying anything ♪
Would you have comforted me down the road? ♪
I can't love myself ♪
I cannot love myself anymore ♪
The space is expanding ♪
In the gap that's getting bigger ♪
Today, as always, you and I are living like that above each sky ♪
I try to picture you on it ♪
It was a novel.
It's a story Hyung created.
It's not a novel. He said it was a true story.
He likes to joke around.
You think he joked about his parents' tragedy?
He's always been kind of quirky.
Ha Eun Gyeol.
There's no way I don't know something he knows.
Dad couldn't have told him only.
He didn't hear from him.
He just found out by chance.
What kind of excuse is that?
[Fall 2022]
The lift fell?
It's not just a countryside farmers market. It's a multi-billion won concert.
I told you to be thorough with the safety inspection.
Ha Yi Chan?
I told you to be always careful not to get injured. I told you.
I can't compete if I'm afraid of getting injured.
The moment you give up
it's game over.
Yi Chan.
Ha Yi Chan.
You bastard. Were you alive?
N-N-No. Let's go to a cafe or something
Mr. Oh! Mr. Oh. The doctor wants to see you.
Wait here. I'll see the doctor for a second.
The surgery needs to start now.
- Where is he now?
- Over there.
H-H-Hold on.
Yi Chan. Yi Chan. Ha Yi Chan!
I'm Ha Eun Ho, Ha Yi Chan's son.
Who are you, ahjussi?
Nice to meet you.
I'm your dad's friend from high school.
I'm sorry for suddenly contacting you.
It's okay.
I've been waiting to hear from you.
You said you're curious about something, right?
Ask me anything.
Was Dad able to hear when he was in high school, by chance?
Who was that friend?
I don't know.
You don't know the name?
No. It wasn't important back then.
I just heard he regretted and blamed himself for not accompanying Yi Chan that day.
Ma Ju.
Ma Ju?
The band manager, Ma Ju, is the only one Dad would discuss things regarding the band.
He must've been the friend who couldn't go with him that day.
But it's strange.
If he regretted and blamed himself for it,
why did he stop talking to my dad?
Yi Chan is the one who stopped talking to him.
Eun Ho said he asked his dad later. And
[Late fall, 2022]
Whenever I see my friends from back then,
it breaks my heart a bit.
They made me miss those days.
It's kind of difficult to see their sad faces looking at me, too.
I think I could understand
what it's like to miss someone but don't have the courage to see them.
You're afraid you'd damage the other's wound that
you can't bring yourself to face them.
Mr. Jonathan.
History has changed a lot since I joined the band instead of Yoon Dong Jin,
but Yi Chan's connections wouldn't have changed a lot.
An adult who's knowledgeable about rock music that Dad would ask for advice in music.
A guitarist who runs a store and is close with the band.
My dad must've made a plan to see Mr. Jonathan.
If Dad is planning to see Mr. Jonathan tomorrow,
I can't figure out exactly where the accident takes place,
but I can guess the general area.
Near White Nights Music Shop.
Stay with Yi Chan no matter what tomorrow.
I'll stay at the accident site and eliminate all the possibilities.
What are you talking about? Why would you go there?
I suppose it's like an extra safety measure.
Or the second line of defense?
If you lose Yi Chan, I could still stop him at the scene.
But what if you end up getting hurt?
Don't worry.
I'll run away if it gets dangerous.
- But still.
- Ha Eun Gyeol.
There aren't two moons in the sky yet. And we're still here.
So we can definitely stop it.
Try believing in your helper.
Go inside.
Okay. Get home safely.
Have a pleasant dream tonight.
On Eun Yoo.
Huh? That's my name.
It's nice to hear that name here, and I feel nostalgic, too
Thank you.
Are you sending me to a war?
You must be one of the reasons why I came here.
Yes. I think so, too.
Let's make sure to go back together.
I'll return the favor a thousand times in 2023.
A thousand times is not quite enough,
but I'll look forward to it.
There aren't two moons in the sky yet. And we're still here.
So we can definitely stop it.
Mr. Ha Eun Gyeol?
We're from the Mapo Police Station.
You'll have to come with us for a second.
We received a report on Ms. Yoon Cheong Ah's kidnapping.
Would you be able to handle it?
Can you be responsible?
If you go out that gate now, you'll regret it later.
Let's go. It's not like I don't have anything to say.
[Mapo Police Station]
Mapo Police Station is that way. Where are we going
What are you?
You're not police officers, are you?
I thought you were smart. But you're still a kid.
[Chairwoman Lim Ji Mi]
Fax me a copy if he writes a memorandum.
Bring Cheong Ah back once you see the boat leaving with him.
Well, I'm not sure
We're stowing him away since he has no valid identity.
No one would know he went missing since he has no family.
Do we have to worry about the aftermath?
Nice to see me again, huh?
I'm not happy to see a hunting dog who's crazy for money.
Do you know how to dictate?
Write down what I say and sign it. Then you're free.
It's simple.
It says you got electrocuted and became a resident tutor on purpose to approach them.
You admit that you kidnapped Yoon Cheong Ah and demanded ransom.
You got the ransom, and you'll never approach the Jinsung family again.
You think I will?
If you sign willingly, you'll become rich.
But your life would be over if you acted out.
We prepared the highest quality boat for you.
Don't even try. They have a lot of tattoos.
They're good with weapons, too.
You guys are good with shovels, too, right? Like burying something in the ground.
Why are you so scared? I already told you what to do.
Let's finish this quickly.
[Memorandum, signed by Ha Eun Gyeol, 6/5/1995]
This is not what you promised.
Where are we going right now?
You said you'd let me go if I sign.
Stop the car. Stop the car!
Let me get off. Let me go!
Bring it over right now.
You're home, Chairman.
You came back a day sooner than expected.
I told you to bring it. Didn't you hear me?
Did the employees do something wrong?
Chairman. Chairman?
Why are you doing this, Chairman?
This is just a room we use as a storage.
Open it. Do it yourself.
Do I have to repeat myself?
I told you. It's just a storage room.
Sang Ah wanted to use it to store the clothes she got tired of.
She was unbelievably stubborn since she was a kid.
Whenever she got annoyed during lessons, she bit, scratched, and destroyed stuff.
I couldn't do anything if she came in here and locked the door.
I've thought about destroying it and getting rid of it,
but I thought she could use a shelter to herself at home-
Does an English word make the hellish situation more palatable?
I left this room for Cheong Ah.
If you chase a mouse without providing a hole to escape through,
it ends up biting the cat.
Do you think my daughter is a mouse?
What have you all been doing?
You ignored it, kept it a secret, and helped her.
What did you receive for destroying a child's soul?
W-We just followed her orders-
Pack your things. You're all fired.
Ms. Im, you're fired, too.
Take your children with you and get out of my house.
Chairman. Chairman!
I can't leave.
I can't leave this house or the school without a just reason.
A just reason?
I don't know what rumor made you imagine this, but I-
Was it that Eun Gyeol kid, by chance?
Just finish what you were saying. I'm curious what your conclusion is.
Do you know what he did while you were gone?
He held Cheong Ah as a hostage and demanded money.
I couldn't even call the police because of your reputation and company image.
I told Attorney Jang to take care of it, but that kid took the money and ran.
How could you believe someone like that and-
Your face says, "You should be stowed away on the boat by now.
Why are you here?"
Stop the car! Stop the car, I said!
Let me get off. Let me go!
There's something I need to do!
Hey! Shit!
- Stop the car!
- Grab him!
Stop the car, I said!
Hey, it's the police.
Stop! Stop right there!
Eun Gyeol.
Secretary Shin.
I'm sorry, I'm late.
I followed you from the boarding house. I needed evidence.
I received the fax you sent.
I'm glad you received it in time.
You need a just reason?
You accepted bribes using your authority.
Admission fraud. Embezzlement and tax evasion.
Building a slush fund using a paper company.
Imprisoning, abusing, and kidnapping of a minor.
Do you need more?
Chairman, that's-
Secretary Shin will send a copy of the family registry when it's updated.
- Chairman! Chairman!
- I told you.
I said I'll teach you what justice means.
And don't even dream about
a comfortable life.
Aigoo. I heard you study art. You're so talented.
The boys will love this.
- Wow!
- Thanks for the meal!
Whoa! It's omurice.
Thanks for the meal!
Oh, I made a plan to drink with someone. I forgot.
Cheong Ah, please save this for me.
I need to keep my stomach empty to enjoy the drinking snacks later.
Are you seeing Jae Min
You should've told me. Wait for me. Hey, hey.
Where did everyone go in the middle of the meal?
It's me.
What's up?
You ignored me earlier. Why are you calling me now-
Chairman Yoon returned.
Could you bring Cheong Ah here?
Tell me about loneliness ♪
This must be a feeling like a wind blowing ♪
I'll tell you about sadness ♪
I told you, right?
You're not obligated to forgive.
You can come back anytime.
We're always on your side.
You know, right?
Okay, then.
Go inside. I'll get going.
I'm actually afraid ♪
If only I had you to hold my hand warmly ♪
I would've leaned on you without a word and face the night approaching ♪
And get through it with your courage ♪
Do you mind
talking to me for a moment?
- Why?
- Don't worry.
I won't misbehave.
I'll get you tea next time. I fired all the maids.
My grandma doesn't know any sign language.
But she talks a lot with Cheong Ah.
That made me realize
that you can communicate anything with a sincere heart.
If you want to communicate more,
you just need to learn how to communicate more.
[Sign Langauge of Love]
"A father is like a shield that protects us from all the wind and waves
before we face a strong wave called the society."
I didn't come up with it. Hemingway did.
I didn't get to have a father like that,
but I hope Cheong Ah does.
You can have that. I'm done with it.
Well, then
It's Stendhal, not Hemingway.
And it's about a mother, not a father.
But I understand what you meant.
And thank you so much for this.
Why are you following me?
I wanted to sleep with you tonight.
You've been quiet lately. Why do this again?
I think
I finished my duty with Cheong Ah.
You should go back soon.
How much longer will you abandon your life and wander around?
Go tell your father that you like being in a band.
Say you don't want to study abroad and are no longer his trophy.
No. I'm not going.
I don't want to be your trophy anymore.
Why didn't you say that before?
Because I knew you'd be like this.
Because it's so clear.
You should have told me still!
If you considered me a parent, you should have convinced me somehow.
That's what family is!
How could I have convinced you? You can't even hear!
I'm sure he'd understand if you told him.
He doesn't know because you never told him.
If everyone goes back,
Grandma would feel so sad about it.
[Grandma, I'll make dinner tonight. You should take a break tonight.]
Grandma, will you really be like this?
How could you prefer a stranger over your grandson?
Just go take a shower if you'd only say nonsense.
It's not nonsense.
You like him more than me
and you and Cheong Ah grew attached to each other in just a day.
Hey, you bastard. No matter how precious they are, they don't compare to my grandson.
Bring me a truckful of them. I won't trade them with you.
Gosh, I'm sorry, sir.
- Don't mention it.
- Which part of me do you like, exactly?
Aigoo, hey. Go take a shower. I'll go to sleep.
Come on. Tell me.
What about me do you find so lovable?
At such a young age,
you went through all the hardship, but you grew up so well.
You're neither bitter nor whiny about it.
I love how healthy you are physically and mentally.
What more can you ask for in a person?
Gosh, I should sleep with Ms. Go tonight like in the old days.
I'll join you, then.
I mean, let me join you.
How dare you get involved? She's my grandma.
What are you guys, babies?
She's my grandma, too, okay?
- Grandma, he keeps
- What are you doing?
She's my grandma. Don't touch her.
Let's just go to sleep.
You scared me.
Why are you still up?
How do you know this song?
What do you mean? It's because I wrote it.
What's this?
Listen to the song on it, and then make up a guitar riff.
If I listen to it and think it's good,
I'll give you that guitar you've been eyeing.
Really? You'll really give me that guitar-
I said if I listen to it and think it's good.
It's not a complete song.
It just has a lead guitar, the main melody.
You fill it out.
But who wrote this song?
Was it you, by any chance?
No. There's no way.
You wouldn't know even if I told you.
I mean, no one would know.
Because he was an unknown artist.
No way. Was Dad the unknown artist?
But how did he hear this song-
Sorry to interrupt you while zoning out,
but could you shut the door immediately?
Grandma is a very light sleeper.
Is this really your original song?
Why? Are you surprised by how genius it is?
Are you really sure this is the song you wrote?
I'm starting to feel offended.
Do you look down on me?
Am I not supposed to write an original song?
I mean, it's not that
I thought we chose "Shining" for the contest.
Why are you writing a song in addition?
I'll quit being in the band after the contest.
What? Why?
I want Grandma to wear my graduation cap.
I think I should fulfill her wish.
What else can I do?
I should focus and study for a while to fulfill her dream.
So, I wrote a song dedicated to my splendid youth.
Will you quit music?
No way.
I wrote it now since I might lose the youthful spirit.
My next goal is
the College Music Festival.
I did create the body, but I can't come up with the head and tail.
Please let him achieve his dream.
Let's write it together.
Let's finish this song together.
- Really?
- Yes.
I'd love that.
Instead, you need to promise me two things.
Gosh, you bastard.
Let's hear them first.
One. You'll never let anyone hear this song before the College Music Festival.
Okay. What's the other one?
Make sure not to go anywhere and stay at home all day tomorrow.
Are you doing this again?
I know. You won't understand, but
- I have a situation I can't explain-
- Okay.
- You said "Okay"?
- Yes.
Why? Why are you agreeing to it without even asking why?
You're making me nervous.
Thinking about it,
all the favors you asked me were for my sake.
Please don't destroy his dream.
Try it.
Please let him be happy
You don't mind me recording it, right? I don't want to forget it.
Please let his youth continue to shine.
If someone's listening to me, please
Please listen to my desperate prayer.
Guys, let me play with you!
[After Eun Gyeol time traveled / June 6, 1995]
Today was the 40th Memorial Day on the 50th anniversary of National Liberation.
Wow, dried pollack soup! You're the best, Grandmother.
You drink all night whenever it's a holiday.
Your parents are working hard in your hometowns, trying to educate you.
Grandmother! Give me food, too!
What are you doing skipping meals?
Are you hungover, too?
I didn't eat so I could eat your food.
- Where's Yi Chan, by the way?
- Gosh, I don't know.
He's been lazying around stuck in that room playing the guitar since yesterday.
Hey, Yi Chan! Don't make me set the table twice. Come out and scarf this down, you bastard.
Thank you.
Grandma! I was recording something important, but your voice ended up in it.
What are you doing here, Ma Ju?
Eun Gyeol called me.
He wanted all of us to practice here together.
- Grandma! I want food!
- Me, too!
- I want food!
- You bastard.
Thanks for the meal.
- Aigoo.
- Thank you.
You should've told me in advance if you were coming.
Eat the side dishes for now.
- Okay. Thanks for the meal.
- Chopsticks.
Are you acting generous by emptying our food supply?
Hyung, how do you care for your hair?
I try not to wash it.
It got so long. How do you grow it that long?
Just have lots of dirty thoughts.
Hyung, I heard your girlfriend dumped you.
Just have lots of dirty thoughts.
- Seriously.
- Hyung, I'm eating.
I just heard that he regretted and blamed himself for not accompanying Yi Chan that day.
What? Do you have something to tell me?
Stay with Yi Chan all day today, no matter what.
I mean, stay with him even after you get old.
Make sure to stay in touch.
Wow, you want me to see him when I get old, too?
Where are you running off to after handing me a bomb?
Why are you calling me a bomb?
Am I wrong?
Don't worry. I won't run away.
I'll stay with him all the way through, too.
Melons for sale. Melons.
I don't know exactly when,
but I can narrow it down.
Go ahead and taste it.
We'll start the countdown when the late lunch at the boarding house starts.
Okay. I'll be at the scene in the morning, just in case.
Send me a voicemail as soon as the lunch starts.
It's the same with the accident site. We can narrow it down.
Yi Chan normally takes this route to go to White Nights.
This is the only narrow street with street vendors, too.
The accident
most likely happened here.
I got melons as big as cannonballs.
- Hello. Welcome.
- They look so good. I'll have this one.
- Would you like that one?
- Yes.
Could I have one for free, too?
It's dangerous because there are cars here.
Where's your mom? Let me take you to her.
What are you doing? I don't want to!
Hey, it's dangerous here because of the cars!
Gosh, it got on me.
I'm sorry. How did that fall?
Shit, it splashed on me!
I suggested having a meeting. Why did you have to drink that?
No, I'll answer it. I'll answer it.
Are you drunk? Were you trying to kill someone?
It's me.
Are you okay? Did you get hurt at all?
Congratulations, Ha Eun Gyeol.
It's all over. I saw it with my own eyes.
Yi Chan is safe now.
Thank you, Eun Yoo.
I told you to believe in your helper.
Do you want to come here now?
Everyone is here.
I miss you.
Okay, I'll come.
Let me check one more thing.
You still have to check something?
No, I'm just curious about something.
[White Nights]
Who visited my grandfather that day?
Was it Mom who visited him?
Taxi! Taxi!
Please follow that taxi ahead quickly.
Hurry. We can't lose them.
I can't guarantee anything.
I was once lost, too.
[Spring 2022]
You mean you pretended to be lost.
I'm serious. I was.
I ran away from home once in my life.
Ran away? You did?
Yes. Maybe it was shortly after I left to study in the US.
I ran away to Korea by myself behind my parents' back.
Whoa. What's the first thing you did after running away?
I met my biological father.
I had a lot of questions
and I wanted to hear about a lot of things,
but I couldn't say a word.
He was like that, too. I just
had a tea and left.
And it was at a funeral when I saw him again.
Hold on, ahjussi. Why did you stop?
Gosh, don't you wish life was like movies?
You said you'd come. Why didn't you call?
Do you know how worried I was?
I thought something happened.
What's wrong?
Did something happen?
I checked everything
but this one thing. So I felt anxious.
What didn't you get to check?
The person who visited White Nights that day.
So, did you check?
Who was it? Is it someone I know, too?
My mom.
Choi Se Kyeong.
Hey, hey!
Get up now!
Aren't we having a meeting about covers?
We can wait until Eun Gyeol gets back.
You think you'd work when Se Kyeong gets here?
Get up right now!
- I don't want to.
- Let's do it later.
Yi Chan, where's the demo recording
Is this it?
- No!
- Seriously.
- I can never reveal this song.
- What the?
Are you entering a contest just the two of you?
- You think I'm like you?
- Did you plagiarize, then?
You want to die?
It's an original song created by Ha Yi Chan and Ha Eun Gyeol.
Why can't you reveal it, then?
I can't tell you. Don't try to find out. You'd get hurt.
Hey, this is great.
I was nervous about competing against Ilyoung High with just one song.
I have a good feeling about this. "To You, Who Shines."
Yes, I like it.
It'd be different from a childish rock song. It's promising.
Did you clean your ears with an electrical post?
Didn't you hear me? I said I can't reveal this song.
I promised Eun Gyeol that I wouldn't!
If that's the case
Catch him! Catch him.
- Hey!
- Take it from him.
Take it. Take it right now.
I'll ask Mr. Jonathan which song is better.
Hey, shit!
Hold him for just ten minutes.
Hey, let go!
Let go!
I don't understand.
Why did she suddenly come back from the US?
More importantly, why would she go to White Nights?
Because he's my grandfather.
Mr. Jonathan of White Nights is my grandfather.
What are you talking about?
Your grandfather is a physics professor-
He's the one who adopted my mom.
If you don't mind me asking,
what's your relationship with him?
I'm his daughter.
What's wrong?
You and I
have met before.
What? We have?
The day your mom gave me the guitar he left for me.
She's good, isn't she?
My daughter. She's a cello major.
Just like you, she's 18.
at your grandfather's funeral.
[In Mourning]
[Viva Music]
That kid was you?
But why did you come to my grandpa's funeral?
Because he was my teacher.
He saved me from getting bullied,
introduced me to music,
and taught me the word "Coda."
I need to go see him right now.
Oh Ma Ju!
- Shit.
- Hold on, hold on.
Give it to me while I'm asking nicely.
You really can't do this.
I promised not to let anyone hear it.
It's already too late. Plenty of people listened to it already.
Ha Eun Gyeol would kill me if he knew I left the house!
Since when did you listen to what he says?
It's your dad, right? Go and be a good son.
Hey, hey, hey, hey!
I'm serious.
I'm not doing this just for myself. So we should just try asking him.
To see which song has a better chance of winning.
You're the frontman, punk!
I'll go, then.
[White Nights]
[Viva Music]
Dry yourself. You'll catch a cold like that.
It's okay. Things happen when you're a boy.
How did I not know?
How did I not recognize him?
["To You, Who Shines"]
Special thanks to Ha Eun Gyeol.
I was able to finish this song, thanks to you.
But thinking about it
you didn't just finish the song with me.
Whenever there's something I want,
something I'm missing, when I'm in despair,
or when I shined the most, you've always been there with me.
You lied that you're my son, didn't you?
I felt like you were my father for some reason.
I've never experienced love from my father,
but I felt something similar, thanks to you.
Hey, son. Thank you.
In return,
I'll be born as your father in my next life.
Hey, Yi Chan! Don't make me set the table twice. Come out and scarf this down, you bastard.
If someone's listening, please
Please listen to my desperate prayer.
Can you hear me?
Can you hear my voice?
I'm sorry, Dad.
While we were in different times ♪
We met while wandering around ♪
Among so many people ♪
I was able to recognize you ♪
Ripped and resynced by YoungJedi
If only we could've been together dreaming the same dream ♪
I go all the way around a distance at the end of this road to sing about love ♪
These shining moments ♪
[Twinkling Watermelon]
Wrap up the journey and come to the place where you first arrived.
You think I could go back in this situation?
Where are you going right now?
To find the bastard who did that to Yi Chan.
Please open your eyes now.
Your efforts must've caused a positive change.
Let's go back to our world now.
It's not your fault.
An accident is just an accident.
Don't look back and leave.
If you remain there, your life in 2023 will disappear.
Would you still be okay with that?
Ripped and resynced by YoungJedi
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