Undead Unluck (2023) s01e15 Episode Script


[low ethereal hum]
We can do it.
[Anno] Rip the Negator Unrepair
Faces off against Andy's group
on the open seas.
Rip's Artifact Blade Runner overwhelms
the group with countless deadly
summoned blades,
but with a clever combination
of their four abilities in tandem
Unmove, Untouchable, Undead, and Unluck
They manage to survive the assault
and defeat Rip.
With Rip in tow,
Latla calls forth a giant UMA
in which to escape,
but before they disappear into
the ocean with the other Negator hunters,
she leaves Fuko with a parting message:
that Rip will definitely not die.
Rip's defeat releases his unrepair powers
and thus spares Fuko's life.
In the quiet after the fight,
Fuko asks Chikara if he'd
like to join the Union,
but out of the heat of battle,
he's uncertain what to do.
With Chikara too stunned
to make a decision,
Andy gives him a single week
to make his choice.
Will he return to a normal life,
or choose a future filled with battles?
Chikara now stands at a crossroads.
[cicadas chirping]
[Fuko groans]
What do you think? Will he come?
Who knows?
Well, it's getting pretty late.
We said to meet us here
with his decision by 5:00.
He's got ten minutes or we're outta here.
[train wheels clacking]
If he can't handle it,
he's better off not joining.
He'll just die.
Yeah, you're right.
We've only got one life to live, don't we?
If you die, that's it.
There's no coming back.
[Kid Rip] Actually, that's not
as true as you think.
Latla told me that I would not
be finding you two here,
so I figured you'd be here for sure.
[Shiyui's "Love Call" playing]
Up, up, up, up ♪
Down, down, down, down, down ♪
Up, up, up, up ♪
Down, down, down, down, down ♪
Up, up, up, up, ♪
Down, down, down, down, down ♪
Up, up, up, up ♪
Down, down, down, down, down ♪
Bad ♪
[Shiyui singing in Japanese]
One, two ♪
[singing in Japanese]
Good ♪
[singing in Japanese]
Up and down ♪
[singing in Japanese]
Repeat the ♪
[singing in Japanese]
Lucky ♪
[singing in Japanese]
Happy ♪
[singing in Japanese]
[Singing in Japanese]
Love call ♪
Up, up, up, up ♪
Down, down, down, down, down ♪
Up, up, up, up ♪
Down, down, down, down ♪
[train wheels clacking]
Unrepair? But you're small?
You survived! But how did you
Nah, I died.
Getting shot through
the heart tends to do that.
[laughs] Yep, I got beat clean.
I'll spare you the details,
but this is the new me.
Heard I'll be back to normal soon,
so it's no biggie.
[snarls] Then why are you here?
You wanna go? Is that it, punk?
Nah, today I've come with a gift
Ow! [chuckles]
[grunts, spits]
Whoa, there goes a baby tooth!
You're right on time, buddy.
Drillin' a hole through your heart
didn't leave me that satisfied.
Hmm? What? Oh!
You're mad 'cause I stabbed
that girl, right?
That was my bad.
I'm sorry!
Then again, she's the one
who decided to jump in
the way of a knife.
How's that my fault?
Hey, there! You feelin' better?
Uh, yeah, Ni
I mean, a nice doctor
was able to patch up the wound.
Nice! I'm really sorry about that.
For real.
Okay, see that? We made up now.
[Kid Rip] Look, today I'm only here
to give you a little gift.
Um, a little gift?
Yeah, this thing!
A gun?
[Kid Rip] I thought I should
give you guys the lowdown.
You know, on what
it is we're trying to do.
It's your first time, right?
Touching an Artifact?
[Fuko gasps]
[Tense music]
[screams] What?
Huh? Andy?
What is that thing?
[train wheels clacking]
The hell did you give us?
I've touched other Artifacts
in the past but
[Kid Rip] It all depends on the item.
Different Artifacts cause you
to see different images
in your mind's eye.
And the image that one produces
is pretty rare.
That thing, what was that giant figure?
Your target, right?
That was the God your group
is so dead set on killing.
But the way I see it,
no one is gonna beat it.
That's why we're going to rule
the world in the meantime.
Until they come to destroy it.
Even though the end is nigh, huh?
That's gonna be one short rule, bud.
[Kid Rip] Hmm? What are you talking about?
You see, unlike any of you guys,
we can go onto the next one.
[operator] Calling all
off-mission members.
[operator] Roundtable members
are currently engaging
in battle with Negator hunters
in Egypt and China.
We need anyone in the vicinity
to provide backup.
Come on! We don't need any backup!
[cicadas chirping]
Because we live upon the world as vessels.
It continues to turn.
So why are we the ones who fight?
Why are we the only ones who suffer?
It's unfair.
It should be the opposite. [slurps]
Remember the name Under.
'Cause in three months we're
gonna turn this world around
and make it fair.
So tell me!
What do you think after seeing that?
Yeah, no way, right?
Think you can beat that thing?
Join us and I'll personally
put in a good word for you two.
Hah! Not a chance!
If it exists, that means we can kill it!
You really are something else, you know?
Then give it your best shot, Union.
[train wheels clacking]
- There ya have it.
- [grunts]
Come on, let's team up and go kill a god!
Kill a god? Sorry.
You, um, didn't mention that part before!
- Yay, welcome! Uh?
- [whimpering]
Uh, never mind! You can count me out!
- Come back!
- [snickers]
[Chikara] Wait, where's Mr. Andy?
Yeah, I know how your skill works.
- Not falling for it.
- [whimpers]
Sorry! Forgive me!
Let's have a little talk.
J Just don't kill me!
[Andy] Fuko, we're takin'
this somewhere else!
Hey, kid.
Is there anyone left in your classroom?
Right now?
No, they've all gone home for the night.
Fuko, Chikara said he left
something back in class.
Come on! Let's head in.
[gasps] We're allowed?
Of course not!
Throw on your blazer and be cool!
Hopefully no one finds out
we're trespassin'.
[giggles nervously]
[giggles] What floor?
What grade are you in, Chikara?
The fourth floor. And, um, I'm third year.
What? Right before college?
So cool! You must be preparing
for final exams!
- Oh, uh, well, I guess.
- [Fuko] This is so cool!
It's amazing! [giggles]
A real classroom! So big!
Ah, here's where the handsome protag
gets lost in thought!
Near the window in the back!
Mr. Andy?
What up?
Oh, time for serious talk. I'm ready now.
You said earlier that the world is ending.
When exactly is that?
[Andy] If the quests stay at this rate
and we keep up a losing streak,
then April.
But if the next penalty we get
hit with is world-ending
We got until January.
[Fuko gasps] That's it?
I have things I still need to do.
Well, two things.
One's to live.
And the other's to atone.
- Can I share a bleak story?
- [Fuko] Huh? Sure.
[Chikara] I killed my parents.
[Chikara] It was back when I
was a first-year in middle school.
We were on our way home
from a shopping trip.
I offered to carry the bags
since they were heavy.
And I made my way across
the crosswalk ahead of them.
Come on!
Um, hey, is everything okay?
I didn't realize it at the time,
that it was my fault.
I was why my parents couldn't move.
Before I knew it,
a truck driver asleep at
the wheel barreled toward them
from just out of view.
I barely took a step
towards them before
Dad died instantly.
Mom suffered serious injuries.
She tried her very best to hang on
But passed a week later.
Her final words were
"Be someone who can move to help others."
Not long after, I realized
It was my ability
that caused the accident.
I often thought about ending
my life, but then
I saw my parents' faces looking back.
And it made me wonder,
what would they want me to do right now?
Maybe they would tell me it's okay to die
if it meant ending the pain.
But there's no way
that they would want that!
I'm still their child, aren't I?
[sniffs] They'd want me to live!
I know they'd want that!
That's why [sniffs]
I chose to keep living. [sniffs]
I have no one to impress.
And I thought staying alive
maybe in some way
would make me a better son.
[sniffles] I kept telling myself that.
It's how I survived.
But then the mafia took me
and threw me in a cage.
And just when I was about to be killed
I met the two of you.
Not only did you save me
You also taught me I could use
my ability to help others.
I finally found what I was looking for.
A way more than simply living
to make my amends.
I know I freaked out earlier, but
I'm done running.
If you'd let me, I
I wanna join your team.
Hey, Chikara!
Let's head home already!
Club's all done!
- [grunts]
- Hmm?
Hey, who's the old dude?
He must have repeated this grade a ton.
Huh? Ryo!
Yeah, who's the old dude, Andy?
[Ryo] And who is she?
That's not our school uniform.
- They messing with you?
- [Chikara] Uh, no, no!
You've got it all wrong!
[Ryo] I dunno. They're up to somethin'.
[Chikara] I know how it looks
but honestly I
- [Ryo] When I walked in and they
- [Chikara] Oh, that?
I can explain! It's just
You wanna laugh, chuckles?
Then let's laugh.
[laughing uncomfortably]
No, please, stop! Oh, I give up!
- [cackling]
- [both groaning]
[Fuko continues laughing]
By the way, I've got big news!
Huh? What is it?
Your boy got that big
basketball scholarship!
Seriously? That's amazing!
I know, right?
Now my mom will finally stop
hounding me about going to college.
[laughs] Man, Ryo.
You are something else!
[tires squealing]
You'll do great things at university!
You think?
Guess they're lucky to have me!
- [Andy] Chikara!
- [both grunting]
It's time. Let's go.
Oh, right.
Hey, Chikara, what are you
Thank you for everything, Ryo.
Because I had you, school was really fun.
[Ryo] What? My body won't move!
If we
If we manage to beat God, then
Let's graduate together.
[gasps] What the
Stop, wait!
Hey, Chikara!
Hold it! What's going on?
I knew it!
Those guys are up to no good!
Do it, please.
Memory wipe.
You sure?
- Yes.
- [exhales]
It makes things safer for everyone, right?
[breathing heavily]
Then that's what I want.
Nico, hit it.
Roger that.
[computer beeping]
[Ryo] Wait, you jerks!
Where do you think you're taking Chikara?
I'm coming to save yo
Crap! I left my bag all
the way back in class!
Oh, this sucks!
Huh? How come, I'm, like,
all out of breath and stuff?
[breathing heavily]
[Chikara crying]
Let's roll out.
What's up?
I want I want to beat God.
For Chikara's sake.
To go back to school,
and for the world so it doesn't end.
That's why I want to ask.
Will you teach me to fight?
[Andy] Yeah.
[Juiz] September 16.
Andy and Fuko succeed
at persuading the 11th Negator
to join the Union.
[tense music]
As a result,
a level eight information blackout
was conducted on any person with memories
of Chikara Shigeno.
Addendum: as per Fuko Izumo
and Chikara Shigeno's requests,
a special training regimen
was put underway.
And so
Time passes on.
We're all assembled, yes?
You may proceed, Apocalypse.
[Apocalypse] Quests open!
[OKAMOTO'S' "Kono Ai
ni Kanau mon wa Nai" playing]
[Sho Okamoto singing in Japanese]
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