Uyanis: Buyuk Selcuklu (2020) s01e15 Episode Script

Episode 15

The time has come for you to
pay for your dirty tricks, Andreas
Your father, Alp Arslan
He captured my uncle,
Romanos, once.
Then, he set him free.
Do what your father did.
Meliksah. Let's make a deal.
Your uncle fought in the
battlefield courageously.
He didn't make any dirty
tricks like you did.
He was an emperor.
And you are nothing,
but a dog before me
Greater Christian
armies are going to come.
They are going to destroy your cities.
They are going to
ruin your sanctuaries.
You are all going
to die, Meliksah.
Let them come.
However many heads
you have to bring here
..we have that many
swords to take those heads!
I swear to the great Allah that
we are going to keep fighting
with the cruel ones
until our last breaths!
Until the last heathen
castle falls down
we won't lower our swords!
The struggle is ours, the
victory belongs to Allah!
Allah is the Greatest!
Allah is the Greatest!
How did you capture him?
Thanks to Sencer.
I found Sencer on Selemzar road,
after I ran away from the place I hid.
Right before I was going to
him, I saw you were coming.
I heard you talking.
Sencer wanted to search the caravan
suspecting that Rustem was among them.
Yet, you didn't allow him.
And I kept following the caravan,
because Sencer suspected that much.
The man leading the caravan
came back after kept going a while.
And I kept my following.
Come on!
After a while, I saw Rustem was
running through the forest Obviously,
He was hiding among the caravan.
And I ran after Rustem.
And I captured him.
So, Sencer was
right, Melik Hadrath.
Rustem was hiding
among that caravan.
I captured him thanks to this.
He should have been
carrying a book with him.
Did you also find it?
When he understood he was going to
be captured, he throw a bag into the river.
- It must have been inside that.
- What book are you talking about?
- I guess they are dreaming.
- That dog is lying!
You can't even take
another step, Sencer.
Melik Hadrath. All the secrets
of Batinis are written in that book.
There is also information
about the new Head Dai.
Let us go.
You escaped from us by lying,
won’t let this happen this time.
This is a matter of state, not
personal one, Melik Hadrath.
You didn't also let us search the
chests whilst Rustem was there.
And now, you don't
let us go after the book.
You are making a
mistake, Melik Hadrath.
If there is a book, we can
search for it. What is it to you?
They can leave a
fake book to trick you.
I lived with them,
Melik Hadrath.
I can understand if
the book is fake or not.
- That's why I'm saying this,
- Enough!
You are going to the dungeon
to wait for your punishment now!
Arrest Arslantas and Rustem, too!
You are making a mistake Melik Hadrath.
Of course, it is going to be
revealed that we are right.
If Batinis reaches that
book, before we do
you can't also get through this.
Take them to the dungeon.
So you killed your partners
in crime without hesitation.
Send Esma to the witch.
Then you will also
go to the witch.
Elcin Hatun will
follow you probably.
She thinks she has trapped us..
but we will be the ones
to lure her to a trap.
I didn't kill them!
You devised a
treacherous trap for me
so you can come up
slander for the deaths!
You want to destroy the evidence
by killing your partners in crime
and also you are slandering the
Hatun of the Sultan without any shame!
You are crossing the line, Elcin Hatun!
From now on, no one can you from the
wrath of Meliksah!
You won't make anyone
believe that I killed them!
This is your doing!
All the soldiers here
are witnesses that you killed them.
What about you? Do you
have any evidence or a witness?
The ones who prepared
the poison is here
and the one that killed them
is standing right next to them.
Arrest this murderer!
You are a snake!
You won't be able to make me
pay for your sins, Terken Hatun.
I'm going to spill your
poison with my blade!
Stand back.
Stand back.
Go on kill me.
Don't stop.
But know that Meliksah will remove
the heads of all the Kutalmisoglus.
I'm sure he will
start from your
brother Kilicarslan.
Since the day you
came to the palace
you tried to stain my honor.
You want me to lose
the favor with Meliksah.
But I know the reason.
You are a worthless
woman enough to go after
a married man who
is not interested in you!
I didn't do anything like that!
Didn't you follow a man that
didn't want you around all the time?
Do you think I don't
understand your intention?
Your family couldn't end Meliksah's
rule with uprisings, and now you
you want to have the empire
to yourself by bearing a child.
The Seljuk throne belongs
only to Sultan Meliksah.
And Meliksah's throne in his heart
belongs only to me.
Now Elcin Katun.
I will either go tell these
accusations to Sultan Meliksah
and he will kill all
the Kutalmisoglus.
Or you will get the hell out of the palace.
Make your decision quickly.
Sultan Meliksah.
The last time I saw
you in the battlefields
you were still a Melik.
And you are a mighty Sultan now.
And you were a prince.
And you are still a prince.
Your brother Emperor
Alexios Kommemos
appointed you to Kuvel Castle, it seems.
I came here after beheading Andreas.
And that means I will
take the castle from you.
But I
am here for an agreement
that suits both sides.
Our Emperor was
also mad at Andreas.
I promise by the name
of our Emperor that
..the mistakes he did
won't be repeated again.
If you change your mind
about laying siege to the castle
we will pay 100 thousand
gold tax to you every year.
And we will stay loyal to
the conditions of peace.
Since I came all the way here.
will I give up on the
siege for 2 chests of gold?
In your laws of war
those who ask for
mercy are forgiven.
We dropped our swords.
That is the sign that
we ask for mercy.
If we show mercy to you now..
how can we know that you
won't do the same things again?
I came specially here
from Constantinople.
I promise you not as
a castle Commander,
but as a prince from the
bloodline of the emperorship.
And with the order of
our Emperor directly.
As you know
siege of a castle
takes a long time.
We offer you a big piece of what
you can earn with the conquest.
Besides, isn't it a
big enough victory
that the brother of the
Byzantium Empire’s emperor
asks for mercy and agrees to pay tax?
If you want to talk about
law of war and ask for mercy
then abide the law.
Show us a sign of yielding
to our power and kneel
and agree to our terms.
I am a Byzantine prince.
You can't make me do
that in front of my men.
Your fate will always
be kneeling before us.
You either accept your bad luck
or we take your
head with our swords.
Our annual tax will not be
100.000 gold but 200.000.
You will raise the number of Muslim
traders that is in business with Kuvel.
For the Muslims
that live here
you will build a masjid.
Even if a single Muslim lives here
 he will have his right to listen to
the call of prayer and go to the masjid.
You either accept it
or you fight.
We accept it.
My men will collect the gold.
To make sure you are
complying with our terms
a big part of my men will stay here.
I won't forget what you
did, Sultan Meliksah.
You shouldn't, Prince Isaakios.
Because if you even think
of raising that head of yours.
I'll make sure to lower it.
You aren't fully healed.
You need to get more rest.
The more I rest, the more
heated the enemy gets.
Give me that, dear.
It is time to stand up now.
O Allah.
I have been through
a lot up until now.
I have deflected
many hyena claws
and went through many snake poisons and
healed with the mercy of Allah in the end.
I will get through this too, InshAllah.
I'm grateful for your
effort and hard work, dear.
Thank you.
Come in.
Hace, Sencer and Arslantas
were caught I and brought here.
Meliksah put them
in the dungeon.
I need to be involved in this matter.
- Hace Hadhrat, let me come with you.
- Stay here, dear.
This situation is a complex one.
You cannot see Sencer.
Today, we will spill a lot of
blood. Sharpen your knives well!
I want to see them
soaked with Turkish blood.
So, it's time to shed blood
in these lands, brother.
It is. Of course it is.
Well shed too much blood.
The blood that
Seyuduna mentioned
that gift was
Meliksah's blood.
We will shed the blood
of Meliksah today, brother.
have only one wish from God. May
him let me take Meliksah's life myself.
I want to be the one who kills
the greatest ruler of the Turks.
After that, God can take my life too.
Don't do this, Reynar.
We promised each other, brother.
We'll die together but
it's not the time to die now.
First, we will take the
holy spear to Jerusalem.
We’ll fight until
the end, brother.
I have news from Kuvel.
Mehksah killed Andreas and
entered Kuvel with his soldiers.
He made the Prince Isaakios beg
him for mercy and put taxes on Kuvel.
Does this man have no
honor that a warrior has?
He hurt the pride of all of you.
And he is the
Emperor's brother, huh?
Meliksah is returning
from Kuvel with victory!
He thinks he made the
Christians bow down but no.
We will take our revenge so soon.
I swear to you, I swear
on the holy spear that
soon we will take revenge
on them with our swords!
Revenge! Revenge!
Let me look for the Book
of Secrets, Melik Hadrath.
If the Batinis find it before
we do, you'll regret it.
You'll wait here until
our Sultan comes back
Don't waste your breath.
If there is a book
I'll make Rustem talk and find it out.
A head servant like Rustem
will never reveal this secret.
He'd rather die than talk. You’re
making a mistake, Melik Hadrath!
Who are you to accuse
me of making mistakes?
I'll cut your tongue.
Why are you fighting?
Thankfully, you are better, Hace.
When Arslantas captured Rustem.
Rustem threw the Batirus' Book
of Secrets into the Zayende River.
That book is very
important for Batinis.
We can even find the
Head Dai with that book.
I want to look for it but Melik
Hadrath doesn't allow me to go.
Ghazali mentioned such a book before.
I will ask him to come
here to confirm it.
Until then, Sencer
will come with me.
I'll take him to my room
and make him meet Ghazali.
But you can't do that, Hace.
He is guilty.
When our Sultan comes back,
Sencer will explain it to him.
But until then, I need
to investigate this issue.
It was my duty to catch him.
Now, I have the authority.
I can't let him go any where.
You fulfilled your duty
properly, Melik Hadrath.
Now, I have the authority.
Sencer will gef out of here.
He won't.
As Melik, I won't allow this.
And I am Hace.
Don’t forget that.
Wherever I am, I have the authority there.
If I am the authority,
no one else is needed.
You are Hace. eyvallah.
But this is against the rules.
Before you were even bon
we established
the rules of this state.
Now I don't need anyone
to remind me of those rules.
Let Sencer out.
Even though they dare
to take you away from us
you father's heart will
never abandon you, son.
Ambush! Come on, worriors!
For revenge! Attack!
I'll drink your blood, Meliksah.
I'll drown you in your
own blood, you demon!
Die Meliksah!
Everyone Retreat!
Everyone! Retreat!
Come on, warriors!
Defend our Sultan!
It's time to fight!
Go after them! Now!
Who are these demons?
Where did they come from?
We don't know my Sultan.
We also got the news
from our spies at the
last minute and came.
Your wound is heavy, my Sultan.
We need to go to the palace immediately.
I'll Send a messenger in
advance to let doctors get ready.
So, you got the news from the
spies at the last minute, huh?
After we return to the patace,
I'll learn who these dogs are first!
And I'm going to
make you pay for this!
Get ready as soon as possible, Elcin Hatun.
Leave the palace, the moment Meliksah
returns from the war as you promised.
Don't play another game again.
Or, you are going to pay for it.
Get better soon. MashAllah
you seem to be healed.
Thank you Terken Hatun.
No matter how strong the
poison is of the evil ones. .
the might of
Allah, Who gives the
health, is enough to
do anything, thank Him.
Sencer, so you surrendered.
Are you taking him
to the dungeon?
Not to the dungeon.
I'm taking him to my office.
What does that mean. Hace?
Are we going to host a criminal that
escaped from the law, in the office of Hace?
Our Sultan will decide
whether he is guilty or not.
Until then, I find it suitable
for him to stay in my office
He has been slandered
as a criminal before too.
But the truth was revealed
in front of everyone.
Remember that.
What importance does your judgment have
when compared to the laws of the state?
If you are trying to benefit
from our Sultan’s absence
don't forget that I'm still
here as the head Hatun.
And do not forget
I'm the Hace of this state!
In his absence, I'm his regent.
My word is accepted
as our Sultan’s word.
If I make a decision
I will only make its
explanation to our Sultan.
And not to anyone else.
You committed a crime against the state
of which shadow you always took shelter in.
Now we will see if
there will be a shadow
that you will take shelter in.
The shadow of justice can
cover everyone, Terken Hatun.
Be at ease.
We need to do something Hace.
We need to get that book
before Batinis get their hands on it.
Wait a moment Sencer.
First of all, we need to be sure
of the existence of the book.
when the Sultan arrives, we
will tell the situation accordingly
Don't forget that you are a suspect
in the eyes of the state right now.
Come in!
Get better soon, Nizamulmulk Hadrath.
Thank Allah you are fine now.
Thank you Ghazali.
Sencer is talking about The Book
of Secrets, belonging to Batinis.
For now, this book is missing.
Do you have any
information about this book?
I called you here to
confirm this knowledge.
I have been investigating the books we
collected from the Batini neighborhood.
At the end of each
book, it is written that
This knowledge is half
anyone that wants to complete it
needs to find The Book of Secrets.
This must be the said book.
I'm going to learn all
the secrets you hide!
Tell me!
What is this "book of secrets"?
How can I tell you
something I don't know?
An incompetent man like
you will learn my secrets?
Go first
and make Sencer and
Nizamulmulk listen to you!
You are the son of
Sultan in word
You are acting like this
so I can kill you faster!
But until you are hanged.
I'm going to break your bones.
You cannot do anything to me!
You are the son of the Devil!
The Great Imam will protect me!
The devil is the charlatan
that holds your leash.
Tell me about the
book of secrets!
I'm going to break your bones!
The real secrets
are known by the Great Imam.
The biggest secret is
known by the Great Imam.
Your power is only
enough to beat me
but you cannot
learn anything from me.
This dog is unconscious.
When he wakes up beat him again.
Don't give him
any bread or water.
Open the door.
Ghazali confirmed it too, we are
losing time, Hace, let me go after it.
Be patient.
We have no other choice but
to wait for our Sultan's arrival.
As you know, he is mad at you.
Let's see if he will listen to you
May Allah not make his punishment
harsh and allow you to go after it.
Come in.
Hace Hadrath, our Sultan
has come back from Kuvel.
But he is wounded.
What are you saying?
Call the doctors immediately!
Come on!
I will come too, Hace!
I couldn’t stand by
his side at battle
so at least let me stand
by him when he is wounded.
You stayed away from me for
years even though we were close.
Do the same thing now.
Prepare everything
for our Sultan's wound.
What are you
waiting for? Come on!
Sultan Meliksah Hadhrat!
O Allah, protect him for us.
My Sultan, are you okay?
I’m fine. Tell the
physicians to find a cure.
- You are on your feet again.
- I am. But, my Sultan
seeing you like this
hurts me even more.
It's going to pass, my Atabey.
It's all going to pass.
Once I get the cure,
we will get our revenge.
How did you know about the
ambush against our Sultan?
Sabbah received news from
the spies and he told me about it.
We moved immediately.
Whenever our Sultan's
life is in danger
whenever there is an ambush,
you are always the one first to know.
And you risk your life to
protect our Sultan. Sabbah.
l‘m just doing my
job, Hace Hadhrat.
And I'm honored to do so.
Good. Keep being honored.
But whether what you
are doing is devotion
or carelessness,
we will see about that.
Sir, there are some things
you need to know about.
Bad things happened
while you were away.
It is best we talk somewhere else.
I've spilled the first
blood on our path to you.
A Sultan's blood, no less.
Soon, all Turks will
drown in their own blood.
I swear on the Holy
Lance, we will unite.
We won't return this
gold to Prince Isaakios.
We will keep them.
We're gorng to need them.
Protect them well. We will
buy soldiers and arms with it.
We have spilled the blood of
Meliksah brother. I did it.
I'm proud of you. I would have
divided him in two if help hadn't arrived.
Soon. His arm is in such
bad shape that Meliksah,
won't be able to hold
a sword ever again.
You will get their head. We
are going to do it together.
We caught one of the
men that was following us.
We wan today. I feel good.
So, I won't kill you.
You are forgiven.
But under one condition.
You will kneel before the cross
and kiss it like you are doing a prayer.
Go ahead.
My brother told you
something. Did you not hear?
Kneel and kiss the
holy cross. Come on.
I will only bow my head
before you if I die, you infidelsl
Everyone who won't bow before
the cross will lose their heads.
Make a goblet out of his skul
I will drink my wine out of it!
Victory! Victory!
Victory! Victory!
Victory! Victory!
Drink, my Sultan.
It will ease the pain.
I don't want it.
Tell me when my hand will heal.
My Sultan, some muscles in
your hand has been damaged.
But more importantly,
there is some muscle tear.
I didn't ask what happened, I
asked you when it would be healed!
It might take months for you to
hold a sword again, my Sultan.
Months? What are you talking
about? The enemy has surrounded us
and I can't hold a
sword? Heal it quickly!
We will do everything
we can, but your hand
Nobody will know about my situation.
No one will say that
Meliksah can't hold a sword.
Do you understand?
As you order, my Sultan
My Sultan.
Arslantas and Sencer were
caught and sent to the dungeons.
Finally we caught them.
I will deal with them later.
Tell Taculmulk and Hasan
Sabbah to come here.
I have things to talk to them.
Make ointments that will heal
my hand as soon as possible!
As you order, my Sultan.
How could Rustem get caught? How?
Arslantas brought him here.
But Sencer is the one
who actually caught him.
Where is our Book of Secrets?
Did Seljuks take it too?
Tell me!
Rustem didn't have the book.
Behram and the servants
are looking for the book.
All of our secrets
are in that book.
If the Seljuks take it,
they would execute us.
If the Selcuks take it,
they would execute us.
They would kill our servants.
Our cause would be erased from the earth!
I will try to learn where
the book is from Rustem
You will send a letter to
everyone including Faysal.
They should search for
that book everywhere.
This is a matter of life and death!
Sir. if the Seljuks find the book,
should we wait for our death?
We will attack the Seljuks
altogether and fight for our lives.
It will be the end
of the Seljuks or us.
Hasan Sabbah.
Our Sultan is waiting
for you and Taculmulk.
My Sultan.
Emir Taculmulk and Hasan Sabbah
are waiting to appear before you.
I'm sorry for what happened, my Sultan.
Allah protected
you for our state.
Why didn't news from
our spies come sooner?
Should the news
of the trap set on the
Sultan's road come
when the Sultan sets off?
My Sultan, our spies
could just notice.
Then your spies are stupid and
you're more stupid than them.
Why didn't you notify a nearby
troop instead of leaving the palace?
They would catch up on time
and there would be no need to fight.
Are you too unaware
to think about this?
We thought we could go there
in time from Isfahan, my Sultan.
You came there to be a hero
 and tried to win my favor.
Do you think I don't know that?
People died because of you.
Many of my soldiers were martyred!
We will start investigations
about the ambush my Sultan.
My Sultan
I heard that the Batini named Rustem
was caught and sent to the dungeons.
The people who ambushed you
may have a connection with the Batinis.
If you allow me I can make
Rustem talk and learn everything.
You haven't even paid
for your carelessness yet.
And now, you want a
new duty you stupid man!
My Sultan-
Shut up!
Get out of here before I
take your careless heads!
Get out!
Where are Sencer and Arslantas?
They are bringing
them here, my Sultan.
Our Sultan is very angry.
We shouldn't be around
him today, Sabbah.
You don't look well, sir.
What happened?
Meliksah is full of
wrath against us.
When I asked for his
permission to make Rustem talk
..he got very angry.
But I will find a way to
enter that dungeon
.and learn where
he left that book.
Would that be dangerous
after Meliksah's wrath?
If that book is taken by Seljuk
...our cause, we
end once and for all.
Nothing is more
dangerous than it.
They put us in such a situation that
we even need to take the risk of death.
Many courageous soldiers fall
as martyr in the battleground.
The enemy sheds blood in the ambushes
and you come before me as criminals!
Did you learn being careless
and unwary from this state?
We also struggled for
our state, my Sultan.
We captured Rustem as we promised.
And we cleared Arslantas'
mind from the poison of Batini.
-For his mother and brother-
-Don't talk about the family pain to me!
Even I ascended to the throne
by ignoring my pains before.
I gave up so many
things for my state.
The one, who aspires to the state duties,
must overcome their personal weaknesses!
The one, who can't hold his duty above his
personal weaknesses, is worthy of nothing!
You are not different than Rustem for me.
You became like a
Batinis by following them.
You beat Sencer. You stabbed my Atabey.
Know that your punishment
will be the most harsh one
And you. You can't get away
from this by only bringing Rustem.
You are also going to
suffer the consequences.
I'm ready to accept the punishment
you give me. whatever it is, my Sultan
Yet. there is an important
matter you need to know.
Batinis' the Book of Secret.
Arslantas saw Rustem
throw it into the river.
If we find that book, we can destroy them
by finding their new Head Dai, my Sultan.
Do you want another duty, even if my
wrath doesn't cease towards you, yet?
And for a book that we don't
even know if it even exists!
My Sultan. Ghazali has been investigating
about books of Batinis for a while.
He also says there are many references
to the Book of Secrets in many books.
Therefore, it's true that
Batinis have the Book of Secret.
Then, we can send soldiers
around the river to search for it.
Batinis can reveal a fake
one to trick us, my Sultan
I lived with them for a long time, I can
understand if the book is fake immediately.
I want this duty not for myself,
but for my state, my Sultan.
If we can get our
hands on that book
we will destroy
our biggest enemy.
Then I will obey
any punishment you give.
My Sultan, this time
I vouch for him.
you are still not telling the
secrets of those devil Batinis!
Let's see if you can
cope with my tortures!
If you want, you
can kill me here.
But you won't learn
anything from me!
Our book is at the cave.
It's in Kororman.
I threw it
towards the narrow
pass of the Zayende river.
Speak the truth!
you didn't learn that you cannot
hide anything from Seljuk yet!
We are purified from any pain.
Your tortures won't work on us!
They won't!
My son. there is no escape
for you from this palace.
Your end is near.
I know, Seyuduna Hadratb.
I'm ready to meet
the Great Imam.
You will.
No pain will be able
to harm you any longer.
The great Imam will
recognize you from the
wounds you have on your body.
So you are still not talking, huh?
Dying for you
is an honour for me Seyuduna Hadrath.
Can you vouch for yourself?
You kidnapped a criminal.
in spite of our firman.
We witnessed many of your brave acts.
But you!
You made things to embarrass us.
Now can you vouch for yourself
that you won't do anything again?
We watch the world from here.
Do you think we are blind to
not to see what
those close to us do?
The state is ruled with
patience, and wisdom.
If we answer anything
with bare force like you do
there won't be
any wisdom left.
And a state without wisdom
is like a band of bandits.
Because you didn’t listen to orders
your man didn't listen to
you and listened to Batinis.
But you are asking for
orders despite all your crimes.
I can give a
punishment or an order.
I don't mind either way.
But unless you shake yourself and realize
what kind of a state you live under
you will lose both
yourself and us.
From now on, I swear I will
see with the eyes of the state
instead of Sencer's
eyes, act with the
state's mind and think
like the state, my Sultan.
Arslantas will stay in
the dungeon Take him.
This is your last chance.
Go and prove you
will keep your oath.
Redeem all your wrongdoings
..and don't make
me take your arms.
Don't taint your name.
If you can't find the
Book of Secrets
Hace will also see my
wrath since he vouched for you.
If you let the mining
caravan be searched
we would have Rustem
and the Book of Secrets now.
How could you be so careless?
You are a Melik,
heir to the sultanate.
You have to act with your
mind, not your emotions.
You will be a
father soon, Tapar.
You will give a child to the dynasty.
So, show yourself!
Did you question the owner of the
caravan in which Rustem was hiding?
Not yet, my Sultan, but I will.
What are you waiting for
then? Go and do your job.
- Turna.
- I'm so glad you are alive and well.
And I’m glad for you, Turna.
I was devastated when I heard
about what happened to you.
Sencer. forgive me. You told me
they would deceive me in the palace.
I was resented then.
But you were right
Don't worry Turna.
No one can hurt you now.
Now, there is a trouble
I have to deal with
after I get rid of them,
I'll come to you first.
I would wait for
you my entire life
but you are
always in trouble.
We’re always separated from
each other because of this.
When I return this time
I'll come to you to stay
with you for a lifetime.
I will ask for your
hand from your father.
May your tent will be our home.
May your hearth will be our hearth.
Our homeland and tribe will
be happy with you, myTurna.
Now, you should go back to Selemzar
and talk to your father about this.
May Allah protect you.
I wish you all the best.
I will wait for you.
Let's go, soldiers.
I wish you searched
for the caravan, Tapar.
Don't even start now, Gevher.
I save my wrath
for that merchant.
Don’t be so angry.
Allah forbid, you'll
hurt someone.
I don't care what happens.
Don't do this, Tapar If you make a
mistake, our Sultan will get angrier.
So what?
Is he going to disinherit me if I kill
someone as worthless as a merchant?
Don't do it!
Tapar! Tapar!
Your servants are looking for the
book everywhere, Seyuduna Hadrath.
But they couldn't find it yet.
I learned where
it is from Rustem.
He threw the book into the narrow side of
the Zayende River at the exit of Karorman.
Tell our servants to
search for the book there.
Sencer has left the palace.
He is obviously after the book.
We need to find
it before he does.
We notified our companions of
your order, Seyuduna Hadrath.
If the Seljus take the book
we will fight for our lives.
But it is very difficult to defeat
the Seljuks in such a war.
Then we'll die together, Behram.
We don't have another choice.
Try to fill the hearts of our
companions with courage.
Go to Markus right away and
reclaim the favor we've done.
He should go after Sencer
and kill him when he finds him.
Don't be nervous, my Sultan.
You have been wounded many times before.
All of them were healed
by the grace of Allah.
This will heal too, InshAllah
I took my sword and fought
when I was seven, Hace.
Since that day
My hand used to hold the sword.
Now when I can't hold my sword
with it. I feel as if I lack a hand.
And it is equal to death for me.
The ones, who attacked
us were heathen soldiers.
I'm sure they were not from Kuvel.
Prince Isaakios can't dare to
attack just after our agreement.
I think that this is a sign for a
great mobility in Frank lands.
There can be crusaders
behind this.
I also think the
same thing, my Sultan
After the investigation
is finished,
we are going to understand
who they are. InshAllah.
If it is understood that we
are right with our suspicions
it means a great fire, which is going
to burn all the world, has been started.
And we are going to
do the what is necessary.
We are going to respond
to the fire with fire.
You personally finish the investigations
with your own methods, Hace.
As you command, my Sultan
What ace you talking about?
How could the book be lost?
How could Seljuk go after it?
Rustem was captured.
Yet, he threw it into the river.
All our men are mobilized.
If Seljuk gets it
All our men are mobilized
If Seljuk gets it
it means our end.
Of course, it means our end!
We can't have even a man!
Our cause fails! And most
importantly, my father gets exposed!
They destroy him!
I've learned the ones looking
for the book are led by Sencer.
He couldn't search
the caravan.
Yet, he was able to
make Rustem be captured.
This either will be
our or Sencer’s end.
Now, all of our men will
search around the river.
That book is going to be
found, before Seljuk get it!
I won't leave neither my
father, nor our cause to them!
Where are you going, Faysal?
I’m going to my mines.
I’ve have work to do.
Why? To hide a traitor in your caravan?
What does this
mean, Melik Hadrath?
The Batini we were looking
for, was found in your caravan.
What is the thing you
still don't understand?
Now, tell me. Why did
you hide that traitor?
I hid no one. Everyone know I
have no business with traitors.
Is it my fault that he hid inside my cars?
If he was found in your caravan, you
are the one who is responsible, of course.
Obviously, he infiltrated, when
my caravan stopped for a break.
That was the reason, why I took
my cars to the gates personalty.
Then, why did you object
Sencer to search the caravan?
Wasn't Sencer also a runner you
were looking for, Melik Hadrath?
Should I have let a
criminal search my caravan?
Maybe, he had a hidden aim.
If you had followed Sencer, you would
have been also in the dungeon, now.
Obviousty, he hasn't any
hidden aims, but you have, huh?
I’ve come here to trade
from my homeland,
and I won't swallow these
words because, you are Melik?
What do you do, if you don’t
swallow them, huh? What do you do?
Will you object me?
Will you walk up to me, huh?
What you do is not
appropriate, Melik Hadrath.
I’m a trader, whom Caliph I
Hadrath personally knows!
And I'm the son
of Meliksah, Tapar!
I won't let you
even breathe here!
Now, you are forbidden to
go outsiae of Selemzar.
And this is the
punishment I give to you.
But I have important
business, Melik Hadrath.
You have no business.
Get out of my side!
Watch the gates of Selemzar.
If he tries to go
out, take his head.
Come on. If you dare to go, leave here now.
Don't be scared.
I've come to warn you.
Here it is a bit dangerous for you.
Are you Marcus'?
What are you going to do with my name?
The face behind this mask
wondered about the gift he gave to you.
He sent me for it.
So, Seyuduna wonders about his gift.
I was about to send
Meliksah to hell.
And a Seljuk troop came
to help him suddenly.
The matter is important.
Seyuduna gave you Meliksah.
And he asks something
from you in return of it.
He wants you to kill a man.
His name is Sencer.
Now, he is heading towards Zayende River.
Did he send you only for a man?
Sencer is not an ordinary man.
He is someone, who swore
to ruin every enemy of Seljuk.
Who is this Sencer
that you fear this much?
He is from the tribe of Atsiz
Bey, the conqueror of Jerusalem.
He is as bold and
dangerous as he was.
As long as he exists
on these lands
you can't reach the aim
of conquering Jerusalem.
This Sencer has become
more interesting for me now.
Since I need to kill
Sencer to take Jerusalem
then I will kill him.
I spilled Meliksah's blood.
I’m going to gut
Sencer's organs out.
Then I’m going to
pour Sencer's blood into
this goblet I made
from a skull and drink it.
Tell us, what kind of man he is?
His hairs have the
braids of a warrior.
His nickname is "Eagle".
He is the most trusted
soldier of Nizamulmulk.
Rustem threw the bag which
held the book inside here.
The river must have taken it far
away with the speed of the current.
The river ends in the lake.
If the bag falls into the lake, it
would be impossible for us to find it.
It will take one day
for it to reach the lake.
We need to find it until tomorrow
We will act fast, and
search through the river.
Father, I know you are very busy
and you have some
priorities to think for our city.
there is something I want to
speak with you about at a suitable time.
You are my priority
always, daughter.
Tell me now, what is it?
I know you haven't been
on good terms with Sencer.
But he has proven how brave he is
to you and to the state many times.
If it's okay for you too
Sencer wants to come and
ask for my hand in marriage.
He wants to marry you?
If you allow it.
My beautiful daughter.
I want your happiness too. -
But Sencer is always
in dangerous situations.
We cannot predict where
and when he will die.
You will be the one to get hurt.
And he is a tribesman.
And you are the daughter
of the Emir of Selemzar.
Emir llteber!
What is it Faysal?
Why are you mad?
Since I came here, I have been in trouble!
A criminal escaped with my caravan,
and Melik Tapar blames me for it.
And he forbid me
to leave Selemzar.
Who is the Emir here?
Where is my privilege?
There are sensitive
matters for the state recently.
Melik Tapar is someone
whose wrath is like a storm.
Don't worry, it
will be over soon.
I didn’t want to talk about stuff
like this near your daughter.
But these are not small matters.
We can talk about
these matters later.
But know that I
got upset about it.
Father who is he?
How can he talk to you like that?
Faysal is a big merchant.
He is the new owner of the
mines, and the Daru‘l Hicre.
He is someone important for me to
get Selemzar back to it's former glory.
Spiked armbands
are worn by warriors from Frenk lands.
So the result of the activity in
Frenk lands have reached here.
The Crusaders have made their
moves to unite and attack us all together.
Peace be with you.
Have luck.
Are you bandits?
This the the food for my
children, I won't give them to you.
Don't worry, we are not bandits.
Then you must be fishermen too.
I won't let you fish
here and share my food.
Get the hell out!
Do we look like fishermen?
You can Keep your
food, we have a question.
Did you see a bag
made out of black hide?
Black hide bag?
A bag made of black hide, you saw it?
I saw it in the hands of a
fisherman that comes here frequently.
Where can we find him?
There is a tavern that the
fishermen go, ahead in the forest.
He must have gone there.
But you need to hurry, fishermen
don’t stay long in the tavern.
Eyvallan thank you.
My Sultan.
Hace Hadhrat and Melik
Tapar would like to talk to you.
Tell me, Hace.
My Sultan, we have completed
the investigation on the ambush.
I have compared the offenders' weapons
with the information from our spies.
You were right in your prediction.
The offenders are Crusader
warriors from Frankish lands.
They must be the vanguard of the Crusaders.
They will try to weaken
us with their vanguard.
they vill start the Crusade.
As you know, the offenders
stole the gold in the ambush.
We have blocked every path so
that they cannot take it to Kuvel.
It is possible that they will
exchange the gold in our lands.
We will follow them and get on
top of them when the time comes.
It's not enough to eliminate
the vanguard, Hace.
The real intent of the Crusaders
is to eliminate Turks from Anatolia
to take Jerusalem, destroy
the Islamic world altogether.
Send word to Iznik,
Jerusalem, Harput. Ahlat.
I want our Emirs
to get prepared.
I want our spies in Frankish
lands to keep updating us.
As you wish, my Sultan.
My Sultan, I have questioned the owner
of the caravan in which Rustem was hiding.
It is a trader named Faysal.
He said he didn't know about Rustem
but I gave him what he deserved.
- Who is this Faysal?
- He is a trader from Baghdad.
He took Daru’l Hicre and the mines
from Emir llteber as
a payment of his debts.
Ilteber says he's
telling the truth.
Does he now know he can't do
that without consulting us first?
I took his title before, now
he wants me to take his city?
After you are done with your
job here, put llteber in his place
and punish him for
his waywardness, Hace.
My Sultan Elcin Hatun
would like to come before you.
Nat now, Kamac. I'm not in a
position to converse with anybody.
- Peace be with you.
- Peace be upon you.
Has a fisherman with a
leather pouch come here?
Fellas, these men are looking for the
fisherman with the leather pouch.
Has any of you seen him?
Batini dogs!
It seems that Batinis
know we are after the book.
The fisherman who sent us here
was also a Batini. Let's find and kill him.
We have no time to deal with him Bozkus.
Heavy rain is on the way.
The roads will be muddy.
And we are away from the river We
need to get our move on. Come on.
Elcin Hatun
why are you still in the palace?
Why haven' you told our
Sultan you will be going?
You need to go your own way and I my own.
I have requested to talk with
our Sultan but he wasn't available.
You can be sure I'll talk
to him soon, Terken Hatun.
I'm not keen on staying in
the same place with you either.
As you ordered, we followed EmirTaculmulk's
research in the archive. Hace Hadrath.
We collected information on what he
was researching, it's all written here.
When we'd these troubles end?
When will we reach the light?
When we find that book
bright days will
come both for our state..
and for us, Bozkus.
Don't worry, brother
Since you're saying this, you
must have something in your mind.
After we get rid of these issue
I want to get married.
I will ask for Turna's
hand from Emir llteber.
Congratulations, brother.
hope you'll get married
and become an army
with your sons and a
tribe with your daughters.
We don't know what
will happen to Arslantas
Hace is the one who protects us
Batinis are ambushing us
and as if these aren't
enough, there is a storm outside.
Khalid ibn al-Walid set out with the
army of companions to besiege Diyarbakir
one of the most powerful
strongholds of Byzantium in the east.
The city walls of Diyarbakir
were so strong that
 it was said that no army
could pass or destroy these walls.
His army of companions finally
surrounded the city of Diyarbakir.
Byzantines tried with all their
power to protect the city and the walls.
Khalid ibn al-Walid
searched for a door, a breach,
a gap in order to
infiltrate the walls for days.
He, both with hrs determination
and the grace of Allah,
he discovered a small
hole enough for only a cat.
And he said to his men
"I want a hundred men ready to sacrifice
their lives for Allah and His Messenger."
And one hundred brave men stepped forward.
Among them was Khalid
ibn al-Walid's son Suleyman.
That night.. Khalid ibn
al-Walid dreamed that
Suleyman would be
martyred during the infiltration.
Towards the morning, Suleyman and a hundred
brave soldiers infiltrated through the city walls.
There were very fierce fights.
Suleyman and his twenty-six
friends were martyred there.
Several men managed to infiltrate in there.
And they reached the gate.
They opened the gate of the city
of Diyarbakir to the army of Islam.
The glimmer of hope emitted by the
gate the soldier opened was born from
the hearts of soldiers who
went to die without blinking an eye.
There is always hope, brother.
We just need to keep believing.
Because as long as
we maintain our faith,
our bravery will be
inherited by our children
and frighten our enemies.
And that bravery we left to them
one day
will be enough to destroy our enemies.
My dear mother.
I am very happy.
Sencer wants to marry me.
However, my father says
very ugly things about him
He says it is not clear
where and when he will die.
It's okay.
I'll die with him if necessary
My father says he is from a tribe
and I'm the daughter of an Emir.
It's okay.
What's the importance of the
positions when our hearts are equal?
My beautiful mother.
Maybe you won’t be with
me on my wedding, but..
I will feel you by my side
with your wedding dress.
My Sultan.
I learned that Emir Taculmulk has
been entering the archives for some time.
I had him followed to learn his intention.
The result I reached to
is not something good.
I don't know how to convey this to you.
you need to know.
Terken Hatun is also in this.
What is Terken trying to do?
I think
she is searching for Basulu
Hatun's days after the exile
and trying to learn the
secret of your hidden son Ahmet.
How can this happen?
Only you, me and
Hayyam know about this secret.
How did she get suspicious?
One day Seferiye Hatun asked you
"Do you still meet Basulu Hatun?"
She must have been
suspicious after hearing that.
That's to be expected, my Sultan.
Since she got curious about Basulu
why didn't she come and ask me?
How can she look into the
archives without my knowledge?
She is using the power
of Head Hatun position.
If she didn't have the power
of Head Hatun position
would it be possible for
her to enter the archives?
And also, be able to hide it from you?
I will do what's necessary.
Is there any information from Sencer?
Did he find the book?
Not yet, my Sultan.
But we will hear from him
tomorrow in the latest scenario.
I went to the lodge of
Hemedani Hadrath to look for
Sencer and Arslantas.
Korkut Bey and Sencer's
mother were also there.
There, in the room.
I went to see Sencer's
mother to ask about Sencer.
But Hemedani Hadrath's
wise words made me go back.
I turned back without
speaking to his mother.
I wonder Hace
who is Sencer's mother?
I don't know who she is but
she even made my son Tapar
feel the embrace of a mother.
Tapar's eyes were shining
white talking about her.
If she was he's real mother
only then he would feel like this.
The woman who gave birth to
a brave one such as Sencer
and made my own son Tapar
feel the embrace of a mother
who is this kindhearted woman?
She is the wife of a martyr, my Sultan.
She brought her son up alone,
and made him a brave soldier.
Since she brought up an orphan
she approaches
everyone with her motherhood.
It looks like
she approached Melik
Tapar with the same feeling.
When did Sencer’s father become a martyr?
During the Berzem Siege, my Sultan.
Berzem Siege.
Look at this.
The day my destiny has changed.
The day my Basulu died
and my Ahmed was born, so
he became a martyr on that day.
You are being cornered against my moves.
First of all
you saved my son
Sencer's life.
And on our hard day, you protected us.
How are we going to thank you, sir?
Estagfurullab, Basulu Hatun
Everything happens by Haqq's will
We can only be mediators.
We wish the blessing of the guests.
Also, Sencer is jihading
for the cause of the Haqq.
You are waiting for hom.
How can we ease the burden of your heart?
This world is a world of tests
And the burdens we
carry on the path of tests
are the steps leading
towards the salvation.
For those who know
Hadrath Ibrahim
after he married to Mother Hacer.
Great Allah bestowed Hadhrat Ismail
upon them.
Sahre, who has been longing
for a child of her own for years
started to get jealous
of Hacer, for his husband
She looked for ways to keep
Hacer away from Hadhrat Ibrahim.
She wanted Hadhrat Ibrahim
to take Hacer and Ismail to.
somewhere else.
Hadrath Ibrahim, with the
message coming from Great Allah..
took Hacer and Ismail to Mecca.
and left them under
a tree, in a rural land.
Hacer went after Hadhrat Ibrahim.
And managed to catch up to him.
"Oh Ibrabim you left us in a
place where no one else comes
where are you going?"
"Did Allah order you to do so?" she asked.
Hadhrat Ibrahim said "Yes"
Hacer said "If that’s the case,
then our Allah will protect us."
"He won't make us suffer here" she said.
Hacer was breastfeeding Ismail
and make him drink
from the water they had.
When they run out of water, she got thirsty,
and she couldn't breastfeed anymore.
The kid was also thirsty.
Hacer was looking at the kid who
was suffering in pain from thirst.
She couldn't cope up with the
pain of watching him in that state
and got up.
She went to the Safa peak
in order to see someone else.
But she couldn't see anyone else.
She started running again.
She went to Marwah peak.
She looked around.
But she couldn't see anyone.
She went between the peaks 7 times.
That's why during the Hajj, hajis
run between the peaks 7 times.
When Hacer went to Merve peak again
she saw zam-zam water.
For those who are patient for
Allah's cause, and trust in Him
Allah's gift was ready.
That test was a step for Hadhrat
Ismail in the way of prophecy.
Hacer's patience is a good
example for all the mothers
who keep a secret in their hearts and
women that can stay patient in hard times.
It is a hard journey. It is not easy
to be Ibrahim
to be Hacer or Ismail.
If you are Ibrahim the fire would
be a cool place of peace for you.
If you are Hacer, your grave
will be in the House of Allah
If you are Ismail, not
even knife will cut you.
Help me, Great Imam.
We are surrounded by fire.
Our secrets will fall under enemy hands.
Our cause is about to be
eliminated from the world
Inspire our souls.
Show us the way to our Book of Secrets
Don't let the enemy have control over us.
This is the moment we need you most.
Give us your hand, don’t leave us alone.
We are devoting our blood to
you, so that you would reach us.
Where is your voice?
Where is your inspiration?
Don't let us be surrounded by fire.
Don't let our enemies
destroy us, oh, Great Imam
I am facing you with the
blood we devoted to you.
Don't let us be surrounded by fire.
Show us your face, show us
where our Book of Secrets is.
- We need your help oh, Great Imam!
- Help us, Great Imam!
- We need your help, oh, Great Imam!
- Help us, Great Imam!
Help us!
I wanted to see..
the cruel man who killed his own mother.
in the name of a deception.
My mother was on a wrong path.
She went against the Great Imam's word.
Luqman Surah, 15th verse says
"But if they pressure you to associate
with Me what you have no knowledge of
do not obey them."
The 14th verse of the same surah says
"And We have commanded
people to “honor" their parents.
Their mothers bore them
through hardship upon hardship."
Under no circumstances,
Allah would never
allow a child to kill their own mother.
How can you believe a heresy
that takes out "murder”
from the "don’t obey" list?
The faith that legitimizes this
can only be the way of the devil.
Seyduna is the shadow of the Great
Imam and that shadow never leaves us.
Then where is it?
If he is the shadow of the Great
Imam and we cannot touch him
tell me where he is.
Why are you so quiet?
Are you a coward like him?
Don't work yourself up.
That shadow will bring nothing to you.
Because our sun of truth
..has the power to beat
that invalid shadow.
Accept me by your side, Great Imam.
Accept me by your side, Great Imam.
Accept me by your side, Great Imam
Accept me by your side, Great Imam.
Hang this demon first.
Great Imam
take me to your presence!
Take him to the square.
Everyone should know
what happens to the Batinis.
Let this be an example to everyone.
Take him down.
Untie him.
would be the
greatest gift for you.
You couldn't be loyal to
our religious cause
as your brother was to his cause.
Your punishment
is to live with this
shame for your whole life.
Get out of my sight!
From now on, you neither have
a place before my presence
nor among my personal soldiers.
Send Elcin Hatun to my presence.
What happened here?
Batini soldiers must have passed here.
They have set a trap for our every step.
Apparently they are
going towards the river too.
We are getting closer to the book.
Let's go.
Where are the messenger pigeons, Sadik?
They are such messenger pigeons that
they always carry important news.
However, I don't know why
everyone are informed but us.
I was looking for the pigeons Hace Hadrath.
I’m taking over the messenger pigeons.
From now on the news
they carry will reach me first.
If I find it necessary
I will inform you too.
But how could you, Hace Hadrath?
Why not?
Are they carrying nevi's
that I shouldn't see?
Of course not, but this
would damage my reputation.
How can you have a reputation if the
state doesn't give it to you, Sabbah?
If it is necessary, we
can hurt your reputation
and even destroy it.
Are you doing this to me
because our Sultan was ambushed?
I warned you before.
I told you that I would keep an eye on you.
I didn't do anything to see if
you’ll change your behavior
But you kept being careless.
We are out of patience now.
As you Know when
we lose our patience
..our wrath becomes inevitable.
From now on, you’ll
go to your room on time.
Your room will be locked
except for those hours.
And I will keep the key.
You’ve become the
target of the Sultan's wrath.
And he will pay for
his carelessness too.
You acted in a self-ordained way.
and now you'll see how the state responds to
the people who are careless about their duties.
Stay back.
I have never come before
you with an issue like this.
However, such things
happened that
I decided to tell you
even if you may
take my head when I do.
Coming to my presence by
accepting its consequences,
is not something that
everyone dares to do.
I wonder what that important issue is.
Tell me.
I nose wno want to take
over the order of the state
 intended to kill the closest
people to you in the palace.
Those who did this are people who
are as close to you as a breath.
Now, your daring is understood.
Your words are like arrows.
This arows will either hit
you, or the ones /ou accused.
Tell me now. Whom were
the ones tried to be killed?
Seferiye Hatun
and Hace, Nizamulmulk
Both of them were tried
to be killed intentionally.
Who is the one, who did this?
Who is the one. who is
close to me as my breath?
Terken Hatun.
For we've sent Elcin
Hatun from the palace,
today is the day of victory
for you Terken Hatun.
Can I come in, Terken Hatun?
Come in.
Our Sultan expects you in his presence.
How could Sencer avoid
all of our traps? How?
He killed our servants in the inn and the
ones, who set the trap, Seyduna Hadrath.
We couldn't cope with him.
He made a blockade with
Seljuk soldiers around the river.
We can't pass through that.
And Tapar restrained Faysal in his house.
Hace Seized my pigeonp too.
Obviously, he is pushing
me into a tight corner.
And now, Sencer
He avoided all of our traps one by one.
We have been surrounded from all sides!
From all sides!
We have ever been in a difficult
situation like this, Seyuduna Hadrath
No one can surpass that blockade but us
It fell to my lot. I'll go there
and get the book personally.
How could you, Seyduna Hadrath?
Isn't it dangerous?
For I am the Head Ambassador,
I can surpass the blockade.
Otherwise, Sencer will
bring our end step by step.
If he tries to stop me,
I will also kill Sencer.
I will never let anyone get our book.
This sword will land
either your, or
Elcin Hatun's neck.
Elcin Hatun says that
you are connected with
the poisoning of my mother
and the paralysis of Nizamulmulk.
Do you have an explanation for this?
My Sultan.
What kind of slanders are these?
Do you believe the slanders
cast upon your Hatun?
You know the games Elcin Hatun played
to save her brother,
Kilicarslan, in this palace.
And now she sets this game to divert.
I'm the Head Hatun. Why should
even deign to do such things?
It will be understood if
it is slander or not now.
Finding that runner girl,
Esma, was your duty.
Elcin Hatun said she reached the
witch, who made the poison and Esma
by following your assistant, Firdevs.
If she was able to reach
them by following Firdevs
she is right in her accusations.
Elcin Hatun says she followed Firdevs.
Yet, when we arrived there with the
soldiers, Firdevs was not there, my Sultan.
There were only Elcin Hatun and people
she killed to cover up the evidences.
For you got the m why
didn't you arrest them?
Maybe, Elcin Hatun was going to run
away, after she killed her accomplices.
I brought her to the palace.
Yet, I needed your allowance to
arrest and throw her to the dungeon.
I was going to take her to your presence
but you came wounded from the war.
And Elcin Hatun obviously set
this game by exploiting this situation.
And she wants to put the blame on me.
Firdevs never leaves Elcin Hatun.
Yet, when she came with the
soldiers, why wasn't Firdevs with her?
If I didn't Firdevs, why
would I get her involve in this?
Besides, by knowing that she
is the assistant of Terken Hatun!
when this matter is over
the head of one of you will be taken.
Hold on warriors!
We've gotten closer to the river.
We are getting closer to Sencer, too!
Soon, they'll betrapped
in our death circle.
It's forbidden to pass here.
I'm the Head Ambassador, soldier.
Head Ambassador Hadrath.
What business do you have here?
I have some business on the other
side of the river. I'll handle them.
There is a certain order No one will
pass from here except the soldiers.
Even though you are the Head
Ambassador, you can't pass.
Go back now, Head
Ambassador Hadratb
I won't let you get that book.
What is this?
Who are you?
The owner of the big fish.
I've found you, before
you are taken by Seljuk.
You are caught, Hasan Sabbah.
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