Welcome to Wrexham (2022) s01e15 Episode Script


£5, please.
Thanks for waiting.
Sausage, no butter,
red sauce.
[upbeat music]
SIMON: Hi, Rob.
ROB: How are you doing, mate?
You okay?
- Very good. Yourself?
Not bad, not bad.
The games
that happened withwith
you know, later on
and that run we've been on
Oh, the run.
Yeah. Absolutely.
Is absolutely phenomenal.
Everywhere I go now,
people just talk about,
"Oh, where you from?"
"Wrexham." "Oh."
- Yeah.
- "Rob and Ryan got
the football club-
bought the football club up."
October, November,
December time,
we probably weren't
particularly happy
with how we were doing,
but this run
that we've gone on now,
everything's looking
ROB: Yeah.
PERSON: Suck balls.
We're gonna lose.
I'm telling you,
on Sunday,
they're gonna lose that game
in hand.
And Wrexham's gonna go boom.
'Cause there's been so many
twists and turns this season.
I just think there's got
to be another one.
BUDDY HOLLY [singing]:
Every day
It's a-getting closer
Going faster
than a roller coaster
Love like yours
will surely come my way
A-hey, a-hey-hey
Every day,
it's a-getting faster
Everyone said,
"Go ahead and ask her"
Love like yours
will surely come my way
A-hey, a-hey-hey
Love like yours
will surely come my way
2 1/2 minutes, one touch.
See if we can get it going.
Got to play with some
fucking energy tomorrow.
HUMPHREY: Wrexham are in
the playoffs, come what may.
Stockport currently sit
at the top of the table
by 3 points.
They've got two games left
after they play us.
We've only got one game left
after we play them,
so we can add
a maximum of 6 points.
They can add
a maximum of 9 points.
If we beat them
and they drop points
in their last two games,
we've got an opportunity
to push them
right to the wire.
No one's expecting us
to do it,
so that, in some ways,
makes it a bit easier, I think.
The underdog.
Back to being the underdogs.
How about that?
I'm excited.
I'm looking forward to it.
This is whatyou couldn't ask
for a better last home game
of the season, in a way.
If we don't win the league,
I'll miss my stag do.
[bell dinging]
And if we get
into the playoff final,
I could miss my wedding.
That's if we don't
get first spot,
which I'm very confident
we will.
If you can't get excited
about a game like this,
I don't knowwhat are you
doing in football?
[birds chirping]
[scanner beeps]
This is not good content.
FLEUR: Today, obviously,
we play Stockport at home,
which a much-anticipated game,
a huge game for us.
Very hands-on,
especially at the moment,
'cause obviously,
we're selling merchandise
for Wembley as well.
PERSON: I do all tickets
and scanners,
setting them all up,
making sure they work.
Big game, complete sellout.
Stockport could potentially
win the league here,
which we're not
going to allow to happen.
Excited, anxious, nervous.
I couldn't sleep last night,
bouncing around all morning.
We have to win.
It almost feels like
a bit of a Hollywood
potential ending to it all.
We need to get this place today
filled with Wrexham fans
as quick as we can
so no away fans try and get in.
get yourself some dinner.
I don't want to see anybody
sitting round.
After ten minutes,
I want to see
no drinking, please.
You shouldn't be drinking
at halftime.
Probably gonna have
20, 30, 40 people staying in.
So you're gonna remain steady.
So one or two of you
focus on the glasses.
One or two focus on serving.
And the rest of you
get the fridges filled,
toilets bleached and cleaned,
and then stock back up, yeah?
PERSON: Right.
Hi, lads.
Come on, Wrexham.
Don't fuck it up.
Here we go, we're off
to the Stockport game.
No mercy.
Today's match,
it is a significant one.
We expect Wrexham Town Centre
to be really busy as well.
[siren wailing]
PERSON: Today we've had
a really significant
policing operation around it.
It's what we consider
a high-risk football match.
So we have put a lot of
resource inin Wrexham today.
[crowd singing indistinctly]
PERSON: There's gonna be
more supporters, more fans.
Gonna need probably
a bigger police presence,
bigger crowds
arriving in a town
like Wrexham as well.
PERSON: I don't predict
it's gonna be
a quiet Sunday afternoon, no.
PERSON: We're flying,
providing an aerial view
of everything that's happening
on the ground,
looking at the movement
of crowds
and the movement
of police resources.
PERSON: They're expecting
the away fans to arrive
at Wrexham General Station.
[indistinct announcement
over P.A. system]
Mind the gap, please.
[crowd cheering]
PERSON: The Wrexham fans
have pushed on.
[crowd booing]
[crowd singing]
- Who wants a beer?
- Yay!
[crowd singing]
Rob and Ryan,
this is a message for you
from the best beard in Wales
to the best football club
in Wales:
come on the town!
Let's go!
This is Wrexham, this.
[crowd singing indistinctly]
Physicality, intensity,
sprint into the ball,
and make them play backwards.
Getting on top of them
all over the fucking pitch.
Don't give them a fucking inch.
Desire to stop crosses.
Defend crosses if they come in.
A real tenacity
to stop crosses.
Can we exploit
the space down the sides
of the center backs
with quality?
Can we get control of the game
with the ball and be patient?
We know how we've got to play.
[bell ringing]
Let's go and implement it.
[team cheering and clapping]
[indistinct chatter]
[crowd singing]
[indistinct chatter]
ANNOUNCER 1: The noise,
and here come the teams,
Wrexham and Stockport County.
Wrexham in the red shirts,
white shorts;
white shirts, black shorts.
It's certainly two teams
that wish to be in league one
than rather be
in the conference.
Well, I got to say,
I think both these teams
are on a very definite
upward trajectory.
And I'm fully feeling
this rivalry
will go on for a while.
Listen to that noise, guys.
Just wow.
Fasten your seat belts,
So here we go.
[dramatic music]
PHIL: You know,
we actually started
in the first 15, 20 minutes,
made mistakes.
But we very quickly got
into our stride in that game
and after that, and I thought
we just overpowered them
inin all areas
ofof the pitch.
ANNOUNCER 1: He changes angle,
finds Hosannah.
Hosannah burns past his man
from base,
tearing down the flag.
Hippolyte goes to ground
to put it out for a throw in.
ANNOUNCER 1: Here comes Tozer,
hurling it in under the bar.
[singers vocalizing]
[crowd cheering]
Ollie Palmer glancing it home.
And Wrexham take the lead
in this massive,
massive match.
PHIL: All the bits of detail
we set out sort of
came to fruition in that game.
Holds off one man.
Croasdale dispossesses,
finds Davies.
Go on!
One above with the keeper.
[crowd cheering]
Wrexham, a super goal.
Love it!
Drills it!
[announcers speaking
Oh, baby, you got me
PHIL: Mull scored
a really good goal.
And Ollie Palmer was immense.
ANNOUNCER 1: Davies and Young
go for the free kick.
Davies floats a beauty in.
It's three!
Oh, my goodness me.
[rock music]
So we could be near
the final whistle here
as he knocks it long.
[crowd cheering]
Just listen to that.
Come on!
Just listen to that.
SINGER: Oh, no,
she gave it all away
All the best today
[crowd cheering]
[crowd singing]
ANNETTE: After today,
we're top of the league.
Who'd have thought
we'd be saying that?
We're just
we're top of the league.
Although I was nervous,
every single one of them
stepped up today.
You could see how much
they wanted it.
It was just fantastic
to hear the Racecourse
back to how it used to be,
you know, bouncing,
absolutely bouncing.
[crowd singing]
Told you all
Wrexham were gonna win
this fucking league, didn't I?
And we're winning
the fucking cup.
[crowd chanting indistinctly]
SHAUN: It's a shame Rob and
Ryan couldn't be here today,
because these
are the sort of days
that they invested in the club
to be able to see.
ROB: Well, well, well.
HUMPHREY: Well, well, well.
We are top of the league.
There's a lot of very happy
people here in North Wales.
It's a great day here.
We've got, like,
lots of the players' kids
around the pitch
having a kick-around.
It's just the perfect end
to the season here.
See you guys.
The mood in the locker room
has got to be
incredibly positive.
Yeah. Yeah.
ROB: Correct? Yes.
PERSON: We won it.
The boys were good.
PHIL: Hi, Rob.
ROB: Yeah.
Enjoy that.
ROB: You've done everything
you said you were gonna do
and delivered
on every promise.
So let's go just win
this fucking league.
Simple as that.
Thanks, Rob.
- Yeah.
- Appreciate that.
PERSON: These lads have been
phenomenal all season,
so I don't know.
I've just got
a feeling in my bones
that it's just all
gearing up our way.
[uplifting music]
[crowd singing indistinctly]
We could still do this.
We could still win the league.
PERSON: [singing] Oh, parky,
do you know what he's worth
Ollie Palmer
is the best on Earth
A lucky striker
is just what we need
Ollie Palmer's
the best on Earth.
PERSON: After being defeated
at Wrexham,
Stockport County have won
their second-to-last game
and moved back
into first place.
In order to earn
automatic promotion,
Wrexham must win
their final game of the season
and Stockport
must lose theirs.
Any other result
consigns Wrexham
to the dreaded playoffs.
ROB: Our biggest game
for a while, isn't it?
Goodness me.
Well, obviously, we've got
to go to Dagenham and win
and hope that Stockport
lose at home to Halifax.
So I think it's a big ask,
but I think, uh
I think we can do it.
I think we've got
to be positive.
And, uh, I think
we'll be celebrating
with, um, possibly a barbecue.
Wrexham supporters
have always been
behind the team.
Uh, but we never quite made it
and never really felt
like we were gonna get motion.
But this time is different.
PERSON: How far we've come
this season, the progress
everything's been
sort of like a fairy tale.
PERSON: We've been down here
for 14 years,
so it's time we went up.
Yeah, up the town,
up the town.
PEOPLE: [singing]
He plays in red and white
He's fucking dynamite
We've got Super Paul Mullin
I've not known the town
buzz like this for years.
And it's all down
to the football club, for sure.
JASON: There's just
that sense of something's
happening that things
are coming together,
and that really is fantastic.
PERSON: It's something
to really, really
look forward to,
uh, 5:00 tomorrow,
Sunday, and see that
let's get in there
and show them how it's done.
AARON: For the last two weeks,
I've been doing nothing,
just, like, coming in, icing,
doing this every day.
So I got to do this every day
just to try and keep my bulk.
The Weymouth away is where,
uh, I did my hammy,
my tendon, my hamstring.
Toz played me a pass,
and I opened out to run.
And I just felt a sharp, like,
pain in my hamstring.
It wasn't a pop or anything,
which is great,
'cause nothing went.
But it's just, like,
a micro tear,
but it was actually
in the tendon that got tore.
So the tendon tore,
and I just knew
I couldn't go on after that
'cause the pain was sharp.
And then at first
when the injury happens,
you're just thinking
you hope it's not bad.
Then obviously,
he told me what it was.
And then at that point,
I was just thinking
my season's over
and I can't help the boys.
[indistinct chatter]
Took a while to sink in.
[indistinct chatter]
[light music]
ANNETTE: So today we're off to
the last game of the season.
We're going
to Dagenham & Redbridge.
I am nervous, to be honest.
We've got four hours
until we get there,
four and a bit,
but I am excited,
and I do think we're
definitely gonna go up.
PERSON: Wrexham!
CROWD: Wrexham!
Wrexham! Wrexham!
Wrexham! Wrexham!
[horn honks]
I've said since Christmas,
we're gonna win the league.
It's just a really good time
to be a Wrexham fan.
Is it too early to drink?
[rhythmic clapping]
What the hell are you doing?
Uh, I'm working out
my anxiety through, uh,
body movements.
[dramatic music]
PERSON: We've got two hours
and seven minutes,
not that I'm counting.
PERSON 1: If the Hollywood
ending happens today
To Wrexham. Cheers.
We'll do it again.
SHAUN: The fact we're here,
the challenge today
is actually what we were
seeking to try and achieve
at the outset of the season.
To Halifax.
[speaking indistinctly]
To Wrexham.
You know, and it's a credit
to everybody involved
that we got ourselves
into this position.
And, uh, we've got
90 minutes away
from, uh, our destiny
being known.
CROWD: Wrexham! Wrexham!
Wrexham! Wrexham! Wrexham!
[crowd chanting indistinctly]
Good luck.
We're all behind you.
OLLIE: A horrible
wet, windy away day
with a great set of lads
with a great
bunch of fans traveling.
I knew what I signed up to.
I knew why I came here.
That's to get
this football club
and give this town
something to cheer about.
ANNOUNCER 1: Good afternoon
from the final league game
of the National League season.
All comes down to this.
The equation is quite simple.
Wrexham have
to win their game.
And it's all eyes on Stockport
in their game against Halifax.
Even if Halifax doesn't win,
we're still somewhere, right?
Then we get the tournament.
- Yeah.
And we're underway
at the Chigwell Construction
Paul Mullin
was not intercepted.
He's on his own, though.
ANNOUNCER 2: Well, Mullin
hits it low, just wide.
He's still in the middle.
Ollie Palmer at the back post.
He was just forced
away from goal.
Oh, Stockport scored.
Goal at Stockport,
not the news Wrexham wanted.
PERSON: You could literally
hear it pass round the crowd.
Stockport scored early.
Obviously, the result,
the scoreline,
filtered around
the Dagenham stadium.
PAUL: Not many people get
to deal with pressure in life.
And to have to do it every
week is, um, quite strange.
You sort of get used to it,
but obviously, it intensifies
as the season goes on.
[crowd cheering]
If, in the game of football,
all the players looked as if
they had no energy at all,
there's some reason for that.
[indistinct] to punch it away,
and that's it.
Halftime, nil-nil.
70 fucking percent.
It's 70% for me, right?
So two things
as a team, right, listen,
we're coming off this fucking
pitch in the second half.
And we're gonna
fucking put a shift in.
We're gonna work
our fucking bollocks off,
right, out of possession.
And then we're gonna play.
You're fucking tired.
You're not pushing yourself
hard enough.
Football's fucking hard.
That's what it is.
If we have to carry you
off the pitch after 98 minutes,
we will carry you
off the pitch.
Get up against the man
you're playing against
and be better than him.
Be better than
the center half, Ollie,
you and Mulls.
Get in the fucking box
when the cross is out.
Be better than the man
you're playing against,
and you'll win this
fucking game, all right?
PHIL: Come on, boys.
- Fucking come on, then.
Come on. Come on.
STEVE: If Mulls and Ollie are
closing, then we back them up.
PERSON: [singing]
Wrexham, we do
We love you, Wrexham, we do
We love you, Wrexham,
we do
Oh, Wrexham, we love you
Come on, Wrexham!
PERSON: Go get him, JJ!
Come on, come on, come on.
[tense music]
ROB: Jeez.
PERSON: Uh-oh.
They're just all over us.
Bryce is in on his right foot.
He hits it. He's in.
[crowd cheering]
And that's been coming,
and with 55 minutes
on the clock.
Dagenham battered us,
basically, you know?
The back post, McCallum, goal.
[crowd cheering]
It wasn't good enough.
We all knew
it wasn't good enough.
ANNOUNCER 1: See McCallum
lays off to Robinson,
3-nil, and it just gets worse
and worse for Wrexham.
[singers vocalizing]
AARON: Yeah, it's tough
to watch from the sideline
this team not performing,
you know?
But I can't say nothing 'cause
I'm not playing, you know?
PAUL: I think, leading up
to that game, there
there was no talk that we could
possibly lose the game.
There was all talk
that we were gonna
we were gonna win the game.
As a squad, we probably
got carried away with that.
[crowd chanting indistinctly]
[whistle blows]
Wrexham's regular season
ends in a 3-nil away defeat
to Dagenham & Redbridge.
Phil Parkinson's side
finish second in the
Vanarama National League.
All right, well,
let's go get it.
Let's go get it at Wembley.
Andand let's go get it
at Wrexham.
And let's go get it again
in, uh, West Ham.
Yeah, exactly.
ROB: All right. Talk soon.
- All right.
I love that the fans
are still behind them.
[crowd chanting indistinctly]
[somber music]
JORDAN: It's hard,
because I never want
to let the fans down.
I wanted to give
the people of the town
exactly what they deserve
for all theirtheir passion
andand their following.
[crowd singing indistinctly]
PHIL: It is a great honor
to be on the touchline
with support like that.
You know, thethe fans
were outstanding for us,
but they have been all season.
Today they knew
that Stockport were winning.
They knew that the lads
looked as if
the stuffing had been knocked
out of them a little bit.
And they kind of
understood that
and gave the lads
amazing support,
as they've done all season.
And, you know,
it's aa great privilege
to be the manager
on the touchline
in front of those supporters.
And, you know, we've got
a great opportunity now
to finish this season
in style.
[crowd singing indistinctly]
RYAN: When Rob dragged me
into this insanity,
I think that the most common
thing we heard was,
"Why Wrexham?"
ANNOUNCER 1: Not one Wrexham
fan has left the stadium.
They're not gonna let
this team leave
without showing them
what this season has meant.
That question was answered,
I mean, so many times
throughout the season,
but I think that's why.
[crowd singing indistinctly]
[uplifting music]
[child giggles, seagull cries]
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