When the Devil Calls Your Name (2019) s01e15 Episode Script

Episode 15

When The Devil Calls Your Name
It was an irresistably sweet temptation.
It might have been an opportunity or luck which was not related to me.
In any case, I thought I wouldn't be able to get the best contract a second time.
- Don't do it!
- Ruin!
Why? Are you sad because your hobby and collection are flying away?
Then kill me. I said kill me.
Now there's no way
for those souls to return.
Episode 15
Sir. Sir, what''s the matter?
Sir, are you all right?
There was only one thing I wanted from you.
Become like an eave to me.
The kind of eave that if it rained, I could go under for a while for respite.
But what got rid of the eave wasn't me but you.
Don't interfere in my life anymore.
Notice to Seo Dong Cheon: Your ten-year contract expires in 9 days.
Notice to Seo Dong Cheon: Your ten-year contract expires in 9 days.
Now I must surrender my soul.
So what's going on with the conpany?
Don't be concerned. Now it's none of your business.
If I have no business well
PD Ha. what's wrong with me?
If it was Soul Entertainment which kept me tied up, I'm out of there now.
Shouldn't I feel free now?
Then, why am I so frustrated?
You just came out.
You still think that you haven't escaped.
If that's so, what happens in the future to the souls who escaped from here?
They will wander here and there in the world, following the wind.
You said now there is no way for them to return.
But as for the souls you locked up here,
did you intend someday to return the souls to their owners?
But if you locked them up, aren't those souls free now?
Does thinking that make you feel better? Then so be it.
Wouldn't you know? What happens to the souls fluttering in the wind?
Right now they are motes of dust flying in the wind.
Am I asking what's happening to them?
If I were asked, my answer would be I don't know
and I don't care.
Although to you the soul of such a human can't even be dust,
that soul which can't even be dust
is a soul precious to someone.
Such a soul, which if hurt, will be heartbroken together, and if not together, will be unable to live.
Wasn't it you who released such precious souls?
I got a call from the hospital and came from there.
Someone left Ji Seo Yeong unconscious in front of the emergency room.
You have one too, don't you? That kind of soul which is precious to you.
Don't stop me. This woman is dying.
Please, it's a request.
The will of God is enforced.
It's a request. I, Ryoo, am requesting a favor.
Damn God's will!
I will do as he wants. Please.
Don't block me just this once.
If you are testing me again, does it mean I am still your child?
Do you want to be called God who extends a merciful hand to a person with goodwill?
Do you still think you won the bet with God?
It's still not over.
Although it's a sample, I would like you to take one as a souvenir.
I've autographed the back.
Is it for money?
Lee Choong Ryeol
Is your Montenegro business not going well?
Montenegro? The thing fell apart in their parliament.
Damn it. Although I brought the prime minister's wife here,
she hasn't been useful.
Her damn kid Luca is suffering from a chronic illness,
and he's always whining that he's sick. Unlucky and a headache.
The album will be released the day after tomorrow and Harib's plagiarism will be revealed
Hey, isn't that fun?
Choong Ryeol, do you know why I sold my soul?
Because of overwhelming greed.
Yes, it was greed. I thought it was unfair.
The song "This is Love" which I threw away in the trash bin a long time ago.
I scribbled it saying I was trying to make money,
but my pride wouldn't let me release it, so I threw it away.
You, who dealt with music as an accessory,
succeeded after you picked it up even after I left.
I believed in my music.
I thought someday people would understand my sincerity.
That's how music has been everything to me all of my life.
You still think you are better than me.
I was desperate. I was over fifty.
There was nothing I was responsible for.
You already had a lot of things and were continuing to do well.
That made me miserable so
Were we in the army when I first met you?
Seo Dong Cheon, I loved your music so much.
Although it was me who asked to enter the College Song Festival,
I was so thankful and happy when you said yes.
If I was singing with you, I thought I could play music as well as you.
But even though we were together,
I found I wasn't as good as you and couldn't keep up with your toenails.
But it was okay because I sang better than you did.
Because I was so popular.
Well, my looks too.
But then, you looked down on everything about me.
You're a musician
and you despised me calling me an accessory.
Do you know what's more important to people than rice?
It's pride.
You sneered at me. The look in your eyes
was what drove me crazy.
But, are you saying you sold your soul for me?
Seo Dong Cheon did that? Did you come now because of me?
Let me ask one question.
Have you ever once, just once
thought of me as your friend?
I see.
Choong Ryeol.
I'm sorry.
Crazy son of a bitch.
Damn. Crazy thing.
But now because you show up with a youthful appearance, what? Are you blaming me?
- What are you doing, bastard? Get out of here.
Choong Ryeol, I will apologize sincerely.
I am sorry for looking down on you and hurting you.
I was wrong. It's all my fault.
I don't care what happens to me, but
let's leave Seo Yeong and Yi Gyeong alone.
You too, your soul---
Ah, this bastard keeps disrespecting me.
There's no one here to take your disrespect.
Rude young punk.
Please, I am asking, Mr. CEO, Lee Choong Ryeol.
Tell Ji Seo Yeong to get treatment this time. Taking that much medication
She can't be in her right mind.
Hey, Lee Choong Ryeol.
How dare you call an elder's name.
Get lost, bastard.
Our pretty (youngest) Ra In child
No one talks to me. They hate me. They say I can't act.
When was I so terrible?
What else can I do? I even sold my soul for it.
Oppa. I think I got swindled by that bastard.
I want to be a good actress. If I can't act then just teach me.
They are just going to ditch me. Now CEO Ji is not there anymore.
Ra In.
I am the lead but I barely get two scenes in an episode.
What do I do?
Ra In. Give me your hand.
I got your soul back.
Now you can put your soul into your acting.
Don't get fooled in the future.
Do you think I am an idiot? So annoying.
A way to return the soul taken.
Will there be such a way?
Mr. CEO.
What do we do?
Where is Gyeong now?
She is at the studio.
What do you want me to do about it? Should I cry my heart out?
- Yi Gyeong.
- I thought I wouldn't see you again.
If your soul disappears, your inspiration disappears, too.
Like this broken guitar string.
Inspiration? I don't need things like that.
I can be the best with what I've got now.
That's what I thought, too. Tears, emotion and inspiration.
I thought it wasn't important then.
If my tears don't flow, that's even better. Emotion?
I don't need things like that.
You've been writing amazing songs all this time and you can write more beautiful songs,
- as long as your soul is returned—
- I thought I told you to butt out of my business.
You must remember. You were the type who just wanted to share your music with people.
How would you know? Did you ever hear people curse you saying you are jinxed and dirty in your life?
I am going to succeed. Being the strongest is the best.
You won't be able to create new songs now, and your songs won't be like before.
People who are passionate about you, they soon will throw daggers at you.
I am going to succeed.
Of course, you can't hear me now, but Gyeong.
Your songs don't have tears now, and your songs don't have soul.
Forget about it. What were you thinking when I told you I was not interested in music yet you dragged me into it?
Did you pity me? Did you think you can just use me and you can get out?
I was wrong.
What were you thinking when
I told you I missed you so much?
Anyway, you were just going to put me on top and drop me.
Feelings from a kid like me didn't matter to you?
It's not much selling a soul.
You just won't be able to cry.
I heard human will very seldom comes back without the soul.
It's here.
Stay out of my sight.
Our existence isn't that futile, is it?
They are here. The souls which flew to the sky are lingering around us.
If they are lingering around us,
then wouldn't there be a way to return her soul, too?
♫ The day we first met coincidentally ♫
♫ Did our warm memories reach each other? ♫
♫ Perhaps we are ♫
♫ Perhaps you are ♫
♫ In my ended dream ♫
♫ living there? ♫
♫ Your familiar voice ♫
♫ Did we ever meet before? ♫
♫ I want to ask you ♫
♫ You make me the colors of light ♫
I must write a song before my soul disappears.
My last song.
My sister Gyeong sacrificed herself again.
I was too scared then and
lacked courage. I was too selfish to my family.
I told everything, the truth the way it is.
My poor kids.
I am sorry.
I am sorry.
Tiger Pharmaceutical, not found as charged. Not guilty.
- Please save my father.
- You sold it for a pocket change?
Will the dead come back alive?
I am sorry. Please someone save me!
The box.
Right the box.
While not knowing what grade one is, you asked me to bring you a grade=one soul.
Do you have any inkling of why Yi Gyeong is a grade-one soul?
Goryeo Daily
Kelly's Brother Mr. Kim Confesses
Ten Years Ago I Committed a Serious Crime
She's just an ordinary human being.
Try looking now at that child who doesn't have a soul.
Her dreams, instincts, and desires are the same as anyone's.
But what makes Yi Gyeong a grade-one soul
If you are calling grade-one soul for a good soul,
good to everyone in the world.
like a wind that blows in and blows away, I don't think that soul exists.
But I do thing a soul which is good for each person exists for everyone.
Like the soul, if it disappears, you hurt.
The kind of soul if you think it's not with you, you hurt unbearably.
A grade-one soul doesn't exist in the world.
But the soul precious to one does exists.
That's the reason why Yi Gyeong was a grade-one soul to me.
Because it hurts so much when she's not by me, like these people.
Kelly's brother confess
Your interpretation is better than the dream.
I, and the person who calls himself God,
are very cruel.
He was always like that.
He pretended like he's merciful cruelly.
You still think you won the bet with God, right?
The way I see it, you've lost it already.
Is this it?
Super Baby Food Ingredient Analysis Results Report
Super Baby Food Ingredient Analysis Results Report
you should be able to start it.
But I can't predict the result either.
I thank you anyway.
She's terrible in the drama.
I guess we should continue like that, right? Whether it's ham acting or acting with her hands.
The truth is I wanted to discard her.
I planned not to renew her contract next year.
But Ra In is not an idiot.
She learned the trade from age 15 in this field.
Bring them on. I'll show them who Joo Ra In is!
That's a relief.
It is
What about Yi Gyeong?
I really thought this was the end.
So why don't I feel this is the end?
If you just accept it as is, there won't be any regret.
You did your best.
- Did I?
- Of course.
I should do my best, right?
Face it straight on and accept it as it is.
No one is in front of me, but
someone is crying.
Even my tears are welling up.
But I don't know the reason.
You don't have to know the reason.
Just cry if you want to cry.
I don't know the reason, but I want to give a hug to you,
the person in front of me.
The way I see it, you've lost it already.
Yi Gyeong proves it.
She sacrificed her soul not for herself but for someone else.
So the humans are neither selfish nor despicable like you think.
That's why there's a human who can understand an evil like you.
I had a dream.
A dream of flying in the sky.
There was an angel.
This isn't Mo Tae Kang's heart but my own.
This is my soul.
Was I also always like this?
Who would have told me that I have such a heart which pounds because of love?
Who was the person who told me this? Where is that person?
I can't remember.
Why aren't you uploading it?
It's the agency's position on PD Harib's plagiarism.
Kelly, this really isn't right.
- We have no solid evidence.
- I am the evidence.
You haven't even had your father's funeral. Must we do this now?
If you do, your debut is the payment for covering up the plagiarism.
I am not asking to talk about my story now.
I am asking to write an article about Harib's plagiarism.
Link my original song along with the song Harib claims he wrote.
I am not taking sides but this is not beneficial to you or the company.
Soul Entertainment is on the news every day.
People are getting tired of it.
If you really want to do it, let's wait a bit.
If you do it now, it will have an adverse effect on the public sympathy for you.
I didn't ask your opinions.
- Proceed.
- No.
I'll ask the CEO.
CEO who?
I am paying your salaries.
Either you do as told or get out.
It's true my father did wrong to you.
But you know it was all devil's play.
Are you on your father's side, too?
After knowing his true colors?
I want you to get your song back, too.
But don't you think it'll hurt you? You wanted to forget everything, didn't you?
If that's what you want, then I'll help.
But even if you get your song back,
unless you continue to publish good music,
from the top where you desperately wanted to be,
you will come down in an instant.
No. I'm not ever coming down from the top.
Notice: Seo Dong Cheon. Your ten-ear contract has 5 days left.
It won't happen the way you want.
I started this and I'll end this as well.
Kim Dae Sang
Is it the kind of soul which if it disappears, your heart breaks?
Like a soul if it disappears, you hurt.
The kind of soul that if you think it's not with you, you hurt unbearably.
It's precious to me.
You are quite foolish and selfish.
Is your conscience clear now that you babbled like that?
Do you feel a bit righteous now?
Did you think I'd appreciate it for cutting off that sickening shackle?
But I got a new shackle now.
A murderer's daughter.
I am so grateful to you and Mom.
- Yi Gyeong—
- Now you are on your own.
Don't stand in my way.
What are you trying to do? What do you want me to do with these old songs?
If you come to think you can't write songs anymore, use this and sing.
Even if it's anyone's song, if you sing it, it will be good. No. It's your song now.
Do you want me to do the same as you did?
That's simple, Ahjussi.
Just as a crowd gathers to hear you sing,
they will love your song.
You must remember that. If you sing that song continuously,
you can be remembered.
Well, I'm not insisting you have to sing this song.
As you say, sing for the sake of success.
Don't ever give up. Don't let the music somehow slip away.
Somehow, you must sing.
You did it twice in the past. There was a tip that you plagiarized Kelly's song.
And there are many other songs.
If you verified it,
you may publish the article.
In the entertainment industry recently, articles about Soul Entertainment regularly appear.
Kelly's father died, her mother was arrested, and
her brother confessed. In a situation like this, it's hard for me to do.
Then. Reporter Im, can you give me some time?
So that I can clean it up personally.
Okay. Good thinking.
When you came to Korea, you had made up your mind to meet your father.
I'm talking about when you came to Korea.
When you met your father,
what was the first thing you wanted to do?
I'll do it for you.
I'm sorry. This is cheap and it tips over at the slightest touch.
- Please be careful.
- Yes.
Can we do it now?
♫ I'm alone in the street which you left deserted.
♫ I can't see your beautiful smile
♫ You who were the desert's sweet water
♫ The soft voice which made me laugh
♫ I'm the only one who knew everything as it was
♫ The streetlight shines on unhappy me.
♫ Come back to me.
♫ Hurry back dear.
♫ Before another season comes.
So cool!
♫ No one can achieve it. ♫
♫ Even if you run closer and closer toward the front ♫
♫ it seems like you can't even get halfway there ♫
♫ I'm already standing in tne gloomy darkness ♫
Mom. Let's go to Dad together.
To Montenegro.
♫ Somewhere in my dream of wanting to fly ♫
♫ How far far away ♫
- Yes. Shall we go together?
- Yes.
♫ must I go to find it? ♫
I'm giving this to you instead of Kelly.
I wanted to give it to her but she wouldn't accept it.
♫ Don't turn and look back. ♫
♫ Come back to me. ♫
♫ just with a gesture ♫
Why do you keep calling me out?
What's the matter with you?
I'm reducing my caffeine intake because I'm thinking about my health.
You're doing all sorts of things for someone whose ending day is soon.
The end.
- Is it?
- The last day for you and for me.
In a few days, I'm becoming a soulless demon.
But what will happen to you? Does God just get pissed off and put you into a fiery ball?
That's incineration. As for me, I'll be dispersed.
I have one question.
The people who got their souls back,
did they end up very miserable?
No, not at all.
Most of the humans I saved are living well in a very high place like there.
It wasn't salvation, it was seduction.
They fill their pockets with taxpayer's money,
commit rape, bribery, drug abuse, embezzlement,
pollute the river with toxins, and no matter what crimes they commit,
from that high place, they don't ordinarily come down.
Even if they pretend to come down, they climb straight back up.
While they are making a clean sweep wherever there is money and power,
there are insects that co-exist with them.
Because the rest of us are not their concern,
they disregard, forget, or live acting like they are not aware of us.
Even if they don't have to invoke the devil's power,
it's the secret of their being self-sustaining for generation after generation.
I'm not trying to re-assure you.
Whatever you do, both you and the child will live a good life.
People don't care about other people's souls.
Who's coming to collect my soul?
Will you just whack, and it will disappear?
That's a mystery.
What's going to happen to you?
Incineration, no, dispersion, do you just disappear?
Everything disappears. Gone completely and for eternity.
- When?
It's unknowable.
It's a freaking event.
But then, even so, does he do that? It's so mean-spirited.
Did you think God was benevolent?
If he were benevolent, why would He test pathetic humans?
If he were benevolent,
why would he send stupid humans who admit to doing something stupid to hell?
A benevolent being who pushes devils and the like
into the human world to tempt humans as they please.
God is either not benevolent or is a being who is doing as He pleases.
- Let me ask you a favor.
- No.
Just one favor. Because you are going to disappear
and I'm going to be a devil. Just one favor.
I have neither the power nor the will anymore to do anything for you.
Furthermore, our contract is already out of my hands.
Just one.
Luca, I'm sorry you're leaving.
I feel that way too.
It's out. It's out.
Liver and Gallbladder's album is officially out.
Yes, yes, take one each as a souvenir.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
Liver and Gallbladder
Love is an eave
Hey, didn't the picture turn out well?
Oh, what is this?
Love is an eave. Music and lyrics by Seo Dong Cheon?
It's real.
Weren't the music and lyrics of "Love is an Eave" composed by you?
Is there something wrong?
Crazy bastard.
Hey, "music and lyrics by Seo Dong Cheon"? Are you shining me on?
What typographical error?
What a freaking asshole!
I came to see you today.
You're not welcome. Get out.
Ah, that, you're busy.
Work hard.
- How is it going?
- Did you say he was an old friend?
Even so, we should put together a gift. Shall we do something?
No. A gift.
No, not this. What is this?
Who did you hear that shit from?
Hey, I said let go.
Don't you know who I am?
To suffer the same, is that it?
You're a wicked person. It's lovely.
Let's go to my house and have a drink.
It's the final apology I can make to Choong Ryeol.
He might not accept it.
An apology, my foot. Please smile.
Here. It's a gift from a friend. Ta da.
Music and lyrics by Seo Dong Cheon.
I don't appreciate it one bit, you devil.
I'm leaving tomorrow.
This is my dad's note.
He wrote this song a long time ago.
And so?
Take it.
Dad said that. He said you need this.
Do well.
But. that's my clothing.
Please just give it as a gift. You have fringing many clothes.
I don't know if I can be back on the trial bench again.
Well. I guess we should leave that to heaven.
Yes. Best of luck.
I'm grateful for all you did, sir.
Judge Jeong In Seok.
Bye, Kang Ha.
Are you moving?
I can't revoke it. Altering it is also impossible.
I can't even die.
I must be erased.
I must disappear.
Forever, I must be erased.
Notice to Seo Dong Cheon
Your ten-year contract has 5 days left.
This is the end.
At least take a small bag. What if you lose it?
- Take good care of it.
- Okay.
- Call me as soon as you arrive.
- Okay.
Luca. When you get there
My dad
My dad, Seo Dong Cheon may not have been an extraordinary person,
but he was still a good father to me.
I'm sure of it. Because all fathers are good.
He was probably desolate.
He probably felt like he was in an endless tunnel.
That must be why he let us leave.
So he could get us out of the hopelessness.
So he suffered in the hopelessness alone.
I think I did a good thing coming to Korea.
Even though I couldn't find my father, I found you.
Hyung. Can I hug you once?
Farewells always approach us with uncertainty.
Because there is no perfect farewell,
We were afraid of our goodbyes. And because we never imagined the frightful goodbyes,
we feel pain in our uncertain goodbyes.
Bye, Dad.
Bye, my son.
This is an announcement.
Flight to France 262 3453
Passengers taking this flight, please come to gate 31 now.
Because we know fear comes from imagination,
we don't imagine farewells.
Will you, by any chance, meet Seo Dong Cheon?
No, I don't think so.
If you perhaps do, could you pass this on?
Don't feel too hurt.
He wasn't that bad a person to us.
At one point, I relied on him and loved him,
and I now have my wonderful Luca.
Also I was sorry.
If I'd had a little more courage,
I wouldn't have left him to be hurting alone.
I'm really sorry.
I was so sorry.
Don't feel sorry.
Seo Dong Cheon would've regretted it.
He hated his pathetic self so much,
he was so embarrassed,
he couldn't stand confidently.
He would've regretted it,
and he would've been endlessly sorry.
And you, well
You raised Luca so well.
Our farewell which had chosen fear instead of pain, became an imperfect farewell.
So it became a sad farewell.
Don't cry.
You will pull through.
Goodbye, Dear.
You've lived well so courageously.
♫ All things must pass ♫
♫ Both the long long roads ♫
♫ and the unfamiliar tomorrow ♫
♫ Will they all pass? ♫
♫ Over the days ♫
♫ even my dreams will seem to be ♫
♫ slowing down ♫
Do you remember the Super Baby Food incident
of 2016?
Yesterday, the Department of Justice suddenly received an
application from the civic groups related to the case.
Developed by "T" Pharmaceuticals, one year after release
(Superbaby Foods Case retried in court after 3 years)
there were reports that harmful substances were left in the bodies.
Now the battle for truth begins.
With the emergence of consumers claiming damages
this case is causing a stir among the public.
this case is causing a stir among the public.
The trial of the case which eventually led
Where are you?
The cellphone is personal information
It's not Tiger Pharmaceutical but Soul
In the ten years we've known each other, we're sitting down like this for the first time.
Wow, I'm drinking with the devil bastard. I'm doing all sorts of things.
Due to the slight complications,
our friendship deepened. Should we celebrate?
Slight complications?
Friendship, my foot.
Your personality.
That is your charm. I'll miss you.
Don't miss me. Ever.
Anyway, I wonder how Lee Choong Ryeol is doing.
This is it. The one thing in my perfect life I missed.
Call this number if you'd like to be a celebrity.
Why didn't this god-like term exist in my time?
I'll start again in this body. There's nothing I can't do.
Wait, how do I claim the assets I saved this whole time?
Isn't there any way?
Accept my heart.
I only see your name. I'm sad too.
Damn it.
Making a face won't solve your problems.
I don't want them to be solved, I'm thinking.
- About what?
- If I lose my soul and become a devil,
how should I change the world?
Aggressiveness. That's also a trait those without souls have.
What is it? What do you want? Say it.
So, that thing, you know
Luca! There you go again.
You scared me. Get rid of that temper of yours.
Nothing will happen to Luca.
It better not. Don't even say the "Lu" from Luca.
When did I say Lu? You said it first.
It's like the calm before the storm.
Because in between your moments of steely composure, determination appears, I'm wary.
You're going to be incinerated and feels wary.
I'm going extinct.
There is definitely something.
My son, whom I've only met once,
and my songs that were never released to the world.
I guess that was my stupid attachment.
So I hung onto you pathetically like a fool.
I became obsessed over the soul I thought was insignificant.
You feel attachment because you imagine it.
Yeah, imagine. Imagine fun things, imagine happy things,
imagine scary things, imagine miserable things.
So I couldn't throw away my attachment and became obsessed.
Don't all humans live like that?
Not all humans do, you devil bastard.
Gosh. That short temper.
So, what about that attachment?
We're not close enough for you to be my life coach.
Lee Choong Ryeol
That crazy devil bastard!
What's that bastard's phone number?
Are you really crazy?
Since you two are guarantors, I am letting him go with a warning.
Tell Lee Choong Ryeol he'll have to come and make a statement.
- Yes, sir.
- Yes, sir.
Yes, we'll make sure to tell him.
I guess you aren't that happy.
I don't like that I lost my money.
Forget it, just turn me back to normal.
He said to turn him back to normal.
That is actually not a simple task.
Listen carefully, Lee Choong—
- Wait, hold on.
- No.
- What?
- You shut up.
Just once. Once.
You must take a crap if you want to go back to your past look.
You have to empty out everything inside.
I'm going to return.
After you emptied, you know the drill of elephant nose, right?
Ten sets of 20. You must spin properly.
You can't let go of your hand holding your nose. Never.
I've done it.
Then wet your hands with clean water and
shake over your head. Like baptism.
What is this? You son of—!
You dirty devil bastard!
You are not that easy either.
Should I say you were born with devilish talent.
I really don't get it.
Choong Ryeol likes money better than youth.
It seems very interesting, about the bet between God and the devil.
Ah, okay.
This is the life. Youth is not needed.
Money is the best. Right?
In light of the overall investigation up to now,
there's a concern about destruction of evidence,
the reason to detain the defendant has merit.
I'm out.
Lee Choon Ryeol, you are arrested for
professional negligence which led to serious injury, product liability,
false advertising,
violation of the Act on Aggravated Punishment of Specific Economic Crimes and fraud.
You have the right to remain silent and the right to obtain an attorney.
- Let's go.
- Who sent you, bastard?
You are a devil, right? Did Mo Tae Kang send you?
Why do you keep picking on me?!
No, I can't.
I am nothing now.
Only you can do it.
Turn everything back to the way it was.
I am asking this as my last favor.
Why do you keep following me?
You are just on my path.
Just go after Seo Yeong.
Give me a ride.
Get in.
What did god try to show me?
What did he want to show me
for him to give that kind of authority to a devil?
Perhaps, both you and I were
just figures in the game.
You still don't think you haven't lost yet?
There's one thing I still can't understand. When Luca died,
God had already retracted the bet with me.
Why did He leave the contract placed before Yi Gyeong alone?
Now a devil cannot make a soul deal with a human. Yes, that's what happened.
I guess God wanted to mess up with you.
He probably wanted to prove that He was right.
That ugly stubbornness.
I may not be the victor,
but God, who provoked me to start that game, is not the victor either.
So is the devil bastard happy?
Can't tell.
Though I made a suggestion, I didn't start this game.
You are just a crazy devil bastard.
You are not that normal either.
I know.
If the souls that lost their owners are wandering around,
the owners' desperation, the owners
could perhaps call them back in?
There you go again with vain hope.
Humans must have hope in order to live.
You've got three days left now?
Four days.
Four days. Must be nice.
Four lines. Why were there 4 lines to fill in the contract?
First wish, to save my son. They might have done it.
Now you are catching on.
I know it's your strategy.
But it was all due to my desires.
My desires from my son to riches then reputation.
Then it got bigger to my youth.
In the end, I changed into a me who was not me
On my own.
The desire gets bigger as you get more opportunities.
If my soul disappears now,
my desires will grow on their own without me knowing and I become a monster to
a point that I can't handle.
No, I probably don't even think about handling it.
Get lost!
Murdering bastard get out of here!
Farewells always approach us with uncertainty.
I think this is from Luca.
Put it over there.
Because there's no perfect goodbye, we fear our goodbyes.
Because we never imagined frightful goodbyes, we feel pain in our goodbyes.
Kelly, please take a look.
Yi Gyeong, I am always cheering you.
Thank you.
Like the soul, if it disappears, you hurt.
The kind of soul if you think it's not with you, you hurt unbearably.
This question, answer it with five letters.
Precious to me.
♫ Oh baby, I don't want to take it no more.
♫ Cold temperature and pain with the edge up.
♫ Can you hear it? I am here at the cold ocean.
♫ Baby I'm falling. Baby I'm falling.
♫ This familiar darkness.
♫ Did it swallow my everything?
♫ Leave it alone to subside.
♫ Baby I am falling. Baby I am falling. ♫
♫ I take it no more so breathe like dry rose.
♫ I can't hear anything.
♫ I take it no more so breathe like dry rose.
♫ If this is a dream, wake me up.
♫ I can't see no more.
♫ Baby I'm falling, Baby I'm falling.
♫ I can't see no more.
♫ Baby I'm falling, Baby I'm falling.
♫ Everything I've been dreaming are drifting away.
♫ Like the white foam that disappears.
Child, it hurts when I see you and I'm regretful. And I miss you.
♫ Baby I'm falling. Baby I'm falling.
At last, I feel regretful about you.
At last, I feel pain about you.
At last, I miss you.
Me long time ago, us in the past,
♫ Take it no more so
And us in the future.
♫ I can't hear anything.
There was a person who could've been my eaves.
I should've acknowledged it.
If you aren't beside me
a hurt soul can exist in me.
I was so foolish. I was so stupid.
My soul that is the most precious to me.
Until I can greet your returning soul
♫ I take it no more so breathe like dry rose.
♫ I can't hear anything.
♫ I take it no more so breathe like dry rose.
♫ If this is a dream, wake me up.
♫ I can't see no more.
♫ Baby I'm falling. Baby I'm falling.
♫ I can't see no more.
I can't even die.
If I stay still, I'll become a devil-like human.
What is my punishment? Is it extinction?
Could be.
I will get you weak guys out of those restraints.
It's not my forgiveness.
It's not because I pity you either. I am just exhausted.
Collecting your soul is my last assignment.
This is truly the end.
The story of Harib will end here.
♫ Baby I'm falling. Baby I'm falling. ♫
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