Where's Wally (2020) s01e15 Episode Script

A New York Minute

# Oh, ah, oh
# Oh, ah, oh
# Where do you go,
where do you go Wally?
# Oh, ah, oh
I search the world for you
# Take a trip around the world
Catch a ride to the moon
# Take a trip around the world
Catch a ride to the moon
# Ride the waves at the beach,
jump in discover something new
# Oh, ah, oh
# Oh, ah, oh
# Anywhere you go I'll find you
# Oh, oh, oh
# Where do you go,
where do you go?
# Where's Wally? #
Forty-seven. Forty-eight.
Forty-seven. Forty-eight.
And now, it's time for chin-ups.
Wow! You really look ready to run
today's big race, Wizard Whitebeard.
Yep. I bet you'll beat your old
running time, definitely.
Oh, thank you, Wally and Wenda!
I am so excited.
Oh, thank you, Wally and Wenda!
I am so excited.
Twenty-six miles is a long race.
That's, like, a thousand
laps around the HQ!
Exactly, Wally.
It's an accomplishment just
to finish the race.
It's an accomplishment just
to finish the race.
Yes, and that is why Coach Arf is
making sure I stay on my
training schedule.
Aren't you, Arfolomew?
training schedule.
Aren't you, Arfolomew?
Well, we can't wait to cheer you on
as you cross that finish line.
Well, we can't wait to cheer you on
as you cross that finish line.
Wonderful, Wanderers!
Hearing your cheers will give me
that extra spring in my step.
Hearing your cheers will give me
that extra spring in my step.
Which reminds us. Where exactly is
this marathon, Wizard Whitebeard?
For the answer to that, why don't
we jog over to the WanderGlobe?
For the answer to that, why don't
we jog over to the WanderGlobe?
Follow me, if you can keep up! Ha!
By striped staff and white of beard,
I summon magic, wild and weird.
O, spin, O magic globe,
to show
O, spin, O magic globe,
to show
..where these Wanderers will go!
New York City, New York, USA!
New York City, New York, USA!
Yes! New York City,
the city that never sleeps.
The Big Apple. The city so nice,
they named it twice.
The Big Apple. The city so nice,
they named it twice.
That's a lot of nicknames.
And not only does New York have
a lot of nicknames,
it's also one of the busiest
cities in the world.
You are correct, Wally.
You are correct, Wally.
New York is known for its
hustle and bustle.
As well as the Statue of Liberty.
Tall skyscraper buildings.
And Broadway theatre!
Tall skyscraper buildings.
And Broadway theatre!
Right. We hear you, coach.
Well, there's no time to waste,
young Wanderers!
Well, there's no time to waste,
young Wanderers!
The marathon will be
starting very soon.
So, let's hustle and bustle
our way to New York City.
Well, everyone, welcome to-
Woo! Great hustle to avoid all
that bustle, everyone.
Woo! Great hustle to avoid all
that bustle, everyone.
Now, as I was saying,
welcome to New York City, USA!
Look at this place.
You weren't kidding about
New York City being busy, Wally.
I've never seen this many
people in one place.
And everyone is in such a rush.
And everyone is in such a rush.
Speaking of rushing, that was
the alarm Coach Arf set to remind me
to get to the starting line on time.
But where is the staring line,
Wizard Whitebeard?
But where is the staring line,
Wizard Whitebeard?
Times Square!
But I am not exactly sure
where that is from here.
Hey, need some directions?
One New York Special for
my favourite customer.
One New York Special for
my favourite customer.
Mmm. You still make the best hot
dogs in all of New York City, Willy.
My compliments to the chef.
My compliments to the chef.
I'm Maria. Maybe I can help.
I'm Wally. And this is Wenda,
and Wizard Whitebeard.
And we really need to get
to Times Square for the start
And we really need to get
to Times Square for the start
of the marathon.
Ah. Times Square. That's easy.
Oh, wonderful!
You see, all you need to do is walk
south on Sixth Avenue,
and turn east on
Forty-Second Street.
and turn east on
Forty-Second Street.
Or you can take the B, D, F, or M
subway line, then walk a few blocks.
Or you can hop on the southbound
Jackson bus to Forty-Fourth Street.
Or you can hop on the southbound
Jackson bus to Forty-Fourth Street.
Maybe I can just take
you there myself.
Great idea, Maria.
Oh no! The race is about to start!
Oh no! The race is about to start!
No worries. Follow me.
Well, here we are, Fritz.
Times Square, New York City!
Well, here we are, Fritz.
Times Square, New York City!
And just in time for me
to win that marathon.
Are you excited, Fritz? Fritz?
Now, where did that ferret go?
Now, where did that ferret go?
Times Square!
Ahh. Look at all the food!
Ahh. Look at all the food!
Nuts! Pretzels! Hot dogs!
There you are, Fritz.
But, but, Odlulu!
Do you have what I need
to win the race?
Good. Then it's time to line up.
But but
Remember, Fritz, marathon first,
victory snacks second.
And there's your marathon.
See you at the finish line in
Central Park, Wanderers.
See you there, Wizard Whitebeard!
See you there, Wizard Whitebeard!
Thanks again for helping us
get here, Maria.
Wizard Whitebeard has trained
so hard for this marathon.
He would've been so disappointed
if he didn't make it in time.
He would've been so disappointed
if he didn't make it in time.
No problem, Wally and Wenda.
You really know your way around.
You'd make a great Wanderer.
Ha! Thanks. My mom and dad both
work for city transportation.
Ha! Thanks. My mom and dad both
work for city transportation.
So, I grew up riding and walking
these New York streets.
That's one of the greatest
things about New York City.
There's always a way
to get around town.
Buses, taxi cabs, and even ferry
boats, if you wanna travel by water.
Buses, taxi cabs, and even ferry
boats, if you wanna travel by water.
But what really makes travelling
around New York City so special
is our underground train system.
The New York City subway.
is our underground train system.
The New York City subway.
Underground tunnels connect
every part of the city.
So you can get around
town under the ground!
So you can get around
town under the ground!
My parents say I even learned
my ABCs and 1-2-3s from reading
subway signs.
I see what you mean!
OK, make way, make way.
Marathon winner coming through.
OK, make way, make way.
Marathon winner coming through.
Odlulu. Odlulu!
What is it now, Fritz?
I told you, marathon first,
victory snacks- Gah!
Wally and Wenda?
What are they doing here?
Wally and Wenda?
What are they doing here?
Double gah! It's Wizard Whitebeard.
Nuh-uh. There is no way I'm losing
this marathon to a Wanderer.
Nuh-uh. There is no way I'm losing
this marathon to a Wanderer.
So, it's a good thing that we
brought along a little something
that will guarantee I'm the fastest
thing in all of New York City.
that will guarantee I'm the fastest
thing in all of New York City.
A magic key.
Runners, take your marks.
Runners, take your marks.
Get ready get set Go!
See you at the finish line,
(SLOWLY) Odlulu!
Uh What-what-lu?
Uh What-what-lu?
Odlulu. And she has a magic key!
Whoa. They're moving slower than
the turtles in Central Park.
(SLOWLY)Wonders, Wanderers!
Odlulu has used the Slo-Mo Key!
Odlulu has used the Slo-Mo Key!
She slowed down all the runners,
so she could be the fastest
and win the marathon!
We need to stop Odlulu, get that
Slo-Mo key, and return this race
We need to stop Odlulu, get that
Slo-Mo key, and return this race
to normal speed.
But how are we gonna
catch up to her?
The marathon route is clogged with
marathoners moving as slow as
No offence.
No offence.
(SLOWLY)None taken.
If only we could get around them
somehow, Wally. Wally?
Where's Wally?
Over here, Wenda.
Over here, Wenda.
A taxi cab!
And you called it just like
a real New Yorker, Wally.
You're a natural.
Like you said, Maria, the best
thing about New York
Like you said, Maria, the best
thing about New York
is there's always a way to get
around town.
Where to?
To save a marathon.
And now entering the second leg of
the marathon is runner number
double-zero, Odlulu!
And her pet chipmunk.
He's not a chipmunk, he's a ferret!
Uh, correction.
Now entering the second leg of
the marathon is runner number
Now entering the second leg of
the marathon is runner number
double-zero, Odlulu,
and her pet ferret.
Followed by
Followed by
..no one.
Hey, where is everybody?
Hello, race fans!
What an amazing early lead I have!
Hello, race fans!
What an amazing early lead I have!
Isn't it great?
First place, here I come.
Pizza! Ahh.
I know we're in Little Italy, Fritz,
but we don't have time for
I know we're in Little Italy, Fritz,
but we don't have time for
pizza right now.
Remember what I said earlier.
Marathon first,
victory snacks second.
Marathon first,
victory snacks second.
Wait a second.
What am I so worried about?
Thanks to the Slo-Mo Key, those
slow-coach runners will never catch
up with us. If you want some pizza,
let's get some pizza!
up with us. If you want some pizza,
let's get some pizza!
Oh, folks, it appears runner
number double-zero, Odlulu,
Oh, folks, it appears runner
number double-zero, Odlulu,
has built up such a commanding lead
that she's now leaving the marathon
to grab a slice of delicious
New York pizza for her chipmunk-
to grab a slice of delicious
New York pizza for her chipmunk-
I, I mean, uh, uh, ferret.
Any sign of Odlulu, Wally?
Any sign of Odlulu, Wally?
Nothing yet, Wenda.
Well, I've been looking over this
map of the marathon,
and she has to be in Little Italy
by now.Little Italy?
We've been to big Italy, Maria,
but what's Little Italy?
We've been to big Italy, Maria,
but what's Little Italy?
It's just one of New York's many
cultural neighbourhoods.
A place where you can find food,
clothing, and music from that part
A place where you can find food,
clothing, and music from that part
of the world,
right here in the USA.
And besides Little Italy,
there's Chinatown, Little Poland,
Koreatown, Little India,
Little Odessa, and so many more.
Koreatown, Little India,
Little Odessa, and so many more.
Wow. It sounds like New York City is
a bunch of little cities
wrapped up into one big one.
wrapped up into one big one.
You can do all your
World Wide Wandering in one place!
BOTH: Exactly!
Well, what do you say we head
to Little Italy and stop Odlulu?
Well, what do you say we head
to Little Italy and stop Odlulu?
Little Italy, coming up!
How was the pizza, Fritz?
Let me guess, you're still hungry.
Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh.
Well, we should get back
to the marathon.
Well, we should get back
to the marathon.
But we are in New York City,
and there are so many different
kinds of foods to eat here.
Uh-huh, uh-huh.
And no one is ever going to catch up
to us, thanks to the Slo-Mo Key,
And no one is ever going to catch up
to us, thanks to the Slo-Mo Key,
Yeah? Yeah?
Where to next, my good ferret?
Uh, dumplings?
Dumplings. Good choice.
Uh, dumplings?
Dumplings. Good choice.
Yes! Best marathon ever!
You said it, Fritz!
Best marathon ever.
There they are!
Follow that ferret!
You mean that chipmunk?
The rodent with the hoodie.
The rodent with the hoodie.
Ugh. I knew I should've slowed them
down when I had the chance.
Ugh. I knew I should've slowed them
down when I had the chance.
Well, I won't make that
same mistake twice.
Hey! What's happening? Am I running
out of gas, or something?
Huh, perfect! That takes care of
them. Now, come on, Fritz.
Let's go get you some dumplings.
Let's go get you some dumplings.
It's the Slo-Mo Key.
The what?
It's a long story.
Oh no.
Oh no.
If my taxi moves this slow,
no one'll ever wanna ride in it!
Don't worry. We'll get your
taxi back up to speed.
Look, Wally.
They're heading that way!
Look, Wally.
They're heading that way!
I think we can catch up to them.
Thank you!
Oh, this isn't good.
Odlulu used the Slo-Mo Key
to block the street.
A fire escape!
I'm on it.
The roads are completely jammed.
If only we could get above
the traffic.
Right, Wally?
Wally? Where's Wally?
Over here, everyone. Introducing
the Wally-HotDogging-Sail-anator!
Over here, everyone. Introducing
the Wally-HotDogging-Sail-anator!
Hop in, everyone.
Take my map of the marathon route.
You'll catch up to Odlulu quicker
with just the two of you.
Now get rolling!
Now get rolling!
You have a magic key to get,
and a city to get back up to speed.
Now, if I point the sail to
the east, the wind should
Now, if I point the sail to
the east, the wind should
Good luck, Wanderers!
Only in New York.
Woo! Ha. Odlulu, here we come.
Did you enjoy those Ukrainian
dumplings, Fritz?
Great. Then, where to next?
Uh next?
But, Odlulu, the marathon?
Uh next?
But, Odlulu, the marathon?
Ah, who's worried about
the marathon, Fritz?
Look at the lead we have.
Not a marathoner or
Wanderer in sight.
We have all the time in the world.
We have all the time in the world.
Mm okay, then. Let's eat!
(SLOWLY)Slow and steady.
Slow and steady.
Slow and steady.
How did they catch up?
And what are they driving?
I don't know.
I don't know.
Don't worry, Fritz.
Oh no! She's zapped our Sail-anator!
Well, we can't give up now.
Well, we can't give up now.
New York City and Wizard Whitebeard
are counting on us to return
everything back to normal speed.
Right. Odlulu's almost to
the finish line in Central Park.
Right. Odlulu's almost to
the finish line in Central Park.
There's still time.
We have to find another
way to catch up to her.
But she's slowed down every way
to get around the city.
But she's slowed down every way
to get around the city.
Or did she?
Remember what Maria said about what
makes New York City special?
Remember what Maria said about what
makes New York City special?
There's always a way
to get around town.
So, if Odlulu has zapped all
the transportation in the city
above ground, there's still
one spot she hasn't zapped.
above ground, there's still
one spot she hasn't zapped.
Below ground.
The subway!
To the subway!
The subway!
To the subway!
Central Park, here we come.
Now entering the last leg of
the marathon in Central Park is
runner number double-zero, Odlulu.
Uh, actually, folks, she, uh
Uh, actually, folks, she, uh
she just seems to be riding
the carousel instead.
Hey, does anyone know where the rest
of the runners are, by any chance?
Hey, does anyone know where the rest
of the runners are, by any chance?
Hey, don't rush me, marathon
announcer! We have nothing but time.
You know, Fritz, we should
run more marathons.
This Slo-Mo Key makes them so easy!
This Slo-Mo Key makes them so easy!
Odlulu, your race is over.
Wanderers! But how can you be here?
Wanderers! But how can you be here?
I slowed down every way to get
around New York City!
Every way above ground.
But you forgot about a very
special way below ground.
But you forgot about a very
special way below ground.
The subway!
Now, give us the Slo-Mo Key, so we
can get New York City back
to normal speed.
Ha! Not so fast, Wanderers.
to normal speed.
Ha! Not so fast, Wanderers.
And when I say "not so fast,"
I mean "slow!"
Hold on to your stripes, Wally
Aah! Ooh!
Great job, Wenda!
Great job, Wenda!
But now we're too far from
her to grab the key.
(SLOWLY)Slow and steady, everyone!
Slow and steady!
Slow and steady!
Maybe we won't have to get the key.
Did you say something, Wally?
Wally? Where's Wally?
Over here! And look, Wenda!
It's Wizard Whitebeard and the rest
of the runners! They made it!
(SLOWLY)Slow and steady!
(SLOWLY)Slow and steady!
Slow and steady!
And here come the other competitors,
running into the final leg
And here come the other competitors,
running into the final leg
of the race.
Uh, or at least I think they're
running. Uh, jogging, maybe?
Walking briskly?
Walking briskly?
What? Huh? The runners? But how
could they catch up to me?
I had such a big lead.
I think you got a little too
over-confident, Odlulu.
I think you got a little too
over-confident, Odlulu.
Yeah. And you messed around so long
that even runners in slow motion
could catch up to you.
Come on, Fritz!
We have to get running!
We can still win this!
What's the matter, Fritz?
I'm full.
Well, then I'll just have to carry
you across the finish line.
Whoa, Fritz.
How much food did you eat?
Whoa, Fritz.
How much food did you eat?
Uh, well, there was, uh, pretzels,
dumplings, nuts, some ice cream,
dumplings, nuts, some ice cream,
uh more hot dogs, uh
Forget it. Let's run!
Oh! Ha ha! Ha ha!
You did it, Wizard Whitebeard!
You did it, Wizard Whitebeard!
Ha! I guess slow and steady does
win the race after all.
Here you go, Wanderers.
Well, it looks like it's time
to finally give New York City
its hustle and bustle back.
its hustle and bustle back.
Oh, thank you, Wanderers.
I might not have beaten my personal
best, but it sure was fun
I might not have beaten my personal
best, but it sure was fun
to take a nice, leisurely, 26 mile
jog through New York City
with my new friends here!
There's so much to see in this city!
How was your day?
There's so much to see in this city!
How was your day?
Eh, kinda slow.
Ha! I see what you did there.
Thank you, Wally and Wenda,
for getting New York City back up
Thank you, Wally and Wenda,
for getting New York City back up
to speed.
Well, it won't happen again, Maria.
The Slo-Mo Key is safe with us, now.
Boy, with all this slow running,
I have worked up quite an appetite.
Boy, with all this slow running,
I have worked up quite an appetite.
Is there anywhere to eat
in this city?
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