365: Repeat the Year (2020) s01e16 Episode Script

Anyone Could Be The Murderer

Mr. Choi Young Woong?
It really looked like he was hiding something.
Are you telling me that he could be a suspect?
What if his friend was covering for him with the alibi?
He does have a motive.
he did seem genuinely surprised when he heard about her death.
Then, what could he be hiding?
The last phone call he had with Se Rin was over three minutes.
But he won't tell me what he talked about with her.
I'm sure that has to do with this case.
(Corporal Jin Sa Kyung)
Hey, I got the dashcam footage from the taxi.
There really was an accomplice.
Ko Jae Young.
Staying at my apartment made me feel uncomfortable.
Until my place gets rented out, I'm going to stay with my friend.
Isn't it really tough?
I should have put up with it a bit longer
and gone on a trip with her for the last time.
Then, she could have been alive now.
I keep regretting it.
What was
the last thing Se Rin said to you?
I'm just curious.
I see. It wasn't that important.
Did you talk to Kim Se Rin with the burner phone from Bae Jung Tae?
Did you send Bae Jung Tae's address to her by using the same phone?
On November 9, around 3:30pm,
Didn't you meet up with Kim Se Rin in front of Bae Jung Tae's house?
By the way, the college girl on the news
is Kim Se Rin?
Is she dead?
From 8pm to 12am on November 9,
what did you do?
I guess she's really dead.
Answer my questions!
(Special Case Team)
Why did you meet with Kim Se Rin?
What did you do with Bae Jung Tae?
What are you doing?
Hey. Stop it. Let him go.
Good luck, sir.
Why is he already leaving?
What's going on?
He's only a testifier.
Summon him again if you want to ask more questions.
You never interfered in such things. What's going on?
I received orders from the higher-ups.
Ko Jae Young is Ko Seok Gyu's son.
And who's he?
Isn't he the nominee for the Minister of Education?
You're right.
Seeing how things are panning out even before he's elected,
he's going to be a terrible minister.
In this day and age, being the son of a nominee for the minister
shouldn't mean you're free from being investigated.
I never said that.
Let's just let him go for now. And once we gather more proof,
we can summon him once again.
It's better than not being prepared
and getting on the wrong side of him.
Is there anyone else who knows about this?
I can only stop this if you tell me.
Can we go?
Ko Jae Young was the one who called Se Rin over?
I can't understand
why she'd listen to him and go there.
This happened before Bae Jung Tae arrived home
which means those two were in on it.
Why would Ko Jae Young do such a thing?
Se Rin once took a photo of those two
meeting up in secret.
Maybe Bae Jung Tae found out Ko Jae Young's weakness.
I'm not sure.
What kind of weakness
would the son of a nominee for the minister have?
What? Minister?
He's the son of the nominee for the Minister of Education.
Minister of Education?
Are you talking about Ko Seok Gyu?
Do you know him?
Ko Seok Gyu. Don't you remember his hearing?
It happened before the reset.
All right, then. Let's talk about your son.
Social media has been spreading information about him.
What do you think about this?
Please give us an answer
as a nominee for the Minister of Education.
(Ko Seok Gyu, Nominee for the Minister of Education)
Have you gotten in touch with Bae Jung Tae yet?
(Before the reset)
Yes, she is my sister.
She killed someone?
(Violent Crimes Investigation Team 3)
Ever since she got married,
she was physically assaulted by her husband.
Her body was covered in wounds.
What a scumbag.
I'm glad she did it.
Where is she right now?
She attempted suicide after killing him,
so she was carried to the hospital.
She tried to commit suicide?
Ms. Bae Jung Hee has been suffering
from dilated cardiomyopathy.
Were you not aware of this either?
- I am - What are you doing?
- I'm her older brother. - You're not allowed to enter.
Jung Hee. Jung Hee.
- You may not enter. - Please.
- No, sir. - Jung Hee.
- We need backup here. - Jung Hee.
Please back away.
- Jung Hee. - Requesting for a backup.
- Jung Hee. - Please stop.
Jung Hee.
Jung Hee
Okay. I'll go.
Since I was able to save my sister,
please forgive me
for being a horrible son.
Captain Heo.
I'm going to summon Ko Jae Young once again.
Why did you go to Kim Se Rin's place?
I wanted to know what she and Bae Jung Tae talked about.
She arrived an hour later.
What were you so curious about to wait for an entire hour?
What did you two talk about that irked you so much?
I asked her to tell me, but she got annoyed.
So we argued.
Then why did you argue in front of someone else's house?
How may I help you?
The last thing Se Rin talked about
was Ko Jae Young, right?
You didn't go there to meet her.
Choi Young Woong No.
You went to see Choi Min Ho.
The reason why she willingly went to Bae Jung Tae's house
was probably because of him as well.
(Young Woong and Se Rin, our 1st day together)
It's me, Ko Jae Young.
What's this number?
Choi Young Woong is your boyfriend, right?
I have something to tell you about him.
I'll send you an address. Meet me there if you're curious.
I won't wait for long.
Sir, hold on!
Please open the door now. Hurry!
- Tell me what it's about. - Follow me.
Where's this place?
Where is he?
Be careful.
And see you around.
I'll make sure we never cross paths again.
Please forget about me.
Are we good now?
Tell me now.
Choi Min Ho is Choi Young Woong.
There's a way
you can save yourself from this.
Go and explain this to my sister.
I may be a thug,
but I'm not a scumbag that beats women. Tell her that.
What do you mean when you said Choi Min Ho is
Choi Young Woong?
Why is Ko Jae Young looking for my boyfriend?
Se Rin, you should consider yourself very lucky.
If it weren't for my sister
Ko Jae Young. It was that jerk.
I've been waiting out here for an hour.
He hasn't shown up at all.
Exactly. Find him if you have to search every alley of Daehangno.
Why are you here again? What are you trying to do to him?
What are you talking about?
Do you know how hard it has been for my boyfriend?
Because of you, he had to change his name,
transferred to a new school, and moved around!
Why is that my fault?
I failed to recognize this precious son of the minister.
School violence video.
Do I need to upload that again for you to come to your senses?
(I will expose Ko Jae Young, the son of the nominee)
(for the Ministry of Education.)
- Let go of the sneakers. - Throw it.
- Does it hurt? Does it? - Get up.
- Min Ho, does it hurt? - Hey.
- Go ahead. Do it. - Does it hurt?
Hook your leg.
- Go over there. - Can he crawl under you?
- My gosh, Min Ho. You lost weight. - Hurry.
Just go under me.
- My gosh, can he actually do that? - Let's do this.
- Eat this. - Do it.
Min Ho, look over here.
- Eat it. - Hey, Min Ho. What are you doing?
- Good boy. My dear pig. - You must be starving.
Make the noise.
You must have found him to stop him before the hearing.
How will you stop me?
You're unbelievable.
Don't you dare lay a finger on him.
I'll make your life worse than your previous one.
Don't you dare lay a finger on him.
I'll make your life worse than your previous one.
Will you keep lying to me?
Within 30 minutes after you and Se Rin parted ways,
her phone was turned off.
And I already checked that your alibi is false.
I didn't kill her.
I really didn't.
Then, tell me where you were.
There are usually two types of people
who can't prove their alibis.
Whether they are the culprit
or were committing another crime.
Which one are you?
I was with Choi Min Ho.
I was just leaving Kim Se Rin's house.
And my friend called me and said he found Choi Min Ho.
I can't recognize you even if I'm looking at you.
Young Woong?
Who knew you had become a "hero"?
I had no idea.
Why did you find me?
Are you here to apologize?
You should apologize to me.
You totally pulled one over on me.
First, I just wanted to stop you.
Now that I'm seeing your face, I'm getting so angry.
What are you talking about?
What did I do to you?
You should have left the past in the past
and lived with your new name.
Why did you upload that on social media?
Why did you anger my old man who's working to serve this country?
When did I do that?
Forget it. You don't need to know that.
Did you eat?
- Young Woong. - You lost weight.
Hey, should I jog your memory?
Should I? Yes?
Does it hurt?
- Stay still. - Don't move.
My alibi checks out now, right?
I can go, right?
You might be able to dodge the murder charge,
but I can lock you up with the assault charge.
It won't work even if you try.
No prosecution if the victim doesn't press charges.
(Crimes can't be prosecuted if the victims object.)
I'm sure you know that well.
Choi Min Ho still listens to me.
He told me that
he could ruin my family's future if he wanted.
I know too well that he's not bluffing.
I experienced enough of that in high school.
It could be different this time.
I changed my name
and went on a diet.
I passed the GED and got into college.
I thought I was living a new life.
In the end, it's the same.
I'm bound to face misfortune in this life.
Even if Se Rin told you only lies,
she was heartbroken by your past
and wanted to make Ko Jae Young kneel and get an apology from him.
I'm sure those were true.
Kim Se Rin, please!
Young Woong, Ko Jae Young is looking for you.
I can't say for sure about other things,
but he wants to hide the crimes his son committed
and hurt others as collateral damage.
That kind of person can't be the Minister of Education.
Open up!
Open it right now!
You jerks!
I got it. Okay?
Let go of me.
Where's the video?
Who are you? What video?
I already deleted everything on this phone.
It was about Ko Jae Young.
What's so important about a bunch of kids playing?
What's all this fuss?
I would have given you if you just asked.
That's all I have.
Are you sure there aren't any more copies?
Your sister just underwent surgery. If you want her to live a long life,
you must be sure.
You scumbag. How dare you threaten me?
That should be enough to cover the damages to your car.
If you don't squeak and stay quiet
until the hearing is over, I'll give you some more.
A gift.
What is it?
(Search and seizure warrant)
It's all thanks to the reporters.
When they were yapping about it,
they issued it quickly, so we can catch the culprit.
Will we get anything from Zian Clinic?
Yes, we will. Definitely.
This is from Ms. Lee.
(Zian Clinic)
She didn't want you to waste time as you're busy,
so she sent this to you.
If she was inside the clinic from the afternoon
of Kim Se Rin's murder until the next morning,
Lee Shin can't be the culprit.
Isn't that Bae Jung Tae?
That's the day of the murder.
What? Why is he here?
The drive to the crime scene takes over an hour.
This rules him out as the culprit.
Hey, Bae Jung Tae knows her, too?
I can forgive a lot of things,
but I can't when people go after my sister.
You can't do anything if you don't have your daddy's help.
Should I make things entertaining at his hearing as a surprise event?
Do what?
Yes, he got rid of all the videos on Choi Min Ho.
But it turns out you were pretty awful
to kids other than Choi Min Ho.
My gosh.
Seriously. Your daddy did not raise you right.
But he wants to be the Minister of Education?
If you stab me in the back again,
I'll make you more famous than your father. This is a warning.
Got it?
(Attorney Han)
Darn it!
Darn it.
You've heard, right?
You don't need to worry.
What about Bae Jung Tae?
Like his wish, I just proved his alibi.
Now, we should observe
how ironic
fates can be.
Is it really taken care of?
You're not fooling me, right?
What is this?
Hey, Mr. Detective.
Bae Jung Tae? What is this photo?
Let's talk more about it in person.
I can only imagine
how curious you must be about that photo.
(Corporal Ji Hyeong Ju)
Seung Min, what brings you here?
My gosh, you didn't answer your phone all day. I had no choice.
I had to come to see you.
I still have a few days until the deadline.
That's why I'm here. If you went past it, it would've been a mess.
What? Kim Se Rin?
Isn't she the college girl from the manhole?
Will you incorporate this into your story?
How do you know Se Rin?
Of course, I know. Her information went viral.
People even know her name?
That's not the only thing.
Her schools, her hometown, everything about her got exposed.
Look. There's a photo too.
(Name: Kim Se Rin, age: 20, Residence: Royal Studio)
By the way, isn't she the one who made a scene at your house?
People posted comments saying that she was a nutjob.
- Then, were you - Seung Min.
I'm sorry, but could you leave?
What? But
- Did I mess up? - No, no.
I just thought of an idea. Please.
(Kim Se Rin)
Ms. Lee Shin?
Why do you need her number all of a sudden?
My gosh, we don't need to thank her.
I'll take care of it.
You just focus on getting better.
I'm going to meet up with Detective Ji Hyeong Ju.
I'll go to the hospital as soon as I'm done.
What's this?
We're not some important people.
Unless we died from some incidents that went viral,
how did Ms. Lee Shin
know when and where we'd die?
- It was a heart attack. - How did you know?
I asked the officers at the district police station.
We didn't find any other traces on the site.
I think she just missed her footing, but we must investigate more.
This is his ID and wallet.
(Cha Jeung Seok)
Was this Ms. So Hye In?
Yes, she passed away.
Name, Jang Jin Ho.
There wasn't any blood in the car.
After falling, he probably tried to escape.
But he got swept away in the current.
They already came to a tentative conclusion.
(Kim Se Rin: Was it accidental or premeditated?)
(Who? How? Murdered?)
He's early.
He sure came early.
All of these incidents
took place in the district of Seoul Makang Police Station.
Could this be a coincidence?
(Kim Se Rin, Who? How? Murdered?)
(365: Repeat the Year)
- I thought you trusted me. - What in the world is going on?
Who's the culprit?
You should catch them yourself.
Did Hyeong Ju kill him?
Don't be ridiculous. I saw everything.
This is getting quite interesting.
You are a key suspect.
Do you know anything about their deaths?
What if they all got murdered by the same person?
Do you think I can't kill you?
- Report this to the police. - First
Take your hands off of this case.
It's a serial killing.
Was it really you?
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