7th Heaven s01e16 Episode Script
Brave New World
A lot of kids cry on their first day of pre-kindergarten.
Don't do that.
Once inside the classroom, you'll probably do some counting, beads, Cheerios.
Don't eat them, whatever they are.
Then you'll probably colour, glue, maybe cut.
Don't get regular scissors.
They tear if you're a lefty.
- Right.
- Your other right.
After that, you're pretty much in the home stretch.
Then you'll take a nap, you'll have a snack.
Stay away if it's coconut.
Then Mom will come to pick you up.
Oh, yeah.
And never, ever pick anything.
It'll come back to haunt you.
No crying, no coconut, no picking.
Got it.
I'm glad we had this little talk.
Welcome to the big leagues.
What if I'm no good at school? You're in the beginning.
Nobody's good in the beginning.
I hate to interrupt this seminar, but one of us has a very big day tomorrow.
No kidding.
My day is completely booked.
School, lunch, recess, more school, Happy and then homework.
- Where does the time go? - I have no idea, Simon.
But tomorrow I'm gonna be tucking in a pre-kindergartener.
- You're gonna have a great time.
- Ha! Where does the time go? [KNOCKING.]
Just so I know, you told him no? I wouldn't go out with Michael Towner if there was a cash prize involved.
But it wouldn't be any of your business if I did.
Believe that if it helps you sleep.
- Thank you very much for dinner.
- You're very welcome.
And thank you for the shirt.
I can't believe I spilled my milk.
I am such a geek.
Don't worry.
Simon spills something at every meal.
- Well, I'll see you tomorrow.
- OK.
- We'll wait till you get inside.
- That's OK.
I'll go through the back so I don't set off the alarm.
Dad, stop.
Pull over.
- What is it? - Suzanne forgot her science notebook.
- She has homework.
- We'll drop it off, but that's it.
No catching up on each other's lives during the past four minutes.
I'd like to get home before Ruthie has to leave for school in the morning.
Isn't that her? Oh.
Hey, Suzanne! You forgot your science folder.
I was just trying to catch up with you.
I have homework.
Pages 119 to 127.
- Hop in.
We'll drive you home.
- It's just down the street a little.
I don't like you walking around by yourself at night.
- There you go.
- Thank you.
You're welcome.
Dad, did Suzanne seem a little weird last night when we dropped her off? Well, you know, something was a little off, but I'm not sure what.
- Could you find out? - How? I don't know.
Just get in there and root around.
Do what you usually do.
I can't butt into somebody's life because we feel something might be up.
Why? You do it all the time.
Well, not exactly.
I I help people who ask for my help.
Oh, so my asking's not enough? Great.
- That's not what I said.
- Just what she heard.
She'll be a real joy to ride with.
What's the matter? Not too hungry? Opening-day jitters.
Listen, eat something light.
A little toast maybe.
- Throwing up is just as bad as crying.
- Simon.
I'm just giving Ruthie the benefit of my experience.
It has been a while since you and Mom were in school.
Honey, it's gonna be OK.
We know the teacher and she's really nice.
- You're gonna make lots of friends.
- I just don't like this cereal.
- Nice you could join us.
- It won't happen again, Mr Maki.
I wouldn't bet my outer-shell electrons on that.
Sorry, sorry, sorry.
- Where have you been? I was worried.
- My mom's car wouldn't start.
This was the only thing I had clean.
Do you mind? Of course not.
It looks good on you.
We're mixing clear stuff and clear stuff and getting yellow sludge.
The miracle of science.
The real miracle would be figuring out what Mr Maki's hair is made of.
When I called last night, your mom said you weren't back yet.
- Maybe she didn't hear me come in.
- I guess.
It's a big house and my mom's kind of a flake.
You do the math.
- So, you ready? - How's my breath? - It's good.
It smells like cheese.
- Oh, good.
So, want me to take her in for you? Thanks, but we took you your first day.
We're gonna do the same for Ruthie.
- You took him? - Yeah, we took all you kids.
He told me he took a cab and paid for it with his own money.
Well, cabs are cheap on Planet Simon.
- I wanna go home.
- Sweetie, come on.
It'll be fine.
OK, Simon, you'd better get going.
You don't wanna be late.
Hi, Reverend, Annie.
Is this the last of the Camden clan? Yeah.
- I'm Mrs Miller, your teacher.
- I'm Ruthie Camden.
- Nice to meet you, Ruthie.
- Isn't she nice? Mommy will be back.
And I have Daddy's beeper.
If you need me, Mrs Miller will beep me and I'll be here in two minutes.
I love you, I love you, I love you.
Me too, me too, me too, me too.
- Look, modelling clay.
- Oh! - We will see you later.
- See you later? Yeah.
I'm OK.
Are you OK? My little baby's a pre-kindergartener.
- No crying.
- I know.
Michael Towner thinks he's a player.
He's a jerk.
Just be glad he didn't ask you out.
- He didn't take your turn-down well.
- What? There's something on the guys' bathroom wall that makes it sound like you did more than go out with him.
- What does it say? - Get Matt to check it out.
Yeah, OK.
- See you later.
- Yeah.
Hello? Hello? "You'll always score with Mary Camden because she loves to go one-on-one.
" How much jammin' did you take? I blew my ears out at that rave party last weekend.
I've just been nodding to my mom.
Who knows what I've agreed to? That guy can't have any stomach lining after the stuff they were pounding.
The hangovers those guys must've had.
It'd be easier to have my dad kill me.
And mine would have.
Here it is.
"You'll always score with Mary Camden because she loves to go one-on-one.
" I'm gonna kill this guy.
This can't be right.
I hope no one made us while we were out in the open.
Just act natural.
Apartment C.
That's her name, but she can't live here.
Then why is her name on the mailbox? Maybe she uses her allowance to pay for her own place because her mom is so mean she can't live in the same house with her.
Maybe she lives here and doesn't want anyone to know.
- Hey.
You guys look lost.
- No.
We're just looking for someone.
- JIMMY: We just got the wrong building.
- Oh.
- Do you need directions? - No, we're fine.
Thank you anyway.
If that was her mom, she didn't seem too mean, did she? Maybe she was battling to keep her dark side at bay the whole time.
We never should have come here.
A detention slip.
I'm pleased to see your name on it and not mine.
Have fun.
Don't sit in the back.
This is my third tardy this month.
Mom and Dad are gonna kill me.
I was thinking maybe you would sign it.
I'm the "relieved it's not me" brother, not "parent or guardian".
Actually, you're the "I went to a rave with some guys who were drinking when I said I was at the movies" brother.
I don't know where you get your information.
Save it.
I heard you talking about it in the bathroom.
- Who loves Jennifer? - Brad.
True love 4 ever.
- You were in the guys' bathroom? - There was something written about me.
It doesn't matter.
I didn't do anything at the party.
Yeah, that's the part Mom and Dad are gonna focus on.
And don't worry about Michael.
I'm gonna take care of him.
No, you won't.
I can take care of my own problems.
You blackmailed me to take care of one.
And admit it, you're a little bit proud.
You know, somehow this is gonna lead to groundings, recriminations and tears.
Only if you plan on crying.
- What's that? - An advisory from Ruthie's school.
"It is against the law as well as school policy to bring or have a weapon on school property at any time.
" "This includes after-school activities and school bus.
" "Possession of a weapon is forbidden on an individual's person, in a locker, gym bag, backpack or on the bus.
" That's Ruthie's? "Prohibited weapons include knives, firearms, switchblades, razors, blackjacks, chains or whips of any kind.
" There's a place for our signatures and Ruthie's.
You gotta be kidding.
We didn't go through this with any of the others.
Well, it has been five years since the last of our others started school.
- I don't know.
- They want Ruthie to sign this? She doesn't even stay in the lines when she's colouring.
I hate this.
Me, too.
- Something we can do for you? - I hope so.
- Well, shoot.
- No offence, Dad, but alone? I got stuff to do anyway.
Come on.
What? Oh, I have to sit down? This must be serious.
I thought you might want the lumbar support but, yes, it is serious.
Oh, OK.
Well, I'm comfortable.
Let's have it.
Well, I know you're a good mom and everything, but But? You absolutely, positively cannot under any circumstances ever kiss me on or around any school property ever again.
Oh, well, I'll do my best.
Under any other circumstances that would be acceptable, but I need more.
You have to promise.
Even if my cheek is on fire, you cannot use your lips to put it out.
I know it's tough, but that's the way it's gotta be.
I understand.
You have my word.
You almost ruined my life today.
Oh, I'm sorry.
What do you mean, almost? Well, I kinda told the kids you were having a nervous breakdown about Ruthie going to school.
Lucky that you started crying when she went in.
They totally bought it.
Nice touch.
Yeah, well, anything to help.
Well, I was a desperate man.
I have to face those kids every day.
- It's a jungle out there, you know.
- So I'm learning.
- What are we doing? - Nothing.
Are you taking me and Ruthie to school tomorrow? - Your dad.
- I'm not going tomorrow.
- What do you mean? - I'm done with pre-kindergarten.
- No, you're not.
- Yes, I am.
I paid good attention.
- You go every day.
- What's he babbling about? School's every day, like the other kids.
- Every day? For the rest of my life? - Duh.
- Why didn't you teach me? - I thought you knew.
How could I unless somebody teaches me? I didn't know she was such a powder keg.
I thought you liked going to school.
I like peanut butter, but not every day.
If I'd known pre-kindergarten was every day, I'd never have signed up for it.
- This is your fault.
- Where did you learn to do that? School, and I'm never going back, ever.
Erm, that should be an R, not a T.
Do you need me or can you wait till I'm done before you grade this? Actually, Suzanne needs you, which means I need you, through her.
- Because we're best friends.
- Yes, yes, I've heard.
Remember we thought something was weird when we dropped her off? Yeah.
Well, we were right.
She doesn't live where she said she does.
She lives in an apartment off of Genesee Avenue.
And how do you know this? Because Jimmy and I followed her home.
- You did what? - Something wasn't right.
I told Matt that Jimmy's mom was driving us home and we tailed her.
It seemed like a good idea.
What time? That's a high crime area.
You had no business being there, especially not by yourself.
What was I supposed to do? I asked you to help and you didn't.
Besides, I was with Jimmy.
He's an expert at acupressure point defence.
He could take any guy down by just poking him there.
Erm, here? I'm not the expert.
He is.
I should ground you, but you're already grounded.
Don't go to that part of town again.
But Suzanne has to.
She lives there every day.
Get me her address.
I'll see what I can do.
Thanks, Dad.
I'm not promising anything.
That may be the only place they can afford.
You'll figure out something.
You always do.
I'm so glad it seems that way.
Mrs Sanders? Eric Camden.
Oh, of course.
Lucy's dad, the minister.
Suzanne's told me all about you.
Come on in.
I hope I'm not disturbing you.
I've gotta leave for work, but I've got time for a refill if you want a coffee.
That'd be great.
I'm returning Suzanne's blouse.
She spilled something on it the other night.
My wife cleaned it up.
That's very nice of her, and very nice of you to drop it off.
Well, I'm glad I got the right address.
Suzanne had us drop her off at a different one the other night.
Suzanne's Dad, Bill, and I divorced.
Our standard of living isn't the same as it used to be.
- You guys OK? - Oh, yeah.
Between my jobs at the motel and waiting tables, we're hanging in.
- Please sit down.
- Thanks.
Course, things'd be easier, but my ex doesn't believe in child support.
The courts do.
But the courts aren't on the same timetable as my landlord and creditors.
Which is OK.
I don't mind a little hard work.
But Suzanne thinks her dad doesn't love her because he doesn't take care of her.
I try to explain it has nothing to do with her, he's just mad at me, but sometimes actions speak louder than words, you know? Yes, I do.
Listen, there are a couple of lawyers in my congregation.
Can I ask them to look into this? You could, but I've talked to him and I've had lawyers talk to him.
- It doesn't do any good.
- Maybe I should take a crack at him.
I would love to hear what he'd say to a reverend about not taking care of his daughter.
Let's find out.
That's his used-car place down by the freeway, isn't it? Yeah.
Oh, honey.
Lucy's dad dropped by to deliver your blouse.
I thought she'd still be in school.
You want me to go after her? No, I'll go.
You'll just let me know what he says? I have a feeling I'm gonna need a good laugh today.
What's that look for? She's giving me dirty looks.
- This is getting really old.
- I hate that guy.
Him and his sad, sad friends.
- Why not let Matt take care of him? - I don't wanna make a big deal.
I was hoping the whole thing would go away.
MICHAEL: Mary Camden is such a tease.
So much for hope.
- What did you say? - Me? I didn't say anything.
- What is your problem? - I don't have one.
What's yours? - You didn't get enough of me last time? - You're pathetic.
I told you she was hot-blooded.
Let's get out of here.
- You OK? - Yeah.
Yeah, I'm fine.
Just stay out of this, OK? I will for now.
We coloured with glitter, then we sang, then we played house.
I was the mother, so I rewired the house on a clapper system.
We had a great day.
I'm jealous just hearing about it.
Would you please put this on my bed? OK.
A great day? Last night she swore she'd never go back.
- She met someone.
- Really? - A boy someone.
- Oh.
- Dad, do you have a minute? - Actually, I have an appointment.
But for you, I'm always happy to find a minute or two.
- Thanks a lot, Reverend.
- For what? For humiliating my best friend by being at her house when she came home.
I was waiting for Matt when Suzanne's mom asked me if I had seen Suzanne.
She explained everything.
Suzanne will probably never speak to me again.
I'm sorry.
I know how important a best friend is.
But you asked me to check into the situation.
I meant to be gone before Suzanne got back.
By the way, you might wanna change your tone of voice before I'm mad at you.
I didn't want you to take care of it this way.
- What way? - So my best friend's not talking to me.
- So, are you heading out? - Yeah, I gotta go see a deadbeat dad.
I think I have your cape here, but you're on your own for the phone booth.
My superpowers may have been overrated.
Oh, not even a little.
See you later.
I did great on my math test today.
I guess overconfidence is the real enemy now.
Do you think I'm overconfident? Tell me how your day was.
Don't skip a minute.
Come on, Ruthie.
At least tell me if it was OK.
My day was fine.
I have a new best friend named Skyler.
- And he's a superhero.
- Right.
The Tick.
- Talk to the hand.
- What? Talk to the hand cos the ears aren't listening.
- And who taught you that? - Skyler.
What do you know about this Skyler guy? He's coming over to play tomorrow.
I don't wanna worry you, but I don't think he's a good influence on Ruthie.
- I'll keep a close eye on him.
- That's it? You're gonna let this guy and his upstart ways waltz into the house? - Yes.
- You're gonna take a chance? Fine.
I like your gambling spirit.
- What kind of a name is Skyler, anyway? - Oh, I don't know.
A superhero name? I said I'd take care of it and I will.
I don't think "How?" and "When?" are unreasonable questions.
I'll tell you how and when in my own way, in my own time.
- This whole thing is driving me crazy.
- Why? I won't stand for him talking trash about you.
- You won't stand for it? - No.
One guy's warped ego's enough for me.
I don't need yours too.
Well, I'm sorry this whole thing bothers me more than it bothers you.
Me too.
Excuse me.
I'm Eric Camden.
I'm the minister down at Glenoak.
- I'm looking for Bill Sanders.
- You just found him.
Nice to meet you.
What's the church's special need? A new organ, furnace or water heater? All of those, actually, but that's not why I'm here.
Your ex-wife asked me to give you a call.
Things are a little tough and they could use some help.
If you know that much, you know there's no love lost between us.
So you're punishing Suzanne? - Leave my daughter out of this.
- If I could, I wouldn't be here.
She took her mother's side.
She has to live with the consequences.
Let me bring you up to date on those consequences.
She's living in a rundown apartment in an unsafe neighbourhood, going without things she needs, because they can't make ends meet.
If my daughter needed me, she could've called me.
Maybe she can't.
Maybe she thinks you don't love her.
If she thinks that, it's my ex-wife's fault.
Look, if Suzanne called you, would you catch up with the child support? I'd buy her a pair of shoes or something.
- Ever wonder why Suzanne doesn't call? - No.
Well, maybe you should.
Thanks for your time.
- Any word from Suzanne? - She's never gonna speak to me again.
What do you say we shoot a little pool? If you feel like talking.
Really? - Just you and me? - Yeah.
I'll get my coat.
- May I be excused? - Yes.
- Why aren't you two talking? - It's nothing.
- I won't worry if you tell me not to.
- Don't worry.
May I? Thanks.
I wasn't talking to Simon either, but now I am, even though I don't need you, because I have a new best friend who's a superhero.
You may not need me, but you'll miss me.
Ha ha.
Let's see.
Get us a couple of sodas, would you, Luce? Now.
- You following me? - I'm shooting pool with my daughter.
So you didn't just show up here to show me what a real father-daughter relationship ought to be? Only you can decide what a father-daughter relationship should be.
This is just a coincidence.
A pool-playing minister? I hadn't heard that one.
Maybe you need to get out more, Bill.
I'm Suzanne's dad.
I suppose you're in on this, too.
You don't wanna mess with my kid.
You say you're a pool player, huh? - Prove it.
- I'm sorry.
I don't play for money.
- Maybe you should start.
- Yeah, Dad.
Maybe you should start.
OK, Luce.
Rack 'em up.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Did you knock over a liquor store on the way home? It's just a little overdue child support.
I knew you'd end up here eventually, and knowing what kind of guy you are, I knew what you'd do with the money.
- You don't know what kind of guy I am.
- Anyone who spends time with you knows.
Even if you're killing him at the pool table at the time, game after game.
Would you like to? Yeah, I would.
Very much.
It's as good a reason as any to see my daughter.
You'll have to see your ex-wife, too.
I can handle that.
What I can't handle is this.
I can't come up with one lump payment, but I can get them out of here.
Sorry if I overstepped my bounds before.
Suzanne's my daughter's best friend.
I know how important any friend can be.
Thank you.
Good luck.
Hey, Suze.
There's somebody here to see you.
It won't take me so long to get here next time.
I love you, kiddo.
- Just ignore him.
- The guy's a creep.
- Don't let him get to you.
- He's not worth it.
He hassles tons of girls.
You're no different.
Yes, I am.
I'm the one who's not gonna take it.
- It says men's room for a reason.
- This whole thing has gone far enough.
- What are you talking about? - Give me a break.
I guess you're here to fight your little sister's battles for her.
She doesn't need me to.
If you had half a brain you'd know that before you took her on.
You put that stuff on the wall, you mark it off.
That's just not gonna happen.
But you can have your pen back as a lovely parting gift.
Slam and dunk.
She'll always be faster and smarter.
That's why I don't have to fight her battles for her.
- Four o'clock, my office.
- Four o'clock? It won't hurt either one of you to have a little cool-down time in detention.
I'm really sorry for being such a jerk before.
It's OK.
No, it's not OK to treat your best friend like that.
It's just since the divorce.
I mean, I know my clothes aren't that great and our apartment.
- I was kind of embarrassed.
- It doesn't matter.
Look around.
Of course it matters.
To me.
It doesn't matter to me.
The house we live in, it's the church's.
And that shirt you borrowed, my sister's.
I talked to my dad.
- Really? - He's helping us get a new apartment.
I don't know how your dad did it.
I appreciate it.
I'll tell him.
So, how was talking to your dad? Weird at first, but then OK.
He's trying.
It hurts too much to be mad at my dad.
I know.
Suzanne says hello and thank you and I say ditto.
You're both welcome.
Keep an eye on your sister and Skyler.
- Sure.
- Skyler's here? The superhero guy? Yes.
Leave them alone.
They're playing very nicely in the living room.
Skyler's sister should be here any minute.
- And will you erm keep him busy? - I'll do what I can.
Mary shoved a guy's head in the toilet? You'd have been proud.
He's been hassling her all week.
- You told me not to worry.
- I'm her older brother.
I look out for her.
I stay awake so you guys don't have to.
Thank you.
See you.
- Show me, show me.
That kid's a superhero and I'm yesterday's news.
You might as well line a hamster cage with me.
You kidding? Your job's just beginning.
- What? - She's always gonna need you.
She'll never admit it, but you're older and that'll be enough.
You teach her to take care of herself.
Well, I'll do my best.
She's a handful.
It could be worse.
Mary has to keep an eye on Lucy.
Then I'd have to quit school.
She's a full-time job.
And as the oldest, I have to look out for everybody, including you.
- When do you look out for me? - I'm doing it right now.
But don't worry.
Sometimes sisters can come in handy.
You must be Skyler's sister.
I'm Simon, Ruthie's older brother.
Let me take that violin case.
I love the violin, our four-stringed friend.
The kids are right in the living room.
- I wanna file assault charges.
- Fine.
Mary, I'm assuming you'll wanna file sexual-harassment charges.
What did you think that was? Messing around, joking, having fun? It's not.
It's sexual harassment.
I'm not the least bit surprised that you see it this way.
Mr Towner, I understand that you would rather believe this is about sisterhood when in fact it's about right and wrong.
Your belief is incorrect and holding fast to it at this point is really not going to help anyone, especially your son.
So, Mary, how do you wanna handle this? It's over.
I just wanna let it go.
Really? I'm not inclined to be as generous as you are.
You talk trash, you write trash, you dare to snap this woman's bra strap? At the very least your head is gonna wind up in a toilet.
You harass another human being in this building and you will find you have no friend here.
Got it? - Yeah.
- Good.
Now go spread the word.
I know you're good at that.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Mary, don't make a habit out of waiting so long to ask for help next time.
- OK.
Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Thank you.
One more thing.
I got stuck in the boys' bathroom and was late for class, so I forged your names on the detention slip.
Just know that there's always gonna be somebody around who's gonna try to take your dignity.
- Don't let them take your voice.
- I'll try.
Maybe we should keep Ruthie home for 15 years.
I've had my first nap.
She's not staying home.
- How long till she's out of school? - Including medical school, 25 years.
ERIC: We'll never make it.
Don't do that.
Once inside the classroom, you'll probably do some counting, beads, Cheerios.
Don't eat them, whatever they are.
Then you'll probably colour, glue, maybe cut.
Don't get regular scissors.
They tear if you're a lefty.
- Right.
- Your other right.
After that, you're pretty much in the home stretch.
Then you'll take a nap, you'll have a snack.
Stay away if it's coconut.
Then Mom will come to pick you up.
Oh, yeah.
And never, ever pick anything.
It'll come back to haunt you.
No crying, no coconut, no picking.
Got it.
I'm glad we had this little talk.
Welcome to the big leagues.
What if I'm no good at school? You're in the beginning.
Nobody's good in the beginning.
I hate to interrupt this seminar, but one of us has a very big day tomorrow.
No kidding.
My day is completely booked.
School, lunch, recess, more school, Happy and then homework.
- Where does the time go? - I have no idea, Simon.
But tomorrow I'm gonna be tucking in a pre-kindergartener.
- You're gonna have a great time.
- Ha! Where does the time go? [KNOCKING.]
Just so I know, you told him no? I wouldn't go out with Michael Towner if there was a cash prize involved.
But it wouldn't be any of your business if I did.
Believe that if it helps you sleep.
- Thank you very much for dinner.
- You're very welcome.
And thank you for the shirt.
I can't believe I spilled my milk.
I am such a geek.
Don't worry.
Simon spills something at every meal.
- Well, I'll see you tomorrow.
- OK.
- We'll wait till you get inside.
- That's OK.
I'll go through the back so I don't set off the alarm.
Dad, stop.
Pull over.
- What is it? - Suzanne forgot her science notebook.
- She has homework.
- We'll drop it off, but that's it.
No catching up on each other's lives during the past four minutes.
I'd like to get home before Ruthie has to leave for school in the morning.
Isn't that her? Oh.
Hey, Suzanne! You forgot your science folder.
I was just trying to catch up with you.
I have homework.
Pages 119 to 127.
- Hop in.
We'll drive you home.
- It's just down the street a little.
I don't like you walking around by yourself at night.
- There you go.
- Thank you.
You're welcome.
Dad, did Suzanne seem a little weird last night when we dropped her off? Well, you know, something was a little off, but I'm not sure what.
- Could you find out? - How? I don't know.
Just get in there and root around.
Do what you usually do.
I can't butt into somebody's life because we feel something might be up.
Why? You do it all the time.
Well, not exactly.
I I help people who ask for my help.
Oh, so my asking's not enough? Great.
- That's not what I said.
- Just what she heard.
She'll be a real joy to ride with.
What's the matter? Not too hungry? Opening-day jitters.
Listen, eat something light.
A little toast maybe.
- Throwing up is just as bad as crying.
- Simon.
I'm just giving Ruthie the benefit of my experience.
It has been a while since you and Mom were in school.
Honey, it's gonna be OK.
We know the teacher and she's really nice.
- You're gonna make lots of friends.
- I just don't like this cereal.
- Nice you could join us.
- It won't happen again, Mr Maki.
I wouldn't bet my outer-shell electrons on that.
Sorry, sorry, sorry.
- Where have you been? I was worried.
- My mom's car wouldn't start.
This was the only thing I had clean.
Do you mind? Of course not.
It looks good on you.
We're mixing clear stuff and clear stuff and getting yellow sludge.
The miracle of science.
The real miracle would be figuring out what Mr Maki's hair is made of.
When I called last night, your mom said you weren't back yet.
- Maybe she didn't hear me come in.
- I guess.
It's a big house and my mom's kind of a flake.
You do the math.
- So, you ready? - How's my breath? - It's good.
It smells like cheese.
- Oh, good.
So, want me to take her in for you? Thanks, but we took you your first day.
We're gonna do the same for Ruthie.
- You took him? - Yeah, we took all you kids.
He told me he took a cab and paid for it with his own money.
Well, cabs are cheap on Planet Simon.
- I wanna go home.
- Sweetie, come on.
It'll be fine.
OK, Simon, you'd better get going.
You don't wanna be late.
Hi, Reverend, Annie.
Is this the last of the Camden clan? Yeah.
- I'm Mrs Miller, your teacher.
- I'm Ruthie Camden.
- Nice to meet you, Ruthie.
- Isn't she nice? Mommy will be back.
And I have Daddy's beeper.
If you need me, Mrs Miller will beep me and I'll be here in two minutes.
I love you, I love you, I love you.
Me too, me too, me too, me too.
- Look, modelling clay.
- Oh! - We will see you later.
- See you later? Yeah.
I'm OK.
Are you OK? My little baby's a pre-kindergartener.
- No crying.
- I know.
Michael Towner thinks he's a player.
He's a jerk.
Just be glad he didn't ask you out.
- He didn't take your turn-down well.
- What? There's something on the guys' bathroom wall that makes it sound like you did more than go out with him.
- What does it say? - Get Matt to check it out.
Yeah, OK.
- See you later.
- Yeah.
Hello? Hello? "You'll always score with Mary Camden because she loves to go one-on-one.
" How much jammin' did you take? I blew my ears out at that rave party last weekend.
I've just been nodding to my mom.
Who knows what I've agreed to? That guy can't have any stomach lining after the stuff they were pounding.
The hangovers those guys must've had.
It'd be easier to have my dad kill me.
And mine would have.
Here it is.
"You'll always score with Mary Camden because she loves to go one-on-one.
" I'm gonna kill this guy.
This can't be right.
I hope no one made us while we were out in the open.
Just act natural.
Apartment C.
That's her name, but she can't live here.
Then why is her name on the mailbox? Maybe she uses her allowance to pay for her own place because her mom is so mean she can't live in the same house with her.
Maybe she lives here and doesn't want anyone to know.
- Hey.
You guys look lost.
- No.
We're just looking for someone.
- JIMMY: We just got the wrong building.
- Oh.
- Do you need directions? - No, we're fine.
Thank you anyway.
If that was her mom, she didn't seem too mean, did she? Maybe she was battling to keep her dark side at bay the whole time.
We never should have come here.
A detention slip.
I'm pleased to see your name on it and not mine.
Have fun.
Don't sit in the back.
This is my third tardy this month.
Mom and Dad are gonna kill me.
I was thinking maybe you would sign it.
I'm the "relieved it's not me" brother, not "parent or guardian".
Actually, you're the "I went to a rave with some guys who were drinking when I said I was at the movies" brother.
I don't know where you get your information.
Save it.
I heard you talking about it in the bathroom.
- Who loves Jennifer? - Brad.
True love 4 ever.
- You were in the guys' bathroom? - There was something written about me.
It doesn't matter.
I didn't do anything at the party.
Yeah, that's the part Mom and Dad are gonna focus on.
And don't worry about Michael.
I'm gonna take care of him.
No, you won't.
I can take care of my own problems.
You blackmailed me to take care of one.
And admit it, you're a little bit proud.
You know, somehow this is gonna lead to groundings, recriminations and tears.
Only if you plan on crying.
- What's that? - An advisory from Ruthie's school.
"It is against the law as well as school policy to bring or have a weapon on school property at any time.
" "This includes after-school activities and school bus.
" "Possession of a weapon is forbidden on an individual's person, in a locker, gym bag, backpack or on the bus.
" That's Ruthie's? "Prohibited weapons include knives, firearms, switchblades, razors, blackjacks, chains or whips of any kind.
" There's a place for our signatures and Ruthie's.
You gotta be kidding.
We didn't go through this with any of the others.
Well, it has been five years since the last of our others started school.
- I don't know.
- They want Ruthie to sign this? She doesn't even stay in the lines when she's colouring.
I hate this.
Me, too.
- Something we can do for you? - I hope so.
- Well, shoot.
- No offence, Dad, but alone? I got stuff to do anyway.
Come on.
What? Oh, I have to sit down? This must be serious.
I thought you might want the lumbar support but, yes, it is serious.
Oh, OK.
Well, I'm comfortable.
Let's have it.
Well, I know you're a good mom and everything, but But? You absolutely, positively cannot under any circumstances ever kiss me on or around any school property ever again.
Oh, well, I'll do my best.
Under any other circumstances that would be acceptable, but I need more.
You have to promise.
Even if my cheek is on fire, you cannot use your lips to put it out.
I know it's tough, but that's the way it's gotta be.
I understand.
You have my word.
You almost ruined my life today.
Oh, I'm sorry.
What do you mean, almost? Well, I kinda told the kids you were having a nervous breakdown about Ruthie going to school.
Lucky that you started crying when she went in.
They totally bought it.
Nice touch.
Yeah, well, anything to help.
Well, I was a desperate man.
I have to face those kids every day.
- It's a jungle out there, you know.
- So I'm learning.
- What are we doing? - Nothing.
Are you taking me and Ruthie to school tomorrow? - Your dad.
- I'm not going tomorrow.
- What do you mean? - I'm done with pre-kindergarten.
- No, you're not.
- Yes, I am.
I paid good attention.
- You go every day.
- What's he babbling about? School's every day, like the other kids.
- Every day? For the rest of my life? - Duh.
- Why didn't you teach me? - I thought you knew.
How could I unless somebody teaches me? I didn't know she was such a powder keg.
I thought you liked going to school.
I like peanut butter, but not every day.
If I'd known pre-kindergarten was every day, I'd never have signed up for it.
- This is your fault.
- Where did you learn to do that? School, and I'm never going back, ever.
Erm, that should be an R, not a T.
Do you need me or can you wait till I'm done before you grade this? Actually, Suzanne needs you, which means I need you, through her.
- Because we're best friends.
- Yes, yes, I've heard.
Remember we thought something was weird when we dropped her off? Yeah.
Well, we were right.
She doesn't live where she said she does.
She lives in an apartment off of Genesee Avenue.
And how do you know this? Because Jimmy and I followed her home.
- You did what? - Something wasn't right.
I told Matt that Jimmy's mom was driving us home and we tailed her.
It seemed like a good idea.
What time? That's a high crime area.
You had no business being there, especially not by yourself.
What was I supposed to do? I asked you to help and you didn't.
Besides, I was with Jimmy.
He's an expert at acupressure point defence.
He could take any guy down by just poking him there.
Erm, here? I'm not the expert.
He is.
I should ground you, but you're already grounded.
Don't go to that part of town again.
But Suzanne has to.
She lives there every day.
Get me her address.
I'll see what I can do.
Thanks, Dad.
I'm not promising anything.
That may be the only place they can afford.
You'll figure out something.
You always do.
I'm so glad it seems that way.
Mrs Sanders? Eric Camden.
Oh, of course.
Lucy's dad, the minister.
Suzanne's told me all about you.
Come on in.
I hope I'm not disturbing you.
I've gotta leave for work, but I've got time for a refill if you want a coffee.
That'd be great.
I'm returning Suzanne's blouse.
She spilled something on it the other night.
My wife cleaned it up.
That's very nice of her, and very nice of you to drop it off.
Well, I'm glad I got the right address.
Suzanne had us drop her off at a different one the other night.
Suzanne's Dad, Bill, and I divorced.
Our standard of living isn't the same as it used to be.
- You guys OK? - Oh, yeah.
Between my jobs at the motel and waiting tables, we're hanging in.
- Please sit down.
- Thanks.
Course, things'd be easier, but my ex doesn't believe in child support.
The courts do.
But the courts aren't on the same timetable as my landlord and creditors.
Which is OK.
I don't mind a little hard work.
But Suzanne thinks her dad doesn't love her because he doesn't take care of her.
I try to explain it has nothing to do with her, he's just mad at me, but sometimes actions speak louder than words, you know? Yes, I do.
Listen, there are a couple of lawyers in my congregation.
Can I ask them to look into this? You could, but I've talked to him and I've had lawyers talk to him.
- It doesn't do any good.
- Maybe I should take a crack at him.
I would love to hear what he'd say to a reverend about not taking care of his daughter.
Let's find out.
That's his used-car place down by the freeway, isn't it? Yeah.
Oh, honey.
Lucy's dad dropped by to deliver your blouse.
I thought she'd still be in school.
You want me to go after her? No, I'll go.
You'll just let me know what he says? I have a feeling I'm gonna need a good laugh today.
What's that look for? She's giving me dirty looks.
- This is getting really old.
- I hate that guy.
Him and his sad, sad friends.
- Why not let Matt take care of him? - I don't wanna make a big deal.
I was hoping the whole thing would go away.
MICHAEL: Mary Camden is such a tease.
So much for hope.
- What did you say? - Me? I didn't say anything.
- What is your problem? - I don't have one.
What's yours? - You didn't get enough of me last time? - You're pathetic.
I told you she was hot-blooded.
Let's get out of here.
- You OK? - Yeah.
Yeah, I'm fine.
Just stay out of this, OK? I will for now.
We coloured with glitter, then we sang, then we played house.
I was the mother, so I rewired the house on a clapper system.
We had a great day.
I'm jealous just hearing about it.
Would you please put this on my bed? OK.
A great day? Last night she swore she'd never go back.
- She met someone.
- Really? - A boy someone.
- Oh.
- Dad, do you have a minute? - Actually, I have an appointment.
But for you, I'm always happy to find a minute or two.
- Thanks a lot, Reverend.
- For what? For humiliating my best friend by being at her house when she came home.
I was waiting for Matt when Suzanne's mom asked me if I had seen Suzanne.
She explained everything.
Suzanne will probably never speak to me again.
I'm sorry.
I know how important a best friend is.
But you asked me to check into the situation.
I meant to be gone before Suzanne got back.
By the way, you might wanna change your tone of voice before I'm mad at you.
I didn't want you to take care of it this way.
- What way? - So my best friend's not talking to me.
- So, are you heading out? - Yeah, I gotta go see a deadbeat dad.
I think I have your cape here, but you're on your own for the phone booth.
My superpowers may have been overrated.
Oh, not even a little.
See you later.
I did great on my math test today.
I guess overconfidence is the real enemy now.
Do you think I'm overconfident? Tell me how your day was.
Don't skip a minute.
Come on, Ruthie.
At least tell me if it was OK.
My day was fine.
I have a new best friend named Skyler.
- And he's a superhero.
- Right.
The Tick.
- Talk to the hand.
- What? Talk to the hand cos the ears aren't listening.
- And who taught you that? - Skyler.
What do you know about this Skyler guy? He's coming over to play tomorrow.
I don't wanna worry you, but I don't think he's a good influence on Ruthie.
- I'll keep a close eye on him.
- That's it? You're gonna let this guy and his upstart ways waltz into the house? - Yes.
- You're gonna take a chance? Fine.
I like your gambling spirit.
- What kind of a name is Skyler, anyway? - Oh, I don't know.
A superhero name? I said I'd take care of it and I will.
I don't think "How?" and "When?" are unreasonable questions.
I'll tell you how and when in my own way, in my own time.
- This whole thing is driving me crazy.
- Why? I won't stand for him talking trash about you.
- You won't stand for it? - No.
One guy's warped ego's enough for me.
I don't need yours too.
Well, I'm sorry this whole thing bothers me more than it bothers you.
Me too.
Excuse me.
I'm Eric Camden.
I'm the minister down at Glenoak.
- I'm looking for Bill Sanders.
- You just found him.
Nice to meet you.
What's the church's special need? A new organ, furnace or water heater? All of those, actually, but that's not why I'm here.
Your ex-wife asked me to give you a call.
Things are a little tough and they could use some help.
If you know that much, you know there's no love lost between us.
So you're punishing Suzanne? - Leave my daughter out of this.
- If I could, I wouldn't be here.
She took her mother's side.
She has to live with the consequences.
Let me bring you up to date on those consequences.
She's living in a rundown apartment in an unsafe neighbourhood, going without things she needs, because they can't make ends meet.
If my daughter needed me, she could've called me.
Maybe she can't.
Maybe she thinks you don't love her.
If she thinks that, it's my ex-wife's fault.
Look, if Suzanne called you, would you catch up with the child support? I'd buy her a pair of shoes or something.
- Ever wonder why Suzanne doesn't call? - No.
Well, maybe you should.
Thanks for your time.
- Any word from Suzanne? - She's never gonna speak to me again.
What do you say we shoot a little pool? If you feel like talking.
Really? - Just you and me? - Yeah.
I'll get my coat.
- May I be excused? - Yes.
- Why aren't you two talking? - It's nothing.
- I won't worry if you tell me not to.
- Don't worry.
May I? Thanks.
I wasn't talking to Simon either, but now I am, even though I don't need you, because I have a new best friend who's a superhero.
You may not need me, but you'll miss me.
Ha ha.
Let's see.
Get us a couple of sodas, would you, Luce? Now.
- You following me? - I'm shooting pool with my daughter.
So you didn't just show up here to show me what a real father-daughter relationship ought to be? Only you can decide what a father-daughter relationship should be.
This is just a coincidence.
A pool-playing minister? I hadn't heard that one.
Maybe you need to get out more, Bill.
I'm Suzanne's dad.
I suppose you're in on this, too.
You don't wanna mess with my kid.
You say you're a pool player, huh? - Prove it.
- I'm sorry.
I don't play for money.
- Maybe you should start.
- Yeah, Dad.
Maybe you should start.
OK, Luce.
Rack 'em up.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Did you knock over a liquor store on the way home? It's just a little overdue child support.
I knew you'd end up here eventually, and knowing what kind of guy you are, I knew what you'd do with the money.
- You don't know what kind of guy I am.
- Anyone who spends time with you knows.
Even if you're killing him at the pool table at the time, game after game.
Would you like to? Yeah, I would.
Very much.
It's as good a reason as any to see my daughter.
You'll have to see your ex-wife, too.
I can handle that.
What I can't handle is this.
I can't come up with one lump payment, but I can get them out of here.
Sorry if I overstepped my bounds before.
Suzanne's my daughter's best friend.
I know how important any friend can be.
Thank you.
Good luck.
Hey, Suze.
There's somebody here to see you.
It won't take me so long to get here next time.
I love you, kiddo.
- Just ignore him.
- The guy's a creep.
- Don't let him get to you.
- He's not worth it.
He hassles tons of girls.
You're no different.
Yes, I am.
I'm the one who's not gonna take it.
- It says men's room for a reason.
- This whole thing has gone far enough.
- What are you talking about? - Give me a break.
I guess you're here to fight your little sister's battles for her.
She doesn't need me to.
If you had half a brain you'd know that before you took her on.
You put that stuff on the wall, you mark it off.
That's just not gonna happen.
But you can have your pen back as a lovely parting gift.
Slam and dunk.
She'll always be faster and smarter.
That's why I don't have to fight her battles for her.
- Four o'clock, my office.
- Four o'clock? It won't hurt either one of you to have a little cool-down time in detention.
I'm really sorry for being such a jerk before.
It's OK.
No, it's not OK to treat your best friend like that.
It's just since the divorce.
I mean, I know my clothes aren't that great and our apartment.
- I was kind of embarrassed.
- It doesn't matter.
Look around.
Of course it matters.
To me.
It doesn't matter to me.
The house we live in, it's the church's.
And that shirt you borrowed, my sister's.
I talked to my dad.
- Really? - He's helping us get a new apartment.
I don't know how your dad did it.
I appreciate it.
I'll tell him.
So, how was talking to your dad? Weird at first, but then OK.
He's trying.
It hurts too much to be mad at my dad.
I know.
Suzanne says hello and thank you and I say ditto.
You're both welcome.
Keep an eye on your sister and Skyler.
- Sure.
- Skyler's here? The superhero guy? Yes.
Leave them alone.
They're playing very nicely in the living room.
Skyler's sister should be here any minute.
- And will you erm keep him busy? - I'll do what I can.
Mary shoved a guy's head in the toilet? You'd have been proud.
He's been hassling her all week.
- You told me not to worry.
- I'm her older brother.
I look out for her.
I stay awake so you guys don't have to.
Thank you.
See you.
- Show me, show me.
That kid's a superhero and I'm yesterday's news.
You might as well line a hamster cage with me.
You kidding? Your job's just beginning.
- What? - She's always gonna need you.
She'll never admit it, but you're older and that'll be enough.
You teach her to take care of herself.
Well, I'll do my best.
She's a handful.
It could be worse.
Mary has to keep an eye on Lucy.
Then I'd have to quit school.
She's a full-time job.
And as the oldest, I have to look out for everybody, including you.
- When do you look out for me? - I'm doing it right now.
But don't worry.
Sometimes sisters can come in handy.
You must be Skyler's sister.
I'm Simon, Ruthie's older brother.
Let me take that violin case.
I love the violin, our four-stringed friend.
The kids are right in the living room.
- I wanna file assault charges.
- Fine.
Mary, I'm assuming you'll wanna file sexual-harassment charges.
What did you think that was? Messing around, joking, having fun? It's not.
It's sexual harassment.
I'm not the least bit surprised that you see it this way.
Mr Towner, I understand that you would rather believe this is about sisterhood when in fact it's about right and wrong.
Your belief is incorrect and holding fast to it at this point is really not going to help anyone, especially your son.
So, Mary, how do you wanna handle this? It's over.
I just wanna let it go.
Really? I'm not inclined to be as generous as you are.
You talk trash, you write trash, you dare to snap this woman's bra strap? At the very least your head is gonna wind up in a toilet.
You harass another human being in this building and you will find you have no friend here.
Got it? - Yeah.
- Good.
Now go spread the word.
I know you're good at that.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Mary, don't make a habit out of waiting so long to ask for help next time.
- OK.
Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Thank you.
One more thing.
I got stuck in the boys' bathroom and was late for class, so I forged your names on the detention slip.
Just know that there's always gonna be somebody around who's gonna try to take your dignity.
- Don't let them take your voice.
- I'll try.
Maybe we should keep Ruthie home for 15 years.
I've had my first nap.
She's not staying home.
- How long till she's out of school? - Including medical school, 25 years.
ERIC: We'll never make it.