All That Glitters (2023) s01e16 Episode Script

Episode 16

Liu Mu.
I have no other way out.
Will you help me?
Jianzhi's secondhand car shop
has run into problems.
His partner absconded with the money.
He's in a fix now.
Besides having to pay the car sellers,
he also has to pay rent arrears
and workers' salaries.
You wish to help him?
I'm his buddy. I should help him.
Yes, you should help one another.
I knew it. You care for friendship ties.
Do what you have to.
But the amount involved is huge.
I won't be able to
raise it at short notice.
So I'm thinking of letting the company
reacquire the gold bars.
What gold bars?
It's the 10 gold bars that I gave you.
That's a betrothal gift.
I know.
I asked to postpone the wedding.
So you wish to take
back the betrothal gift?
No. Of course not.
I'm using the gold bars to help
Jianzhi tide over this crisis.
Once I get my bonuses,
I'll return the gold bars to you.
OK. You can have them.
But when you take back the betrothal gift,
the wedding is off too.
I need to retrieve them
from the safe at the bank.
When do you need them?
I'm not calling off the wedding.
Then don't take back the betrothal gift.
If I don't help him,
he'll have to go to jail.
I didn't say you can't help him.
Don't do this, You're-so-Pretty.
What did I do?
Believe me.
I'll surely return the gold bars to you.
I'll return double.
I'll give you 20 gold bars.
I'm not a loan shark.
You don't owe me a thing either.
Give it careful thought.
By taking back the betrothal gift,
you're calling off the wedding.
You're-so-Pretty, thank you.
I promise I'll return the betrothal gift.
In fact, it'll be double the value.
Let me see you home.
It's okay. Do what you have to do.
Didn't I already tell you this?
Not to delay the wedding,
but you wouldn't hear of it.
It's not like he must marry you.
You have a disability.
He is fine-looking
and he is making good money.
It's easy for him to find a wife.
What was going through your head?
The wedding date has been fixed.
Why the change of mind?
He has taken back the betrothal gift.
And you believed him when
he claimed a friend needed the money?
It may just be his excuse
to give them to another girl.
You'll be the death of me.
Zhenyu didn't come to the market today.
I set aside some fish and prawns for her.
She had an appointment this morning.
Thanks for bringing them over.
-How much are they?
-Pay me another time. No hurry.
All right. Zhenyu will pay you.
-Do you want some coffee?
-No, thanks.
I insist. You're our friend.
Zhenyu, make some coffee for Ming.
I'm going to buy 4D now.
Auntie, you have a lucky number?
I'm not sure if I can
call it a lucky number,
1020. Do you want to place a bet?
No, thanks.
Ten pieces no less.
Are you okay?
I'm okay. Why did you ask me that?
I overheard what your mum said.
I didn't mean to eavesdrop.
I got here when she was
talking about the betrothal gift.
It's okay.
Always look on the bright side.
Cheer up.
I'm not upset. Coffee.
It's nice.
-Toast for you?
-No, thanks.
Bro Ming, just come straight to the point.
It's actually nothing.
Just that
I bought two tickets to support a friend.
It's a Chinese orchestral performance.
Tomorrow night, you
Go with your sister.
Zhenting can't appreciate
Chinese orchestra.
Oh Then I'll go by myself.
I'll go with you.
Are you okay?
I'm okay
You must think that I'm doing this
to spite my boyfriend.
All is good. I'm not angry with him.
I'm going with you
because I enjoy Chinese orchestra.
Nothing more to it.
Thank you.
If it wasn't for your help,
I'd be staring at jail time now.
Don't be silly.
That's what brothers are for.
What are brothers for?
Hey. What are brothers for?
They use each other.
My foot! Brothers share
the good times and bad times.
Liu Mu.
Be honest with me.
Was You're-so-Pretty unhappy about it?
You overthink things.
My future wife is not the petty sort.
When she learned about your troubles,
she said, "Brothers should
help one another."
"Do what you have to do."
If your wedding is
called off because of me,
I deserve to die.
Not being able to get a wife
will never happen to me.
Huang Jintiao, you look dejected.
Do you look like a winner
who can turn things around?
I don't feel like a winner.
I feel like a loser.
It's just a relationship problem.
Why get all miserable over it?
My career and love life are going nowhere.
Life is miserable for me.
You've not had any job offers yet?
Susakong referred me to
a Muay Thai gym coach position.
But I didn't get a job offer.
Didn't you train at a well-known school?
Yes, it's well-known all right.
It's famous in Thailand.
I'm already 30 years old.
But I don't even hold a proper job.
I'm no match for Director Fu
to win Xiaomei's heart.
Come and work with me.
Why give me that look?
Would I ever leave you in the lurch?
If you don't get a job soon,
Granny Thunder will come after you.
And you've wound up your business.
Time to get a job.
I have a few investment projects at hand.
Boss told me to recruit new staff.
You've been doing well in your career.
Actually, I'm keen to learn about
investment from you.
But I didn't know how
to broach the subject.
Eh I know nothing about investment.
Don't get ahead of yourself.
You'll be my assistant.
-What does your assistant do?
The title of assistant sounds lame.
Is there a nicer title?
You don't like that? Let's make you
the manager.
Assistant manager?
That sounds impressive.
How about that?
Are these real?
You tell me.
Good morning, gorgeous people.
I see the desire for success in your eyes.
I believe that all of you will do well.
Where are we all heading?
Golden path!
Let's go. Go for it.
Kiki Someone's all smiles today.
Something good, eh?
The US project is doing well.
In just two days, I closed deals
worth a million dollars.
Allow me.
This is Kiki, our top investment advisor.
Her commission is S$30,000.
This is He Jianzhi, our new colleague.
He Jianzhi. Please guide me along.
-We interrupted your work. Go for it.
Yes, Boss?
Wow, S$30,000.
You need the car? Got it.
Jintiao, Boss needs the car.
What? Alright.
-Get going.
-I'll get going.
-Drive safely.
I'll introduce you to
Richard, our young boss.
If you ask me,
the man in the street should
have access to the buoyant gold market.
That's why our company offers
investment plans that are just
too good to pass up on.
This way, gold is accessible to all.
-Let's wrap it up here, thanks.
-Thank you.
Thank you.
Allow me.
-He is
-He Jianzhi?
That's right.
This is Richard, our young boss.
He's very young.
-Boss, how do you do?
-Don't call me Boss.
Just call me Richard, okay?
I'm also an employee like you guys.
Our real bosses are
the investors behind you.
Without them, we'd starve.
Welcome aboard.
Thunder must have shared this with you.
Our company treasures talent.
Competent individuals
should join us and be given opportunities.
We look beyond their qualifications
and background.
I don't have higher education.
But I promise I'll be
the most hard-working.
Thunder told me you two are good buddies.
We grew up together.
Isn't there a saying?
Brothers of the same mind
is more than what gold can buy.
We invest in gold and land.
We work for gains.
The two of you need to be of one mind
to bring in more cash and gold
for the company.
Now, that's how brothers of the same mind
can earn gold together.
We'll work towards that.
I'll work hard.
What do you think of him?
Quite a nice chap. No airs about him.
-But he's a deep one.
-A deep one?
-You mean he's hard to read?
Well, that's bosses for you.
If you could read his mind,
how could he be your boss?
But I can tell that he regards you highly.
But of course. I've made
a lot of money for him.
Why are you looking at me like that?
I still remember the Lin Musen
from two years ago.
You were always in
the removals company uniform.
Each time I saw you, you'd reek of sweat.
Now, you're working in a big company
with your own office, no less.
I'm so happy for you. So proud of you.
You're on the road to riches.
Nah, I'm still a long way off.
It's just the beginning for me.
I've only caught a glimpse of
the sparkling gold.
When all three of us
bask in the glow of gold,
I'd say we are on the road to riches.
I need your helping hand.
I'm not as smart or capable as you.
Even the business I started
went belly up.
Don't worry.
What are brothers for?
Jintiao and you
will always be in my plans.
Go for it. Give it your best shot.
Where do I start?
You'll be in charge of
this gold repurchase plan.
In its first year,
this plan attracted over 2,000 investors
from Singapore and Malaysia.
The investment sum has exceeded S$500 mil.
Our target this year is
to double the number of investors
and the investment amount.
Well, interested?
This is all Greek to me.
But I'll be a keen learner.
Your interest is a good start.
Someone will be your buddy
for the next few days.
I promise you'll learn
all that you need to.
There she is.
These files are for your reference.
This is Jiahui speaking.
I'm going to work hard too.
I'll be graduating soon.
I'll work hard for my future.
Bro Jianzhi.
Let's work hard together.
-How do you do, Mr. Li?
-How do you do?
He's my colleague.
How do you do, Mr. Li? I'm He Jianzhi.
-Hi. Take a seat.
Thank you.
You indicated your intention
to invest S$200,000.
That's right.
Here's the latest gold price.
-Please take a look.
Let me study the proposal.
I'll contact you again.
Sorry, I have another meeting to go to.
I'll leave first.
-Call me anytime you're ready.
He left just like that.
That's because he knows
he can't get his way with you around.
So that's how it works?
These men invest their money
with strings attached.
He's hinted to me twice.
He asked me how I'd want to repay him
if he invested a sum of money.
Next, he asked me if we could meet
for an in-depth discussion at his hotel.
You already know how to handle these men.
I almost got tricked once.
One chap actually spiked my drink.
How brazen!
There are all kinds
of people in this world.
And looks are deceiving.
I was very fortunate
to run into a good man.
He came to my rescue.
He's my boyfriend now.
Oh. Liu Mu updated me.
He's a Muay Thai coach?
He's very good to me.
We're living together, but not cohabiting.
We have our own separate rooms.
He shows me a lot of respect.
He's protective of me too.
If a male client wants
to meet me at night,
he'll wait for me in the vicinity.
That's nice.
They say you grow up quickly
when you join the workforce.
I can't agree more.
Just this year alone,
I've met all kinds of people.
Where people are concerned,
especially men,
I've gained a deeper insight.
There are many types of men.
You have the good men.
Then you have the jerks.
But the most scary of them all are
the ones whom you thought were decent
who actually turn out to be jerks.
I'm very lucky
because I finally met a good man.
Jintiao! It's been a while.
-Been busy?
-Of late, yes.
-Let me get that for you.
Iced dinosaur for you?
No, thanks. I'm leaving for work soon.
I just came by to say hello
to your mom and you.
Mom, Jintiao is saying hello.
Hello. Director Fu,
Nothing, I just called to ask
when you'll be coming over.
You'll come when shooting wraps?
Sure! I'll wait for you.
Zhenyu, I've started a new job.
I'm an assistant manager now.
I'm drawing a much higher pay now.
That's wonderful.
Yes, but I'm not quite used to it.
I have to dress neat and smart, you see.
Yes, the ondeh-ondeh cake is very good.
But I notice that I've gained weight.
Voluptuous? Nah, I'm fat.
That's why I say directors
are honey-tongued.
See that all the honeyed words
don't give you diabetes.
Zhenyu, I'm off to work now.
All right.
I'll see you later, Director Fu.
Take your time.
Mom, he left, but you're still acting.
You should be a TV actress.
You're such a natural talking to air.
That silly boy.
He even got angry.
You don't feel bad hurting him like that?
If I hadn't done that,
I'd feel really bad.
I thought it'd be the hostesses.
Someone's impatient.
I'm not. Rather, I'm nervous.
This is my first time in a nightclub.
Qiqi, Aya, you're finally here.
It's been a while since you came.
Once you quit working here,
you completely forget about us.
You're heartless.
Come on! You girls
are beautiful and charming.
If I come here often,
I may just fall for you.
-Did you miss me?
-Yes, terribly.
I've brought two good friends here.
Be nice to them, especially this one.
He's just fallen out of love.
Poor thing.
Pretty girl, what would you like?
Bro, what's your name?
I'm Aya.
I am
Where is the gold (jin)?
I don't have any gold
Bro Jintiao, why are you so nervous?
Afraid we'll ask you for gold?
I I'm not nervous.
I I'm not in the least nervous.
Bro Jintiao, what is your favorite song?
-We'll sing with you.
-We'll sing with you.
No need.
I can sing by myself.
You don't like our company?
It's not that.
Let's sing together.
Come on, Bro Jintiao.
Let's sing together.
I I'm not used to singing with others.
Drop the act.
Who was asking for the girls just now?
Hey That's not true.
Let's sing together, Bro Jintiao. Okay?
What song do you want to sing?
"I'm Just A Little Bird."
So cute.
-So you're a
-A little bird.
I was referring to the song title!
Mom likes Director Fu?
Why did you ask that?
She's watching the TV drama
directed by him again.
I think Mom is lonely.
If she ever finds a man she loves,
I'll be very happy for her.
I'm also curious to find out
if she has feelings for Director Fu.
Why didn't you ask Mom just now?
You're a better person to ask her.
You are so perceptive.
Not all blind people are fortune tellers.
I just think you're very intuitive.
You know right away if any one of us
at home is going through stuff.
Then you should come clean with me.
What about?
Aren't you up to something of late?
No, I'm not.
You're not your usual self
after returning from your long break.
In what way?
You're going out less.
Even if you do,
you're home before midnight.
And you don't come home drunk either.
Isn't this a good thing?
Of course it is.
But there must be a reason for it.
Nothing in particular.
Just that I've sorted out some stuff.
I should rely on my own merit
than rely on other people.
So I want to chart a new path for my life.
I want to go back to school.
Get a degree?
I've applied to law school.
I want to be a top lawyer.
That's very good.
You've always been academically inclined.
Getting into the law faculty
won't be easy.
Competition is stiff.
My grades from polytechnic
must be recognized by university first.
I also need to pass
the interview and a written test.
But I'm confident I can get in.
I believe in you too.
If you get accepted, don't worry
about the tuition fees.
I'm not worried.
My sis is marrying a guy who's loaded.
I'm a little bird
-Bottoms up
-I want to soar
But I can't fly high
I'm searching for
A warm embrace
Is this too much to ask for?
Is this too much to ask for?
Now, stop singing.
I want to sing some more.
Stop singing.
He's drunk. Let him be.
I'm going to the restroom.
We'll leave after paying.
Let him be. Let's drink.
I want to see Xiaomei
I want to talk to her.
It's already late. Do that tomorrow.
No! I want to talk to her now.
Bro Jintiao,
what's Xiaomei's phone number?
Let me call her for you.
I don't have her number, but Liu Mu does.
What are you doing?
Don't play with Liu Mu's phone.
I want I want to call her.
It's late. Don't disturb her.
-I'm calling Xiaomei.
-So you want to call her, eh?
-I want to call Xiaomei.
-Go on.
Hello, Zhenyu?
You're Jintiao.
This is Jintiao.
I want to talk to Xiaomei.
Your mom.
I have something to ask her.
What do you want to ask her?
Is this too much to ask for?
You really called her?!
Zhenyu, this is Jianzhi.
Jintiao is sloshed.
-He called you using Liu Mu's cellphone.
-Go on, sing.
Is this too much to ask for?
You won't stop singing, huh?
Shall I keep you company tonight?
Of course not.
How can you leave
your good friend Aya behind?
Hear that? He wants to have
the best of two worlds.
What nonsense is that?
Stop touching me.
The best of two worlds? My foot!
And I thought you were a smart girl.
Turns out you're quite dumb.
What is it, Thunder?
Did you girls accept Johnny Fu's money
to go to his yacht party this weekend?
He's no decent guy.
His parties are about orgies and drugs.
When you find yourselves
gang-raped or drugged,
it'll be too late for regrets.
-I won't be going, Thunder.
-Same here.
You'd better not be there.
Sis You're going out?
Did I wake you up?
Whoa. Where are you going at this hour?
Liu Mu wants to take me out for supper.
Be careful.
It's already midnight.
It makes no difference to me
whether it's day or night.
Go back to sleep.
Bro Ming, is that you?
Going out at this late hour?
-What about yourself?
-I'm going to the fish market.
Off to buy fish so early?
I'm helping a friend who runs a stall
at the wholesale market.
Where are you going? I'll give you a lift.
It's OK. I'll take a taxi there.
Come on. It's late and you're alone
I'm in no rush anyway. Let's go.
Thanks, Bro Ming.
Oh, come on. We live just next block
to each other and we know each other.
I asked you girls to cheer him up,
not make him drunk.
-Do you feel better?
-You chose to drink so much.
This is what happens to people
who fall out of love.
He called her using your cellphone.
See him home.
You're-so-Pretty, what brings you here?
I'm sorry to gatecrash your party.
Why would you put it that way?
Why did you come here at this hour?
Never mind me.
Go have fun.
Have the best of two worlds.
The best of two worlds?
Qiqi was just joking.
The truth is far from what you heard.
Don't take her words seriously.
I see. So in that kind of setting,
the women there can speak
and act however they like.
So you're free to touch them anyhow.
Touch them?
No, I didn't touch them.
Don't imagine the worst
based on what you heard.
I worked as a manager here for a while.
So I know the girls here.
They see me as their older brother.
Oh, really?
I bet they totally listen to you then.
Never mind "the best of two worlds,"
you can have "the
best of three worlds" too.
Like I said, she was joking just now.
Jianzhi and Jintiao were there too.
Jintiao was drunk,
so we can forget about him.
But Jianzhi was sober.
You can ask him if you don't believe me.
Isn't Jianzhi your brother?
You think I'd collude
with him to lie to you?
I don't do that.
How about getting those women
to validate your claim too?
They have names too.
They are pitiful.
Aya grew up without a father.
Her mother had an accident
and became paralyzed from the waist down.
She only became a KTV hostess
due to her circumstances.
Qiqi comes from a poor family.
Her family can't afford her college fees.
So she's working here
to put herself through school.
Do I care about these women?
I just want you to know that
circumstances forced them into
this line of work.
There are so many other jobs available.
Why are they demeaning themselves?
As KTV hostesses, all they do is
sing and drink with customers.
Show them some respect, okay?
No, I can't.
Since you feel sorry for them,
you're free to show them respect.
you should know me by now.
Am I the type to fool around?
You're prettier than Qiqi, Aya
and the other girls.
Now, have I ever tried
to get fresh with you?
Don't compare me to those women!
Fine, I rest my case.
-Come, I'll see you home.
-No need.
I've already explained myself.
Why won't you believe me?
You're rich now. You drive a snazzy car.
You're also a loyal friend.
You take care of your brothers.
You clear their debts for them,
and you get them into your company.
When you're free, you take care of
the girls with sob stories.
You have so many people
who trust you and are grateful to you.
Does it matter if I don't trust you?
What do you want me to do?
Do what you like!
You can have the best of both worlds
or do whatever for all I care.
Where are you going?
It's late and you can't see.
Just as well I cannot see well.
If I could see you people,
I'd be so disgusted.
Never mind.
-Let me see you home.
-No need.
I'm sorry.
I promise I won't come to a bar again.
The wedding is already off.
You're free to go wherever you want.
I swear I won't upset you again.
Stop making promises.
I'm sorry that you have to put up with me.
I'm the petty one.
I'm throwing a fit
over something so trivial.
I know you've been tolerating me.
I also know that you feel
aggrieved and indignant.
This won't happen again.
What are you saying?
What are you saying?
Don't look me up again.
Make yourself clear.
What are you saying?
You want me to spell things out?
Fine, here goes.
Let's break up.
Let's break up!
Zhenyu, watch out.
It's me.
You nearly walked into the river.
I was worried about you, so I came back.
Zhenyu, what's wrong? Why are you crying?
I'm good.
I'm good.
What exactly happened?
Did someone bully you?
I I'm so useless.
I'm so useless.
I've always seen myself
as weaker than others.
So I have to be a stronger person.
But I'm so useless.
You're a strong person. It's true.
Zhenyu, I've not seen anyone
stronger than you.
I don't know what happened to you.
But I am sure that
you'll come out of this stronger.
Why are you sleeping here?
Auntie, good morning.
I missed You're-so-Pretty so badly
that it kept me up all night.
So I came to see her first thing today.
I can never get you youngsters.
You're-so-Pretty, good morning
Mom, since he's here,
let's say it once and for all.
He and I have broken up.
I knew something was off.
Your morning voice
told me you'd been crying.
What's going on between you two?
Why are you breaking up now?
It was all my fault.
I had dinner with
Jianzhi and Jintiao last night.
Jintiao was feeling down
and wanted to go to a karaoke joint.
So I took them to the karaoke bar
where I used to work.
Sorry. We need to
open the shop for business.
Musen, carry on.
It was my fault.
I shouldn't have gone to a bar.
I shouldn't have
Please don't get in our way.
Li Zhenyu, are you
asking for a telling-off?
Auntie, don't scold her.
I'll leave. I'll come back
when you're open for business.
Zhenyu, it's okay to throw a fit.
Don't stay angry.
He swallowed his pride
to come and apologize to you.
Give him a break.
When he returns later, be nice to him.
There is a limit to a person's patience.
Musen has a good temper.
But your constant nasty attitude
will put him off.
You didn't even ask me why I got mad,
and here you are defending him.
As if you'd tell me if I asked.
I'm your mother.
Surely I know your character?
Are you Lin Musen?
I'm Ming. I'm a fishmonger.
I live in the block opposite Zhenyu,
I've known her family for years.
She told me about how you'd keep
fresh fish and prawns for her.
I drove her to where you were last night.
I drove her to the bar
where she waited outside for you.
I left after dropping her off.
But I got worried.
So I drove back.
She nearly fell into the river.
Thankfully, I pulled her back in time.
I can't imagine what could have happened.
Thank you.
Be good to Zhenyu.
She's a kind and simple girl.
Thank you.
Subtitle translation by: A Han
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