Angry Birds: Summer Madness (2022) s01e16 Episode Script

Fowl Weather!

[Mighty Eagle whistling]
[Mighty Eagle]
Camp Splinterwood ♪
Our summer home ♪
[driving rock music]
For catapultin'!
Slingshottin'! Getting thrown! ♪
Campers rocket through the trees ♪
Cannonballing where they please ♪
Zippin' in the air ♪
Crashin' everywhere! ♪
Archery, Dodgebird
Borb tennis-- it's absurd! ♪
Here they come!
Red, Stella, Bomb, Chuck! ♪
Flyin' Fast!
Look out, duck! ♪
All your life, you'll be glad
You had this ♪
Angry Birds Summer Madness! ♪
[indistinct chatter]
Uh, excuse us, please.
Make a hole, cheeple. Coming through!
Girl on a mission here!
[rubber band stretching]
[players grunting]
Oh. [chuckles]
I love how you tickle my tum-tum,
Mr. Unicorn.
[Stella] Whoooo! Oof!
[laughs sheepishly]
How did that get wrapped around me?
It's not mine. Hey, Stella, wait up!
Can't stop. It's Friday and it's 2 p.m.
I'm not missing Slung-Fu again.
Nothing's gonna stop me.
[Lynette on PA] Attention, campers!
Camp Splinterwood is under
a Category Four Mayonado warning.
Return to your cabins immediately!
Sorry, kids.
No Slung-Fu. Dojo's closed.
Is it just me or is there always some
dumb emergency at 2 p.m. on Fridays?
There's nothing dumb about mayonnaise
wreaking havoc at 200 miles per hour.
Now, back to your cabins, everyone.
[mayonnaise pattering]
None of this makes any sense!
Right? Mayonado season
isn't until January.
It's not just the mayonado.
There's something every Friday.
Sorry. Dojo's closed. Bubble blizzard.
Sorry, dojo's closed.
Uh, bee-rush fire?
That's right. Swarms of bees
that cause brush fires.
Let me guess a shoe-nami? Earthworm quake?
A dull-cano eruption?
Someone pooped on the mat.
Ew! I mean…
Something's not right.
I'm goin' out there.
No, Red! Don't do it!
Somethin' fishy goin' on
and I'm gonna get to the bottom of it.
He was too good for this world!
Ooh! I call dibs on his unicorn hat!
It's not a hat!
And it's not mine!
What the…
Hey, Harold.
-Whatcha doin'?
I'll never talk!
It was all Lynette's idea!
She said she needed her "me" time!
I just can't take any more questions!
That's why we haven't been able
to do our activities?
Agh! [sputtering]
You don't understand. This is something
you don't wanna mess with.
You know, Harold, you're right.
I'm gonna go back to my cabin
and pretend this never happened.
Ah, gee, that sure is swell of you.
Thanks! [chuckles]
[sighs] That was easy.
Guys, there's no mayonado!
It's all Harold and Lynette--
-You're alive!
You're alive!
We were coming to get you.
We couldn't leave you to die
in a mayonado!
Chuck. Chuck! There's no mayonado.
It's all a hoax to get us
to stay at our cabins!
Ohh… Now that you mention it,
that makes way more sense
-than a freaky condiment weather event.
Stella's gonna be so mad.
Who's gonna tell her?
Lynette did what?!
Thanks for telling her, Penley!
Now, Stella, what did Sensei say
about focusing your aggression?
I have no idea
because I've never met him…
because I never got to do Slung-Fu!
Don't worry. Old Redsy's got a plan.
Okay, good. 'Cause I don't know
if you can tell, but I'm a little annoyed.
[Spanish telenovela on TV]
[TV powers down]
Red! Thank goodness you're okay!
How on Earth did you survive the Mayo--
Oh, forget it. You caught me.
This is why you had us cooped up
in our cabins?
So you can watch TV?
I just wanted a little "me" time.
Is that so wrong?
Yes. It's, like, very wrong!
Well, then go ahead.
Tell everyone
there was no tropical fruit storm.
No flash photography flood.
No cheese stampede!
You think anyone's
going to believe you, hmm?
Me? No, probably not, but…
[birds chattering and gasping]
You heard her! This is why
we've been missing activities!
Because of Lynette's lies!
-[all jeering]
-Not cool!
But we don't have to listen anymore!
Her reign of tyranny is over!
[all cheer]
No one's gonna believe
anything you say ever again.
No good will come of this.
Mark my words!
Mark… my… words!
[sighs] Do you feel great today?
'Cause I'm feeling great today.
From now on, things
are gonna be awesome.
No one's gonna fall for Lynette's lies
[Lynette on PA] Attention, campers.
The basketbird court
is closed for cleaning.
-[birds clamoring]
-[bird] Ha, no way.
[birds groaning]
Hey, why didn't anyone tell us
the court's closed for cleaning?
Lynette just did, over the PA.
Yeah, right, Red.
Like anyone believes
anything that comes out of her beak.
Where's Chuck and Bomb?
They're usually first in line
for breakfast.
[both snoring]
[Lynette] Rise and shine, campers!
It's nine o'clock! Breakfast time!
Uhh! You expect me
to fall for that one, Lynette?
Yeah, and where's Brenda?
Breakfast is supposed to start already.
-[Brenda whimpering]
-[both gasp]
Who said breakfast starts at nine?
Lynette said.
But Lynette lies!
Maybe breakfast doesn't start at nine!
Maybe it never did!
Maybe I'm not even a lunch lady!
Maybe my whole life is a lie
made up by Lynette!
So… can we just, like, help ourselves?
Do whatever you want.
Nothin' matters anymore.
It's every bird for themselves.
-[birds clamoring]
[all shouting]
Well, that escalated quickly.
You know what? Now's our chance!
Let's hit the dojo so I can finally
Slung-Fu it up.
[all whooping]
[both] What the…
[birds cheering]
-[distant crash]
[Lynette on PA] Attention!
The amount of campers
bouncing in the dojo is above capacity.
[birds grunting and cheering]
If you don't stop, you--
Ahh. Do what you want. I'm out!
[Stella whimpers]
I can't help but feel as though
I'm somehow
partially responsible for this.
[fire crackling]
I just wanna do Slung-Fuuuu!
[Red] I've ruined camp
for Stella and everyone!
We need everyone to believe Lynette again.
Uh, why are there blocks of what I hope
is lemon-flavored ice in our cabin?
It's chaos in the dining hall,
and all we could get was lemon slushy
from the freezer.
The whole camp is falling apart because
no one believes anything Lynette says!
What are you gonna do?
I'm gonna have to eat crow.
Uh! I'd like to see you try.
It's an expression.
Means… I'm gonna have to apologize.
Aww… apology accepted!
Lynette, we have to do something.
It's chaos out there!
Oh, really? I hadn't noticed.
Look, I'm sorry. I made a mistake,
but I know how to get things back
the way they were.
Actually, I'm rather enjoying the fact
that my reign of tyranny is over.
It's been 100% "me" time
and it's glorious. [slurps]
I'll clean every slingshot in camp!
Hmm. Clean and wax?
Okay, fine.
Mm… No! [slurps]
I'll give you weekly clawdicures.
-This conversation is over.
-No, it isn't!
I just said it was.
See? I don't believe you.
And no one will ever believe you again
unless we convince them
that you're not a liar.
Ugh. Valid point.
-Fine, I'm in.
But you're still giving me
those clawdicures. Every week.
[Lynette on PA] Attention, campers!
A lemon hail storm is approaching.
Report to your cabins immediately.
Sure, a lemon hail storm.
More lies from Lynette.
Psh! This is probably Harold
and his fake weather machine.
But Harold and his fake weather machine
are right there.
[Lynette] The eye of the storm
is upon us!
[birds screaming]
[energetic music]
Wow! You're great at Slung-Fu!
You should do it more often!
I know!
Ha! Huh!
[birds screaming]
Pfft! There's no storm! Stop running!
It's just more of Lynette's lies!
[Neiderflyer] Lynette's not the liar!
Red is!
[Lynette] From now on,
you should listen to me
because Red's a big, fat liar!
I think she's right, everybody!
You should listen to Lynette
because I cannot be trusted.
[Lynette] And he's so short.
And what's up with those eyebrows?
Okay, that's a little much.
[Lynette] Please stay in your cabins
until the jelly fog has dissipated.
Ah, I guess things are kinda
back to normal around here.
Except everyone thinks I'm a liar.
But at least you got to do Slung-Fu!
You did the right thing, Red.
Well, I'm gonna go back to my cabin
and brave the "jelly fog."
Don't go out there, Stella!
You'll be lost in the fog
and wander the camp forever!
Uh, we discussed this.
Lynette's lying again
so she can have her "me" time.
Then why can't I see anything?
Explain that, Mr. Meteorologist.
[theme music playing]
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