Behind Your Touch (2023) s01e16 Episode Script

Episode 16

You can't go in. What are you doing?
- Move!
- You can't go in there!
Where's Ok-hui?
Tell me where she is!
You can roughly understand
what's going on, right?
This is the end of my little hint.
You can't see, can you?
Of course, you can't.
I closed my eyes.
You're going to have
a hard time with this one.
I can't see it.
Here are the keys.
What are you doing?
Put that down.
This is the only way I can save Ok-hui.
We can find her,
so you don't have to do this.
Do you know where she is?
You don't.
At this rate, she's going to die.
Stay back.
I'm not joking around right now.
- What's your plan here?
- Don't get in my way.
I'm taking him out of here.
Detective Moon, get the car keys.
- You drive.
- Bong Ye-bun.
Open the door.
Good work, everyone.
That was some great acting.
You two make such a great team.
Shut up.
I'm complimenting you.
We got you out of the station
just as you wanted.
So tell us where Ok-hui is.
Wait, that's not right.
You also have to take me
to where I want to go.
I'll tell you where she is
once we get there.
What a way to treat your hostage.
Why is it so dark here?
Is this the right place?
The GPS led us to the address you gave us,
so it must be.
I guess the GPS can't be wrong.
Now tell us.
Where's Ok-hui?
But I think Detective Moon will arrest me
if I tell you right now.
And I'm not sure
I can beat him in a fight.
My safety comes first.
- Don't you think?
- Are you serious, you asshole?
Keep this up, and Ok-hui dies.
There's not much time.
What do you want us to do?
There's not much you can do.
It's not like I can ask you guys
to guarantee my safety.
I should put my own safeguards in place.
Don't you agree?
Detective Moon?
Detective, are you okay? Detective!
Who are you?
Let go of me!
Let go!
This is unbelievable.
Great to see you again!
You bastard!
There you go.
That kind of glare
is more like you.
No, don't! Detective!
Not so fast.
Are you already out of it? Is that it?
That's no fun.
Come on, we're far from finished.
I haven't paid you back
for all the crap you put me through.
Take a couple more hits, will you?
Lift his head.
Look at me, Detective Moon.
Look at me.
Detective, are you okay?
Wake up.
Stop shaking me.
You're making me dizzy.
You really scared me.
Are you okay?
What about you?
Did they hurt you?
I never thought you'd actually
bring Detective Moon to me.
Who told you about him and me?
Nobody told me.
I saw it myself.
I have something to discuss with Dr. Bong.
Could you give us a moment?
Am I speaking to Mr. Baek Sun-gil?
Head over there,
and you'll find a boat headed for China.
Thank you.
No need to thank me.
I'll be getting paid for this.
That'll be 30 million won.
That's how much it costs
to stow away someone like you to China.
I said I'd get you a way out,
but I never said it was for free.
But I brought
Detective Moon to you.
Come now.
I think you're misunderstanding
something here.
Getting my hands on someone like him
is a piece of cake for me.
I just chose not to.
Because I wasn't getting paid for it.
Revenge doesn't get you money.
I can see everything.
You're obsessed with money.
You get girls addicted to drugs
and make them work at shady bars.
And you take away the money they earn
by selling drugs back to them.
But don't you think you crossed the line
when you got friends and family
into drugs for money?
After your Moon Jang-yeol
ruined your business,
you barely managed to buy a few boats
and make deals here and there.
But he messed it all up again.
You had metal pins
inserted into your chin.
You couldn't eat for a while,
and you had to drool like a dog.
Who the hell are you?
Who told you all those things?
I already told you.
Nobody told me.
I saw it myself.
It's true that revenge
doesn't get you money.
there's something else that does.
How do you think Moon Jang-yeol,
who was exiled to Mujin,
suddenly knew that you bought
fishing boats for your drug deals?
I have the power to see anyone's past
just by looking into their eyes.
And that girl with Moon Jang-yeol
also has that power.
But she has to touch the butt.
Goodness, what is this about?
I'll take a look and see
if he really did kill him.
I heard your new partner
is quite fascinating, Detective Moon.
But I wonder
if I should actually believe this.
Can you really see everything
by touching butts?
Is that why you touched my butt that time?
I guess he wouldn't have taken you
to dangerous places just for fun.
Then was he telling the truth?
I think he was scamming you.
All we have to do is test it out.
If not,
we can use her like the other girls.
We'll get 30 million won
out of her in no time.
Do your thing and make her compliant.
Yes, sir.
What do I do with him?
Hand him over to Dr. Jin.
He'll know what to do.
Detective, what do we do?
Your hand…
The National Police…
What did you say?
The National Police University.
What are you doing?
Where are you taking him?
No, you can't do this!
Let's make this easy, okay?
I've given this shot
to over a hundred women.
I'm an expert, so you won't feel a thing.
So don't you worry.
You little bitch.
The National Police University.
During abductions or hostage situations,
cable ties are the easiest way
to tie someone up.
To break free from them,
swing your arms backward
and hit your stomach as hard as you can.
Let's try it, starting with number one.
I'm the expert
when it comes to injections.
They dragged him away in that direction.
Three bad guys
are by the fire to the right.
And there's someone on watch over here.
He often got told off
because he'd be distracted by his phone.
Who are you?
How did you get in here?
Next to the door,
there's an iron pipe.
Are you trying to kill him?
Are you okay?
I feel better now that I got some rest.
So it wasn't a scam.
Hey, Miss.
You have the power to see everything,
but you missed the CCTVs?
I don't care if you kill the detective.
But don't you lay a finger on the girl.
There are so damn many of you.
Stick close to me and don't get hurt.
I give up.
I surrender.
What did you say?
I can't hear very well right now.
I surrender, sir.
What is he saying?
I don't understand him either.
This bastard still won't surrender?
Ok-hui must still be in Mujin somewhere.
- Ok-hui!
- Sis!
Bae Ok-hui!
- Ok-hui!
- Wait.
You crazy bastard!
Where the hell are you right now?
The Major Crimes Division
is pissed as hell looking for you.
They think you joined hands
with Park Jong-bae!
There's no time to explain right now.
We have a rough idea
of where Ok-hui may be.
You know where Ok-hui is?
Listen carefully.
The shaman took Ok-hui
out of the downtown area by car.
He went in the direction of Jungsan.
And he turned right
at the three-way intersection.
Hold on.
Jungsan is in the opposite direction.
We came to the wrong place.
Got it. I'll call you back
once we get there.
We were completely wrong.
She's not here. Let's go.
Where are Detective Moon and Ms. Bong?
You know where they are, don't you?
The thing is…
This counts as harboring a fugitive.
My sister has been abducted.
We have to go save her right now!
- Bring them all in.
- Wait.
I mean…
Everyone run.
- Get on!
- Come here!
Thank you!
Everyone, get on!
Dr. Bong.
We're at the location you told us about.
Where do we go from here?
You can roughly understand
what's going on, right?
This is the end of my little hint.
You can't see, can you?
Of course, you can't.
I closed my eyes.
He closed his eyes from that point on.
I can't see anything.
Do you see any place
where he could have locked her up?
There's no place like that here.
I really can't see anything.
Let's all spread out
and look for her, okay?
- Yes, sir.
- Let's go.
Dr. Bong.
When I'm teaching a class,
the students mess around
whenever I'm not looking.
So when I'm writing on the board,
I focus on the sounds.
And I can hear the kids
throwing around messages,
unwrapping candy,
and even doodling in their textbooks.
Try to focus, Dr. Bong.
Sometimes, you can see more with your ears
than with your eyes.
You can't see, can you?
Of course, you can't.
I closed my eyes.
You're going to have
a hard time with this one.
I could hear chimes.
Like the ones in a Buddhist temple.
A temple?
There's not even a house around here,
let alone a temple.
No, I definitely heard
something like chimes.
Then it must not be here.
I'll look somewhere else.
- Da-eun, let's go.
- Yeah?
Was it this sound?
Yes, that's right.
Then he must have taken Ok-hui
in this direction.
What next?
What did you hear next?
I heard the sound of footsteps.
Did you hear anything else?
I only heard footsteps.
We can't find her with just that.
The footsteps got louder.
All of a sudden?
Yes, they definitely
got louder than before.
That must mean
he was walking on a different surface.
It's not here.
- Da-eun.
- What?
He passed through here with Ok-hui.
What next?
What did you hear after that?
What is this?
I heard something flutter.
Is there something like
a flag or a banner nearby?
Flag, banner…
There is!
There are cloths fluttering
from the village's sacred tree!
That's right. That's the place!
What next?
What sound did you hear next?
Okay, next…
I heard a big thump
of something falling to the ground.
I think he threw Ok-hui down somewhere.
To the ground?
She fell somewhere?
Are you sure you got that right?
There's no place around here
for someone to fall into.
No, I definitely heard a loud thump.
But there's nothing but flat ground here.
I don't see any place
a person could fall into.
There's not even a place
where he could have hidden her!
That can't be right.
That's not possible.
She'll definitely be
somewhere around there.
I've lost a lot of money through stocks.
And in the world of stocks,
there's a song that goes like this.
I thought I had hit rock bottom
But there was a cellar underneath
Are you okay, sis?
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
Are you insane?
- Sis!
- Sis!
Oh, no!
- Sis!
- Are you okay?
My goodness.
Open your eyes, sis!
Are you okay, sis?
I was so…
It hurts, sis.
I guess you're okay, sis.
Thankfully, she will have
no trouble recovering.
She's on her way
to the university hospital right now.
What happened with Park Jong-bae?
I'll bring him in, sir.
How? You said he already ran away.
I have a plan.
Have you heard from the client
I told you about?
He was in such a rush,
so we agreed to leave tomorrow morning.
Call me the minute he gets on the boat.
What time did he say he'd come?
I don't know.
I was going to stay out here from dawn.
So you think the shaman might read us
if you take action yourself?
We'll have to use our brains to catch him.
Are we really getting 50,000 won for this?
I'm telling you, yes.
But these aren't even worth 5,000 won.
Are you sure this isn't a scam?
Is everyone here?
You collected a lot.
Let me pay you.
- Thank you.
- Hold on, could you look at me?
- Have you had breakfast?
- Yes, I have.
Stop moving your head. Stay still.
- Can I really accept this?
- Sure, buy yourself a nice meal.
I should take this too.
Is it okay to accept this?
Of course.
You all remind me of my parents.
Well then.
I wish you all a long and healthy life.
We can't see well from here.
What if we miss him?
This is the only way.
He's probably reading people's memories
to check if we're here.
Then I guess we have no choice
but to wait for the boat captain's call.
Hide under the tarp here.
Right, okay.
He just got on the boat.
Let's go.
What about me?
Have you heard from the client
I told you about?
He was in such a rush,
so we agreed to leave tomorrow morning.
Call me the minute he gets on the boat.
He came all the way here
when there's no money in it for him?
He's not the kind of man to do that.
335,000 WON
14,501 WON
3,550,000 WON
616,292,230 WON
Gosh, I'm sorry.
- It's all right.
- So sorry.
Please select the amount you want to…
Just touch anybody.
- What?
- Someone must have seen him.
But who do I touch?
You just jaywalked.
I'm sorry.
Allow me to conduct a body search.
What? A body search for jaywalking?
He went to the bank.
He couldn't have gone far.
I'm sorry. I mistook you for someone else.
Over there.
Hey, it's me.
Can I still get to China?
I'll give you however much you want,
so just tell me if it's possible.
In three hours?
Okay. See you then.
That's enough.
Kids, did you see a man come by this way?
- I don't know.
- I don't know.
Hey, guys.
I'm kind of bored.
Do you want to play a game with me?
Why don't we play cops and robbers?
What kind of game is that?
It's a game where the robbers hide,
and the cop catches them.
What? It sounds boring.
It's not boring at all
since a real cop's going to go after you.
This guy here is a real cop.
Here, look.
Hold on.
You can touch the handcuffs
once we're done playing.
Okay, let's start playing
cops and robbers.
You all are the robbers.
While the officer has his eyes closed,
you're going to go over there and hide.
You win if he can't find you
by the time you count to ten.
Then you can touch the handcuffs.
- Okay?
- Okay.
Now go and hide. We start now!
Go far and hide, okay?
Two. Three.
- Four.
- Four.
- Five.
- Five.
- Six.
- Six.
- Seven.
- Seven.
- Eight.
- Eight.
- Nine.
- Nine.
- Ten.
- Ten.
- You guys win!
- Yeah, you win.
Officer, let them touch your handcuffs.
Such a good job!
You did so great.
How did you hide so well?
You did really well.
Good job.
- This looks like a key.
- It's so shiny.
I found him.
Detective! The window's open!
Are you all right?
Are you okay?
Park Jong-bae did this.
Excuse me for a moment.
Stop following me.
If you keep coming,
I'll kill the next person for real.
He went that way.
He said if we kept following him,
he'd kill someone.
That crazy bastard!
But we can't just let him go.
This bastard will never stop killing.
- Sir, are you okay?
- Stay here.
- I'll get a paramedic.
- Okay.
Sir, are you okay?
Sir, are you…
Excuse me.
Sir, are you okay?
I told you
I'd kill the next person for real.
And I guess
that's you.
What the…
Where's the injured person?
Bong Ye-bun!
Are you all right?
Such shitty timing!
Do you really want to see Dr. Bong die?
What's going on here?
It seems that you'll be
the saddest person to see her die.
So let me keep her with me
until I get to safety.
Once I get to China,
I'll send her right back.
So back off.
Or I'll just kill her right here!
- Detective.
- It's okay, Bong.
I'll save you.
Have you lost your mind?
How will you save her in this situation?
I'll show you how.
Bong Ye-bun,
watch me closely.
You know what my superpower is.
Yes, that one.
I'm going to use it now.
You're bluffing.
Keep that up, and she dies.
What is it?
You think you're the only one
with a superpower?
I have one too.
Once I count to three,
all of this will be over.
I'm going to count to three.
Okay, one.
This is my superpower, you bastard.
You'll rot in prison
for the rest of your life.
So what if I go to prison?
I may not be a free man,
but I bet I can still do whatever I want.
And if I want to kill,
I'll just kill in there.
With my eyes…
I could get chummy with anyone,
be it the guards or the inmates.
I think I'll have it quite easy in there.
Don't you agree, Detective Moon?
I'm going to visit you every week!
But you won't be able to see me.
You know why?
Because I'll poke you in the eyes
every time I'm there!
Hey, stop.
Bong Ye-bun, stop.
Hey, that's enough.
Stop eating him.
Stop it.
I said, stop it.
Have some tangerines.
- Oh, my. What's this sweet fragrance?
- Goodness!
Goodness, you have a huge appetite.
What are you doing next month on the 25th?
Nothing much.
Then don't make any plans that day.
- Are we going somewhere?
- Yeah, to a wedding.
Is someone getting married?
We are.
We are?
We are?
Oh, Jong-muk.
Who suddenly decides
to get married in a month?
We shouldn't rush this.
We're not rushing anything.
And it's not sudden either.
For me…
I've waited for this wedding for 30 years.
Dr. Bong!
Detective Na, what are you doing here?
- Hello.
- Is Dr. Bong in?
- She's…
- I'm here for a neutering procedure.
Do you have a dog?
No, I don't have a dog.
But it's something similar.
Get in here, damn it!
Hurry up and get in here.
My goodness.
It's mating season for him
every single day of the year.
Can we get a consultation?
No, we don't treat human patients here.
He's not human.
He's worse than an animal. I should just…
Dr. Bong is here, right? Dr. Bong!
- Wait, you should go see a urologist.
- Dr. Bong!
- Hey, that's where we live!
- Dr. Bong!
You said you'd get back to
the Regional Investigation Unit in Seoul.
- You kept your word.
- Yeah.
You didn't have to see me off
like this, sir.
Great work, Detective Bae.
Thank you for everything.
They have great udon noodles
at the station here, you know.
He says it's a shame
and wants to have noodles with you
before you go.
I've been here long enough
to understand these things now.
Thanks for being my interpreter
this whole time.
Just wait for me.
I'm also going to get assigned
to the Regional Investigation…
The bus really might leave without you.
Hurry up and go.
I understand you, sir.
I'm sad too.
I'll keep in touch with you.
I said the bus is leaving.
I also don't want to say goodbye.
Look behind you, man.
The bus is actually leaving.
Hurry up and get going.
What happened?
You didn't go to Seoul?
I'm going to take the next bus.
I mean,
the bus after that works too.
I saw that there are late-night buses too.
A lot of them.
on going back to Seoul
just as you planned.
What are you planning to do from now on?
I guess…
I'll work hard running the hospital
and earn lots of money.
It'd be nice if I could open up
a second location too.
What about me?
What about me?
Once you've worked hard
running the hospital,
earned lots of money,
and opened up a second location,
maybe you could…
make plans to come see me.
Let's start the shoot.
Hello, dear viewers.
I'm Jang Do-youn
of Dogs Are Really Incredible.
We have a special expert
on our show today.
Our guest today
can not only communicate
with all kinds of dogs in the world
but also communicate with
16,000 different kinds of animals.
Gosh, the lengths they go to
to get high ratings.
- This show's gone to the dogs.
- Excuse me?
Let me introduce Dr. Bong Ye-bun,
our guest animal psychoanalyst.
Hello, everyone.
I'm Bong Ye-bun, an animal communicator.
Dr. Bong,
so you can communicate with animals?
That's right.
How exactly?
What sound is this?
A dog barking?
Actually, it's a bunch of nonsense.
So do you communicate through sound?
No, it's not through sound.
I communicate with animals
by touching them.
So you can read an animal's mind
by touching them?
Yes, that's right.
This is kind of hard to believe
without witnessing it in person.
Then shall we bring out
our pet owner for today?
- Hello.
- Hello.
Hello. Oh, my.
Okay, may I ask
what brought you to the show today?
I recently adopted this guy.
His name is Bori.
But for some reason,
he seems fixated on my shoes.
He keeps running off with them
and growls when I try to take them back.
I'm worried because it seems to be
getting worse.
There are various reasons
why dogs may become fixated on shoes.
They may be suffering from gum disease,
or their teeth may be itching.
It could also be from stress.
Let me talk with Bori
to find out the details.
- Sure.
- Yes.
Hey, Bori.
There's a good dog.
- You're going to touch the dog?
- Yes.
You're so sweet.
I think they're communicating right now.
I'll be back.
Why are you in the corner?
Come home with me.
Bori, I'll be back.
Bori, come here! Give that back!
Bori, give that back.
Come on. Give it back.
- What does Bori say?
- I have to go.
I think he's quite afraid of you
putting on your shoes
and leaving the house.
What do you mean?
It seems that Bori's previous owner
passed away in an accident
while he was out.
That's why when you put on your shoes,
Bori is scared that you won't come back
like his previous owner.
That's why he tries to stop you
from putting on your shoes.
He thinks he'll lose
another person that he loves.
I did hear that his previous owner
passed away in an accident.
Oh, my.
What in the world?
Then what should I do?
Gain Bori's trust on this issue.
Make him believe
that you'll come back home no matter what.
Dr. Bong, you're amazing.
- Excuse me, Dr. Bong.
- Yes?
I just find this so fascinating.
Can you touch me
and tell me what I'm thinking?
Right here?
Yes, where else?
Do-youn, we need to move on
to the next owner.
What's the rush?
Tomorrow's schedule is Believe That or Not
and Animal Barn.
Can I get some rest?
I haven't taken a break at all lately.
Bong Ye-bun.
Don't you want to be a star?
Don't you want to make money?
Don't you want to buy designer bags?
I do!
- Let's do this!
- Let's do this!
Bong, cover your ears.
It's your Ok-hui speaking.
I'm calling you
right on time as ordered, sis.
I told you not to answer the phone
in such a matter-of-fact way.
My friends seem to be
distancing themselves from me lately.
And yesterday,
I ran into my mother on the street,
and she pretended not to know me.
Are you saying other people
are more important to you than me?
You'll always be my number one, sis!
Then here's take two.
Your dear Oki has missed you
so, so, so much all day.
Yongmaeng is sad. He's so very sad.
He misses Oki so much,
but he can't see her.
So Yongmaeng is sad.
Oh, no.
Look at pictures of Oki on your phone
and try really hard
not to cry.
I don't wanna.
Yongmaeng wants to see Oki right now.
Yongmaeng is going to
go to sleep right now
so he can at least see Oki in his dreams.
Then make sure to dream of Oki.
You promise?
I promise.
Do things right before I tell you to.
Understood, sis.
Have a good night, sis.
You guys are so childish.
Do you like doing that?
Dating is all about being childish, okay?
Lose that, and you lose your spark
and go into a rut.
You shouldn't date if you don't want to be
childish and silly.
Ok-hui. Stop the car.
What's wrong? What is it?
Just stop the car!
Who are you going to meet?
Do you have any lipstick?
How is it working
in the Regional Investigation Unit?
It's manageable.
Have you looked into that thing yet?
About that…
What is that?
Is it salted pollack roe?
Detective Moon.
Bong Ye-bun?
I'm having some serious déjà vu.
You two should talk.
What are you doing here?
You told me I should let you know
if I came to Seoul.
You wanted to grab a meal together.
I've come up with a plan.
- Actually--
- One second.
You couldn't find it?
What were you saying?
So my plan is…
I'm tracking them right now.
I'll find out no matter what.
Sorry. What were you saying?
Well, I…
What the heck?
Why are you so busy?
Sorry, I have a case
that's a bit of a headache.
Then will you have
more time to spare if I help you?
I'm not going to ask
for your help anymore.
Why? I'd love to help.
If we keep that up,
I'll only come to you when I need help.
It'll feel like I'm using you.
And I don't want to
put you in danger anymore.
Who cares if you use me?
Aren't we more than that?
Never mind.
I'd really love to help you,
and that's why I'm offering.
Then again,
everything would be solved
if you just touched one butt.
That's simple then.
What should I do first?
I think you'll need to change your outfit.
- My outfit?
- Yeah.
Into a uniform.
It's always been a dream of mine
to work for a company
while wearing their uniform.
You call this a uniform?
These are prison clothes!
That's another name for them.
Seriously? You tricked me again!
Get me out of here right now.
What do you mean, trick you?
We're working for our country.
There's a woman named Lee Jung-eun
who used to be a drug lord
outside the country.
The issue is that she's trafficking drugs
domestically too.
She's the only one who knows
the domestic person in charge.
I'll break every bone in your body
if you touch me.
What do you want?
It's nice to meet you
My name is Bong
Bong Ye-bun
Let's start
Another happy day
Behind bars
Let's go!
Stop being a nuisance
and get out of my sight.
Sounds good
I'll shove myself out of your sight
From head to toe
Thank you
Thank you
Hey, newbie.
Yes, sis.
What did you do for a living?
You might not believe me,
but I was a veterinarian.
A vet?
You should've told me sooner.
I needed someone like you.
If you let
even a single mosquito bite me,
I'm going to bite you.
But what do mosquitoes have to do
with a veterinarian?
Mosquitos are animals.
I got them.
I just have to touch her butt once.
Why the hell are they being so loud?
It's because we're starting
our soccer tournament today.
- Soccer?
- Yes.
We get a night of leave if we win, right?
We have to win this time, no matter what.
- Victory!
- Victory!
Oh, wait!
We have a problem.
Our usual goalkeeper
was released a couple of days ago.
Damn it, that's not good.
Is there anyone who can replace her?
I'll be our goalkeeper.
Have any mosquitoes bitten you
since I got here?
No, they haven't.
There's no one better at
catching things than me.
Don't crowd around together!
Hey, you! Get back!
Mark her!
- Get to the front!
- Yes!
Get on her! We win if we block this one!
Hey, newbie!
Keep your eyes on the ball!
Okay, sis!
What the hell?
What did she do?
I was just…
You're going to die today.
What are you doing here?
I felt bad about sending you here
all alone for my case.
I didn't want to see you get hurt.
Hold on.
So you've been watching over me
this whole time?
Did you see who's in charge
of the drug trafficking?
The gang is in Busan right now.
Let's go.
Go where?
What do you mean, where?
Now that we're done here,
we should go to a restaurant
and then watch a movie or something.
Are you asking me out on a date right now?
How romantic.
But it's too bad.
I don't think I can just let you go.
- Girls!
- Yes, sis.
What do we do?
Get them!
- Just run!
- What?
That little…
Wait, stop!
One more time.
I can see their whole life in…
Age, Bong Ye-bun.
What was it again?
Your age isn't Bong Ye-bun.
Why aren't we… Hey, what?
"After you leave."
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
- Don't make those faces!
- What?
You crazy?
One, two, three.
- Great job, everyone.
- Great work!
Subtitle translation by: Yoon-ji Chi
Ripped and synced by
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