Cafe Minamdang (2022) s01e16 Episode Script

Episode 16

I heard Seung-won still comes
to you for counseling.
Yes. He comes by occasionally.
That reminds me,
Seung-won was talking about you earlier.
Are you here about that day?
Did you remember anything?
I'm sure Seung-won killed
Hyeon-u that day…
but why do I keep seeing
a completely different memory?
You don't…
-It was you, wasn't it?
You messed up my memories.
It was the chairman's orders.
My father?
You know.
He didn't think Seung-won had
what it took to lead the company.
You were the smart one,
but you turned out to be a…
What did I tell you happens
when you abuse a puppy?
That I'd get punished.
For the sake of your future, you need
to learn to control your impulses.
You did well.
Use this the next time
you get an impulse like that.
Click on this until you calm down.
The chairman and I were both at ease,
thinking we had completely
brainwashed you as a child.
But then you suddenly murdered someone.
How much do you remember?
Hyeon-u asked for water,
so I gave him the water.
Was it really water?
-This isn't water.
-It's antifreeze.
I saw in a movie
that you die if you drink it,
so I was curious.
But you're not dying as fast as
they did in the movie.
I told the chairman
that once you had tasted
that forbidden fruit,
you would murder again.
That it was impossible
to remove a memory perfectly.
In the end, the chairman chose
to manipulate your memory.
I'm almost done.
I have some pictures to show you.
Look at the first picture.
What does this look like?
A glass of water.
Now, the next picture.
What's this?
A necktie.
Seung-won's necktie…
So I inserted a distorted memory
-through hypnosis.
-Seung-won has the necktie…
-Seung-won's trying to do something…
-…to do something
-bad to Hyeon-u with the necktie.
-…bad to Hyeon-u with the necktie.
I made you believe
that the pleasure of killing
was the anger from seeing a criminal.
Why did you make me believe that
Seung-won was the one who killed Hyeon-u?
I needed someone you'd easily
believe to be the killer.
After you got the water
and came back to the garage?
Seung-won was choking Hyeon-u.
You must have been so scared.
It's okay now.
So you do remember.
You know who to thank for the fact
that you're an amazing prosecutor
and not a psychopathic murderer.
You must be proud of
how you trained me like a dog.
A dog?
are my best creation.
I've never seen a patient
correct their behavior
and adjust to society
as perfectly as you did.
I brainwashed you so that you uphold
the system and the law,
and you became a prosecutor,
who is now trying to arrest his brother
based on fabricated memory.
Don't look at me like that.
If it weren't for me,
you would have had to live
in an institution your entire life.
What's that?
It entails the entire process of how I
brainwashed and manipulated your memory.
It's my accomplishment
as well as the proof
that you are a psychopath.
Of course,
with a small token of gratitude,
it can remain a secret forever,
between just you and me.
I replaced the memory
of him handing over the antifreeze
with him handing over water.
And the intense experience of murder
with a memory
of having witnessed a murder.
As a result,
the subject showed frustration and anger
at the fact that
his brother killed a person.
If the desire to kill cannot be stopped,
it must be redirected to something else.
"It is evil not to uphold the law."
"Evil must be eliminated from society."
"You are not someone to be eliminated,
you must become a leader
who judges these evil men."
I am using these statements
to brainwash him.
I've been punishing criminals
because I've been brainwashed?
I made those rules.
It was my own will.
I became a savior
through my own will.
The subject changed his dream job
to a prosecutor.
The brainwashing seems
to have strengthened his will
to punish criminals.
What I did wasn't wrong.
You're back faster than I thought.
The video must have
assured you that I saved you.
It assured me.
it'd be more accurate to say
it made me determined.
As a child, you never missed
any opportunity that came your way.
Pay back my husband's debt,
and I'll give you all the data
that I have.
I will never ask you for anything again.
How do I know that you're giving me
the original data?
You could blackmail me again like this
using copies.
It must be hard for you to trust me.
I understand.
But if I didn't care for you,
I'd have sold the data
to Seung-won already.
If I weren't in such a tight situation,
I'd never have asked you for this.
Are you still going to say this is a favor
and not blackmail?
I just told them to come here
because I thought it'd help you decide.
Send away the detectives,
and we'll talk about the details.
Hong Myeong-su said that
you quarreled with Cha Seung-won that day.
I don't know.
I've quarreled with Seung-won quite often.
This is related to a recent murder,
so it's important.
Every little bit helps.
So please, think about it carefully.
What do you mean, a recent murder?
His psychopathic tendencies must have
shown from his youth.
That's why Chairman Cha hired you.
Medical records are confidential,
so I can't tell you.
Then at least tell us about that day.
I'll look for the diary
I kept at the time.
I have a habit of recording
even small details.
Could you wait here for a minute?
How much will the token of gratitude
for the diary be?
You haven't killed anyone again
since that day, have you?
Are you afraid your best work
is actually a failure?
It just makes me anxious,
now that I've heard
I'm a psychopath.
You don't have to be nervous.
How you live going forward depends
on the decisions you make.
So you just keep on being a model
prosecutor like you've been until now.
I'll just blame Seung-won
like that last time.
How does it feel,
dying at the hands of your own creation?
You think you and Father are the reason
behind my acts of judgment?
You think I seek justice
because I've been brainwashed?
I'm giving the victims
the gift of salvation through my own will.
She's taking longer than I thought.
More than ten minutes to go get a diary…
I've got a bad feeling about this.
I'd better go see what's going on.
Wait. You can't just go in there.
She's dead.
Who was in her office?
Well, I heard that a VIP was coming,
but I didn't see who it was.
Is there a separate entrance for VIPs?
Damn it. I should have picked up on this.
There aren't any CCTVs here. We should
find the ones in the surrounding area.
I'll go to her office.
The CCTVs nearby are being checked.
What's that?
It's Cha Seung-won's chart.
He's been visiting her for a long time.
He'd know the layout
of this clinic better than anyone,
so he could be the killer.
I'll check his alibi.
Do you think he's nervous
because we found Hong Myeong-su?
It seems to have been out of impulse.
This wasn't planned at all.
Only the diary from
when the murder took place is missing.
Mr. Nam.
It's the garage Oh Hyeon-u died in.
That's the uniform from
Cha Seung-won's high school.
Where on earth are they?
Are they really up to their
indecent shenanigans in this sacred spot?
-Don't get it wrong. We were eating chips.
You should use your hands to eat chips
not your mouths, you idiots.
We were tapping Cha Seung-won.
We came to find you, but we heard he was
on the move, so we were standing by.
So where is he?
Did he go anywhere suspicious?
No. He's holed up in his office
and hasn't moved all day.
Hey, take this.
See if this picture's been manipulated.
It's obviously a fake.
Look, the proportions are off
between this guy and his shadow,
and the pattern on the wall is warped.
Right, so exactly how was it manipulated?
Run an analysis.
If you let us stay out one night,
then I'll do the analysis.
No. You're going to run the analysis
as quickly as you can,
because I won't budge
from Su-cheol's side until you do.
Get off of me.
Let him go before I get violent.
Stop it, both of you.
You're going to rip
my first matching couple's t-shirt.
This is unbelievable.
-Let go of him.
I think Cha Seung-won got in a car.
What did the police say?
That they haven't found a suspect yet.
Sort it out
so it doesn't cause us trouble.
Yes, sir.
What's the situation?
We've found Auntie Im.
She's in a temple on Geumpa Mountain
in Yeonpyeong, Gyeonggi-do.
Take care of Kang first
before you go there.
Head to the temple in Geumpa Mountain.
She's a wily one. She'll run the moment
she realizes something's amiss.
Hurry and look up the list
of temples in Geumpa Mountain
I'll show her what happens to anyone
who dares steal my money.
Looks like he's going to meet…
No, it seems like he's going
to kill Auntie Im.
What do we do?
Shouldn't we tell Detective Han?
No. We don't have the time.
We have to find Auntie Im before he does.
If Cha Seung-won gets rid of Auntie Im,
we won't be able
to find the evidence she has.
-There are three temples.
See if the movements of Gu's burner phone
-overlap with any of them.
-There is one.
-Let's go.
-Okay, then.
I come upon you on this thorny road.
Please take this small offering
of your disciple.
My faith has been strong this whole time,
I look and follow only you…
You know me, right?
How could she forget
after that scene we caused?
Unless you'd like to die
at the hands of Cha Seung-won,
you'd better follow us quietly.
Take care of Kang first
before you go there.
Head to the temple in Geumpa Mountain.
She's a wily one. She'll run the moment
she realizes something's amiss. Hurry.
I had wondered how someone
who hasn't taken on a god
pretended to be a shaman,
so this was your trick.
Find her.
I think she ran in a hurry.
Find her any way you can.
Nothing's off limits.
Just find her and bring her to me!
If you can't,
just kill her.
Yes, sir. Follow me.
A temple without a god…
You tried your best
to make yourself presentable,
but pretending to be a shaman
can bring doom upon you.
Hasn't the god you worship told you
something like this?
"The god of riches has disappeared
from your shoulders."
"Your luck with money has run out."
That sort of thing.
How would a man who hasn't taken on a god
see the god of riches?
Now, let's see.
What? 600 billion won?
I can see it.
You must have thought it was
worth betting your life on.
It's too bad, though.
You poor thing.
What bad luck. You're going to die
without ever having touched that money.
If you want to stay alive,
you must confess about the body
you hanged 20 years ago.
It wasn't easy, finding that account.
-That is true.
These matching t-shirts
are so pretty, aren't they?
-Like me?
-Yes, like you.
You have something on
Cha Seung-won, don't you?
Twenty years ago,
Oh Hyeon-u's murder,
you made it go away.
Chairman Cha Yong-jae called me.
He said his son killed someone,
and he wanted me to cover it up.
Gu Tae-su pretended to be the dead kid
and fabricated the alibi,
and I made it look like a suicide.
Ever since then, I've been cleaning up
after the Cha family's dirty deeds,
doesn't that give me the right to that
600 billion won as compensation?
What a cheap move.
Then what about Gu Tae-su?
After all you used him for,
doesn't Gu Tae-su deserve compensation?
used and discarded Gu Tae-su as well.
Some are born with bad luck.
No matter how much they struggle,
they can never escape their misfortune.
There is nothing
as unfair and cruel as fate.
Come on.
You are the one who put Gu Tae-su
on that cruel path.
You made him believe that you were
his savior and used him remorselessly.
That doesn't seem like something
someone who serves a god should do.
You think I'm the only villain here?
Doesn't it occur to you that
it made him happier?
I redeemed that cursed child.
If you had led Gu Tae-su
on a different path when you first met,
he would have had
a completely different life.
He isn't a sociopath like you.
Who knows?
Maybe he would have become even worse.
Then why did you
give Gu Tae-su a new identity?
It'd have been better to leave him
as the ghost
so you could dump him
without attracting suspicion.
I didn't like him to begin with
because we shared the same surname.
But he kept wanting a normal life
when he should have lived like a ghost.
That's why I told him to assume
the identity of a dead man.
So he'd live as a ghost once again.
How harsh. Gu Tae-su trusted you.
Without a shred of doubt.
There is only one person
he follows blindly.
You know this too.
Do Jun-ha, Choi Yeong-seop, Han Jae-jeong.
I didn't kill any of them.
I find myself curious.
Why would someone who killed so many,
spare you until the end?
Jeez, has she gone crazy?
You're good.
Now that I think about it,
you're like me.
Jeez. No.
I may not be a real shaman,
but let me make a prophecy.
Auntie Im.
Expose everything and turn yourself in.
If you don't,
you will die at the hands
of the person you serve.
Shall I make a prophecy too?
The evidence the police have,
you'll end up destroying it yourself.
That's a lot of effort to put
into a load of bull.
Why else would I have told you
about what happened 20 years ago?
Destroy the evidence and help
me escape in one piece.
The file that Prosecutor Han
had before he died…
I have that file.
No. This is wrong.
That choice is not right.
I understand the evidence
Prosecutor Han had is extremely important,
but still, we can't sneak
into a police station
and destroy evidence.
That's what I'm saying.
And do you believe that devil?
Yes, seriously.
Why don't you just ask Detective Han
for help--
She'll be against it. Plus, I'll need to
take responsibility if things go wrong.
I can't drag Jae-hui into it.
Then do it on your own.
Why drag us into it?
You're going to abandon me?
My own baby sister? You too?
The thing is,
whether or not you manage
to extract the evidence now,
there'll be repercussions.
Come on,
what are you going to do about that?
That's what I'm saying.
This is the only way
to get the file and catch both Auntie Im
and Gopuri all at the same time.
Do you want all our efforts to be wasted?
Do you?
I'm sure Jae-hui will understand
when I tell her afterward.
Mother, Father.
Your son is going to prison.
We're screwed.
You didn't sleep a wink last night,
do you really have to do this?
I want you to know that I warned you.
What about the CCTV in the evidence room?
Thankfully, they haven't realized
that I hacked into it yet.
Why do I always have to dress up
as a woman when we have Hye-jun?
Because I have the talent
to hack into a police station.
I want to do something cool too.
That's life.
Banana or strawberry milk?
That is the question.
Just pick one.
This is really important.
How could you tell me to "just pick one"?
Who cares as long as the drug works?
Just pick one.
Enlarge this and print it out.
Yes, ma'am.
Those scumbags.
I think Auntie Im is trying
to smuggle herself out of the country.
I sent the picture of Auntie Im
and Kang to my informant
who's a stowaway broker.
He said Kang came two days ago,
looking for a ship to China.
When are they leaving?
They don't have a schedule yet.
I don't know if we should do this.
If you get caught,
Lieutenant Han is going to kill you
before you go to prison.
I know, so stop it already and get ready.
All right.
I'll write it down.
How are the kids?
They're all grown now.
They're sleeping on their own.
I'm jealous. Bye.
Jeez, put the pen back
after you use it. Bye.
The Chief told me to hand out some snacks.
That's not like him.
Thank you for your hard work.
Thank you.
I told them not to move this.
They keep making the same mistake.
It doesn't look like this will work.
-What do we do?
-Damn it.
-Let's try plan B.
-We have a plan B?
No idea.
Is this Mr. Kim Gyeong-il?
You're the twin's father, right?
There's been a car accident,
and you need to come.
What? A car accident?
Yes. They aren't seriously hurt,
but your wife is in a bit of a shock.
This is the emergency room
at Sinmyeong St. Mary's Hospital,
please come quick.
Okay, I will. Yes, thank you.
Wow, that's horrible. I know it's urgent,
but I can't believe you used the twins.
I've never been more ashamed of
how fast I'm able to think on my feet.
Oh, god.
It's at 95, 96, 97.
God, who the hell has the audacity
to prank call the police? Jeez.
It's working.
He's coming.
Are these people insane? Unbelievable…
Damn it.
And how did they know I have twins?
The expiration date hasn't passed…
What the hell did I eat?
Mr. Jang and I will go
inside the broker's office,
you two cut off the escape routes
-and stand watch.
-Yes, ma'am.
I'm sure the broker isn't the only one
who's with the stowaway gang,
-so everyone becareful.
-Yes, sir.
-Now, let's go.
Get the cuffs.
Mr. Nam.
I was just about to go arrest Auntie Im.
She isn't going to stow away.
The arrest warrant, the travel ban,
they're all going to be revoked,
so she can just leave the country.
We have the evidence,
why would the warrant be revoked?
What are you talking about?
That evidence is now useless.
You made
a deal with Auntie Im?
I had to move quickly,
so I didn't have the time to tell you.
It wasn't that you couldn't care less
about me?
How could you have pulled
something as big as this
without talking to me?
Should I have asked you to do it with me?
You're the police, and it would
surely hurt you, so how could I?
Are you saying
you did it for me?
Still, I can't believe he did
something awful like that.
-Damn it. I can't take his side this time.
-I know.
Don't cut him any slack.
Channel Han the ghost and beat him up.
They're fighting,
but I still sense this love between them.
Like a married couple.
Romantic relationships are unpredictable.
-Very true.
-My god.
-Gosh, you scared me.
Mr. Cha, how long have you been there?
Since Mr. Nam said
he destroyed the evidence.
So, for all of it.
Goodness, what do we do now?
What do you mean what do we do?
-We hear out Mr. Nam's plan.
Mr. Nam, just
-explain this to us so we can understand…
-There's no need to explain it.
I take back what I said
about investigating together.
Han Jae-hui,
-listen to me.
I've been understanding of the way
you've handled things.
Like how you do whatever it takes
to get results.
No, I cheered you on
while I took part in it too.
Because I know just how desperate you are.
But now I understand.
It's not just the results that matter.
The process and the procedure
have to be just too.
That at the very least, as the police,
I shouldn't do things like that.
I'll investigate using
my own methods going forward,
so you can go back to
your own world now, Mr. Nam.
Auntie Im has Jae-jeong's file.
Jae-jeong said he found the connection
between the victim
and the killer before he died,
and Auntie Im has that file.
Jae-jeong must have found out
who Gopuri was.
I see. So that's why
he killed Prosecutor Han.
If we have that file,
you can catch Gopuri, that bastard.
I'll control Auntie Im
and find both the file and Gopuri.
I can't let Auntie Im go
just to catch Gopuri.
We can't punish Auntie Im or Cha Seung-won
with the evidence we have now.
Can you prove they're guilty
of special solicitation of murder?
At best, we can prove
they concealed a corpse.
Mr. Shaman, you're saying you can get
both Auntie Im and Cha Seung-won?
Just let me see Gu Tae-su.
I'll get him to testify
that she solicited him.
We can use that to arrest her.
We have her with us right now.
You have Auntie Im too?
Well, you do have a point about getting
Auntie Im and the mastermind
behind her all at once.
But there's no guarantee
that your plan will succeed.
Even if it was to catch Gopuri,
I know I did something I shouldn't have.
I know that.
I know it won't be easy to forgive me.
But give me another chance
so I can catch Gopuri.
Why don't we
follow Mr. Nam's plans for now?
Well, it is dangerous,
but it seems to be
our best option for now.
And if it doesn't work,
we can go back to doing it our way.
Yes, Ms. Han.
Let's give him one more chance.
But if you ever make a decision
without consulting me again, it's over.
And don't
ask for my forgiveness about this
or talk to me.
Let's just do the investigation.
That's it.
Come on…
Does it have to be that extreme?
-What is it?
-Han-jun, it's a warzone here.
Hye-jun and Auntie Im are about
to tear each other's hair out.
I've got an emergency here too,
so handle it yourself.
I'm in the middle of a war too.
I'm screwed.
I don't eat vulgar food like this.
Who are you to insult delivery food?
You are declaring war
against the tens of millions
of pizza lovers in Korea right now.
Whatever, I don't eat this stuff,
so bring me proper food.
-Damn it.
-That bitch…
-Come on.
You're prettier, so let it slide.
Have a bite of this.
Burn them all.
Why do you have Prosecutor Han's file?
That file will bring trouble.
The police swept in, so I just grabbed it.
I'll take care of that.
You go get your wounds treated.
I thought of it as a means
to protect my life.
I've overestimated you.
You were just used by Nam Han-jun.
What do you mean?
Nam Han-jun made a deal with the police.
He's going to hand you over to the police
as soon as he gets that file.
Unless you want to walk into his trap,
do as I tell you.
What do you want me to do?
Are you being loyal to Auntie Im
because you believe her
to be your benefactor?
Or is it that
even if it wasn't Auntie Im,
you believed Gopuri
would save you one day?
I don't think Gopuri cares
whether you live or die,
and if it's because you believe
Auntie Im is your benefactor,
I think
I can break your loyalty.
Then why did you give
Gu Tae-su a new identity?
It'd have been better to leave him
as the ghost
so you could dump him
without attracting suspicion.
He kept clinging to life, when he
should have been living as a ghost.
That's why I told him to assume
the identity of a dead man.
So he'd live as a ghost again.
She never truly cared for you.
You have to escape the fantasy
she planted in you.
Nam Han-jun.
I should have killed you then.
Did you want to live
in this childish fantasy forever?
If not, then tell me. Was it Auntie Im
who told you to kill?
Did she tell you to kill
Jeon Gyeong-cheol?
I'm sorry. I thought
it was under your orders, sir.
I never gave that order.
When the police come, hit me and then run.
-Yes, sir.
-Over here!
I didn't realize Nam Han-jun
would find the RV too.
It'd be dangerous for us
if he digs into that list on the laptop.
Uncle kept all the proof
of Seung-won's corruption, right?
In a secret safe on the VIP floor.
I'll make Nam Han-jun go after that safe.
Wait there, and when I lure
Nam Han-jun in, you snatch the data
and take it to Seung-won.
He'll see it and go crazy, which will make
Nam Han-jun suspect him even more.
Then we'll watch the two of them fight
and get rid of them both
when we get the chance.
What's that look on your face?
Director Cha gave me the order
to get rid of Chairman Park.
Do as he orders.
But kill him as Gopuri.
So Nam Han-jun will believe
that Cha Seung-won is Gopuri,
the man he's after.
Yes, sir.
Auntie Im was the one
who told me to kill.
Wow, that was amazing.
Mr. Shaman really got him to confess.
I was a bit disappointed
about what happened,
-but he is really talented, that I'll say.
-Me too.
Now we just need to find that file
and arrest Auntie Im and her bosses,
and that's it.
All there is left to do now is
for me to wrap things up.
Right, yes.
Check the details of your confession,
and sign here.
Yes, everything's correct.
To me, you were always my magpie
that brought me good luck.
Nothing's changed since then.
You must be cursed.
I don't care if you're cursed.
You're now my magpie.
It's dangerous, why would you…
I don't care.
You are what's important to me.
There'll be an accident
when they move you.
Look for an opening and escape then.
My people will tell you what to do next.
Here's your lunch box.
You need to eat.
-I'm all done now.
See you soon, Mr. Gu.
Here's your lunch.
Let's go.
Did you eat?
I will.
Wow, with this, I think
we have enough to arrest Auntie Im.
Just in case, add more guards when
you move him to the Prosecutors' Office.
Why? Did something happen?
If Gopuri finds out Gu Tae-su
ratted Auntie Im out,
he might try to kill him out of the fear
he might reveal his identity too.
Then we'll transport Gu Tae-su ourselves
while Lieutenant Han looks for the file
with Mr. Shaman.
You have the people at Minamdang.
But will you two be enough?
If there are a lot of people,
Auntie Im could grow suspicious,
and that'd make it harder
to lure in Gopuri.
We'll call you as soon as we get the file,
and then you can join us right away.
Yes, I'll do that.
And let's keep this plan just between us.
Hey, Su-cheol.
Did she tell you where the file is?
About that,
-things are crazy here.
-Hey, give me that.
I've shown her that her arrest warrant
and the travel ban have both been revoked,
but this bitch won't talk.
So you're going back on your promise?
I'll give you the file when I've safely
left the country.
I've never thought
you'd give us that file so easily.
That's why I prepared a gift for you.
I don't know if you'll like it.
Yes. Here.
I told you that
the god of riches has left you
and that your luck with money has run out.
What have you done?
That's why you should've
had the pizza with us before.
She gnashed her teeth
while looking for that account.
You won't see a penny of it.
You'll release my account
if I give you the file?
Don't worry.
I just want the file, not your money.
We're ready to go,
where should we meet you?
Come to my temple behind Cheonggakjeong.
Come on, get going.
Let's go. Get up.
Yes. Let's go.
Let's go.
-Let's go.
-Let's go.
I got him to go to the temple.
I'll do it myself this time.
Prosecutor Cha's going to the temple
in Cheonggakjeong.
I think he's going to see Auntie Im…
Do-won going to see Auntie Im?
Step on it!
-Hey, good work.
Well, would look at her, swanning in.
Well. I see the detective came too.
That file you have is important to me too.
Prosecutor Han was your brother, right?
Just keep your promise,
and you'll know who killed your brother.
You guys keep a good eye on her from here,
just in case.
Yes, okay. Call us if anything happens.
And take this.
Those won't work in my temple.
Good luck.
What an ass.
I know.
Door opening.
That's my brother's handwriting.
If you want to see what's in the file,
release my account first.
-What's the password to the account?
Well, Hye-jun wasn't in her right mind
when she set that password.
Eighteen, eighteen, eighteen, eighteen.
Four ones and eights.
One, eight, one, eight,
one, eight, one, eight.
What do you think you're doing?
-Open the door!
-Open the door.
You thought you could catch him
by using me as bait,
but you were wrong.
It's him who has you where he wants you
using that file as bait.
Su-cheol, Auntie Im's boss is here.
Don't let Auntie Im escape
and catch him first.
Kong Su-cheol. There's no signal.
I think she jammed the signal
once she closed the temple doors.
Damn it.
Open the door!
Damn it.
Jae-hui, it's gas.
You need to cover your mouth.
Mr. Nam.
I hereby arrest you without a warrant
for the murder of Im Hui-suk.
Let me go.
Please, just get out of the way.
What will you do now?
Execute the punishment, so my judgment
will never again be tainted
by the desires of others.
You will die anyway,
so you might as well make yourself useful.
You've gone mad, playing judge,
and will eventually
end up dying at his hands.
I'll make a prophecy.
Auntie Im. Reveal the truth
about everything and turn yourself in.
If you don't, you will die at the hands
of the person you serve.
Subtitle translation by: Jung-in Park
I saw everything.
Your face was caught on tape
nice and clear,
so don't you try to deny it.
Hand them over to me by tomorrow,
then Choekang's chairman position
will be all yours.
Mr. Nam's disappeared too.
Are you saying there's a spy among us?
I found out who Gopuri is.
We'll use Cha Seung-won as bait.
You should stop
investigating the case, Lieutenant Han.
Isn't that kidnapping?
How dare you take me for a fool?
You're going to get back exactly…
No, it's going to be much worse for you.
Ripped and resynced by YoungJedi
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