Craig of the Creek (2017) s01e16 Episode Script

Under the Overpass

Who's gonna help when the
danger overwhelms
and the mysteries are piled
high? ♪
Who's gonna be around,
never gonna let you down ♪
When you're on a wild ride?
Your friends are
always by your side ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek
JP: Come on, guys,
before they sell out.
Hey, wait up! It's not like the
Trading Tree is going anywhere.
Where did you come from?
One mood ring, please.
Some of these marbles
are a little misshapen.
Oh, well, uh, that's 'cause
they're extra rare.
Come on!
I need that mood ring.
How else am I supposed
to know when I'm happy?
Sorry, but no deal.
What about this bird?
Get your own bird!
Will you trade for this?
Well, I'm flattered,
but I already have
a love interest -- commerce.
What? No. No.
It's honeysuckle.
It's like candy.
You pull out the bottom
and suck out the juice.
Try it.
[ Slurp! ]
[ Gasps ]
It's gorgeous.
Okay, if you can get me
more of that honeysuckle,
I will give you
1,000 more mood rings.
Nah. That'd be too shiny
for my style.
I just want, like,
a little sparkle.
Ooh, but I will take one
of those dinosaur-grabby guys.
Consider them grabbed.
Craig, give me
more honeysuckle.
How do we ask?
I actually don't have anymore.
Aw, man.
I pleased for nothing.
I really want one
of dino grabbies.
Now my dreams
are extinct.
maybe we can take my map,
go upstream and look
for a honeysuckle bush?
A water quest!
I can hold my breath
underwater for 20 minutes
while punching a shark
as Mortimer pecks out its eyes.
Oh, can we go,
Craig, please?
You guys don't have to ask me
twice to explore the creek.
After all, I am
The Map Boy!
First Mate JP, take us away.
Aye, aye, cap-ee-tain.
Cast off!
Oh. Wait! Wait!
Wait! Wait! Wait!
See anything, Kelsey?We're at a fork.
-Which way do we go?
I doubt a flower can
make it through the sewer,
and if it did, it wouldn't
taste like honey.
I bet it came from that way.
Full speed that-a way.
Oh, rocks ahoy.
Whoa. Oof.
[ Both laugh ]
Man, people throw
so much trash in the creek.
It just makes me
so green.
You getting
all this, Craig?
Yeah, I've been drawing
as fast as I can.
We're farther up the creek
than we've ever been before.
[ Bird caws ]
[ Chirps ]
Make sure you draw
in all the creepiness,
you know, with some
squiggly lines or something.
Guys, look.
Craig: Whoa.
Okay, the creepy
level of this place
just went from
a five to a [Shudders]
We must be crossing
into Hurkleston Mills.
I've never been to
that neighborhood,
except to get dress shoes
from that shoe store they got.
I wonder who did all this.
There's so many.
What do
you think they all mean?
[ Sneezes ][ Both scream ]
Sorry. I'm allergic
to the dark and tension.
Hey, look!
Kelsey: It's a bounty
of candy flower.
Kids are going to
love eating these.
This was a really great idea.
I'm glad we came here.
I feel purple, too.
Now maybe we can get
a better look at those symbols
and maybe get
some pictures.
Yeah. I think
we got time for --
Get down!
Kelsey, what's going on?
What was that?
[ All shouting indistinctly ]
-Kit! Hey, Kit!
JP, just the guy
I wanted to see.
There you go,
two dino grabbies.
I'm the richest kid
in the creek!
It was something like this?
I don't think that's right.
I wish
I got a better look.
Are you kidding me,
I know you didn't see that kid,
but that bow looked serious.
Like, "I take archery
in school" serious.
We cannot go back
there ever again.
Guys, you got to
go back again.
The honeysuckles sold
like gangbusters.
Wait. Go back?
It's kind of scary there,
and I have a family now.
JP, I'll give you
so many dino grabbies
that you'll never have to use
your real limbs again.
Think about it.
You could be a dinosaur.
We got to go!
Well, I really want
to study those symbols.
That's why
we should go back.
Don't listen to him.
He doesn't have a brain.
Why are we arguing?
We're on the same side.
You don't control me!
Sorry, but no.
You want to explore
the whole creek,
and that's fine,
but that overpass was dangerous.
There are some places
we just shouldn't go.
Kelsey, if we thought
like that,
we wouldn't have found
half the stuff on my map --
the Sewer Kingdom, the Popcorn
Graveyard, the Invisible City.
I think that was here.
Oh, and JP.
Remember when we found JP?
I was surrounded
by spikes and fire.
Yeah. I guess that was
pretty cool.
I have to know
what that symbol means.
Fine, but the first sign of
trouble, and we're out of there.
I'm coming, too.
There's safety in numbers,
and numbers in money.
The more, the merrier.
Let's go.
-Let's go!
I will make
my own decisions!
Come on, Kels.
You're right, Mortimer.
I also have a bad
feeling about this.
Hey, y'all. I brought
some extra storage.
-Dang. You came prepared.
-Well, I had to.
I am trying
to monopolize the market.
What does monopolize mean?
Uh, don't worry
about it.
That's it, huh, the overpass
y'all were talking about?
Yeah. It's ever
creepier than before.
No sign
of that archer kid.
Mortimer says
the coast is clear.
The water is clear, too.
Looks like luck
is on our side.
Man, check
that one out.
And this symbol is
all over the tunnel.
It must be important.
Can you hold the light up
to that symbol while I draw it?
Craig, you can do this
on the way back.
Now let's go.
Okay, just one picture.
Let's get hauling.
Pretty soon y'all will have
a bunch of brothers and sisters,
but I promise you'll
still be my favorites.
[ Thunder rumbling ]
It's starting to rain.
We better pack up
and head home.
But there's still plenty
of honeysuckle left to grab.
Kelsey is right.
The faster we go,
the sooner we can get
back to those symbols.
I mean, home.
Craig, you ain't
fooling nobody.
Come on, chop, chop.
Move it or lose it, people.
JP, full speed
to the overpass.
Two eyes, captain!
Oh, there's one of those
wheel things on that barrel.
It's the archer kid.
[ All scream ]
Run! Swim! Paddle!
Keep going.
We can lose him
under the overpass.
[ Grunts ]
[ Sniffs ]
Scented marker?
They're trying to track us!
For the love
of Scriggth, row!
Oh, wait. I got it.
-It's sinking!
-My babies!
[ All scream ]
Wait, the honeysuckles!
We got to go!
But we came all this way.
We can't leave empty-handed.
You want to wind up
waist deep in water?
Craig: Let's go.
This is the first time
I had good things to trade.
I don't want to give it up.
There's no time!
You have to ditch the bag.
Give me your hand.
Oh, no, Clutch-a-saurus.
-Sorry, JP.
-I guess it was his time.
Take it squeezy,
At least
that crazy kid is gone.
Thank goodness.
Wait, please.
We'll never come back
here again, promise.
Please don't hurt me
or my friends.
We're just trying
to go home.
It's not safe here.
Please don't come back.
are you all right?
[ Groans ]
Well, I think my
creek-faring days are over.
Can't thank you enough
for saving me, though.
I owe you guys my life.
I don't want your life,
but I will take another toy.
-What do you got?
-Uh, I got a mood ring.
Kelsey: Sorry you didn't
get pics you wanted.
Eh, it's okay.
I'm just glad everyone
is all right, thanks to you.
Pfft, nah. I was just following
my warrior instincts.
Seriously, though,
your instincts
were right on the money.
I guess for now some places
are better left undiscovered.
When it's time to go to bed
I know
I don't have to feel alone ♪
'Cause I'll see you tomorrow
At the creek
Just like I drew it.
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