Crash Course in Romance (2023) s01e16 Episode Script

You and I, the Union of Two Universes

I'm following her to Japan.
I want to try living there with her.
By "her,"
do you mean me?
When will you be leaving?
As soon as we can.
I can transfer schools if I bring
my academic transcript
and proof of enrollment.
I'm going to go as soon as possible.
I need time to adjust too.
I'll tell my teacher
when I go to school on Monday.
You're not taking the CSAT?
No. I'll be studying abroad anyway.
Let go of me. It hurts.
What are you talking about?
You're going to Japan with me?
What? Can I not?
Of course, you can.
But this isn't right. We didn't discuss--
Why do we need to discuss it?
I'm your daughter, not Auntie's.
What's there to discuss
when I want to live with my mom?
Isn't this normal?
That's not the issue right now.
How dare you talk back to your mom?
You must've been a handful.
Gosh, I'm so flustered
that my nose is sweating.
I'm going with you.
I've made my decision,
so book the plane tickets.
Don't ask Aunt for help.
-Whether we live in poverty
or work and earn money,
that's our issue to handle.
That's the least you can do
to thank her for raising me.
Nam Hae-e.
If you don't listen to me,
I'll never see you again.
Haeng-seon, will Hae-e not be
living with us anymore?
Will she?
But why?
Why is she leaving with Haeng-ja?
We've been living happily together,
so why does she want to leave?
Hae-e is so mean!
She's a traitor!
She's so mean!
Hey, Nam Hae-e!
Are you serious?
About leaving with Mom?
Yes, I am.
What's the matter with you?
I just don't understand.
Are you that happy
to be reunited with her again?
Is that why you're suddenly
dropping this bomb on us?
I guess so.
The CSAT is around the corner.
You wanted to go to med school.
What will you do in Japan?
You know your mom well. You'll struggle--
That's our business.
So let's end it at that.
Hey, Hae-e!
She's from that affair video.
That's her, right?
I think it is.
Look, she's got a brace on her hand.
She beat the crap out of him.
Why are you here?
How dare you come here?
Where else would I go? It's my house.
You're so brazen.
How can you be so shameless?
This isn't your house anymore, so get out.
-What's with you?
-You disgust me, so leave.
-Use your words.
You go straight to throwing hands.
So uncouth.
-You're quite violent.
Yes, it's my fault.
But hey, imagine how lonely
I must've been to do that.
I was so lonely!
You never treat me
like a decent human being.
Am I wrong?
You never cook me anything.
You're always attending
information sessions with other moms
or posting stuff on or whatever.
Do I do all that for my sake?
I do it for Su-a's future--
Don't make me laugh!
You're living vicariously through her
to achieve what you couldn't.
Everything in your life is ordinary,
from your school to your husband.
You want her to become a doctor
for your sake.
You're just being vain, aren't you?
Fine, let's just say that's it. Sure.
Then what about you?
You're having an affair,
and with a woman from work, at that.
Do you know that the video has gone viral?
You're a bastard who deserves to die!
Are you trying to end things?
It's already over. Don't you know that?
There's nothing left between us.
If I could,
I would divorce you this instant.
But I'm going to wait
until Su-a gets into college.
So you better behave
and keep that affair on the down low.
If Su-a ever happens to see you
riding around with that woman
around our neighborhood,
then I'll really…
I swear
I'll rip you into pieces. Got that?
It's about college again?
You truly are unbelievable.
I'm crying tears of gratitude!
Shut up!
Just shut up! This is my final warning.
is extremely sensitive these days.
If you dare create any situation
that might trouble her,
I'll show you how crazy I can be. Got it?
Do you want us
to pretend like everything's fine?
Just for Su-a's admissions?
Act like everything's peachy?
Yes! Do that!
Do whatever it takes so she won't know!
Do you understand?
Then what will we do
once she gets into college?
-I'm home.
You're home, Su-a.
Studying must've been stressful.
Good work, Su-a.
I'm hungry.
Are you? That's great.
I bought your favorite cheese sticks.
I'll grill them for you.
Yes, do that.
Grill a few more for me
while you're at it.
Sure, of course.
That's enough. You'll rip the bag.
Do you want to walk?
Let's take a walk.
Have you spoken with Hae-e?
What did she say?
I don't know what she's thinking.
Gosh, I'm so confused about everything.
You must feel even worse.
While raising her,
I did expect something like this
to happen one day.
But she just met her mom.
And you've seen
how unreasonable Haeng-ja is.
What will Hae-e do with her
all the way in Japan?
You're worried about her even now?
You're not hurt?
I am.
She ripped my heart apart.
I can't believe she'd do this to us.
I doubt the reason she's leaving
is because she likes her mom.
So I just don't get it.
But she doesn't want to talk about it.
She's made up her mind.
Did she really say that?
She was so adamant.
So what could I say?
I have no say.
After all, I'm just her aunt.
She wants to go live with her mom.
Shall we sit down?
She's a smart kid.
I'm sure she has her reasons.
Just accept it for now.
I have no choice.
The house will feel lonely
once Hae-e's gone.
Why don't you learn something new?
Piano? Or golf?
One of my friends is a golf coach.
To be honest,
once Hae-e went to college,
I was going to hand over the store
to Jae-woo and Yeong-ju
and study instead.
Study what?
I want to become a sports instructor.
I've always wanted to give it a try.
That's great.
That's awesome.
I knew you had a plan.
Give it a shot.
I'm not sure.
I'm not confident I'll do well.
And I'm terrible at studying.
I can't disagree with that.
But it's possible.
I'm speaking from experience.
Even the most hopeless students
can climb all the way to the top.
That's comforting to hear.
A Nam Haeng-seon who studies?
That's a whole new side of you.
-I'm falling in love all over again.
Why are you staring at me?
Stop teasing me.
I'm so annoyed.
I don't know
why she wants to live with me.
She said she feels too ashamed
to face her aunt.
She doesn't want to be a nuisance.
What nuisance?
You don't need to know.
She sure doesn't take after me.
She said she'd kill herself
if I ever asked them for money again.
I don't know.
Let's just wait and see for now.
Want one, Uncle?
I'll take a walk first,
then head to the store.
Try to understand.
He's just hurt and upset.
-I know.
-Let me do the laundry
and make you some porridge.
You need to eat bland food for now.
It's okay. My mom and I
can just order some porridge.
Don't order. It won't take long.
It's okay. You can go to work.
And leave our laundry out.
I can do her and my laundry.
Fine. Suit yourself.
We're here.
Good luck today, Su-a.
I'll pick you up on time.
You have back-to-back classes today,
so you'll be hungry.
Grab a snack from the convenience store
during the break, okay?
Yes, what is it?
Get a divorce if you want.
I'll be fine.
Just divorce Dad. I don't mind.
And don't pick me up later.
I'm going to walk.
I could use the exercise.
Glad to run into you here.
Studying by myself was too tough.
That's why I'm here at the academy.
Do I enroll on the fourth floor?
-No, it's on the third floor.
How kind of you.
How many walks
has Jae-woo taken today?
He wasn't in the whole day.
But then again,
that's what he does when he's upset.
Hey, just say what's on your mind.
You can vent to me.
Or just wander outside like Jae-woo.
You're suffocating me.
What? Are you going out?
Can you take over for a few hours?
I'll be back before dinnertime.
Sure, go.
Go for a drive with Mr. Choi or something.
Haeng-ja, get ready to go out.
We need to go somewhere.
Why her? Where are you going?
Why? Are you going to buy her something?
-Are you killing your enemy with kindness?
-Help her out.
I'm going for a walk.
I love shopping.
It sure smells wonderful in here.
Hi, new releases.
What's gotten into you? Shopping?
What will you buy me?
A handbag? Clothes?
I'm so excited.
I ran out of eye cream.
Which one should I pick?
-May I help you?
-Yes, please.
I'm shopping for some skincare products.
For sensitive skin
with a lot of calming ingredients.
One minute.
I thought we were buying something for me.
Hae-e has sensitive skin,
so she can only use gentle products.
It takes ages for her acne to disappear.
I'd love to buy a lot before she leaves,
but they'll expire.
Remember her skin type.
All right.
This is our most popular product
for sensitive skin.
Would you like one?
I'm also looking for some gel cleanser.
-This way, please.
Can I get some eye cream?
A cheap one?
Just one.
So stingy.
Hi, guys.
Gosh, you sound so tired.
Are you exhausted?
I see.
I understand.
You're exhausted
and getting anxious
now that it's almost time.
But this is only the beginning.
I can't help you keep a strong mentality.
That's your job.
Just take care of that,
and I'll take care of the rest.
Got it?
Okay, let's begin.
What are we studying today?
Are you seriously that tired?
The CSAT is around the corner.
All right.
I won't mention the CSAT again.
But that just means…
this grueling preparation
for college admissions
will come to an end soon.
-What's wrong?
-She fainted.
What's the matter?
It's a side effect of medication.
Medication? What kind of medication?
There's this medication kids take
to help them concentrate better.
It's actually for ADHD.
But if you don't have ADHD,
apparently there can be side effects.
Why would they go that far?
Beats me.
It doesn't even seem that effective
in increasing concentration.
There's a high chance of it being
a placebo effect.
But they're just too anxious.
They're grasping at whatever they can.
Hey, Jong-ryeol.
You're right.
Kids nowadays do ridiculous things.
They consume highly-caffeinated
energy drinks and take pills.
We even sent out several announcements
asking them to cut down.
But a part of me understands them.
Studying means everything.
Their futures depend on the CSAT.
It must be so nerve-racking.
And I also play a part
in the game of chicken that is admissions.
I've made my living off of it.
What's gotten into you?
All of a sudden?
I know.
What's gotten into me?
Don't be absurd.
That's your inflated ego talking.
The educational system
and the parents' mindsets are to blame.
A mere star teacher's guilt
won't fix anything.
"A mere star teacher"?
That hits home.
Don't be so disappointed.
I'm a mere school teacher as well.
I don't know what to think
about the admissions system.
My main worry nowadays is
the level at which I teach my classes.
The students' academic levels
differ greatly.
I can't just focus on my top students.
But if I were to set the bar
to the average,
they would complain and say
they've already learned everything.
Then divide the classes into levels.
Sure, some will complain
about not making it to the top.
But that's the best solution.
That did come up before,
but I didn't like ranking them
based on their grades.
You shouldn't think of it that way.
There are certain kids
who belatedly decided to study hard.
Those kids need to learn the basics first.
You can't leave them behind.
That's the best solution.
Gosh, what a great teacher you are,
worrying about your students like that.
You're being a snob again.
You were always like that.
You were always a know-it-all
-who gave others advice.
Quite a few of us
thought you were obnoxious.
I was just born with many gifts!
I'm so tired of it too.
I'm a star teacher to the bone.
-Can we get another bottle, please?
Lucky you.
Thank you.
This is good.
You're drinking well today.
Are you sleeping?
He did it again.
Don't make such a fuss.
It's not like she'll be alone.
Jeez, you always go overboard.
Hae-e often gets migraines.
Among all the medications,
this works best.
She has a weak stomach,
so she doesn't wear wired bras, and--
I'll ask her.
I'll do that.
I'll ask her and buy her the right ones.
But she'll say she's fine.
What do you mean?
She'll say she's okay
so you won't have to spend money!
So just remember that.
What's all this?
They're things you normally use.
I got almost everything.
If you need anything else, I'll go--
Why would you buy all that?
What do you mean?
I know you can buy things there,
but while you adjust--
I don't need these, so return them.
What are you…
Just take them.
I don't need them!
Nam Hae-e!
What's the matter with you?
Why are you being so sensitive
about your aunt buying you stuff?
Can't you just appreciate it?
Then what about you?
Why don't you consider my feelings?
I said I don't need them.
I don't want them,
so why do you keep insisting?
How could you say that?
How could you hurt me like this?
We've lived together
for more than a decade.
I respect your choice
to live with your mom.
But how could you be so harsh
and try to cut me off?
You keep saying, "My mom and I."
Do you have to be that rude?
Yes, I'm rude!
This is how I am.
Maybe you should've raised me better!
What a rude brat.
I need to wash my hands…
I'm off to school.
Aren't you going to say bye?
I'm finally going back to school.
I'm off.
Why didn't she…
Give this to Hae-e.
Her stomach hurts if she skips breakfast.
-You can give it to her.
-No, you go.
-Give it to her. Hurry.
-All right.
-Go chase her.
Nam Hae-e.
Haeng-seon wants you to eat this.
Take it.
She said you'll have a sour stomach.
Go. You'll be late.
I'll tell the teacher
about going to Japan after school.
Nam Hae-e.
What was that?
What? No reason.
It's my first time
seeing my daughter go to school.
You look so pretty.
You look so gorgeous.
You must take after me.
You're pretty, and the uniform suits you.
You have long legs too.
Let me take one more.
Go. You'll be late.
My daughter is so pretty!
Have a good day!
I acknowledge the fact
that the defendant impaired
the impartiality of public education
and hindered other hard-working students
from achieving their deserved grades.
However, the damage was remedied
after the defendant's son
confessed to the crime.
Taking into consideration
how neither of them benefited from this,
and the defendant's confession
and heartfelt apology,
the defendant will be fined
ten million won.
Don't make me defend you again.
Criminal cases aren't my specialty.
we got the most ideal outcome.
That's because you confessed
and cooperated with the investigation.
I didn't do anything.
You were there for me.
Do you want to eat at home?
With the boys.
Let's go.
I didn't have much time
to prepare many side dishes.
Next time, I'll go buy some
from Haeng-seon's store.
That's like you.
You'd never cook.
I should only make promises
that I can keep.
Does this mean you won't go to prison?
But she won't be able
to work for some time.
She was suspended.
You should take a break.
You've been working too hard until now.
I should.
Would you like to go on a trip with me?
What's the matter?
Nam Hae-e!
Welcome back, bestie! Come here!
I'm so happy to see you in school again!
That hurts.
-I'm still recovering.
Sorry. Are you okay?
-I'm okay.
-Why is it so noisy?
Hae-e, welcome back
to Woorim High School.
How does it feel to be back?
It feels good.
I only realized how beautiful
our school was on my way here today.
Had I known sooner,
I would've taken many photos.
You can start now.
We'll still be around for another year.
You're back, Hae-e.
It's been a while. Have you been well?
Not really.
It was boring without you here.
I took some notes for you
while you were gone.
Read them when you're bored.
What's gotten into her?
She's surprisingly kind.
Hey, what about me?
-So are you.
-What about me?
You're kind too.
She's so pretty.
She grew up so well.
I enrolled in an academy.
I think it was called "The Fried."
Anyway, I'm in the beginner's class.
I'm going to give it a try.
Good for you.
That means
you won't need me anymore, right?
Of course, I still need you.
Even more so to study for the academy.
You better not abandon me.
Long time no see, homeroom rep.
All right. This classroom
felt a bit empty without her here.
But now that she's back,
we can happily study now, right?
The finals are coming soon.
Turn to page 155.
Hae-e, I'm sorry, and thank you.
See you again. From Mom.
"Woorim High School."
Dear Haeng-seon, my capable sister,
your shameless sister is leaving again.
Seeing you and Hae-e,
I felt a sense of shame
for the first time in my life.
That's right.
I'm leaving because I'm too humiliated.
Let me tell you in advance
in case you're worried.
I didn't steal anything this time. Really.
So no need to check
your bankbook or your jewelry.
But I did steal a few memories.
I took a few photos of Hae-e
from the album in your vanity.
I didn't even raise her,
but I still want to remember her.
I took the ugliest ones,
so don't resent me too much.
She'd only be embarrassed by them
had you kept them around,
so I'll keep them safe.
Although I gave birth to her,
I realized that you were her mom.
Let's just consider her our daughter.
I'm being pretty generous
since I gave birth to her.
Once she's done with her CSAT,
visit Japan with your boyfriend.
Get first-class seats.
Don't be stupid
and let your pride get the better of you.
Most people might think
that you're the lucky one,
but in fact, it's him.
He'll never find another woman like you.
You did a terrific job raising your niece,
whom I abandoned.
You didn't even kick me out
when I shamelessly came back.
No one else would be generous enough
to take her sister back like that.
I'm not brown-nosing you.
I truly mean it, you brat.
Let me know if Mr. Choi
ever breaks your heart.
If that ever happens, I'll show up
for you as a proper big sister.
Until we meet again, goodbye.
I skimmed through it.
What kind of instructor asks
a school teacher to review his workbook?
The kind that's before your eyes.
Didn't you say you had
better grades than me back in school?
There weren't even that many questions,
so don't complain so much.
Just treat me to some drinks.
I was going to anyway.
Mr. Choi Chi-yeol?
Have you been well?
-And you, Hye-jeong?
-It's Hye-yeon.
-Have you been well?
-No, I haven't.
I kept seeing articles about you online.
Once that settled down,
your ads would pop up.
Your face was on billboards and bus ads.
So how could I forget about you?
My academy is serious
when it comes to advertising.
Is she pretty?
Never mind. Don't answer that.
I feel offended either way.
I'm going abroad.
It's not because of you.
I want to study music more in-depth.
That's incredible.
I'll be rooting for you.
You'll meet a great guy.
In that case, why didn't you date me?
So upsetting.
Wild ginseng.
It's cultivated wild ginseng,
and it's six years old.
My mom got it as a gift,
and I took a piece.
You seem pretty lethargic these days.
But isn't it really bitter?
I've had it before.
What's good for your body
is always bitter.
Eat it before Haeng-seon sees it.
Chew it.
Chew it.
You're so good.
Stop right there.
Don't you dare move.
It's sticking out.
I said don't…
How long has it been?
Not that long.
About one week
before Hae-e was discharged.
Not one week. Three days.
Three days, he says.
They say the fire does not shine
on its own base. I'm speechless.
It's "beacon," not "fire."
Same difference, you sly punk.
Anyway, you're worse than him.
How could you keep this a secret--
But first,
what's your real intention?
Are your feelings for him even genuine?
Do you think this is all for fun? You…
How dare you?
I get that you're flustered.
But don't look down on our feelings,
or we'll be offended.
So you're serious?
You too, Jae-woo?
I came for some three-color namul
and braised tofu.
Three-color namul and braised tofu?
One minute.
Ms. Nam.
Did you and Mr. Choi break up?
No. Why?
I don't know if I should tell you this.
It's that lady from before.
She's pretty.
She obviously went under the knife.
She got her eyes and nose done.
Don't you think she got
her jawline done too, Haeng-seon?
Hey, don't worry.
They weren't at some shady bar.
They met at a cafe.
They're not strangers, you know.
They could have some coffee.
Don't be so old-fashioned
and brood over it.
Everyone's saying
that she's his new girlfriend.
There are so many comments.
"He finally came to his senses."
"Side dish store lady got abandoned."
"New lady looks rich."
"He finally found someone on his level."
-"I approve of them. Be happy, Chi-yeol."
-Stop it.
Who are they to meddle
in someone else's relationship?
Jeez, people have nothing better to do.
Just consider this the price of fame.
Such scandals are normal
if you're dating a star.
You trust him, right?
Don't you?
I trust him. Is it just me?
Where are you going?
Don't tell me you're going to see him.
I'm going out.
Hear him out first.
Don't be rash or get mad at him first.
You won't hit him, right?
If you do, do it with your left
since you're right-handed.
You better behave.
This feels ominous.
That's the look she had on her face
before she quit handball.
Does this mean she's breaking up
with Brother-in-Law?
That's the worst-case scenario.
By the way,
does she really look pretty to you?
Yes, she does.
But anyone would think
that a face like that was pretty.
Prettier than me?
Yes. Of course, she's prettier…
What I mean is,
the dictionary definition
of the word "pretty"
means aesthetically pleasing to the eye.
That's an objective…
That's an objective point of view.
But in my point of view, you're charming…
and charming.
It's not working, is it?
You're digging yourself in deeper, right?
I'm sorry, Yeong-ju.
Don't laugh like that. I'm sorry.
Your call cannot be completed.
You will be…
"She's so gorgeous."
"His relationship with side dish shop lady
-went longer than expected."
-Your call cannot…
"He finally found someone on his level."
"He's smiling from ear to ear."
-"He must be elated."
-Your call cannot be completed.
-You will be…
-These comments are no joke.
She'll be furious if she reads them.
Your call cannot be completed. You will…
Is it still off?
Yes, I think she turned it off.
-Your call cannot be completed…
-What do I do?
What do I…
-Your call cannot be completed…
-What do I do?
What will happen to me?
What should I do, Hyo-won?
What should we do?
-Mr. Choi.
-Do you want to last with her?
-Of course.
Are you confident
that your love won't change?
What is it?
I'm panicking, so just tell me.
Look at them. They're all so pretty.
I wanted to wait to propose
until after the CSAT.
Come on. This is an emergency.
We're in a dire situation.
I think this is your only way out.
You don't think
this would somehow anger her
or make the situation worse?
She's one of a kind, you see.
Mr. Choi, where's the charisma
that you exude during class?
You should be a man.
-"You're all I have."
-"You're all I have."
-"I'm all yours."
-"I'm all yours."
-"This is how I feel."
-"This is how I feel."
-"Don't feel pressured."
-"Don't feel pressured."
"I'm not asking you
to marry me right now."
"I wanted to express
my passionate love for you,
and this was the only way."
-I like that.
Say that again. "I wanted to express
-Mr. Choi, pick a ring first.
-my passionate love…"
-Gold or diamond?
A gold ring
with diamonds.
Get out of there.
You don't work here.
How about this one?
Gosh, it's still off.
Where in the world did she run off to?
Why did you do that?
You should've been more careful.
She just wanted a cup of coffee.
And look what that one cup of coffee did.
You were thoughtless, Mr. Choi.
That's not true.
All he did was drink coffee
for 15 minutes.
The people who took his photo
and wrote those comments are to blame.
So why should he be scolded?
Right? It's not my fault, is it?
No, it's not.
But still,
it's easy for small misunderstandings
to snowball into big conflicts.
But he let that happen.
He should've drawn a line.
From what Haeng-seon told me,
you have a knack for drawing lines.
So I wonder why
you drew it so curvy this time.
Yes, why did you?
Right. I'm to blame.
I should've been more…
She's here.
-She's here.
-She's here.
Hey, she's here.
What are you doing here, Mr. Choi?
I was waiting since I couldn't reach you.
I went out in a hurry,
so I didn't check if it was charged.
It turned off.
-I'm going up first to study.
I need to go to the convenience store.
Jae-woo, don't you need to go too?
You can go first.
No, you can go first.
It was really a coincidence.
I was with Jong-ryeol.
She asked so nonchalantly
to have some coffee with me.
I mean…
She said ten minutes,
and I couldn't refuse.
So we were there for 15 minutes.
It took five more minutes
because she mentioned going abroad.
I couldn't cut her off right there.
Doesn't it look like
he's trying his best to explain himself?
I can't see her face
since she has her back to us.
I'm so worried.
Me too. She didn't look that mad though.
When Haeng-seon's really furious,
she becomes calm.
Yes, she tends to be like that.
I hope the proposal works.
I knew someone could've taken a photo.
I should've known from experience, but I…
I was caught off guard.
It's all my fault. I--
-Let's get married.
-Yes, let's get married.
Wait, what?
Let's get married.
Maybe not right away,
but I realized that
I should let others know you're mine.
"I'm dating a man
who is desired by all women."
"I let my guard down.
I was too complacent."
That's right. I'm proposing to you.
For the rings,
I got 18K gold.
This isn't right.
What do you mean? Are you rejecting me?
No, that's not what I mean.
I was going to do it first.
You're truly unpredictable.
How did you even think of proposing to me?
My rings don't hold a candle to yours.
Aren't these too expensive?
Who cares?
Let's get married.
After Hae-e's CSAT.
After Hae-e takes the CSA
and I get
my sports instructor certification.
All right. I'll help you.
So how did it go?
-Tell me.
Let me see. Why do you have two rings?
She proposed to you too, right?
Congratulations, Brother-in-Law
and Haeng-seon!
Come on.
Don't cry.
I don't know what's wrong with me.
-Come on.
-What's wrong with me?
This academy district is still the mecca
of Korea's private education.
The upcoming CSAT for 2024 is in a month.
In one month, the students' hard work
and preparation for the test
will finally come to an end.
The distance between the points is equal.
Then y is…
…log sub a(x).
But look. From this point,
you have to move this distance,
so what is the coordinate of p?
The coordinates are two and six.
That means a…
is the square root…
-of six.
-Those who will leave will leave.
Those left behind will pine for them.
But time will still pass,
and that long-awaited day
will finally come.
2024 CSA
-What time is it?
-It's 3:30 p.m.!
You should've just gone with Hae-e.
You've asked over 100 times already.
It's her 112th time.
Hae-e said, "You don't need to come."
And you were just as nonchalant and said,
"I wasn't planning to."
Why couldn't you just go together
like other families?
Anyway, you and Hae-e are
a match made in heaven.
Darn it. I can't do this any longer.
And once again…
-There's Min-gyeong.
I'm off.
Nam Hae-e!
My beam of sunlight runs toward me again.
Did you get that?
Let's look at problem 12 this time.
Let's say the common difference
of arithmetic sequence a sub n
is d.
Then a sub ten minus a sub seven
is three d.
Then what's d?
It's two.
Now, we want to solve for a sub five.
You just need to move four units
from a sub one, so the answer is
Isn't it so easy?
Jeez. This shouldn't be hard.
That's why I called you here today
so I can threaten you.
Then do you know the difference
between arithmetic
and geometric sequences?
That's fine. It's really easy.
An arithmetic sequence
is when the difference is constant.
Five, seven, nine. Like this.
A geometric sequence
is when the ratio is constant.
Like this. Did you get it? That's it.
-Can you show us your signature move?
I came here from Cheongju to see it.
I don't want to do it anymore.
Show us!
-Show us!
-Show us!
So you two
just registered your marriage
without having a wedding?
I don't want to wear a dress
with my belly.
I'll give birth and lose weight first.
Excuse me.
You were nauseous all day yesterday
and couldn't eat.
Goodness, the morning sickness
must be rough.
By the way,
you're quite talented.
Talented at what?
What I mean is that you're…
You know…
Never mind.
By the way,
I haven't seen Ms. Nam in ages.
She's busy studying.
Has she still not gotten that certificate?
It's not even the civil service exam.
How has she failed so often?
I would've done a better job.
Anyway, I'd like to check out.
Talented at what?
-Can you ring this up?
"It contributes to society."
"It stabilizes society."
My heart used to break
when I saw students eating
junk food at convenience stores.
I believed homecooked meals
were healthier.
But it turns out I was wrong.
You need to consume food
that contains MSG when you're studying
to create amylase.
Did you mean "adrenaline"?
Yes, adrenaline. Anyway.
What I mean is you should study
while you're still young.
If you study later in life,
you'll suffer like me.
So study hard. You can do it.
Don't forget we're having a party
before Geon-hu takes his CSAT.
I know. I even bought some taffy.
I hope he succeeds this time,
or we'll have to do this again next year.
I know.
I hope both he and my mom
will pass their exams.
I hope so.
Right. Geon-hu said
he'll be bringing his new car today.
He got a new car just before the CSAT?
He said he needed one
since he studied until late.
-There's Su-a.
-Hey, you're studying too hard.
You should take a break.
Once I start my med school classes,
I won't have time to study
what I'm interested in.
Gosh, I knew it.
Spoken like the best student
to come out of The Pride.
Darn it. Why does my mom
keep selling me out like that?
I'm so embarrassed.
Gosh, I'm so disappointed in you.
With a bit of help, your child
could easily get into med school.
Med school?
Do you see that? Bang Su-a.
My daughter.
Pre-med at Hanguk University.
She is the epitome of a student
who enrolled at our academy,
attended the All Care Program,
and got into med school.
I used to monitor her studies,
so just trust me.
But you see,
I'd like my daughter to become a judge.
I see.
I can help you with that as well.
A close friend of mine is a lawyer.
We share many things in common
as working moms.
I'll give her a call.
I don't know much
about law school these days.
Sun-jae isn't interested in law school.
I don't plan on pushing him either.
And stop mentioning me
during your consultations.
Yes, I'm busy.
I'm hanging up.
Does she think that I'm her friend?
How did the trial go?
Good. We need to summon
a new witness though.
-Could you get me the list of evidence?
-Yes, ma'am.
Come in.
Are you on leave?
You should've called me first.
Then it wouldn't have been a surprise.
You look great.
-Please pass, Geon-hu!
This is the last time we're doing this.
Fine, I'll pass this time around.
Gosh, this is good!
I was going to pass this time
since I was getting sick of this.
-Don't make me laugh.
Didn't you say
it was a privilege of your youth?
-Please get in this time, okay?
-Yes, please.
-Don't tell me…
Are you still waiting for me?
-No wonder. Hear me out.
-After going to college,
-she has never
even dated once.
-I see.
-I see.
Why are you here?
Visiting your school in advance.
I'm going to study here.
Hop in.
This is my mom's car.
I can't guarantee your safety though.
Then should I take the risk?
I'm getting in.
Let's go.
Thank you.
Don't you have to return to school
and finish up your work?
I can do it at home.
This moment is more important to me
than my assignment.
It's about time you gave me an answer.
You put me on hold until after the CSAT.
That was ages ago.
I'm still thinking about it.
How long will you take?
You'll get busier once you start
your med school courses.
I have my military service too.
You need to answer me so I…
What is it?
What was that?
What was the meaning behind that?
Do you seriously not know?
So we're going out?
-Come on.
-Nam Hae-e! I can't believe it!
Let's hold hands.
-Let go.
-No way.
-Be quiet.
-I'm just so happy.
-Be quiet!
Did you study hard?
I feel nauseous from studying so hard.
Is that so?
You studied hard.
Gosh, the exam is in two days.
How do you feel?
I'm certain that I'll pass this time.
-Are you sure that you're certain?
I memorized everything I read.
So it's a definite pass.
I think you said the same thing last time.
You're not failing on purpose
so you won't have to marry me, right?
Fine, I won't say that again. Sorry.
I just can't wrap my head around…
Should we go to my place?
The exam is around the corner.
I can't exhaust myself.
We'll just hold hands and sleep.
What do you take me for?
Are you sure we'll just hold hands?
Are you sure that you're sure?
Are you?
I'll drop you off.
So the equation is….
t squared minus seven t plus eight
is zero.
The sum will be…
Taking the square and the coefficient
into consideration, seven…
It's almost time.
No, we need to solve for x.
In order to get the sum,
you need to substitute and multiply…
No, add… No, multiply.
Sorry, guys.
Today is an
extremely important day for me,
so I'm having trouble talking.
Let's go again.
To solve for x, we need to multiply…
It's time. Check, Haeng-seon.
It's more nerve-racking
than hearing back from colleges.
-Hold on.
I'll check now.
That's it for today.
We'll begin derivatives next week.
Good work.
You can ask my assistants
any questions. That's it.
I'm Choi Chi-yeol.
Hey, it's me.
Where are you?
How did it go?
I see.
She passed!
Gosh, I'm so happy.
I won't have to pay the penalty this year.
What do you mean?
I had a wedding hall booked just in case.
I was worried about canceling it again.
Gosh, well done. I'm so proud of you.
I'm surprised too.
The questions were so easy.
People are watching.
So what?
I don't care about any more scandals
since we're getting married.
You're right.
It's okay if there's a scandal about us.
Wait. Put me down.
Subtitle translation by: Soo-ji Kim
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