Crazy Love (2022) s01e16 Episode Script

Episode 16

Jo Jongoh.
You sent an anonymous letter
filled with lies to Oh Segi
and instigated Kang Min
to kill me.
Why'd you do it?
you ruined my life.
Who ruined whose life?
Ms. Oh Sehee died because of you.
Sehee would've died anyway
regardless of me.
Having a father with Alzheimer's
was more than burdensome,
yet her older brother ran off
using his studies abroad as an excuse.
Her life was pathetic,
filled with nothing but burden.
Rather than living a painful life
with no hope whatsoever,
perhaps it's good that she died.
How can you say that as a human?
Right, talented people like you
wouldn't understand
what my life was like
being treated like garbage.
If you hadn't acted so holier-than-thou
and had just let it slide then,
Sehee wouldn't have died
and my life wouldn't have been
so ruined like this.
You're the one who ruined your own life.
Noh Gojin.
If you disappear,
my life will get better again.
You killed my sister?
You scumbag!
What the heck are you and Mr. Jo scheming?
I want to know
why Jo Jongoh did this too.
Let's hear it together.
Directly from Jo Jongoh himself.
I need more part-timers to write comments.
And please contact a few reporters
to spread fake news about Gotop.
One second.
Mr. Jo is waiting in your parking lot.
Mr. Jo Jongoh.
You're under arrest for online libel
and instigating bodily harm.
Take him.
I told you not to get worked up, didn't I?
I'm sorry, Gojin.
I'm sorry too.
You have no reason to apologize.
I'm the one who did awful things to you.
As Jo Jongoh said,
if I had just let it slide back then,
perhaps Ms. Sehee…
My heart aches when I think about that.
No… You didn't do anything wrong.
I'm… I'm the terrible jerk.
I'm the one…
I'm the one…
who abandoned Sehee.
Everything will be fine, so don't worry.
You didn't tell me you were coming.
Is something wrong?
No. But is everything okay with you?
I can't believe it.
Why didn't you tell me?
I'm sorry.
I was going to tell you
when things settled down.
the two of you
can be friends again, right?
If that's the case,
I'll let it go just this once.
Thank you for understanding.
Don't go to work today
and take good care of Mr. Oh.
He must be having a hard time
after going through that.
I'll head out now.
Are you leaving because of me?
I was about to leave.
No, I need to go to work.
Thank you for driving me to work.
You aren't upset, are you?
No. I got to come to work
with such a great person.
I'm relieved.
-I'm relieved that I get to see you
smiling like this again.
Mr. Noh was really sad
about what happened.
You didn't know
I was a fan of yours, did you?
You encouraged me greatly not to give up
on my dream of becoming an instructor.
It really meant a lot to me.
I'm rooting for you a lot too,
so please overcome it.
Why did you do it?
Why did you try to kill yourself?
Do you even know why I left you back then?
I wanted to protect you.
I was so afraid and terrified
that you might get hurt
because of my father,
so I left to protect you at all costs.
But how could you do such a foolish thing?
Why would you kill yourself?
Baek Sooyeong was…
the world to Noh Gojin then.
But I'm still alive
and doing well.
What do I do now?
I can't even resent you anymore.
How am I supposed to get revenge?
What on earth do I do now?
You can.
You can resent me
until you have peace in your heart.
You deserve it.
You protected me.
So, Sooyeong.
Don't be hurt anymore.
I'm sorry.
I can't be the Noh Gojin…
who used to love you anymore.
Why are you outside?
So I can see you sooner.
Did you wait a long time?
Yes, very.
Did you manage it well
so that both you and Ms. Sooyeong
won't be hurt anymore?
Hey, kid. You can't enter!
I'm sorry.
You little brat, you're so quick.
Come here.
Who is he?
I don't really know,
but he just ran away abruptly.
But you yelled at me in a scary voice.
You brat, it's because
you came in without permission.
Come here. This isn't a playground.
One second, sir.
Hey, kid.
What's your name?
Kim Doyoon.
Doyoon, what are you doing here?
I came to see my mom.
What's your mom's name?
Ma Eunjeong.
Other places
probably won't accept you either.
You spoke untruthfully
at a press conference.
Who would hire you?
He's right.
I did such a terrible thing.
Hello? Mom?
What did you say?
What do you mean, Doyoon disappeared?
Did you look for him?
Call the police-- No.
I'm coming. I'm coming right away.
Is it yummy?
Pizza is my favorite.
Doyoon, I also have a gift for you.
My mom told me
not to accept things from strangers.
It's okay to take it. It's yours.
Your mom had bought it.
Doyoon, what are you doing?
Didn't I tell you
to listen to Grandma and stay with her?
But you didn't come to see me.
You always say you're busy making money.
You like money more than me.
That's not true.
I'm sorry. It's my fault.
I'm sorry.
Please come back.
I heard about your situation from Mr. Oh.
I did such a terrible thing to you.
I can't do that.
I became a terrible person
because of money.
I don't want to be
a shameful mother any longer.
I'm sorry.
If you're really sorry,
please come back and help me.
Ms. Ma,
you're the best teaching assistant.
I need you.
You know that I only want the best, right?
Can you believe it?
No. I can't believe it
even after seeing it with my own eyes.
How could Mr. Noh Manners…
I mean, Mr. Noh…
say that to us?
My goodness. Hey!
Did you guys hear?
Ms. Ma got divorced and was piled on
with debt from the loan sharks.
She couldn't even live with her kid,
and the kid came here looking for her…
Gosh, what's the matter?
Did something happen?
-Mr. Noh…
He said sorry.
And he asked us to come back to Gotop.
Is… Is that true?
My goodness. Noh Gojin really
must be out of his mind indeed.
Why is he asking you guys to come back
when you've only caused him trouble?
-Ms. Gong!
-Ms. Gong!
Gosh, let go of my hand, you brats.
My goodness.
-Is it 75 degrees Celsius?
-Yes, it is.
What? Ms. Lee!
Please terminate…
my contract.
Because I forged my academic records,
it's going to cause trouble soon.
When I first started working,
my company told me it'll be easier
to get students if I said
I went to a state university,
not just any college.
I knew it wasn't the right thing to do,
but I wrote it that way on my bio.
I should've revised it sooner,
but I was blinded by greed.
you're going quit being an instructor?
Who will be able to trust me now?
All my students will leave me too.
I trust your ability
and that you're being sincere.
Even if you were untruthful in your bio,
if you weren't actually capable,
I doubt you'd be sitting here today.
Let's tell your students the truth
and apologize sincerely.
If they still want you to quit,
you can quit then.
So until then,
let's do our best together.
Chabae, are you really going to retire?
But the exam the broker gave you
turned out to be fake anyway.
Then, to put it bluntly,
you were deceived too.
Is it really necessary that you quit?
That doesn't make what I've done go away.
And I'm sick of fighting
to be the best now.
Do I have to live
always competing, feeling anxious,
and even doing such shameful things?
I don't think this is right.
You'll continue with your show?
It's just a show.
Don't be discouraged and just do it.
I know. Why are you discouraged?
I'm not discouraged-- Wait.
What are you doing here?
Are you discouraged about the show?
What? Discouraged--
I'm Gong Heechul!
That's right.
That's how Gotop's top social studies
instructor Gong Heechul should be.
By any chance, are you asking me
to come back to Gotop?
But I can't return
the penalty fine to you.
You did quit.
Wow, he's really something.
Do you really plan to retire?
What will you do after you retire?
I'll need to find something
that will make me
be at peace and feel happy.
-As for the penalty--
-Fine, I'll pay.
What? What else?
That's quite admirable.
Is it?
I'll pay for the drinks today
with the penalty money.
-May I order a drink?
What would you like, sir?
Give us the expensive one. It's my money.
Okay. Yes, that one!
No way.
All these e-mails are for me?
Hello, Masked Korean Teacher.
I work for Ilpum Edu.
I'd be very grateful
if you could please,
please give us a call.
No way.
Why did you take a taxi here?
I had a drink with the instructors.
Good for you.
I didn't realize until now
how precious the people around me are.
I never embraced them.
But now you know.
You don't think it's too late?
It's not late at all.
Besides, you're doing a very good job.
You're so great.
Can you embrace them too somehow?
Yes, Gojin?
What do you think about
going back to college?
It's nice to learn it firsthand
at a theater company,
but don't you think it'll be great help
for your acting career to learn
starting with theory at school?
I'll go back.
You will?
What happened?
What did you do to him?
I'm… Noh Gojin.
I'm an expert
at sending students to college.
Now that I took care of Sooho,
there's only one person left.
One person?
Our contract is finally finished.
This is my parting gift.
What's this?
Three calls were made
to the emergency hotline
for the vacation house accident.
Ms. Lee Sina wasn't
the only one who reported it.
Oh Segi and Kang Min reported it too.
Not everyone hates you,
so don't feel so hurt.
Cheer up.
Don't get emotional.
I'll get going now.
The PR team--
I'm sorry.
I didn't realize you had a visitor.
Haven't we met before?
You don't recognize me?
No, not really.
I think we've met before.
No, we haven't.
We don't know each other.
I'm sure I've seen him somewhere.
When am I going to tell Mr. Noh
that the Masked Korean Teacher is me?
I need to tell him soon.
…I know that you find the Korean grammar
from the Middle Ages most difficult.
I'll simplify it for you.
What goes in this blank…
I need to recruit
the Masked Korean Teacher quickly.
If Gotop takes her,
how will I stand to watch that?
I'll be too jealous!
The Masked Korean Teacher--
You startled me!
We got it!
Got what?
We got a call
from the Masked Korean Teacher!
-Did we really?
What's taking her so long?
Darn it. Did I get tricked?
Gosh, seriously.
Are you Mr. Park Yangtae of Ilpum Edu?
Don't turn around!
Masked Korean Teacher?
Yes. You'd like to sign
a contract with me?
Yes. That's the case.
May I ask for your reason?
Ever since finding Noh Gojin 14 years ago,
this is the first time
I saw someone so ingenious.
I'd say your lecture is highly original.
By any chance, did you meet
with Gotop Education as well?
I have no desire to go to Gotop Education.
I'll accept any condition you ask for.
Please sign a contract with me.
Yes, I'll sign the contract
with Ilpum Edu.
I'll prepare the contract quickly
and send it to you.
Lee Sina, you're
the Masked Korean Teacher?
Look who's here. Mr. Noh!
You must be misunderstanding
something since that day.
We're not that close
that you can tell me to come and go.
You rude punk.
Just have a seat.
To be honest,
you didn't really help, you know?
The funding restrictions were
released right away.
You don't know how to be grateful.
To get you funding,
I even offered
two of our subsidiaries as collateral.
Fine, I give you credit for that.
But I didn't need it in the end,
so stop acting like we're friends.
The Masked Korean Teacher
signed a contract with Ilpum Edu.
What did you say?
I said, Ms. Lee Sina
signed a contract with us.
Oh, sir. I have something to tell--
Masked Korean Teacher.
How… How did you know?
Well, I was going to tell you sooner…
Did you really sign
a contract with Ilpum Edu?
You really did?
How can you do this to me?
How can you betray Gotop and me like this?
I didn't realize you were the type
to stab people in the back.
No, I'm not. I didn't mean to do that.
I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner.
Things have been very hard for you
with various troubles,
and many people will complain
if I teach at Gotop.
Besides, I wanted to achieve it myself
without causing you trouble.
Forget it.
Please don't be mad, okay?
I'm sorry.
Please? Sir.
Please say something at least, okay?
I said, I'm sorry.
Sir, I'm sorry--
Gosh. Come on, sir.
I said, I'm sorry.
Are you going to follow me
into the bathroom too,
Masked Korean Teacher?
I don't think
we're that close to each other.
We stab each other in the back, you know?
I think you're forgetting something else.
I love you.
Aren't you going to say it back to me?
This is so unfair.
How can you say that now?
I love you.
How long have you known
that I was the Masked Korean Teacher?
From the start.
Was it that obvious?
How would I not know?
When you're not nervous,
you're much better.
I'm really sorry about Ilpum Edu.
No, it's okay.
I also think you made a wise decision.
If you teach at Gotop,
you'll certainly hear people say
you became an instructor because of me.
It's a little annoying that
that man, Mr. Park Yangtae, is teasing me,
but it's okay.
You'll do well wherever you go, Lee Sina.
I'll always be rooting for you.
Thank you.
You must hate me.
"It's not my fault
that I met Mr. Noh after her,
so why is she mad at me?"
I got upset thinking that.
"I can't believe
his first love is so beautiful."
I got jealous thinking that.
"I wonder what Mr. Noh was like
when he was 21.
I'll never know what he was like,
but Ms. Sooyeong has seen it all."
I got envious thinking that.
That's why I hate you.
You're finally a little likable.
I really didn't like how nice you were.
I can't forget.
The day we first met in Gangneung,
you kindly picked out an outfit for me
like a real older sister.
Except for my mom who already passed away,
no one had ever
picked out my clothes for me.
You consoled me so much that day.
I was really lonely and scared.
I'm very grateful to you, Ms. Sooyeong.
Ms. Baek?
Yes. I'm Baek Sooyeong,
the CEO of Baek Edu.
I'm leaving Korea next week.
Segi, do you really have to go?
We should stay by Dad's side--
I won't have another opportunity
to get a full scholarship.
I can't give up
this opportunity because of Father.
But I still wish that you'd stay with us.
All on my own…
Don't be so weak.
We have to think rationally
what will really help us.
So don't worry too much about Father
and focus on what you're doing.
I'll work part-time to contribute
as much as I can to the nursing home fee.
Oh Sehee.
Clench your teeth and toughen up.
Being too sympathetic
and tender-hearted is your problem.
Don't come to the airport.
I shouldn't have left
leaving you alone behind like that.
It's my fault.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
when are you coming back?
Were you not going to come back?
How could I go back to Gotop
after what I've done?
That's why you should come back.
You need to work
your fingers to the bone at Gotop.
At this rate,
we won't get first place next year.
I'm telling you, we'll lose to Ilpum Edu.
I'm such a terrible son.
Since middle school, I haven't had
a proper conversation with my father.
Because I hated him so much.
I hated my father's muddy work clothes
and really despised
his daily drunken rampages too.
I wanted to run away from him.
With studying abroad as an excuse,
I dumped Father on Sehee
and ran away by myself.
I want to pay back
the debt I owe Sehee now.
Then go have some quality time
with your father for three months.
And then come back.
I don't think Ms. Sehee would
want you to stop living your life.
without you,
neither Gotop
nor I can function.
Sir, I'll go now.
Father, I'm here.
I'm not your father, sir.
Sehee is here too.
I'll take good care of you.
On behalf of Sehee too.
You're not slapping me this time.
That's because
I thought I was going to die then.
So I brought this too.
What's this?
Open it.
If you smile or even look
at another woman,
I'm going to hit you with this.
You're even scarier than last time.
You'll do well.
I'll be rooting for you right behind you.
Instructor Lee Sina.
-Hello, sir.
Ms. Michelle, you scribbled
on my things, didn't you?
What? What are you talking about?
What's all this commotion again
so early in the morning?
Hi, sir.
Hello, sir.
-Is everything coming along smoothly?
Yes, we're working hard.
Good morning!
-Good morning.
-Hello, sir.
-Good morning, sir.
Good morning, sir.
Why do you keep calling me?
Do you have nothing to do?
Sir, are you doing well?
My goodness. I'm sure
everything is always fine at Gotop.
This time, I planted some onions.
The onions are growing so well.
Would you like me to send you some?
Oh, wait. You don't like onions.
Who said I don't like onions?
Send them all my way. I'll eat them all.
I'll plant chili peppers next
and send them to you.
Okay. Then I'll be waiting.
Sir, I need your signature, please.
You have a meeting in ten minutes.
Lee Sina,
you will do fine. You can do it.
You're busy. What are you doing here?
Instructor Lee Sina.
You'll be giving your first lecture today.
How do you feel?
I feel so nervous.
That's why I brought this.
Thank you.
This isn't okay.
-I'll let it slide
since it's your first lecture today.
Don't dress up
for in-person lectures next time.
Don't be silly.
If you look so pretty, students
won't be able to focus on their studies.
As you give your lecture, just think
that I'm right beside you the whole time.
Hello. Nice to meet you.
I'm Lee Sina,
the instructor who will handle
all your Korean studies going forward.
Good job, Lee Sina.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
You didn't have to come.
Of course, I should.
It's the day
my girlfriend gave her first lecture.
Thank you.
You weren't nervous?
Oddly, I wasn't nervous at all
thanks to my boyfriend.
I'll try to do well
without getting nervous too.
Close your eyes.
Close my eyes?
What is it?
You can open them now.
What's this?
When the two are put together,
the love is complete.
I hope that each day going forward…
will always be with you.
I want to wake up next to you,
eat with you,
listen to music,
and fall asleep beside you.
Will you marry me?
I love you.
I love you too.
Let's go.
Should we go look at some beds?
This one is nice.
You have to try lying down on it
when you shop for beds.
It's so comfortable.
I know.
Isn't it so cushiony?
I just want to go home like this.
-It's good.
-Is it?
Should I add tofu now?
-Thank you for the food.
-Thank you for the food.
How is it?
It's delicious.
Let's try this one.
You have to eat that one too.
Of course. I really love onions now.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I have this one, you know?
Gosh, I'm sorry. I surrender.
Come here!
Seriously, what on earth--
It's me.
Your fiancée.
Now that I'm outside, it feels very nice.
Mr. Noh!
It's Noh Gojin!
Sir, I'm sorry!
I think I really lost my mind.
Just this once. Please.
I had no one
and I had always been all alone,
but she never left my side.
Do you know how tormented I was?
I thought I made you ill…
and were going to die.
Lee Sina.
You're a miracle that made me go crazy.
I love you.
Ripped and synced by
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