Dating in the Kitchen (2020) s01e16 Episode Script

Episode 16

Looking into your eyes ♪
I see myself holding close to you ♪
Wherever I go ♪
I will never find someone like you ♪
So much in love tonight ♪
I know that it feels so right ♪
So special you and I ♪
You make my world go round and round ♪
Falling to you ♪
I’m falling to you ♪
All I ever want is to be with you ♪
Love is for you ♪
My love is for you ♪
You are my everything in my life ♪
Falling to you ♪
You’re the only one ♪
My love is for you ♪
= Dating in the Kitchen =
= Episode 16 =
I’m gonna
break someone’s heart.
Mr. Lu.
Mr. Lu?
In the daytime,
I had some affair
with Mr. Lu.
When? How come I didn’t know?
Mr. Lu hardly
eats food cooked by others.
You know it?
But today
he ate the food I cooked.
That’s cooked by Mr. Wang.
You just brought it to him.
I squeezed
a drop of lemon juice on it.
That’s no simple drop of lemon juice.
That will be
a drop of my tear
in his heart.
But that’s not the point.
What’s the point?
The point is that Mr. Lu’s attitude to me
is so obvious.
I know
he was implying something to me.
I cannot respond to this relationship.
Because I haven’t got ready
to accept him.
Don’t you have two admirers?
Mr. Wang.
Did they come here today?
Yes, they did.
They nearly got to fight for you.
It’s so hard for me.
The three of them,
Mr. Wang,
too ugly.
too young.
Mr. Lu,
a little old.
Who said he’s old?
He is just
a little bit old.
But he He’s quite handsome.
The mustache, you know.
I don’t deny it.
He is indeed handsome.
That said,
he and I
are bound
not to be together.
Why haven’t you come?
Who is it? It’s so late.
Are you going out?
Of course not.
I’ll certainly stay with you.
You’re so poor.
Shouldn’t we have a good drink?
Have a good drink.
To friendship.
To friendship.
Drink until drunk.
Drink until drunk.
Drown the sorrows.
Good sister.
We’re sisters. We’re good friends.
Drink it up.
Slowly. Slowly.
OK. Good. Good.
Which room is it?
What the hell?
Tell me tomorrow if anything.
It’s my beauty sleep time.
What’s up?
You’ve got the wrong room.
Good night, uncle.
Take care.
I have some work to report to my boss.
It just occurred to me.
I’ve got something personal
to talk with Zhaodi.
It just occurred to me.
Go ahead then.
I look upset ♪
Is it so Is it so ♪
Gu Shengnan.
What took you so long?
We’re waiting for you.
We need you.
Is it why you called me here?
Come on, Shengnan.
Hurry up. Stop dawdling there.
South Wind.
North Wind.
Come on. Again.
Calling South Wind. Come on.
= South Fortune =
I had an emergency to deal with
in the company.
I’ll be away for a few days.
You were sleeping when I left.
So I didn’t wake you up.
I’ve reserved this manor for a week.
You can play here some more days.
Take care of yourself.
Call me if anything.
Shengnan. Are you up?
Time for breakfast.
Good morning.
I’m calling you for breakfast.
OK. Let’s go together.
I’ll fetch my bag.
Lu Jin.
Will he come?
He went to the company for some business.
I’ll wait for you here.
I’m on my way to the airport.
I’ll call you when I get off.
You just left her.
Are you missing her now?
Your hands are quick.
You’re fast when you’re working.
I can’t believe
you’re still so good
when it comes to love.
Looks like you’ve got Xu Zhaodi, right?
It’s in my control.
Please don’t be shy Trust me ♪
Don’t leave me hanging ♪
What are you doing?
It got knocked.
Did you eat it secretly?
If so, it would stick on my tongue.
How is it?
Ingredients are right,
but the taste isn’t.
This dessert is about
the mood when lovers are separated.
There is no feeling of
“taking me along”,
but a little bit
“letting me go”.
Because it’s bitter. It
Think about it.
Coffee and cocoa are bitter in nature.
Tiramisu is also bitter.
The pastry chef’s mood
can directly affect
the taste of his pastry.
That’s it.
Lovers feel bitter when they’re parted.
When passionate lovers
have to be parted,
they don’t just feel bitter,
but also
and sour,
hard to sleep.
Toss and turn, in the dream
Remake it, right?
Talking so much
and showing off.
Stop fixing it. You
In the dream.
Just do it. Stop talking.
What are you doing?
Have you had lunch?
Yes, I have.
I’m teaching Trumpet to make cakes.
What cake?
I regret it now.
I shouldn’t have called
so many friends there the other night.
I shouldn’t have allowed
Trumpet and others
to play mahjong in my room.
There should’ve been only you and me.
- I miss you.
- I miss you.
Alright. I’m going to the meeting.
Mr. Lu.
Mr. Lu.
Please review these two documents.
You may sign
if there’s no problem.
Have you reviewed them?
How is it?
The taste of nutmeg isn’t enough.
I suggest you remake it with beef stock.
Stir clockwise.
= Operating Room Anesthesiology =
Shengnan, where are you?
Your grandpa suddenly fainted.
He’s in the hospital.
Come here now.
OK. On my way.
Trumpet. My grandpa fainted
and he’s in the hospital.
I’m going there.
Call me if anything.
OK. Don’t worry.
Take care.
= Inpatient =
Mrs. Wang.
How is my grandpa?
I don’t know.
It’s been one hour since he got in.
He hasn’t come out.
I’m so worried.
Gu Baoguo’s family?
Yes, I am.
The patient is out of critical condition.
How is he now?
His coronary artery is severely blocked.
We’ve fixed it for now,
but he should stay in the hospital
for observation.
Go to check in now.
The attending physician will
take charge of this.
I’m going, Mrs. Wang.
- Go ahead.
- You stay here.
Go ahead.
Thank you, President Chen.
You come here on your day off.
You’re welcome, Mr. Lu
How do you feel recently?
Not bad.
I’ve arranged
a team led by the director
to do the examination and rounds for you.
It’s kind of you.
It’s our job.
We should thank you.
You donated those advanced equipment
to our hospital.
That’s greatly helpful
to our department.
You’re welcome.
I count on you for my heart.
Rest assured. You’ll be fine.
Please help me think about
What’s going on?
That old man also has a heart problem.
He’s waiting for a sickbed.
= Today’s Schedule Suhai
11 o’clock Call Shengnan =
= Recent Calls Shengnan =
= Shengnan =
Gu Baoguo’s family?
Come with me. There’s a ward empty.
Is there a ward?
You’re lucky.
Someone got you a VIP ward.
Come with me to check in.
Shengnan. Go ahead. Go.
I’ve told you.
Cleaners and nurses can do that.
You don’t have to do it yourself.
They won’t be so meticulous.
I’d rather do the cleaning myself.
By the way,
I made the soup for you.
It’s light. Remember to drink it.
I came to see you.
What are you reading?
This book is distressing.
The doctor said
you should keep a good mood
during the recuperation.
I’ll be in a good mood
if you don’t make me angry.
Your dad is right.
Go to the company when you have time
and help your father with the work.
That way he’ll have less burden.
I’ll be a nuisance there.
Without me, the directors
do the work better.
Don’t be angry.
He didn’t mean that.
He’s afraid that the directors
will think too much if he
shows his teeth in the company.
Think too much? For what?
Who doesn’t know my son
is a good-for-nothing?
Will they worry he drives an excavator
and works as a mechanic?
You are
just a clown in Mingting.
Come in.
Excuse me.
Hello, madam.
Hello, sir.
I’m the family of the patient next door.
I come to thank you, sir.
The nurse said
if you hadn’t helped us,
my grandpa wouldn’t have had the ward.
So I’m here to thank you.
You’re his
I cooked some dishes.
I’m a chef.
So my cooking is not bad.
You may try some.
Thank you.
Thank you.
You’re so kind
to bring the dishes.
It’s just that he’s a patient.
He should eat food
that is light and simple.
These are
Thank you, though.
I’ll eat them if he doesn’t.
OK. It doesn’t matter.
I I’m going back.
Thank you, sir.
Excuse me.
Remember to have the soup.
I’m going to the bathroom.
Are you missing me?
Good news.
I’ll be back tomorrow.
What gift do you want?
Oh. Ask your grandpa
for what he wants.
Mr. Lu.
There’s a problem with
cash collection in London.
Risk Control Department thinks
it may affect
the acquisition of Mingting.
Shall we still
stick to the plan on Mingting?
Of course.
We have to persist.
We must do everything for this project.
I’ll solve the problem in London.
Got it.
= Inpatient =
Zhaodi said she went to her hometown
for some business.
I know. She called me.
This room is so big.
It’s a VIP.
How much is it per day?
I don’t know.
Are you too tired? Why didn’t you ask?
The gentleman next door said he’d help.
Or we wouldn’t have the sickbed.
The gentleman next door.
It’s OK. He must have paid the bill.
It’s my first time in such a good ward.
The patient is fine.
When he wakes up,
tell him to take this medicine.
Remember to pay the hospital bill.
Isn’t it paid?
How much for this ward per day?
That gentleman next door
just registered but didn’t pay.
You’re so careless.
What now?
How could I know?
Don’t worry.
Move. Move.
Be careful.
You wake up.
How are you feeling?
Where Where am I?
You fainted. You’re in the hospital.
Such a big room?
Yes, it’s big.
It’s a VIP room Shengnan specially
got for you.
Good girl.
You got me a VIP room.
My love to you is paid back.
You’re looking after me now.
Where are you moving me to?
We’re moving you
- Moving you in.
- Moving you in.
Be careful. Be careful.
Doctor told me
to go to him when you woke up.
I’ll go to the doctor now.
Go ahead.
I’ll go with Shengnan.
The examination has cost a lot of money.
The hospitalization will also cost a lot.
And grandpa isn’t a local.
All the money has to be paid by ourselves.
How should I get so much money?
I don’t want to ask Lu Jin for help.
You have a point.
Shengnan, you’re right.
You have the backbone.
Don’t always ask him for money.
You have us.
Isn’t it just a VIP room?
Let my uncle stay at ease.
Here’s some money. Pay it for now.
Take it.
No, no, no.
I lend it to you.
Pay me back when you have money.
Take it.
The password is 777888.
By the way,
don’t tell
You got it.
Alright. My uncle woke up.
Go to accompany him.
Call me if anything. I’m leaving.
My name is Lu Zheng.
Gu Shengnan.
Are you accompanying the patient
for the night?
So am I.
My mom asks me to stay here
to show filial piety.
Will you deliver dishes here tomorrow?
The dishes in the hospital are awful.
Did your dad like my dishes?
He didn’t eat. I ate them all.
Very delicious.
Much better than that my mom made.
If you like it,
I’ll take some to you and your father
when I deliver food to grandpa tomorrow.
I have a food stall
named Full Fry.
If you like my cooking,
you can go to my stall.
You’ll have a 20 percent discount.
What do you do?
I’m a car mechanic.
Car mechanic?
That’s cool.
On the lovely motorbike ♪
There’ll no longer be a traffic jam ♪
On my lovely motorbike ♪
I’m arriving home ♪
I’m going to be with Grandpa.
I’m going to be with my dad.
See you.
= Sunan Agricultural Product and Seafood =
Two cases of shrimp for Xiangmanlou.
Slowly. Four cases in total.
Full Fry.
Full Fry.
What are you doing here?
I’m here to replenish the stock.
Don’t you go to work today?
Yes. I’ll go when I finish this.
Are the goods fresh?
Yes, they’re fresh.
It’s heavy. Slowly.
Hey. Down here.
Hello, Shengnan.
I heard that
your grandpa is hospitalized.
How is he?
Much better. He’ll be discharged soon.
That’s good.
You do this every day.
It’s hard for you.
OK. Keep yourself busy.
Slowly. Go.
My goods, sir.
Coming. Here.
Why don’t you ride it?
I don’t know how to ride.
I’m afraid it’s dangerous.
Wait a moment.
Sir. Watch over my goods.
Sit on it. I’ll take you back.
Sit. Let me take you back.
Sit. Sit.
- Thank you, Mr. Cao.
- Sit.
Are you ready?
Let’s go.
Are you cold?
I’m not.
But I am.
Let’s go.
Mrs. Wang.
Please go to see my grandpa
in the hospital in a while.
OK. Rest assured.
You’ve been busy since last night.
Take a rest.
I have no time. I gotta go to the hotel.
Oh, right.
At noon,
I’ll take dishes straight to Grandpa
from Bauhinia.
I’m leaving now.
Be careful.
I know.
It’s so hard for her.
Give it to me.
Let me.
Mr. Cheng has asked for your leave.
My salary will be deducted.
What are you doing?
How is your grandpa?
He’s fine.
He’ll get a stent.
Take it.
I can’t.
I can’t.
Take it.
I can’t do much to help.
This is what I can do.
The dishes?
Don’t take me as a stranger.
Bean Curd!
These are for
Table No.10,
fried rice noodles and sour
shredded potatoes.
River snails and braised eggplant
for Table No.5.
And cucumber.
To be very honest with you love ♪
I wanna get close to you ♪
I’ve got a situation here.
I can’t go back for now.
Are you alright?
Is your work tiring?
You’ve been on my mind ever ♪
Bean Curd!
Three portions of tinfoil noodles
for Table No.6.
No cilantro. No scallions. Normal flavor.
You don’t need to say anything special ♪
Cause I’m pretty sure ♪
You’re the morning dew
that has fallen soft ♪
During the night on me ♪
I’m fine.
Like we’re meant to be together ♪
That is how it’s supposed to be ♪
People come and go ♪
But I won’t stop loving you ♪
What’s wrong?
What’s wrong?
Your hair in the dish. Can’t you see it?
I’ll make another portion for you.
Wait! Wait!
There’s hair in the dish.
Will it do just by making another portion?
Well, you mean
I mean
How about this?
I’m not looking for trouble.
These dishes
will be your treat.
Bullying a little girl. Shame on you.
Who are you?
Forget it.
What is it to you?
You really think the hair is hers?
If not hers,
is it mine?
Don’t fight! Don’t!
You come prepared.
Sorry. It’s a misunderstanding.
It’s a misunderstanding. Sorry.
What’s this?
Nothing. A misunderstanding.
Misunderstanding. Sorry. Sorry.
Police station?
No! Don’t call the police!
I’ll pay.
Sorry. I’m leaving.
Sorry. Don’t call the police.
Did you really call the police?
Of course not.
I can handle it myself.
Why are you here
in the middle of the night?
Didn’t you tell me to come to your stall?
But your stall is really hard
to find.
What are you waiting for?
What? Am I not welcomed here?
Of course not. Welcome.
Just sit here and wait.
I’m sure you’ll be well served.
Get to work.
= Inpatient Building =
Gu Baoguo’s family, right?
The surgery
will be scheduled at 1 p.m. next Monday.
Fasting eight hours before surgery.
Four-hour water fast.
Remember to pay the bill
at the toll booth.
Who is it? Come in.
Excuse me.
I’m Lu Jin’s mother.
Are you busy?
Madam. Why are you here?
There’s a big problem.
Where is Mr. Lu?
How long do we have to wait?
We’re at a meeting.
We can’t make a meeting like this. Yeah.
I don’t care how you do it.
Take Lu Zheng to me
in half an hour.
Business is a war without bullets.
There are no affections.
Any mistake he makes
or any sentiment
will be a knife in competitors’ hand,
which will fiercely stab
Zhenghong Group in the heart
in the future.
You’re overestimating me.
I can’t tell if this is real love ♪
But I know how I feel ♪
To be very honest with you love ♪
I wanna get close to you ♪
I don’t know how you gonna take it ♪
But I keep on thinking about you ♪
You’ve been on my mind ever ♪
Since I saw you smiling at me ♪
Your smile ♪
Baby I’m just falling to you ♪
You don’t need to say anything special ♪
Cause I’m pretty sure ♪
You’re the morning dew
that has fallen soft ♪
During the night on me ♪
So naturally ♪
Like we’re meant to be together ♪
That’s how I see it ♪
Though it seems illusive ♪
Can you tell how much my love is pure ♪
You can’t buy it or sell ♪
To be very honest with you love ♪
I wanna get close to you ♪
I don’t know how you gonna take it ♪
But I keep on thinking about you ♪
You’ve been on my mind ever ♪
Since I saw you smiling at me ♪
Your smile ♪
Baby I’m just falling to you ♪
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