Delicious in Dungeon (2024) s01e16 Episode Script

Sôjiya/Mirin boshi

[theme music playing]
[Chilchuck] All right.
So, while you guys were off
doing dumb things
like being a rock, getting nosebleeds,
or messing with ingredients,
I managed to find some patterns
in the dungeon's changes.
You make it sound like
I wanted to turn to stone.
Yeah, give us a break!
Those three days were very productive!
[Chilchuck] Uh-huh.
When one place gets blocked,
another opens up.
And that happens over and over.
The number of doors, furniture,
and building types doesn't change.
The houses won't become cemeteries.
The walls move
in a clockwise spiral at set intervals.
And all the statues
are in a fixed position.
And then, based on other things
[Marcille] I recognize this road!
[Laios] I'm pretty sure
that's the house where we ate the Dragon.
Chilchuck, you're incredible!
[soft chuckle]
Hey, just doing my job.
Hey, wait, isn't this road
[Chilchuck] So she remembers it.
We got separated from Falin here.
Only a trail of blood's been left behind.
-[Marcille] It's Falin!
-[Laios groans]
[Chilchuck] If they notice the trail,
they'll get worked up.
How am I gonna handle that?
[Marcille] Laios, look there!
[grunts, gasps]
Wait a second
[Chilchuck] Listen, you guys!
I know there are
lots of things to worry about,
but for now,
we should probably return to the surface
[uneasy music playing]
This was where the Dragon's corpse
was supposed to be, wasn't it?
Yeah, but it's been cleared away
with no remains.
[Senshi] That hole in the wall over there,
pretty sure it's from
when the Red Dragon fell down
after we got the best of it.
It looks almost completely sealed up now.
[eerie sting]
The eye of the mage
is quickly approaching.
-[both whimper]
Don't just yell all of a sudden!
-But I j-just saw
Uh Huh?
Mana sickness again maybe.
[Marcille] Again?
Ever since I used that healing magic,
I've been hallucinating
and hearing things.
Hearing things?
I'm not sure if that's a symptom.
[Marcille] What was it you heard?
Oh, it said
the eye of the mage approaches.
"The eye of the mage," huh?
That must mean
[tense, eerie music playing]
[wings flapping in distance]
I'm hearing wings!
That Small Dragon! We need to go and hide!
Hide where exactly?
[Senshi] Yeah, there's nowhere
for us to take cover.
[Chilchuck] We've gotta run, Marcille!
Not yet. If we need to hide
[Chilchuck] Uh?
-we go in the wall!
-[Chilchuck yelps]
[muffled grunting]
Come on! Hurry up, you two!
What is she
It's another one of her magic spells?
[wings flapping in distance]
[all retching, grunting]
[all breathing heavily]
Tell me, Marcille, that magic you used
-what the hell was that?
[Laios] Wait, Cleaners?
-[Marcille snickers]
-Excuse me?
Dungeon Cleaners.
They're vital creatures to the dungeon.
Basically, they clean trash
and repair places
that have been destroyed.
-[Chilchuck groans]
The wall wasn't fully restored,
so I assumed they hadn't hardened yet.
[Laios] This part is the original wall,
and the Cleaners start down here.
A-And the floor!
They've even reconstructed it
with the wear and tear
a normal road would have.
You'd never be able
to tell the difference!
[Chilchuck] Hmm?
The hell are these gross little things
crawling all over the ground?
These are also Cleaners.
Any dungeon
that didn't have these little guys
would fall apart immediately.
[Laios] And thankfully, they're harmless.
[Senshi] No, they're not.
These pesky little critters
are always trying to chew up my tent.
[Laios] They start destroying
whatever they feel is in the way.
Guess that includes your tent, Senshi.
Bet they're here to eat
the Dragon's corpse
and the rubble from the blast.
They appear
when the dungeon receives damage,
and use their secretions
to stop any further damage.
[Laios] Then they proceed to eat
the debris around the area.
-They're not picky.
After that, they use more secretions
to cover up holes they find
and restore the dungeon
to its original form.
It's the same way
living beings heal themselves.
To put it another way,
think of it like how our immune system
removes bacteria.
Yeah, I'd rather not.
[Senshi] The way all that works
sure feels like some type of magic.
Amazing, right?
[Senshi] Criminy.
What the hell's next,
a magical digestive system?
If that was really a thing,
I wonder what food a dungeon would eat?
[Chilchuck] I'm glad
the blood trail wasn't there anymore.
-[all] Hmm?
Let's continue on
before another change happens.
[Laios] Hmm.
[epic music playing]
[soft gasp]
[Marcille squeals happily, chuckles]
It's the stairs!
[relieved sigh]
Finally, we can get out of this place.
All right. Now is about the time
we should start doing that thing.
Yeah, good point. Let's do that.
What the
Oh, right. Now I get it.
[cheerful music playing]
Huh? Wait, you guys meant
preparing a meal?
I really don't think
there are any Tentacles on these stairs.
Say that sooner!
You just like wearing that, don't you?
[Marcille] Hell no!
[Senshi] Hmm
We've got tons of different ingredients.
I'm having a hard time
deciding what to make.
Maybe I'll use that new thing.
[Senshi] Cook the barley.
[Chilchuck] Is that what we picked up
from the third floor?
[Senshi] I'd been holding on to it
in case we ran out of food
since it keeps well.
The Cockatrice meat,
the Dryad fruit,
and the Mandrake along with its leaves.
Chop up the de-petrification herb
season all that and fry it.
[Senshi] Now stuff some barley rice
into the hollowed-out brick.
Top it with the rest
and put the brick over the fire.
And then
What is that thing?
[Senshi] This here is a Cockatrice's egg.
I'm glad I brought it along with us,
but it's pretty dang difficult to use.
Finally, add the egg sauce overtop and
it's ready.
Whoa, what is this? Looks tasty!
If I had stayed petrified longer,
would Senshi have used me to make this?
[both] Mmm
I love this barley rice!
[Senshi] Go on
and try stabbing the spoon into the bowl.
I took a couple of bricks
made by Dungeon Cleaners
and carved them out.
Then does that mean the bowl's edible too?
[Chilchuck and Marcille] Ugh!
This is great. Thanks, Senshi!
What's it taste like?
[in dull voice]
At first, it just tasted like dirt.
But now that it's settling in,
it's like a magical mixture
of cabbageworm, iron, and lemon.
Those are very different things, Laios.
It's pretty hard to describe it properly.
Are you sure it's okay
to be eating magical creatures?
You'll hear things
and get nosebleeds again.
[Laios] What are those hallucinations?
[Marcille] Hmm
[Chilchuck] When we make it back,
you should see a doctor or a shrink.
Do you think this is some kind of illness?
[surprised grunt]
-[Laios grunts]
-[Marcille gasps]
[Laios] Wait, is this a hallucination too?
Can you guys see this thing?
Yeah. I can see it.
Hey, uh, not to interrupt
but we're under attack here!
[Senshi groaning]
[worried gasp]
-[Hien] Ew. What are you wearing?
Is it the skin of a frog?
You know,
I think the horns on this one's helmet
are just for decoration.
-A child, huh?
-[angry grunt]
[Maizuru] Hmph.
-They could be demons in disguise.
-[creature panting]
Shall we discover their true nature?
How about we kill one and see
-[man] Maizuru, that's enough.
[surprised gasp]
I know them.
[Laios' party] Shuro!
It's so good to see you!
It's been a while!
I never thought
we'd meet in a situation like this!
What a small world!
-[Chilchuck] Did you lose weight?
-[Maizuru scoffs]
[Laios] Whoa.
I appreciate it, Shuro!
[Shuro] Mm.
I'm relieved to see
you're doing well, buddy.
[Maizuru] How overly familiar!
Oh, yeah, before I forget.
First up Senshi, this is Shuro.
He used to be a member of our party.
-Who is this "Shuro"?
-[Laios] He's a great guy.
-One of the best fighters I've ever seen
-[Hien] Is he referring to Lord Toshiro?
That's enough standing, come sit with us.
You caught us while we were eating.
You and your friends should
[Laios] Uh
That's quite the large group you have.
Hey, Kabru.
[Rin] Aren't they
-[Kabru] Nice to meet you.
I believe your name is Laios, right?
Yeah. Nice to meet you.
I wonder just how long it's been?
[footsteps approaching]
-[Rin whispers] Hey, Kabru.
[Rin] It's them, isn't it?
They're the ones who stole our things.
What do we do?
[Kabru] Hmm
-We don't do anything.
Then why did we bother
coming all this way?
[surprised grunt]
-I wanted to meet him in person.
[Kabru] I doubt there's any point
in asking about the jewels.
There wasn't any guilt on his face
when he saw us.
So either he forgot,
we blamed the wrong people,
the jewels themselves were a trap
from the beginning,
or all of the above.
Did we come here for nothing?
Not at all.
Give me more time to observe.
Aren't you curious
about how their party got this far?
Or what they might be planning to do next?
Because I am.
[Laios] So, I'm assuming
you guys have been on this floor
for a while now, huh?
That's right.
[Shuro] We've been going in circles,
trying to get out,
but we keep getting turned around.
We got pretty lost in this place too.
Lucky for us, Chilchuck discovered
a pattern to the changes,
and that's how we managed
to make it this far.
That so?
This is unrelated, but wow, Shuro.
You're more depraved than I thought!
Are they your "other plans"?
You've been busy, huh?
[clears throat]
They're merely family.
But they're skilled at fighting.
I'm sorry I left the party.
You see, once I realized
she wasn't on the surface,
I did what I thought would be the best way
for me to get back into the dungeon,
so I could start searching for her.
My apologies.
It's fine. We understand.
Although I'm surprised
that you went back in immediately.
Don't you think that was a bit rash?
What if somebody were to get hurt again?
-It must've crossed your mind.
-[Laios grunts]
Well, for your information
the four of us were able to defeat
the Red Dragon!
Wait, the Red Dragon?
-[Shuro grunts]
And where where is
[Shuro grunts]
[soft groan]
-[body thuds]
-[Laios] Shuro!
My lord!
My lord, I'm begging you.
Please eat a meal and get proper sleep!
At this rate,
your body will not last long!
You've been pushing yourself that hard?
Laios, anyone with eyes can see
that he's not doing well.
[whispers] Eating a good meal
and getting rest is really important.
[Shuro] I have no time for such things.
Shuro, you shouldn't just eat food
when you have the time.
[Laios] To have the energy
to do what you wanna do,
you need to eat and sleep
when your body tells you that you need it.
Let's eat something.
While we do,
I can fill you in on what's happened.
[soft groan]
All right then.
Can you prepare a meal for us, Maizuru?
[happy gasp]
It's mealtime! Let us begin preparing!
-[Maizuru] Tade, you go fetch some water!
[Maizuru] Hien, Benichidori,
you two start preparing the rice.
-And Asebi, your job is
-Mm-hmm? Mm-hmm?
-to protect our lord from harm.
-[annoyed grunt]
Can't have you
adding strange things to the food.
I'll go start lighting a fire for you all.
Oh, my, so thoughtful.
I'll leave that to you then, Dwarf.
Food time!
-Yummy food! Let's eat!
-[Laios] Hmm
There sure are a lot of people here.
It's not good to have this many people
all in one place.
We should split into three groups.
[Maizuru] Hmm. Very well.
-[Maizuru] O-Rin!
-[Maizuru] Dwarf!
-[Maizuru] Frog girl!
If you're capable of magic,
then provide us with a barrier.
[Maizuru] It's to prevent monsters
from disturbing our lord's meal.
Pleasure to meet you, Miss Frog.
-[Rin groans]
-Oh, same.
All right, let's step away from the group.
Then I'll tell you
everything we've been up to.
-[Kabru] Let me help.
-[Laios] Thanks.
-[Maizuru] So much to do, so little time!
[Chilchuck] In this situation,
I think the person in the most danger is
[Laios] Monsters are yummy!
They're the best!
[Senshi] Monsters! Cooking!
Food! Yum yum! Eat 'em up!
[Maizuru] I'll kill you.
I'll come help with the fire!
[cheery music playing]
Hey, aren't you overdoing it a little bit?
So much smoke
I must have him take a bath
after his meal.
[Chilchuck] Here?
[Laios] Why don't you have a seat
right over there?
[Shuro] Fine. Now hurry and tell me
what's happened.
[Laios] Well, after you and Namari
left the group, the rest of us
[Shuro] Stick to the main points.
We defeated the Red Dragon,
then retrieved Falin
and brought her back to life.
But then we were attacked by the mad mage
and we got separated.
We decided
that we couldn't do this on our own,
so we were going back to the surface
to ask around for some help.
But we got lost
You see?
That's why I'm glad we ran into you!
Please lend us your strength, Shuro!
[Shuro] Uh?
[confused groan]
Mind if I ask a few questions?
The one who created this place
is the mad mage you mentioned just now,
is that correct?
There's only been rumors of his existence
and whoever actually saw him
never returned.
[Kabru] How'd you know
it was the mad mage you saw?
I guess I thought
he talked like he fit the part.
And how'd you manage to get away
from that dangerous situation?
That was all Marcille Oh.
Uh, she's our magic-user
and she held him off.
[Kabru] Can you elaborate?
Well, uh
Magic isn't really my thing,
so I couldn't say.
Oh, I see.
-May I ask something too, Laios?
[confused grunt]
Did I see you eating a brick earlier?
[awkward chuckle]
No, no, no.
It wasn't a brick.
We were eating part of a wall
that was made of Dungeon Cleaners.
[Laios] We left almost everything behind,
including food and money, remember?
So for us to traverse the dungeon faster,
we've been eating monsters
this entire time.
[awkward laughter]
[laughter stops]
That's actually really interesting!
Well? What's the most delicious thing
you've had so far?
Man, I don't know. That's a hard one.
[Laios] Kelpie, Living Armor
You know what? Might be the Red Dragon!
-[Kabru] No way!
You ate the Red Dragon
-that ate your sister?
-[Laios] Yeah.
[Kabru] You said Living Armor,
what's even edible on it?
That's an excellent question!
It's actually a mollusk creature
that uses the armor as a shell
just like this sword.
[Laios exclaims]
The Cleaners are eating Kensuke!
Can't be too careful.
By the way,
if you're interested in monster meals,
we can talk about it whenever.
Wow, I appreciate that!
[Kabru] Oh, no.
He's actually serious about this.
[deep sigh]
you had mentioned
that you resurrected Falin.
Was she safe the last time you saw her?
Uh yeah.
Do you know where she might be?
There are many places
where you can hide on this floor,
but most of them are in orcs' territory.
Oh, yeah, the orcs shouldn't be an issue.
[Kabru] What'd they taste like?
We didn't eat them!
There were some things that happened
and now,
we're in a cooperative relationship.
[soft groan]
Cooperative relationship?
Technically, it's an adventurer's duty
to kill any orcs.
[Laios] Regarding where she is,
it's possible she's on
a much deeper floor of the dungeon.
The one who kidnapped her
may have taken her there.
Wait, kidnapped? But why her?
Uh, well
I think telling Shuro would be fine.
Sorry, but could I talk
with him privately?
Sure, that's not a problem at all.
[soft grunt]
[Maizuru] It's not
that field ration pellets are bad,
but having them every day?
I just think you need to have
something warm in your belly
from time to time.
[Senshi] Cheers to that.
Meals should do a lot more
than fill your stomach
until the next chance you get to eat.
You know,
you're quite sensible for a dwarf.
Our lord's been sickly
ever since childhood.
His appetite was lacking
and it made everyone around him worry.
However, no matter the situation,
he would always eat
the food I prepared for him.
Sometimes, I'd be summoned to the kitchen
in the middle of an assignment.
He was such an obedient child growing up
that it made me anxious.
The only selfish request he's ever made
was the one that brought us here.
[Shuro] Please, Maizuru.
There's someone that I wish to save.
Lend me your strength.
[loud sigh]
[Maizuru] To think
some Northern girl would steal his heart
during his training journey
What can I even say to dissuade him?
[Senshi] You really want him to give up?
The head of the family bestowed me
with the task
of looking after the young lord,
so I cannot act based on emotion.
[Senshi] In that case,
then what do you think
you're doing right now?
If you have preserved foods,
there's no need to go through
the trouble of preparing a fresh meal.
[Senshi] Why do you reckon he ate up
all the things
you personally made for him?
Maybe you didn't realize at the time,
but I know what you put in there.
A little ingredient called "love".
[soft chuckle]
What are you saying?
Are you proud of yourself for that one?
Although, at this point,
I just might give in.
So, depending on how things turn out,
perhaps I'll put in a good word
for those two.
Why did the art style change so much?
Uh, this depiction might be
a bit of a stretch, don't you think?
Yes, this will suffice.
[Maizuru] It's ready!
Hurry, Dwarf, it's important we have
my lord eat this while it's still warm!
[Maizuru] Huh?
You two, why are you outside?
They said they wanted to speak in private.
My lord, I'm coming in.
-[angry grunting]
-[Maizuru] My lord!
-[Senshi grunting]
What is going on?
[both grunt]
Did this man do something?
-[Laios groans]
-[Shuro huffs]
Tell me!
I need to know what happened here!
Sorry, but we couldn't hear from there.
[Asebi] It's black magic.
This man and the others used
black magic and monster flesh
to revive the Northern girl.
[tense, dark music playing]
How could you do such a thing?
Do you even know what you have done?
People who deal with black magic
the reasons that they have matter not,
they are nothing but criminals!
[Shuro] They get locked in dark cells
until they die
and their corpses are never returned.
If the Western elves find out,
then who knows what they'll do to her.
That's assuming
this leaves the dungeon, Shuro.
And you won't tell another soul
about any of this happening.
[Shuro breathing angrily]
-[Laios] Right?
-[Shuro grunts]
[dramatic music playing]
We had no other options.
[Laios] Please understand.
[distressed groan]
[Kabru] Black magic?
This is crazier than I imagined.
How's this gonna turn out?
[haunting tune playing]
[inhales deeply]
[Falin] Lord Delgal
I must locate you as soon as possible.
[closing theme music playing]
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