Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (2019) s01e16 Episode Script

Letting Someone Else Go First

Beast Breathing Seventh Form,
Spatial Awareness!
Found it?
Yeah! That way!
I'm picking up a powerful vibe
from over there!
You are?
Way to go, Inosuke!
We gotta take care of these guys
or we'll never get anywhere!
Damn. Isn't there
Isn't there any way at all?
Ne Ne Nezu Ne
Whe Whe Wh-Whe
Whe Where are you?
What a pain in the ass!
I'm just gonna demolish them all at once!
You can't do that! Back off!
There has to be a way!
So, let's try not to hurt these—
Leave these guys to me
and go on ahead!
What kind of talk is that,
Mr. Pissed-My-Pants?
I never pissed my pants,
you stupid boar!
I wasn't talking to you,
so you can just shut up!
I know that wasn't
my finest moment back there,
but I'm a Demon Slayer, too!
I'll find a way to hold them off!
Now I know I just need to slash the threads,
and that these guys can only make
the most elementary movements!
I'll watch out for the spiders, too!
There has to be people under
even more control closer to the demon!
So, you two go on!
Understood! We appreciate this!
Let's go, Inosuke!
Hey, let go of me, dammit!
I wanna pound that guy's face first!
Who's he calling "a stupid boar"?
Would you shut up?
Just drop it and get out of here!
I'm so gonna punch you when I get back!
Dammit! I'm gonna punch that guy
if it's the last thing I do!
Stop talking like that!
He called me "a stupid boar," okay, Monjiro?
It's "Tanjiro"!
So, anyway, we're heading
the right way, right?
My senses never lie!
what the hell are these annoying threads?
That's how close
we're getting to the demon!
Here's another bunch.
Don't come any closer.
Please summon someone of higher rank!
Otherwise, everyone will get killed!
I wonder if you can defeat them.
The closer you get to me,
the thicker and stronger
these threads are,
and the more powerful
my dolls become.
You can win, right?
Don't you think
this is taking too much time?
You'd better hurry up
or I'm gonna tell Father.
I can do it! I can do it, all right?
I promise to protect you!
So, please! Not your father!
Don't tell your father! Just not him!
Then, hurry it up.
Die! Die! Just die already!
Or else there'll be hell for me to pay!
So fast!
I'm being controlled,
so my movements
aren't my own at all!
I was never this strong!
The demon's forcing her
to move her body with the threads,
so it doesn't care if her bones get broken!
So cruel!
So stubborn!
How about this?
This sound!
P-Please kill me!
My arms and legs
The bones are piercing my inner organs!
Every time I'm forced to move,
the pain's intense!
I can't take it anymore!
Either way, I'll die.
So, please help me!
Please deliver the finishing blow!
Sure, you got it!
Hold up—
Hold up, will you?
We gotta find a way to help him!
Oh, shut up!
You really need to shut up!
He's asking us to kill him, all right?
These guys are speedy, too.
If we get caught napping,
we're gonna go down!
I know that!
Let me think!
Just hold up a second!
I don't want to use any attacks.
But even if we slash the threads,
they'll only get reattached!
To stop them from moving
I know!
Hey! Hey!
Good! She's following me!
Hey, why are you running around
in circles like that?
Quit fooling around!
Total Concentration
Unbelievable strength!
All right! You're all tangled up
like I planned!
What's up with that?
I wanna do that, too!
Take this!
You see that?
I can do whatever you can do!
My bad! I kind of missed it!
I mean, you can't really blame me!
They're all such useless dolls!
I have no choice
but to unleash that doll, then.
Nezuko! Where are you?
Wild Boar
Where did you all go?
I'm sorry for everything, okay?
You mean you came after me?
You're so adorable!
Second only to Nezuko, but still!
I'm sorry for everything! All right,
let's go look for Nezuko together!
Just look at that!
Check it out!
I've tossed up more than you!
Right! One more to go!
Okay. I'm gonna do it one more time,
so make sure you watch!
You got it! That's okay!
Just try not to be violent!
I don't need those fragile human dolls
anymore! They're useless!
They're useless!
Dammit! Now they're all dead!
Let's go.
Yeah, good idea.
This way! I'm gonna catch up to 'em soon!
Now that the wind's changed direction,
my sense of smell
is starting to come back!
So, I'll be able to pinpoint
the demon's location!
There are two more scents!
I detected that thing before you did!
I'm gonna hack its head right off!
That thing
has no head!
Where are you?
Where the hell are you,
Tanjiro, Inosuke?
Don't just leave me here all by myself
in this terrifying forest!
What was that?
You know what?
This is starting to make me really mad!
I'll find Nezuko as soon as possible,
and then it's so long, scary forest!
That thing's got no weak spots!
I can't slash something that's not there!
What are we gonna do?
What are we gonna do?
Calm down! We'll inflict
a monk's robe cut on it!
Let's try slashing from the base of its neck
on the right side to his left waist!
It's a lot to cover, and I'm sure
it's really tough, but I bet
Hold up! In unison
It's fast!
But not so fast I can't dodge it!
Crap! I forgot about the spiders!
I can't move!
I'm a dead man!
Inosuke, let's fight together!
Let's think together!
Let's work together
so we can bring down this demon!
Damn you!
Don't make me any giddier
than I already am!
You're in my way!
Inosuke, launch yourself off me!
Inosuke, jump!
Total Concentration
Water Breathing!
Fourth Form
Striking Tide!
Now for the monk's robe cut!
Dammit, what the hell? This is annoying!
It's all going his way, huh?
It's like this was preordained
or something!
Flowing as naturally
as the water from a river
It's not about going first
for this guy. It's the battle!
It's the overall flow that he's watching!
Great! He cut it just right!
All right! You defeated it, Inosuke!
Anything you can do,
I can do, too, dumbass!
This scent
So, that's what this is about,
huh, Inosuke?
They got me! They got me!
Even though that doll
was my fastest and strongest!
It's Rui's fault for coming to me
with his threats!
That's why I panicked!
I panicked! Panicked!
From above?
Water Breathing, First Form!
He'll kill me! He'll chop off my head!
Think! You have to think!
if I die, I'll be released.
And then, I'll know peace.
Fifth Form
Blessed Rain After the Drought!
This is
It feels like I'm being showered
by a gentle rain.
It doesn't hurt at all.
It's not agonizing.
I just feel warm.
I never dreamed that my end
would be this tranquil.
And now,
I'll be released.
I'm so sorry! I apologize,
so please forgive me!
What made you angry?
What caused you such displeasure?
It's your own fault
for not realizing what made him mad.
But how could I?
Mom's in trouble with Dad again!
Stop it! No! No!
Those eyes
Such kind eyes
Back when I was human,
I think someone used to look at me
with kind eyes.
I wonder who that was.
I can't remember.
It was someone who always treasured me.
I wonder how that person is doing now.
There's a member of the Twelve Kizuki here.
Be careful.
A member of the Twelve Kizuki is here
A genuine member of the Twelve Kizuki
here on this mountain!
Anything you can do,
I can do, too, you know!
Yeah, but I know what it is
that you can't do, Inosuke.
What did you say?
After all this time,
you still can't get my name right.
I do remember your damn name,
Kamaboko Gonpachiro!
Shakariki Gengoro!
Itadaki Tontaro!
Totally wrong!
But now, it's time for a Taisho secret!
I hear that Inosuke can call someone by their
correct name about once every seven times.
You've already mangled it three times.
Can you really get it right?
Anago Kanjiro!
Hey, you're getting warmer!
Hamado Tangoro!
So close!
Amado Jangoro!
You're 99 percent there!
Hey, who cares
what your name is anymore?
I was this close to hearing it.
Next, Episode 17,
"You Must Master a Single Thing"!
You're you and I'm me.
Got that, Tanjiro?
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