Destined with You (2023) s01e16 Episode Script

Episode 16

Sam-sik confessed everything.
You told him to drug me and knock me out.
I didn't drink that drink.
You should've reported it right away.
Why did you come with me?
Because I had to catch you.
You're brave.
Sam-sik called the police.
The police should be on their way now.
It's over for you.
It won't be over.
I will be with you forever.
will marry me…
and we'll go together.
Go where?
To the next life.
Like I want to be with you?
You shouldn't have played around
with another guy.
Stop stalling for time
and get changed already.
I will.
But first,
I need some privacy.
I know what you're planning.
Just change in front of me!
Change right now.
You wanted to marry me.
What kind of man
treats his bride like this?
I'll help you
get changed into the dress.
You are insane.
Where is Hong-jo?
Is she safe?
We were too late.
This must be Na Jung-beom's hideout.
That was why it was hard to trace him.
It can't be
that place.
Follow me, you two.
Why did you have to resist?
It would've been nice
if you'd stayed obediently.
Until the moon rises…
let's wait for a while.
Don't waste your energy.
We'll do a soul marriage.
If we tie our souls with a red string,
we can be together in our next life.
The time has come.
The full moon has risen.
Don't be scared.
I won't send you alone.
After I send you,
I'll follow you too.
Drink it.
Let's run away.
It doesn't matter where.
Anywhere's fine.
If… there is a next life…
let us…
be happy.
I feel
it feels like
I've been caring about you
for a very long time.
In this life…
and in the past life…
I love you.
Na Jung-beom, stop!
Let me go!
Na Jung-beom, you're under arrest.
You have the right to remain…
Hong-jo, open your eyes.
Hong-jo, open your eyes.
Hong-jo, wake up.
Hong-jo, wake up.
Oh, my gosh. Hong-jo.
Wake up.
Wake up.
When was she poisoned?
About 40 minutes ago.
Make way!
Make way!
- Sir, you can't go in.
- No.
- Sir.
- I must go.
Please leave.
Let's start over.
Sam-sik confessed
that he provided a fake alibi
for you five years ago.
Why did you kill your wife?
That bitch kept smiling
at some other guy.
Is it the same reason for Hong-jo?
Did you get angry
because she dated another guy?
Damn it.
I was going to do a soul marriage.
Did she die?
Did she die?
Lee Hong-jo's guardian?
Please come in.
That freak who stabbed Sin-yu
tried to kill you as well?
He's caught, right?
That freak must be punished.
Watch your language.
I would say worse things,
but I shouldn't waste my energy on him.
So, my dear Hong-jo,
are you okay now?
I felt a bit nauseous,
but I got better after an IV.
Get well soon
and go on a date with Sin-yu.
Since that freak is caught,
you can relax and go on dates.
Honey. I didn't approve of it yet.
She's lying down in the hospital
and how can you say such a harsh thing?
I'm here out of sympathy,
not to allow their relationship.
I haven't warmed up to her yet.
Frankly speaking,
your life is too eventful.
I want Sin-yu to meet a girl
born and raised in a peaceful environment,
date her without any trouble,
and get married without any trouble.
- Father.
- I promise
I won't let anything happen from now on.
It's true that I wasn't born and raised
in a peaceful environment,
but I'm sure I'm the person
who loves him the most in the world
besides you two.
can you see me in a good light?
sorry to say this
when you're going through this--
I have something to tell you.
Nothing can change my mind.
It's obvious what you'll say.
Didn't Eun-wol call you?
What call?
It's a girl.
Was that the strange thing
that Eun-wol said?
She had a conception dream
where she picked a peach.
Am I really becoming a grandmother now?
You've always nagged him
to knock a girl up before getting married.
Your wish came true.
I said that so he would get married early.
I didn't actually mean that.
Why did you guys have to rush it?
You guys are strange.
After dating a strange girl,
even Sin-yu became strange.
He wasn't like this before.
What will you do?
What are you going to do about him?
I'll take full responsibility.
Of course you should.
What the…
That's not what I meant.h
You should eat.
I don't want to get up.
You didn't eat anything today.
A kiss is for dessert.
You can get it only after you eat.
It smells so great.
Struggling with the octopus, I thought,
"The power of love is incredible."
"There's nothing I can't do
for someone I love."
And this food
is the result of that epiphany.
Chicken stew with fresh octopus,
the stamina booster,
wild pine mushroom,
abalone, and wild ginseng.
You added wild pine mushroom
and wild ginseng?
I put in everything that's good.
It's delicious.
I've just never tried it before,
but there's nothing I can't do.
What kind of man am I?
You used all the good ingredients.
Of course it tastes good.
Good ingredients don't guarantee that.
You've tried my mom's food.
Cooking is a talent too.
If you take on Bawoo's lawsuit,
does it mean you can't work in City Hall?
I can't do it
if I'm contracted as City Hall's lawyer.
Does it mean we can't
see each other every day like this?
If you stay here, we can.
How can I do that?
What do you mean how? I won't let you go.
Not until your father approves.
I'll get Father's permission.
Eat first.
I want to do so many things with you,
but not in that condition.
What is it that you want to do?
You said a kiss was for dessert.
You did have a bite.
What brings you here?
I forgot something when I packed.
What is it?
Can I come in and look for it?
Be quick.
By the way,
was my proposal that horrible?
I've never felt
more embarrassed in my life before.
Gong, I can't go
to City Hall because of you.
Find it quickly and go.
What did you leave behind?
My love for you.
You shouldn't push a kid so hard.
It's a dog-eat-dog world, kiddo.
Do it again.
The result will be the same though.
I can beat you.
When I created his alibi five years ago,
I didn't know he was such a terrible man.
I really thought
she cheated on him and left the house.
After the corpse was found in the park,
I considered
turning myself in.
But I couldn't leave U-ram alone.
I'm so sorry, Ms. Lee.
It's all my fault.
You were threatened by him as well.
You told me everything before it happened.
Moreover, if I hadn't been the bait,
he would've come back to kill me anytime.
He's caught. That's what matters.
If I end up in jail,
U-ram will need to go to a shelter.
- Let's go.
- U-ram.
I gave you a good life lesson.
You little devil.
You were pretty bad too.
You pestered your father
to change the development business.
Mayor's daughter
made the mayor change
that big development business?
And she was a bully in high school.
Gosh, look at her throwing wine on her.
Isn't that Hong-jo?
Poor her.
I hope karma is coming for these guys.
These scums.
I would've chewed them into pieces.
You know I have a lot of teeth, right?
I know.
You're here.
What's going on?
Hong-jo, you went through a lot.
Lunch is on me today.
What do you want to eat?
You were pretty bad too.
You pestered your father
to change the development business,
just like how you avoided
punishment in high school.
You really never change.
This is Hong-jo.
You're the one
who posted the video, right?
…just like how you avoided
punishment in high school.
You really never change.
I thought that was all I can do
to apologize to you.
It would've been better
if you had revealed it in high school.
I won't thank you.
Take care.
No. You can't resign.
You pressured me to resign until recently.
You'll clearly
go against us after you resign.
I won't let it happen!
Article Seven of Labor Standards Act.
"Forced labor is abolished."
It's fine by law if I stop coming
to work starting tomorrow.
But I'll give you one month
to find my replacement.
As a courtesy.
Hey, stop there!
I don't think you have time
to be worked up about me.
You have your daughter's issue.
You changed the door password.
I got rid of the place.
- Didn't I tell you?
- Why?
I didn't think I would need
to meet you there anymore.
That's true.
We don't need to meet secretly anymore.
Both you and I are single.
Come to think of it,
I think I click better
with you than Sin-yu.
True, we clicked both day and night.
How about marriage?
I was interested in you
because you were Sin-yu's.
But you were dumped by him, right?
And I'm considered a leader
in our society in a way,
so getting married
to a former bully wouldn't look good.
Goodness, you haven't seen it yet.
You better check it quickly.
The person you have called
is not answering. After the tone…
What an asshole!
Stop calling me! I know it too!
I'm going crazy too!
I need to go home today.
I need to do the laundry
and clean the house.
What should I do?
I can't sleep alone now.
Then come to my place
once you're done with your work.
How do I wait until then?
I miss you whenever I blink.
One, two, three…
Nine, ten, eleven…
Look outside the window.
Outside the window?
I love you.
Me too.
Stop now.
Working overtime before quitting?
There's a lot to do before I resign.
Don't mind me. I'm taking care of it.
I have something to do as well.
If I get sued,
you might become my lawyer.
It was you, right?
You made Min-ho post it.
You guys went there on purpose
to rile me up and took the video
to take revenge on me the same way.
I did want to take revenge the same way.
But I couldn't.
And Min-ho did it for me.
It was so satisfying.
Why do you always have to get in my way?
I never got in your way.
You made things worse for yourself.
- You took away my boyfriend.
- Believe it or not,
but we were destined to be.
We were destined to meet.
That's bullshit.
Sin-yu's calling.
Do you want to leave now
or listen to how lovey-dovey we are?
You bitch…
Do you want another video?
There's a CCTV here.
I told you.
Someone like you can never understand.
This is not fair.
Why must I lose what's mine
to someone who's a nobody like you?
Yoon Na-yeon.
We're from Violent Crime Squad.
You're under arrest
for aiding and abetting Na's escape.
You have the right to remain silent
and the right to an attorney.
Everything you say from now
can be held against you in court.
Was it you who helped Na Jung-beom?
No. I didn't know anything.
I really didn't know anything.
- Let's go.
- I don't know--
You can explain at the station.
I didn't know…
I didn't know anything!
Did you give him five billion won?
This morning, the prosecution indicted
Mayor Yoon of Onju City Hall
and Lee, the CEO of Haum Construction
regarding Mount Onju's
development business.
How much did you get in return
for changing the ownership
of Jang's land that Onju received
and giving it to Haum?
I received 300 million won.
But I reported it to the Audit
and sent them the money.
Why did you side with the mayor,
then suddenly change your mind?
I never changed my mind.
I never wanted to join them to begin with.
Then why did you accept the money?
If I hadn't, I wouldn't have
been able to blow the whistle.
So were you planning this from the start?
"If they abide by the law, that's good."
"If they don't, I won't sit back."
That was what I thought.
Your Honor.
The tenth evidence.
If you check the recording
of the conversation
between Kwon and Lee
and check his actions
before and after the crime,
you can clearly see
that the defendant is speaking the truth.
Therefore, defendant Kwon
is not guilty of bribery
nor did he request for one.
I told him not to come to the cafeteria.
Are you not eating together
because you fought after the proposal?
How did he injure his arm?
I know.
He got drunk and tripped on his foot.
Poor Mr. Gong.
He proposed publicly,
got dumped publicly, and even got hurt.
He's so embarrassed
that he requested
a transfer to a district office.
Go ahead and eat by yourselves.
Darn it.
I didn't want to come here either.
I had no choice because of the injury.
Just eat the rice and soup.
Why did you bring
perilla leaves to torture yourself?
I go crazy over perilla leaves.
Go ahead, eat the perilla leaves.
Helping me pick up the perilla leaves
means we should get married.
Stop your nonsense and eat.
I'm moving out.
I'm going to go to the Blue House.
Are you going into politics?
I was sued for whistleblowing,
but I was released thanks to Sin-yu.
And now so many politicians
want to recruit me.
Actually, I thought of staying
if he gave me more money,
but it was too little.
How much would've been enough
not to whistleblow?
Free sandwiches for a lifetime?
Come on.
I mean it. It's delicious.
Then what happens
to Mount Onju's development now?
It went back to being Sin-yu's,
so he'll take care of it.
You look cool, do you know that?
Not everyone can whistleblow.
Not just cool.
I must look very cool.
Can I order one more?
- Go ahead.
- Okay.
This place's chicken is so good
every time we come.
Chicken's always good.
Stop getting sidetracked.
Mr. Gong's proposal.
Will you accept it?
City Hall is turned upside down.
Mayor is about to be arrested.
It's not a good time.
What has the mayor getting arrested
got to do with our marriage?
Marriage is a form of arrest too.
Getting arrested once was enough.
I don't want to be arrested twice.
Let's just live together.
How many times must I say this?
What we're doing
is a beautiful form of arrest.
It's so beautiful
that there's even a song about it.
You must hurry to get married this year.
My friend told me
it's so hard to book a wedding venue.
- That's right.
- Yes.
Don't worry about that.
I'm the manager
of Greenway Building Division.
Are you going to get married in a park?
I'm not getting married.
Smile naturally!
Bride and groom, bow to the guests.
Mic test.
"I, Ma Eun-yeong,
take Gong Seo-gu
as my husband as of today."
"Others say they will live happily
until their black hair turns white,
but our hair's already white
if we don't dye it,
so we'll live happily
until we lose our white hair
and become bald."
"I, Gong Seo-gu,
am Ma Eun-yeong's husband as of today."
Today is the happiest day of my life.
I'll become happier every day,
so I'll make Eun-yeong happy
every day too.
I love you, Eun-yeong!
Next is the song of congratulation.
Hello. We are Onju's Three Star…
- Crystal!
- Crystal!
The song we'll be singing today
is called "It's Real."
Whenever you hear "it's real,"
if you're here alone,
make a heart on your head.
If you're here with someone…
- Heart.
- Make a heart together.
- Then we'll start singing "It's Real."
- We'll start!
Real, real, real, real, it's real
It's real
The real thing has appeared now
Real, real, real, real, it's real
It's real
I'm going to make real love
Now's the time to throw the bouquet.
Who will catch it?
Bride and groom, march.
Mr. Kwon is moving out.
I know. But under
these pretty cherry blossoms,
do you have to talk about Jae-gyeong?
Are you jealous?
I'll be jealous of every man
that you see and speak of.
Idol singers, actors,
the guy downstairs, the guy next door,
and City Hall employees.
Everyone except me.
I like you being jealous.
I'm not joking.
The person moving in downstairs
is very important to me.
As long as it's not a single man.
I don't want that either.
I hope the landlady moves back in.
Right, what did your doctor say?
I got better.
Completely healed like a miracle.
Of course. The curse ended.
Others wouldn't believe us, right?
Some might, like we did.
Wait here for a while.
Why? Where are you going?
Let's go.
There are two of us.
Why is there one cotton candy?
You've changed a lot
after dating a decent girl.
Aren't you the one who changed a lot?
Your skin got better.
You were always exhausted
and had huge eye bags.
Can you tell?
I spent a lot on dermatology.
I'm going to quit this law firm soon.
Where will you go?
A filming site.
I'll be filming
the same drama as your mother.
You only live once.
True happiness is
doing what you truly want.
It's so nice.
I'm a lawyer.
If you were treated unfairly,
I'll defend you.
You can tell me.
- Moving on.
- Great!
That was great.
Both of you did great.
- Thank you.
- Good job.
I'm so nervous.
I need sugar.
Fan of yours sent a coffee truck.
You should go get some snacks.
A fan of mine?
I wonder who sent this?
It can't be…
Is it you?
It wasn't me.
Then is it Sin-yu?
Nobody else would
send me something like this.
It's me.
What brings you here?
I wanted to support you,
but I had no other way.
What else besides money do I have?
I'm going to be in charge
of this drama's coffee truck from now on.
You know this is a serious crime, right?
Because you gave him
the fake alibi back then,
he was removed
from the prime suspects list.
You caused confusion in the investigation
and made us miss the criminal.
Do you know how serious
of a crime that is?
I'm sorry.
He begged crying his eyes out.
This time as well, you pretty much
helped Jung-beom abduct Hong-jo.
Hong-jo got hurt because of that.
Strictly speaking, you are an accomplice.
Accomplice for confinement.
Come in.
Mr. Jang.
I will join in as Oh Sam-sik's lawyer.
Mr. Jang.
Don't worry too much
about who might move in.
Even when I moved in,
the owner was very strict.
Thank you for whistleblowing.
I'm sure it helped Sin-yu a lot.
I didn't do it for Sin-yu.
I did it for myself.
I was looking at the big picture.
"When should I use
the Ace of Swords card?"
You're an ambitious person.
Did Sin-yu propose to you?
No, not yet.
You'll live alone if you don't get married
in six months after getting the bouquet.
If Sin-yu doesn't propose
within six months,
give me a call.
I regretted every time I saw you.
Why didn't I accept
your confession back then?
They say love is about timing.
I guess they're right.
Love is the collaboration
of timing and destiny.
Do you still believe in
the past life and spells?
I don't believe in them. I just know them.
You're cool.
I envy you too.
The collaboration of timing and destiny
will come to you too, Mr. Kwon.
You promised not to call me Mr. Kwon.
Right. To you too, Jae-gyeong.
- We'll get going.
- Okay.
I'll get going.
All right.
Have a safe trip.
It's raspberry juice.
Are you sure you can
handle me after I drink this?
My friend keeps sending them
because she runs a farm.
Can we try some of that
raspberry juice?
We'd like to have some too.
Yes, we'd love some.
- I'd like some.
- Me too.
Why would you want to drink this?
- What do you need it for?
- You guys must have a use for it.
Guys, let's go grab coffee.
- Okay.
- Okay.
I chose the date
for my housewarming party.
You haven't even moved.
You wanted to have one again last time.
That was when Mr. Kwon was there.
He's moved out now.
I knew it. You wanted to have one
because of Mr. Kwon, not because of me.
Let's see who moves in and then decide.
I hope a cool guy moves in again.
It's hard for a single man
to move into a house like that.
It definitely will be a family of four.
Even if it's a family of four,
let's have a housewarming party.
I want to get close with you guys. Please?
I still do get jealous when I look at you,
but you're too cute.
Fine, let's do it.
Under one condition.
Invite Mr. Jang's friends
and make it a triple date.
How does it sound?
Fine then. You'll choose the time, right?
But I want the guys
to be taller than 180 cm
and look slightly more mature than I am.
The number you have dialed
cannot be reached. Please leave…
Why hasn't he been
picking up the whole day?
What's going on?
I'm worried,
so call me when you read the text.
Don't be obsessed with him.
He has his privacy too.
Let's clean up.
What privacy?
He must report everything 24/7.
Where are you?
Do you know how worried I was?
Come down to the first floor.
You should've called beforehand.
I know who you are.
You didn't even answer my calls.
I wanted to surprise you.
Surprise me with what? Your face?
That would be boring,
so I prepared something else.
I moved to a new place.
Did you move to Seoul?
I told you to come down
to the first floor, not to come outside.
You really moved in.
I've always wanted to be
the guy living downstairs from you.
Now you're the girl upstairs from me.
I bought this house.
I couldn't wait to live with you.
You sure are rich.
You spend money like it grows on trees.
You feel distant.
So do you not like it?
No. I'm excited.
You used your money so wisely.
You shouldn't do this.
I didn't even get to unpack.
I haven't put on the mattress cover yet.
You called me to make me work.
It's hard to do this on my own.
You didn't call me for that.
That's not it.
I really called you for this.
- Put on the mattress cover.
- You didn't call me for that.
Put on the mattress cover.
Be careful.
Watch out.
You don't need to do this.
Don't be so dramatic.
Try it.
It's the first decent dish
that we've ever cooked together.
We went grocery shopping
in the morning and cooked with care.
It sure is
full of care.
Did it taste good to you guys?
Did you not taste it while cooking?
It tasted fine to us.
- It seems fine.
- Exactly.
It's okay, it tastes good to us.
Yes, I think so too.
You're a match made in heaven
down to your taste.
Speaking of which,
- I checked your wedding date--
- Eun-wol.
I'm not ready yet.
You don't need to prepare anything.
It's just living together.
Well, actually,
you're already living together.
Father, I'm not ready yet either.
You don't have time for this,
you already have a girl.
Your belly will bulge soon.
I don't believe in you.
You said something strange last time
and made us grow apart.
And about what you
called for the other day,
that wasn't about us.
It has to be.
it's me.
A late child.
the conception dream
was about us.
A daughter.
Sin-yu's sister will be so pretty.
Congratulations, Mother and Father.
See, Eun-wol?
You were wrong again.
Eat up, everyone.
I love you.
I love you more.
I've loved you for more than 300 years.
There was something I've wanted
to say since 300 years ago.
Can I
take her with me?
Let us…
get married.
Sin-yu, there's really
nothing you can't do.
You're good at shoveling.
Are you teasing me?
We should bury this, right?
Thanks to the wooden box,
I got to meet you again,
so I want to keep it forever.
But we achieved everything that we wanted.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Subtitle translation by: Yeeun Kim
Ripped and synced by
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