Doctor Slump (2024) s01e16 Episode Script

Episode 16

My uncle has been making
milmyeon for 20 years now.
After his military service, he agreed
to work at my dad's fish cake factory,
but no one knows why
he had a sudden change of heart.
Ba-da has been pretty persistent lately.
Why am I chopping cucumber at night?
Why am I spending
my Friday nights making broth now?
I have to do it.
But of course, I'm not sure
how long he'll last.
By the way,
is Ha-neul still jobless
and lounging around at home?
I haven't heard any news, so I guess so.
Gosh, so what if she was a doctor?
She's jobless and stuck at home now.
Wol-seon used to always brag
about Ha-neul becoming a professor.
Goodness, I bet she'll come today
looking all dispirited again.
When I think about how depressed
she's going to look, it breaks my heart.
Goodness, I'm worried too.
As for my mom,
she's never been prouder in her life.
I can't believe you want to make
alcohol on our first date.
Why not?
Once we have this brewed and fermented,
imagine how nice it would be to drink it
with some grilled beef brisket.
You said it'll take three months, right?
Then, we can drink this
on our 100th day together.
Why would we celebrate that?
We're not kids.
Why not? I want to celebrate every moment.
I'll treat you well.
I'll always call
and buy you good food to eat.
And I'll carry anything
that's heavy for you.
I'm going to protect you.
You're so ridiculous.
How can someone drink
from a bottle so elegantly?
- That was so beautiful.
- What are you talking about?
- Right. I have a question.
- What is it?
Have you always been this beautiful?
- Hong-ran started dating again.
- Stop it.
- Stop asking odd questions.
- And she realized something.
Being in love was like waiting
for plum wine to ferment.
They're both wonderful things.
Everyone was living their lives,
and I was slowly walking
down my path as well.
"I wonder what kind of scene
awaits me around this corner."
"Am I truly okay now?"
These were the questions I'd ask myself.
All right.
Give it a taste.
- It's the first milmyeon I've ever made.
- Goodness.
Did you chop the cucumbers
and make the sauce yourself?
Of course.
I also made the broth and the noodles.
I should take a photo.
Ba-da's first milmyeon!
All right, dig in already.
It'll get soggy.
It tastes pretty similar to yours.
- Right?
- Yeah.
It's not bad.
My goodness!
I can't believe this.
Why are you crying?
I'm pretty sure
it doesn't taste that good.
I'm just proud of him.
Why are you being dramatic
over some milmyeon?
Did your depression get worse?
You little…
I heard you helped Uncle Tae-seon
every day so you could make this.
Have you ever been
this persistent with anything before?
He quit Taekwondo after three days.
He quit art academy after three days.
He quit on the civil service exam
before the workbook he ordered even came.
He was the epitome of serial quitting.
But that same kid made this food
with patience and persistence.
I'm just glad you kept working hard
to learn and achieve something.
That's what we wanted as well.
Think about what you really want
to do in life while working here.
Yes, and I'll help in any way I can too.
It's delicious.
I'm back.
Come on in.
- Sorry I'm late.
- Quick. It's okay.
- Try this.
- Okay. It looks good.
- How is it? Be honest.
- What?
Is this a new dish?
It does taste a bit different.
In what way?
It's a bit bland.
And maybe it's because I was late,
but the noodles are slightly soggy.
What's wrong?
- Don't eat it.
- Sorry?
Uncle Tae-seon.
Where are you going?
- Let's step outside.
- What's wrong?
- I said let's go.
- Ba-da.
- Come on out.
- Wait, I…
- What's going on?
- Come on.
Did I do something wrong?
Ba-da really made that milmyeon?
The Ba-da I know? Ba-da, your brother?
Yes, it seems he's worked
really hard to learn.
When I saw the finished product,
I cried like a fool, because it seemed
like he'd finally grown up.
Gosh, and I criticized his precious dish.
No wonder I got kicked out.
Honestly, I was frustrated
to see him slack off all this time.
But to see him be responsible
and achieve something, it made me proud.
- That's one less worry for me.
- Right.
- Then, what about my worry?
- What?
I asked you to be my family,
but you still haven't answered me.
I didn't have a chance to tell you then.
You know what happened.
What's this?
Are you feeling shy
about getting your very first paycheck?
No, that's not why.
You suddenly gave me
an envelope full of money.
I'm not sure if I should take it.
Why are you suddenly acting all mature?
You used to always ask me for 50,000 won.
Use it wisely. Don't waste it all
on alcohol and video games.
That's for me to decide.
And who pays their workers these days
with envelopes? You're so old-fashioned.
My baby.
What are you doing?
Why are you nuzzling that envelope?
Did you get a letter from a girl you like?
Who writes letters these days?
That's old-fashioned.
- Jeez.
- There are so many old people around me.
Ha-neul, let's go eat some meat.
I'm full from the milmyeon.
Let's still go. I want to buy you some.
Buy me some?
It's your treat?
- Yes.
- Say it again.
You're buying,
not asking me to buy for you?
Well, it's awkward for me too
since I've never treated you to anything.
Let's hurry! They're going to close soon.
Is this a dream?
Am I being scammed? Are you really Ba-da?
Are you sure this isn't a mask?
- Something smells fishy.
- It's me.
- Let's go.
- Goodness.
How's the beef your brother bought
with his first paycheck?
It's so delicious.
I never imagined
that this day would ever come.
Me neither.
Who knew I'd become such a great adult?
Eat up.
All I ever did was take money from you,
but I've always wanted
to treat you at least once.
Why just once? You should do this often.
I'll think about it.
Why? Don't just talk the talk.
Walk the walk too.
I'm already treating you today, so eat up.
Just eat.
I'm so full. I can't eat anymore.
Here's the food you ordered.
Thank you.
- What's that?
- It's for Mom and Uncle Tae-seon.
Here. Let me pay.
No, I said I'd pay.
But take a photo of me paying.
Make it seem like I've always done this.
You know, like a paparazzi shot.
I wasn't rejected, was I?
I proposed to her,
but it's been days,
and she hasn't answered me.
She hasn't responded in any way.
Didn't I tell you it was too soon?
What'll you do now?
She must've felt too unsure
to give you an answer.
I guess you're okay for dating
but not for marriage.
What are you talking about?
That's not true.
Hey, that's not up to you to decide.
It's up to her.
And think about it.
Wouldn't she have already replied
if you were husband material?
My goodness.
I wonder what she doesn't like about you.
Let's fight.
- Let's fight to the death.
- You can't even get married
- Okay. Let's dig your grave today.
- Fine then.
The NI patient is here.
Okay, I'll get ready.
But you could've just messaged me
instead of coming all the way here.
She's been odd since consultations,
so I wanted to double-check.
Odd? How so?
She's changed her mind several times,
and I think she's been secretly recording.
She also reeked of alcohol
during consultations.
as long as she gets results
that satisfy her, it'll be fine.
You know me.
I never nick blood vessels with a scalpel.
My hands are so careful and quick.
They move at mach speed.
I had no idea. Anyway, good luck.
That little punk.
Good morning, everyone.
Let's give it our best today too.
I'm going make a new sketch of the design
from your consultation
with more exact measurements.
I don't want to go under the knife again,
so please make this my last one.
You can count on me.
- Administer 0.5 ml of ketamine.
- Yes, Doctor.
Right. Are you ready for next week's
morbidity and mortality conference?
Not yet. It's a bit tricky.
Send me the rough draft
of your presentation and I'll check.
Thank you, Professor!
We have many ill patients,
so assess them and tell me tomorrow.
- Yes, Professor.
- Bye.
Are you in surgery? Don't skip your meals.
Hey, Jeong-woo.
Want to have dinner together tonight?
I'd love that. Think about what you want.
I'll think about it
and make a reservation too.
A reservation?
Let's have some steak
while overlooking the Han River.
All of a sudden?
Well, I have something to tell you.
See you later then.
See? I'm okay not just for dating.
I'm so amazing.
Okay. Make it comfortable
and simple.
- Hello, sir.
- Hey, Dr. Nam.
Are you free right now?
Can we have some tea?
Sure, come on in.
A view of the river and wine…
It's a perfect night
for hearing an answer.
This place is really nice.
When did you come here?
Do you think I've been here before?
I looked it up for us.
You looked this place up
and reserved a table?
What could you possibly have to tell me?
Should we eat something first?
I'm too nervous to eat.
Can you just tell me
what you want to say right now?
- What?
- I'm about to suffocate to death.
I was actually going to give you
an answer about the ring.
No, there's nothing to answer
since I feel the same way as you do.
Something unexpected happened.
My chief wants me
to spend six months abroad.
We're opening
a new children's hospital next year.
He wants me to visit
other hospitals overseas
and check out
their anesthesiology departments.
Hold on.
What do you want to do?
To be honest, I think it'd be fun.
I'm curious, and I think it'll help.
Then, what's stopping you?
Still, I feel bad about telling you
that we need to be apart for six months
when you had just proposed to me.
I feel bad for leaving you here.
I want you to always follow your heart.
If there's a certain decision
you need to make,
I don't want you
to hesitate because of me.
I told you. I won't get in the way
of your career.
So don't worry about me
and go.
- What are you doing?
- What?
Oh, the steak was over here.
Eat up.
- It'll get cold.
- Okay.
So when are you leaving?
It was a pretty abrupt decision.
So I need to leave soon. It's next month.
Next month?
I'm thirsty.
That's a vase!
There are too many glasses here.
I bet others made the same mistake, right?
You got a great offer.
It's such a great offer.
I'm so happy for you.
He seems okay
but not okay at the same time.
What? Six months?
Are you kidding me?
How can I wait for six months?
Even three months is long.
One month is long too.
I mean, a day. No, just don't go!
Damn it!
I thought things were finally
looking up for us after those ordeals.
Don't go. Why?
Please don't go!
Hey, Jeong-woo!
Hey, wait up!
You punk.
I almost didn't make it.
- What's wrong? What's with your face?
- What about it?
You've looked really troubled these days.
What's wrong?
Did Ha-neul end up rejecting you?
No, she didn't.
Then, what? Did you invest in stocks
with your compensation but they plummeted?
- Did you fall for a real estate scam?
- Please just leave and let me be!
Leave? How?
Excuse me! Please open up!
Please just leave!
How do I leave?
Hey, wait up.
What in the world is it?
Did one of your patients file a complaint?
Dr. Bin Dae-yeong!
You're Ms. Oh Ji-eun, right?
What brings you here so early?
What are you going to do about my eyes?
You promised to make me
look pretty, but they're uneven!
They're not uneven, ma'am.
Don't lie. I knew you'd deny it.
This side is 3 mm,
but this side is 3.1 mm.
You're responsible for ruining my life!
I went to an audition
like this yesterday, and I failed.
Ma'am, I already explained everything.
Due to your asymmetrical face
and different eye sizes,
your eyelids will naturally look uneven
even if they were the same size.
And it's only been five days,
so the swelling might make it look uneven.
Give it some time.
If you're still unhappy, I'll redo--
No, thank you.
I can't believe I trusted a quack.
It seems you've been drinking.
Maybe you should come back next time--
I want a refund right now,
and take responsibility
for my failed audition.
Why must I take responsibility for that?
Let's be honest.
You should've put off surgery
if the audition was so important.
Being stubborn like this
after I explained it all--
Stubborn? How dare you say that
after ruining my life?
- Ma'am.
- You little…
What are you doing?
Please don't, ma'am!
I can't believe she saw that.
I'm sure she's disappointed in me.
I said I'd protect her,
but she protected me instead.
Gosh, I'm such an idiot.
Come in.
I heard the news.
- Has word spread already?
- Yes.
Everyone said she was odd
from the start and tried to dissuade you.
I only wanted to do
as many surgeries as we could.
The procedure went well,
so there's nothing to worry about.
But stop being too kind,
and don't take patients who seem off.
What is this?
- I wish you well even without me.
- You're resigning?
Did I upset you in any way?
You did in many ways.
Hold on.
Don't tell me you're quitting
because I have a girlfriend
but you have feelings for me.
What kind of crazy nonsense is that?
Crazy nonsense?
You said last time
feelings for me could develop
if we were stuck on an island.
That's why the other nurses gasped.
I only said that
to help you out since things between you
and Dr. Lee were so lukewarm.
I disgraced my family when I fell
and accidentally kissed you.
Well, then…
are you quitting to restore
your family's honor or something?
That's not why.
- I'm going to travel.
- Travel?
It's been my dream
to spend all my money traveling the world.
I want to do it before it gets too late.
Is that so?
I'm leaving to pursue my happiness.
Goodbye, Dr. Bin!
Are you okay?
No, I'm not.
A patient filed a complaint,
and Hong-ran witnessed it.
And on top of that, Nurse Do resigned.
- What?
- I got all the bad news at once.
I was only able to come this far
because Nurse Do took care everything.
I relied on her a lot,
so I'm sad to let her go.
Then, I'm sure you'll miss her a lot.
You should try to make her stay.
I doubt she'll listen.
I wouldn't feel good even if she stayed.
I should let her pursue her dream.
Her dream is to travel.
She wants to go before it's too late.
It was pretty cool to hear her say that.
It's an incredible thing to have a dream.
Her eyes were glistening
when she spoke about it.
Some things can only be done now.
I didn't want to be selfish
and make her put it off.
If I really care about her,
then I should let her go.
- Hey, are you done with work?
- Yeah.
I just need to check
charts before leaving.
How long will it take?
About ten minutes?
I see.
Then, can I wait inside?
What's going on?
I wanted to go home together.
Don't mind me and work.
I'll do my work while I wait.
No, I can come in
early tomorrow to look at them.
Let's go.
- Let's go.
- Let's go.
Did you tell your chief you're going?
Not yet.
I asked him
for some time to think over it.
- Why?
- Well…
Six months can either be
really short or really long.
I thought maybe I was a bit rash.
You seemed flustered too,
and that bothered me.
And now that I'm a professor,
I'll have a lot of work to do here.
I'm doing fine right now,
so maybe I don't need to go abroad.
I don't want to leave you either.
I agree.
I don't want you to go.
Not seeing your beautiful face
for six months is so unfair.
But I did change my mind.
Some things can only be done right now.
I don't think it's right for me
to take that chance away from you.
Six months will fly by.
We'll call each other often.
I'll visit you whenever I have time.
- Really?
- Yes.
You'll visit me in the US?
Of course.
You can give me a tour
of the hospitals there too.
That night,
the news was unexpected
and I was flustered,
so I acted like it didn't bother me.
But I mean it this time.
You should go.
But promise that you'll spend
a lot of time with me until then.
And go on all the dates I want. Okay?
Thank you.
I'm thankful too.
By the way,
could you tell I was flustered that night?
Well… No, not at all.
I'm serious.
Hello, sir.
I did give it some thought.
I'll give it a shot.
I'm looking forward to it.
Well done.
- Do you think I can do well?
- Of course.
- You can do it!
- I can do it.
It feels so strange.
What's strange?
The thought of you
walking here without me.
Six months will fly by, right?
Of course.
You're going to call often, right?
You bet!
You'll visit me, right?
I already miss you!
I'm going to miss you so much!
I miss you even when you're here!
What am I going to do?
I miss you already.
Don't leave me!
Sorry? What do you mean?
You're rescinding the offer? Why?
To be honest,
Professor Na Seong-sik
wanted to send Professor Kim Jin-i.
But Professor Kim declined,
so the offer went to you.
However, she changed her mind.
So Professor Na thinks
it's better that she goes instead.
I'm sorry about this.
I promise I'll recommend you first
if another opportunity comes up.
I should get going.
Then, why make the offer at all?
Hey, Jeong-woo.
Did you get off work too?
No, I took the afternoon off
since you were ending work early today.
I told you. Before you leave,
we'll go on all the dates I want.
I narrowed them to five,
and one of them is
secretly waiting for you after work
and going home while holding hands.
- You see--
- It's okay.
I didn't wait long. Only about 17 minutes?
- Let's go.
- Okay.
It's so nice to have
a little snack together after work.
Yeah, I guess.
But this happiness won't last long
since you'll be leaving
next month on the third.
I shouldn't have said that.
Don't feel pressured. I'm just sad
you're leaving, but I'm not stopping you.
I'm so proud that you're a modern woman
who's going on a bigger stage
to show what you're capable of.
We can have tteokbokki every day
once you return in six months.
- No, listen--
- No, listen to me.
I'm not trying
to pressure you at all. Okay?
So next thing on the agenda is…
- Why are you staring at me?
- What?
You must be curious
about why we're at the arcade.
When I first brought you here,
I saw how excited you were
when we got change over there.
It was the first time
I thought you were cute.
I suddenly remembered it,
so I wanted to come here again.
Why am I tearing up?
Gosh. What's wrong with me?
Jeong-woo, I have something to tell you.
- My offer will be canceled--
- Canceled?
Don't you dare say that.
I was only tearing up
for a minute. I'm fine.
And I won't be crying while you're gone.
I'll improve myself in the meantime.
One minute.
I'll leave in ten. Okay.
Anyway, don't worry about me
and just focus on your work.
- Okay?
- Okay. But--
We're going to die.
What is all this?
Jeong-woo wanted
to give you a goodbye party,
so we prepared US-style one.
Gosh, come sit. My legs hurt.
- Hurry.
- Come here.
- Come here.
- Over here.
Let's go.
Here. Take this.
Don't drown yourself in work
when you get there.
Use that money to go sightseeing
and eat good food.
- Goodness.
- Here. This is from me.
I made a pillow out of buckwheat.
They say it's difficult
to adjust to foreign pillows.
I worked all night on that,
so use it and sleep well.
There you go again.
Goodbye doesn't mean
We're parting ways forever
It means we'll promise
To meet again
Our times together
Will become memories
We have to find our own paths
Dr. Nam, I'm truly sorry
your offer was canceled.
I'm sure you'll get another chance.
on your US venture, Ha-neul!
- Congratulations!
- Wait, Mom.
To be honest--
- Please don't go!
- Oh, my gosh.
- I just I can't do this.
- Do what?
I can't let you go.
- No, but--
- Don't go, Ha-neul!
I can't live without you!
Promise me you won't go!
- What?
- Okay?
Please don't go!
- Let me go!
- Please don't go!
Please don't go…
Please don't go, Ha-neul!
What have you done?
You got more drenched than I thought.
- How did you know?
- What?
About what?
You said you wouldn't get in the way
and that I had to go.
But why are you stopping me now?
You found out I can't go, didn't you?
To be honest,
I read a text you got by accident.
A text?
Canceled? What in the world happened?
They decided to send
a different professor instead.
Your hospital's ridiculous.
They can't toy with you like that.
How can they change their mind?
You must've been so upset.
But you couldn't say anything.
That's not true.
I did speak my mind.
I should get going.
If Professor Kim had refused,
shouldn't that have been the end?
You gave me the offer afterward,
and I told you I'd go.
Then, I believe I should go.
Why do I have to change a decision
that I took time to think about and make?
Is it because the chairman favors her?
Professor Nam.
There was one decision I made
when I came back to work.
I promised to at least express myself
whenever I was hurt or offended.
I know it won't change anything,
but I thought I'd express myself
for my own sake.
I was a bit upset at first,
but I expressed how I felt
and moved past it.
I've been through much worse.
And thanks for helping me
save face back there,
but I'm going to tell my family
the truth too. It's nothing too bad.
- Why are you smiling?
- It just seems like you've changed.
- I have?
- Yes.
I think so too.
You had five different dates
you wanted to do before I left for the US.
How many have we done so far?
We came home after work together,
went to the arcade,
and just had the goodbye party.
We did three and have two more to go.
Then, let's do the rest.
You put a lot of thought into it,
so it'd be a waste. What are they?
I thought you'd miss
Korean food while living in America.
I'm sure there are
Korean restaurants there too.
But they wouldn't have food made by me,
so I wanted to cook for you.
I bet it'll be so good.
It was so impressive
when you made kimbap last time.
- Should I look forward to it?
- Brace yourself.
I'm so excited!
Right. What's the last one?
- It's a secret.
- Oh, my gosh!
Why? Tell me.
The old me would've thought,
"Why can't I go? What am I lacking?"
I would've blamed myself
and been discouraged.
But now, I know.
Even if I don't get the desired result
after working hard,
it's okay to be upset for a moment.
Then, I can wait for better luck next time
and quietly focus on my work.
That looks so good.
What can I help you with?
Your beautiful face
is helping me a lot already.
You're so silly.
It's true though.
It looks really good.
This is a royal meal,
not just Korean food.
How did you make all this?
I just took a few cooking classes.
Eat up.
Thank you for the meal.
Let me give you one.
Here. Try this too.
- Is it good?
- It's so delicious.
I can't believe you can cook this well
from just a few classes.
Life is a long journey.
Even if I fail to reach a goal
at a specific time or place,
it doesn't make my life worthless.
It could happen tomorrow,
or it could be in the next place I visit.
Good fortune exists,
and it's waiting for me.
That's what I believe now.
- Did you really feel that way?
- Yes.
After you had seen
Professor Min's photo here,
I saw the news about him
and was very worried.
But seeing how brave…
After seeing how much stronger
you've become,
I'm relieved.
Do you think so?
How do you feel?
Do you think you've become healthier?
I think I'm better than I used to be.
Then, should we take
the test again this time?
"I'm happy."
"I'm at peace."
"I'm disappointed about the future."
"I'm disappointed in myself."
"Looking back,
my life was full of failures."
I think you're all better now.
You don't have to visit me anymore.
Are you sure that's okay?
You already have the power
to overcome your pain.
The hard work you've put in up until now
will protect you from now on.
You don't have to see me out.
I prefer to see
my patients out on their last day.
There's a lot
of people in pain, isn't there?
But just like how we go
to the library to read books
or to the art gallery
to look at paintings,
everyone came here to get better.
they'll all get better.
What does "better" mean?
Does that mean they'll become happy?
They'll accept their misfortunes.
"I can become miserable again,
but that's okay."
"Should misfortunes come,
I have the strength to endure them."
That's what they believe.
Hurry up!
Why are you so intent
on buying me a handbag?
You don't have a decent one.
My first paycheck wasn't enough,
so I saved my next one too.
How's this one? I've had my eyes on it.
Goodness, but you can't spend
your hard-earned money on a bag.
It's 1.8 million won?
Let's go.
Why? I want to buy you one.
- Let's go.
- Ma'am.
May we see this bag?
Is it from the winter collection?
It suits her perfectly.
- It's so nice.
- Let's go.
Why? Hold on.
Come here! Could we take a look?
I'm sorry.
Hold on!
Come back here!
Gosh, when did you prepare all this?
I made them this morning.
Jeez, is this it?
Didn't you pack any sausages or chicken?
No, just eat what we brought.
Being a picky eater isn't good.
But you don't eat carrots.
I'm an adult, so it's okay.
I'm already all grown up.
That's not fair.
Adults should set a good example.
- Mr. Bin.
- Yes?
What do you think?
I agree with you.
She should set a good example, right?
Are you saying I'm an awful mom
who's setting a bad example?
No, that's not what I meant.
He's a kid, so I was siding with him.
Siding with me?
Are you treating me like a kid?
No, I'm not.
Cheer up, Mom.
I'll give you a grape.
- Here.
- Thanks.
You're the best.
You too.
Isn't it good?
What is this?
Why do I feel sad?
So adorable.
You should've just let me buy you one.
I didn't know you were so unambitious.
It's better that I'm unambitious.
I can't use two months' worth
of your pay to buy a 1.8 million-won bag.
I'd be senile if I did.
And I like this one much better.
I can use it every day.
It's nice that you have a job.
You bought me this wallet
and this pretty ice cream as well.
I'm not as great as Ha-neul
but not too bad either, right?
What are you talking about?
You two are good in different ways.
Whatever. You're always scolding me.
I know, but that doesn't mean
you're not precious to me.
You're my child too.
Of course, you're special.
Save it. Don't lie.
I know she's much better.
She's a doctor, and I'm an average guy.
Of course, you'd be more proud of her.
Perhaps our fates had already
been determined from the start.
The sky was pretty
when she was born, so she's Ha-neul.
And I was named Ba-da
to just match with her.
What are you talking about?
I named you "Ba-da,"
because I dreamed of the ocean.
- Really?
- Yes.
I dreamed of a rainbow
stretching over a glistening ocean.
I couldn't forget how beautiful it was
even after I woke up.
So I decided to name you
"Ba-da" instead of "Rainbow."
Is that so?
Like you said,
you can become a building owner
or take over Uncle Tae-seon's restaurant.
Or whatever you decide to do,
to me, you'll always be
that rainbow over the glistening ocean.
So you can shine in your own way. Okay?
That was so cheesy.
You're making me cringe today
with that story about rainbows.
Strike a pose. I'll take your photo.
Should I?
- Smile.
- Okay.
- Let's see.
- Send them to me.
Goodness, you look gorgeous.
How nice.
This is great!
I didn't yawn out of boredom.
I read conference papers last night,
so I didn't sleep much.
Then, you must be tired.
- Do you want some coffee?
- Coffee?
Take one.
Maybe it's because you're tired,
but you look lethargic today.
It's not that I'm lethargic.
To be honest,
I'm a bit embarrassed to see you.
- Why?
- Because of that day.
You know, at the clinic.
Because of the incident that day?
That patient was in the wrong.
Still, I'm embarrassed about you
seeing me like that.
I said I'd protect you
when we were making that plum wine.
But you had to protect me instead.
Who cares about that?
We can take turns protecting each other.
But still, I'm older than you.
I want to always impress you.
I'm not dating you so you can impress me.
I like that you're warmhearted.
I realized that kind,
gentle souls are the best.
I like how you're a sincere person
who devotes his time to small things,
like crouching with a kid to catch ants.
It must've been difficult
to let both Nurse Do and Jeong-woo go.
No, it was rather easy.
Now that he's doing better,
it's only right that he opens up
his own clinic
that he can manage in his own way.
I would've eventually had to let him go.
Anyway, she wants to pursue her dream.
So I'm going to happily let her go.
And not only her.
Since we're on the topic,
I'm going to let you go too.
- Me?
- Yes.
- Why me?
- You should open up your own practice.
It hasn't even been six months here.
Why does that matter?
What matters is that you're better now.
But still…
When people heard
that I dropped my scalpel during surgery,
your clinic's reputation took a big hit.
But you still helped me
get back on my feet,
so I should repay you.
You can repay me by leaving.
Your paycheck
is too much for me to handle.
Right now,
it's your time to leave.
He would've never brought it up,
so I mentioned it first.
That's all.
Gosh. Why are you hugging me?
See? You're a very kind man.
I'm very happy to be with you right now.
So how's the preparation
for his clinic going?
I'm not sure.
Now that he has money,
he'll probably buy a nice car.
Don't you think
he'll open up a bigger clinic
and make a more flashy return?
Congratulations, Jeong-woo.
I'm proud of you.
Your clinic's finally open.
What? Are you crying?
It feels strange.
I didn't give much thought
to opening clinics in the past.
But everything's so moving now.
This sofa is amazing.
And this table is so precious.
I'm going to donate lots of money,
do good deeds, and work hard.
My life is so precious.
You're unbelievable.
But will you be okay on your own?
You used to have many doctors to help.
Well, I wanted to start small.
I'll only accept a few patients,
and I'll try to build rapport with them.
I'm not going to exhaust myself.
Right. Here.
Gosh, you shouldn't have.
It's because I wanted to drink it.
I wanted an opening party for just us two.
A party for just us two?
Sit down.
Jeong-woo started
a new chapter in his life.
And those around me
also continued to live their lives.
Ba-da is pursuing a small dream.
He wants to become famous
through his milmyeon.
And he no longer asked for money from us.
We don't do deliveries.
- That's not why I'm here.
- Dan-bi.
Is it really you?
Have you been well? I mean…
How have you been? No.
What brings you here?
I was doing a delivery around this area
and came here to eat milmyeon.
But why are you in Seoul?
I moved here.
Gosh, it's been ages.
I still remember the day
when you came to Busan on vacation
and asked me for directions.
You haven't changed one bit.
You haven't either.
You gave me directions
to popular pork soup and rice, milmyeon,
and nakgopsae restaurants in Busan.
You're still the same helpful
and warmhearted guy.
Didn't you say you were going to work
at your brother-in-law's factory?
Yes, I did.
But since you loved milmyeon so much,
we always had some on our dates.
So if I opened a milmyeon restaurant,
I thought you'd come visit me once.
That's what I thought
when I first moved here.
And here you are.
Are you married?
Are you seeing anyone?
All right, then.
Uncle Tae-seon reunited
with his first love.
I hoped his once quiet and constant life
would be full of happiness,
like a big dumpling.
My mom was the one who laughed…
and cried the most because of us.
She stopped growing cabbage.
She wanted to keep her promise
of raising her children well.
My heart always went out to her
as she strived to do her best every day.
All right.
Hello, my Bindungs
Hi, my Bindung friends!
Long time no see.
I'm sure many of you
are not curious
about what I've been up to.
But nevertheless,
I decided to record today
to tell you how I've been doing.
What is it? Are you embarrassed?
I'm used to this now, so I'm fine.
But what about Ms. Lee?
- Does she know about this?
- Well…
She knows everything and still likes me.
She's happy just the way I am.
And as for this warmhearted man…
He'll have a happy life
with someone just like him.
I'd like 25,000 won's worth
of skewers, please.
- Okay.
- Mr. Han!
How did you find us?
Jeong-woo told me
everything about you guys.
I heard he operated on you.
You did need a few tweaks,
but is this the final result?
It was for my back.
But don't you need
more work done on the front?
Look at you two rascals.
You're teasing me
just like you did back in the day.
Forget the skewers. I'm leaving.
- We're just kidding.
- Come here.
- Have a taste.
- Try some.
- It's made with our special sauce.
- We made it.
- It's good!
- Right?
- It's good!
- Cheers!
- Cheers!
- Cheers!
Good luck to you two!
Even though each day
may be filled with hardships…
Dr. Kang.
Will you be able to work with me?
I need someone trustworthy.
But I believe I can overcome
anything in life.
Lastly, for us…
Seeing the clinic with the lights off
reminds me of that day.
What day?
When I went to give you the dissertation,
I fell outside the court and got hurt.
So you took me to your closed clinic
to treat my wound.
That empty room reminded me of you,
and it broke my heart.
But seeing you back on your feet like this
makes me so emotional.
I'll be honest.
I couldn't have done this without you.
Do you remember the day
when we failed to watch the sunrise?
Of course.
It was such a shame
since we traveled so far.
Tell me about it.
how about we go now?
Right now?
I still had one more date
I wanted to go on.
It was watching the sunrise together.
Not seeing it last time bothered me.
So what do you say?
Should we go?
- Okay, let's go.
- Let's go!
- Nice!
- Will there be any train tickets left?
When we first experienced despair,
everything was out of control.
We thought our lives were over.
We thought we wouldn't be able
to get out of our slumps for a long time.
our slumps weren't as deep
as we had originally thought.
He and I cried together that night.
We endured pain together,
overcame our fears,
and finally recovered.
We learned to be in pain for a moment
and to cherish memories for a while.
Dr. Yeo, you may begin now.
In the end,
we were able to escape our slumps.
This is nice.
- There it is!
- You're right!
It's so round and beautiful.
We missed it last time,
but we finally got to see it this time.
You're right.
I hope we continue to get along.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Do you know
that you still haven't answered me?
About what?
I proposed,
but you still haven't answered.
Come on.
Our wedding photoshoot is next week,
so why does it matter now?
You should still give me an answer, okay?
Jeez. Fine.
Let's get married already.
"Let's get married already"?
Are we late or something?
Give me a proper answer!
No, I can't do it.
What do you mean? Of course, you can.
Wait. Where are you going?
- I--
- Come back.
I'm too embarrassed to stay.
Then, wait for me.
I could be happy today…
and suddenly sad tomorrow.
But it's okay.
If there's sadness,
there will always be happiness as well.
We have the strength now to endure
sadness and misfortunes.
And that's enough.
Subtitle translation by: Soo-ji Kim
Ripped and synced by
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