Enheraf (2022) s01e16 Episode Script

Episode 16

We're going live now.
I want you to tell the people
everything you told me.
Speak from the heart
and speak comfortably, ok?
Are we ready to go live?
Hello to the audiences
of Al Hakika Al Yawm Newspaper.
We all saw today's tragic video where
a woman was trying to commit suicide
and her brother managed to save her
at the last minute, thankfully.
Now this will be the first exclusive
interview with Ms. Shahd,
known as Um Aya,
to tell us the details of what happened
and why she tried to take her own life.
Firstly, we're glad for your safety.
The second thing we'd like to know
is why you tried to commit suicide.
The story started
because of promissory notes
that I signed my name to,
and I couldn't pay them back.
And instead of going to jail,
I agreed to the professor's offer.
Dr. Ameer Adel,
the university professor.
He offered to pay the amounts
on the condition
that I mother his child.
I didn't get it at first.
And then I was told
that he
and his wife
are unable to conceive a child
and they wanted be to be a surrogate.
I carried the child for nine months,
but it was God's destiny
that it was a stillborn.
Oh God
It's God's wisdom.
I wasn't at fault
for the professor to do
what he did to me afterwards.
I was destroyed, sir. I
My uterus was removed.
Against my will.
His reasoning?
I killed the baby
so gets to humiliated me
and treat me like garbage
that gets thrown out on the streets
after serving its purpose.
Why would I want to live after that?
me waking up,
only to find
that they removed a part of me.
Imagine that I
don't get to be a mother again.
Why are we so helpless?
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Please stop filming.
she left the TV on again?
I smell something burning.
Oh my goodness!
Mother, answer me.
Mother, answer me!
See where your ingenious plans got us?
I saw the video.
She did not specify who Ameer Adel was.
I'll take care of this
and figure it out.
Ameer, you cannot
take care of a scandal!
Can you shut up?
Now you're fit as a fiddle now, Mother.
Thank God.
Let me knock on wood so you wouldn't
think I'm giving you the evil eye.
Giving me the evil eye for what?
I have nothing, Abeer.
Thank God I came
at the right time, Mother.
-Good thing the doctor came in quickly.
-Thank God for that, dear.
Thank God.
-What is that?
-What is that?
-What, dear?
Your face is glowing
after getting into a coma.
-I'm thinking of finding you a husband.
-A husband?
You're hilarious.
You've always been a flatterer
and a sycophant.
Count your blessings
for seeing my good side,
others only see my grumpy,
sullen and cranky side.
I am counting my blessings, dear.
Please do not forget to take
your diabetes medication.
You cannot keep getting into diabetic
comas and have me carry you around!
I was on my feet all day, running
errands and working in the kitchen,
I forgot to take my medication.
Ok, my dear mother.
Do whatever you want.
Listen, get some rest
and I'll make you something to eat.
You can't take pills
on an empty stomach.
God bless you, dear.
May I live to see the day
you get married, Abeer.
Good day.
What's wrong?
Let me check attendance then.
Ahmad Mohammad Wafeeq.
Hesham Sharif Hilmi.
Zeyad Mansour Mohammad.
Hussein Badr Al Zanati.
Good day, Daddy.
-Good day, my love.
-Good day.
What do you think of Habiba's hairdo?
It looks awful.
Why did you do this to yourself?
Take your sandwiches, dear.
What was that for, Sherif?
-Hello, Ms. Shahd.
I'm Hussein Al Sayyid,
the journalist who interviewed you.
Mr. Hussein, you opened Pandora's box!
See how the video went viral?
I saw nothing and I don't
want to see anything.
But Mansi watched it
and told me about it.
I have a question for you.
Would you describe Ameer Adel for me?
No, professor. I don't know
who that woman is.
An employee sent it to me
this morning.
And since your name was mentioned,
I thought I'd ask you.
Where is the evidence, sir?
We have Dr. Ameer Adel
in the faculty of law in Cairo.
Where is the problem?
Is something wrong, professor?
No, professor. It's nothing.
I'm sorry. I just wanted
to check with you.
No problem. Thank you.
-Excuse me.
-You're excused.
Didn't you see what she looked like?
Of course I did.
I was sitting right there.
Do you think she looked fine?
It doesn't matter what I think
as long as she likes it.
How dare you speak?
It was her birthday yesterday
and you didn't even tell her
"Happy Birthday".
Perhaps you know you made a mistake,
but you're acting high and mighty.
I'm sorry.
Work and the case I'm working on
are making me incredibly irritable,
I don't know what's wrong with me.
I'm sorry.
I promise I'll finish work early today
and then take you both out.
And apologize to her, Sherif.
-All right.
-Don't humor me with that!
You must own up to your mistake.
All right.
I will.
You're not funny.
Four murders
and your genius intelligence betrays you
in each and every one of them.
And here's the fifth one.
Murder? What are you talking about, sir?
Surely you have the wrong guy.
I'm no murderer. The worst thing
I could do is spy on someone's phone,
hack a system,
steal money from a credit card,
-but I wouldn't commit murder.
-Ok, you're not a murderer.
An accomplice to murder.
Sounds better?
I really don't know
what you're talking about.
Who is your accomplice, man?
I'll tell you.
It's true was there
and I turned off the camera,
but I don't know who this is.
I'll explain this to you.
I get most of my work from what's called
the Dark Web, if you've heard of it.
You could say they're websites
for unlawful business,
where things are done
with hidden identities.
You got the account number
that wired you the money?
Yes, sir.
Give it to me.
What is it?
Yaser, please understand.
I'm in deep trouble.
Yes, the head of the faculty
at the university talked to me
and asked me
whether I was involved or not.
I want you to stand your ground.
If anyone asks you about this,
say that you don't know her.
What do you mean by that?
More people are going to ask about this?
Just in case.
Let's hope nothing of the sort happens.
Don't worry, Ameer.
Take care, Yaser.
I got into character, imitating you,
and tried to remember some of the things
you say to your patients
and convinced the woman
not to slit her wrist.
We saved her, thankfully.
That's great, Abeer.
Your time with me helped you
save someone's life.
Watch out, lest I set you aside
and take your place.
You know, doctor?
She's a very poor woman.
You get the impression
she's broken inside.
Yes, I told you I'll set you aside soon.
Just wait and see.
Please help her out, doctor.
What can I do to help her?
You said she's fine now.
I mean, talk to her, hear from her,
find out what her problem is
for I'm confident that you will
be able to solve it with God's help.
All right, Abeer.
Make an appointment with her
and we'll talk.
In the name of God.
Hello. Yes, that's me.
I'm on my way.
What is it?
-Habiba is unwell. I must go to her.
-I'll come with you.
-No need.
-All right.
Food shouldn't be wasted.
Reassure me, is she okay?
Don't worry, it's nothing.
She seems to be getting it
for the first time,
that's why seeing the blood scared her.
But that's normal.
Her nervousness combined
with the pain made her pass out.
Are you talking about
Get closer to her.
She's no longer a kid.
If she knew about the changes
in her body, she wouldn't be scared.
You're right.
Thanks a lot.
I'll get her some medicine.
My heart fell out of my chest
when I heard you were unwell.
Only seeing you made me feel better.
I didn't know I loved you this much.
Hor, does that make me ill?
No, dear.
I'll explain this to you.
How's it going?
You have a subpoena.
We're getting close, aren't we?
No. The other woman's nose
is as small as a buckthorn.
-Make it smaller.
-As small as a buckthorn?
I think this looks good.
No. Her eyebrows
are a little more curved.
All right.
You couldn't spot her in any
of the surveillance footage?
I couldn't. There are no cameras
in that neighborhood anyway.
-Are you positive it's her?
-Yes, I'm positive.
I contacted Hadeer's family and they
said she's been missing for years.
I went to your office,
they told me you were here.
-Did something happen?
-I came to talk to you about Habiba.
What did she do?
That's her, sir!
Who do you mean?
This is Zekra, Hadeer's relative.
Yes. That's her.
She came to the house
with another woman called Asala.
Are you talking about me?
I can tell you're busy.
I'll wait for you in the office.
-Excuse me.
-You're excused.
Pardon me, sir. I swear to God
I don't know what this is about.
I swear to God
she looks almost the same,
you know, with her body shape,
style and everything about her,
except for the hair.
A lot of people look alike, indeed.
A lot of people look alike.
I don't know.
Please hear me out.
You're always stubborn
and you do whatever you want.
All right. I'm sorry, darling.
That wasn't my intention.
A subpoena?
Is this how you figure things out?
If only you'd listen to me
and do as I say just for once!
We'll both end up dealing with
the consequences, and not just you!
You're absolutely right,
and I promise you
this would never happen again.
I have somewhere to be,
I won't be long.
I'll come back with Yaser
and we'll solve this problem.
Please stop worrying.
What's wrong, honey?
You're spaced out and you haven't
said a word since we left the station.
I'm not spaced out, dear.
But you, on the other hand,
are you okay?
You don't look fine.
This case is obviously taking
its toll on you and troubling you.
They are awfully strange murders,
and the only thing connecting them
is a woman.
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