Falling Into Your Smile (2021) s01e16 Episode Script

Episode 16

How are you all?
Tong Yao.
Can you say hello
to my fans?
Hello, everyone.
I'm Smiling from ZGDX.
They say we're a good match.
Cheng isn't usually this aggressive.
Eat more. Don't be nervous.
Get your own food.
Watching her yell during the competition,
it's so cute!
If she shows up again, I'll throw up.
I'm now begging
as if you are my father-in-law.
I'm begging you.
I told you.
She's my girl.
You've attracted so many
love affairs yourself
yet you're trying to keep my wooer away.
Is that person your blind date?
=Falling into Your Smile=
=Episode 16=
Hello, audience friends.
(Welcome to the live broadcast)
(of Onmyoji Arena Pro League)
(in 2020.)
(I'm the commentator for this game, Heng.)
(Hello, everyone!)
(I am the most handsome commentator, Shuo.)
(The matchups of the game are)
(ZGDX and LAN.)
(I believe you have been
looking forward to this match)
(for a long time.)
(Okay, viewers.)
What are you laughing at?
Today's game is interesting.
Explain it.
Cold-faced Lu Sicheng,
his hot date, Su Luo,
no, the average looking Su Luo,
and Shorty Smiling
as well as Kun, who has a crush on her
will all be on the same stage.
What is this?
It's a big battlefield.
Okay, K, keep up.
Here we go. I've got my ultimate skill
prepared. We can go for it.
Okay, let's do it.
Chubby, save your ultimate skill
for Tong Yao.
What's the situation?
There is something going on.
(It was)
(a great fight we just saw.)
(It was really good.)
(Yes, I'm still a bit excited.)
(ZGDX performed as expected.)
They were so resilient
just now.
They're really a top team
in the first tier.
(That's right.)
(But the only thing I feel sorry about is…)
Without Mannendake,
Tamamo-no-Mae carried the whole game.
That's true.
Our Tong Yao did a great job today.
Let's go, K.
Let's go.
What's wrong?
(How does the heroine usually handle it)
(when a woman like this
appears in a Korean drama?)
You dropped an eyelash here.
What's wrong?
Nothing. Nothing.
Lu Sicheng.
I'm leaving.
Congratulations on your victory.
Thank you.
(Help! Help!)
(I suddenly and inexplicably)
(Sent to Amao's Mom)
(have evil and malicious thoughts)
(towards a person I have never met.)
(Amao's Mom)
(Welcome to the world of adults.)
(It was really a very strange action,)
(like a yellow dog)
(making a pee-pee on a telephone pole)
(that doesn't belong to it.)
(Silly girl, it's called biological stress.)
(By the way,)
(which telephone pole
did you pee on secretly?)
(The one at the entrance of Lu's village?)
Cheng, you've finally acknowledged me.
The packaging is of high quality
and so is the variety.
The person who sent flowers to the captain
is very discerning and sincere.
Such a big bouquet
should be expensive, right?
That's a fan?
It's from his fiancée.
She's been promoted to fiancée?
What about our Tong Yao?
They've slept together and that's it?
I hear the raindrops
falling on the green grass.
I hear the cheating-bell
ringing in the distance.
I still can't hear your voice.
Seriously, say sorry.
Maybe I was too busy smiling and crying.
Too busy chasing
Hey, you guys, that's enough. Is that funny?
I mean, I was washing my hands
on the first floor of the base.
I was wondering why the water was green.
It turned out that Tong Yao
was washing her hair on the second floor.
Get away.
- It's killing me.
- Are you guys done?
What fiancée?
You're making up your own drama.
It's all in the silence.
Cheng, what kind of calm expression is that?
Are you happy in your heart?
You've got a girlfriend
and you didn't tell us?
Do you really regard us as teammates?
How can we trust you
anymore in the future games
if you're like this?
That's right.
I thought that Cheng
wouldn't fall in love with humans.
Spending all day with people like you,
how could I
How are you?
Excuse me.
Why is he here again?
I don't know.
Tong Yao, eat this.
It's delicious.
I prepared all this for you.
It has energy.
It's good for your health.
Thank you. Thank you.
Eat it. It's delicious.
Eat a packet every day.
That way you'll think of me every day.
Thank you.
What's going on?
You come to our lounge repeatedly,
even making advances to my girl in public.
It's just a gift of food.
It's good for her health.
Cheng, you've never seen
the way I made advances in South Korea.
I could have plucked all the stars in the sky
and given them to her.
Tong Yao.
You're so cute.
What's going on?
He didn't ask us for our WeChat accounts
because he has all of ours.
Why are you the only one
who received mixed nuts?
I don't even have to think about it.
I've already made up a drama in my head.
Time's up, you guys can…
What's the situation?
Flowers and snacks
were sent here one by one.
You only have a total of
ten minutes of rest time.
You plan to have a party?
You've really got nerve.
Our team's midsolo and shooter
are so charming.
Yeah, right.
Except me.
What's going on?
FNC's jungler from next door
is pursuing our Tong Yao.
He took the mixed nuts here as a bride price.
He is chasing after our Tong Yao?
He ambushed our midsolo like crazy
and killed her so many times.
And he thought he could marry…
You professionals are
unusually romantic.
As a captain, I would like to advise you.
Stay away from that Kun.
But the mixed nuts he gave me were delicious.
Who knocked over the jar of jealousy?
Why do I smell a hint of jealousy?
It’s killing me. The jealousy.
It's killing me! It's killing me!
All of you
are too concerned about others.
Let's go, let's go, it's time to go on.
Let's go, let's go.
Let's go.
I hear the raindrops
falling on the green grass.
I hear the cheating-bell
ringing in the distance.
All right, all right.
Come on.
Stop it.
Come on, come on.
We can take the fight.
- Fight!
- Hold on.
Slow down a little bit.
Up! Up!
(Perfect Power)
Al right, this spot's great.
Keep a steady pace.
(God's Envoy)
(Double Kill)
Yes. Nice!
Nice, huh?
Come on.
Chessman! Chessman! Chessman!
(Sent to Tong Yao)
Congratulations on winning the match.
Chessman! Chessman! Chessman!
What's going on?
You can even fall while walking,
do you lack calcium?
It was your support
who stepped on my shoes first.
What are you two doing in front of everyone?
Having a princess hug?
There is only a hug, no princess.
Do you know how to grasp the essentials?
Put me down first.
Put me down.
(They're together.)
(They are definitely together.)
It's the first time I've seen
such a peculiar way of appearing as MVP.
I feel like I've been shown your love.
There must be something going on.
Congratulations to ZGDX
who defeated LAN with a score of 2:0
and won the game.
In regard to such a good result,
do you have anything to say, Smiling?
I'm satisfied.
Thanks to my teammates for allowing me
to win without putting in any effort.
I hope to continue this good state
up until the challenge game.
Smiling is so modest and straightforward.
Well, we all know that
is the only girl
in the Onmyoji Arena Pro League.
Then, we want to know,
do you have any difficulties in life,
and need to face more troubles
than ordinary players
as a girl who plays professionally?
(Tong Yao)
It's all right.
I was nervous at the beginning,
afraid that I wouldn't fit in
with everyone else.
Whether she can stay or not
depends on her performance in the first game.
(Then I found that everyone was very kind.)
Tong Yao.
Welcome to ZGDX.
Go for it!
Salute to the dreams.
Salute to the dreams.
Cheers! Cheers!
(No one seems to be taking
special care of me)
(because I'm a girl.)
(This is the best.)
Get out.
(Probably in their opinion,)
(a girl playing professionally)
(is not such a big deal.)
They've never thought of it in that way.
I know a lot of people
always think that
girls can't learn math well,
girls are not rational enough,
girls are killers on the road.
In every aspect of every field,
girls are always inferior to boys.
But I want to say
these are obvious prejudices.
If girls want to do
something well,
they can also do it well.
shouldn't just be a field for boys.
I hope that people
who have such stubborn ideas
can be changed.
You've never publicly thanked me.
Not even a compliment.
As a support, I'm very upset.
It's just that we've never been
complimented in public.
Cheng once publicly praised Tong Yao.
But wait a minute.
We have a temporary additional
question today.
After thanking the audience,
when you were walking back,
what exactly happened
that made Chessman suddenly turn around
and pick you up in his arms?
To be honest,
it's rare to see such a romantic scene
in the Onmyoji Arena Pro League field.
Chubby accidentally stepped on my shoe.
I tripped and fell.
Then he caught me.
But recently, all the gossip
is all about you and Cheng.
We're not in a relationship.
It's just that once in a while
he does something funny,
says some ambiguous things.
You must not be led along by him.
If our captain
decides to like humans one day
and then gets together with me,
I will definitely make the good news
known to the whole world.
Will you really tell us?
I'll shout from the competition stage
with a loudspeaker.
Thank you very much for the interview.
That's the end of today's interview.
Thank you all.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Hello, everyone,
I'm a reporter from
the E-sports Industry Farm.
ZGDX beat LAN by 2:0.
But that's not the point.
The point is that some fans have told me
that among the fans sitting in
the first row of ZGDX auditorium,
there was a girl
who was acting particularly strange.
She was obviously not
in the e-sports industry.
(E-sports industry farm)
When everyone was busy
taking pictures of Kun who was close by,
she inexplicably asked
who he was and why they were
taking pictures of him.
at the beginning of the first match,
there was big bouquet of flowers
placed next to her seat.
At the end of the first match,
she left the scene with the flowers.
And at the start of the second game,
she came back and the flowers were gone.
When someone asked her
whose fan she was,
she said she was a friend of Lu Sicheng.
according to the staff at the scene,
she saw a girl giving flowers to Lu Sicheng
backstage when passing by.
The two know each other for sure.
They talked for a while.
the girl seemed to
walk away, not so happy.
There is more exciting content.
Please pay attention to
the E-sports Industry Farm.
We'll see you tomorrow at the same time.
You're back?
Put them on.
Come on, put them on.
Where did you get these?
Cheng got them for you
at the hotel next door.
Is he so nice?
Put them on.
Let's go.
Aren't you taking the flowers?
Cheng didn't say to take them.
They're still in bloom.
It's a pity to throw it away.
Let's go.
What are you doing?
It's so wasteful to
throw them away, isn't it?
You don't think it's a waste
to throw away Jian Yang's flowers?
Where are we going?
Cheng said he's gonna buy us shoes.
So handsome.
Look how tall they are.
How about this?
It's pretty good-looking.
We'll take it. Tell me your size.
It's 36.
You can't fire me for that.
What's the big deal?
Nothing to brag about.
This is for men. The smallest size is 36.
I'll go see if there is a female version.
You're in luck.
There happens to be
one pair of them for girls.
Come on, try them on.
The shoes look beautiful on you.
And you match with the boys very well.
Just like couple's shoes.
Couple's shoes.
Then I'll choose a different kind.
No, otherwise it will be too late.
Do you have any sense of discipline?
That's it, we'll pay the bill.
This way.
I remember,
he is
the one from ZGDX.
Yes, yes, yes.
- He's so handsome.
- He's really handsome.
God, he's really handsome.
Yes, he is.
Yes, let me show you a picture.
That's him in the photo.
- He's so handsome.
- That's true.
This is his girlfriend, right?
Yes, she is.
She's so pretty.
Right? Both of them have long legs.
I'm so jealous.
They look so good together.
I like them so much.
I want a boyfriend like that too.
(The mysterious girlfriend
of the ZGDX's captain)
(I've sent some pictures of them hugging.)
(I told you guys not to spite Tong Yao
for her height.)
(Now it's all right, hey?)
(At least she knows how to play games.)
(I agree. I think it was on purpose too.)
(Cheng has been playing professionally
for a long time with few love affairs.)
(What the hell is this girl doing?)
I did not expect this girl
to make such a scene
just by sending some flowers.
These netizens, at such a time,
have turned into e-sports Sherlock Holmeses.
As for whether the girl
was intentional or not,
I think…
I should say she did do it on purpose
by means of my sixth sense.
Now I also think it was intentional.
It seems that the media department
will be working overtime tonight.
Who is it?
You said you had other plans.
You mean buying shoes?
Who is this?
So now that you're done shopping,
can you go to dinner with me now?
Who is that?
I'm not available.
What are you doing?
I added you on WeChat for my brother,
just so that you could go make trouble?
Did you know rumor
has all over the place now
that my brother is in love?
He even brought his girlfriend to the arena.
You even sent flowers.
What the hell?
E-sports players are not supposed
to fall in love,
or what?
How old is he?
Can't he have a life of his own?
You did it on purpose?
So what if I did it on purpose?
Those female fans,
who do they all think they are?
How can they not be ashamed,
calling Cheng their husband?
I'll just make them forget
such ideas forever.
You must abide by the rules of an industry
if you're in it.
E-sports has become an industry?
You're arguing with me, are you?
Did you know
how much trouble
this has caused for our team,
for my brother?
I don't know what kind of nonsense
will appear in tomorrow's press.
If it's in the news, then just let it be.
It's good for increasing exposure for you.
Anyway, your family and our family
want us to fall in love and get married
as soon as possible.
(Luo has been added to the blacklist)
It's not that he can't fall in love.
It's that he can't
fall in love with people like you.
Please delete my brother's WeChat.
Don't bother him anymore.
How's that your business?
Just try it and you will know.
Don't follow us anymore.
Wait for me.
Jinyang said it's not good
to give shoes as a gift.
You have to give some money to
the shoe-sender to ward off evil spirits.
Which village did you come from
to work in the city?
Can you even get access
to the Internet at home?
You don't know what's good for you.
Only lovers buy that kind of talk.
Then give it back to me.
You think I won't be able to find it
if you throw it in?
Take your time finding it.
Lu Sicheng, you're so childish.
(Cheng. Cheng.)
(Who was that girl today?)
That girl? Which girl?
How do you guys know everything?
Sherlock Holmes?
She is no one.
She's the blind date my family
arranged for me.
(Why do you want to go on a blind date?)
What do you mean?
I'm of legal marrying age.
And I'm an adult.
Why can't I go on a blind date?
It's okay. It's okay.
But I refused.
(Don't fall in love now.)
Yeah, right.
I don't want to think about it now.
I want to marry the trophy of world champion,
the kind with eight palanquins.
You rejected her,
yet you still gave her your WeChat.
Deleted her long ago.
You could even hear that?
It's not whether she looks good or not,
whether suitable or not.
It's that I don't want anyone
not of this industry.
Sooner or later, we will break up.
It's a waste of time.
How wouldn't you break up?
Tell us your story.
Tell what?
I am still young I don't know anything.
I have already dedicated
my entire youth and girlish heart
to e-sports.
If you want to know more details,
don't ask me, ask Jian Yang.
Yes, the one from CK.
And the one who just said she used to
think Smiling was short,
while thinking she's actually not bad now
by comparison,
and is someone who I can get along
all right with.
Chat-room manager, block her for a month.
The reason is she insulted my teammate
for being short.
What kind of girl do I like?
Didn't I tell you before?
One who play games better than me.
Do you hear that?
Our captain simply does not like humans.
You can rest assured.
Come on, Shorty, let's solo.
So exciting?
It really is.
It's not easy to
gather you all to stand by and watch.
ZGDX base will hold
a solo contest with midnight snacks
as the final prize.
The contestants are Tong Yao, Lu Sicheng.
All the people around,
please keep your mouths shut
while watching the competition.
Of course, the usual rules apply.
Whoever loses buys us midnight snacks.
Why should I solo with him?
If you want to have a late-night snack,
you can let him buy it.
That's because our Cheng
wants to prove that in this world,
no girl is better at games than him.
So, girls, you can drop the idea.
Are you stupid?
What's wrong?
Tong Yao.
Come on, we'll eat crayfish if you win.
- Come on. Come on.
- Come on.
Even if I don't play this solo,
I can also buy you guys snacks.
What kind of crayfish is that
if each of us can't eat
11 pounds of crayfish at once?
Yes, it's not enough.
I'll try to win.
Go for it. Go for it.
(Realm Raid Fight
Compare notes in room)
Why are you still on the air?
Do I have to buy the netizens' crayfish too?
I feel like I can see the scene of
Cheng's fighting match to recruit a wife.
The room is his ring.
(I also want to try. What if I win?)
I'll close the pop-ups
if you continue arguing like this.
Do you know the rules of solo combat?
I know. Whoever kills the enemy three times
and gets one turret wins.
Cheng is going to start announcing
the rules of the match.
Can Tong Yao win the captain's heart?
I'm applying to join you.
Cheng, tell me about it.
Cheng has turned off the pop-ups
at the drop of a hat.
No one can express their feelings anymore.
How assertive.
Okay, our host, Chubby.
(Hello, everyone.)
(I'll introduce to you)
(the rules of the solo competition.)
(First, no yin-yang techniques are allowed.)
(Second, no spell skills like)
(Heal and Cleanse)
(That kind of skill)
(Third, fight in the middle lane.)
(The grass on both sides
of the middle is the boundary.)
(Going beyond the boundary
is considered a forfeit.)
(Fourth, the core rule.)
(Whoever kills the opponent three times)
(or destroys a turret will be the winner.)
For the sake of fairness,
neither side can use their best shikigamis.
Choose shikigamis for the same lane.
Okay, so warrior, assassin, support.
All right, the solo competition begins now.
Let's go.
Go for it.
You can even miss the line under the turret?
Shut up.
Cheng has reached level 6 in advance.
Be careful, Tong Yao.
Tong Yao has also reached level 6.
But Cheng doesn't intend to
give her a chance to fight back.
You just did that on purpose, didn't you?
Is it so obvious?
(First Blood)
It's hard to fight like this
Three heads and a turret. Don't rush.
Come on, Tong Yao.
It's okay, let's not rush,
we'll take our time.
(Shield Disappeared)
Cheng, what are you doing?
What's wrong with your sudden madness?
There's a chance. Control him.
Chase him.
There's hope for the crayfish now.
The score is now tied at two to two.
Both of them have reached the full level
and are fully equipped.
So next,
will Tong Yao
get the captain's dog head in one fell swoop,
his human head,
as a start to our joyful crayfish journey?
Or will the captain defeat Tong Yao
so as to verify the legend
that he doesn't love humans?
Let's wait and see.
As an old topsolo
who has played thousands of games,
I would like to say
a full-leveled Shuten Douji
is unable to beat
a full-leveled Ibaraki Douji.
It also depends on
who's playing.
Is that so?
It's over.
I have to say
Cheng's really cunning.
He earned enough damage and ran away.
I'm so mad.
Whether or not we can eat crayfish
all depends on this.
Shut up all of you, I'm dying.
Go, Tong Yao.
Go, Tong Yao. Go, Tong Yao.
Go, Tong Yao. Go, Tong Yao.
Tong Yao wins!
Crayfish! Crayfish! Crayfish!
I know, take your paw away.
The paw just kicked your ass.
Let's meet
Who is it?
Su Luo.
She said she wanted to ask me out
one last time tonight.
After this, she won't bother me anymore.
You couldn't say no?
If I don't go, she'll come to the base.
Go, go, Cat.
Let's go to the gym.
We just went there this morning.
We'll eat so many crayfish
for the evening snacks.
We have to exercise a little earlier.
Otherwise, we'll gain
a lot of weight tomorrow.
Let's go.
That's right, I also have to go to exercise
in order to eat more crayfish tonight.
Call me when the crayfish arrives.
I'm going to have a meeting with Ming.
I'm going.
You haven't gone to the gym once
in 800 years.
You told me to go to the gym?
(Smiling's source of happiness)
Listen to my song list and ignore me.
Are you not afraid of going deaf,
turning it up so loud?
I don't want you to go.
♪You say the world
is always not gentle enough♪
♪Fortunately, you're free,
the most special player♪
♪Invite me to be your number one teammate♪
♪So I had my first encounter with my dreams♪
♪You said you'd always be behind me♪
♪Rumors ran to me and hurt you♪
♪How long will it take
from now to the future♪
♪You're love that never needs a reason♪
♪I want to be close to you,
a little closer to you♪
♪You can be expressionless
and pretend to be calm♪
♪The rhythm of your heart is the best proof♪
♪You never say anything,
your eyes send a message♪
♪You and I are the only ones
in the world who understand each other♪
♪The moment you think of me♪
♪I happen to be thinking of you too♪
♪I want to be closer to you,
a little closer to you♪
♪You can be expressionless,
pretending to be calm♪
♪The rhythm of your heart is the best proof♪
♪You never say anything,
your eyes send a message♪
♪You and I are the only ones in the world
who understand each other♪
♪The moment you think of me♪
♪I happen to be thinking of you too♪
♪You never say anything,
your eyes send a message♪
♪You and I are the only ones in the world
who understand each other♪
♪I like in every season♪
♪I'm at the top of your list♪
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