Familiar Wife (2018) s01e16 Episode Script

Episode 16

Not yet.
Woo-jin, I love you!
Marry me!
I love you too!
Woo-jin, I love you! Marry me!
I love you too!
Okay, deal.
I'll marry you.
I said I'll marry you, Cha Ju-hyuk.
Let's get married.
Of course.
I'm being totally for real.
Wow. I'm getting married.
I'm marrying Woo-jin again!
What time is it?
Eight o'clock.
-Darn it!
-Darn it!
Wait, I'll go first.
Let me go!
I set the clock an hour early.
In case we couldn't wake up.
So it's seven now?
-Ten more minutes?
Left arm.
Put your left arm in first. Your hand.
And then,
right arm.
Lift your right arm.
All the way in.
Woo-jin, are you done yet?
Yes, I'm almost done.
I'm done, honey.
Pass the baton.
There, there.
Who did that to you?
-Honey, get changed.
-I packed their bags.
-Just put in the cutlery.
Okay Na-hui,
Mommy will give you a hug soon.
Good job. You've been a good boy.
I'll make you an omelet over rice
when I get back.
-Jeez. Hurry up and get dressed.
The cutlery.
Got it. The bus leaves in ten minutes.
There we go.
9 minutes and 30 seconds!
-Honey, come quickly.
-Mommy's running.
We're sorry we're late!
Honey, hurry!
-We're so sorry.
-I thought you weren't coming.
I'm sorry.
-Their bag. Thank you.
-Hello, ma'am.
-Ji-hun first.
Ji-hun, you go first. Good job.
Hold on.
Thank you. What a relief.
Ji-hun, listen to your teacher.
Don't pick out the carrots
and eat them all, okay?
We'll build a fire truck later.
-Bye, Na-hui.
-Let's go.
-Goodbye, Ji-hun.
Honey, your bag.
That was like a war.
Honey, we're late. Let's go.
Darn it.
I was so close.
Fifteen minutes.
Why did you set the alarm so early?
You were happy to sleep in.
-What now?
-What should we do?
We'll be scolded if we're both late.
So this company needs an ID number
for their interest rate, right?
Yes, we need to call the main branch
and get the number.
I see.
Stay right there.
I've seen this before.
So you already clocked in,
and the two of you
came back with a cup of coffee.
That's the scenario, right?
Goodness. But you don't have your bags.
She doesn't even have her uniform on.
Woo-jin, put down the coffee
you don't even drink.
Let's see.
You were talking about loans
while looking at the emergency contacts.
You guys sure are talented.
You'd be ripped apart at other branches.
But we're kind-hearted,
so we let it slide.
It's a…
It's a great couple's scam.
Team Leader Yoon, that's enough.
How dare you glare at your superior?
It's your fault for taking days off
all the time to wander around.
That delayed your promotion.
Come on, Mr. Yoon.
Just let it go.
Why are you scolding them
so early in the day?
Go ahead, sit down.
Yes. You heard him, right?
It's the assistant branch manager's order.
You little…
I'll go get my bag.
I'm sorry. I won't be late again.
They say the position makes the man.
Now that you're in a high position,
you've forgotten all about your past.
You've become so generous,
Assistant Branch Manager Byeon.
I know. I can't help it
now that I'm in this position.
If you're jealous,
you should get promoted too.
Good morning!
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
Very good morning.
-Good morning.
Attention, everyone.
I just received some good news.
On my way here,
I got a call from the head of HR.
At our branch this quarter,
two people will be promoted.
Let me tell you who they are.
Drum roll…
Ms. Jang!
-And Seo Woo-jin!
-No way.
Ms. Jang.
You'll be the assistant branch manager
of the Mapo branch starting next week.
Woo-jin will be promoted
to team leader of personal banking.
That's the decision.
Thank you.
We'll hire in personal banking
as soon as they post the position.
Woo-jin, can you help out at the counter
in the meantime?
Yes, sir.
Is Ms. Jang moving to the Mapo branch?
That's right.
I'm so bummed.
I know.
I'm also bummed that it's next week.
It's so sudden.
Congratulations, Ms. Jang.
Since I got promoted first,
I had to walk on eggshells.
That Mapo branch is a big deal.
Thank you, Assistant Branch Manager Byeon.
Congratulations, Woo-jin.
You're doing better than Ju-hyuk
after all your hard work.
I know. Poor Mr. Cha.
Always a senior associate. Perma-senior.
Come on.
My goodness.
As in a permanent senior associate?
That's funny.
Am I really going to be
a senior associate forever?
I'm sorry. I got promoted first.
Are you okay?
Of course.
I've taken a leave of absence before.
I'm just glad it's one of us.
I'm happier than I would've been
if I got promoted.
I'm so proud of you, my dear wife.
Are you really okay?
Of course.
I'm not that petty.
Then I'm going to be happy
in front of you.
Of course.
I'm so happy. This isn't a dream, right?
Am I really a team leader?
Yes, Team Leader Seo.
"Team Leader Seo."
This is exciting.
I'm so happy. Thank you, honey.
You're so understanding.
You did abandon me once,
but I'm glad we got married again.
Fine. I won't talk about the past.
-Team Leader Seo.
Team Leader Seo.
All right.
To the Mapo branch's
Assistant Branch Manager Jang
and Team Leader Seo.
-Cheers. Thank you.
It's sweet.
Soju tastes sweet today because I'm happy.
Congratulations, you two.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
On behalf of Ms. Jang,
please lead the personal banking team well
from now on.
Of course,
I'll never be as good as Ms. Jang.
But I'll do my best.
Why are you being so modest?
It's not like you.
You'll do great.
You're strong-minded
and quick on your feet.
Thank you.
And Ms. Jang…
Assistant Branch Manager Jang.
You've been through a lot of difficulties
because of me.
Since you've gone through them,
you'll do well.
Thank you for everything.
Come on, Mr. Cha.
You sound like you'll never see me again.
I know.
Not being able to see you anymore
after seeing you every single day
makes me feel a bit sad and empty.
I can't let it go.
I've grown too attached to you.
Why are we being so sad?
She's leaving for a good reason,
so let's congratulate her.
Hey, Ms. Jang.
You should at least give a speech.
Let's not be silly and cry.
From now on, no crying or tears.
If you break the rules,
you'll be fined 100,000 won.
Okay, 100,000 won.
-Ms. Jang.
-My goodness.
To be honest,
I've been to countless branches
as a banker,
but I've never been to a branch
with so many incidents.
I even thought
I should do an exorcism in secret.
Min-su would know, right?
Maybe that's why
I became more fond of you all.
So I grew more attached.
To my personal banking team,
as well as Woo-jin,
and especially to Hyang-suk and Hye-jeong.
I know I'm not easy to please,
so thanks for putting up with me.
You know how much
I adored you guys, right?
Of course.
You're about to pay the fine.
I love you, Ms. Jang.
And the loans team.
Usually, loans and personal banking teams
don't get along that well.
But during my time here,
I really felt like we were family.
I learned a lot from you.
Thank you for everything.
Don't mention it, Ms. Jang.
We're more grateful.
Me too.
It's all thanks to Mr. Byeon,
who we could rely on
through thick and thin.
What a relief. I thought you didn't know.
Most importantly, Mr. Cha.
No, don't bother.
Skip me.
No, you have no idea
how much I'm grateful to you.
You said something the day we first met.
You said I reminded you of your sister,
who passed away.
Those words
-made me feel so emotional.
-I told you to skip me!
-Whenever I was having a hard time…
-My goodness.
I don't know.
I can't take it anymore.
This is all I have.
I told you to skip me.
What's wrong with you guys?
It's not like
we'll never see each other again.
You're making me really sad.
Gosh, it's not like she's going to die.
It's cold.
Mr. Byeon.
-Buy another round of drinks with this.
You owe 100,000 won.
Use that for another round.
Let's drink.
Let's drink and get drunk.
Why'd you make me do this?
Stomach issues again?
You should see a doctor. Goodness.
Hey, Ms. Jang.
That's not right.
I should call you
Assistant Branch Manager Jang now.
It's still Ms. Jang.
Who cares what you call me? We're friends.
even when you go to Mapo,
let's get dinner together.
If you buy me some eel.
Stop squirming around.
Stay still.
I'm in a good mood.
Take off her shoes.
Let's have just one more drink.
Just one more.
You've had enough.
You've had too much to drink.
I guess there was good reason to today.
I wish she would just stay still.
-Where are the kids?
-They're sleeping.
I just fed Na-hui,
so she won't be up for a few hours.
You better babysit Joon-hee next week
like you promised.
We've already booked tickets.
Of course, I'll keep my promise.
-Hurry up and go.
I'll get going, Woo-jin.
Congrats on becoming a team leader.
It's Ju-eun.
Have a drink with me.
-Let's drink.
-You'll wake the kids.
-It's been a while. I'll buy you a drink.
-We can drink later. Go to bed.
-I'm leaving. Go to bed.
-Okay. Bye.
-You'll wake them.
-Cha Ju-eun!
Where are you going? Come here.
-Don't call her.
-That punk.
I'm older than her,
but she talks to me casually.
-Ju-eun needs to go home.
-She's not even a friend.
You are friends.
You are friends.
Honey, your arm.
Give me your arm.
-My arm?
It's comfortable.
Should we just go to sleep?
That was fast.
Are you sleeping?
The team dinner ended late.
My eyelids were half-closed.
I opened the gate and came in,
and the yard was soaked with water.
It was like a flood.
It woke me up immediately.
The house is old,
so the pipes are probably old too.
You're right.
I was going to take care of it on my own.
But I didn't want anything to go wrong.
I'm sorry you had to come here
in the middle of the night.
It's not a big deal.
-It's okay.
It's no big deal.
-It's working.
-Oh my.
It's just temporary,
so call someone tomorrow.
Never mind.
I'll find someone nearby and call them.
No, I'll look into it.
Thank you, Mr. Cha.
It's nothing.
No, I should thank you.
You're much better than my daughter.
-Of course.
Even if I can live without Woo-jin,
I don't think I can live
without you anymore.
She knows that I like you more than her.
That's why she gets jealous sometimes.
That's right. She's quite jealous.
She's so jealous and stubborn.
It won't be easy for the two of you
to live together.
That's what I'm saying.
She's such a handful.
Yes, she is.
I'm on laundry duty this week.
But she keeps
putting her socks inside out.
Did she do that again?
I told her a million times not to do that.
She pretends not to hear me.
I'm so embarrassed.
But now that I've told you, I feel better.
You can tell me everything.
I think we get along really well.
-Don't you think so?
-Should we just live together?
That sounds great.
-Excuse me.
-You're getting a call.
Hey, Sang-shik.
I'm at my mother-in-law's.
I mean,
I know you're busy making a living,
but don't you think
we should at least see each other?
Do you know how long we've been apart?
You're crazy.
We hung out two days ago.
Do you think it makes sense
for us to skip a day?
Let's drink, you punks.
I know you called me
because you heard from Ju-eun.
I'm fine,
and it's a relief
that at least my wife got promoted.
I'll get promoted next time.
Please don't console me. Okay?
You're so quick-witted.
Had you put it to good use,
you would've been promoted.
Are you rubbing salt in the wound?
What's wrong?
I'm trying my best to stay positive.
But why is our team leader sighing?
I don't know.
He's been so quiet.
Did you have a fight with your wife?
It's your fault.
It's definitely your fault.
Go and beg her for forgiveness.
I'm not in the mood for jokes.
I think we're in a rut.
She yells at me all the time.
I know she had to stay at home
because of the kids.
But I couldn't skip a team dinner.
That's why you got mad at her.
You've got some nerve.
You think I wanted to do that?
I was folding our clothes
because I was scared.
But she suddenly sighed
and refolded the clothes I had folded.
She should've told me
how to fold them, then.
She didn't even want to tell me.
So I tried to understand that.
This time, she yelled at me
for putting cans in the plastic recycling.
But I'm the one in charge of recycling.
Gosh, that recycling.
Everything annoys her.
She doesn't even like me breathing,
I guess.
Why would you breathe
in front of your wife?
I understand how you feel.
Listen carefully, Jong-hoo.
You need to get through this.
Otherwise, it'll be really hard.
Think about your wife first.
No matter what.
About what?
How long has it been
since you called her by her name?
Her name?
Housewives are often referred to
as someone's mom.
Wouldn't you hate that?
Your own name disappears,
and your entire identity
becomes being someone's mom.
You want to get all dolled up, work,
and meet friends like before,
but it's not easy.
That's why it's natural to get depressed.
Are you a housewife?
How do you know so much about women?
Because I have experience.
try to understand your wife.
If you do,
she'll start talking differently to you.
Marital relationships
are all relative in the end.
We have an expert
on marital problems here.
Why is he so annoying today?
You know what?
He's oddly persuasive.
What else?
This is a great tip.
One compliment per day.
Compliment your wife once a day.
"You look like you've lost some weight."
"You look like a college student
with your hair down."
"How are you such a good cook?"
"You're adorable.
What will I do with you?"
Like that.
Do you have to go that far?
Of course.
What else?
You know we have
an advanced training tomorrow, right?
Here are the materials.
Training starts in the morning
and the test is at night.
But you have to do well on this test.
It'll count for at least 30%
of your evaluation.
You should get promoted next time.
Yes, I'll focus and receive the training.
Thank you, Mr. Byeon.
Good morning!
-Hello, sir.
-Good morning.
This is for Mr. Yoon.
-What is it?
Headquarters sent us
some supplies for your sales.
It's a tablet.
Headquarters spent a lot this time.
I know. It's been a while.
I guess they do nice things sometimes.
That's great.
My tablet has been slow lately.
I was thinking about buying a new one.
-It'll come in handy.
-That's great.
By the way,
I think it's only
for team leaders and above.
I'm sorry?
I mean…
I see.
I see.
I shouldn't have touched it.
Well, for senior associates,
this is a planner.
The cover is made of leather.
It's more sophisticated than a tablet.
Use it.
How sophisticated can a planner be?
Be quiet,
or he won't give you this either.
-Thank you.
-I'm not the one who's giving it to you.
These are the statement summaries.
I brought all of the ones from this year.
Can't you read the room?
He's doing that so he'll work harder.
What are you doing?
Organizing the documents Hwan gave me.
Do you want this?
I don't need it.
My tablet works fine. You should use this.
No, it's okay.
We shouldn't mix business with pleasure.
I'm going to get promoted next time
just to get this tablet.
To me,
you're sexiest when you're competitive.
-Of course.
What if someone sees us?
So what? It's mine.
This is mine, and so is this.
It's all mine.
Hold on.
Hey, Jin-seok. It's been a while.
What's up?
Today? I can't today.
I have an important training tomorrow.
I know.
Okay, I'll stop by.
Who was it? Your college friend?
Yes, everyone's gathering today.
They're making me feel guilty
as I haven't seen them in a while.
I should stop by.
Don't you have to go through
tomorrow's materials?
I can ask my mom to watch the kids,
and I can go with you.
Then they won't be able
to keep you for long.
No, it's okay.
You know how the guys are.
They'll wear you out.
I'll just say hello and go home.
Pick up the kids and go home.
Are you sure you don't want this?
I'm sure.
It's your last chance.
I'm fine.
-Let me know if you want it.
This is nice.
In-gyu, every time you got drunk,
you climbed over the fence
to my apartment.
Right. The cops came once,
and we had to write up statements.
That was so long ago.
-It was exhausting.
-It really was.
I can't believe
there was a time like that for us.
We were so happy back then.
Back then, we had hope
that we might become something.
-What? I'm happy with the way we are now.
We're not too young, and we're old enough.
You must be doing well.
Have you been making money?
Is that why you haven't been coming?
Yes, I have. So what?
-Ju-hyuk is treating us today.
-Hey, treat us.
Treat us, rich guy.
-Drink up.
It's been so long.
-Who's this?
What are you doing here?
I thought you went back to Germany.
I go back and forth.
I was talking to Yeong-ha
and heard you were gathering today.
How have you been?
It's been a while, Ju-hyuk.
It's been a while. It's good to see you.
I heard you got married.
That's why you rejected me
that time, right?
When did you two meet?
He rejected you?
Yes, totally.
What a jerk.
I'm just kidding.
I don't think so.
Let's go for another round.
Hye-won the goddess is here. Let's go.
-Of course.
-Let's go.
-Hye-won, do you have time?
How about Itaewon? I know a place.
-Let's go!
I'll get going now.
I have an important training tomorrow.
Hey, who here doesn't have
an important day tomorrow?
Sorry, I really can't. I have to go.
We can meet again.
Hye-won, it was nice to see you.
I'll see you later.
Bye, Ju-hyuk.
Okay, I'll get going.
-Let's go, Ju-hyuk.
-That traitor.
-If you're bored,
-I'll let you guys badmouth me.
-We will.
He's really leaving.
-Get home safely.
Is he totally whipped?
I don't think it's that.
I think he just loves her very much.
I envy her.
-Let's go.
-Let's go.
-Next round on me.
-I have a call. See you there.
-Hurry up.
-Hurry up.
Hi, Mom.
No, I won't be late.
Okay, I'll call you.
I'm sorry.
-Are you okay?
-Yes, I'm fine.
Excuse me.
Haven't we met before?
I'm not sure.
What? Yeonhui University?
I also went there.
Did we meet at school?
I started school late.
Excuse me…
You're here.
Did I wake you?
-No, it's okay.
-I'm sorry.
I couldn't sleep so I was waiting for you.
Did you have fun?
Yes, they've gotten so good at talking.
They kept going on and on
and were being so loud.
I'm going to look at the materials.
Go ahead and sleep.
-You will?
Honey, I left your pajamas out here.
-Okay, thank you.
Who's texting at this hour?
Look who was there.
What's going on?
That was refreshing.
Are you not sleeping?
Why are you drinking beer?
Are you awake?
She doesn't even age.
Actually, did she get prettier?
Is this why you didn't want to go with me?
What? No.
It was supposed to be just us guys,
but Hye-won found out and showed up.
We had no idea. I really didn't know.
Should I believe you?
Believe me. You have to, Woo-jin.
Let me think about it.
No, don't think about it.
You shouldn't think when you're drunk.
Don't think about it.
It's really not true. Okay?
You must have been so happy
to meet your ex-wife.
Well, your current and ex-ex-wife
will go to bed now.
She's upset.
Woo-jin's upset. What do I do?
Who sent this?
In-gyu, that punk.
Honey, I…
I have to be at headquarters by 8 a.m.
I know.
I have training all day
and will take the test at 7:00 p.m.
I think you'll have to pick up the kids.
I know.
I'm heading out.
Na-hui, I'm heading out. Bye.
Woo-jin, I'm heading out.
Just do well on your test.
Can you look at me as you say that?
You're so demanding.
Hurry up and go.
All right.
Mommy's late. Let's stop eating.
In this income statement,
the key factors to consider
are whether the revenue
and short-term profits
can cover the financing costs,
and whether the stability indicators,
such as the debt and current ratios,
as well as the indicators
of growth and profitability,
are satisfactory.
Customer number 486,
please come to counter two.
Customer number 486.
We're in trouble.
May I have your attention?
We have a lot of customers waiting,
so there are delays.
Please understand.
For simple transfers or withdrawals,
please use the ATMs for faster service.
Thank you.
Customer number 487,
please come to counter two.
Welcome. What can I do for you?
I was locked out of my account.
I'll need to see your ID first.
My card.
Goodness, my card!
Ma'am, what's the matter?
-My card.
I was going to send money to my daughter,
so I deposited some money in there.
But the machine ate my card.
I see.
There should've been a warning.
I think it's because it timed out.
Don't worry.
We'll get it out. Please wait.
-Yes, Ms. Seo.
Ma'am, we have to open it from the back.
It'll take some time.
Please have a seat over there
and wait for a moment.
Don't worry.
Please find it for me as soon as possible.
-You were so worried.
-All my money is in there.
The card has nothing to do
with the money. Okay?
Rest here for a while.
I'll get you a cold drink.
Ma'am, are you okay?
-Min-su, call 911.
-Call 911.
Ma'am, are you okay?
-What happened?
-She suddenly collapsed.
What's going on? Ma'am.
-Are you okay?
-What do we do?
That's all for today.
We'll take a short break,
and there will be a test at seven.
So please get ready.
See you later.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
Hello, ma'am.
Mr. Cha, this is the daycare center.
I was wondering
who would pick up the kids today.
Is my wife not there yet?
No. I tried calling her,
but she wasn't picking up.
If it were any other day,
I could stay longer.
But I have a memorial service today.
I have to take the train at 7:30 p.m.
I see.
I'll call her and call you back.
Why isn't she picking up?
Is she on her way?
Why isn't Jong-hoo picking up either?
Is she okay?
Well, Ms. Seo went with her
in the ambulance,
so I'm sure she'll call us.
I was so startled earlier.
My heart is still pounding.
We should have a defibrillator on hand,
just in case.
That's right.
You know, like at a subway station.
That's a good idea.
You should suggest it to headquarters.
I guess so.
I should have been here.
When I was at the Godeok branch,
something like this happened once.
Back then,
I performed CPR on the customer.
Was it five minutes?
No, six minutes?
Seven, eight… No, nine minutes.
Anyway, back then,
I was pumping
until my whole body was drenched in sweat.
That's when that customer
regained his breath.
That's amazing, Mr. Cha.
You saved someone's life.
-I did.
-You're amazing.
You were very quick.
By the way, how do you do CPR?
-It's difficult…
-Didn't you learn it?
How frustrating.
Let me show you.
One of us needs to lie down.
-It's Hwan.
-Come here.
-Lie down, Hwan.
-Come here.
-Let's go.
-Why me?
-Come here.
Hold on.
-You have to do it.
What's wrong with you?
Thankfully, it wasn't a stroke
but a hypoglycemic shock.
She has severe diabetes.
When she arrived,
her blood sugar level
was down to 32 mg/DL.
If it had been any later,
her brain could've been damaged.
Then she's okay now, right?
Do you know where Seo Gyeong-ok is?
Are you her guardian?
Yes, I am. She's my grandmother.
She's getting treated.
Let's go inside.
Oh no.
I got a call from the daycare teacher.
Where are you?
Are you picking up the kids?
Woo-jin, why aren't you picking up?
The teacher keeps calling.
Is something wrong?
Jong-hoo isn't picking up either.
I'll go to the daycare center now.
Call me when you get this.
Oh my god.
This is bad.
Woo-jin, where are you?
I'm sorry, honey. I'm at the hospital.
The hospital? Are you hurt?
No, it's not that.
An old lady
suddenly collapsed at the bank.
I had to call an ambulance
to come with her.
I was so startled
that I lost track of time.
You're at the training session, right?
The daycare center kept calling.
The teacher had to leave before 7:30 p.m.
for a memorial service.
So I'm on my way there.
What about your test?
I'll take it.
I can take it
if I come back before 7:05 p.m.
Before 7:05 p.m.?
It's going to be tight.
The daycare center
is about 40 to 50 minutes away.
Woo-jin, listen to me carefully.
Let's do this.
I arrive at the daycare center
in ten minutes.
I'll pick up the kids first.
Take a taxi to the entrance
of Grass Leaf Park in Daegyeong-dong.
It's the midpoint
between the daycare and headquarters.
It takes more than 15 minutes
from the park to headquarters.
You have to arrive by 6:40 p.m.
at the latest.
That's the only way I can immediately.
Can you go a little faster?
Ji-hun, let's take a taxi. Taxi!
If I'm even a minute late,
I can't take the test.
Do you think you can do it, honey?
I know a shortcut that's less congested.
It's an alley,
but can we go that way? Please.
My goodness.
When is your mom coming?
Daddy really needs to go.
Call your mom.
What is it, Ji-hun? Do you need to pee?
Hang in there. She'll be here soon.
It's almost 7:00 p.m.
But Woo-jin is still not here.
Will I not be able to take the exam?
Will I remain a senior associate forever?
I'm so nervous that I might go crazy.
I have to take the test.
It's almost time.
-Five. Four.
Three. Two.
There's a taxi.
Is it Mommy? Or not?
-It's her!
-Look, it's Mommy.
-I'm here.
-Mommy is here.
Sir, please don't go and wait for me.
Okay? You can't go.
Honey, I'm sorry. The traffic was so bad.
I'm late, aren't I?
Honey, will you be able to make the test?
I'm going to try.
Honey, you don't have
to do well on the test.
Good luck. Don't feel pressured.
Good luck, Daddy.
-Good luck.
-Good luck.
It's 6:59 p.m. I made it, right?
I'm so happy
that we're the only ones left.
-We don't have to worry about anyone.
-I know.
I wanted to curse out Mr. Yoon
when he told me to make
meeting materials on a Friday.
But this is nice.
By the way,
I don't understand Mr. Cha and Mr. Byeon.
The situation was cleared.
So why go to the hospital?
To look good
in front of the patient's family.
They'll post a photo on the website.
How embarrassing.
It was Ms. Seo who did all the work.
Tell me about it.
I'm hungry.
Let's play rock-paper-scissors.
The loser buys gimbap,
tteokbokki, and sundae.
It's just us. Let's have that for dinner.
I'd love that.
No way. Gimbap, tteokbokki, and sundae?
I totally love it!
Come here.
All right.
-Just one round.
-You can't take it back.
Yes, I won!
Hurry up and go.
Why am I so bad at rock-paper-scissors?
I always lose. I never win.
I'll be back. What was that?
-Hey, get back to work.
Hye-jeong, buy a lot.
-It's better if you buy coffee too.
Hwan, can I change the music?
-Do whatever you want.
Do you like this singer? I'm a huge fan.
Really? Last year,
-I went to a concert.
-No way. I was there too.
-The standing section?
-Of course.
Zone A?
-Zone B?
-Zone B.
No way. I was in Zone B too.
We could've been right next to each other.
That's right. It's amazing.
I thought you'd be into quieter music.
People do get surprised.
They say I have pretty dynamic interests.
I also love baseball,
so I buy season tickets and go every year.
I support
-MC Snake.
-MC Snake.
-No way.
-No way. This is crazy.
We have the same taste.
How can we be so similar?
I know. How funny.
I have tickets for the game this weekend.
Do you want to go with me?
I'll ditch my friend.
In return,
you can buy me beer and chicken.
Shall we do that then?
You did a good job today.
Are the kids asleep?
Yes, they just fell asleep.
They were trying not to though.
How was it?
How's your test?
Don't ask. I think I failed.
Do you really think so?
I just took it easy.
You told me not to feel pressured.
Why are you disappointed?
I mean, it'd be nice if you aced the test.
Since we successfully made it
through the day…
Sounds good.
I'll prepare it.
You go wash up, honey.
I'll set everything up and wait for you.
Cheers to you too.
I'll have some soda.
It'd be nice to have soju with you.
It's about time
you got better at drinking.
I can't help it.
I'll drink it like it's soju. Cheers.
I was so nervous earlier.
I got there just in time to take the test,
and my hands were shaking.
Really? You did a good job.
I know you were busy,
but you should've given me a call.
You're so mean.
I admit my wrongs.
I'm sorry.
If you want to be forgiven,
do it with something else.
What's with that look?
What look?
What are you thinking?
-You're not?
What did I do?
-No, don't.
-What did I think?
Why are you getting up
if you didn't think anything?
-It's not like that.
-No, that's not it.
-Honey, what are you doing?
-It's nothing.
You'll wake them up.
-It's not what you think.
-No, stop it.
-Don't touch me.
-It's not what you think.
-No, don't think about it.
-I only had one glass of soju.
That's right. Don't think about it.
-Where should we go?
-Are you crazy?
What's wrong with them?
They've been like that all day.
Let them be. They broke up again.
This must be the 22nd or 24th time.
I'm so sick of them.
They'll end up being
all lovey-dovey again.
Isn't that what they do?
Anyway, they have the energy to fight.
They're so young.
I used to be like that with my wife.
Ju-hyuk, I sometimes imagine this.
On the day
my wife was leaving to study abroad,
if I hadn't followed her to the airport,
would I be married now or not?
Would I have enjoyed my single life?
Don't think about that.
I'm just imagining.
Don't even imagine it.
Don't think about that.
Right. I haven't shown you this photo.
Look at my kids.
They get prettier the older they get.
They're really popular
at the daycare center.
Even kids have good taste.
They're pretty.
But when it comes to pretty,
our kids stand out.
Woo-jin's genes just stand out.
Are you dissing my wife?
What? How could I diss your wife?
You're dissing her right now.
Hi, everyone!
-Ms. Jang!
Hello, Ms. Jang.
What brings you here?
You didn't even call.
Well, I stopped by the head office
and wanted to see you all.
And there's something
I want to tell you in advance.
In advance? What is it?
It's not a big deal.
Ju-hyuk's promotion.
-What? Really?
According to what I just found out
from headquarters,
Ju-hyuk will work at the Mapo branch
where I work.
He's going to be
the head of the loans team.
I guess it's not that big of a deal.
Just kidding.
Congratulations, Mr. Cha!
Did I really get promoted?
Late bloomer Mr. Cha.
Let's do our best.
I have good news!
Jang Man-ok!
Why are you here? Are you visiting?
My heart was sick
because I missed you all so much.
Of course.
Our ties run deep.
I'm glad you're here.
But give me a second.
Let me tell you the good news first.
I have something to tell you.
Right away.
We already heard…
Ju-hyuk has been promoted
to the team leader of loans
at the Mapo branch!
-How is this possible?
Thank you so much, everyone. Honey.
-You did great.
You've been through so much.
Congratulations, Ju-hyuk!
He's coming.
Be natural, okay?
-You're here.
-Hey, Ju-hyuk.
Look at this.
You prepared a lot.
Blow it out.
-Honey, were you surprised?
Of course, I was.
You left first to prepare this?
-You didn't know, right?
-Thank you.
-Sit down.
-Sit down.
-Sit down.
-I was so nervous.
Where are the kids?
My mom is watching them with Joon.
Joon gets along with the kids.
Don't worry.
Congratulations, Ju-hyuk.
I can't believe this day is here.
I was sick and tired of you
being a senior associate.
"Team Leader Cha." How nice is that?
Team Leader Chap…
Associate Cha is easier to say.
What's important
is that you became a team leader.
Congratulations, Ju-hyuk.
Thanks, Ju-eun.
Let's have a drink.
-Bring it.
Hold on.
We will now give out gifts.
You prepared a lot.
-What could it be?
-All right.
What could it be? I'm nervous.
Drum roll.
-That's amazing.
-The new model.
-No way.
-This is the new one.
You like it?
-You like it that much?
Woo-jin, this is crazy.
Congratulations on your promotion.
But only 30 minutes a day.
-I'll keep my promise.
A new game console?
She's the wife of your dreams.
You did well marrying her. I'm jealous.
I'm so… Ouch! I'm jealous.
Let's open it.
Let me see the controller.
No, don't touch it.
I didn't even get to open it.
-Let me see.
-Don't touch it.
Do you like it that much?
You prepared a lot.
It's time to eat.
Hold Grandma's hand tightly. Good job.
-You don't want it?
-Cha Ji-hun.
Mom, don't give it to him.
-Forget it.
-You'll spoil him.
-Please eat, Mother. I'll feed him later.
-It's okay. You guys eat.
Looking at them makes me feel full.
He's so gentle.
I don't think he has her temperament.
He's just like you.
Thank goodness.
You two are at it again.
-You two are soulmates.
-Are you jealous?
-Stop it.
-No, I'm not.
I'll watch the kids today.
You guys should go out and have fun.
Watch a movie and eat out.
-Can we?
-Of course.
It'll be hard for you.
How are you going
to take care of two kids by yourself?
It'll be hard watching
the two of them. Right?
-Of course.
-It's your day off too.
I'm fine.
Thanks to you, I can spend some time
with my grandchildren.
Go out.
It really will be hard.
Well, it is time for Ji-hun
to take a nap soon.
He sleeps half the time
when he's full, right?
-That's true.
But it will still be hard for you, right?
Forget it if you don't want me to.
It won't be easy.
But if that's what you really want,
I guess we have no choice but to go out.
Then, Mom, just this once.
All right.
Get out before I change my mind.
You dropped your car. Beep beep.
Are you crying again?
This is too much.
You're too loud.
I'm sorry.
Just don't watch it. Seriously.
It's here.
-Let's eat.
-Let's eat.
It's delicious.
It's nice to eat at a place like this.
It's great. I feel like we're on a date.
We need time together like this
without the kids.
You're right. It's needed for parents.
So be nice to my mom.
Don't laugh.
Even after all that…
It's so nice to be on a date with you
in such a long time.
I know. It's nice.
The campus is always nice.
That was the first time
we came here, right?
When we went to the market.
You said you wanted
to come here with me at least once.
Yes, I did.
I didn't know your intention back then.
What's so great about a man
who abandoned me
that I got back with him?
Poor me.
Maybe I'm just that charming.
Are you drunk?
By the way,
there's something
I've always been curious about.
How scared were you of me
that you abandoned me?
Was I that horrible of a wife?
Why bring up the past?
It's all in the past,
so it doesn't matter.
Tell me.
That's not important.
What's important
is the memory we have now.
What's more important
is the future. Right?
Okay, then I'll let it slide.
Come to think of it,
we've been through a lot.
I wonder
how many different things and emotions
we'll experience in the future.
You're right.
We'll experience emotions
that we didn't know we had one by one.
For example…
-Mom and Dad, thank you for raising me.
-Mom and Dad, thank you for raising me.
-I love you.
-I love you.
Mom and Dad.
We love you, Ji-hun.
-Say, "I love you, Ji-hun."
-I love you.
When Ji-hun graduates from kindergarten,
I think I might cry.
You will.
We'll see our baby all grown up
and graduate.
Mom and Dad, I'm going to marry Seo-yeong.
I think he'll bring a girlfriend
sooner than we expect.
Kids these days are really fast.
-A girlfriend?
Then Na-hui will get a boyfriend?
Me too.
-I'll go crazy.
-Me too.
I'd be shocked.
What will I do if he says
that his girlfriend is prettier than me
-and that he likes her more?
Who do you like more? Seo-yeong or me?
Seo-yeong or Mommy?
Stop it. He's not even listening.
Cha Ji-hun, I'm talking to you.
Who do you like more?
She's going to transform. Answer her.
I like Seo-yeong.
No way.
You totally would.
I would.
One of us
might get sick first.
Life is full of ups and downs.
Woo-jin, you'll be okay.
You'll really be okay. Don't worry.
I'm so scared.
Don't go anywhere. Stay here, okay?
I'm not going anywhere.
I'll be right here.
-Don't be scared.
Don't go anywhere. Stay here, okay?
-You can do it.
A colonoscopy takes an hour at most.
They'll even put her to sleep.
This is my first time.
You can do it!
We'll go through so many things
that everyone goes through.
We'll bicker and squabble.
We'll weather through good times and bad
as we grow old together.
Then we'll be able to build
our camaraderie.
Especially when our kids
give us a hard time.
And if you make me angry,
I'll have to find another 500-won coin.
Which year should I look for this time?
2006 or 2018?
Look at you.
You want to die?
I said I'll look for it.
You don't have a chance.
I'm sorry.
-I know.
The moon is so bright tonight.
What a great night.
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